Starfinder Player Reference Sheet
Starfinder Player Reference Sheet
Starfinder Player Reference Sheet
- [one Standard, one Move, and one Swift] or [one Full] per round Melee attack roll vs KAC + 8 (does not provoke attacks of opportunity)
- Move or Swift can replace Standard | Swift can replace Move Bull Rush: Knock target back 5 feet plus 5 additional feet for every 5
- one Reaction per round which your attack roll exceeds target’s KAC + 8. Target stops at
Standard Actions [CRB 244-247] Move Actions [CRB 247] obstacles.
Activate an Item Crawl Dirty Trick: Unorthodox attack to briefly hinder target. Target is
Attack (melee or ranged) Direct or Redirect an Effect blinded, deafened, entangled, off-target, shaken, or sickened (your
Cast a Spell Draw or Sheathe a Weapon choice) for 1 round plus 1 additional round for every 5 which attack roll
exceeds target’s KAC + 8. Target can remove condition as a move
Combat Maneuver Guarded Step
action. Normally a melee attack, GM can allow Dirty Tricks at range,
Concentrate to Maintain a Spell Manipulate an Item
but you take a –2 to your roll for every 5 feet between you and target.
Covering Fire Move Your Speed
Disarm: Knock an item out of target’s hands. If you have a hand free,
Demoralize Reload
you can grab the item before it falls.
Dismiss a Spell Stand Up
Grapple: Need at least one hand free. Target can use standard action
Feint Swift Actions [CRB 247]
to attempt to grapple you or escape (Acrobatics). If attack roll equals
Fight Defensively Change Your Weapon Grip or exceeds target’s KAC + 13, target is instead pinned and can’t take
Harrying Fire Drop Prone actions that involve moving limbs other than to attempt to escape.
Total Defense Reactions [CRB 248] Grapple lasts until the end of your next turn, unless you renew it on
Use a Special Ability Attack of Opportunity your next turn with another grapple. Also ends if you move away.
Full Actions [CRB 248] Other Actions [CRB 249] Cannot attempt to grapple more than one target at a time.
Full Attack Combat Banter When you renew a grapple, you can remove one easily accessed item
Charge Delay from the target’s body (not worn armor). Doing so immediately ends
Coup de Grace Drop an Item the grapple.
Fight Defensively Ready an Action Reposition: Change target’s position to one still within your reach and
Run Use a Skill within 5 feet of its original. Can move the target 5 additional feet for
Withdraw every 5 which attack roll exceeds the target’s KAC + 8 (all movement
must remain within your reach). Cannot move target past an obstacle.
COMMON COMBAT ACTIONS [CRB 248-249] | Reposition as a Full Action: Can move a distance equal to the distance
Charge: Move at least 10 feet up to double your speed in a straight line, you repositioned target (up to your move speed), dragging the target
make a single melee attack at -2, -2 to your AC until start of your next turn. along with you.
Coup de Grace: Target must be adjacent and helpless. Automatic critical hit. Sunder: Deal damage to one object held in the target’s hand or that
If target survives, they must make a Fortitude save [DC 10 + your level or could be drawn easily as a move action. Damage is reduced by the
CR] or die. Targets immune to critical hits do not take critical object’s hardness.
damage/effects or make Fortitude save. Trip: Knock the target prone. A target in the air descends 10 feet,
Covering Fire: Ranged attack roll vs AC 15. No damage, selected ally gains a falling prone if this causes it to hit the ground. A target in zero-g is
+2 AC against next attack from a creature in line of effect before your next instead knocked off-kilter.
Demoralize: Intimidate check DC [10 + your target's Intimidate bonus] or [15 COVER [CRB 253-254] |
+ 1-1/2 × target’s CR], whichever is greater. Target is shaken for 1 round, TYPE AC BONUS REFLEX SAVE BONUS
plus 1 additional round for every 5 which Intimidate exceeds DC.
Soft cover 4 -
Delay: Wait to take an action. Once you act, change your initiative to the
current initiative for remainder of combat. Regain your reaction at Partial cover 2 1
beginning of your original turn.
Regular cover 4 2
Feint: Bluff check vs DC [10 + target's Sense Motive] or [15 + 1-1/2 ×
target’s CR], whichever is greater. Target must have an Intelligence score. Improved cover 8 4
Cannot take 10 or take 20. If successful your opponent is flat-footed for Total cover Blocks line of effect; enemy cannot attack
your next attack before the end of your next turn.
Fight Defensively: Standard or Full action, -4 to attack rolls, +2 AC until Choose a corner of your square - if a line from this corner to any corner of
your next turn. target’s square passes through a square or border that blocks line of
Full Attack: Two attacks each at a -4 penalty. effect/provides cover, or through an occupied square, the target has cover.
Note: some spread effects extend around corners and negate this bonus.
Harrying Fire: Ranged attack vs AC 15, no damage, ally gains +2 to next
attack roll vs target. Soft Cover: Creatures between you and the source of an effect provide Soft
Cover against ranged attacks. Soft Cover does not allow you to attempt a
Ready an Action: Pick a Standard, Move, or Swift action and a trigger.
Stealth check.
Taking the action moves your initiative to the current initiative for remainder
of combat. Purely defensive actions occur before the triggering event, all Partial Cover: More than half of you is visible.
others occur after. Action is lost if not taken before your next turn. Regain Improved Cover: Some cases, such as hiding behind a gun port in a
your reaction at beginning of your original turn. defensive wall, cover provides Improved Cover.
Run: Move up to four times your speed in a straight line and gain Flat- Total Cover: No line of effect to you (see CRB 271).
footed condition. Can’t run across difficult terrain or if you can’t see where Low Obstacles: (Object half your height) can provide cover, if you are within
you’re going. Provokes attacks of opportunity. You can Run a number of 30 feet. Attacker ignores low obstacles if closer to obstacle than target.
rounds equal to your Constitution score.
Total Defense: +4 AC until start of your next turn. Can’t combine with other COVER AND ATTACKS OF OPPORTUNITY [CRB 254] |
actions that increase AC, nor can you make attacks of opportunity. If you have cover relative to an enemy, it can’t make an attack of
Withdraw: Move up to double your speed. Starting square is not considered opportunity against you.
threatened. Unseen enemies still get attacks of opportunity. Can’t withdraw
if you’re blinded and have no other precise senses. ATTACKING AND DAMAGE ROLLS [CRB 244 -245] |
ATTACK ROLL DAMAGE ROLL Tiny or smaller 1d6
Ranged Weapon BAB + Dex Mod Weapon Damage Small 2d6
Grenade BAB + Str Mod Weapon Damage Medium 3d6
Thrown Weapon BAB + Str Mod Weapon Damage + Str Mod Large 4d6
Melee Weapon BAB + Str Mod Weapon Damage + Str Mod Huge 6d6
Gargantuan 8d6
Range Penalties: Attacks with a ranged weapons beyond listed range take
Colossal 10d6
a –2 penalty for each full range increment between you and the target.
