Jan 25

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Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Sr. Sheila Whelan GSIC Deacon Don Smith
331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396
Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6
Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663
E mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.sfxrenfrew.blogspot.com
“St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.”

JANUARY 25TH, 2009
PRAYERS: We pray for our loved ones who have died especially Mary Russell and Laurence
Bruce and for all those who have asked for us to pray for them in times of grief and illness.


“A special year will be dedicated for the Bimillennium Celebrations of the Birth of the
Apostle Paul. This Pauline Year will run from June 28, 2008 to June 29, 2009” Pope Benedict XVI
We will celebrate this Pauline Year with a Parish Mission March 7 – 11. It will be
facilitated by Father Rick Walsh – a member of the Paulist Community in Toronto.
The Acts of the Apostles quote the famous phrase heard on the way to Damascus: “Saul, Saul, why are
you persecuting me?” (Acts 9:4).
The story that Paul himself recounts about the apparition of the Risen Lord betrays a great interior turmoil, according
to the prophetic vocations of the Old Testament, which always announced a mission: “But when (God), who from
my mother’s womb had set me apart and called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, so that I
might proclaim him to the Gentiles…”(Gal 1:15-17).
The radical “conversion” of Saul did not represent for him a change of religion: he felt more than ever before to be a
Jew, because the “God of our Fathers” was sending him to spread the Gospel. The evangelizer of the pagans continued
to preach to the Jews as much as he could, up to his final appeal to Rome. Paul’s conversion and baptism meant that he
had discovered his true and proper place in the life of Israel.
The date of this most important event is ignored; the Letter of the Galations may seem to indicate the years 33-35, a
short time after the establishment of the first Church in Jerusalem, created around “Peter with the Eleven” (Acts 2:14).
(continued next week)

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER BOOK CLUB: Once again, Derek Lennox and Heidi Robinson will be
leading the Monday night book club. We are hoping
hoping that our regular members will once again
attend and that many new members will join us.
The book we will be reading is called
called “My Jesus Year”, by Benyamin Cohen, a hilarious, inspirational
exploration of Christianity from the son of an orthodox rabbi.rabbi. The book is part memoir, part
spiritual quest, and part anthropologist’s mission. During his yearyear--long exploration, Cohen sees
the best and worst of Christianity – from megachurches to storefront churches; from the profound
to the profane to the just plain laughable. By year’s end, to Cohen’s
Cohen’s surprise, his search for universal
answers and truths in the Bible Belt actually make him a better Jew. For more info on the the author
and the book please visit www.myjesusyear.com.
If anyone is wishing to join the book club and wants us to purchase a copy of the book ($18.67),
please contact Heidi via [email protected] or 613-
433-9954 before February 4th.
The first book club meet and greet / book pick up and payment will be Monday, February 16th
at 7:30 p.m. We will then meet Monday, Feb. 23rd, March 9th and March 23rd at 7:30 p.m.
Meetings are very informal and absences are not frowned upon. Come out and join the club
club – it’s
been quite an enjoyable experience thus far! Upon completion of this selection the club hopes to
read “The Shack: by W.M.
W.M. Paul Young if enough people are interested in continuing.


As we conclude the official Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we take this opportunity
to thank those who participated in the noon hour gatherings by your presence and your
contributions to the benevolent work of the Ministerial Association. A very sincere
thanks to the ladies who provided lunch on Wednesday.
Please carefully note the times of the daily Liturgies

