Compounds (Noxious Compounds Produced by The Plant) Determined The Usage of
Compounds (Noxious Compounds Produced by The Plant) Determined The Usage of
Compounds (Noxious Compounds Produced by The Plant) Determined The Usage of
The term is usually attributed to Ehrlich and Raven's study of butterflies on plants
(1964) but the term was used by others prior to 1964 and the idea was very present in
the Origin of Species. Ehrlich and Raven documented the association between species
of butterflies and their host plants noting that plants' secondary
compounds (noxious compounds produced by the plant) determined the usage of
certain plants by butterflies. The implication was that the diversity of plants and their
"poisonous" secondary compounds contributed to the generation of diversity of
butterfly species.
Lets consider plants and insects: there is little evidence to determine whether plants'
secondary compounds arose for the purpose of preventing herbivores from eating
plant tissue. Certain plants may have produced certain compounds as waste products
and herbivores attacked those plants that they could digest. Parasites and hosts:
when a parasite invades a host, it will successfully invade those hosts whose defense
traits it can circumvent because of the abilities it caries at that time. Thus presence of
a parasite on a host does not constitute evidence for coevolution. These criticisms are
quite distinct from the opportunity for coevolution once a parasite has established
itself on a host.
The main point is that any old interaction, symbiosis, mutualism, etc. is not
synonymous with coevolution. In one sense there has definitely been "evolution
together" but whether this fits our strict definition of coevolution needs to be
determined by careful 1) observation, 2) experimentation and 3) phylogenetic
The classic analogy is the coevolutionary arms race: a plant has chemical defenses,
an insect evolves the biochemistry to detoxify these compounds, the plant in turn
evolves new defenses that the insect in turn "needs" to further detoxify. At present the
evidence for these types of reciprocal adaptations is limited, but the suggestive
evidence of plant animal interactions is widespread. An important point is
the relative timing of the evolution of the various traits that appear to be part of the
coevolution. If the presumed reciprocally induced, sequential traits actually evolved in
the plant (host) before the insect (parasite) became associated with it, we should not
call it coevolution. See different example figs. 22.6-22.7, pgs. 621-622 + text.
Due to the rapid destruction of habitat there are many species that are going extinct.
One estimate is in the neighborhood of 100 species per day! Habitat destruction is
generally attributable to human impact, but the causes of extinction are varied:
environmental variability, natural catastrophes, demographic variability
(stochasticity), genetic stochasticity, etc. Faced with this problem, biologist set out to
determine a Minimum Viable Population Size (MVP): a population size that ensure
the persistence of a species for specified period of time. One description is a 99%
chance of persistence of 1000 years.
The implication from these simulation results is that Larger Populations are Better:
it will take longer for a larger population to go extinct, and larger populations will
lower the extinction curve. If environmental stochasticity is added to these models,
theory suggests that MVP should be 500 - 1000. If demographic stochasticity
(randomly fluctuating birth and death rates, i.e., random population growth rates),
MVP needs to be sustained at higher values (1000 - 5000). If this system is placed in
the context of an interwoven ecosystem, the MVP should probably be higher.
The values for MVP and "critical" versus "endangered" lists stem from some basic
issues relating to effective population size. N e refers to the effective number of
breeders in the population, and can be affected greatly by variance in reproductive
success A focus here is the ratio of effective size to census size Ne/N ratio.
Observations from field and laboratory experiments indicate that N e/N ratios are about
0.25 (range = 0.05 to 1.0). This means that either some individuals are breeding and
others are not, or that some individuals have different degrees reproductive success
that others. It is possible that a substantial proportion of the population does
reproduce, but that a small number of individuals produce most of offspring reducing
the genetic pool from which alleles are drawn. This reduces the N e/N ratio and hence
brings the population closer to the demographic danger zone.
