PoW Stuff
PoW Stuff
PoW Stuff
New Techniques
qualities: Dangerous, Entangling, or Obscuring. The
weapon lands at the target position. All terrain within 1
range band of the targeted position gains that terrain
ew rōnin study, or continue to study, in formal schools, quality. This effect persists for one round, plus one addi-
but the techniques they learn are no less valuable than tional round for every two bonus successes.
the secretive wisdom of the Great Clan samurai. Whether If you fail, the weapon lands at the target position.
rōnin are taught by a mountain hermit, a veteran cam-
paigner, or the hard teacher of their own mistakes and New Opportunities
experiences, they are likely to know a few tricks that help
them match swords and wits with any foe. : Choose one additional terrain quality (Danger-
ous, Entangling, or Obscuring) to apply to the terrain.
New Opportunities
Rider’s Haste Rank 2 of the critical strike (before any reductions), you suffer
it as normal and this effect ends. If the number is lower
Most samurai are trained in riding, as horses are a sym-
than or equal to the damage or the severity of the criti-
bol of their status and make travel far easier than it
cal strike, reduce it by that amount, to a minimum of 0.
would be on foot. Riding across a battlefield is a far
If you reduce it to 0, the character you chose suffers 5
more challenging task, however, and fully using the
strife. If you reduce the severity of a critical strike to 0
advantages a mount provides can take intense training
this way, you do not suffer it. This effect persists until the
for both steed and rider.
end of your next turn.
Activation: As a Movement and Support action, if
you are riding a mount, you may spur it to move
more quickly. close combat kata
Effects: Your mount receives an amount of fatigue up The following kata are performed with weapons using
to your ranks in Survival, then carries you that many the Martial Arts [Melee] or Martial Arts [Unarmed] skill.
range bands plus one, to a maximum of 6.
Improvised Assault Rank 3
Thunderous Hooves Style Rank 4
The character adapts something in their environment
The Ujik whom the Ki-Rin Clan first encountered as for use as an improvised weapon that suits their own
they traveled west were terrifying enemies not only fighting style. This might mean blocking hits with a
because of their skill with the bow, but also because of chair like a shield, swinging a heavy branch like a club,
the experience with which they handled their steeds, or even wielding an umbrella with a swordmaster’s
easily breaking infantry formations unprepared to face skill. Such improvised weapons rarely survive combat,
such heavy cavalry. Over the centuries, the Unicorn but even if a broken sake bottle won’t hold an edge for
Clan has both adopted the Ujik’s riding methods and long, a single good stab can often end a fight.
extensively studied many of their cavalry tactics to Activation: As a Movement and Support action, you
bring an entirely new art of battle to Rokugan. may make a TN 2 Tactics (Water) or Smithing (Water)
Activation: When you make a Fitness check as part of check using a readied improvised weapon.
a Movement action while mounted, you may spend Effects: If you succeed, you may choose a Martial Arts
in the following way: [Melee] weapon profile for a weapon similar in shape
+: One character at range 0 of your ending position to the improvised weapon (the GM has discretion over
per spent this way suffers fatigue and strife equal to whether the substitution is appropriate). Treat the
your mount’s silhouette unless they choose to immedi- improvised weapon as having that profile, with its dam-
ately move 1 range band away from you. age and deadliness reduced by 1. This effect persists
: Your mount may perform a Strike action with until the end of the scene, at which point the impro-
your assistance, targeting one character at range 0 (see vised weapon gains the Destroyed quality.
Assistance, on page 26 of the core rulebook).
New Opportunities
Void Embrace Style Rank 5
Water : You may immediately perform a Strike
It is said that some martial artists of surpassing skill can action using the readied weapon.
give themselves over wholly to the Void for an instant, Water : If you succeed, choose one of the fol-
foreseeing the exact arc of an attack and completely lowing item qualities: Cumbersome, Razor-Edged, or
negating it with little more than a gentle brush of the Snaring. The weapon is treated as having that quality.
hand. Tales abound of masters who matched steel with
only a flimsy reed or caught an opponent’s sword mid- Boar’s Wrath Style Rank 3
swing, but few warriors can say they have personally
seen such mastery on display. Tales have been told of samurai found dead, their
Activation: When you make a Meditation (Void) weapons shattered, their hands and feet bloody and
check during a duel or skirmish, you may spend in battered, amid mountains of their broken foes—a testa-
the following way: ment to the samurai’s final wrath. And such tales likely
: Choose one character you can perceive, then have a grain of truth, as any skilled brawler can attest
secretly select a number. The next time you are dealt to the danger posed by a fighter who is wounded and
damage by that character or suffer a critical strike desperate. Lashing out with a fury born of instinct and
inflicted by that character, reveal the number you chose. training, the warrior responds to harm in kind, smashing
If the number is higher than the damage or the severity enemies with hands, feet, and improvised weapons.
