Tcra and Atra, A Strategic Alliance: Ford 6F50N Rebuilding Techniques
Tcra and Atra, A Strategic Alliance: Ford 6F50N Rebuilding Techniques
Tcra and Atra, A Strategic Alliance: Ford 6F50N Rebuilding Techniques
Diagnostics • eleCtroniCs
Computer • DiagnostiCs Electronics • reprogramming
Ford 6F50N
TCRA Rebuilding
and ATRA,
A Strategic Alliance
Ford 722.9 Techniques
6F50N Rebuilding Preliminary
Mercedes 722.9 Preliminary Information MARCH
4R/5R44E = Trouble. Sonnax = Solutions!
4R/5R55E 8 7
C. Note: Sonnax 37947-EZ contains
D. many of these solutions in one
easy-to-use kit. More information
3 1 is available at
EPC & Engagement Control Kit
• Poor shift quality
• Delayed forward or no reverse
1 37947-11K
F37947-TL11 Tool Kit Required
B. C. D.
• Flare upshifts, Low EPC pressure EPC & TCC Relief Valve Kit 37947-40K
• TCC slips, P0741 7 37947-TL40 Tool Kit Required
• Loss of 3rd & 4th gear, Hot End Plug Kit 37947-13K
• Erratic shifting 8
• Delayed engagement Pressure Regulator Sleeve Kit 37947-05K
• High or low line pressure 9 37947-TL5 Tool Kit Required
March 2009
PHONE (805) 604-2000 FAX (805) 604-2006
the Rat Hole by Dennis Madden
964 East Market St., Crawfordsville, IN 47933 • Toll Free: 800-729-7763 • Fax: 765-364-4576 • Email: [email protected]
A Strategic
ne of the acknowledged truths model Honda. The transmission was and the TCC seems to be working fine.
about any business is that burnt up, so the transmission shop His scan tool doesn’t provide all that
certain alliances can improve rebuilt the transmission and installed a much information, but he can feel the
your profitability. rebuilt torque converter. converter clutch working, so he returns
This is by no means a unique situa- Everything seemed fine for the the car to the customer.
tion; it carries into just about every type first few weeks, but a month or two Within a few weeks it’s back with
of business. And nowhere is the need later the customer was back. The MIL the same P0740 code in memory.
for a strategic alliance more evident was lit, and the computer had code So how does the transmission shop
than the synergy created between the P0740 in memory, indicating a slipping deal with this type of problem? Many
transmission repair shop and the torque converter clutch. would simply call their torque con-
converter rebuilder. Close ties between So the transmission shop techni- verter rebuilder and order a second
these two businesses can reduce prob- cian does what anyone would do: He converter. And, unfortunately, many of
lems and comebacks, and improve checks the TCC operation. Sounds those shops would be seeing the car
profitability for both businesses. easy, doesn’t it? But nothing appears to back again in a few weeks.
Here’s an example of the benefits be wrong. He clears the code and drives The smarter transmission shop
of one such alliance: The car is a late- the car. The code doesn’t come back technician recognizes the need to work
Odyssey-Pilot 5spd
Accord-CRV 5spd
Figure 1: These are the valve assemblies that control TCC operation. Make sure they’re clean and working properly,
and the end plugs provide a good seal.
with the converter rebuilder. He’d know wouldn’t be particularly obvious. And of transmission issues that could affect
that a TCC slip can have a number while the converter itself could cause it too.
of possible causes, many of which this type of slip, there are also a number Let’s take a look at the different
Honda Converter
Clutch Slip: The
Technician’s View
by Bill Brayton
W3 Con rhaul
ATI’s C ve
g and O
Weldin in use in over
System tries an
d in
s 23 un ughout the
c o
shops States!
s United
Figure 8: Your first step in checking converter clutch clearance is to measure the height from the clutch release stop
on the turbine hub to the bearing surface.
temperature; it’s the temperature at complete the bonding process. It should Check the Clutch Release
which the adhesive begins to flow still be close to the recommended tem- Clearance — The Honda converter
and bond to its contact surface. perature for bonding. clutch should have a clearance of about
Most adhesives will reach their You might want to test your bond- 0.015” to 0.035”. Any less and the
bond line temperature between ing press beforehand using an old clutch clutch could drag; any more and the
375ºF and 425ºF. piston. Install the piston assembly, and clutch may not apply all the way.
go through the bonding process. Then Here’s how to check the clutch
A few degrees too low… a few check the temperature immediately clearance on the Honda converter:
seconds too fast… a few pounds too after releasing the pressure: If the clutch 1. Measure the height from the clutch
little… and your clutch may not bond temperature is significantly lower than release stop on the turbine hub to
properly. This can allow the clutch to the manufacturer’s recommendation, the bearing surface (figure 8).