With a Ne/N ratio of 0.25, the census size should be 4 times higher than the simple
numbers predicted by "critical" and "endangered" estimates. Now add population size
fluctuations: bottlenecks in census size affect N e more severely. Recall: = (1/Ne) =
(1/t) (1/Ne)
Given a finite amount of space for a nature preserve, do you establish a Single Large
or Several Small (SLOSS) system. The answer depends on the likely causes of
extinction in the particular system of concern. If the species is subject to demographic
fluctuations, it would be better to maintain one large system, since the plot above
suggests that extinction is more likely in small populations. In systems of species
where environmental stochasticity is a general problem , the Several Small approach
is probably better: many sub-reserves will reduce the chances of losing the entire
Many issues in conservation genetics have been centered around Zoo Biology. Most
zoos maintain rare or endangered species and are involved in captive breeding
programs with such species. Again, a central issue is the maintenance of genetic
variation. A number of recent studies have addressed the captive breeding
protocol to determine how mating systems affect the maintenance of genetic
Using Drosophila, several studies have shown that populations maintained with equal
founder size (EFS) retain more genetic variation that populations maintained by
random mating. EFS approaches equalize the number of founders that contribute to
the "captive" population each generation. Similarly, equal founder representation
(EFR) studies retain slightly more genetic variation than randomly mating
populations. EFR populations are maintained with a controlled pedigree where the
parentage of each contributing female and male is known. These types of studies
use allozyme electrophoresis to study directly the levels of heterozygosity in
experimental (EFS, EFR) and randomly mating control populations over time. In
addition, fitness studies can be performed by competing experimental flies
against tester stocks to determine if a higher fitness is maintained. The conclusion
from these studies is that controlled mating schemes can make a difference in retailing
genetic variation and attaining higher levels of fitness. The next step is how do you
translate these findings into captive breeding of Panda Bears??
Two case studies: The Dusky seaside sparrow: The species declined in the 1960's; by
1980 only 6 birds remained that were all male. A captive breeding program was
initiated and captive Scott's seaside sparrow was chosen as the females. When the
last male Dusky died Avise & Nelson analyzed its mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and
found that the Dusky and Scott's seaside sparrows were members of different clades
on the phylogeny of these sparrows. The implication is that more detailed
phylogenetic knowledge of the endangered species would have lead to different
management decisions in handling this captive breeding program (choosing a different
species to mate to the Dusky)
The red wolf was placed into a captive breeding program in 1974. By 1975 it was
extinct in the wild. Early data suggested that red wolves hybridized with coyotes.
Since coyote populations do well in human-disturbed habitats, hybridization may have
affected the survival of the red wolf. Wayne & Jenks studied the mitochondrial DNA
from captive red wolves and from 77 animals collected from the wild during the
capture program. They also used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to sequence
mitochondrial DNA from museum skins ("ancient DNA techniques") collected before
hybridization between red wolves and coyotes is thought to have begun. They found
that red wolves have either a gray wolf or a coyote mtDNA, indicating that the red
wolf "species" is entirely a hybrid. Other researchers disagree about the species
"status" of the red wolf. Nevertheless, this raises the question: What should we
protect? If the species isn't really a clear entity phylogenetically, does it deserve a
conservation/captive breeding effort? Wayne & Jenks argue that their data
should not be used to advocate the discontinuation of the conservation effort of the red
We have referred to pattern and process throughout different sections of this course.
These concepts are central to the study of biogeography which, in turn, incorporates
many of the topics in evolutionary biology. Biogeography often leads us to infer
process from pattern.
Alfred Russell Wallace noticed that different regions of the world had congruent
patterns of endemic species and he drew up six biogeographic realms (see fig. 18.2,
pg. 510; nearctic, neotropical, holarctic, ethiopian, oriental and australian). Wallace
worked primarily in Malaysian region and had noticed a clear break between
Australian fauna and the fauna on the islands to the northwest. This break has come to
be known as Wallace's line (also a line between the Australian and the Asian
biogeographic zones). These patterns described long before continental drift was an
Different biogeographic areas can be quantified for levels of similarity in their biota
(biota=general term for flora+fauna, includes microbes). N 1 = number of species (or
other taxonomic unit) in one region, N2 = number in another region (N1 < N2) and C =
number of same species. Index of Similarity = C/N1. For Australia: New Guinea, I.S.
= 0.93 (93%), while Australia: Philippines, I.S. = 0.50 (50%). See table 18.1, pg 511.
This provides a simple quantification of Wallace's Line.