Most ranged weapons maximum range is 10 range increments. Thrown TAKING DAMAGE AND DYING [CRB 250] |
weapons maximum range is 5 range increments.
Damage Order: Temporary Hit Points > Stamina Points > Hit Points
Weapon Proficiency: If not proficient with a weapon, take a –4 to attack
Massive Damage: If you are at 0 HP or damage reduces you to 0 HP and
rolls and to the DC for saving throws against that weapon’s special effects.
there is damage remaining, you die instantly if the remaining damage is
Critical Hit: A natural 20 on an attack roll always hits. If total result of equal to or greater than your maximum Hit Points.
attack roll meets or exceeds target’s AC it is a critical hit. Roll damage
Dying: If your Hit Points reach 0, you are dying and unconscious. You lose 1
twice, each time with all bonuses and any additional damage from special
Resolve Point each round at the end of your turn.
abilities. A weapon’s crit effect is in addition to double damage.
If your Hit Points reached 0 during your turn you do not lose a Resolve
If the total result of your attack is less than your target’s AC, your attack
Point until the end of your next turn.
still hits but deals normal damage.
Dead: If you are Dying and have no Resolve Points, but would lose Resolve
Multiplying Damage More Than Once: Multipliers stack by adding them and
Points for any reason, you’re dead. If you have 0 RP when you are first
subtracting 1 for each beyond the first (x2 + x2 results in x3).
reduced to 0 HP, you have 1 round to be healed or stabilized or you die.
Minimum Damage: If penalties reduce damage to less than 1, a hit still deals
Constitution Ability damage/drain equal to your Constitution score or
1 nonlethal damage.
having a number of negative levels equal to your level causes you to die.
Missing with a Thrown Weapon or Grenade: Weapon lands in a random
square or grid intersection. Roll 1d8 to determine misdirection of the throw TAKING DAMAGE WHILE DYING OR STABLE [CRB 251] |
[1 falls short (toward the thrower), and 2 through 8 rotates around in a Any damage you take still reduces SP first. The first time each round you
clockwise direction]. Roll 1d4 for how many squares away in that direction take HP damage you lose 1 Resolve Point. If a single source deals Hit Point
the weapon lands. damage greater than half your maximum Hit Points but less than your
Flanking: If your target is threatened by another creature on its opposite maximum Hit Points, you lose 1 additional RP.
border or corner gain +2 to melee attack rolls. If you take damage while unconscious but stable, you are once again dying
Nonlethal Damage: You can deal lethal damage with a nonlethal weapon and no longer stable.
and vice versa but you take a -4 penalty to your attack roll.
CONCEALMENT [CRB 253] | Ability Damage: For every 2 damage you take to an ability score, reduce
Regular: 20% miss chance | Total: 50% miss chance your ability modifier by 1 for skills and other statistics. If your total damage
to one ability is equal to your score in that ability, you cease taking damage
WIND EFFECTS [CRB 400] | to that ability score and fall unconscious until the amount of damage is less
WIND FORCE WIND SPEED RANGED ATTACK PENALTY* than your score. However, Constitution damage that equals your
Light 0-10 mph - Constitution score causes you to die.
Moderate 11-20 mph - Ability Penalties: Same as damage, but are only temporary and can’t result
in your falling unconscious or dying.
Strong 21-30 mph -2
Ability Drain: Reduces your ability score permanently. This affects your
Severe 31-50 mph -4 score directly instead of penalizing your modifier. Doesn’t heal naturally. If
Windstorm 51-74 mph -4 any ability score is reduced to 0 from ability drain, you fall unconscious. If
Hurricane 75-174 mph -8 that score is Constitution, you instead immediately die.
Tornado 175-300 mph Impossible
*This applies only to non-energy ranged weapons. Larger weapons,
Negative Levels: For each negative level you have: [–1 penalty to your ability
such as starship and mech weapons, ignore this penalty.
checks, AC, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks], [reduce your
current and total HP and SP by 5], [you are treated as 1 level lower for the
purpose of level-dependent variables. You do not lose any Spell slots as a
1d6 per 10 feet fallen, up to 20d6. A character that takes falling damage is
result of negative levels].
prone. Deliberately jump and the, first d6 is nonlethal, with a DC 15
Acrobatics check, the second d6 is also nonlethal. Falling into a yielding If negative levels equal total character level (or CR, for monsters), you die.
surface also turns the first d6 of damage into nonlethal. Negative levels are temporary, unless the effect that bestows them
Cannot cast a spell or activate an item while free-falling unless the fall is specifies they are permanent. You can attempt a saving throw each day to
greater than 500 feet or the spell/item can be used as a reaction. Casting remove temporary negative levels [DC is the same as the DC of the effect
Teleport or similar doesn’t end momentum; you still take falling damage. that caused the negative levels]. Saves for negative levels from multiple
sources must be attempted separately. If you die, permanent negative
Falling into water at least 10 feet deep eliminates the first 20 feet of
levels remain even after you are restored to life. If you are brought back to
damage, and the next 20 feet fallen is 1d4 nonlethal damage.
life you remain alive for 3 rounds but then die again if your negative levels
Deliberately diving into water with a DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics check, still equal your character level.
take no damage as long as the water is 10 feet deep for every 30 feet
fallen. The DC increases by 5 for every 50 feet fallen.
Using Resolve Points: Spend Resolve Points equal to one-quarter your Blinded: Flat-footed, –4 to most Str- and Dex-based skill checks and
maximum (minimum 1 RP, maximum 3 RP) on your turn to stabilize opposed Perception checks, automatically fail Perception checks based on
Stay in the Fight: If stable or unconscious from nonlethal damage, spend 1 sight, opponents have total concealment, and you must succeed at a DC 10
RP at the beginning of your turn to regain 1 HP. You cannot regain more Acrobatics check to move faster than half speed or else fall prone.
than 1 HP this way. Can’t Stabilize and Stay in the Fight in the same round. Broken: Weapon: attack/damage rolls take a –2 penalty and can’t deal
extra effects on a critical; Armor: AC bonuses halved and armor check
HEALING [CRB 251] | penalty doubled; Vehicle: –2 penalty to AC, collision DC, and Piloting
Recovering Stamina Points: Regain all Stamina Points with full night’s rest modifier, and halves full speed and MPH; Tool or Tech that provides
(8 hours sleep), or by spending 1 RP during 10 uninterrupted minutes of bonuses: bonuses halved.
rest. Burning: Take listed fire damage each round. Extinguish fire to end.
Recovering Hit Points Naturally: With full night’s rest (8 hours sleep), Confused: Treat all creatures as enemies, roll on table to determine actions.
recover 1 HP per character level. With complete bed rest (24 hours), recover Cowering: Flat-footed and can take no actions.
2 HP per character level.
Dazed: You can take no actions.
Recovering from Ability Damage: Ability damage heals 1 point per full
Dazzled: –1 penalty to attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks.
night's rest (8 hours sleep) for each affected ability. With complete bed rest
(24 hours) heal 2 points. Ability drain does not heal naturally. Dead: Your soul leaves your body. Can’t act or benefit from healing.