MON Jan.
26 7:00 p.m. Molly Vincent – Daughter, Rita Holden
TUE Jan.
WED Jan.
28 4:15 p.m. Todd Godin – Leona & Ken Barr
THU Jan.
29 10:30 a.m. Bonnechere Manor: Mr. & Mrs. Art Ross – Marie Windle
12:10 p.m. Tom Vice – Bev Lunney
FRI Jan. 30 8:00 a.m. Dorothy Craig - Tom & Christine Kelly
SAT Jan. 31 5:00 p.m. Norman Kasaboski – Wife, Catherine
SUN Feb. 01 10:30 a.m. Tom & Verlie Wark (65th Anniversary) - Tom & Dawn Wark & Family
Intentions of the Parishioners – Father Proulx


th *Mon. Bereavement Group 7:30 p.m.
4 Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31st/February 1st, 2009 (Rectory Mtg. Rm. 1)
*Mon. Parish Supper Committee 7:30 p.m.
(Rectory Mtg. Rm. #2)
MINISTERS OF THE WORD – A.M. Slight; T. Skelhorn
A. & W. Wren
D. Mooney; H. Robinson; K. Black; J. Lynch year 2009-2010 will be held at St.
SERVERS – T.B.A. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School
SUNDAY MORNING MASS - 10:30 a.m. the week of February 2nd to 6th from
MINISTERS OF THE WORD – S.T.A. Student; A. Lafont 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please bring a Birth
MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – S.T.A. Students Certificate, Baptismal Certificate,
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – D. Yantha; T. McIntyre; Health Card, and up-to-date proof of
N. & M. Stroud; N. Smith Immunization. Thank you.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: School Leadership
SUNDAY OFFERING: $3,655.56 =
NEW SCHEDULES: Due to circumstances beyond $3,500.56 [242 envelope postings] +
Anne Smith’s control, new schedules for Lectors, $155 [9 ETF postings]).
Commentators, Eucharistic & Hospitality Ministers &
Altar Servers will not be ready until next weekend. INCOME TAX RECEIPTS
Income tax receipts for the year 2008
∆ PARISH SUPPER ∆: January 26th at 7:30 p.m. the are now ready! To obtain a receipt, simply
Parish Supper co-ordinators gather to begin plans for our put a stamped, self-addressed envelope in the
renewed vision of the Parish Supper and Lottery Draw. collection basket and it will be mailed to you
or drop by the Parish office during office
If you have time you are most very welcome to join with hours.
us in the meeting room after Monday evening Mass.
CAMPAIGN:: St. Francis Xavier C.W.L. is issuing an invitation to all women of
the Parish to join our Council. There will be a brief presentation prior to Mass on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, and
Council members will be providing handout information
information as you leave the church. Annual membership is
$15.00 and can be placed in an envelope in the collection basket.
RENEWAL: for the Messenger of the Sacred Heart is now $15.00. Please
remit to Johanna Mathieu. Payments may be put in the collection
collection basket in an envelope
clearly marked “Sacred Heart Messenger Renewal”; please include your name and phone number
with the renewal. New members are encouraged. For info contact Johanna at 432-7622. February
issues are ready for pick-up by subscribers.
THE HOLY NAME SOCIETY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA PARISH: Card Parties on the following Sunday evenings
in O.L.F. parish hall: Feb.
Feb. 1 & 15, Mar. 1, 15 & 29. Euchre & 500. Admission: $3. Refreshments.
BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: sponsored by the Renfrew Lion’s Club will be held on Wed., February
11th at the R.C.I. Gym from 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 8 p.m. For appointments
please call 1-888-2donate.
DIOCESAN YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Meetings of young adults (18 – 35) with Bishop Mulhall
will continue February 13th and March 13th from 7 – 9 p.m. at St. Columbkille Cathedral. Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament, music, talk with the Bishop and discussion.
ST. ANNE PARISH C.W.L.: St. Valentine Dinner on Sunday, February 15th from 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
in the Municipal Hall, L’Î
L’ Î le du Grand Calumet. $12 – Adults; $5 – 12 & under. See posters.

CATHOLIC MARRIAGE PREPARATION 2009 (Renfrew Pastoral Area): will be

held on Sat., March 7 & Sun., March 8, 2009 at St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall.
Registration forms (must be returned by Feb. 15th) available from the church or parish office.

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