Welcome To: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

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3  JANUARY 15-16, 2011  ISSUE 02

Welcome to

Catholic Church at Fort Gordon, GA

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

 You are my servant, Israel, through whom I show my glory. (Isaiah 49:3)
 And he put a new song into my mouth, (Psalm 40:4)
 … you who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy, (1 Corinthians 1:2)
 … the reason why I came baptizing with water was that he might be made known to Israel.
(John 1:31)
 Is accepting Christ in prayer and the sacraments a part of being holy?
 How do parish activities help you live out your calling to be holy?
 Being a lector, greeter, Eucharistic minister
 Justice activities, St Vincent DePaul
 Men’s or women’s prayer/social groups; bible study groups
 Youth groups or seniors’ activity
 Do you balance your life between prayer and action to live your calling to be holy?
 How does your family and parish community enable you to be holy?

Those in the church respond to the call to holiness by hearing the word of God preached, sharing in
Parish Staff and Ministries the sacramental life of the Church, and living out those values and insights that we learn from Jesus
Christ … Vatican II stated it succinctly in its preface to the decree on the Bishops’ Pastoral Office in
Pastor: Fr. Damian Ilokaba (706) 791-4307 the Church: “Christ the Lord, Son of the Living God, came that He might save people from their sins
Co-Pastor: Fr. Samuel Aniekwe and that all people may be made holy.” 1
(706) 791-4307
Contract Priest: Fr. Michael Roverse Lawrence S. Cunningham in The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality edited by Michael
(706) 791-2945 Downey, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1993, P 483.
NCOIC: Retrieved from For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh ParishVision LLC 2011
(706) 791-4308
Chapel Clerk: Sgt. Williams
(706) 791-2945
Deacons: Q: Can a priest say Mass alone?
- George Foster (706) 860-2379 A: The General Instruction of the Roman Missal in #211 states, "Mass should not be celebrated with-
- Mike Marchek (706) 855-2107 out a server or the participation of at least one of the faithful except for some legitimate and reason-
- David Kriegel (706) 869-9781 able cause." So ordinarily at least one person should be present when a priest celebrates Mass. The
PLC: Gail Fitzpatrick law itself, however, recognized there can be a just and reasonable cause for a priest to celebrate alone.
(706) 284-7618 And whether or not there is someone else present, the Mass would be valid.
REC: Lisa Krug , (706) 495-4155 Mere convenience or preference would not be sufficient reason to celebrate alone.
or [email protected] Retrieved from http://www.americancatholic.org/
Music Director: VACANT
MCCW: Kim Besel,(706)855-9275 January: Mortification
[email protected]
Matthew 16:24: "If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his
Knights of Columbus: cross and follow me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life
Ricardo Ruiz Jr. (706) 863-3435 or for my sake will find it." Mother Mary, please obtain for me, my family, and the members and families
[email protected] of the apostolate the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the grace to live the virtues which will help us over-
CYM: Gail Fitzpatrick (706) 284-7618 come our primary faults. Let us be caught up in the Holy Spirit's love for the Father and the Holy Fam-
[email protected] ily.
Lectors: Tom Dean Retrieved from http://www.familyland.org/content/Content.aspx?CategoryID=724
(706) 860-6946
Ushers: Ron Shannon
(706) 868-5960 Parish Council Meeting
Editor: Lola Rivera (706) 993-3507 Due to inclement weather the Parish Council Meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday 18
[email protected] January, 2011. The meeting will be at Good Shepherd Chapel (GSC), social room at 5:30 pm
Prayer Request: Parish Council meetings are open to all parishioners.
[email protected] **Ministry coordinator, please submit your reports if you have not done it yet to the PLC and
Council President. Thank you. The Secretary.
Page 2

Parish Life Coordinator (PLC) St Michael Parish is in Facebook. Add us! St Michael Parish
Job Opening!
2011 Roman Missal Changes
If you are interested in applying for this job,
please see the current PLC Gail Fitzpatrick The first session for the “Become one body one spirit in Christ” educational series on
changes to the Roman Missal will be on 26 January 2011 after adoration. Adoration ends at
or ask our Pastor for a copy of the State- 7:30 pm and we should be able to start the presentation at about 7:45 and be done by 8:30
ment of Work (SOW) for information on this pm.
position. The deadline to apply for this job The first session is “Exploring the Mass.” And has three components called 1) Scriptural
is February 24th, 2011. Foundations, 2)Evolution of the Mass and 3) Theological reflections. Contact Deacon
Kriegel if you have any question (706) 869-9781

Get and Wear your Pro-Life Pin!