debond and fail during operation. adjust the temperature dial and try 2. Place the clutch into the front
The temperature check is the diffi- again. Keep performing this test until cover, and measure the height from
cult one to verify. First there’s the clutch you’re sure your bonding press is bring- the top of the clutch assembly
piston: Many, such as the Honda, have ing the clutch to bond line temperature. (where it rides on the clutch release
a very complex construction, including And recheck your press occasionally to stop on the turbine) to the bearing
various springs, rivets and other hard- make sure it’s working properly. surface (figure 9).
ware (figure 6). This hardware acts as a An alternate test would be to use 3. Subtract the first measurement
heat sink, drawing heat away from the a Tempilstik to mark the clutch piston from the second measurement.
clutch facing. So even if your bonding and check the bond temperature (fig-
fixture’s temperature is accurate, it’s ure 7). Tempilstik is a paint stick that So on the example unit, the first
possible the temperature will never get changes color when you exceed its measurement was 0.770”; the second
high enough to bond the facing to the rated temperature. There are dozens of was 0.755”.
clutch piston. Tempilstiks available in a wide range 0.770”
And some bonding fixtures don’t of temperatures, so you should be able –0.755”
provide you with access to the clutch to have one available for every clutch 0.015”
assembly during the bonding process, manufacturer’s temperature rating.
so you won’t be able to check the bond Tempilstiks are available through MSC • If the clearance is too low, you can
line temperature until you’re finished. Industrial Supply Company, at www1. machine the clutch mating surface
In that case, check the clutch pis- to increase it.
ton temperature immediately after you
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Ford 6F50N
Rebuilding by Lance Wiggins
Figure 1
Figure 2 Figure 3
or some rebuilders, every time is going to be cool. I can’t wait!” purchasing the special tools for the
they get a new unit in the shop Hopefully, you’re one of those guys 6F50N to remove and replace internal
— one they haven’t seen before who looks forward to something differ- clutch piston retaining snap rings, take
— they end up with that feeling in the ent, something new and exciting. For a look at the valve body, and see how to
pit of their gut that asks, “What am you, change is good! replace the ISS and OSS sensors.
I getting into?” Others look forward In this issue of Let’s Play Ball!
to the challenge; for them it’s, “This we’re going to cover how to get around
Disassembly Tips
The first thing to remove from
the unit is the valve body. The TCM is
part of the valve body, along with the
Transmission Range Sensor, the TSS
and the OSS connectors (figure 1).
Here’s how to remove the valve body
from the transmission:
• Remove the connectors from
the TCM.
• Remove the TCM from the
unit (figure 2).
• Remove the valve body bolts
from the valve body (figure
• Remove the end cover and
start disassembling the
Valve Body
The valve body has three main
bodies and one cover plate (figure 4).
To disassemble the valve body:
• Remove the cover plate and
main body casting.
• Remove the separator plate to
gain access to the checkballs
(figure 5).
Figure 7
Underdrive Hub O.Dr.
O .Dr. Hub Reverse Hub
• Complete line of CVC Remanufactured • Clutch Alignment Tools 4th Clutch
2nd / 4th Retainer
Reverse Clutch
Converters Transfer Case Parts
054 596
5 235* 616 241 586 873 238 584
583 Soft Parts 592 886 888 887 285
• Gasket & Seals Kits
577 654 664 885*
244 612 247 582
8 251 154 114
053 058
• Master Kits • Overhaul Kits
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• Modulators • Rough Service Light Bulbs
• Washers • R.T.V. Black, Blue, Clear
8 690 895
770 • Bearings
480 429 897
271 77
770 781
• Technical Manuals
• Gaskets074 • Tools & Equipment
• Bands • Threadlock
• Flex Plates & Flywheels
• Speedo Gears
• Mounts 950
Park • Coolers 926B
• TeckPak Conversion
M304317B Kits 926
Case • Superior Shift Correction Packages
Ext. Housing
E 352 3
Pa • Detent Cables 927
370 • Transgo Reprogramming Kits
Case • Transgo Shift Kits 010
846 300
013 540
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Ford 6F50N Rebuilding Techniques
Figure 8
Figure 12 Figure 13
Figure 14 Figure 15
Intermediate Drum
To remove and install the
Figure 16
intermediate clutch retaining snap ring,
use: Use a cutting wheel or a torch distort as you compress the spring.
