TRM qrr-03
TRM qrr-03
TRM qrr-03
Government of India
के नद्रीय विद्यतु प्राविकरण
Central Electricity Authority
तापीय पररयोजना निीनीकरण एिं आिुवनकीकरण प्रभाग
er Stations
Sl No. Description
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objective of R&M programme
3.0 Objective of LE programme
4.0 R&M and LE programme from 7 Plan onwards till 12 Plan
th th
September, 2018
5.2 Details of thermal units under shut down for R&M and LE
5.3 Status of R&M activities under BRGF Scheme
6 Phasing Plan for FGD installation/ ESP upgradation in respect of
new Environmental Norms
6.1 Summary of current status of Implementation of phasing plan for FGD
6.2 FGD-ESP Phasing Plan of Thermal Powers located in Delhi
7 Flexible Operation of Thermal Power Stations
8.1 Coal Fired Generation Rehabilitation programme funded by
World Bank
8.2 Indo-Japan co-operation for study on Efficiency and
Environmental improvement of Coal fired stations
Annexure-1 Status of units where Life Extension/ Renovation & Modernisation works
have been taken up for implementation during 2017-22
Annexure-2 Details of Thermal Power Units where the Life Extension (LE) Works
have been completed during 2017-22
Annexure-3 Details of Thermal Power Units where the Renovation &
Modernisation (R&M) Works have been completed during 2017-22
Annexure-4 Details of Thermal Power Units where the Renovation & Modernisation
(R&M)/ LE (Life Extension) Works have been
completed during 12 Plan
DVC. Final Report has been submitted at DVC in May 2018 by JCOAL. A diagnostic study for optimal environmental measures in Da
February 2018 and report submitted in June 2018. SCR Pilot test at NTPC’s Sipat TPS is being carried out to meet the NOx level as per ne
One day workshop on " Project on Efficiency and Environmental Improvement for Sustainable, Stable and Low-carbon Supply of
16 Nov 2018 at New Delhi by CEA and JCOAL. Under Clean Coal Technology (CCT) Programme a study tour to Japan has been org
from 24 October 2018 to 1 November 2018. Officers from MoP, DVC, NTPC, State Utilities and CEA visited the latest USC
th st
Flexbilisation study is being carried out by JCOAL at Anpara-B TPS, UPRVUNL and Vindhyachal TPS, NTPC to enhance the f
To ensure compliance of the new Environmental Norms notified by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) o
plan for FGD installation/ ESP –upgradtion have prepared and concerned utilities are requested to furnish the details of action take
A committee was constituted in CEA to find out the level of flexibilization required from thermal power stations and future roadmap for
RES generation into Indian grid by 2022. The final report of the committee was released by Secretary, Power, MoP. It was found in th
have to be operated at less than 30% load during the peak RES generation in the year 2021-22. Various measures have been suggested t
pilot test of 40% minimum load and 3% ramp up/ ramp down (i.e. 15 MW/ Min) has been successfully conducted in Dadri TPS and similar
Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Utilities and other stakeholders for obeying CEA’s guidelines
R&M/LE works at old thermal power plant and furnishing status of R&M. I would also like to thank for timely submission of sta
upgradations of ESP to comply with new environmental norms thus helping us to prepare & publi
( B.C.
1. LE/ R&M Achievements during 12 Plan (2012-17)
ng the additional generation and better outputs from the
vement of the units as well as to comply the stricter
sion (LE) of the old thermal power units is carried out
15 to 20 years beyond the original design economical life.
ibility of monitoring the progress of R&M/LE activities in
the interaction and information received from various
sical progress of R&M/LE works at various thermal units.
coal based generating units with aggregate capacity of 410
are under shut down for carrying out the R&M/LE works.
udy on O&M enhancement of existing unit no.-1 of DTPS,
al environmental measures in Dadri TPS was carried out in
to meet the NOx level as per new environmental norms.
le and Low-carbon Supply of Electricity” was held on
study tour to Japan has been organised during current year
d CEA visited the latest USC power stations at Japan.
hal TPS, NTPC to enhance the flexibility of thermal units.
Climate Change (MoEF&CC) on 7 Dec. 2015, phasing
B) R&M works
2 Completed during 12 th
05 850 11 3710.5 16 4560.5
TOTAL 15 2230 22 4972.26 37 7202.26
LE/R&M works identified during 2017-22 No. of Total (State Sector
Category units & capacity (MW) + Central Sector)
State Sector Central Sector
LE 34 (7570) -- 34 (7570)
R&M 30 (7135) 07 (224) 37 (7359)
Total 64 (14705) 07 (224) 71 (14929)
Sl. No. Particulars LE/R&M works completed No. of Total (State Sector +
units & capacity (MW) Central Sector)
State Sector Central Sector
1 LE 04(820) -- 04(820)
2 R&M -- 02(67) 02(67)
Total 04(820) 02(67) 6(887)
4. Implementation of Phasing Plan for FGD installation/ ESP upgradation in respect of new En
Norms notified by MoEF&CC on 7 Dec. 2015.
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) notified “Environment (Prote
Rules, 2015’’ for thermal power stations on 07.12.2015. As per notification existing stations w
comply with the new Standards within 2 years (i.e. by Dec. 2017) and the new stations including all s
under construction were required to meet the new norms by 06-12-2017.
To review the various issues arising out of new environmental norms for thermal power
stations, a meeting was held on 01.09.2017 in MoEF &CC among Secretary MoEF & CC,
Secretary, MoP and Chairperson, CEA and it was decided that the action plan submitted by M
extending up- to 2024 should commence from 2018 and implemented before 2022. Further the im
measure to the thermal plants situated in NCR region for compliance of new environmental s
by December 2019. In this regard utilities were requested to furnish the details of action take
has been prepared and submitted to MoP on the status of phasing plan of FGD installation/
5. Flexible Operation of Thermal Power Stations
A committee has been constituted in CEA under the chairmanship of Chief Engineer (TPRM) to find
flexibilization required from thermal power stations and future roadmap for integration of 175 MW R
capacity into Indian grid by 2022. The committee has come up with the findings of the quantum of fl
minimum thermal load, and ramp rate required in its interim report in June 2018. The final report of
released by Secretary (Power) on 18th March 2019. The report has been shared with the stak
sector. A pilot test of 40% minimum load operation and 3% ramp up/ ramp down (i.e. 15 MW/ M
successfully conducted in Dadri TPS of NTPC. Anpara-B TPS of UPRVUNL and Vindhyachal T
being conducted by JCOAL to improve the flexibility of the plants. Another Pilot test is being condu
Mauda TPS, NTPC by BHEL.
6. External Co-operation for R&M/LE of TPS
The status of activities under external co-operation for R&M/LE of TPS is furnished below:-
(A) Indo-Japan Co-operation for Project on Efficiency & Environment Improvement for Su
and Low Carbon Supply of Electricity of Coal Fired Stations.
