Bench-Scale Decomposition of Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate To Produce Poly (Aluminum Chloride)
Bench-Scale Decomposition of Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate To Produce Poly (Aluminum Chloride)
Bench-Scale Decomposition of Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate To Produce Poly (Aluminum Chloride)
Partial thermal decomposition of aluminum chloride hexahydrate was carried out in a rotary
glass tube at temperatures of 230-260 °C. The decomposition solid product was dissolved in
water to produce a ploy(aluminum chloride) (PAC) solution. The effects of the decomposition
temperature, the rotation speed of the tube, and the feed rate of aluminum chloride hexahydrate
on the properties and morphology of the basic chloride resulting from the decomposition were
investigated. The basicity of the PAC obtained by dissolving the decomposition solid product in
water was related to the extent of decomposition by the linear equation Y ) 2.025 + 1.063X,
where Y is the basicity (%) and X is the extent of decomposition (%). The PAC solution prepared
by the present method showed a flocculation capacity comparable to that of an existing PAC
made from aluminum hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.
[ W - Wf
(Wf/0.211 - Wf) ]
× 100 (1)
Figure 3. Effect of rotation speed of the decomposer on the extent Figure 4. Effect of feed rate of Chloride on the extent of
of decomposition (feed rate, 350 g/h; wall temp, 250 °C). decomposition (wall temp, 250 °C; rotation speed, 3 rpm).
were determined previously in the laboratory-scale
experments,2 the extents of decomposition were esti-
mated by the following simple model to be 28.9, 43.2,
and 51.3%, respectively, for 230, 250 and 260 °C.
) Ae-E/RT(1 - X) (2)
where X is the fractional extent of decomposition, t
is the time, A is the preexponential factor, E is the
activation energy and T is the temperature. Considering
that the decomposition should have also occurred to
some extent outside the zone assumed for the estima-
tion, model prediction based on the kinetic data is in
good agreement with experimental data.
The rotation speed of the tube was varied from 1.5 to
6 rpm, holding the feed rate at 350 g/h and the wall
temperature at 250 °C. As shown in Figure 3, the extent
of decomposition decreased as the speed is increased
from 1.5 to 3 rpm, probably due to the residence time
becoming shorter with the speed increase. A further
increase of the rotation speed to 6 rpm, however, had
little effect on the extent of decomposition despite the
reduction in residence time. A possible explanation for
the reason is that the increase of the speed may have
increased the frequency of the solids touching the hotter
wall, resulting in an increase of the solids temperature
on the average and consequently the rate constant
increased so as to compensate for the influence of the
reduction in residence time.
Figure 4 shows the effect of the feed rate on the extent
of decomposition. The feed rate was varied from 260 to
650 g/h, with the rotation speed of the tube kept
constant at 3 rpm and the wall temperature at 250 °C.
The extent of decomposition decreased gradually with
increasing the feed rate. The data showed a considerable
scattering; the extent of decomposition differed by as
high as 10% at the same feed rate. Such a scattering of
data may be due to the formation of agglomerates of
chloride particles. Many agglomerates were found in the
entrance of the decomposing tube. Some of the water
Figure 5. Cross-sectional images of the decomposition product.
vapors formed during the decomposition may have
diffused back toward the inlet of the decomposer and the agglomerates. The agglomeration was irregular,
condensed on the incoming aluminum chloride hexahy- which might have brought about the scattering of the
drate particles, thereby forming agglomerates. The data.
decomposition behavior of the agglomerates should be SEM Investigation of the Basic Chloride. Figure
different from those of individual free particles, because 5 shows the scanning electron microscopic images of the
of internal resistances to mass and heat transfers. The cross sections of basic chloride particles produced at two
influence of the agglomeration on the extent of decom- decomposition temperatures of 230 and 260 °C, with the
position will depend on the number, size and shape of rotation speed of the decomposer kept at 6 rpm. By
4176 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 39, No. 11, 2000
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Literature Cited Received for review January 6, 2000
Revised manuscript received August 3, 2000
(1) Heitner, H. I. Flocculating Agents. In Encyclopedia of Accepted August 4, 2000
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