Mobile Number Payment Status Reference Number Payment Date Amount Comments
Mobile Number Payment Status Reference Number Payment Date Amount Comments
Mobile Number Payment Status Reference Number Payment Date Amount Comments
Payment for mobile number 9714680009 was successful. Your transaction details are as follows:
Mobile Number
Payment Status
Reference Number
Payment Date
Sat May 07 19:06:23 GMT+05:30 2016
The Payment for mobile number 9714680009 was successful.
Your Communication ID for this transaction is 112910972. Please refer this Communication ID while
contacting Idea Customer Care.
Kindly get in touch with your respective banks, in case your payment is not credited in idea
account within 3 working days.
Download the My Idea app to make bill payments and manage your account on the go. Click
Warm Regards,
Team Idea Cellular.
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Dear Customer,
Greeting of the day!
This is with reference to your email regarding payment.
We regret to inform you that we are unable to provide payment receipt for online payment as same
provision is not available with us.
Further, we wish to inform that bill payment of Rs.1111.24/- has been updated in our system on 2nd
June 2016 against your mobile number.
However, we wish to inform you that you can consider this e-mail as a payment receipt.
Should you need any further assistance, please call our Customer Service help line number 12345 or
email us [email protected]
You can also check your account details by registering on our website
If you are a corporate customer, registration can be done by the authorized signatory of the account.
Thanks & Regards,
Reshma Khaire
Customer Service Team
IDEA Cellular Limited