The 3 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Indo – Japan Cooperation for Project on Eff
Environment Improvement for Sustainable, Stable and Low Carbon Supply of Electricity between C
was signed on 22 January, 2016. The objective of the MoU is to address issues and barriers i
sustainable, stable and low-carbon thermal power development in India. Under this MoU, JCO
out feasibility study for replacement of Badarpur TPS by new units based on SC/USC technol
of unit-3 (210 MW), Dadari TPS has been carried out by JCOAL. The feasibility study for Singrau
units (5x200 MW+2x200 MW) of NTPC has been carried out during December 2016 to Mar
Environmental Study through Combustion Test of Indian Coal has also been carried out by JCOA
grade coal was sent to Japan from Talcher coal mine for Combustion test. The combustion test was d
Works, MHPS, Japan and report was submitted in January 2017. The report of the study wo
in February 2019. A study on best O&M practices of thermal power unit has been carried out b
DTPS, DVC in 2017-18. Final Report was submitted in May 2018 by JCOAL. Mini-workshops were
1-2018 at GSECL(Gujrat) and on 01-02-2018 at APGENCO (Andhra Pradesh) respectively for 201
CEA-JCOAL Cooperation. SCR Pilot test at
NTPC’s Sipat TPS is being carried out to meet the NOx level in the flue gas as per
units (5x200 MW+2x200 MW) of NTPC has been carried out during December 2016 to Mar
Environmental Study through Combustion Test of Indian Coal has also been carried out by JCOA
grade coal was sent to Japan from Talcher coal mine for Combustion test. The combustion test was d
Works, MHPS, Japan and report was submitted in January 2017. The report of the study wo
in February 2019. A study on best O&M practices of thermal power unit has been carried out b
DTPS, DVC in 2017-18. Final Report was submitted in May 2018 by JCOAL. Mini-workshops were
1-2018 at GSECL(Gujrat) and on 01-02-2018 at APGENCO (Andhra Pradesh) respectively for 201
CEA-JCOAL Cooperation. SCR Pilot test at
NTPC’s Sipat TPS is being carried out to meet the NOx level in the flue gas as per
R&M Programme in a structured manner was initiated in 1984 as a centrally sponsored prog
Plan and the programme continued during the two Annual Plans 1990-91 & 1991-92. The Plan wise
below: -
Total (State +
Central )
1 7 Plan &
85-86 to 89-90 34 / 163 13570 10000 2000
2 Annual & 90-91, 91-92
2 8 Plan
1992 to 1997 44 / 198 20869
(R&M) 43/(194) (20569) 5085 763
(LEP) 1 /(4) (300)
3 9 Plan
1997 to 2002 37 / 152 18991
(R&M) 29/ (127) (17306) 14500 2200
(LEP) 8/ (25) (1685)
4 10 Plan
2002 to 2007 9/25 3445
(R&M) 5/(14) (2460) 2000 300
(LEP) 4/(11) (985)
5 11 Plan
2007 to 2012 21/72 16146 5400 820
(R&M) 15/(59) (14855)
(LEP) 6/(13) (1291)
6 12 Plan
2012 to 2017 18/37 7202.5
(R&M) 8/16 4560.50
(LEP) 10/21 2641.76 ---- ----
*Tentative figure.
** Equivalent MW has been worked out assuming PLF prevailing during that period.
5.0 R&M/ LE Programme during (2017 - 22)
The Summary of R&M/ LE Programme to be implemented during 2017-22 is given below.
The status of implementation of the R&M/LE works at various units is furnished at Annexur
given below.
furnished at Annexure-1.
As on 31.03.2019
5.1 Details Achievements of LE and R&M Programme during 2017-22 upto 31.03.2019.
Details of thermal power units where the R&M/ LE Works have been completed during 2017-22 up to 31.03.2019 are gi
5.2 Details of thermal units under shut down for R&M and LE works
The following 3 units are under shut down for R&M and Life Extension works.
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) notified “Environment (Prote
Rules, 2015’’ for thermal power stations on 07.12.2015. All existing stations are required to comply
Standards within 2 years (i.e. by Dec. 2017) and the new stations including all station presently unde
required to meet the new norms by 01-01-2017.
To review the various issues arising out of new environmental norms for thermal power stati
was held on 01.09.2017 in MoEF&CC among Secretary MoEF & CC, Secretary, MoP and Ch
it was decided that the action plan submitted by MoP to MoEF & CC extending up- to 2024 should
2018 and implemented before 2022.
The MOEFCC gave its concurrence to the revised implementation plan for FGD install
upgradation vide letter no. F. No. Q-15017/40/2007-CPW dated 07.12.2017.
Further, it has been decided that the target date for environmental compliance in respect of
thermal plant located in NCR is December, 2019. The progress report of installation of meas
thermal power plant situated in NCR region is given separately.
ng 2017-22 upto 31.03.2019.
d during 2017-22 up to 31.03.2019 are given at Annexure 2& 3.
LE works
ension works.
Date of
16-07-2018(oil firing)
20-08-2018(coal firing)
Fund (BRGF) Scheme.
10.05.2005 identified Barauni TPS, units 6&7 and
works. Subsequently, a five party agreement between the
ned on 29.5.2006.
053 crores including consultancy charges under the Special
ur TPS (Unit 1&2) as per details given below:
31-03-2019 is 166917 MW & no. of units are 441 after including the units
d implementation plan.
GD Installation General Summary
Bids FGD
Awarded Commi
12040 0
0 0
1820 1820
13860 1820
Bids FGD
Awarded Commi
24 0
0 0
3 3
27 3
500 MW Critical Units
Units > 500 MW & located in areas either criticaly polluted or having population density > 400/km2
S.No. Sector (Capacity in FGD Feasibility Feasibility Tender NIT
MW) planned Study Started Study Specificatio ns Issued
Completed Made
1 Central Sector 29320 29320 29320 29320 29320
2 State Sector 13980 13980 10680 3200 2000
3 Private Sector 13510 13510 9610 7370 4970
Total 56810 56810 49610 39890 36290
S.No. Sector FGD Feasibility Feasibility Tender NIT
(No. of units) planned Study Started Study Specificatio ns Issued
Completed Made
1 Central Sector 57 57 57 57 57
2 State Sector 25 25 20 6 4
3 Private Sector 22 22 16 12 8
Total 104 104 93 75 69
NCR Summary
S.No. Sector (Capacity in FGD Feasibility Feasibility Tender NIT
MW) planned Study Started Study Specificatio ns Issued
Completed Made
1 Central Sector 9 9 9 9 9
2 State Sector 17 16 8 8 2
3 Private Sector 7 7 7 7 7
Total 33 32 24 24 18
ulation density > 400/km2
Bids FGD
Awarded Commi
6620 0
0 0
1320 1320
7940 1320
Bids FGD
Awarded Commi
12 0
0 0
2 2
14 2
Bids FGD
Awarded Commi
1820 0
0 0
1320 1320
3140 1320
Bids FGD
Awarded Commi
6 0
0 0
2 2
8 2
6.2 FGD- ESP Phasing Plan of Thermal Power Plants located in Delhi NCR
Sl. Name of Thermal Power Timeline
No. Station for FGD
1 Dadri (NCTPP), U.P 31.12.2019
Unit 1-4 (210X4 MW) NTPC
Total 12790 MW
7.0 Flexible Operation of Thermal Power Stations
India’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) include a reduction in the emission
by 33 to 35 percent by 2030 from 2005 level, and to create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billio
equivalent. Generating power from renewable sources of energy is of cardinal importance if India is
targets. With the aim to ensure future security & reliability of power supply and stability of elect
maximizing generation from renewables flexibilization of existing coal-fired power plants is an imp
A committee has been constituted in CEA to find out the level of flexibilization required from therma
and future roadmap for integration of 175 MW RES generation into Indian grid by 2022. Th
come up with the findings of the quantum of flexibilization, minimum thermal load, and ram
its interim report in June 2018. The final report of the committee was released by Secretary (Po
2019. The report has been shared with the stakeholders of power sector.A pilot test of 40% minimum
3% ramp up/ ramp down (i.e. 15 MW/ Min) has been successfully conducted in Dadri TPS of NTPC
UPRVUNL and Vindhyachal TPS of NTPC is being conducted by JCOAL to improve the flexibility
Another test is being conducted at unit no. 1 of Mauda TPS of NTPC by BHEL.
8.1 “Coal-Fired Generation Rehabilitation Project-India” funded by World Bank.
The World Bank has financed the “Coal-Fired Generation Rehabilitation Project-India” for demonstr
Efficiency Rehabilitation & Modernization (EE R&M) at coal fired generating units through rehabi
of capacity across three States-West Bengal, Haryana and Maharashtra. The above project has two
Component-1. Energy Efficiency R&M at Pilot Projects
This component would fund implementation of Energy Efficient R&M of 640 MW capacity com
Unit-5(210 MW) of WBPDCL, Koradi TPS Unit-6(210 MW) of Mahagenco and Panipat TPS U
MW) of HPGCL. The World Bank has earmarked US $ 180 million of IBRD loan and US $ 37.9 mil
for the Component-1.
