Recruitment Policy

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To ensure availability of right manpower at right place and right time to meet the
organizational requirement.

(i) At the beginning of the Performance Calendar Year, Functional and Centre
Heads will prepare a manpower plan based on the Organizational Chart
augmented by their assessment. The proposal would be put forth to competent
authority (CEO) for approval. The plan will include requirements of regular
manpower along with trainees and interns.
(ii) Any requirement during the ongoing year would also require approval by the
CEO in adherence to the procedure as mentioned above
(iii) The rolling plan will be prepared on the following basis:
(a) New Expansions/ New Tie-Up.
(b) Technological Changes.
(c) Additional workload.
(d) Retirement/Superannuation.
(e) Turnover and Natural separation trend.
(f) Any other business consideration.
(iv) All the recruitments should be made within the approved budget and
sanctioned strength only.
(v) Before filling any vacancy, the concerned HOD will submit the Resource
Requisition Form (Annexure:I) clearly indicating the Job Description, Reporting
Structure, Job Specification, Time Frame for filling up vacancy and send it to
HR department well in advance.
After receiving the duly filled in Resource Requisition Form from the concerned
department, HR department will take immediate action to fill the position within the
given time frame (ideally 3 months).
Selection Process

 To effectively manage the manpower recruitment in coherence with long term

and short term manpower planning of the organization through a standard
recruitment and Selection Policy.
 Proactively and systematically identify the recruitment needs in time.
 To minimize the influence of unwanted requests from various sources.
 To recruit right people with required level of skill and aptitude.
 To ensure that all the recruitments are within the manpower rolling plan,
budget and as per the laid down policy.
 To avoid situations which can create conflict with the interest of the Company.
This policy is applicable to all the employees at all levels in all functions in the
Employment Categories & Corresponding Guidelines:
The categories of appointment are as below:
a. Permanent – It would include appointment to fill a permanent position in the
regular grade of the company. Candidates up to the level of Senior Managers
will be initially appointed on probation and would be confirmed in writing on
successful completion of probation period. The Probation period can be
extended if the work of an employee is found unsatisfactory. The Confirmation
will not be effective unless the employee receives a letter of confirmation. For
the positions above Senior Manger, probation period will not be applicable.
b. Temporary - It would include appointment for a specified period for doing work
of a temporary nature as per the requirements of the company. Such
appointments will be for a limited period.
c. Contract Basis - Depending on the exigency of requirements, qualified persons
with experience in related field will be recruited on contract basis for a specific
period. The contract of employment will be renewed for a limited period as per
the organization’s requirement and performance of contract employee.
Selection Procedure:
1. Screening of applications:
(a) All applications received from various sources will be screened initially by
the HR department based on Job Description / Specification and
applicant’s profile and then by the concerned department.
(b) The ratio between the number of vacancy & the number of candidates to
be called for final in campus test/ interview would normally be in the
range of 1:3.
(c) Shortlisted candidates will be informed about appearing for Test/
Interview at least 15 days in advance, along-with Updated Resume/
Application Form and route map of the Location/ Site.
2. Selection: Before interview, candidates will provide their details in the
prescribed Bio-Data/ application Form.
3. Test/ Interviews:
(a) Depending on the requirement of the job, if required, Management may
conduct written/ aptitude/ psychometric/ physical/ or any other test as
deemed fit.
(b) HR will determine the Qualifying criteria for the Test/ Interview
depending on the nature and requirement of the job.
(c) HR will constitute the names of the interview panel well in advance.
(d) The schedule and profile of candidates will be communicated to the
interview panel at least one day in advance.
The Interview process for all employees at the unit would be completed by the close of
the day.


Position Methodology Weightage

Upto Executives Written 40%
Group Discussion 30%
Interview 30%
Asst. Managers to Mangers Written 50%
Interview 50%
Senior Managers & Above Interview 100%

Traveling Expenses (TE)-

All the candidates called for interview will be reimbursed Train/ Bus fares via
shortest route for travel from their usual place of residence or correspondence
address to the interview location. The entitlement of fare would be equivalent to the
existing employees of similar grade as per Domestic Business Travel Policy.

