Dyad, Small Group, Public Communication, Mass Communication

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Definition Types/Categories/Classifications

Speech Act described as an utterance Representative/ Assertive,

and sometimes considered Directives, Commissive,
as an action with regards to Expressive, and Declaration
its intent, purpose, or effect
Speech Style described as the form of Frozen, Formal, Consultative,
language that the speaker Casual, and Intimate.
uses according to the level
of formality
Speech Context described as the way that Intrapersonal and Interpersonal
people use to communicate (Dyad, Small Group, Public
and transmit message orally Communication, Mass
or verbally Communication)
Communicativ described as the plans, Nomination, Restriction, Turn-
e Strategy ways, and means of sharing Taking, Topic Control, Topic
information for a more Shifting, Repair and Termination.
meaningful result
Question: What is your idea about the shifts in communication? Is it possible to use a
single communicative strategy from the beginning of the process until the end? Can
there only be one way of delivering the message that suits all of the communication
Changing any part of the communication process brings change to the entire process.
This means that shifting from one speech act to another, one speech style to another,
one speech context to another, and one communicative strategy to another directly or
indirectly affects the entire communication. Shifting in communication affects
language forms, duration of interaction, relationship of speaker, roles and
responsibilities of the speaker, the message, and the delivery of the intended message.
Shifts in communication primarily affects the form of language being used. This
does not concern the variety of languages but may take the forms that reflect the types
of sentences (Philosophy.lander, 2016). Shifting from one speech act to another or one
speech style to another affects the use of the language.

Language Form Shifts in Communication

Language forms refer Speech Acts Speech Styles
to the intent of the Language form varies The use of language also
group of words or depending on the speech act varies from one speech to
types of sentences, being observed. another.
internal grammatical
structure of words and - Declarative language is One can shift from the use
phrases as well as the often use for Assertive and of declarative language
words themselves. The Declarations Acts of Speech. during formal and frozen
forms of language are - Exclamatory languages are styles of speech to
declarative (to observed for expressive interrogative language
explain), interrogative speech acts. during consultative styles.
(to ask question), - Imperative language is The speaker can also shift to
imperative (to employed in directives and the blend of declarative,
command), and commissive. interrogative, and
exlamatory (to exclamatory in casual and
emotionally express). intimate styles of
Speech Contexts Communicative Strategies
Blend of language forms can Nomination, turn-taking,
both be observed in and topic shifting can be
intrapersonal and observed with the mixed
interpersonal forms of forms of interrogative and
communication but imperative languages while
declarative languages are topic control, repair, and
often use for public and termination sometimes
mass communication. require the use of both
declarative and exclamatory

The duration of the interaction is also affected by shifting in communications.

This means, that the interaction may be shorter or longer depending upon the speech
act, speech style, communicative strategy of speech context.

Duration of Shifts in Communication

Time is used as the Speech Acts Speech Styles
reference for the Directives in the form of Casual conversation often
duration of the request are often the takes the shortest duration
interaction. The length shortest speech acts. of interaction as how a
of the communication Commissive acts require person greets his/her
also depends on the considerable time for about acquaintance while
level of interaction an hour during formal consultative, intimate, and
between the speaker meetings and declarations. formal styles may take the
and the receiver. Lastly, expressive act average time of one to two
sometimes takes the longest hours. On the other hand,
duration of interaction frozen styles like recitation
because of personal stories of the pledge and oath may
and sharing of experiences be short in duration but the
that can be observed during recitation of series of scripts
overnight sharing and during holy week celebration
socializations. is lengthy to be considered.
Speech Contexts Communicative Strategies
The duration of interaction Common strategies in
as to shifts in speech communication do not
context often depends on the require significant time to
intent of the nominate a topic, to take
communication. turns, to shift topics, and to
Interpersonal repair. But this may be too
communications do not lengthy in controlling the
require lengthy speech topic. This makes the
considering the audience speaker sure that during the
but someone can speak to entire process
himself/herself overnight to communication, the
reflect and reminisce discussion of the topic does
personal decisions and not go beyond the indicated
experiences. agendum.
Establishing a strong-positive relationship among the audience is vital aspect of
the communication process. However, this may also be affected if the speaker may
abruptly shift in strategy without considering the nature and profile of the audience.

