2 NCP Impaired Swallowing Edited

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The key takeaways are that impaired swallowing can be caused by neuromuscular impairment and can lead to complications like aspiration if not properly managed. Nursing interventions aim to improve swallowing and prevent aspiration.

Signs and symptoms of impaired swallowing include difficulty swallowing, drooling, stasis of mucus in the oral cavity, gagging, wheezing, and rapid breathing.

Nursing interventions for impaired swallowing include positioning the patient correctly, providing oral care before feeding, encouraging deep breathing and coughing exercises, keeping the patient upright for 30 minutes after meals, and monitoring for signs of aspiration.


Subjective Data: Impaired Abnormal Long-Term Goal: Independent: -With impaired -Patient displays
“Nahihirapan siyang swallowing functioning of After 3-4 months of -Have suction swallowing improved
maka-hinga at related to the swallowing nursing equipment reflexes, swallowing, as
maka-ubo, hindi niya neuromuscular mechanism interventions, the available and secretions can evidenced by
rin kayang kumain impairment. associated with patient will be able functioning rapidly absence of
mag-isa.” as deficits in oral, to: properly. accumulate in the aspiration, no
verbalized by pharyngeal, or posterior pharynx evidence of
patient’s wife. esophageal -Display improved and upper coughing or
structure or swallowing, as trachea, choking during
Objective Data: function. evidenced by increasing the risk eating/drinking,
Impaired absence aspiration of aspiration. no stasis of food
-Difficulty of swallowing and the risk of in oral cavity after
swallowing involves more aspiration is -Monitor the -These signs may eating, ability to
-Drooling time and effort decreased as patient for indicate ingest
-Stasis of mucus to transfer food manifested by coughing, regurgitation/ foods/fluids.
secretions in oral or liquid from reduced stasis of gagging, aspiration.
cavity the mouth to mucus secretions, wheezing and -Patient
-Gagging the stomach. It chances of gagging, difficulty of determines
-Wheezing occurs when the drooling and breathing. different
-Rapid breathing muscles and abnormally rapid emergency
nerves that help breathing. -Teach the -Because the tip measures when
Vital signs: the food patient and the of ngt may be signs of aspiration
through the family on how to dislodged from occurs.
BP: 110/70 throat and monitor for signs the stomach and
Pulse: 85 bpm esophagus are of aspiration lead to aspiration.
Respiration: 30 cpm not working especially during
Temperature: 36.5C right. It can be a ngt feeding.
02 SAT: 99% temporary or -Because
permanent -Monitor the alteration may
complication patients’ vital indicate
that can be sign. complications like
fatal. aspiration.
-Encourage deep -To promote lung
breathing and expansion and
coughing initiates the
exercises. coughing reflex,
which facilitates
expectoration of
mucus secretion.

-Keep the patient -To prevent

in an upright aspiration due to
position for more backflow of
than 30 minutes osteorized food.
after a meal.

-Position the -To promote

patient correctly airway clearance
with the head due to stasis of
facing to the side mucus and to
or on a semi/high promote
fowlers. oxygenation via
maximum chest

-Provide oral care - Good oral and

before feeding. dental hygiene
can help prevent
bad breath, tooth
decay and gum
-Administer N- -To Decrease
Acetylcysteine as viscosity of the
ordered by the mucus secretions
doctor. for easy removal.

-Suction -To clear the

secretions as airway due to
ordered by the obstruction by
doctor. the mucus


-Refer to -To liquefy mucus

Respiratory secretion for easy
Therapist for expulsion.

-Refer to -For indirect

Respiratory removal of mucus
Therapist for to breathe more
Chest freely.

-Consult with -Evaluating gag

speech therapist reflex decreases
to evaluate gag the risk for
reflexes. aspiration.
-Refer to -The dysphagia
dysphagia team team can help the
composed of a patient learn to
rehabilitation swallow safely
nurse, speech and maintain a
pathologist, good nutritional
dietitian, status.
physician, and
radiologist who
work together.

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