Activation: When you make a check to resist a criti- Deflective Defense Rank 3
cal strike during a skirmish, if you are Enraged and not
Large-enough weapons can, in a pinch, serve as shields
Incapacitated, you may spend in the following way:
against missile attacks. If a warrior plants their weapon
Fire or Void +: Choose one of your unarmed profiles
in the ground and takes cover behind it with a narrow
or a readied improvised weapon. Each other character
profile, even a bisentō makes the likelihood of a lethal
at range 0–1 with vigilance lower than or equal to
hit with an arrow or dart far lower.
spent this way suffers physical damage equal to the
Activation: As a Movement and Support action using
base damage of your unarmed profile plus 1 for each
a readied Cumbersome weapon, you may make a TN
spent in excess of their vigilance.
2 Martial Arts [Melee] (Earth) check.
Effects: If you succeed, treat your physical resistance
Bonebreaker Style Rank 5
against attacks made by characters at range 2–6 as
As heavy weapons are exhausting to wield, each blow increased by your ranks in Fitness.
must count. A sufficiently skilled fighter who uses such a
weapon knows exactly where to strike to shatter a femur New Opportunities
or snap an arm and end the fight.
Activation: When you make an Attack action check Earth : After you defend against physical damage
with a Cumbersome weapon, you may spend in the from an attack made by a character at range 2–6, that
following way: character suffers 2 strife.
: If your target would suffer a critical strike as a
result of this check, instead of making a check to resist, Flashing Steel Strike Rank 2
they suffer the severity 5–6: Debilitating Gash result
It is always risky to throw a strike with no intention
(see Table 6–6: Results of Critical Strikes by Severity,
of connecting, as any attack expends valuable time,
on page 270 of the core rulebook).
energy, and focus from one’s true cause: to defeat
the enemy. However, a well-placed feint can drive
Daring Swing Rank 3
the enemy back, putting them in a poor position for
Stories tell of pirates swinging from kusari-gama stuck the next move. Especially against opponents whose
into the mast or masters of the spear launching them- resolve is weak, a threatening display can be an
selves across gaps with ji. Few have seen such feats extremely valuable tool, setting up the blow that will
performed, though many Mantis sailors will gladly tell end the battle or driving them off entirely.
you of the time they swung from the rigging to tackle a Activation: As an Attack and Scheme action using a
shark hungry for their captain’s blood! readied weapon, you may make a Martial Arts [Melee]
Activation: As an Attack and Movement action using a (Air or Fire) check targeting one character in your
readied Snaring weapon, you may make a TN 3 Mar- weapon’s range. The TN of this check is equal to your
tial Arts [Melee] (Water) check targeting one position target’s vigilance.
within range of your weapon that you could not nor- Effects: If you succeed, your target must choose one
mally reach. The GM is the final arbiter of whether it is of the following:
reasonable that you could swing to this position.
$ Receive strife equal to your ranks in Perfor-
Effects: If you succeed, you snag your weapon on that
mance and the Dazed condition.
position (or another nearby feature of the terrain, such as
a beam or tree branch) and then swing to the position. $ Suffer a critical strike with severity equal to your
weapon’s deadliness.
New Opportunities
New Opportunities
New Opportunities
: If this damage causes your target to become Inca-
pacitated, they suffer a critical strike with severity equal +: If your weapon has the Cumbersome quality,
to the weapon’s deadliness plus your bonus successes. choose one additional target with vigilance lower than
or equal to your original target’s vigilance per
Iaijutsu Cut: Sword and Sheath Rank 2 spent this way.