Our Parish will have “Little feet pins” for the
Right to Life Month. Ushers will have them after
every mass Saturday January 22 & Sunday Janu-
ary 23. Ask for your pin!
SAVE THE DATE, February 12, 2011.
MCCW and the Knights of Columbus will Pray For Our Military
host the 3rd annual Sweet Heart Dance and
Please remember in your prayers all those who are de-
Dinner at St. Joseph Catholic Church. ployed and cannot be with their families and love ones
Start looking for your wedding pictures during these holidays. Remember their families and
now to be included in a PowerPoint pres- friends as well.
If your love one is one of them, or you know any de-
entation at the dance. They may be sub- ployed military personal send us his or her name, so we
mitted via email to Kim Besel: can include it in our daily prayers. Send your prayer
[email protected] or give pictures to request to the PLC Gail Fitzpatrick at
[email protected].
Kim to be scanned (pictures will be re-
turned). Look for more details in upcoming SFC Kevin Sabo
bulletins. LTC Karl Strellner
Susan Wersal

Immaculate Conception Catholic School Open House!! National March for Life 2011
Open House for Immaculate Conception Catholic School is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1 st The Augusta Deanery has reserved a bus and 25 rooms
from 9am -11am and 6pm - 8pm. Parents interested in enrolling their child for the 2011/2012 in Washington, DC for the upcoming March for Life.
school year may visit classrooms and meet teachers. Please call the school for a tour if you are Dates: Sun. Jan 23- Tues Jan25. Estimate Cost
unable to attend during these hours. 706.722.9964 / 811 Telfair Street / www.icaugusta.org (Bus+room): $215 (double occupancy) $100 Deposit
per person to hold reservation. Call George Vozniak-
706-726-1269 or John Peduto-706-951-6034 for addi-
tional information.
Aquinas High School Placement Testing for 8th Graders
February 5 from 8:30 - 11:30 am
All tests are administered at the high school with a $20 fee payable at the time of the test.
Parents are invited to attend the Parent Forum during the first hour of the test sessions. Informa- Pro-Life Mass and Rosary
tion about school programs will be presented by administrators, parents and students. A question
and answer session will follow. First Saturday of each month - Mass at Saint Mary
Public school students may apply for GRACE Scholars and can be awarded a 4-year renewable on the Hill, 9:15 am, followed by a Pro-Life Rosary at
scholarship. Apply today! http://www.gracescholars.org/ Preferred Health Center (approximately 10:15 am).
Become a proud member of the Aquinas High School Fightin' Irish Class of 2015!
Page 3
Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW) Knights of Columbus
MCCW Pro-Life fund raiser. January is pro-life month, and MCCW is having a fund We meet the second Tuesday of each
raiser, the proceeds will go to the Pregnancy Care Center. Please visit the MCCW tables month in Bldg. 13 at 1830. Social and the
after mass on Jan. 15th and 16th, as well Jan. 22nd and 23rd. MCCW will have baked goods, as well meeting starts at 1900 hours. Contact the
Grand Knight Ricardo Ruiz Jr. if you
as pins. MCCW is asking only for donations.
have any question at [email protected] or (706)
MCCW ladies please pick up your houses from the Christmas Village after all masses on Jan. 8th and 863-3435.
9th. Thank You!
Please join us for our Bible Study at the religious education building #13. St. Michael's Prayer Group
St. Michael’s Parish has a prayer group meeting twice
a month. We meet the second and third Thursday of
Youth Mass/ Troops the month. at 19:00-20:00 (7-8pm). It is open to all
The Youth Ministry would like to invite all teenagers and troops of the Par- members of the parish. Contact Deacon Marchek for
ish to attend Mass on the last Saturday of January. This Mass is celebrated any questions (706) 855-2107. Next Meeting on
for them. the youth will provide music, lectors, ushers, please sign up January 20, 2011.
today to help. Make sure you mark your calendars to attend this Mass.
Bring your friends! All parishioners are welcome to this mass.
Pulpit Announcements
January 29th, 5:00 pm Please know that all weekend announcements should
be send to the PLC by Friday. Please submit your
announcements to [email protected].
The Youth Ministry Presents
Bible Study!!
Family Movie Night will be Saint Michael’s Bible Study on Tuesdays. The study will be using the Little Rock Scripture
right after Youth Mass on Janu- Study on the Book of Psalms called “Psalms for All Seasons”. The group meets each Tuesday
ary 29th in building 13. We will evening in the Chapel Activity Room at 7-9 PM. On evenings when showing the series vid-
eos, the group will meet in Blg. 13 at the Religious Education Center. Contact Tom Dean (706)
show a movie called “Faith 860-6946.
Like Potatoes.” This event is
open to ALL parishioners!
Volunteers Name Tags
Come and join us! All volunteers are asked to pick up their name tags in the blessed sacrament chapel (behind
door) before each mass to wear during Mass. Please return after Mass.