Component-2. Technical Assistance to CEA and Utilities
The Technical Assistance component of the project is aimed at providing support in implemen
pilots, developing a pipeline of EE R&M interventions, addressing barriers to EE R&M proj
strengthening institutional capacities of implementing agencies for improved operation and maintena
World Bank has earmarked US $
7.5 million GEF grant for the Component-2.
8.1.1 World Bank Funded Energy Efficiency Pilot R&M Projects
(A) Bandel TPS (Unit-5, 210 MW)
The total estimated cost of R&M project is around US $ 107.38 Million comprising of loan of around
Grant of around US $ 12.45 million. In addition to above, Technical Assistance of US $ 1.3
Grant has been provided for consultancy. Further, additional US$ 22.21 million comprising of IB
18.01 million and GEF grant of US$ 4.2 million due to restructuring of funds as a result of cancellati
Panipat TPS have also been provided for Bandel TPS.
Status of Physical Progress
The unit- 5 was taken under S/D for R&M/LE works in November.2013 and the un
coal on 21 September, 2015. The unit attained a load of 215 MW on 24 November, 2015.
st th
FGD: Work order cum contract agreement for consultancy services for preparation of
TS issued to M/s NTPC
ESP: Matter being taken up with BHEL
De-NOx: Matter being taken up with BHEL
FGD: Bid opened.
ESP: Order has been placed to M/s NTPC on 29.11.18 for pre-award services
De-NOx: NIT floated on 08.03.2019
ge: Mahagenco issued the Letter of Award to M/s ABB Ltd on March 19, 2012 and the final
n May 25, 2012. Later on the package price escalation issue was resolved & M/s ABB restarted
m 07.10.2015. Overall 92% work of Electrical package completed. Approximately 92% of the
basis) is supplied by M/s ABB at site & further supply is in progress. Major BTG works are
T Motor 4/29 balance (supply balance 1 no.), LT motors Supply bance 3 Nos., Replacement of
Illumination work is balance and supply & installation of Hoists for PA and FD Fans is balance.
iv) C&I/Electrical System: UPS- 98% completed. 24V charger & battery wor
& Pre- commissioning of system/ auxiliaries, BLU through new DCS.
v) BOP Package: BOP Package: Letter of Award (LOA) for Cooling Tower Plant P
Handling Plant package and Fire Detection, Protection & Inert Gas System Package are
is signed on 23.09.2016, 26.10.2016 & 05.11.2016 respectively. DM Plant & Pre-T
Package has been cancelled. The need based refurbishment of 2 streams of DM is i
for 87.27 Lakh are placed and 90% work is completed. Under Cooling Tower Pl
95% work completed. 99.67% of overall material has been supplied at site. Desi
completed of Ash Handling Plant. 95.87% material supplied at site overall 95%
Overall material supplied at site is 100% Only Dump Test is balance for Fire Detection
Inert Gas System Package.
Various Revised Milestones for R&M work at Unit-6, Koradi TPS are as under:
for energy efficiency oriented R&M activities in three nos. of units. Durgapur TPS unit no.4
Unit) of DVC and one unit each from Badarpur TPS and Unchahar TPS of NTPC were selec
the 2nd phase. JCOAL team visited these stations during December, 2012. The final study re
efficiency oriented R&M activities was submitted on 15 April, 2013.
Environment Improvement for Sustainable, Stable and Low Carbon Supply of Electrici
January, 2016.
Under Clean Coal Technology (CCT) Programme a study tour to Japan has been organised d
from 24th October, 2018 to 1 November, 2018. 10 participants from CEA, MoP, DVC, NT
Utilities visited the latest USC power stations at Japan. The total 99 officers from Mo
power utilities were participated till date in the study tour under CCT Training Progamme.
Under CEA- JCOAL Co-operation a study on replacement of old units of Badarpur TPS by h
critical units of higher size has been carried out. JCOAL team has carried out three site surv
investigations in the month of Nov,2015, Jan, 2016 and in March, 2016. The report o
submitted in June, 2016 by JCOAL.
JCOAL has also carried out feasibility study on replacement of Singrauli STPS Stg. I & II un
MW+2x200 MW) of NTPC between December, 2016 to March, 2017.
Unit-3 of Dadri TPS of NTPC was identified for implementation of full-fledged diagnosis st
i.e. Residual Life Assessment (RLA) study. JCOAL team has conducted RLA/Diagnostic Stu
TPS of NTPC from 30 November, 2015 to 10 of December, 2015. The report on RLA/CA s
th th
Dadri TPS has been submitted by JCOAL. The objective of the RLA Study is to identify the
the current condition of Unit -3, to constitute the base for formulation of the plan of R&M im
tentatively scheduled in 2018.
One-day workshop on " Project on Efficiency and Environmental Improvement for Sustainab
carbon Supply of Electricity” was held on 11 Nov, 2016 and 10 Nov 2017 at New Delhi by
th th
Various stake holders from Central/State/Private in power sector participated in the worksho
A Meeting on Study on O&M enhancement of existing units of DSTPS, DVC under CEA-JC
was held among NEDO, JCOAL, CEA and DVC on 13 October 2017 at Kolkata in order to
safety related best practices. The expert team from Japan also visited DSTPS, DVC an
data for the purpose of O&M Study from 11.12.2017 to 14.12.2017.
Interim Report of the Study was submitted by JCOAL on 15 Dec 2017. Final Report has bee
Various stake holders from Central/State/Private in power sector participated in the worksho
A Meeting on Study on O&M enhancement of existing units of DSTPS, DVC under CEA-JC
was held among NEDO, JCOAL, CEA and DVC on 13 October 2017 at Kolkata in order to
safety related best practices. The expert team from Japan also visited DSTPS, DVC an
data for the purpose of O&M Study from 11.12.2017 to 14.12.2017.
Interim Report of the Study was submitted by JCOAL on 15 Dec 2017. Final Report has bee
and barriers in expediting sustainable, stable and low carbon thermal power developm
studies, training program and knowledge-sharing activities, outcomes of which are to be con
power development in India as well as to expedite relevant policy implementation by the Go
Following activities to be carried out under 4 MoU:
Update on the current and future policy trend in the Indian power sector.
Consideration of the identified issues/barriers to find out those which could be addressed through mutual
Identification of issues to be addressed regarding both existing and upcoming facilities, and also operation a
Implementation of studies with priorities, but not limited to environmental technologies for coal fired powe
Flexibilization measures and biomass utilization are also of high priority. Biomass study inc
o Co firing of biomass pellets
o Dedicated firing in Coal based plants
o Dedicated biomass fired plants and
o Waste to Energy Technologies
Study on Coal Washery and Coal GCV loss in power plant and its remedies
Implementation of an annual workshop in India and CCT Training Programme in Japan
Hold a joint meeting
harger & battery work is 95% completed
Cooling Tower Plant Package, Ash
Gas System Package are issued and contract
DM Plant & Pre-Treatment System
of 2 streams of DM is in progress. Orders
der Cooling Tower Plant Package overall
supplied at site. Design Engg. work is
ed at site overall 95% work completed.
ance for Fire Detection, Protection &
nd its remedies
Programme in Japan
Status of units where Life Extension/ Renovation & Modernisation works have been taken u
for implementation during 2017-22
3 U.P. Anpara TPS 1 1986 210 LE works yet to be decided by the utility
4 U.P. Anpara TPS 2 1987 210 LE works yet to be decided by the utility
5 U.P. Anpara TPS 3 1988 210 LE works yet to be decided by the utility
6 Gujarat Ukai 3 1979 200 ESP R&M: ESP retrofitting of unit-3 has been
completed and unit lit up on 26-04-2016.PG test has bee
carried out and guarantee parameter achieved.
Turbine & Boiler R&M: Turbine & boiler R&M work o
UTPS Unit#3 is dropped.