Magical and Technological Healing: Various abilities/devices/spells can Deafened: Take a –4 penalty to initiative checks and opposed Perception
restore HP or increase the rate of natural healing. Unless otherwise checks, and you automatically fail sound-based Perception checks.
specified, these restore only HP, not SP. Dying: Unconscious, can take no actions, must stabilize or lose RP/die.
Treat Deadly Wounds: Make a medicine check (DC based on equipment Encumbered: Speed reduced by 10 feet, max Dex bonus to AC reduced to
used) to restore 1 HP per level. If check exceeds DC by 5 or more add your +2, and take a –5 penalty to Str- and Dex-based checks.
Intelligence modifier to amount healed. A creature can receive this Entangled: Move half speed; cannot run or charge; –2 penalty to AC, attack
treatment 1 per 24 hour period, unless in a medical lab. Most labs allow rolls, Reflex saves, initiative checks, and Dex-based skill/ability checks.
twice per 24 hours. Exhausted: Move half speed; cannot run or charge; –3 penalty to AC, attack
Healing Limits: Cannot raise current HP or SP higher than your maximum. rolls, melee damage rolls, Reflex saves, initiative checks, and Str- and Dex-
Temporary Hip Points: Certain effects, such as force fields, give temporary based skill/ability checks; and reduce your encumbered limit by 3 bulk.
HP. Any damage you take is subtracted from these first. Any damage in Fascinated: You must pay attention to the fascinating effect and take –4
excess of these reduce SP and then HP as normal. If the effect that grants penalty to skill checks made as reactions.
the temporary HP ends or is counteracted, any remaining temporary HP go Fatigued: Cannot run or charge; take –1 penalty to AC, attack rolls, melee
away. When temporary HP are lost, they cannot be regained or restored damage rolls, Reflex saves, initiative checks, and Str- and Dex-based
like normal HP or SP, though some sources of temporary HP have their own skill/ability checks; and you reduce your encumbered limit by 1 bulk.
rules on how to restoring temporary HP.
Flat-footed: –2 penalty to AC, and cannot take reactions or make attacks
LONG-TERM STABILITY [CRB 251] | of opportunity.
If unconscious and stable but lack the RP to Stay in the Fight, you might Frightened: You must flee or fight, and take –2 penalty to ability/skill
recover on your own. Every hour you must attempt a Constitution check checks, attack rolls, and saving throws.
until you regain consciousness or you die (see table). After 8 hours, if you Grappled: Cannot move or take two-handed actions; take –2 penalty to AC,
have not regained consciousness or died, you regain consciousness and most attack rolls, Reflex saves, initiative checks, and Dex-based skill and
recover 1 HP per character level, as if you had a full night’s rest. ability checks; and you cannot make attacks of opportunity.
If someone is tending you while you are unconscious and stable, they can Helpless: Dex modifier is –5, and melee attacks against you gain +4 bonus.
attempt a DC 15 Medicine check each hour to give you a +2 bonus to your Nauseated: Unable to attack, cast or concentrate on spells. Can only take a
Constitution check, and if your check is still less than 10, you treat it as if it single move action per turn.
were a 10. Off-kilter: Flat-footed, can’t take move actions except to right yourself, –2
penalty to attacks.
Off-Target: Take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
Overburdened: Speed reduced to 5 feet; max Dex bonus to AC reduced to
20 or higher Regain consciousness, Heal 1 HP +0; and take –5 penalty to Str- and Dex-based checks.
10 - 19 No change, new check in 1 hour Panicked: Drop all held items; flee at top speed; cannot take other actions; –
9 or lower Die 2 penalty to ability/skill checks, saving throws; and Cower if cornered.
Paralyzed: Dex modifier is –5, and can’t move but can take mental actions.
DISEASES, POISONS, & AFFLICTIONS [CRB 417] | Pinned: Flat-footed, cannot move, and you take -4 penalties to the same
attributes as for grappled.
SKILL CHECKS [CRB 133] | Prone: Take a –4 penalty to melee attacks, a +4 bonus to AC against
Take 10: When not in immediate danger/distracted, GM can allow you to ranged attacks, and a –4 penalty to AC against melee attacks.
take 10. Unless noted, cannot take 10 during combat.
Shaken: –2 penalty to ability/skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws.
Take 20: GM can allow you to take 20 on a skill check. Taking 20 means
Sickened: Take a –2 penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, weapon damage
making multiple attempts until you succeed, failing many times. Typically
rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
takes 20 times as long as a single check (2 minutes for a standard action).
Aid Another: At GMs discretion attempt same skill check as part of a Stable: You’re no longer dying, but you are still Unconscious.
cooperative effort. If successful on a DC 10 check, grant creature making Staggered: Can take only a single move or standard action each round and
the check a +2 bonus (must be used before the end of his next turn). GM can’t take reactions, but you can take swift actions as normal.
decides how many creatures can Aid Another on a single check. You cannot Stunned: Flat-footed, drop all held items, and cannot take actions.
take 10 or 20 to Aid, but you can aid a creature who is taking a 10 or 20. Unconscious: You’re knocked out and Helpless.
Asleep: Unconscious, –10 penalty to Perception checks. DIFFICULTY DC
Bleeding: Take the listed damage at the beginning of your turn. Easy 10 + 1.5 x APL
Challenging 15 + 1.5 x APL
Difficult 20 + 1.5 x APL
CREATURE RARITY DC Move through a threatened area 15 + 1-1/2 × opponent’s CR
Very common (space goblin) 5 + 1-1/2 × creature’s CR Move through an enemy’s space 20 + 1-1/2 × opponent’s CR
Average (most monsters) 10 + 1-1/2 × creature’s CR * The DC increases by 2 for each additional threatened space or
opponent’s space you move through in 1 round.
Rare (novaspawn) 15 + 1-1/2 × creature’s CR
DC 10 + 5 × the level of the spell. Requires no action. Cannot take 10 or 20.
Aberration Life Science
Animal Life Science VARIABLE-LEVEL SPELLS [CRB 330] |
Construct (magical) Mysticism When you learn a spell that can be cast at variable spell levels, you gain the
ability to cast it at the spell level you know and at every level below that.
Construct (technological) Engineering
If you know a variable-level spell and later select it again as a higher-level
Dragon Mysticism
spell known, you can immediately select a new spell known to replace the
Fey Mysticism lower-level version of the variable-level spell.
Humanoid Life Science
Magical beast Mysticism
Can double shield recharge rate for 10 minutes by taking 1 minute and make
Monstrous humanoid Life Science
an Engineering check (DC 15 + 1-1/2 x starship tier). Critical damage
Ooze Life Science condition penalties apply.
Outsider Mysticism Remove critical damage conditions with an Engineering check (DCs the
Plant Life Science same as patching in combat). Takes 10 minutes.
