Unit 6 - Week 5: Assignment No. 5
Unit 6 - Week 5: Assignment No. 5
Unit 6 - Week 5: Assignment No. 5
Unit 6 - Week 5
outline Assignment No. 5
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2018-03-14, 23:59 IST.
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Week 1 1) Non destructive testing in failure analysis is used for identification of 1 point
Surface defects
Week 2
Internal defects
Week 3 Both surface and internal defects
Chemical composition
Week 4
No, the answer is incorrect.
Week 5 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Lecture 21-
Both surface and internal defects
procedure of 2) NDT can be used for examination of 1 point
failure analysis:
NDT for failure Defects
Residual stresses
Lecture 22-
procedure of All of above
failure analysis:
Destructive No, the answer is incorrect.
testing Score: 0
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21/05/2018 Failure analysis and Prevention - - Unit 6 - Week 5
Thermal damage
Mechanical damage
Chemical damage
All of above
8) Macroscopy of the fracture surface showing circumferential cracks near the fracture 1 point
surface indicates the occurrence of failure due to
Stress rupture
Overloading of the static load under tension
Impact load fracture
9) The stress state under which fracture has taken place can be identified using 1 point
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21/05/2018 Failure analysis and Prevention - - Unit 6 - Week 5
10)The crack initiation site is identified by 1 point
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