HR Forms Guidance Notes

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Revised January 2015

HR 101 Employee Set Up Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

As its name suggests this form is to allow an employee to be set up on the appropriate HR
and payroll systems. Due to the multiple payroll systems it will be a requirement to have this
form completed when an employee moves between HSE Areas and this will remain a
requirement until such times as we have a single HR / Payroll system.

When Should the Form Be Used

Recruitment will issue this form to any successful candidate in advance of their appointment.

Who Should Complete the Form

The employee should complete the majority of this form to allow them to inform the HSE of
the additional details required to set them up correctly on the appropriate payroll system.

The employee is required to pass the completed form to their line manager to approve and
confirm commencement of duty who is in turn responsible for its onward delivery to the
appropriate administration centre for processing and payment of salary.

The HR Administrator will review the document, update the sections marked for official use
only and the sections specifically assigned for Human Resources and once the appropriate
system has been updated they will sign and date the form and forward any details to the
payroll department if appropriate.

HR 102 (a) Change to Employees Terms and Conditions

What is the Purpose of the Form

This form is to be used to capture a change in an employees terms and conditions for the
reasons listed below, it is important to note that this form is to be used when the employee is
not moving from one personnel/payroll system to another as a result of the contract change.

When Should the Form Be Used

This form should be used to advise of:

• when an emoployee wishes to reduce/increase their working hours other than under
the flexible working scheme (there is a specific form for this)
• when an employee wishes to participate/renew participation in one of the HSE job
sharing schemes,
• when an employee wants to cease participation in the flexible working scheme
• when an employee wants to confirm resumption of duty following a period or special
• where a temporary employee is to receive a permanent contract
• where an employee receives a promotion
• when an employee undertakes an internal secondment or returns from an internal
• when an employee commences or ceases a temporary appointment
• when employee changes grade
• when employee moves from non officer to officer or officer to non officer
• when employee returns from a career break
• when employee goes from a temporary to a permanent contract
• when employees contract is renewed
• when employee undertakes an external secondment
• when employee transfer from one area to another

Who Should Complete the Form

The line manager is required to complete the form with the new contractual details, ensuring
that the employee has signed the form to confirm acceptance of details contained and forward
same to the appropriate administration centre for processing.

It is expected that during the process of approval that the line manager and employee have
discussed the contract change and that the employee is willing to provide the line manager
with the additional personal information required to complete the form correctly (e.g. PPS No)

HR 104 Change of Personal Details Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

From time to time employees have updates to their personal data that they should inform the
HSE of – this form is designed to allow employees complete it with their new personal details.

When Should the Form Be Used

This form should be used when there is a change to employee’s personal details.

Who Should Complete the Form

The employee is required to complete this form and pass it on to their line manager who will
update their local records (associated employee returns/reports) and review to establish
entitlements to allowances (in respect of new qualifications) complete, sign and forward to the
appropriate administration centre for action. The employee should attach any supporting
documentation to the form. The line manager should not sign off the application unless he/she
has viewed the documentation.

HR 105 Career Break Application Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

The purpose of this form is to allow employees to apply for a Career Break under the
provisions of the Career Break Scheme.

When should the Form Be Used

This form should be used when a employee wishes to apply for a Career Break in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the HSE Career Break Scheme. Employees can avail of a
maximum of 5 years leave for career break purposes.

Who Should Complete the Form

Employees who wish to avail of the career break scheme should complete the form, paying
particular attention to section 6 – Undertaking. The employee then forwards it to their Line
Manager for approval who in turn forwards to Delegated Officer for Approval. The Line
Manager must acknowledge receipt of the Career Break application. Managers decision to
defer or refuse an application must be accompanied by a written explanation for the decision
taken. The applicant should be advised of the decision to approve / defer or refuse their
application in writing.

HR106 HSE Leaving Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

The purpose of this form is to update the employees status on the HR system from active to

When Should the Form Be Used

This form is to be used when an employee is leaving the employment of the HSE. (HR106
form must accompany the Retirement Form HR 107 (a) if reason for leaving is retirement).

Who Should Complete the Form

In general this form is to be completed by the employee. The employee can highlight their
reason for leaving by ticking one of the following options:

• End of Training
• Family Reasons
• Further Training / Education
• Going Abroad
• Personal Reasons
• End of Contract
• Unsuitable Hours
• No Job Satisfaction
• No Promotional Opportunities
• Voluntary Redundancy (without immediate payment of pension entitlements)
• Suppression of post (without immediate payment of pension entitlements)
• Personal Reasons
• Dismissal (form to be completed by Line Manager/HR)
• Retirement

In some cases the line manager will be required to complete the form

Suppression of Post (without immediate payment of pension entitlements)

Voluntary Redundancy (without immediate payment of pension entitlements)
End of Contract

HR107 (a) Retirement Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

The purpose of this form is to allow an employee to notify the HSE that they are retiring and
they wish to make an application for the payment of pension benefits.
When Should the Form Be Used
This form is to be used when an employee is eligible to retire, at least 6 weeks in advance of
the retirement date.