Undead Mysticism Must stop ship and access outside to repair Hull Points. Costs 10
Vermin Life Science UPBs/point of damage and requires 5 hours of work. Engineering check (DC
15 + 1-1/2 x starship tier) to cut either time or cost in half. Every 10 points
RECALL KNOWLEDGE [CRB 133] | which you exceed the DC reduces one of these factors by half (or by half
again), to a minimum of 1 UPB per point of damage and 1 hour. Allies can aid.
QUESTION DIFFICULTY BASE DC Failing the check increases the cost by 5 UPBs per point of damage.
Really easy 5
Average 15
Glitching: (1 action) DC 10 + 1-1/2 × starship tier
Very difficult 20 to 30
Malfunctioning: (2 actions) DC 15 + 1-1/2 × starship tier
IDENTIFY MAGIC ITEM OR TECHNOLOGY [CRB 142-144] | Wrecked: (3 actions) DC 20 + 1-1/2 × starship tier
Technological items are identified using Engineering, magical items are
identified using Mysticism, and hybrid items are identified using either skill. RANGE [CRB 271-272] |
An effect’s range is the maximum distance from you that the effect can
ITEM DC occur or originate. Any portion of the effect beyond this range is wasted. If
Common, complex technology a range is based on level, this means caster level for spells, class level for
5 + 1.5 x item’s level
(Pact Worlds starships and items) class features, and item level for weapons and equipment.
Less common technology
10 + 1.5 x item’s level RANGE DESCRIPTION
(non-Pact Worlds starships or items)
Rare, ancient or alien technology 15 + 1.5 x item’s level Personal Limited to and affects your person only.
Magic item 15 + 1.5 x item’s level Touch You must touch a creature or object to affect it
Close 25 feet + 5 feet for every 2 levels
REPAIR MAGIC ITEM OR TECHNOLOGY [CRB 142, 144] | Medium 100 feet + 10 feet per level
Technological items are repaired using Engineering, magical items are Long 400 feet + 40 feet per level
repaired using Mysticism, and hybrid items are repaired using either skill.
Anywhere on planet or orbit around planet (includes
A successful check restores a number of Hit Points to the item equal to the Planetary
moons and artificial satellites)
check result. System-Wide Anywhere in the same solar system
ITEM EXAMPLE TIME DC Plane Anywhere in the same plane of existence
Simple Technology Door or wall 10 minutes 15 Unlimited Anywhere
Complex Technology Computer console 30 minutes 20 Range in Feet The specific effect lists exactly how far its range extends
Equipment Weapon or armor 1 hour 15 + 1.5 x item level
Magic item Staff of mystic healing 1 hour 15 + 1.5 x item level
ESCAPE Glass 1 1
CIRCUMSTANCE DC Cloth, paper or rope 0 2
Grappled or pinned 10 + grappler’s KAC Ice 0 3
Restrained by bindings/rope 20 + 1-1/2 × opponent’s CR Leather or hide 3 5
Restrained by manacles 30 Wood 5 10
Plastic 8 15 8th 34,000 — ————————— 33,000
Ceramic 10 10 9th 50,000 — 5th feat 45,000
Transparent aluminum 10 15 10th 71,000 2nd ————————— 66,000
Stone or concrete 15 15 11th 105,000 — 6th feat 100,000
Iron or steel 20 30 12th 145,000 — Theme benefit 150,000
Adamantine alloy 30 40 13th 210,000 — 7th feat 225,000
Nanocarbon 35 60 14th 295,000 — ————————— 333,000
Polycarbon plate 45 60 15th 425,000 3rd 8th feat 500,000
Pure adamantine 50 80 16th 600,000 — ————————— 750,000
17th 850,000 — 9th feat 1,125,000
18th 1,200,000 — Theme benefit 1,700,000
19th 1,700,000 — 10th feat 2,550,000
Break down wooden door 16
20th 2,400,000 4th ————————— 3,775,000
Burst rope bonds 20
Burst steel restraints 25
Break down steel door 28
Bend nanocarbon bars 35
1/8 50 15 15 10
STATS FOR WALLS [CRB 408] | 1/6 65 20 15 10
Concrete 3 ft. 45 15 540 25 1/2 200 65 50 35
Plastic 5 in. 25 8 75 28 1 400 135 100 65
Starship 2 600 200 150 100
5 ft. 55 35 2400 25
3 800 265 200 135
3 ft. 45 30 1440 20 4 1200 400 300 200
Steel 3 in. 30 20 90 25 5 1600 535 400 265
6 2400 800 600 400
5 ft. 65 15 900 15
stone 7 3200 1070 800 535
Wooden 6 in. 20 5 60 21 8 4800 1600 1200 800
*Per 10-foot-by-10-foot section. 9 6400 2130 1600 1070
10 9600 3200 2400 1600
11 12800 4270 3200 2130
DOOR TYPE HARDNESS HIT POINTS 12 19200 6400 4800 3200
Wooden 1.5 in. 5 15 16 18 13 25600 8530 6400 4270
Plastic 2 in. 8 30 22 24 14 38400 12800 9600 6400
TACTICAL MOVEMENT [CRB 256-257] | hour beyond 8, make a Constitution check (DC 10 + 2 per extra hour) or take
DIAGONALS: Count first diagonal as 1 square, second as 2, third as 1, 1d6 nonlethal damage. Take any nonlethal damage from a forced march,
fourth as 2, and so on. Can’t move diagonally past a hard corner (corner of you become fatigued. Recover from this nonlethal damage to eliminate the
a building or door frame). Can move diagonally past a creature or less rigid fatigued condition. You can march yourself into unconsciousness.
objects (ie plant life).
CLOSEST CREATURE: When determining closest square or creature to a EVASION AND PURSUIT
location and two are equally close, creature taking the action requiring If the speeds of two characters are roughly equal and a chase continues for
determination decides which is closest. a few rounds, they can roll opposed Dexterity checks to see who is faster
MOVING THROUGH OCCUPIED SQUARES: (determines if the chased character is caught or escapes).
Ally: Unless charging, you can move through a square occupied by an ally. If the chase lasts more than a few rounds it can be resolved by opposed
Opponent: Can’t move through square occupied by non-helpless opponent. Constitution checks to determine who has the most endurance. Vehicle
Can attempt to tumble (Acrobatics) through the space. If a creature chases have their own rules.
completely fills the space it cannot be moved past, even with Acrobatics.
ENDING YOUR MOVEMENT: Can’t end your movement in the same square
Terrain affects the distance covered while traveling. Highway: major paved
as a non-helpless creature. Instead stay in your last legal position.
road | Road: typically a dirt track | Trail: like a road but allows only single-
TERRAIN AND OBSTACLES file travel and does not benefit a party traveling with vehicles | Trackless
Difficult Terrain: A move into difficult terrain counts as 2, each diagonal terrain: wild area with no paths.
counts as 3. Can’t run or charge across difficult terrain. Can move only as
fast as the most difficult terrain you occupy will allow. Flying and
incorporeal creatures ignore most difficult terrain. TERRAIN HIGHWAY ROAD OR TRAIL TRACKLESS
Squeezing: Can squeeze through or into a space that is at least half as wide Desert (all temperatures) ×1 ×1/2 ×1/2
as your normal space. Move at half speed and gain the entangled condition. Forest (typical) ×1 ×1 ×1/2
Forest (dense) ×1 ×3/4 ×1/4
Double Movement Cost: When hampered movement usually costs double Hill ×1 ×3/4 ×1/2
the normal amount. If the cost is doubled twice, a square counts as 4 (6 if Marsh ×1 ×3/4 ×1/2
diagonal). If doubled three times, they count as 8 (12 if diagonal) and so on. Mountain ×3/4 ×3/4 ×1/2
Minimum Movement: Despite any penalties to speed, if you can move at all Plains ×1 ×1 ×3/4
you can take a full action to move 5 feet in any direction, even diagonally.