Bashing your enemy with a sheathed blade is hardly Laughing Fox Style Rank 4
a refined move, but it can give a fighter the space
needed to free their blade. By striking, then pulling off The moment after a strike has been launched but
the sheath in a single movement, the fighter also gives before it lands is one of great vulnerability for the
t m a n a n t at m rōnin attacker—and, if a martial artist is sufficiently skilled, a
carry iron-shod sheaths for this very purpose. threat to other foes nearby. By carefully deflecting an
Activation: As an Attack and Movement action using attack or grabbing a nearby foe and pulling them into
a sheathed Razor-Edged weapon, you may make a TN the path of the blow, a cunning fighter can send two
2 Martial Arts [Melee] check targeting one character foes toppling with a single move.
at range 0–1. Activation: When you are targeted by an Attack action,
Effects: If you succeed, your target suffers 5 physical if you have an empty hand, you may spend 1 Void
damage with deadliness 2, plus additional damage point to immediately make a Martial Arts [Unarmed]
equal to your bonus successes. (Air) check targeting another character at range 0–1
You draw and ready the sheathed weapon in a other than the attacker. The TN is equal to the new
one-handed grip in one hand and its sheath (see page target’s vigilance.
112) in a one-handed grip in the other hand. Effects: If you succeed, you cease being the target of
the Attack action, and your target becomes the target
New Opportunities of that action instead.
: If you succeed, your target suffers the Dazed condition. New Opportunities
A diving tackle or flying kick is never an especially safe +: Your target must resist with a TN 4 Fitness
way to get around a battlefield full of sharp objects check (Air 2, Water 5) or be pushed 1 range band
and the angry people holding them, but sometimes away from you per spent this way.
closing the gap with a dangerous foe is worth the risk
of a leaving oneself prone and open to counterattack. Swirling Tempest Style Rank 5
Activation: As an Attack and Movement action using
your unarmed punch or kick profile, you may make a A spear or club’s reach not only allows it to threaten
TN 3 Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Fire) check to launch foes at a distance, but also gives its wielder the ability
yourself at a target at range 2–3. to engage more foes, threatening numerous enemies
Effects: You move to range 0 of your target and suffer simultaneously with a furious crash of blows.
the Prone condition. Reduce the TN of your target’s Activation: When you make a Martial Arts [Melee]
next Attack action check targeting you by 1. check with a blunt weapon or polearm, you may spend
If you succeed, your target suffers damage equal to in the following way:
the base damage of your unarmed punch or kick profile +: Choose one character in range of your weapon
plus your ranks in Fitness and must make a TN 3 Fitness other than your target with vigilance lower than or equal
check (Water 2, Air 5) or suffer the Prone condition. to spent this way. That character suffers physical dam-
age equal to your weapon’s base damage. You may
New Opportunities activate this multiple times, choosing a different char-
acter each time.
: If you succeed, your target receives strife equal to
your bonus successes. Thunderous Blows Style Rank 2
: You do not suffer the Prone condition.
One advantage of a blunt weapon is that it can be
wielded with reckless abandon compared to an edged
Rushing Ox Style Rank 3
weapon. A warrior with a blunt weapon does not need
With a roar of determination, the warrior plows for- to waste energy targeting weak points in the enemy’s
ward, heedless of obstacles and foes, to strike a armor and can simply batter them down with sheer,
particular enemy. overwhelming force.
Activation: When you perform a Maneuver action Activation: When you make an Attack action check
during your turn, you may spend in the following way: with a blunt weapon, you may spend in the
Fire or Water : After you move, you may perform following way:
a Strike action using a readied Martial Arts [Melee] Fire +: One character at range 0–1 of your target
weapon or Martial Arts [Unarmed] profile targeting one per spent this way receives 1 fatigue, or 3 fatigue
character. The target must be in range of the readied if they are suffering the Dazed condition.
weapon or unarmed profile, and the TN for the Strike
action is equal to your target’s vigilance. You can only
target a character you moved toward this way.
enemy’s stride or pinning their clothes to slow them Activation: When you perform a Martial Arts
down, making any approach extremely treacherous. [Ranged] check, you may spend in the
Activation: When you perform a Martial Arts [Ranged] following way:
check, you may spend in the following way: Air or Void : If you did not succeed, choose another
Earth or Fire : Your target treats all terrain as hav- target at range 0–2 of your target with vigilance lower
ing the Dangerous quality. This effect persists until the than or equal to your target’s. The new target suffers
end of your next turn. physical damage equal to your weapon’s base damage.
Air or Water : Your target treats all terrain as hav-
e Sh i
ing the Entangling quality. This effect persists until the
end of your next turn.