• an E40D/4R100 sun shell or (much faster) to cut large notches out Simply install the shell over the
RE5R05A sun shell (cut two of the sun shell (figure 15). These slots return spring assembly and use a press
slots opposite each other). will provide access to the snap ring. The or equivalent to press the shell down far
• a bar to use in the press. slots shouldn’t be any wider than 4”; enough to reach the snap ring (figure
any larger and the return springs may 16).
1155 N. McKinley Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90059 Tel: 866-EVT-Parts (388-7278) Fax: 323-758-9999
Reverse Drum
By far this is the easiest drum
assembly to get into. To remove or
install the reverse clutch return spring,
all you’ll need is a pair of C-clamp
vice grips.
• Start one end of the retaining
snap into the groove.
• An inch or two away from
the end of the snap ring you
started installing, use the C
clamp to compress the return
spring (figure 17). Figure 17
• Use a screwdriver with a
twisting motion to secure the
snap ring in place.
• Move around the end cover
until the retaining ring is
completely seated in the
groove (figure 18).
Figure 19 Figure 20
Figure 22
TSS, remove the TCM and valve body, • Disconnect the harness. As for the rest of the rebuild, well,
then replace the TSS assembly. • Unbolt the OSS and remove it’s still just a transmission… no prob-
The OSS requires a little more it. lems there! And that’s the game!
effort; the OSS is located in the end Reinstalling the OSS is a bit dif-
cover (figure 21) and connects to the ferent. You’ll need to run a metal snake
valve body. This means the wiring runs or heavy gauge wire though the end
inside the transmission and snakes its cover and the case, and then attach the
way back to the valve body (figure 22). OSS connector to the snake and pull it
To replace the OSS: though (figure 23).
• Remove the pan.
ost of us think of market-
ing as sales and advertising.
Marketing is really much
broader than that. Advertising is only
one aspect of marketing, and it has just
one purpose – the creation of leads. the conclusion that when a caller asks happy to give you a price as
Advertising is not to create sales…it for a price, they are asking only part of soon as we’ve checked your
creates sales opportunities - leads. the question. What they really want to car. For your benefit, there’s
Before you invest a ton of money know is, “What do I have to do to find no charge for the check, it
in advertising, are you sure you’re out how much it will cost?” only takes about 20 minutes,
converting the leads your advertising Think about it. What would you and we’ll even do it while you
is generating? In the automotive repair say if a caller actually asked, “What wait. Is today good for you,
business, most leads come to us over do I have to do to find out how much or would tomorrow be bet-
the phone; so it’s imperative to use the it will cost to fix my transmission?” ter?”
best telephone procedures available. Does it make sense to ask a list of 4. When they agree to an appoint-
Even the worst telephone proce- questions about the car, what it’s doing, ment, get their name, number,
dures will get appointments. If that how long it’s been doing it, etc? Even vehicle details, and don’t for-
wasn’t true, some of you would have if you normally quote prices over the get to give them directions to
been out of business years ago. With phone, would you answer the question your shop.
that in mind, don’t read this article with by giving a price range or an estimate?
the attitude that what you’re doing is No…you would most likely tell them to Believe it or not, this simple tech-
working. I’m not arguing that point; bring the car in so you can take check it nique works. I don’t blame you if
I’m just asking you to be open to the and give them an estimate. you’re skeptical, but I know it works.
possibility that you can improve on So next time, give this a try. Plus it’s so short and simple that anyone
what your doing. Regardless of how the caller asks for in your shop can do it.
Whether using a memorized tele- a price, pretend they asked, “What do Next month I’ll expand more on
phone script or just “winging it”, price I have to do to find out how much this telephone procedure and share
shoppers can strike fear in the most it will cost to fix my transmission?” some of the best telephone finesse
seasoned professional. Over the years, Now, just answer that question and techniques, ever. Until then, give it a
some of the best trainers in the industry invite them in so you can check the car try…the nicest thing about this script
have taught us techniques and scripts to and give them an estimate. Here is a is that you haven’t risked a thing. If
avoid quoting prices over the phone. simple script that really works well. the caller balks, you can still fall back
It’s been said time and again that and use your current technique. But as
customers ask “How much?” only 1. “Thank you for calling you practice, you’ll find that you won’t
because they don’t know what else to Certified Transmission, how have to go back to the old procedure
ask. I don’t buy into that theory. In may I help you?” as often.
fact, I think it’s a silly belief. They ask 2. When they ask for a price, By the way, if you want a little
because they want to know the price you say, “A price? – you bet; coaching on this or anything related to
and frankly, the sooner the better. would you rather bring it in sales and marketing, feel free to send me
What reasonable person wouldn’t be now or later today so we can an email or give me a phone call. My
worried about the price? check it and give you an esti- email is Thom@CertifiedTransmission.