Urban ×3/4 ×1/2 ×1/2
SPACE TRAVEL [CRB 290-291] |
Walk 200 ft. 300 ft. 400 ft.
Start Thrusters 1 minute/size category
Hustle 400 ft. 600 ft. 800 ft.
Travel Point-to-Point on a Planet 1d4 Hours
Run 800 ft. 1,200 ft. 1,600 ft.
Go into Orbit or Land from Orbit 1d2 Hours
Reach Satellite 1d8 Hours
Walk 16 miles 24 miles 32 miles
Travel In-System 1d6+2 Days
LOCAL MOVEMENT [CRB 257-258] | Travel Between Systems -
Can run for a number of rounds equal to Constitution score. Make a
Constitution check (DC 10 + 1 for each previous check) each additional round DRIFT NAVIGATION
or stop running. Once you have run your limit, you must rest for 1 minute (10 ACTION TIME
rounds) before running again. During a rest period, you can move no faster Travel In-System 1d6 Days / Drift Rating
than you can for a normal move action.
Travel to Absalom Station 1d6 Days / Drift Rating
VEHICLE MOVEMENT AND RULES [CRB 278-286] ] Travel to Near Space 3d6 Days / Drift Rating
Travel to the Vast 5d6 Days / Drift Rating
Travel beyond the Rim Unknown
When targeted by an affliction make a saving throw or gain the affliction.
Failing subsequent saving throws moves victim one step along progression
A day is 8 hours of travel time when traveling on foot/ mount or 10 hours in track (gain effects of next step and keep all previous). At end state can no
vehicles with a single pilot or small crew. Vehicles with a large crew on longer attempt saving throws to recover.
multiple shifts can travel continuously.
The spell Remove Affliction can cure an affliction (move to healthy state).
Walk: Can walk for 8 hours a day without a problem. However, once at an end state, only powerful magic or technology (such as
Hustle: Can hustle for 1 hour without a problem. Hustling a second hour Miracle, Wish, Reincarnate or a regeneration chamber) can remove effects.
between sleep cycles deals 1 nonlethal damage, each additional hour deals
twice the damage as the previous hour. Take any nonlethal damage from DISEASES [CRB 414-415] |
hustling, you become fatigued. Recover from this nonlethal damage to Curing a Disease: Fulfill conditions in Cure entry, each time moving one step
eliminate the fatigued condition. toward healthy; cured once at healthy.
Run: Can’t run overland for extended periods of time. Attempts to run and
rest in cycles effectively work out to a hustle. PHYSICAL DISEASE TRACK
Latent: Victim suffers no ill effects, but can pass on if contagious.
FORCED MARCH Weakened: Sickened and fatigued.
A normal day of walking is 8 hours, the rest is spent making/breaking camp
and resting/eating. Walking more than 8 hours is a Forced March. For each
Impaired: Exhausted. A standard or full action, requires a Fortitude save Animalistic: Suffer the effects of a feeblemind spell, except Charisma and
(disease’s DC) or lose the action and become nauseated for 1 minute. Charisma-based skills are unaffected.
Debilitated: Standard action causes 1 Hit Point damage. Comatose: Can’t be woken.
Bedridden: Awake but can’t stand or take any other actions or reactions. Dead: The victim’s brain stops working, and she dies.
Comatose: Unconscious and feverish. Can’t be woken.
Dead: Corpse may still be contagious.
Weakened: –2 penalty to Will saves and Wisdom-based ability and skill
MENTAL DISEASE TRACK checks. DCs of spells and special abilities decrease by 2. If spellcasting
class key ability is Wisdom, can’t cast highest level of spells from that class.
Latent: Victim suffers no ill effects, but can pass on if contagious.
Impaired: Additional –2 penalty to affected checks, and DCs. If spellcasting
Weakened: Shaken, and the DCs of spells and special abilities decrease by
class key ability is Wisdom, can’t cast 2 highest levels of spells.
2. Can no longer cast highest level of spells (if any).
Confused: Gain the confused condition.
Impaired: Flat-footed, Don’t add mental ability score modifiers to calculate
uses per day for abilities or bonus spells. Additional -2 to DCs of spells and Comatose: Can’t be woken.
special abilities. Can no longer cast 2 highest levels of spells (if any). Dead: The victim’s brain stops working, and he dies.
Befuddled: 50% chance each round to take no relevant actions, instead
babbling, wandering off, or talking to unseen parties.
Weakened: –2 penalty to Charisma-based ability and skill checks. DCs of
Disassociated: Can no longer tell friend from foe and can’t willingly accept
spells and special abilities decrease by 2. If spellcasting class key ability is
any aid (including healing) unless he succeeds at a Will save (disease’s DC).
Charisma, can’t cast highest level of spells from that class.
Comatose: Can’t be woken.
Impaired: Additional –2 penalty to affected checks and DCs. If spellcasting
Dead: Corpse may still be contagious. class key ability is Charisma, can’t cast 2 highest levels of spells.
POISONS [CRB 415-417] | Pliable: Victim has little sense of self and goes along with nearly any order
or suggestion. Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks against them
Upon initial exposure, regardless of saving throw, lose HP equal to poison’s
automatically succeed. Diplomacy checks to improve attitude still have
DC – 10. If exposed to multiple doses of the same poison, attempt a save
normal DC.
for each dose and progress to next state with each failed save.
Catatonic: The victim loses agency and can’t interact with anything.
Curing Poisons and Drugs: Fulfill cure condition or reach end of duration to Dead: The victim loses autonomic functions and dies.
remove from system (remain at the same step on the track). Every day of
bed rest (or two nights normal rest), move one step toward healthy (can be RADIATION [CRB 403-404] |
doubled with Medicine). Some poisons require longer. RADIATION
STRENGTH POISON TRACK Type: poison, emanation; Save: Fortitude (see chart)
Weakened: –2 penalty to Strength-based ability checks, attack rolls, Track: Constitution; Frequency: 1/round
damage rolls, and skill checks. DCs of spells and special abilities decrease Effect: At each state of impaired and beyond, succeed a DC 18 Fortitude
by 2. Carrying capacity reduced by two-thirds (minimum 1 bulk). Gain saving throw or contract the radiation sickness disease (see below).
encumbered condition regardless of how much is carried. Cure: none
Impaired: Additional –2 penalty to affected checks, rolls, and DCs. Gain the
overburdened condition.
