8 Leadership Styles
8 Leadership Styles
8 Leadership Styles
When we think about different types of leaders, it’s tempting to group them into
just two categories: good and bad.
Maybe there was that former boss who made you feel supported and inspired.
And then there was also that manager who was so critical, they made you wonder
if you were even qualified to handle the afternoon coffee runs.
Yes, those are two drastically different kinds of management. But here’s the
thing: Leadership isn’t always so straightforward or black and white.
There are numerous styles of leadership that aren’t inherently good or bad—
they’re just different. They all have their benefits and drawbacks, as well as their
appropriate uses in certain scenarios.
Read on to find out why understanding your own approach matters, to get a
breakdown of eight common leadership styles—along with their pros, cons,
identifying characteristics—and to learn how you can change your leadership
What Is Leadership...Really?
Complete this sentence: “A leader is…”
What’s your answer? Someone who’s in a formal position of power? Whoever’s
ranked above you on the org chart? The person with the corner office and the
higher salary?
Even if you’re not managing a team on a daily basis, you might still have to step
into a leadership role from time to time. Maybe you’re spearheading an
important cross-functional project or you have to host a meeting.
Those are opportunities for you to fulfill a leadership role and be looked to as an
example. They’re also moments when your own leadership qualities and style will
bubble to the surface. So, don’t write off these approaches as something that
don’t apply to you just because you don’t have a C-suite role.
“Understanding how you lead and want to lead will give you a better sense of
control over the size and scope of your reach and impact,” explains Joyel
Crawford, a Muse career coach and leadership development consultant.
“Bringing awareness allows you to take ownership and responsibility,” adds Tara
Padua, executive coach, entrepreneur, and startup advisor. “Our leadership style
is a whirlpool of our values, our natural strengths and abilities, [and] our beliefs
and experiences. Knowing your leadership style can help you align that whirlpool
with your vision, goals, and even your organization’s mission and vision.”
Put simply, to have an impact as a leader, you need to be an effective one. And in
order to be effective, you have to understand exactly where you’re starting from—
as well as where you want to go. Knowing your current approach gives you a
baseline that you can use to identify the improvements you need to make.
8 Different Leadership Styles (and Their Pros and
Here’s the good, bad, and the ugly on eight common, “textbook” approaches to
1. Transactional Leadership
That’s really the basis of this leadership style. Transactional leaders dish out
instructions to their team members and then use different rewards and
penalties to either recognize or punish what they do in response.
Think of a leader offering praise to applaud a job well done or mandating that a
group member handles a despised department-wide task because they missed a
deadline. Those are examples of rewards and punishments in a work setting.
2. Transformational Leadership
Again, with this leadership style, it’s all in the name: Transformational leaders
seek to change (ahem, transform) the businesses or groups in which they lead by
inspiring their employees to innovate.
These leaders are all about making improvements and finding better ways to get
things done. And as a result, they inspire and empower other people to own their
work and chime in with their suggestions or observations about how things could
be streamlined or upgraded.
Pro: Leaders are able to establish a high level of trust with employees and rally
them around a shared vision or end goal.
Con: In environments where existing processes are valued, this desire to change
things up can ruffle some feathers.
3. Servant Leadership
Servant leaders operate with this standard motto: Serve first and lead second.
Rather than thinking about how they can inspire people to follow their lead, they
channel the majority of their energy into finding ways that they can help others.
They prioritize the needs of other people above their own.
Despite the fact that they’re natural leaders, those who follow the servant
leadership model don’t try to maintain a white-knuckle grasp on their own status
or power. Instead, they focus on elevating and developing the people who follow
As Simon Sinek eloquently explains in his book, Leaders Eat Last: Why Some
Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t, “leaders are the ones who are willing to
give up something of their own for us. Their time, their energy, their money,
maybe even the food off their plate. When it matters, leaders choose to eat last.”
Pro: This approach boosts morale and leads to a high level of trust, which results
in better employee performance and a more positive company culture overall.
Con: It’s challenging. Constantly pushing your own needs and priorities to the
backburner isn’t something that comes as second nature for most of us.
4. Democratic Leadership
You might also hear this leadership style referred to as “participative leadership.”
Leaders in this category run groups and projects like…well, a democracy.
Even if these leaders are technically higher on the org chart, they emphasize
working together and actively involve their teams in the decision-making process.
Democratic leaders value ideas and input from others, and encourage discussion
about those contributions.
They aren’t handing down orders from on high, and instead take a much more
collaborative approach to getting things done.
5. Autocratic Leadership
Autocratic leadership exists on the opposite side of the spectrum from democratic
Pro: Decisions are often made quickly and strategically, and teams are kept on
track as a result.
Con: Employees can feel ignored, restricted, and—in the absolute worst of cases
—even abused.
6. Bureaucratic Leadership
Bureaucratic leadership goes “by the book,” so to speak. With this leadership
style, there’s a prescribed set of boxes to check in order to be a true leader.
They also have a set list of responsibilities, as well as clearly-defined rules and
systems for how they’ll manage others and make decisions. They just need to
follow that roadmap that’s laid out for them.
Con: It’s tempting to fall into the “we’ve always done it this way” trap. This
approach can be inflexible and neglect to leave room for creativity or ideas from
7. Laissez-Faire Leadership
Do you remember the term “laissez-faire” from your high school French or
history class? If not, let’s refresh your memory.
This is a French term that translates to “leave it be,” which pretty accurately
summarizes this hands-off leadership approach. It’s the exact opposite of
Laissez-faire leaders provide the necessary tools and resources. But then they
step back and let their team members make decisions, solve problems, and get
their work accomplished—without having to worry about the leader obsessively
supervising their every move.
Pro: This level of trust and independence is empowering for teams that are
creative and self-motivated.
8. Charismatic Leadership
You know what it means to have a lot of charisma, and that’s exactly what these
leaders possess.
Rather than encouraging behaviors through strict instructions, these leaders use
eloquent communication and persuasion to unite a team around a cause. They’re
able to clearly lay out their vision and get others excited about that same goal.
Con: Due to their intense focus, it’s easy for these leaders to develop “tunnel
vision” and lose sight of other important issues or tasks that crop up.
You Might Be a Charismatic Leader If…
The good news: You absolutely can change your personal leadership style. “Your
leadership style isn’t an annual membership,” says Crawford. Altering your
approach is actually fairly straightforward in concept (although a little more
difficult in practice), and you can do it at any time. The key is to swap out
ineffective habits for new ones that are more in line with the style you’d like to
align with, and “stay committed to practicing your new leadership style and
For example, if you tend to be autocratic and want to incorporate some more
democratic practices, try some things that force you to relinquish some power
If you’re struggling to even figure out how you can be more effective or what the
best leadership style for you is in the first place, Padua recommends that you
start by thinking about a leader or mentor you admired. “What were their
qualities?” she asks. “What did they do? What did they say? How did it impact
That exercise can help you identify some traits that you’d like to implement in
your own style.
Here’s the thing: There’s no such thing as a “perfect” leadership style, because
leadership isn’t one size fits all. All of these approaches come with their benefits
and drawbacks, and some of them will be more effective in certain scenarios.
That very idea has paved the way for one final style: situational leadership.
It’s highly flexible and suggests that leaders should adapt their approach to the
specific circumstances they’re in.
Regardless of where you think your own current style fits in, there are likely a few
changes you can make to be even more effective. Like anything, leadership is a
learning process, and it takes a little bit of trial and error to get it right.