Who Should Complete the Form

This form should be completed by the employee and forwarded to the line manager for
countersigning so that they are aware of a pending retirement. If required, the Line Manager
can commence the appropriate arrangements for requesting a replacement employee for the
position left vacant by the employee who intends to retire.

The form is processed by pension’s management who will make the necessary arrangements
for the payment of benefits owed to the employee.

HR 107 (b) Pension Dependants Application Form

What is the Purpose of the Form
The purpose of this form is to claim pension entitlements for eligible dependants of deceased

When Should the Form Be Used

This form should be used following the death of an employee where dependants are eligible
to claim pension benefits.

Who Should Complete the Form

This form should be completed by eligible dependants of deceased employees when claiming
pension entitlements. The form should be submitted together with a death certificate to certify
the death of the former employee. Where a spouse is claiming their pension entitlement, a
marriage certificate and birth certificate should also accompany the death certificate. Where
dependant children (who are aged less than 22 years of age and are in full time education or
an apprenticeship) birth certificates should accompany the form and death certificate. Where
a benefit is being claimed for a dependant child (of any age) who has learning disabilities a
letter of certification from the G.P. and birth certificate should accompany the application.

The form is processed by pension’s management who will make the necessary arrangements
for the payment of benefits owed to the dependants.

HR 108 (a - r) Absence Authority Application Forms

What Is the Purpose of the Forms

The purpose of these forms is to record details of absences schemes which require advanced
When Should the Forms Be Used
In cases of employees applying for the following leave types:
• Maternity Leave,
• Parental Leave,
• Reserve Defence Forces Leave,
• Compassionate Leave,
• Study Leave,
• Special Leave on Marriage,
• Special Unpaid Leave,
• Paternity Leave,
• Serious Physical Assault Scheme,
• Carer’s Leave,
• Annual Leave Carried Forward,
• Force Majeure Leave,
• Examination Leave,
• Jury Service,
• Annual Leave Anticipation,
• Adoptive Leave
• Trade Union Leave
• Health & Safety Leave.

Who Should Complete the Forms

The employee completes this form when making an application for any of the above schemes
and submits it (with relevant documentation to support the application) to his/her line manager
for approval. The line manager checks the form and approves.

HR109 Term Time Application Form

What is the Purpose of the Form
This form is designed to allow the following grades, Medical Consultants, Speech and
Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Clinical Psychologists,
Behavioural Therapists, Counsellors (Mental Health and Disability Services), Social Workers,
and Emergency Medical Technicians to apply for leave under the provisions of “Term Time
Leave Scheme”.

When Should the Form Be Used

To allow working parents or primary carer’s to match their working arrangements to the main
summer holidays of their children, or to care for a person who resides with them and who has
a disability which gives rise to the need for care on a continuing and frequent basis.

Who Should Complete the Form

Employees who wish to avail of the scheme, should complete the form and forward it to their
line manager for approval. The line manager must notify the employee of the granting of leave
and the employee must formerly accept.
HR 110 Special Leave with Nominal Pay Application Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

This form is designed to allow employees to apply for leave under the provisions of ‘Special
leave with nominal pay’

When Should the Form Be Used

1. The form should be used when making a formal application to be considered for this
leave type. The form should be submitted to the appropriate Human Resources
department at least 8 weeks in advance of the proposed start date.

2. The form should be used by an employee currently on special leave with nominal pay
who wishes to extend the leave period (as long as the extension does not result in a
aggregate total leave period that exceeds 3 years) (Note: Any period in excess of 3
years is managed under the career break scheme)

Who Should Complete the Form

The employee should complete this form, providing any supporting documentary evidence.
They should pass this form to their line manager and General Manager to secure the
appropriate approvals.

The approved application should then be forwarded to the appropriate Assistant National
Director of Human Resources to gain final authorisation.

All approved and authorised applications will be forwarded to the appropriate HR section for

HR 111 Flexible Working application form

What is the Purpose of the Form

This form is designed to allow employees to apply for Flexible working under the provisions of
the Flexible Working Scheme.

When Should the Form Be Used

Flexible working applies in cases where an employee wishes to work less than whole time
hours and receive entitlements on a pro-rata basis.
The scheme is subject to the over-riding requirement that there should be no adverse impact
on service delivery. When considering applications for working reduced hours, managers
must assess whether the applicant can be facilitated having regard to patterns of work within
the organization and an assessment of the capacity of the unit/service to maintain required
operational levels having regard to overall service requirements.

Who Should Complete the Form

Employee completes the form and forwards it to his/her line manager for approval.
HR 112 Injury Grant Application Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

The form is designed to record details of injuries sustained by employees while performing
official duties.