Low 13
Staggered: Staggered, except can still take a purely mental full action.
Medium 17
Immobile: Helpless and can take only purely mental actions.
High 22
Dead: The victim dies.
Severe 30
Sluggish: Flat-footed. –2 penalty to Reflex saves and Dexterity-based RADIATION SICKNESS
ability checks, attack rolls, and skill checks. DCs of spells and special Type: disease; Track: physical; Effect: Radiation sickness isn’t contagious.
abilities decrease by 2. Save: Fortitude (same DC as radiation that caused the radiation sickness)
Stiffened: Lose Dexterity bonus to AC and can’t take reactions. Frequency: 1/day; Cure: 3 consecutive saves.
Staggered: Staggered but can take purely mental full actions.
Immobile: Helpless and can take only purely mental actions.
Dead: The victim dies. STARSHIP COMBAT ROUNDS [CRB 317] |
CONSTITUTION POISON TRACK Starship combat rounds are divided into three phases, resolved in order.
Weakened: –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Each character typically acts in only one phase, depending on starship role.
Constitution-based DCs. Lose HP (as per initial exposure) for every 1. Engineering: Actions occur simultaneously.
attempted Fortitude save against the poison.
2. Helm: Pilots attempt Piloting checks. Lowest result acts first followed
Impaired: Additional –2 penalty to affected checks, and DCs of spells and by the next lowest, and so on. Science officers act either directly
special abilities decrease by 2. before or after their pilot (they decide the order).
Debilitated: Lose a hit point if standard action is taken. 3. Gunnery: Fire in the same order as the pilots acted. Effects of damage
Unconscious: Can’t be woken by any means. are not taken into account until the end of the phase.
Dead: The victim dies.
CREW ACTIONS [CRB 322-326] |
INTELLIGENCE POISON TRACK NPC crew members assumed to have a ranks in appropriate skill equal to
Weakened: –2 penalty to all Intelligence-based ability and skill checks. DCs the starship’s tier (minimum 1). Class features/items affect crew actions
of spells and special abilities decrease by 2. If spellcasting class key ability only if specifically noted.
is Intelligence, can’t cast highest level of spells from that class. Push: Can’t do a push action if needed system is malfunctioning/wrecked.
Impaired: Additional –2 penalty to affected checks and DCs. If spellcasting Changing Roles: Switch roles at start of a round (before engineering phase).
class key ability is Intelligence, can’t cast 2 highest levels of spells. Starship Combat Resolve: 8th and 16th level, gain 1 Resolve Point at start of
starship combat. Can exceed normal RP pool but are lost at end of combat.
Stunt - Back Off (Push): DC 10 + 1-1/2 + starship tier. Move up to half speed
CAPTAIN ACTIONS (1 Captain per ship) [CRB 322-323] | in the direction of the aft edge without changing facing. Can’t take any
Demand (Any Phase): Grant +4 bonus to a crew member for a check. Make turns. On a failed check, move backward only 1 hex. Fail this check by 5 or
Intimidate check (DC 15 + 1-1/2 × starship tier) before check is rolled. Can more take –4 penalty to AC and TL until the start of the next round.
grant this to a character once per combat. Can’t make demands of yourself. Stunt - Barrel Roll (Push): DC 10 + 1-1/2 + starship tier. Move up to half
Encourage (Any Phase): +2 bonus to a crew action check. Make a DC 10 speed. For gunnery phase, your port shields and weapons function as if
check using same skill or DC 15 Diplomacy check. Can’t encourage yourself. they were in the starboard firing arc and vice versa. Starship reverts to
Taunt (Any Phase, Push): Select an enemy ship and a combat phase. Make a normal at beginning of next round. Starship must be Large or smaller. On a
Bluff or Intimidate check (DC 15 + 1-1/2 × enemy starship tier). Each enemy failed check, move half speed but don’t roll. Fail by 5 or more, starship
action during selected phase takes –2 penalty for 1d4 rounds (–4 penalty moves half its speed, doesn’t roll, and takes a –4 penalty to AC and TL until
for push actions). Can only use once per combat per enemy ship. start of the next round.
Orders (Any Phase, Push): At 6th level, grant an additional action to one Stunt - Evade (Push): DC 10 + 1-1/2 + starship tier. Move as normal, and
crew member. Spend 1 Resolve Point and make a check - type depends on gain +2 circumstance bonus to AC and TL until start of the next round. Fail
crew member role: Computers (science officer), Engineering (engineer), and just move as normal. Fail by 5 or more and the starship moves as
Gunnery (gunner), Piloting (pilot). DC 15 + 1-1/2 × starship tier. Crew member normal, but also takes –2 penalty to AC and TL until start of the next round.
can’t take the same action twice. Can’t give yourself orders. Stunt - Flip and Burn (Push): DC 15 + 1-1/2 + starship tier. Move forward up
Moving Speech (Any Phase): At 12th level, during one phase spend 1 Resolve to half speed (without turning) and rotate 180 degrees at the end of the
Point and make a Diplomacy check (DC 15 + 1-1/2 × starship tier). For rest of movement. Fail and starship moves forward half speed but doesn’t rotate.
the phase, crew can roll twice and take the better (crew actions only). Stunt - Flyby (Push): DC 15 + 1-1/2 + starship tier. Move as normal, and can
move through 1 hex occupied by an enemy starship without provoking a free
ENGINEER ACTIONS [CRB 323-324] | attack. During the following gunnery phase, you can select one arc of your
Unless otherwise noted, each action can be taken once per round, no starship’s weapons to fire at the enemy vessel as if the vessel were in close
matter how many engineers are on a starship. range (treat range as 1 hex), against any quadrant of the enemy starship.
Divert: Make an Engineering check (DC 10 + 1-1/2 × starship tier) and pick Fail this check and starship still moves as described above, but follow the
one system to divert power to. Engines: speed increases by 2 this round | normal rules for attacking based on your final position, and the movement
Science equipment: science officers get +2 bonus to crew actions this round provokes a free attack from that starship as normal.
| Weapons: all 1's on damage die become 2’s this round | Shields: restore Stunt - Slide (Push): DC 10 + 1-1/2 + starship tier. Starship moves up to its
Shield Points equal to 5% of the PCU rating (up to the shields’ max value) speed in the direction of either the forward-port or forward-starboard
Hold It Together: Engineering check (DC 15 + 1-1/2 × starship tier). Treat edge without changing facing. Fail this check and ship moves forward up to
critical damage condition for one system as two steps less severe for this half its speed and can’t make any turns.
round. Check not modified by penalties from critical damage. Stunt - Turn in Place (Push): Ship does not move but instead can turn to face
Patch: Reduce effects of a critical damage condition (DCs below). Actions any direction. If ship maneuverability is clumsy, take a –4 penalty to AC and
required can be reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) by increasing DC by 5. TL until start of the next round, if poor, take –2 penalty. If maneuverability is
Severity of critical damage is unchanged, but treated as one step less average or better take no penalty. No skill check required.
severe until: end of the combat, 1 hour has passed, or system takes critical Full Power (Push): With at least 6 ranks in Piloting, spend 1 Resolve Point to
damage again (which removes patch and applies new severity). Can be done move up to 1-1/2 times its speed. Add 2 to distance between turns.
more than once per round. Check not modified by critical damage. Audacious Gambit: With at least 12 ranks in Piloting, spend 1 Resolve Point
CRITICAL DAMAGE PATCH and make a Piloting check (DC 20 + 1-1/2 × starship tier). Move starship up
Glitching: (1 action) DC 10 + 1-1/2 × starship tier to its speed, treating distance between turns as 2 lower (minimum 0). Can
Malfunctioning: (2 actions) DC 15 + 1-1/2 × starship tier fly through occupied hexes without provoking free attacks. At end of
Wrecked: (3 actions) DC 20 + 1-1/2 × starship tier movement, rotate to face any direction. Fail the check, you instead move as
if you had taken the fly action (still lose the Resolve Point).