TE Bill passing:
1. HR coordinator will check all the bills and recommend for approval. In-absence
of proper supporting the candidate will be reimbursed only sleeper class fare
irrespective of grade. HR Head will be the approving authority for Bill
2. The candidates coming from their car will be reimbursed @ 5.50/- per KM
Entertainment & Transport:
1. Keeping in mind the Company image, all relevant Hospitality arrangements will
be extended to the interview candidates by HR.
Final selection and appointment:

1. Recommendation of the interview panel will be put forth to the competent

authority for his final approval by the HR Department.
2. The Functional Head will finally interview the candidates for the position of
Manager and above.
3. Selection of the candidates will be strictly on the basis of merit. Other things
being equal, local candidates/ candidates from respective State will be preferred
4. HR department will negotiate compensation with the selected candidates
keeping the internal equity and market trend in mind.
5. After completion of all formalities “Letter of Intent” will be issued to the
selected candidate.
6. Detailed formal “Appointment Letter” will be issued within seven days of
joining of the candidate.
7. Before issuing of the “Letter of Appointment” to the candidate HR department
will ensure the following:
 Medical Checkup.
 Initiate reference check / antecedents’ verifications. It will be mandatory
from the position of Deputy Manager and above.
 Check and verify all personal details furnished by the candidate.
Offer of Appointment:
Every employee shall be given a letter of appointment in such form as may be
prescribed by the company from time to time. However, for any adhoc and casual
engagements of short and temporary duration no such letter will be issued.

Verification of Antecedents:
The company reserves the right to verify the antecedents of an employee before
finalizing the appointment or during any time of his service with the company. If,
however, anything is found contrary to the information furnished by the employee, his
services are liable to be terminated by the Company at the sole discretion of the
Management. The process will be initiated by the recruitment section.

Joining Formalities:
New entrant has to complete certain formalities at the time of joining the organization.

Joining Report:
Every employee shall, after appointment submit a joining report in writing.

Proof of Age:

Every employee at the time of appointment shall be required to furnish proof of

his age by submitting School Leaving Certificate (in case of non-matric and
below) or High School/ Higher Secondary/ Matric Certificate. In case of existing
employees where such proof of age has not already been submitted, the
employee shall be required to produce the proof of his age as above and if such
proof is not available then he is required to produce himself for medical
examination to the Company’s Doctor or Doctor so nominated.

Educational Qualification:
Every employee at the time of appointment shall be required to furnish copy of all his
academic/Professional certificates (High school onwards). In case of not producing all
or any of the educational certificate by the employee at the time of joining, he may be
given maximum one month period for submitting the same. If an employee is unable
to produce the certificate at all as declared by him then his services are liable to be
terminated by the Company at the sole discretion of the Management.
Joining Formalities

Proof of Past Employment:

Employee, who has prior work experience before joining the Organization and declares
the same, shall be required to submit the proof of past employments. Similarly the
salary details / proof of past employment and most importantly the relieving letter
from the immediate past employer must be produced.

Medical Fitness:
At the time of appointment every employee shall be required to undergo medical
examination by the Company’s Medical Officer. His appointment and its continuance
is subject to his being found medically (Physically and mentally) fit by the Doctor
specified above. The Medical Officer’s opinion in this regard shall be final and binding
for both the company and the employee.

On joining, the employee shall be required to submit three copies of his photograph as
a part of personal Identity. This may be used by the company at any point of time
during the course of his employment with the company or may be after that if

Joining Document:
As a part of joining formalities an employee has to fill in the following documents /
forms to become eligible for various welfare benefits:
a) Provident Fund Form (Declaration of Nominations)
b) Provident Fund Transfer Form (if applicable)
c) Mediclaim Insurance Form
d) Family Declaration form
e) Declaration of Nominee – Employee has to declare his nominee for all statutory
purposes. In absence of employee, the nominee will be eligible for statutory
benefits i.e. PF, Gratuity, Bonus, Insurance benefits
f) Details of Savings bank account number to facilitate crediting of salary directly
to Employee’s account.
g) Income tax certificate from the previous employer, if applicable.

Employee Referral Scheme

To encourage employees to refer persons known to them who fulfill the requirements
of advertised position

1. HR department will advertise open positions in the grade of Assistant Manager
& above through e-mail and/or postings on notice boards.
2. An Employee can send the referrals directly to the HR department.
3. Selection of candidates will be strictly on the basis of merit.

Employment of Ex-Employee

To provide a chance to Talents to serve their second innings in the organization.


1. Only after two years of leaving the organization ex employees may be

considered for the employment.
2. While considering the candidature; the nature of work, manpower handled,
size of industry and job profile in present unit must be taken into account.
The career profile of the candidate must denote upward trend.
3. If an ex-employee is short listed from other unit of the group, a written
performance feedback must be obtained from the previous group unit.
4. Once the ex-employee has been Shortlisted for interview, while offering the
designation and salary to him, parity of such candidate with internal and
external candidate if any, shall generally be kept in mind but shall be
subject to exigent business / organizational goals at the absolute discretion
of the competent authority.

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