Swirling Viper Style Rank 3 While rōnin, commoners, and gaijin may lack Rokugani
courtly refinement or a samurai education, they often
Firing a bow while moving is extremely difficult, but a make up for this with insightful perspective, worldly
master archer can nock and fire an arrow even as they wisdom, flexible thinking, or the courtly and educa-
sweep backward to gain distance from their enemy. tional background of their land of origin.
Activation: When you perform a Maneuver action
during your turn, you may spend in the following way:
Air or Water : After you move, you may perform
earth shūji
a Strike action using a readied Martial Arts [Ranged] Earth shūji focus on the practical and grounded, from
weapon targeting one character in range, treating the the wisdom of those who work to the rousing shout of a
TN as equal to your target’s vigilance. You can only tar- hardened drill sergeant.
get a character you moved away from this way.
Bellow of Resolve Rank 1
Wasp’s Spite Style Rank 4
A well-timed word of encouragement or shout of warn-
Unlike most bees, a wasp can sting multiple times ing can get a fighter back on their feet at a crucial
before expiring, letting it threaten numerous foes. moment, which can mean the difference between life
So too can a skilled archer menace one target while and death on the battlefield.
secretly aiming at another, Activation: Once per scene as a Support action, you
forcing all enemies in their may make a TN 2 Command (Earth) check targeting
sight to wonder: “Is it me one Compromised or Incapacitated character.
they are aiming at?” Effects: If you succeed and your target is Compro-
mised, they remove strife until their strife is equal to
their composure minus 1.
If you succeed and your target is Inca-
pacitated, they remove fatigue until
their fatigue is equal to their endurance
minus 1.
New Opportunities
Mentor’s Guidance Rank 5 Effects: If you succeed, each character who performs
an Attack or Scheme action targeting that character
n rōnin h s h i n n u h r h d
counts as having your assistance (see Assistance, on
age tend to be considered especially wise. Many con-
page 26 of the core rulebook). This effect persists until
sider it their duty to explain the tricks they have used
the end of your next turn.
to stay alive to their younger compatriots.
Activation: Once per scene as a Support action, you
New Opportunities
may make a TN 4 Command (Earth) or TN 4 Perfor-
mance (Earth) check targeting one character. Air : Choose one of the target’s disadvantages you
Effects: If you succeed, choose one of your kata, nin- know. Each character who performs an Attack or Scheme
jutsu, or shūji techniques. Your target may use that action targeting that character may exploit that disadvan-
technique as if they knew it. This effect persists until tage without spending a Void point (see Exploiting a Tar-
the end of the scene. get’s Disadvantage, on page 101 of the core rulebook).
New Opportunities
Fire Shūji
Water +: Choose one additional target per spent
Fire shūji are fundamentally meant to incite—to stir the
this way.
swell of emotions in others, drawing those others forth
Water : This effect persists until the end of the next
to reach their potential, their greatness, or in some
scene instead.
cases, their doom.
void shūji
Activation: Once per game session as a Scheme and
Support action, you may make a TN 3 Social skill
Void shūji represent the culmination of purpose the (Void) check targeting one character who is currently
instant of realizing the truth of a matter and knowing fighting in a duel or clash.
how to pursue it or inspiring that surety in others. Effects: If you succeed, you immediately replace your
target in the duel or clash, staking your own honor and
glory as usual. Your target forfeits half the honor and
Wanderer’s Resolve Rank 1
glory they staked upon fighting uninterrupted.
A samurai with a lord can find resolve in the loyalty If you share a bond with the character you are
they feel, but a samurai with no lord has no easy well- replacing or with their adversary (see Bonds, on page
spring from which to draw resolve. This hardship and 187), no character must forfeit honor or glory for
i ati n r an a a rōnin t i r a r- your interruption.
tainty all their own, for if they do not act, no one else
will. The lives of their friends—of those who depend Bond of Heroes Rank 5
on them—rest solely in their hands.
Activation: Once per scene as a Support action, if you Whenever heroes arise—whether they are the Seven
are in a Void stance, you may focus on protecting what un r a ing u ng r n umb rōnin
is important to you. defending a backwater village from bandits—it’s not
Effects: You remove 3 fatigue and 3 strife, plus 3 just their force of arms that makes them legends. Their
fatigue and 3 strife for each Compromised or Incapac- bonds, their feelings for one another: these are what
itated character in the scene with whom you share a drive them to great deeds, and why people tell their
bond (see Bonds, on page 187). tales time and again across the ages.