Embryology played a major role in evolutionary theory in the 19th century, but was
largely ignored in the 20th. Development never really became part of the modern
synthesis. Some argue that this is due to the lack of communication
between geneticists and developmental biologists. The geneticists were concerned
with the rules of transmission of genetic material between generations and the
developmentalists were concerned with cellular changes that led to the transformation
of an egg into an adult organism. Mutations in adult phenotype were readily available
for the study of genetics, but there were precious few "developmental mutants" that
bridged the gap between development and genetics (such mutants were discovered in
growing numbers during the formulation of the "Modern Synthesis", and many more
discovered later).
The general approach is the same as we have taken with the evolution of other traits:
development has a genetic basis, if there is genetic variation for the developmental
program then development can evolve. We will first take a descriptive approach to
evolution and development and next lecture look at some of the more genetic and
cellular mechanisms of development.
von Baer made observations about ontogeny and phylogeny that seem obvious to us
today, but they are important in development and evolution as they run counter to
recapitulation: 1) more general characters appear early in development, 2) less
general forms develop from the more general forms, 3) embryos do not pass through
other forms they diverge from them, 4) embryos of higher forms only resemble
embryos of other forms (human, calf, chick and fish look similar at embryo stage but
diverge quickly). See section 17.8.2, and fig. 17.11, pgs. 478-479.
Putting these two views together, we see that there can be a sort of
recapitulation within a lineage (i.e., within an evolutionary sequence of ontogenies)
but there are many examples that refute the notion that phylogeny is reviewed during
One thing Thompson and Raup's diagrams did contribute was to focus attention on the
notion of size and shape. These two very simple words are deceptively complex in
the context of the evolution of development. A general paleontological pattern
is Cope's rule which states that the body sizes of species in a lineage of organisms
tend to get bigger through time. Horse evolution is a classic example. But what
happens when you get bigger? In most cases body parts do not grow at the same rate,
thus we have allometry.
log y = log b + a log x. This is the equation for a strait line with a being the slope of
the line. When a<1 we have negative allometry which means that as x gets bigger, y
gets bigger at a smaller rate. When a >1 we have positive allometry which means
that as x gets bigger, y gets bigger at a faster rate. When a=1 we have isometry (or
isometric growth) which means that there is no change in shape (i.e., the relative sizes
of body parts) during growth. See fig. 21.9, pg. 597.
Allometry is useful in describing the evolution of size and shape. Different species
attain different morphologies by virtue of different timing of various developmental
processes. This change in timing is called heterochrony. Figures 21.5 - 21.8 and table
21.1, pgs. 590-594 review some of the typical examples of heterochrony. Using the
figure below, we can group these into two general classes: in figs B and C the
ancestor (dotted) and descendant (solid, but hard to see in C) have the same slope but
the descendant stops growing (=adult) at a different time; in figure D and E, the
descendant grows for the same amount of time (in these cases same amount of x but
different amount of y) but at a different slope. Both are heterochronic changes because
some aspect of timing (relative or absolute) has changed in evolution.
Notice that each axis of these graphs include both a measurement component and
a time component simply because growth by definition is both a temporal and a
dimensional phenomenon. Note that only one of these examples of different growth
plans (graph B) demonstrates "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny": hypermorphosis.
Therefore, shape changes can be observed as 1) changes in the slope of an allometric
relationship, or 2) changes in the y intercept of an allometric relationship. Recalling
high school algebra, a change in the slope will change the intercept, but the intercept
can be changed without changing the slope (keep the line parallel and move it up or
down). All of these changes result in change in shape. Even with the same slope but
different intercepts the relative sizes of x and y will be different so there will be a
change in shape. The only case where there is a change in size with no change in
shape is when the allometric slope = 1.0 and growth continues (or retards) relative to
the ancestor.
Classic examples of allometry are neoteny in human evolution: as adults we look
like the juvenile stages of chimps; and neoteny in salamanders: the adult of
descendant retains gills (a juvenile morphology in the ancestor). Peramorphosis in the
evolution of deer: the "Irish elk" (actually a deer) has phenomenally large antlers and
are "disproportionately" large because there is an allometric relationship between
body size and antler size. In fact the Irish elk falls right on the line of allometry for
other species in the family (interspecific allometry). Thus, the antlers are larger than
usual, but they follow precisely the developmental program that seems to be a part of
its phylogenetic group. Previous adaptive (and maladaptive) stories had been told
about these huge antlers and how they probably drove the elk to extinction, thus a
challenge for "adaptive" evolution, but the allometry shows that they are not really
"abnormal" (probably went extinct due to climatic changes and hunting). See
discussion on pg. 356-358 of adaptive, vs. non-adaptive explanations of morphology.