C&I Up-gradation :- Order of awarded for C&I
upgradation to BHEL on 18.06.2015. C&I
upgradation of Unit-3 has been completed and unit li
Ash slurry pump house: - LOI issued to M/s Deccan
Mechanical & Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd., Pune on
05-2018 at the cost of Rs. 13.87 Crs .was cancelled. Ten
re-invited for subject
work, offers received and scrutiny is under progr
7 Gujarat Ukai 4 1979 200 Ukai TPS Unit -4 was taken under S/D on 07- 12-201
unit lit up on 04-05-2017 and synchronised o
17.05.2017 and COD achieved on 24.05.2017. PG test
retrofitted ESP, Boiler after modification and retrofit
Turbine was completed on 17-06-2017, 23-08-2017 an
02-11- 2017 respectively. Guaranty parameters achieved
Boiler Back Pass Modification: Order awarded to BHEL
for availability & efficiency improvement through
modification in Boiler Back Pass and replacement of
APH. Work completed and unit lit up on 04-05-2017.
PG test carried out and guaranty parameter achieve
C&I Upgradation by utilizing R&M material of
2x120 MW GTPS unit no . 1&2.: Order awarded to BH
on 18-06-2015. Work completed and unit lit up on 04
Ash slurry pump house:- - LOI issued to M/s Decca
Mechanical & Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd., Pune on
05-2018 at the cost of Rs. 13.87 Crs.was cancelled. Ten
re-invited for subject
work, offers received and scrutiny is under progr
11 Maharashtra Koradi 6 1982 210 LE work completed and unit sychronised on 16-
2018 with oil & 20-08-2018 with coal.
The unit is being taken up by WB funded project. The to
cost of the project including IDC is
636.93 crores. The unit is under shutdown since 25th
August, 2015 and expected to be synchronized
BTG Package: Mahagenco issued that the Letter of Aw
to BHEL on May 31, 2013. The contract was
signed on December 18, 2013. Overall 98.07%
material has been supplied at site. Overall (physical
progress) 96% work of BTG package completed.
Approximately 98.34% of the material (on Amount
basis) is supplied by
BHEL at site & further supply is in progress.
Major BTG works are completed except
- CPU erection and commissioning(50 T capacity)
- SWAS System
- EHG/ ATRS/ PAO demonstration.
- Works identified as punch points such as grati
railings, drains etc.
C&I/Electrical System: UPS- 98% completed. 24V
charger& battery work is 95% completed & Pre-
commissioning of system/ auxiliaries, BLU through ne
Electrical Package: Mahagenco issued the Letter of Aw
to M/s ABB Ltd on March 19, 2012 and the final
contract was signed on May 25, 2012. Later on the
package price escalation issue was resolved & M/s AB
restarted the work at site from 07.10.2015. Overall
92% work of Electrical package completed.
Approximately 92% of the material (on Amount
basis) is supplied by M/s ABB at site & further supply
progress. Following works are balance:
- HT Motor 4/29 balance (supply balance 1 no.), LT
motors Supply bance 3 Nos.
- Replacement of 9 LT is balance.
- 30% Illumination work is balance.
- Supply & installation of Hoists for PA and FD Fans is
BOP Package: Letter of Award (LOA) for Cool
Tower Plant Package, Ash Handling Plant package
and Fire Detection, Protection & Inert Gas System
Package are issued and contract is signed on
23.09.2016, 26.10.2016 &
05.11.2016 respectively.
DM Plant & Pre-Treatment System Package has b
cancelled. The need based refurbishment of 2 streams
DM is in progress. Orders for
87.27 Lakh are placed and 90% work is comple
Under Cooling Tower Plant Package overall 95% wor
completed. 99.67% of overall material has been supp
at site. Design Engg. work is completed of Ash
Handling Plant. 95.87% material supplied at site
overall 95% work completed.
Overall material supplied at site is 100% Only Dum
Test is balance for Fire Detection,
Protection & Inert Gas System Package.
14 Maharashtra Bhusawal 3 1982 210 RLA/ Feasibility study for EER&M has not been
carried out.
15 Maharashtra Nashik 3 1979 210 DPR finalised, Govt. of Maharashtra has approv
20% equity. The uint-3 was to be
taken up under KfW funded project. All studies
completed, and DPR has been
prepared. Also Tender documents have been prepar
But Nasik Unit-3 R&M project withheld and
Nasik Unit -4 R&M shall be taken up on
priority. Further, MSPGCL Board directed that
other R&M work
shall be taken up without monitoring results of Kor
16 Maharashtra Nashik 4 1980 210 All studies Completed, Final DPR is
submitted by M/s Steag. Approval of DPR is in
progress. Nasik Unit -4 R&M shall be taken u
on priority. Further, MSPGCL Board directed
that no other R&M work
shall be taken up without monitoring results of Kor
17 Maharashtra Nashik 5 1981 210 R&M/LE feasibility study completed.
MSPGCL Board directed that no other R&M work
shall be taken up without monitoring
results of Koradi U-6.
18 Maharashtra Parli 4 1985 210 RLA/Feasibility study for EER&M not
carried out.
19 Maharashtra Parli 5 1987 210 RLA/Feasibility study for EER&M not
carried out.
20 Maharashtra Chandrapur 3 1983 210 RLA/Feasibility study for EER&M not
carried out.
21 Maharashtra Chandrapur 4 1984 210 RLA/Feasibility study for EER&M not carrie
22 Maharashtra Chandrapur 5 1983 500 Feasibility study for EER&M not carried
23 Maharashtra Chandrapur 6 1984 500 Feasibility study for EER&M not carried out.
27 W.Bengal Kolaghat 1 1990 210 DPR has been prepared and accepted.
After successful completion of the unit-3 work
R&M works of the Unit -1&2 will be taken up.
28 W.Bengal Kolaghat 2 1985 210 DPR has been prepared and accepted.
After successful completion of the unit No. 3 wor
the R&M works of the Unit No 1&2
will be taken up.
29 W.Bengal Kolaghat 3 1984 210 Estimated cost of L.E.of Unit# 1,2&3: 1090 Crs U# 1, 2
3: There are 3 packages (ESP, AHP & BTG).
ESP (1,2,3) : LOA placed on M/s KCIN. Star
date is 22.03.17. (Schedule is 35 months from LOA).
ESP (unit- 3): Mechanical erection work is in progre
ESP (unit- 1): Dismantling work under progress.
AHP (1,2,3): LOA placed on M/s Indure. Starting date
26/07/2017. (schedule is 29 months from LOA)
Unit#3 Dismantling work is completed.
BTG (1,2,3): WBPDCL Board has approved for
retendering of new BTG package with higher capac
mills. Accordingly, earlier NIT is cancelled.
Boiler & Auxiliary System: - DPR is ready. WBPD
Board has approved for retendering of new BTG packa
with higher capacity mills. Accordingly, earlier NIT is
BOP: - Clarifloculator:- WBPDCL Board has appro
for retendering of new BTG package with higher
capacity mills. Accordingly, earlier NIT is cancelled.
ESP: U#3: Mechanical erection works is in
progress. Major electrical equipment has been
U#1: Dismantling work completed. Civil pile wor
under progress.
AHP: U#3: Mechanical erection work is in progr
Electrical and Instrumentation: - Technical bids are
submitted on 03-01-2018.
Shutdown of ESP and AHP shall be matched.
BTG package of Unit-1 and 2 shall be matched with
respective ESP and AHP. BTG Package of unit-3 shall
start last if situation permits.
tion & Modernisation works have been taken up
tion during 2017-22
(as on
2 Augmentation of DDCMIS
21 M.P. Sanjay Gandhi 1 1993 210 Unit-1 –The consultant has completed RLA/C
Studies of unit#1 & 2 in Dec 2014 and August
respectively submitted the DPR in March 2015
Executing Agency will be finalised through o
tendering process in due course of time. The R&
has been divided into 4 no of packages.