Activation: Once per game session as a Support
action, you may make a TN 5 Performance (Void)
check targeting each character who shares a bond with
you in the scene.
Effects: If you succeed, each target removes 5 strife
and 5 fatigue, plus 1 for every two bonus successes
(see Bonds, on page 187).
New Rituals
these formulations on alignment with the universe,
such as by altering their ingredients’ ratios based on
the phase of the moon or on the elemental balance
Every land has rituals: customs, beliefs, and practices within the patient’s body.
that straddle the bridge between the mundane world Activation: As a downtime activity using an alchemy
and the misty shore of the supernatural. This section kit (see page 114), you may make a TN 3 Medicine
contains several rituals practiced in the Ivory Kingdoms (Water) check targeting one character.
and the Qamarist Caliphate, as well as some known to Effects: If you succeed, your target removes twice as
rōnin and other wanderers in Rokugan. much fatigue when they rest and reduces the TN of
their checks to remove conditions by 2. This effect per-
Balancing Salve Rank 1 sists until the end of the game session.
[Qamarist Region]
New Opportunities
Within the known world, al-Zawira in the Qamarist
Caliphate is said to have reached the greatest height +: Choose one additional target per spent
of the medical arts and sciences. Researchers there tire- this way.
lessly experiment and meticulously record their results,
seeking to understand life, death, the states of matter, Fortitude Draught Rank 3
and the transitions between them all. Due to the influ- [Qamarist Region]
ence of the academies and numerous published texts
on medicine and alchemy, many citizens of al-Zawira are The alchemists and physicians of the Qamarist Caliph-
learned in the basics. ate are interested not only in treatment, but also in
Members of the caliph’s Shieldbearers, for instance, proactive uses of their arts to promote health, vitality,
learn as part of their training to use an admixture and sanitation. While the more experimental efforts of
of herbs alongside targeted pressure to stabilize a some researchers seek to awaken the spark of vital-
wounded patient, keeping them alive until a skilled ity in the base elements of life, more common efforts
physician can arrive on the scene. The user must know use herbs and other ingredients to invigorate already
how to apply the cure to the specific ailment, whether living flesh. Alchemical knowledge to strengthen the
it be using hyssop oil to prevent disease from catching body against attacks both spiritual and physical is a
or balancing elemental influences to drive away hostile prized achievement of al-Zawira scholars.
spirits with mercury and sulfur. Activation: As a downtime activity using an alchemy
Activation: Once per scene as a Support action using kit (see page 114), you may make a TN 4 Medicine
an alchemy kit (see page 114), you may make a TN 2 (Earth) check targeting one character.
Medicine (Air) check targeting one character with the Effects: If you succeed, your target adds one bonus suc-
Dying or Afflicted condition. cess to their successful checks to resist critical strikes,
Effects: If you succeed, remove the Dying or Afflicted plus one for every two bonus successes on the Medicine
condition from that character. The target suffers the check. This effect persists until the end of the next scene.
Unconscious condition and cannot be awakened until
the end of the scene. New Opportunities
what should be dead flesh. While true resurrection Wayfarer’s Path Rank 2 GOLDEN AGE
has never been achieved by an alchemist—at least, INSPIRATIONS
rōnin at i n r rtain t in it un rtainty
not by any who have shared such a theologically
u many rōnin a tra iti n an ritua t at ar
troubling discovery—substantial progress has been During the period
simple: dropping a leaf and letting the wind carry it, sometimes called the
made on healing injuries and treating diseases once
casting dice and reading their direction, or even let- Islamic Golden Age
thought incurable. (roughly the eighth
ting a staff fall and walking the path it indicates. While
Activation: As a downtime activity using an alchemy through thirteenth cen-
these methods are not the courtly divinations of Great
kit (see page 114), you may make a TN 6 Medicine turies CE), scientists,
Clan samurai, many wandering warriors put a great artists, and scholars
(Void) check targeting one character who suffered a
deal of faith in them. in the Middle East and
critical strike of severity 7–8 Permanent Injury or severity
Activation: Once per game session as a downtime North Africa made
9–11 Maiming Blow in the previous scene. If a limb was numerous far-reaching
activity while at a crossroads, in the wilderness, or in
detached, you must have that limb to attempt this ritual. advances in philosophy,
another place where your path is unclear, you may
Effects: If you succeed, you remove any disadvantage the medicine, science, and
make a TN 3 Meditation check. art. Many of the most
character received as a result of the critical strike, and they
Effects: If you succeed, you encounter a sign of one of famous scholars of that
instead gain the Horrible Scar adversity (see page 72). era studied multiple
the following based on the ring you used:
disciplines, trying to
New Opportunities $ Earth: Direction of someone with whom you
learn about the world
through scientific and
share a bond.
