Genesys CombatSummary v1.0.1

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Combat Summary

Roll Cool or Vigilance (GM determines)
C1. ombat Check
Choose attack: Melee or Ranged. Choose weapon.
Players agree on who will act 2. Assemble dice pool: Melee is always Average (kk). Ranged
depends on distance, check table. Defense adds j. If target
Reasonable number of incidentals. One maneuver and action.
made a ranged attack while engaged with you since your last
turn add j to this Brawl or Melee check. See page 108 for
additional complications.
Incidental 3. Determine dice results and damage: If successful, +1 dam-
ՔՔ Speaking to another character. age for each s
ՔՔ Dropping a held item. 4. Resolve a and t: See table (p104) for how player spends.
5. Resolve h and d: See table (p104) for how GM spends.
ՔՔ Releasing a held character 6. Reduce damage by soak value, apply wounds, apply any
ՔՔ Minor movements such as shifting position, peeking around a critical injuries
corner, or looking behind oneself.

Maneuvers Ranged attack difficulties

ՔՔ Aim: Add j to your next combat check. Two consecutive ma- Range band difficulty
neuvers, add jj.
ՔՔ Called shot: target carried item or part of a target. Add jj to Easy (k) plus weapon mods
next combat check. Two consecutive maneuvers, add j. Short Easy (k)
ՔՔ Assist: Add j to another character’s next check. Medium Average (kk)
ՔՔ Guarded Stance: Add j to melee checks made against you.
Add j to all combat checks you make. Long Hard (kkk)
ՔՔ Interact with environment: Move large item, open/close a Extreme Daunting (kkkk)
door, take cover.
ՔՔ Manage gear: Draw, holster, ready, or load weapon. Retrieve
or store item in bag, pouch, backpack. Ranged modifiers
ՔՔ Mount/Dismount: In/out vehicle, on/off trained animal, posi- Scenario difficulty
tion inside of vehicle. Engaged with opponent while armed with a +k
ՔՔ Move: Change range. Engage/disengage opponent. Move with- one-handed ranged weapon
in a range band. Engaged with opponent while armed with a + kk
ՔՔ Go prone/stand up: Drop to the ground or standing up when two-handed ranged weapon
already on the ground. While prone add j to ranged attacks Engaged with opponent while armed with a N/A
against you, but add j to melee attacks against you. heavy ranged weapon
ՔՔ Prepare: Some actions may require you to perform a prepara-
tion maneuver.
ՔՔ You may suffer 2 strain to perform a second maneuver. EASY
k s f
Actions kk AVERAGE Success Failure
ՔՔ Perform a combat check. kkk HARD a h
ՔՔ Perform a skill check. Advantage Threat
kkkk DAUNTING t d
ՔՔ Activate an ability. kkkkk FORMIDABLE Triumph Despair
ՔՔ Perform a maneuver. Does not cost strain, but if you have al-
ready performed two maneuvers you may not take this action. Engaged Short Medium Long Extreme

boost ability proficiency setback difficulty challenge

version 1.0.1

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