E-Statement Faq

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Frequently asked questions:

1. What is e-Statement?

e-Statement is an electronic version of your paper statement.

2. What is the "Email e-Statement" Service?

The "Email e-Statement" service is a free service where your e-Statement will be sent
directly to your registered email address in an encrypted PDF format.
3. Is there a fee for using the e-Statement Service?

No, e-Statement is a FREE service to all Standard Chartered customers.

4. How do I register for the e-Statement service?

Complete & submit the subscription form which is available at all SCBNL branches
across Nepal.

5. How will I know if my registration has been confirmed?

A welcome message will be sent to your registered email address after successful
registration of the Service.

6. How often can I receive E-Statements?

You can receive your banking account e-statements daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly,
depending on what you specify on the subscription form. Credit Card e-Statement s, you
can receive monthly.

7. Will I continue to receive paper statement(s)?

No. We will stop mailing paper statement(s) to you after the next statement date.

8. Do I need to enter my password when viewing my e-Statement?

Yes. Your password is required whenever you want to open the e-Statement attachment
that is sent to your mailbox.
9. What is my e-Statement password?
o For account e-Statements:
the default password is your 7-digit that forms part of your account number


  Account Number 01 XXXXXXX 12  

   Password                   XXXXXXX
o For credit card e-Statements (primary card holder):
the default password is a combination 2 pieces of information:

1. Your date of birth

2. The last 8 digits of your credit card number


o If you are born on 25 Feb 1970 and your credit card number is 9876-5678-4567-
1234, your password will be 25027045671234

10. Can I change my registered email address?

Yes. You can change your email address placing request at the nearest SCBNL branch.
11. Do I need special software to view my e-Statements?

To open the encrypted e-Statements, please use Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0
and above for your banking account e-Satements and 8.1.2 or above for Credit Card e-
Statements. Please note that you may not be able to open/print your e-Statement with a
lower version than advised ones. You can download the latest version Adobe Acrobat
Reader from www.adobe.com.
12. Can I resume my paper statement? What if I want to start receiving paper copies
of my account statement again?

Yes, you can subscribe for paper statement by placing a request at the branch.
However, please note that all paper statements are chargeable as per the Service and
Price Guide.
13. What is the latest time for me to cancel my e-Statement service in order to be
effective before next statement cycle date?

You can place a request to change the statement delivery mode from e-statement to
paper statement with a notice of 15 business days before the next statement cycle date.
14. Why have I not received any confirmation/Welcome emails after registration to e-

Please ensure your registered email address has sufficient capacity at all times and to
add Standard Chartered's email addresses
[email protected] / [email protected] to your contact list to
avoid potential spam filtering.

* Terms and Conditions apply

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