Wage and Student Hiring Processing
Wage and Student Hiring Processing
Wage and Student Hiring Processing
These guidelines assure proper employment processes apply to all individuals who are hired for a special project
or to meet additional workloads, including student appointments, as HUSEP/Work Study, Student Wage,
Graduate Assistants, Research Assistants and Resident Assistants.
If the duties to be performed are documented in a budgeted, certified position description, extend beyond six
months, these wage hiring guidelines do not apply. Submit the proposed hiring action as a temporary
To hire non-student Wage appointees, the Hiring Department must submit a completed and fully
approved PR Form, Position Description, Justification, and completed Howard University Application
to the Department of Employment for processing.
It will not be necessary to create a Position Description. Certified Position Descriptions for
Wage appointments are available on the HRM website: http://ww.hr.howard.edu/ (under
Total Compensation).
Even though Hiring Department may provide a suggested effective date on the PR, the hire date is not
effective until the document is fully approved, and appointment is authorized by the Department of
Employment. Employment Office staff members will inform the applicant of the hire date.
PR must include the following:
Clear indication of Wage Appointment (top upper left corner of form).
Salary written in an hourly format.
Appointment must have a beginning and ending date, not to exceed six months.
To hire student on wages, including Graduate Assistants, Research Assistants, and Resident Assistants,
Hiring Departments must present PR as indicated above, and clearance from the Office of Student
Financial Aide (OSFA), documentation of full-time or part-time student status, and if appropriate,
International Student Services clearance.
To hire HUSEP/Work Study, student must present the Employment Referral Form from OSFA,
documentation of full-time or part-time student status, and if appropriate, International Student Services