Attention Couples of the Parish

Marriage Retreat!!!
God and Coffee
Are there questions about your Faith would like to have answers for?
The retreat will be on February 26, 2011 at 9:30- Come and ask them. God and Coffee RCIA Sundays at 11:30AM at
4:30. Babysitting will be provided, but if you are in- the RSO Bld. 29601.
terested you need to register early to allow us to pro-
vide this service. Thank you. Have more questions?
Please call PLC Gail Fitzpatrick PLC’s Office Hours
(706) 284-7618
The Parish Life Coordinator would like to inform you that she will
be available to our parishioners and ministry coordinators once a
Access Parish updates, current newsletters, and more information
week for registration, P.O.s and Invoices submissions, and for any
http://stmichaelparishfg.blogspot.com/ other matter related to our Parish. Please know that her office hours
are on Wednesday from 8:30 am to 12 pm.

Religious Education Upcoming Events by Lisa

Here are some upcoming events;

January 16th - no RE MLK holiday weekend

January 22nd - Saturday school begins from 10-12 in bldg.13. Parents of children in Saturday school will receive an email or a letter with a schedule. Par-
ents must attend with their children.
January 23rd - High School confirmation class from 1-4 in bldg. 13. Lunch will be served.
January 29th -Youth Ministry will have their first end of the month Youth Mass (at the Saturday 5:30PM mass) and Family Movie Night from after mass-
9PM in bldg.13. We will be watching Faith Like Potatoes. EVERYONE is invited to come and enjoy this wonderful movie!
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Christian Principles
Preventing the Fiery Darts from Wounding Christian Souls
The battle fought by Roman soldiers required a shield, which prevented the enemy's
arrows and swords from reaching their bodies. The shield literally deflected the
weapons and saved soldiers from being wounded or killed in war. The shield of
Faith used in the spiritual battle is also a defensive weapon that protects.

Shield of Faith
This is made clear in Ephesians 6:16: "Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to
quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. "

This Scripture exposes the fact that the devil and his demons are throwing fiery darts at Christians every
day. Without the shield held in front of each dart, one or more will penetrate the heart and soul of believers,
leaving wounds and sometimes causing spiritual death. The enemy will stop at nothing to do what he does
best, which is to damage lives. And every demon appears to have great aim, knowing exactly what to shoot
St. Michael the Archangel, a certain Christian's way, and when. This is proven in John 10:10 which says, "The thief does not come
defend us in battle. except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." Thankfully, the next verse says that Jesus came to bring abun-
Be our protection against the dant life!
wickedness and snares of the
devil. The shield is not a physical piece of armor, rather a spiritual one held together by the measure of a Chris-
May God rebuke him, we
tian's faith. Without faith, there is no shield at all. A little faith and there is some level of protection. Those
humbly pray; and do Thou, O
Prince of the Heavenly who have the gift of faith, or have gained faith through testing and practical application, will begin to
Host— by the Divine Power of quickly and easily ward off the darts sent their way.
God -thrust into hell,
Satan and all the evil spirits, When fiery darts hit, they hurt and they burn. When doubt has been allowed to become the
who roam throughout the meditation of the mind even the strongest believer will weaken. In general, faith is trusting
world seeking the ruin of that God is who He says He is, and that He will protect a Christian in the spiritual battle.
souls. Faith means that no matter what happens, a Christian truly believes that God is there and
will work things out.

LITURGICAL LIFE Faith requires that there be some kind of testing. If a Christian was never tested, then they
wouldn't even need to have faith. Therefore, faith is more valuable in hard times than good
Weekend Masses because it proves a Christian's allegiance and reliance on God. When Christians take God at
Saturday 17:00 His Word, they are holding up the shield of faith and preventing the fiery darts from pene-
Sunday 08:30 & 10:00
trating. And oftentimes, strong faith people can model this principle and even use their
Daily Mass shield to protect others.
Mon, Wed, Thurs. 11:30
Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45 Written by Jamee Rae, http://www.faithclipart.com/

Saturday 16:00
Sunday 08:15

Saturday 16:30
Sunday 08:00

Communion (Sick/
Deacon George Foster Archdiocese
Weddings Website Pastoral Council
Deacon George Foster
Do you need to request sac-
Baptisms [email protected]
ramental information? Visit
the Military Archdiocese
[email protected]
website to inquire any sacra-
mental information you may
Deacon David Kriegel [email protected]
need at
Adoration Contact the President if you are interested
Wednesday 18:30

Religious Education (RE)

Sunday 11:30
Bulletin Announcements Attendance: 427
(RSO and RE Complex) Send them to [email protected] and [email protected] must Offering: $1,392.42
be submitted by COB Sunday 3 PM to BOTH emails. Thank you.

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