1. Boiler
2. TG
3. BOP
4. R&M of Electrical & C&I
To capitalise the expenditure proposed to be inc
these R&M works of SGTPS, Birsingpur, a petition
before Hon’ble MPERC in the month of April
After exchange of various correspondenc
Hon’ble commission vide order dated 27-12 2017
consider the proposal because of various objection
stake holders. However, the commission stated in
that MPPGCL is at liberty to approach them wit
proposal considering the objection & observation
holders. After detailes analysis, aproposal was su
before BOD of MPPGCL in the meeting held o
2018 for dropping the proposal of carrying ou
comprehensive R&M work in 210 MW units of S
availing the special allowance till MoE&F permits. A
detailed deliberations, the BoD resolved to constitute
committee to analyse the above proposal. Accordin
sub-committee has been
formed. A meeting of committee was held on 1
Unit-1 –The consultant has completed RLA/C
Studies of unit#1 & 2 in Dec 2014 and August
22 M.P. Sanjay Gandhi 2 1994 210 respectively submitted the DPR in March 2015
Executing Agency will be finalised through o
tendering process in due course of time. The R&
has been divided into 4 no of packages.
1. Boiler
2. TG
3. BOP
4. R&M of Electrical & C&I
To capitalise the expenditure proposed to be inc
these R&M works of SGTPS, Birsingpur, a petition
before Hon’ble MPERC in the month of April
After exchange of various correspondenc
Hon’ble commission vide order dated 27-12 2017
consider the proposal because of various objection
stake holders. However, the commission stated in
that MPPGCL is at liberty to approach them wit
proposal considering the objection & observation
holders. After detailes analysis, aproposal was su
before BOD of MPPGCL in the meeting held o
2018 for dropping the proposal of carrying ou
comprehensive R&M work in 210 MW units of S
availing the special allowance till MoE&F permits. A
detailed deliberations, the BoD resolved to constitute
committee to analyse the above proposal. Accordin
sub-committee has been
formed. A meeting of committee was held on 1
ptember, 2016
system for cooling Tower of Unit 2,3,4&5
of LR beam of ESO on Unit-1
nancial year 2018-19.
CO Analyser for Unit 2,3 &4 has been completed
f workshop completed .
taken-up need based R&M for life
e basis of R&LA studies and also taken up R&M
liance of new environmental norms. The
rder dated 61-03-2016 has approved such
capital investment plan for financial year 2016-
1 GT-1 1995 33.50
GT-2 1995 33.50
3 GT-3 1995 33.50
GT-6 1996 33.5
5 ST-1 1998 30.00
GT#2 : (a) Order for supply and commissioning of M/s MHI make MEGAC
V, Diasys Netmation System for Up gradation and replacement of old
controller MACTUS 620 sequencer and MEGAC III analog Governor
already placed with the OEM, M/s MHI, Japan on 26.03.2015.
The upgradation of controller already commissioned on 31-07-2016.
(b) The supply order for one new vibration monitoring system already
placed. Expected to be commissioned within May 2019.
(c) Order for Compressor Rotor Refurbishment (CRR) and
Comprehensive Rotor Inspection (CRI) for unit#1 to unit #4 have already
been placed with the OEM, M/s MHI, Japan on 28.05.2013 and this unit is
planned in 2019-20 (October 2019) as per the maintenance schedule of
OEM. .
CCGT ST-2 1998 30.00
7 ST-3 1998 30.00
Date of Synchroni-
sation after LE Works
Annexure-3 As on 31.03.2019
Details of Thermal Power Units where the R&M Works have been Completed During 2017-22
Date of completion of
R&M works
Details of Thermal Power Units where the Renovation & Modernisation (R&M)/Life Extension (LE) Works
have been Completed During 12 Plan th
Date of Synchroni-
sation after LE
28.08. 2013
29.09. 2013
10.07. 2014
22.06. 2014
01.05. 2015
7 Kathalguri GT-3 33.5 NTPC Central Sector
8 Kathalguri GT-4 33.5 NTPC Central Sector
9 Kathalguri GT-5 33.5 NTPC Central Sector
10 Simhadri 1 500 NTPC Central
11 Simhadri 2 500 NTPC Central
12 Ramagundam 4 500 NTPC Central
13 Ramagundam 5 500 NTPC Central
14 Ramagundam 6 500 NTPC Central
15 Rihand STPS 1 500 NTPC Central
16 Rihand STPS 2 500 NTPC Central
Total R&M State Sector 05 units 850.00 MW
Total R&M Central Sector 11 units 3710.50 MW
Total R&M (Central +State) 16 units 4560.50 MW
Total (R&M+LE) 37 units 7202.26
March, 2017
March, 2017
March, 2017
March, 2017
March, 2017
Summary of implementation for phasing plan for FGD installation/ESP Upgradation
Sl. Description
1 Total Capacity Considered
2 Capacity retired/identified for retirement
3 Capacity after Retirement (1-2)
4 Capacity already having FGD capable of meeting new Sox norms
5 Capacity with CFBC Boilers
6 Capacity taken for analysis (3-4-5)
7 FGD Implementation Plan
a) Capacity which claims to be Sox complaint
b) Balance Capacity (6-7 (a))
c) Capacity where FGD has been planned (Annexure-6)
d) Capacity where FGD implementation plan available
e) Capacity where FGD implementation plan not submitted by developer
COMPLAINT f (i) + f(ii)
(i) Capacity where FGD installation is being explored
(ii) Capacity where FGD cannot be installed
(i) Capacity which is SPM non- complaint
(ii) Capacity which would be Sox non- complaint
(iii) Capacity FGD installation being Explored
(iv) Balance Capacity (i-ii-iii) where ESP upgradation considered
(v) Capacity where ESP Implementation plan available
(vi) Capacity where ESP Implementation plan not submitted by developer
Status of Installation of FGD
ation/ESP Upgradation
Capacity Units
196667 650
8967 82
187700 568
6130 15
5524 48
176046 505
5115 23
170931 482
161552 415
161402 414
150 1
9379 67
690 7
8689 60
72659 273
6344 38
390 4
65925 231
64525 222
1400 9
Sr. Developer Name of Project Sector State Regio n Unit Unit DATE of
1 ER
2 ER
28 ER
TenughatVN TENUGHAT TPS State Sector Jharkhand 2 210 10/10/1996
29 GMR KAMALANGA TP Private Sector Odisha ER 1 350 3/29/2013
35 ER
36 ER
37 ER
38 ER
39 ER
40 ER
44 C.E.S.C. Pvt. BUDGE BUDGE Private Sector West Benga ER 1 250 9/16/1997
45 C.E.S.C. Pvt. BUDGE BUDGE Private Sector West Benga ER 2 250 3/6/1999
46 C.E.S.C. Pvt. BUDGE BUDGE Private Sector West Benga ER 3 250 9/29/2009
47 C.E.S.C. Pvt. SOUTHERN RE Private Sector West Benga ER 1 68 4/10/1991
48 C.E.S.C. Pvt. SOUTHERN RE Private Sector West Benga ER 2 68 8/12/1990
49 D.P.L. D.P.L. TPS State Sector West Benga ER 6 110 7/3/1985
50 D.P.L. D.P.L. TPS State Sector West Benga ER 7 300 11/24/2007
51 D.P.L. D.P.L. TPS EXT. State Sector West Benga ER 8 250 3/31/2014
52 D.V.C DURGAPUR ST Central Sector West Benga ER 1 500 7/29/2011
53 D.V.C DURGAPUR ST Central Sector West Benga ER 2 500 3/23/2012
54 D.V.C MEJIA TPS Central Sector West Benga ER 1 210 3/1/1996
55 D.V.C MEJIA TPS Central Sector West Benga ER 2 210 3/24/1997
56 D.V.C MEJIA TPS Central Sector West Benga ER 3 210 3/25/1998
57 D.V.C MEJIA TPS Central Sector West Benga ER 4 210 10/12/2004
58 D.V.C MEJIA TPS Central Sector West Benga ER 5 250 10/1/2007
59 D.V.C MEJIA TPS Central Sector West Benga ER 6 250 3/31/2007
60 D.V.C MEJIA TPS Central Sector West Benga ER 7 500 9/30/2010
61 D.V.C MEJIA TPS Central Sector West Benga ER 8 500 3/26/2011
62 D.V.C RAGHUNATHPU Central Sector West Benga ER 1 600 8/24/2014
63 D.V.C RAGHUNATHPU Central Sector West Benga ER 2 600 1/18/2016
64 M/s Haldia E HALDIA TPP Private Sector West Benga ER 1 300 1/14/2015
65 M/s Haldia E HALDIA TPP Private Sector West Benga ER 2 300 2/16/2015
66 Bishagarh Po India Power TPP Private Sector West Benga ER 1 150 6/7/2017
97 NR
GVK Power L GOINDWAL SAH Private Sector Punjab 1 270 2/14/2016
