Unit 6 - Week 5: Assignment No. 5

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21/05/2018 Failure analysis and Prevention - - Unit 6 - Week 5

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Unit 6 - Week 5

outline Assignment No. 5
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2018-03-14, 23:59 IST.
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Week 1 1) Non destructive testing in failure analysis is used for identification of 1 point

Surface defects
Week 2
Internal defects
Week 3 Both surface and internal defects
Chemical composition
Week 4
No, the answer is incorrect.
Week 5 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Lecture 21-
Both surface and internal defects
procedure of 2) NDT can be used for examination of 1 point
failure analysis:
NDT for failure Defects
Residual stresses
Lecture 22-
procedure of All of above
failure analysis:
Destructive No, the answer is incorrect.
testing Score: 0

Lecture 23- Accepted Answers:

General All of above
procedure of
failure analysis: 3) Residual stresses in a metallic component can be obtained using 1 point
DT, selection,
preservation, Scanning electron microscope
cleaning & Optical microscope
sectioning of
X-ray diffraction analysis
Transmission electron microscope
Lecture 24-
General No, the answer is incorrect.
procedure of Score: 0
failure analysis:
Macroscopy of Accepted Answers:
fracture X-ray diffraction analysis
4) Size of a component predominantly affects 1 point
Lecture 25-
General Hydrogen embrittlement
procedure of
failure analysis: Fatigue behaviour
Macroscopy of Ultimate strength
Corrosion behaviour

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21/05/2018 Failure analysis and Prevention - - Unit 6 - Week 5

Quiz : No, the answer is incorrect.

Assignment No. Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Feedback Fatigue behaviour
5) Rolled steel plate in longitudinal direction shows 1 point
Solution for
Assignment No. Higher strength
Lower strength
Week 6 Same strength as in other directions
Lower hardness
Week 7
No, the answer is incorrect.
Week 8 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
DOWNLOAD Higher strength
6) The preservation of failed samples is needed to avoid 1 point

Thermal damage
Mechanical damage
Chemical damage
All of above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
All of above

7) Science of revealing loading conditions leading to the fracture is 1 point


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

8) Macroscopy of the fracture surface showing circumferential cracks near the fracture 1 point
surface indicates the occurrence of failure due to

Stress rupture
Overloading of the static load under tension
Impact load fracture

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Stress rupture

9) The stress state under which fracture has taken place can be identified using 1 point

Cross-sectional area at fracture location with respect to that of another location

Chevron marks
Beach marks
Circumferential cracks

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Cross-sectional area at fracture location with respect to that of another location

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21/05/2018 Failure analysis and Prevention - - Unit 6 - Week 5
10)The crack initiation site is identified by 1 point

Nicks and finger nails

All of above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
All of above

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