When Should the Form Be Used

This form should be used to make an application for the payment of an Injury Grant under
Article 49/109 of the Local Government (Superannuation) (Consolidation) Scheme 1998.

Who Should Complete the Form

The employee who sustained the injury completes the form and forwards it to his/her line
manager. The line manager completes details of the accident and witness details.
Senior/General Manager recommends or refuses the application. If recommended
Superannuation complete details of the award and the calculation of the grant.

HR 113 Critical Illness Application Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

This form is to be used to make an application for extended paid sick leave under the Critical
Illness Protocol(CIP) (Section 4.2 of HSE HR Circular 005/2014 applies).

When Should the Form Be Used

Application can be made when an employee becomes incapacitated as a result of critical
illness, serious injury or a serious medical condition, and has supporting medical evidence for
an extended period of sick leave, the individual may, on an exceptional basis, be granted paid
sick leave extended as follows:
• 183 calendar days on full pay in a rolling 1 year period followed by 182 days
on half pay subject to:-
• A maximum of 365 calendar days in a rolling 4 year period

Who Should Complete the Form

The form should be completed by the employee, providing any necessary supporting
documents. (In exceptional circumstances the application may be submitted by a Manager on
behalf of the employee). They should them pass this form to their Line Manager and General
Manager for appropriate approvals and Occupational Health review. Approved applications
should then be forwarded to the Employee Relations Manager or equivalent HR Manager for
final authorisation.
HR 114 Temporary Rehabilitation Remuneration (formerly
known as Pension Rate of Pay) Application Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

This form is to be used to make an application or request an extension /or review of payment
of Temporary Rehabilitation Remuneration (TRR). HSE HR Circular 005/2014 applies

When Should the Form Be Used

This form should be used when the employee has exhausted benefits from ALL other paid
sick leave (including CIP). TRR was formerly referred to as ‘Pension Rate of Pay’ (PRP) and
will be calculated and granted in the same way. TRR can be paid where the individual
concerned has the service required for an ill health retirement pension AND there is a
reasonable prospect that the individual will be able to return to work and give regular and
effective service. The rate of pay of TRR is the same as the rate of pension that the individual
would be paid if they were to retire on grounds of ill-health on that date.

Who Should Complete the Form

The employee should complete the form in consultation with their Line Manager. Please note
that the employee is required to attach a G.P. Certificate to the application form outlining their
intention to return to work. The Line Manager gives his/her recommendation on the
application form to the Senior/General Manager. The final decision is undertaken by the
Employee Relations Manager or equivalent HR Manager at General Manager level.

HR 115 Shorter Working Year Scheme

What is the Purpose of the Form

This form is to be used by employees who wish to apply for the Shorter Working Year
Scheme in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Circular 18/2009.

When Should the Form Be Used

Applicants must have completed one years continuous service with the HSE to be eligible to
apply. Applicants must apply before 30 November for the next year. Applicants can apply
for 2,4,6,8,10 or 13 weeks of unpaid leave giving exact dates and can apply to have their pay
averaged throughout the year or unpaid when taking the leave.

Who Should Complete the Form

Employee completes section one of the form and forwards to their Line Manager to complete
Section 2. It is then forwarded to Senior Management and Delegated Officer for their

HR 116 Rapid Response Corps

What is the Purpose of the Form
Employees who are members of Irish Aid’s Rapid Response Corps may be granted special
leave with pay for deployment to humanitarian emergencies.
The Rapid Response Corps is a roster of skilled and experienced volunteers who have been
selected and trained by Irish Aid directorate of the Department of Foreign Affairs, and who are
available at short notice for deployment to humanitarian emergencies.

When Should the Form be Used

Health service employees who wish to join the Rapid Response Corps must first seek
approval from their employer to be available at short notice and for periods of up to 3 months
for, to support Irish Aid’s emergency relief operations.

Who Should Complete the Form

The employee should complete the form and the employer must approve their release from
work before they can be deployed. If approval is granted employee may be released for a
maximum of 3 months on full basic pay plus normal fixed allowances. This does not include
additional amounts due to nightwork, overtime, shiftwork, working unsociable hours, standby
or on call allowances. These payments will be fully reimbursed to the HSE from the Rapid
Response Initiative budget, Department of Foreign Affairs, as an element of overseas
development aid.
c.f. HSE HR Circular No. 17/2008

HR 3 Employee Transfer Form

What is the Purpose of the Form

The purpose of this form is to capture employees details when moving from one payroll
location to another within the HSE.
When Should the Form be Used
This form is to be completed in all cases when an Employee is moving from one location to
another within the HSE

Who Should Complete the Form

The employee should complete the majority of this form to inform the new location of the
additional details required to set them up correctly on the appropriate payroll system.
Sections 10-20 should be completed by the employees current Manager and current Payroll
Manager prior to transfer.

The employee is required to pass the form to the new line manager to approve and who is in
turn responsible for its onward delivery to the appropriate administration centre for processing
and payment of salary.

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