98 NR
GVK Power L GOINDWAL SAH Private Sector Punjab 2 270 3/15/2016
99 L&T Power D Nabha TPP (Rajp Private Sector Punjab NR 1 700 1/24/2014
100 L&T Power D Nabha TPP (Rajp Private Sector Punjab NR 2 700 7/6/2014
117 NR
RRVUNL KOTA TPS State Sector Rajasthan 5 210 3/26/1994
118 NR
RRVUNL KOTA TPS State Sector Rajasthan 6 195 7/30/2003
119 NR
RRVUNL KOTA TPS State Sector Rajasthan 7 195 8/30/2009
126 Lalitpur Powe LALITPUR TPS Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 2 660 1/8/2016
127 Lalitpur Powe LALITPUR TPS Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 3 660 4/1/2016
128 Lalitpur Powe LALITPUR TPS Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 1 660 3/26/2016
129 Lanko Anpar ANPARA C TPS Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 1 600 10/12/2011
130 Lanko Anpar ANPARA C TPS Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 2 600 1/18/2012
131 NTPC DADRI (NCTPP) Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 1 210 12/21/1991
132 NTPC DADRI (NCTPP) Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 2 210 12/18/1992
133 NTPC DADRI (NCTPP) Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 3 210 3/23/1993
134 NTPC DADRI (NCTPP) Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 4 210 3/24/1994
135 NTPC DADRI (NCTPP) Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 5 490 1/25/2010
136 NTPC DADRI (NCTPP) Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 6 490 7/16/2010
137 NR
138 NR
139 NTPC RIHAND STPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 3 500 1/31/2005
140 NTPC RIHAND STPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 4 500 9/24/2005
141 NTPC RIHAND STPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 5 500 5/25/2012
142 NTPC RIHAND STPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 6 500 10/17/2013
143 NTPC SINGRAULI STP Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 1 200 2/14/1982
144 NTPC SINGRAULI STP Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 2 200 11/25/1982
145 NTPC SINGRAULI STP Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 3 200 3/28/1983
146 NTPC SINGRAULI STP Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 4 200 11/2/1983
147 NTPC SINGRAULI STP Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 5 200 2/26/1984
148 NR
149 NR
150 NR
NTPC UNCHAHAR TPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes 1 210 11/21/1988
151 NR
NTPC UNCHAHAR TPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes 2 210 3/22/1989
152 NR
NTPC UNCHAHAR TPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes 3 210 1/27/1999
153 NR
NTPC UNCHAHAR TPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes 4 210 10/22/1999
154 NTPC UNCHAHAR TPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 5 210 9/28/2006
155 NTPC UNCHAHAR TPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 6 500 3/31/2017
159 Rosa Power ROSA TPP Ph-I Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 1 300 2/10/2010
160 Rosa Power ROSA TPP Ph-I Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 2 300 6/26/2010
161 Rosa Power ROSA TPP Ph-I Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 3 300 12/28/2011
162 Rosa Power ROSA TPP Ph-I Private Sector Uttar Pardes NR 4 300 3/28/2012
163 NR
UPRVUNL ANPARA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes 1 210 3/24/1986
164 NR
UPRVUNL ANPARA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes 2 210 2/28/1987
165 NR
UPRVUNL ANPARA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes 3 210 3/12/1988
166 NR
UPRVUNL ANPARA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes 4 500 7/19/1993
167 NR
UPRVUNL ANPARA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes 5 500 7/4/1994
168 UPRVUNL ANPARA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 6 500 6/8/2015
169 UPRVUNL ANPARA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 7 500 3/6/2016
170 UPRVUNL HARDUAGANJ T State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 8 250 9/27/2011
171 UPRVUNL HARDUAGANJ T State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 9 250 5/25/2012
172 UPRVUNL OBRA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 9 200 10/26/1980
173 UPRVUNL OBRA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 10 200 1/14/1979
174 UPRVUNL OBRA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 11 200 12/31/1977
175 UPRVUNL OBRA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 12 200 3/28/1981
176 UPRVUNL OBRA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 13 200 7/21/1982
177 UPRVUNL PARICHHA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 3 210 3/29/2006
178 UPRVUNL PARICHHA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 4 210 12/28/2006
179 UPRVUNL PARICHHA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 5 250 5/24/2012
180 UPRVUNL PARICHHA TPS State Sector Uttar Pardes NR 6 250 3/11/2013
181 SR
APGENCO Dr. N.TATA RAO State Sector Andhra Prad 7 500 10/8/2009
187 SR
APPDCL DAMODARAM S State Sector Andhra Prad 1 800 8/28/2014
188 SR
APPDCL DAMODARAM S State Sector Andhra Prad 2 800 3/17/2015
189 HNPCL VIZAG TPP Private Sector Andhra Prad SR 1 520 12/27/2015
190 HNPCL VIZAG TPP Private Sector Andhra Prad SR 2 520 3/30/2016
191 SR
192 SR
195 Sembcorp G Sembcorp Gayat Private Sector Andhra Prad SR 1 660 11/12/2016
196 Sembcorp G Sembcorp Gayat Private Sector Andhra Prad SR 2 660 2/15/2017
199 Adani Power UDUPI TPP Private Sector Karnataka SR 1 600 7/23/2010
200 Adani Power UDUPI TPP Private Sector Karnataka SR 2 600 4/16/2011
218 Coastal Ener MUTHIARA TPP Private Sector Tamil Nadu SR 1 600 12/2/2014
219 Coastal Ener MUTHIARA TPP Private Sector Tamil Nadu SR 2 600 1/2/2016
220 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI ( EXT) Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 1 210 10/21/2002
221 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI ( EXT) Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 2 210 7/22/2003
222 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI TPS- II Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 1 210 1/17/1988
223 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI TPS- II Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 2 210 2/6/1987
224 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI TPS- II Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 3 210 3/29/1987
225 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI TPS- II Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 4 210 3/30/1991
226 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI TPS- II Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 5 210 12/31/1991
227 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI TPS- II Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 6 210 10/30/1992
228 NEYVELI LIG NEYVELI TPS- II Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 7 210 6/19/1993
229 NTEC LTD. VALLUR TPP Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 1 500 3/28/2012
230 NTEC LTD. VALLUR TPP Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 2 500 2/28/2013
231 NTEC LTD. VALLUR TPP Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 3 500 2/28/2014
232 NLC + TANG TUTICORIN (JV) Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 1 500 3/10/2015
233 NLC + TANG TUTICORIN (JV) Central Sector Tamil Nadu SR 2 500 7/9/2015
234 TAQA, Neyve TAQA, Neyveli Private Sector Tamil Nadu SR 2 250 10/21/2002
235 SR
TANGEDCO NORTH CHENN State Sector Tamil Nadu 4 600 3/9/2013
236 SR