+: If you succeed, instead of gaining the Horri- spiritual pursuits alike.
ble Scar adversity, the character gains the Dashing Scar $ Water: Direction of an opportunity to
instance, was a famous
distinction on page 69. make money. scientist and alchemist
$ Fire: Direction of the nearest whose works have had
Cleansing of Coral and Gold Rank 3 large-scale conflict.
an enormous impact on
both science and occult-
[Ivory Kingdoms Region] $ Air: Direction of a person related to your past ism, for he researched
both with the same
The Yodha who guard the Ghostlands have spent or desire.
level of scrutiny.
centuries mastering the art of survival in defiled lands $ Void: Direction in which you are needed most.
and while hunting those lands’ denizens. As such, In addition to the scientif-
ic endeavors of scholars
they train in purification rituals that can cleanse food
from real-world history,
and water of the affliction of the Ghostlands and can New Opportunities the work of real-world
even give those who consume the food and water natural philosophers also
greater resistance against foul beings. +: You see a sign revealing the same information inspired the techniques
Activation: As a downtime activity using a small piece for one additional person in the scene per spent of the fictional Qamarist
this way. Caliphate’s scholars, phy-
of coral and one koku’s worth of gold, you may make sicians, and alchemists.
a TN 3 Theology (Void) check targeting a quantity of While historical figures
food and water sufficient for one person for a day. This of the Islamic Golden
does not consume the coral or gold. Age and their fascinating
studies of the universe
Effects: If you succeed, the food and water are
can be good inspiration
cleansed of the Unholy item quality if they had it, and for stories of alchemy
they are spiritually safe to consume. They remain this and adventure in the
way for twenty-four hours. Qamarist Caliphate (or in
Rokugan, if one is playing
a character from that
New Opportunities region), players should
keep in mind that the
+: If you succeed, you cleanse food and water suffi- figures’ scientific contri-
cient for one additional person per spent this way. butions have also been
+: If you succeed, each character who partakes of incredibly significant to
world history, and should
this food and water reduces the TN of their next check to
be handled with respect.
resist any effect from an Otherworldly or Tainted being,
or from a mahō technique, by per spent this way.
This effect persists until the end of the game session.
Kuwa Talwar
Like many weapons associated with the peasantry, the
The Ivory Kingdoms sidearm is the talwar, or
kuwa is a weaponized farming implement. Based on the
“single-edged sword.” A curved saber with one sharp
hoe, it is a chopping weapon that is wielded similarly to
edge and a cross-guarded hilt with a knuckle-bow, it is
a two-handed axe. The wielder uses the sharp end to
designed to be wielded in a specialized one-handed
fling dirt into an opponent’s face before following up
grip. The sword’s hilt is bulb shaped, requiring that
with a devastating chop. The butt end of the handle is
the sword be held differently than those forged by
also utilized in most kuwa fighting styles as a blunt ram-
Rokugani. This and the blade’s unusual balance means
ming weapon or to block an assailant’s initial attack.
that talwar fighting requires special training; attempting
Perhaps the humblest of projectile weapons, the
sling is a length of braided cord with a pouch for
holding a stone. The wielder swings the stone
within the sling for momentum, then releases
one end of the sling to propel the stone a great
distance. Many samurai underestimate a sling’s
usefulness, considering it a peasant weapon at
best and a toy at worst. But in the right hands, a
sling’s range is greater than that of a bow, and a
slung stone can kill an unarmored foe instantly
on impact. In addition to being popular among
rōnin and peasants, the sling is favored by the
Sparrow Clan due to its inexpensive production
and the ease of acquiring ammunition.