Relationship of Shifts in Communication

Speech Acts, Speech Contexts, Speech Styles, and
This refers to the bond Communicative Strategies.
between the speaker Generally, the speaker is expected to create positive
and receiver which relationship among his/her listeners. Positive relationship
may depend on how does not mean having intimate or familial relationship with
the discussions relate everyone. This means creating an acceptable, desirable,
to receivers’ interests recognizable, reputable, and respectful image among the
and knowledge. receivers/listeners/audiences. This lessens emotional
barriers like envy and hatred but develops positive and
accepting atmosphere in part of the receivers of the

Creating positive relationship begins even before standing

on a stage. This can be done by smiling, greeting someone,
and reflecting humble and polite characteristics. Having
positive relationship is applicable and advisable across
speech acts, speech contexts, speech styles, and
communicative strategies for effective communication.

The roles and responsibilities of the speaker varies from one context to another.
His role as the source of information is important in all of the speech acts and shifts in

Roles and Shifts in Communication

Responsibilities of
the Speaker
Speech Acts, Speech Contexts, Speech Styles, and
This refers to the bond Communicative Strategies.
between the speaker The speaker’s foremost role is to clearly send the message
and listener which to the intended receiver. Except in an intrapersonal
may depend on how communication and most frozen styles, the speaker can
the discussions relate interchange roles as both the speaker and the receiver but
to their interests and not at the same time. He can use various speech acts and
knowledge. communicative strategies to successfully relay his intended
message and receive acceptable feedback.

In public speaking and mass communication, it is the

responsibility of the speaker to be credible, presentable, be
friendly and enthusiastic, relay accurate facts, relay to the
listeners’ situations, feelings, and motives, make the topic
relevant, and properly observe ethics with positive
intentions for the audience.
As the core of the communication process, the message also varies from one
context to another and the likes. The shifting of acts, context, strategies, and styles
primarily affect the kind of message, the content, or the topic being communicated.
This may also affect the quality of the message across the contexts in communication.

Message Shifts in Communication

Speech Acts Communicative Strategies
This is the core The messages in speech acts Since communicative
concept of the varies depending on its strategy deals more on
interaction. When the purpose which allows the approach of presenting the
speaker is able to person to direct, assert, message. This reflects all
answer all the commit, express, and topics and messages that
questions of the declare ideas. can be nominated and
listener beforehand terminated.
and receive them Speech Contexts Speech Styles
positively, then the Messages for interpersonal Every speech style
message is correct and context may be in the form sometimes requires specific
acceptable. of reflections, decision- message as topic. Formal
making, self-fulfillment, and and consultative styles often
experiences. Public and present academic, political,
Mass communication reflect educational, and scientific
national and general issues messages. Frozen styles
concerning the community. often observe traditional,
Dyad and small group religious, and ritualistic
discussions may reflect message. Shifting to
socializations topics and Intimate and Casual styles
messages. often speaks of social,
familial, and general topics
as the message.

The manner of delivery is also affected by the shifts in speech acts, speech
context, communicative strategies, and speech styles. This means that the speaker
needs to adjust his way of sending the message that best suits the contexts and styles
of communication.

Delivery Shifts in Communication

Speech Acts Communicative Strategies
In communication, Shifts in day to day speech All of the communicative
delivery refers to the acts such as strategies can be observed
manner of how the representatives, directives, in a small group discussion.
speech/message is and expressives are
Delivery in terms of
presented. This can be considered impromptu since
messages may come nomination inside a school
impromptu, organization meeting may be
extemporaneous, instantly. However,
declarations in the part of shifted with guides from
memorized, or
manuscript reading. the government and nomination to turn – taking,
scientific community reflect topic control, topic shifting,
either extemporaneous or and termination as
manuscript means of
delivery. commonly seen in programs.
But repair may come in
Speech Context Speech Styles
Intrapersonal and In shifting to Frozen Style,
Interpersonal the speaker may reflect
communication such as memorization of the scripts.
dyad often reflect Formal and Consultative
impromptu messages. Small Styles may be guided by
group discussions inside the notes and extemporaneous
room or team may use by nature. Casual and
extemporaneous delivery Intimate Styles are often
with prepared guides. Also, impromptu in nature.
mass and public
communication like SONA
use manuscripts in delivery
of the message.

Chapter 15 Role of Speaker. Authored by: Lisa Schreiber, Ph.D.. Provided by:
Millersville University, Millersville, PA. Located
at: http://publicspeakingproject.org/psvirtualtext.html. Project: Public Speaking
Project. License: CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives

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