Overpower (Push): With at least 6 ranks in Engineering, spend 1 Resolve
Point and make an Engineering check (DC 15 + 1-1/2 × starship tier).
Functions as the Divert action, but can send extra power to any three
systems. This action and the divert action can’t be taken in the same round.
Quick Fix: With at least 12 ranks in Engineering, spend 1 Resolve Point and
make an Engineering check (DC 20 + 1-1/2 × starship tier). Remove critical
damage conditions from a system for 1 hour. SCIENCE OFFICER ACTIONS [CRB 324-325] |
GUNNER ACTIONS (1 Gunner per weapon system) [CRB 324] | Balance: DC 10 + 1-1/2 starship tier. Shift Shield Points from one quadrant
Each of a starship’s weapons can be fired only once per round. to another (must leave at least 10% of total current SP in each quadrant).
Or take all remaining SP and evenly distribute to all four quadrants (excess
Fire at Will (Push): Fire any two starship weapons each at a –4 penalty.
goes to forward quadrant).
Shoot: Fire one of your starship’s weapons.
Scan: DC 5 + 1-1/2 x enemy starship tier + Enemy Countermeasures. Scan
Broadside (Push): At 6th level, spend 1 Resolve Point to fire all weapons
enemy with your sensors. Make a Computers check, applying modifiers
mounted in one arc (including turret-mounted weapons) at a -2 penalty.
from your sensors. Can attempt this untrained. If successful learn the first
Each weapon can target any vessel in that arc.
unknown piece of information on list below. For every 5 which you exceed
Precise Targeting: At 12th level, spend 1 Resolve Point and fire one weapon. the check, learn another piece of information, continuing down this list.
If the attack hits and the enemy ship’s shields on that quadrant are
1. Basic Information: Crew complement, ship classification, size, speed,
depleted before your attack, deal critical damage to a random system. If
the attack would normally cause critical damage, the normal critical
2. Defenses: AC, TL, total/current Hull Points and Shield Points in each
damage applies as well.
quadrant, and core PCU value.
PILOT ACTIONS (1 Pilot per ship) [CRB 319, 324] | 3. Weapon: Information about one weapon, including its firing arc and the
Fly: Move starship up to its speed and make any turns allowed by its damage it deals. Start with weapon that uses the most PCU and
maneuverability. No skill check required. continue until all the weapons are revealed.
Maneuver: Make a Piloting check (DC 15 + 1-1/2 × starship tier) to reduce 4. Load: Information about how the starship’s expansion bays are
distance between turns by 1 (to a minimum of 0). allocated and any cargo the starship might be carrying.
5. Other: Any remaining ship statistics.
Target System (Push): DC 5 + 1-1/2 x enemy starship tier + Enemy 1-10 Life support All captain actions
Countermeasures. Use your sensors to target a specific system on an
11-30 Sensors All science officer actions
enemy starship. Make a Computers check, applying modifiers from your
sensors and choose one system (core, engines, life support, sensors, or All gunner actions in randomly determined arc
31-60 Weapons array
(turret counts as being in all arcs)
weapons). The next attack made by your starship that hits the enemy ship
scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20. If attack deals critical damage, it affects 61-80 Engines All pilot actions
the chosen system. Any further critical damage is determine as normal. All engineer actions except hold it together and
Can target only one system on an enemy starship at a time but can 81-100 Power core patch; Malfunctioning or Wrecked power core
concurrently target systems on multiple starships. affects other crew members’ actions
Lock On (Push): With at least 6 ranks in Computers, spend 1 Resolve Point
Glitching: -2 penalty
and make a Computers check (DC 5 + 1-1/2 x enemy starship tier + Enemy
Countermeasures). Give your starship’s gunners +2 bonus against target Malfunctioning: -4 penalty and can’t take any push actions. If power core is
for the rest of the round. Can be taken only once per round. malfunctioning, all crew actions not involving the power core take a -2
penalty (stacks with penalties from critical damage to other systems).
Improve Countermeasures: With at least 12 ranks in Computers, spend 1
Resolve Point and make a Computers check (DC 5 + 1-1/2 x enemy starship Wrecked: Checks automatically fail. Can still take minor actions. If power
tier + Enemy Countermeasures). Target starship rolls twice and takes the core is wrecked, all crew actions not involving power core take a -4 penalty
lower for gunnery checks this round (tracking weapons included). (stacks with penalties from critical damage to other systems).
● "Hold it Together" and "Patch" are never affected by system status
Can do a minor crew action regardless of role. Each minor crew action can
● If the Core has the Wrecked condition and takes critical damage again,
be taken once per round and doesn’t count as your action.
no critical damage conditions are applied to the ship. Instead a random
Glide (Helm Phase): Move starship up to half speed, distance between turns
crew member takes an amount of Hit Point damage equal to the Hull
increased by 2. You can add your ranks in Piloting to AC and TL this round.
Point damage dealt by the attack (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage).
Can Glide only if no other pilot actions have been taken (including glide).
Do not increase damage for starship weapons against humanoid
Snap Shot (Gunnery Phase): Fire one weapon at a –2 penalty. Can take this targets.
action only if no other gunner actions have been taken (including snap shot).
Active sensors can discern information about a target up to five times the RANGE HEXES
sensors’ range, but take a –2 penalty for each range increment beyond the Short 5 hexes
Medium 10 hexes
Outside of combat sensors can scan a planet the starship is orbiting. Make
Long 20 hexes
a Computers check applying the sensors’ modifier to learn basic
information about the planet’s composition and atmosphere. The DC is Starship weapons and Sensors take a cumulative –2 penalty for each range
usually 15, but can be altered at the GM’s discretion to account for increment (or fraction thereof, beyond the first) between it and the target.
mitigating factors or complications.
A tracking weapon takes a range penalty only on the first gunnery check,
A crew member can also use the sensors to attempt Perception checks to when the target is first acquired. A starship weapon can fire at a target up
examine surrounding area as if they were standing outside the starships, to 10 range increments away.
using her own senses (such as darkvision), but adding the sensors’ modifier
as a circumstance bonus.