Considered one of the most challenging weapons to
train with, the urumi, or “whip sword,” is a specialized
weapon. Even just to start learning to use it, a person
must first know both swordfighting and chain weap-
onry. An urumi consists of one to three flexible whip
blades made from thin steel and mounted to a tal-
war’s handle. Similar to the bullwhip, the urumi excels
at keeping multiple foes at bay, but it poses a signif-
icant risk of self-injury should anything go awry. This
risk does little to dissuade those who study the urumi,
however. Due to this weapon’s difficulty, wielders who assault, but these massive shields can be used to bull-
master it are venerated as unparalleled martial artists. rush opponents and knock over multiple enemies if
used by a skilled combatant. These shields are also cre-
shields ated to ward off supernatural effects using the secretive
methods of the caliph’s alchemists.
Though not particularly common in Rokugan, many While you have a readied Qamarist Heavy Shield,
other cultures outside of the borders of the Emerald treat your physical resistance as 4 and your supernatu-
Empire employ the use of shields to supplement their ral resistance as 2.
armor. The Qamarist Caliphate, in particular, trains elite As a Movement and Support action, if you have
guards that specialize in the use of shields as weapons in a heavy shield readied, you may increase the TN of
and of themselves, delivering devastating blows to any Attack action checks made targeting you by 3. This
who would threaten the caliph or the caliph’s people. persists until the start of your next turn.
A character can only wield one shield at a time.
improvised weapons
In Leadership, the Kami Akodo lists the ideals for
A buckler is a small, round, oval, or rectangular shield samurai. Among them was a constant state of readi-
typically a foot and a half across. It provides the wearer ness: a samurai should be able to defend their lord at
several benefits, including increased defense against any moment and kill with any weapon. Dōjō through-
projectiles, safety for the sword hand, and can also be out Rokugan take this to heart, devoting entire courses
used as a powerful bludgeoning tool. of instruction to teaching the ever-ready state desired
While you have a readied buckler, treat your physi- in samurai. Among other things, these courses teach
cal resistance as 3. As a Movement and Support action, a samurai how to defend themself and kill an enemy
if you have a buckler readied, you may increase the TN from a seated or prone position, such as sitting behind
of the next attack action check made targeting you by a table during the tea ceremony or just awakening from
1. This effect persists until the end of your next turn. a deep slumber. Danger can come at any time, and a
samurai’s duty is to be constantly ready for it.
Qamarist Heavy Shield A part of this training is learning to kill in uncon-
ventional ways, with tools that would not normally be
The Qamarists of al-Zawira have a force of specially
considered weapons. While a samurai’s personal code
trained guards who are adept at maneuvering and
forbids taking up most of the arms associated with
working with the heavy, advanced shields produced by
the peasantry, improvising weapons is considered a
the master crafters and alchemists of the caliph. These
very useful skill. This is doubly so for yōjimbō, who
shields cover nearly two-thirds of an average warrior’s
are not always afforded the courtesy of being allowed
body, and are extremely heavy. Not only do they offer
to carry their regular weapons when accompanying
increased protection from both ranged and melee
their charges into certain places. It is also useful for
Table 3–1: Weapons
1-hand: –
Kuwa Melee 1 4 2 2-hand: Damage +2, Cumbersome, Mundane 3 4 koku
Deadliness +2, Range 1–2
1-hand: – Ceremonial,
Gada Melee 1 6 3 9 50 koku
2-hand: Deadliness +3 Cumbersome, Wargear
Cumbersome, Durable,
Talwar Melee 1 4 6 1-hand: – 8 35 koku
Urumi Melee 1–2 4 5 1-hand: – 9 50 koku
Razor-Edged, Snaring
1-hand: –
Boat Oar Melee 1–2 3 3 2-hand: Damage +1, Mundane 5 3 bu
Deadliness +3
1-hand (bludgeon): –
2-hand (bludgeon):
Damage +2
Chair Melee 0–1 3 3 Mundane 2 2 bu
1-hand (thrown): –
2-hand (thrown): Deadli-
ness +1, Range 0–2
Durable, Mundane,
Fishing Net Ranged 0–3 3 1 2-hand: – 5 5 bu
1-hand: –
Iron Sheath Melee 0–1 3 3 Durable 6 2 koku
2-hand: Damage +2
1-hand: –
Lute Melee 0–1 1 2 2-hand: Damage +1, Mundane 7 10 koku
Deadliness +1
1-hand (bludgeon): –
5 bu for
1-hand (thrown): Deadli-
Sake Bottle & Cups Melee 0–1 2 3 Mundane 4 average
ness +2, Range 1–3,
1-hand: –
Scroll Case Melee 0–1 3 3 2-hand: Damage +2, Durable, Mundane 5 1 koku
Deadliness +1
1-hand (bludgeon): –
2-hand (bludgeon): Dam-
Umbrella Melee 0–1 2 2 age +2 Mundane 4 3 bu
1-hand (stab): Damage +2,
+2 Deadliness
rōnin cuisine
Only the most newly minted rōnin do not know They make salads and stews or render meats into
how to forage or cook. Wandering the roads and sauces to extend meager supplies and make them
wildernesses of Rokugan, a rōnin cannot expect seem more filling. A person who watches rōnin
to find food to buy—or food they can afford. Any who have come into some money visiting a farm-
settlement may turn out to be hostile or unsafe. ers’ market or a shopping district in a town might
Rōnin quickly learn to scavenge their surroundings be surprised to see that their first priority is likely
for provisions. In cities, rōnin sometimes join beg- buying spices. Spices travel well and can transform
gars in picking up discarded food from castles or bland or foul-tasting food into tolerable meals.