Documenting allometry and patterns of size and shape changes in evolution are
helpful as descriptive approaches to the evolution of development. But these
phenomena are themselves the result of developmental mechanisms at the molecular
and cellular level. We can often say without reservation that there has been a change
in development during evolution, but how that change in development was achieved
is yet another question. We improve the description somewhat by saying that changes
in development result from changes in the: 1) spatial organization of cells, 2) timing
of gene action and tissue differentiation and 3) geometry of tissues and organs. But
how are these changes mediated?
Thus perhaps the key to understanding the evolution of development is the study the
evolution of the genetic regulatory mechanisms that control development. Now the
question becomes: what do we know about genetic regulation of development?
A fair amount is known in Drosophila. The exciting point here is that in recent years
there have been increasing numbers of papers describing the existence
of gradients across the egg or early embryo in the concentration of specific
proteins encoded by a handful of loci. These proteins can be thought of
as morphogens ("form creators"), molecules that, for years, were postulated to exist
by embryologists. With a gradient across the embryo of such a morphogen, there is
the possibility the other proteins that might interact with such a morphogen can
obtain position information from the gradient such that high concentration means
"anterior" (or "limb end" in vertebrate limb bud) and low concentration means
"posterior" (or "limb base").
The significant point in all this is that Drosophila geneticists have been able to
identify specific developmental mutations (mutations in the genes that code for
morphogens, or genes that code for molecules that interact with morphogens) that
disrupt specific events in development. One such example is the bicoid gene: when
this gene is mutated, its normal gradient is disrupted and the embryo has two tails (bi-
caudal). The point is that there are specific genes that determine the major body axes
and one can envision that evolution of major new developmental programs might
proceed by naturally occurring mutations in these genes that would move/alter the
gradient, or, equally as significant move/alter the cellular localization of the receptor
of a morphogen.
There is solid support for such ideas in Drosophila development. The RNA encoded
by the bicoid gene is localized in the anterior portion of the embryo.
The protein translated from this localized RNA is distributed as a gradient from
anterior to posterior across the embryo. The bicoid protein affects the distribution of
the RNA of another gene, hunchback. This RNA (hunchback) is not distributed as a
gradient but in a discrete way: present in the anterior, absent in the posterior. Thus
there appears to be positional information in the concentration of bicoid which is
read by hunchback as a threshold. One could imagine that a mutation that affected
the localization of one morphogen could alter the localization of important thresholds
of different morphogens, which would in turn lead to the development of new
The genes controlling the early events in the development of Drosophila can be
classified into three broad categories: Gap genes are a set of genes that act to define
broad regions of the early embryo; these can regulate the expression and action
of Pair rule genes which further define the broad regions into more
numerous segments; the pair rule genes can affect the expression and action
of Segment polarity genes which will determine the fate of certain structure within
each segment. As with the gradients of morphogens described above, one can envision
mutations that alter the interactions between these broad classes of genes controlling
the developmental fate of parts of the organism which, if established in the
population, could lead to the evolution of new morphological "plans" (.g., a
new Bauplan).
There is good evidence for such a supposition in another very important set of genes:
the homeotic genes. Certain mutations in these genes result in homeotic
mutations where one body part is transformed into the structure of another body part.