TANGEDCO NORTH CHENN State Sector Tamil Nadu 5 600 9/13/2013
237 TANGEDCO NORTH CHENN State Sector Tamil Nadu SR 1 210 10/25/1994
238 TANGEDCO NORTH CHENN State Sector Tamil Nadu SR 2 210 3/27/1995
239 TANGEDCO NORTH CHENN State Sector Tamil Nadu SR 3 210 2/24/1996
247 SR
Singareni Co SINGARENI TPP State Sector Telangana 1 600 3/13/2016
248 SR
Singareni Co SINGARENI TPP State Sector Telangana 2 600 11/25/2016
252 Bharat Alumi BALCO TPS Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 1 300 6/4/2015
253 Bharat Alumi BALCO TPS Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 2 300 3/24/2016
263 WR
KORBA-WE AVANTHA BHAN Private Sector Chhatisgarh 1 600 3/31/2014
264 KSK Mahana AKALTARA TPS Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 1 600 8/13/2013
265 KSK Mahana AKALTARA TPS Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 2 600 8/22/2014
266 M/s Lanko A PATHADI TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 1 300 6/4/2009
267 M/s Lanko A PATHADI TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 2 300 3/25/2010
268 M/s O.P.Jind OP JINDAL TPS Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 1 250 9/2/2007
269 M/s O.P.Jind OP JINDAL TPS Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 2 250 2/10/2008
270 M/s O.P.Jind OP JINDAL TPS Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 3 250 3/6/2008
271 M/s O.P.Jind OP JINDAL TPS Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 4 250 6/17/2008
272 M/s O.P.Jind TAMNAR TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 1 600 3/10/2014
273 M/s O.P.Jind TAMNAR TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 2 600 3/30/2014
274 M/s O.P.Jind TAMNAR TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 3 600 1/7/2015
275 M/s O.P.Jind TAMNAR TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 4 600 3/28/2015
276 WR
277 WR
278 WR
279 WR
281 WR
288 NTPC & Sail BHILAI TPS Central Sector Chhatisgarh WR 1 250 4/20/2008
289 NTPC & Sail BHILAI TPS Central Sector Chhatisgarh WR 2 250 7/12/2009
290 WR
RKM Powerg UCHPINDA TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh 1 360 10/28/2015
291 WR
RKM Powerg UCHPINDA TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh 3 360 1/28/2016
292 SKS Power G Binjkote TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 1 300 4/25/2017
294 Adani Power MUNDRA TPS Private Sector Gujarat WR 1 330 8/4/2009
295 Adani Power MUNDRA TPS Private Sector Gujarat WR 2 330 3/17/2010
296 Adani Power MUNDRA TPS Private Sector Gujarat WR 3 330 8/2/2010
297 Adani Power MUNDRA TPS Private Sector Gujarat WR 4 330 12/20/2010
298 Adani Power MUNDRA TPS Private Sector Gujarat WR 5 660 12/26/2010
299 Adani Power MUNDRA TPS Private Sector Gujarat WR 6 660 7/20/2011
300 Essar Gujara SALAYA TPP Private Sector Gujarat WR 1 600 1/4/2012
301 Essar Gujara SALAYA TPP Private Sector Gujarat WR 2 600 6/15/2012
321 Tata Power ( MUNDRA UMTP Private Sector Gujarat WR 1 800 3/7/2012
322 Tata Power ( MUNDRA UMTP Private Sector Gujarat WR 2 800 7/30/2012
323 Tata Power ( MUNDRA UMTP Private Sector Gujarat WR 3 800 10/27/2012
324 Tata Power ( MUNDRA UMTP Private Sector Gujarat WR 4 800 1/21/2013
325 Tata Power ( MUNDRA UMTP Private Sector Gujarat WR 5 800 3/22/2013
329 ESSAR powe MAHAN TPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 1 600 2/24/2013
330 Jaipraksh Po NIGRI TPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 1 660 8/29/2014
331 Jaipraksh Po NIGRI TPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 2 660 2/27/2015
332 Jhabua Powe SEIONI TPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 1 600 3/22/2016
333 MB Power ANUPPUR TPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 1 600 4/20/2015
334 MB Power ANUPPUR TPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 2 600 3/30/2016
336 MPPGCL SANJAY GANDH State Sector Madhya Pra WR 1 210 3/26/1993
337 MPPGCL SANJAY GANDH State Sector Madhya Pra WR 2 210 3/27/1993
338 MPPGCL SANJAY GANDH State Sector Madhya Pra WR 3 210 2/28/1999
339 MPPGCL SANJAY GANDH State Sector Madhya Pra WR 4 210 11/23/1999
340 MPPGCL SANJAY GANDH State Sector Madhya Pra WR 5 500 6/18/2007
341 MPPGCL SATPURA TPS State Sector Madhya Pra WR 10 250 3/22/2013
342 MPPGCL SATPURA TPS State Sector Madhya Pra WR 11 250 12/25/2013
343 MPPGCL SHRI SINGHAJI State Sector Madhya Pra WR 1 600 11/18/2013
344 MPPGCL SHRI SINGHAJI State Sector Madhya Pra WR 2 600 10/15/2014
357 Reliance Pow SASAN UMTPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 1 660 5/30/2013
358 Reliance Pow SASAN UMTPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 2 660 12/18/2013
359 Reliance Pow SASAN UMTPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 3 660 5/21/2014
360 Reliance Pow SASAN UMTPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 4 660 3/25/2014
361 Reliance Pow SASAN UMTPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 5 660 8/24/2014
362 Reliance Pow SASAN UMTPP Private Sector Madhya Pra WR 6 660 3/19/2015
363 Adani Power TIRORA TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 1 660 9/11/2012
364 Adani Power TIRORA TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 2 660 3/25/2013
365 Adani Power TIRORA TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 3 660 6/10/2013
366 Adani Power TIRORA TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 4 660 3/23/2014
367 Adani Power TIRORA TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 5 660 9/25/2014
368 WR
Dhariwal Infr DHARIWAL TPP Private Sector Maharashtra 1 300 11/3/2013
369 WR
Dhariwal Infr DHARIWAL TPP Private Sector Maharashtra 2 300 5/28/2014
370 GMR emco E EMCO WARORA Private Sector Maharashtra WR 1 300 2/7/2013
371 GMR emco E EMCO WARORA Private Sector Maharashtra WR 2 300 8/27/2013
402 WR
403 WR
404 WR
NTPC SOLAPUR Central Sector Maharashtra 1 660 4/7/2017
405 Ratan Power NASIK (P) TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 1 270 2/25/2014
406 Ratan Power NASIK (P) TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 2 270 2/15/2017
407 Ratan Power NASIK (P) TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 3 270 4/14/2017
408 Ratan Power NASIK (P) TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 4 270 5/19/2017
409 Ratan Power NASIK (P) TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 5 270 5/30/2017
410 TATA Power TROMBAY TPS Private Sector Maharashtra WR 5 500 1/25/1984
411 Vidarbha Ind BUTIBORI TPP Private Sector Maharashtra WR 1 300 8/17/2012
412 Vidarbha Ind BUTIBORI TPP Private Sector Maharashtra WR 2 300 3/19/2013
419 NTPC Meja STPP Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 1 660 3/30/2018
421 NTPC Barauni TPS Ext State Sector Bihar ER 8 250 1/11/2018
422 NTPC Barauni TPS Ext State Sector Bihar ER 9 250 3/31/2018
423 KSK Mahand Akaltara TPP (Na Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 3 600 1/18/2018
424 SKS Power G Binjkote TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 2 300 3/28/2018
425 RKM Powerg Uchpinda TPP Private Sector Chhatisgarh WR 3 360 9/12/2017
426 Shirpur Powe Shirpur TPP Private Sector Maharashtra WR 1 150 9/28/2017
427 India Power India Power TPP Private Sector West Benga ER 2 150 12/31/2017
434 NTPC TANDA TPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 3 110 3/28/1990
435 NTPC TANDA TPS Central Sector Uttar Pardes NR 4 110 2/20/1998
NIT issued on 28 Sept
31/12/2022 2018
NIT issued on 28 Sept
31/12/2022 2018
Feasiblity Study Carried out.
Preparation of DPR under process.
31/12/2021 to CEA.