fancy restaurants or in flocking to monasteries and Even more importantly, they are good for a rōnin’s
temples when they distribute meals to the poor. often-shaky health, counteracting the effects of rot
In the countryside or the wilderness, they learn to and other problems with their provisions.
identify edible wild plants and mushrooms. Rōnin who excel at field cuisine usually can find
Rōnin also hunt and fish for all manner of crea- employment in an army on campaign as a cook.
tures to acquire much-needed protein. Fish and Their expertise in cooking despite the vicissitudes
crustaceans are the most important animals in the of traveling life is a great asset to a general who
rōnin diet, followed by small game and insects wants to keep their army’s morale high and health
that are easily trapped. Rōnin traveling in groups steady. If a character meets a samurai who has
often hunt for larger game, such as deer or goats, developed a taste for heavily spiced dishes fea-
although dangerous animals like boar and bears turing all manner of strange ingredients mixed
are generally not considered worth the risk. together, they may have come upon a former
Given the variability of the ingredients available rōnin, or perhaps just someone who has traveled
to them, rōnin cook creatively and are adaptive. with rōnin for a significant length of time.
Spirit of the Qamarist Pattern physical damage. It also gains +1 additional damage
against Tainted beings and the wielder ignores the
Those who hail from the Cradle of the World—the Cumbersome quality while in Defiled terrain.
amarist Caliphate—come from a culture of spiritual XP Cost: 6
and military might. The warriors and religious leaders Rarity Modifier: +4
of this iron-willed empire are familiar with the danger-
ous supernatural beings and creatures that exist across
Kökejin’s Heart of
the world. Several great Qamarist alchemists have dis-
covered a way to treat armor to increase its supernatu-
the Wind Pattern
ral resistances to fend off such entities. Along the Sand Road, the way of the horse is the way
Armor made using the Spirit of the Qamarist pat- of life. Those who design weapons there do so not only
tern gains +1 supernatural resistance. with mounted combat in mind, but as the default. A
XP Cost: 5 particular master crafter named Kökejin, a mysterious
Rarity Modifier: +4 woman who lives in the small oasis city of Süüdriin
Gazar, or the Land of Shade, is said to make the sharp-
Ghostlands Yodhaniya Pattern est, most versatile spears in all of the Burning Sands.
Rumors say the khan himself outfits his best warriors
The Ghostlands hunters of the Ivory Kingdoms, known as with the deadly weapons of Kökejin.
the Yodhaniya, spend most of their spend most of their A polearm made using the Kökejin’s Heart of the
lives hunting within the Tainted domain of the rakshasa. Wind pattern gains the Razor-Edged and Durable item
The dense growth within the haunted rainforest makes qualities. Additionally, its wielder treats this weapon’s
weaponry like urumi (whip swords) difficult to handle, so damage value as 2 higher while mounted.
most Yodhaniya use blunt weapons like gada, or maces. XP Cost: 8
Their weaponsmiths have learned to make these weap- Rarity Modifier: +5
ons stronger without adding additional weight and have
imbued them with coral and gold to make them highly
effective against Tainted creatures.
A blunt weapon made using the Ghost-
lands Yodhaniya pattern gains +1