The best examples are the Antennapedia complex and the Bithorax complex which
are large regions of the chromosome containing several genes each. The positions of
the genes on the chromosome have a remarkable correlation with the segment of the
body in which they are active! (see figures below). The genes contain a region of
DNA that codes for a highly conserved stretch of amino acids, known as
the homeobox that generally are involved in the determination of body
segments (but bicoid has a homeobox and it is more involved with anterior-posterior
determination). While mutations that move a leg to the position of an antenna (in the
Antennapedia complex) or transforms the balancing organs (halteres) into a pair of
wings (in the Bithorax complex) is of dubious fitness value to the organism, it does
show that modifications of the general body plan be achieved by mutations in one or a
few genes, i.e., there is genetic evidence that Hopeful (hopeless?) Monsters could be
These phenomena are compelling in light of the belief that arthropods (insects,
crustaceans, etc.) evolved from annelids (segmented worms; see figure below). One
can envision that sequential modification of body segments, through mutations such
as those described above, might allow for the evolution of insects from a worm-like
ancestor. Suggestive of this is the observation that when the Antennapedia
complex and the Bithorax complex are mutated the larval stage of the fruit fly is
transformed into a larva with many thoracic segments rather than the wild-type pattern
of differentiation into maxillary, labial and abdominal segments (see fig.below). This
"throw back" to the ancestral form (i.e., the middle segments of worms are relatively
undifferentiated) is called an atavism.
In thinking about all possible morphologies one might be able to get with bizarre
mutants in flies, and looking out at the incredible diversity of form in the natural
world we might best think of this problem in terms of the question: why this and not
that? Are there forbidden morphologies that development cannot produce?. There is
some nice evidence that the different forms seen between species may be the result of
the "playing out" of discretely different developmental programs. When the
developing limb bud of one salamander is treated with an inhibitor of mitosis,
the number and pattern of digits developing resembles that of another species
(section reading). This suggests that there are developmental constraints, i.e., that
development is constrained to proceed in a certain way. If different developmental
programs are carried by different lineages of organisms as they diverge from one
another, these developmental constraints become phylogenetic constraints: there is
no chance that horses will sprout wings because the lineage of horses (and ungulates
in general) are constrained to develop and use their forelimbs in very different ways
than bats, lets say.
Now consider the environment: certain physical properties of the environment can be
described by the mean (average) value or the range of values (highest - lowest).
Which aspect of an organism (the trait itself or the plasticity for that trait) will evolve
in response to which measure? It may be that the plasticity for a trait will evolve in
response to the range of values the environment throws at an organism (e.g., coldest -
hottest, driest-wettest days), whereas the trait itself (e.g., thickness of fur) will evolve
in response to the mean. This is not a rule! but would be an interesting thing to test
and/or think about.
The idea of plasticity is interwoven with the notion of canalization. In light of the ball
rolling down the trough of a developmental pathway (previous lecture), one can
consider the width of the trough as an indication of the amount of plasticity
"tolerated" in the organism in question. A highly canalized organism (or
developmental program) would have low plasticity.
Another variant form of the plasticity issue is that some organisms may
exhibit threshold effects where there is not a clear gradual transition between forms,
but a stepwise change of phenotype in response to a gradual environmental change.
See fig. 9.11, pg. 242, but note that these graphs do not have an environmental axis, so
a distinct from a norm of reaction. One example of this are plants that have distinctly
different growth forms in different environments. Question: is there an "environment"
that is half way in between air and water?, and if so would these plants exhibit a
graded response to such an environmental gradient?
EARTH HISTORY (NOTE: this material covered in lecture on Origin of Life &
Fossil Record)
How was the planet formed? What is its relationship to other matter in the universe?
A popular hypothesis for the formation of the earth is the nebular hypothesis. This
idea dates back to the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1755) and Laplace (1796) and has
been modified as empirical evidence and theory mount. Recent incarnations (chemical
-condensation-sequence model) start with the solar system forming from a rotating,
diffuse cloud of dust and gasses (a nebula). As the nebula cooled the matter
condensed into "planetesimals", near the sun where temperatures were highest
elements with the highest melting points (metals and heavy minerals) condensed first.
Lower melting temperature elements and compounds (water, methane, ammonia)
condensed more readily in the cooler areas further from the sun. This helps to explain
the density gradient in the solar system, the closest planets to the sun are terrestrial
while those further away are gaseous.
How did the earth form in the condensing nebula? The earth may have formed
through the accretion of many planetesimals and as the mass increased through
gravitational attraction and compression (overhead). The earth was probably initially a
homogeneous ball that heated from three sources: 1) energy of planetesimal impacts,
2) gravitational compression lowered potential energy releasing heat, and 3) heat from
radioactive disintegration (20 cals is released for 1 cm 3 of granite over 500 million
years). As the earth heated it began to differentiate into various zones of matter with
different properties (overhead). Differentiation was possible because molten material
could rise or sink depending on density, be moved by convective currents, and
localize due to chemical zonation (overhead). As the earth cooled outgassing of the
mantle released compounds (water vapor, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen) into a
primitive atmosphere.