Tender specifications are
30/09/2021 under finalisation.
Tender specifications are
30/09/2021 under finalisation.
Feasibility Study under
31/03/2022 process
31/12/2022 Feasibility under process
31/12/2022 Feasibility under process
31/12/2022 Feasibility under process
31/03/2022 Feasibility under process
31/12/2021 Feasibility under process
31/03/2022 Feasibility under process
30/06/2022 Feasibility under process
31/03/2022 Feasibility under process
30/06/2021 Award expected in Mar-19
30/06/2021 Award expected in Mar-19
31/12/2022 NIT expected in June,19
31/12/2022 NIT expected in June,19
31/12/2022 NIT expected in June,19
31/12/2022 NIT expected in June,19
31/12/2022 NIT expected in June,19
31/12/2022 NIT expected in June,19
30/09/2021 Award expected in Mar-19
30/09/2021 Award expected in Mar-19
31/03/2022 Award expected in Mar-19
31/03/2022 Award expected in Mar-19
Feasibility Study under
31/12/2022 process
Feasibility Study under
31/12/2022 process
Feasability study under
Tendring Process to be
30/06/2022 intitiated in October 2018
Tendring Process to be
31/03/2021 intitiated in July 2020
Tendring Process to be
30/09/2021 intitiated in July 2020
Tendring Process to be
31/03/2022 intitiated in March 2021
Tendring Process to be
30/06/2021 intitiated in March 2021
Tendring Process to be
31/12/2021 intitiated in March 2021
Tendring Process to be
31/12/2020 intitiated in July 2018
Tendring Process to be
31/03/2021 intitiated in July 2018
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Tendring Process to be
31/03/2021 intitiated in July 2019
Tendring Process to be
31/12/2021 intitiated in July 2019
FGD Installed and is Under
31/12/2019 Renovation
FGD Installed and is Under
31/12/2019 Renovation
Feasibility study under
31/12/2019 consideration
EOI was invited vide newspaper
advrt. On 18.06.2018
Work order cum contract agreement
for consultancy services for
preparation of TS issued to M/s
Work order cum contract agreement
for consultancy services for
preparation of TS issued to M/s
Work order cum contract agreement
for consultancy services for
preparation of TS issued to M/s
31/12/2019 Technical bids opened
31/12/2019 Technical bids opened
31/12/2019 Technical bids opened
31/08/2020 NIT to be issued soon.
30/06/2020 NIT to be issued soon.
Tender Specification under
31/12/2021 process
Tender Specification under
31/10/2021 process
Tender Specification under
31/08/2021 process
Tender Specification under
31/08/2021 process
Tender Specification under process
Tender Specification under process
Petition was filed with UPERC for
approval capital cost for installation
of FGD and other associated
systems. UPERC directed to
approach CEA.
Petition was filed with UPERC for
approval capital cost for installation
of FGD and other associated
systems. UPERC directed to
approach CEA.
NIT issued on 28 Sept 2018
Feasibility Study is under process.
Requsted for FGD implementation
date to be postponed by 5-6 years.
Feasibility Study under
29/02/2020 progress
31/12/2021 Tendering Under Process
31/12/2021 Tendering Under Process
31/10/2021 Tendering Under Process
31/10/2021 Tendering Under Process
NIT issued
NIT issued
NIT issued
NIT issued
NIT issued
30/06/2021 Bids opened
30/04/2021 Bids opened
31/12/2019 Bid opened
31/12/2019 Bid opened
NIT refloated for feasibility
31/08/2022 study
NIT refloated for feasibility
31/10/2022 study
NIT refloated for feasibility
31/12/2022 study
NIT refloated for feasibility
30/06/2022 study
NIT refloated for feasibility
30/04/2022 study
Complies with new Norms as
31/12/2021 per developer
Complies with new Norms as
30/09/2021 per developer
Complies with new Norms as
30/09/2020 per developer
Complies with new Norms as
30/06/2021 per developer
Complies with new Norms as
30/06/2020 per developer
Feasibilty studies are in progress
through M/s BHEL.
Feasibilty studies are in progress
through M/s BHEL.
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
NIT issued on 31 Aug 18
Feasability study under
30/09/2021 progress
Pilot plant trials under progress.
Technology Finalization will be done
in few months.
Pilot plant trials under progress.
Technology Finalization will be done
in few months.
Existing FGD to be dismantled and
new FGD to be installed. NIT to be
issued soon.
Existing FGD to be dismantled and
new FGD to be installed. NIT to be
issued soon.
Discussions with vendor is in
30/06/2022 progress
Discussions with vendor is in
30/09/2022 progress
31/12/2020 NIT issued
30/06/2021 NIT issued
31/12/2021 NIT issued
31/03/2021 NIT issued
30/06/2021 NIT issued
30/09/2021 NIT issued
31/12/2021 NIT issued
31/03/2022 NIT issued
30/06/2022 NIT issued
30/09/2022 NIT issued
31/12/2022 NIT issued
Feasibility study under
31/12/2021 process
Feasibility study under
31/12/2022 process
30/06/2022 Awarded on 31st July 18.
30/09/2022 Awarded on 31st July 18.
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Feasiblity Study Under
30/06/2020 Progress
Requsted for FGD implementation
date to be revised as 31.12.2021
Requsted for FGD implementation
date to be revised as 30.09.2022
Budgetary offer awaited from
31/12/2022 M/s. BHEL
Budgetary offer awaited from
30/06/2022 M/s. BHEL
Budgetary offer awaited from
31/03/2022 M/s. BHEL
GCEL is under stressed assets. No
Long Term PPA. Under resolution
process for Sale
Feasiblity Study carried out. Tender
specification prepared.
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Technical discussion with various
vendors is under progress.
Feasability study under
30/09/2020 progress
Already meeting the
30/09/2020 environmental norms.
31/12/2022 NIT is to be issued soon.
31/12/2022 NIT is to be issued soon.
30/09/2022 NIT is to be issued soon.
30/09/2022 NIT is to be issued soon.
30/06/2022 NIT is to be issued soon.
31/03/2022 NIT is to be issued soon.
Feasibility study under
30/06/2021 process
Feasibility study under
31/03/2021 process
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/01/2022 Bidding Under Progresse
31/01/2022 Bidding Under Progresse
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/03/2022 technical bid opening is
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
31/12/2021 LoI Placed
Feasbility Study Under
31/12/2021 Progress
Feasibility Study is under process.
Requsted for FGD implementation
date to be postponed by 5-6 years.
Feasibility Study under
31/03/2020 progress.
Technical Bid under
31/03/2022 evaluation
Technical Bid under
30/06/2022 evaluation
Feasbility Study Under
31/03/2021 Progress
Feasbility Study Under
31/03/2021 Progress
Feasbility Study Under
31/03/2021 Progress
Feasbility Study Under
30/06/2021 Progress
Feasbility Study Under
30/06/2021 Progress
Feasbility Study Under
31/03/2021 Progress
Feasbility Study Under
31/03/2021 Progress
Feasbility Study Under
31/03/2021 Progress
Feasibility Study under process
Feasibility Report submitted
31/03/2022 to CEA.
Feasibility Report submitted
31/03/2022 to CEA.
Reliance Power has floated the
International Competitive Bidding for
implementation of FGD and technical
offers have been received which are
under evaluation.
Reliance Power has floated the
International Competitive Bidding for
implementation of FGD and technical
offers have been received which are
under evaluation.
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
Feasibility Study completed.
Preparation of tender specification in
31/12/2022 Awarded on 31st July 18.
Price bid submitted on
FGD will award in LOT-1A of
DSI technology has been proposed
by consultant. Technical
Specifications have been submitted
and are under review.
DSI technology has been proposed
by consultant. Technical
Specifications have been submitted
and are under review.
DSI technology has been proposed
by consultant. Technical
Specifications have been submitted
and are under review.
12/31/2020 Awarded on 02 Nov 2018
1/1/2021 Awarded on 02 Nov 2018