2 NCP Impaired Swallowing Edited
2 NCP Impaired Swallowing Edited
2 NCP Impaired Swallowing Edited
Subjective Data: Impaired Abnormal Long-Term Goal: Independent: -With impaired -Patient displays
“Nahihirapan siyang swallowing functioning of After 3-4 months of -Have suction swallowing improved
maka-hinga at related to the swallowing nursing equipment reflexes, swallowing, as
maka-ubo, hindi niya neuromuscular mechanism interventions, the available and secretions can evidenced by
rin kayang kumain impairment. associated with patient will be able functioning rapidly absence of
mag-isa.” as deficits in oral, to: properly. accumulate in the aspiration, no
verbalized by pharyngeal, or posterior pharynx evidence of
patient’s wife. esophageal -Display improved and upper coughing or
structure or swallowing, as trachea, choking during
Objective Data: function. evidenced by increasing the risk eating/drinking,
Impaired absence aspiration of aspiration. no stasis of food
-Difficulty of swallowing and the risk of in oral cavity after
swallowing involves more aspiration is -Monitor the -These signs may eating, ability to
-Drooling time and effort decreased as patient for indicate ingest
-Stasis of mucus to transfer food manifested by coughing, regurgitation/ foods/fluids.
secretions in oral or liquid from reduced stasis of gagging, aspiration.
cavity the mouth to mucus secretions, wheezing and -Patient
-Gagging the stomach. It chances of gagging, difficulty of determines
-Wheezing occurs when the drooling and breathing. different
-Rapid breathing muscles and abnormally rapid emergency
nerves that help breathing. -Teach the -Because the tip measures when
Vital signs: the food patient and the of ngt may be signs of aspiration
through the family on how to dislodged from occurs.
BP: 110/70 throat and monitor for signs the stomach and
Pulse: 85 bpm esophagus are of aspiration lead to aspiration.
Respiration: 30 cpm not working especially during
Temperature: 36.5C right. It can be a ngt feeding.
02 SAT: 99% temporary or -Because
permanent -Monitor the alteration may
complication patients’ vital indicate
that can be sign. complications like
fatal. aspiration.
-Encourage deep -To promote lung
breathing and expansion and
coughing initiates the
exercises. coughing reflex,
which facilitates
expectoration of
mucus secretion.