Early geologists tried to determine how old the earth was from observations about the
features of the earth. Age = Thickness of sedimentary rock/rate of sedimentation. Old
(<1.5 billion years) but not old enough. Age = salinity of sea/rate of salt deposition in
seas. Again old, but not old enough. Lord Kelvin (of absolute zero fame) calculated
the age of earth from its temperature, assuming it was molten at its formation. Gave
100 million years (and gave Darwin a bit of a problem: was this enough time??
Radioisotopes cleared things up (see below)
We can divide the processes that alter the earth's surface into two categories:
1) igneous processes (volcanism and mountain building) construct features by
increasing the average elevation of the land, 2) Sedimentary and erosive
processes (deposition and weathering) act as forces wearing down features created by
volcanoes and creating new horizontal features (e.g. river delta). The theory of Plate
tectonics provides a synthetic model for understanding how the dynamics of the earth
work. The plates move around, collide, move over or under one another. Divergent
boundaries are where plates move apart, convergent boundaries are where plates
move toward one another, transform boundaries (e.g. San Andreas fault) are where
plates move by each other. The continental plates (lithosphere) float on molten inner
layer (asthenosphere). Where plates meet there can be uplifting or
subduction. Uplifting results in mountain building through igneous activity and at the
boundaries between plates and actual scraping off of material from the subducted
plate. Subduction results in plates being forced downward and is seen is formations
such as ocean trenches.
The rock material of continental plates can be viewed as going through a rock
cycle that can be related to plate tectonics. Magma (molten rock) e.g., released from
volcanoes, crystallizes and forms igneous rocks ("fire formed rocks").
Through weathering and transport sediment is formed which by lithification become
sedimentary rock. Through exposure to high temperatures and pressure, sedimentary
rock (or any rock) can be changed into metamorphic rocks. If this rock is exposed to
extreme temperatures it can become molten again and form magma, and if released
through volcanic activity be reintroduced as igneous rock.
In what kind of rock would we expect to find fossils? Sedimentary rocks. Their
structure can tell us a lot about earth history. Laid down in strata of sedimentary
layers. Bedding planes generally mark the boundary between the end of one sediment
and the beginning of another.
All well and good for a given formation, but one would like to be able to make
general statements about larger regions. This can be done by correlation of strata
from different formations separated by some distance. Stratum "X" may lie near the
top of one formation and many miles away, X may be found near the bottom of a new
formation, at the top of which is a different layer "Y". Several miles further on, "Y"
may lie at the bottom of a third formation, and in this way one can link or correlate the
different strata.
This may work for a large region but one would like to do this for the entire earth. It
turns out that there are diagnostic fossils found in different formations around the
world. These Index fossils help correlate different formations on each of the major
land masses. This was recognized by William Smith (see lecture 2). The phenomenon
is more pronounced than an occasional fossil here and there: entire biotas go through
successive changes in sequential strata, illustrating the principle of faunal (biotic)
succession. We thus have the "age of trilobites" seen early in the fossil record. Later
the age of fishes, age of reptiles, age of mammals are clear in formations around the
world indicating the comparable ages of formations separated on different continents.
These fossil beds lead to the formation of the Geologic time scale, the names of each
period deriving from the locality where the characteristic formation was found. The
major divisions (eons, eras) are defined by the presence or absence of
fossils: proterozoic, phanerozoic (visible life or animals). Geological dating is often
problematic because geologists use fossils to date rocks and biologists use rocks to
date fossils. A measure independent of stratigraphy and fossil remains is necessary.
With the discovery of radioactive decay it became apparent that one could use the
ratio between the parent isotope and the daughter product (e.g., U238 decays through
several steps to Pb206). By measuring the amount of isotope and daughter product and
knowing the half life of the isotope one can estimate the absolute age of a rock
formation. Problems: when the daughter material escapes and hence produces an
inaccurate estimate. Additional tests with different isotopes can corroborate one