Balance, Escape | Fly (Difficult Maneuver, Avoid Falling Damage, Dangerous
Wind Conditions, Hover) | Tumble. OBJECT BEING CLIMBED DC
Slope more than 45°, ladder, knotted rope with wall to brace against 5
Unknotted cable or rope with wall to brace against, knotted rope
without a wall to brace against
> than 3 feet 0 Rough surface or wall with adequate handholds, like a natural rock
3–1 feet 5 surface, cavern wall, or artificial wall with cabling.
An unknotted cable or rope without a wall to brace against.
11–7 inches 10 A ledge from which you are dangling by your hands.
6–2 inches 15 An uneven surface with narrow handholds, like a stone or brick wall 20
< 2 inches 20 Relatively smooth surface with occasional handholds, like a space
station wall or ice wall
An overhang or a ceiling with handholds only 30
Slightly obstructed (gravel, sand) +2
A perfectly smooth surface —
Severely obstructed (cavern, rubble) +5
Slightly slippery (wet) +2
Severely slippery (icy) +5
Bracing against two opposite walls –10
Slightly sloped (<45 degrees) +2
Climbing a corner or bracing against perpendicular walls –5
Severely sloped (>45 degrees) +5
Climbing in zero or low gravity –5
Slightly unsteady (rough spaceflight) +2
Climbing in heavy gravity* +5
Moderately unsteady (jostled spacecraft) +5
Wet or slightly slippery walls +2
Severely unsteady (earthquake) +10
Icy or severely slippery walls* +5
* These circumstances apply to the balance and tumble tasks of
Climbing in strong wind (21–30 mph) +2
Acrobatics and the jump task of Athletics.
Climbing in severe wind (31–50 mph)* +5
ESCAPE Climbing in a windstorm (51–74 mph)* +10
CIRCUMSTANCE DC Climbing in hurricane-force wind (75–174 mph)* +20
Grappled or pinned 10 + grappler’s KAC Climbing in tornado-force wind (175+ mph)* +30
Restrained by bindings/rope 20 + 1-1/2 × opponent’s CR * Hazardous circumstance; creatures with a climb speed must
Restrained by manacles 30 attempt a check in these conditions.
Move through a threatened area 15 + 1-1/2 × opponent’s CR Calm 10
Move through an enemy’s space 20 + 1-1/2 × opponent’s CR Rough 15
* The DC increases by 2 for each additional threatened space or Stormy* 20
opponent’s space you move through in 1 round. Maelstrom* 30
* Unless you have a swim speed, you can’t take 10 on an Athletics
check to swim in stormy or maelstrom water, even if you’re not
WIND CONDITIONS DC CHECK REQUIRED? TAKE 10? otherwise threatened or distracted.
Light to moderate (0–20 mph) 15 No Yes
Strong (21–30 mph) 17 No Yes
Light debris or disruption +2
Severe (31–50 mph) 19 No Yes
Heavy debris or disruption* +5
Windstorm (51–74 mph) 27 Yes No
Swimming with a current* +5
Hurricane force (75–174 mph) 33 Yes No
Swimming against a current* +10
Tornado force (175+ mph) 39 Yes No
Swimming against a jet of liquid or a strong current* +15
BLUFF (CHA) [CRB 137] | * Hazardous circumstance; creatures with a swim speed must
attempt a check in these conditions.
Diversion | Feint | Lie | Pass Secret Message
Hostile +10
Unfriendly +5
Indifferent +0
Friendly –5
Helpful –5
This is the only Computers check that can be performed untrained Indifferent +0
Trained Skill DC Untrained Skill DC Friendly –5
10 Take 20 Helpful --*
* You cannot improve a creature’s attitude above helpful.
Document contradicts knowledge or orders –2 INFORMATION SOUGHT DC
Type of document is well known to examiner –2 Common facts or rumors 10
Type of document is unknown to examiner +2 Obscure or secret knowledge 20 or more
Examiner only casually reviews document +2 Prominent or well-known individual 5 + character’s CR
Forger has a sample of a similar document +8 Average or ordinary individual 10 + character’s CR
Mysterious or obscure individual 15 + character’s CR
Cannot Take 20 on any of these checks
DISGUISE (CHA) [CRB 140-141] |
DC without DC with Root Time to Time to
Tier Change Appearance
Root Access Access Disable/Manipulate Add/Remove
1 17 10 1 standard action 1 minute CHANGE APPEARANCE
2 21 10 1 standard action 2 minutes DISGUISE DC MODIFIER
3 25 10 1 standard action 3 minutes Minor details altered only –5
4 29 10 1 standard action 4 minutes Major feature altered +2 to +5
5 33 10 1 standard action 5 minutes Disguised as a different race of the same creature type +2 to +8
6 37 10 1 standard action 6 minutes Disguised as a different creature type +10
7 41 10 1 standard action 7 minutes Disguised as a different size category +10
8 45 10 1 standard action 8 minutes
9 49 10 1 standard action 9 minutes ENGINEERING (INT; TRAINED ONLY) [CRB 141-142] |
10 53 10 1 standard action 10 minutes Arm Explosives | Assess Stability | Craft Tech Item | Disable Device |
Identify Creature | Identify Technology | Repair Item
Take 20 before disabling countermeasures and they automatically activate ASSESS STABILITY
Tier DC to Hack 1
DC for Root Access 2
Full Actions to Hack 3 TASK DC
1 17 37 1 Assess stability 15
2 21 41 2 Determine structural weak point 20
3 25 45 3
4 29 49 4
Simple structure (rope bridge/unstable ceiling) –5
5 33 53 5
Complex structure (suspension bridge/space station wall) +5
6 37 57 6
Obvious damage –5
7 41 61 7
Slight but consequential damage +5
8 45 65 8
Intentional sabotage +10
9 49 69 9
10 53 73 10 DISABLE DEVICE
Physical access to user interface or specialized tool required to hack
Must have access before trying to gain root access. Not all computers
Simple device Jam a door 1 round 10
can be hacked for root access
Tricky device Simple propulsion system 1d4 rounds 15
Full actions required can be reduced by half (to a minimum of one) for
every 5 you increase the DC Difficult device Sentry turret or similar trap 2d4 rounds 20
Complex device System from a control panel 2d4 rounds 25
CULTURE (INT; TRAINED ONLY) [CRB 139] | Armor upgrade, powered 15 + 1.5 x
Decipher Writing | Recall Knowledge Equipment 2d4 rounds
armor, or weapon item’s level
First Aid | Long-term Care | Long-term Stability | Treat Deadly Wounds | Handle an animal 10 + 1-1/2 × CR of animal
Treat Disease | Treat Drugs or Poison
Live off the land 10
MYSTICISM (WIS; TRAINED ONLY) [CRB 143-144] | Orienteering 15
Craft Magic Item | Disable Magic Device | Identify a Spell Being Cast | Predict weather 15
Identify Creature | Identify Magic Item | Recall Knowledge | Repair Item Rear a wild animal 15 + 1-1/2 × CR of animal
Endure severe weather 15