For years I have pondered the mate?” com and my phone number is 800-544-
price shopper dilemma. I’ve come to 3. If they ask again, say, “I’ll be 7520 ext 173.
Figure 1
he converter was from a ZF dering again. I decided I needed to get he would be able to fix the problem.
5HP19 with a captive clutch, the unit back and check it. There was no I was reluctant to allow this as he’s a
fitted to an Audi AWD. We’d evidence of any problem, so I suggest- good customer. So after asking around
overhauled the converter about a month ed he check the transmission carefully. and hearing that often the fault could
before and now my customer, who was a We reassembled the converter with new only be cured with a factory converter,
transmission rebuilder about 350 miles lining and extra care on the clearances. I offered to obtain a factory unit for
away, claimed the converter shuddered He installed it and reported that the him.
during the regulation phase. As always, shudder was once again gone. The factory unit arrived and was
my first question was, “What fluid are About a month later he called to fitted; vehicle drove well with no shud-
you using?” tell me that his customer was once der. About another month goes by and
“Dexron 3,” he replied. again complaining of a shudder. He the customer is back once again with
So naturally I suggested that he tried another valve body and was now the same complaint. I was out of ideas;
switch to either the factory fill or an sure it was the converter. He suggested the only way that I could help was to
equivalent. He did so and reported that that perhaps he should send the con- look at the car. That’s no problem for
the shudder was gone. verter to another rebuilder, because it us, since we’re also a transmission
About three weeks later he called appeared we weren’t having any luck, shop.
again to tell me the converter was shud- and the competitor assured him that
Mercedes 722.9
Information, Part 1 by Mike Souza
T he Mercedes 722.9
transmission has been
around since the later
part of 2004, but there still
isn’t a lot written about it. The
722.9 can be found in these
Mercedes vehicles:
2004-06 – SL500
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Figure 2 Figure 3
Figure 4
will now provide reverse, and • B1 Brake Clutch Solenoid • Oil Control Float 2 (32)
2nd gear with the selector in (Y3/8y5) (normally open)
drive (figure 1). • B2 Brake Clutch Solenoid Fluid Level Float Function 2
(Y3/8y6) (normally closed) The extended length of the trans-
Electronic Control • B3 Brake Clutch Solenoid mission (41mm) allows oil to slosh
Components (Y3/8y7) (normally closed) forward during hard stops. To prevent
Here’s a diagram of the compo- • Torque Converter Lockup oil foaming from gears running in fluid,
nents that make up the electronic con- Solenoid (Y3/8y8) (normally Mercedes added a front float.
trol system (figure 2). closed)
• Transmission Control Module Three Speed Sensors
(Y3/8n4) (flash capable) Normally Closed: high current, high These components are built into
• Working Pressure Control pressure; no current, no pressure. the valve body assembly (figure 3):
Solenoid (Y3/8y1) (line/nor- Normally Open: no current, high pres- • Turbine RPM Sensor (Y3/8n1)
mally open) sure; high current, low pressure. (Front)
Normally open solenoids are used
• K1 Clutch Solenoid (Y3/8y2) • Internal RPM Sensor (Y3/8n2)
for limp mode with no current to the
(normally closed) (Center)
• K2 Clutch Solenoid (Y3/8y3) • Output RPM Sensor (Y3/8n3)
(normally open) (Rear / Hall Effect)
• K3 Clutch Solenoid (Y3/8y4) Two Oil Floats • Selection Range Sensor
(normally open) • Oil Control Float 1 (31) (Y3/8s1)
Piston Bonders: BALANCE IT
4 Rapidly bond
lockup pistons up
Converter Balancers:
Rapidly balance 6
to 14" diameter, in stators, clutches and
your own facility. flywheels in your shop.
Save time, make
money and
control quality.
Auto Weld Aligners:
Align and weld
converters to TEST IT FOR LEAKS
tolerances greater Air Test Stands: Leak test converters
than OEM before you put fluid in them,
specifications, before you send them out the door.
Perfect every time.
When you really need to know…
Fluid Type
The 722.9 uses a newly-developed,
suggested-use-only transmission fluid,
referred to as ATF 3353 (figure 9). It
Figure 5 promises a higher friction consistency,
thermal stability, and temperature rat-
Range Sensor Function / small ring gear). ing. ATF 3353 can also be used on
2. The center speed sensor (Y3/8n2) previous model 722.3/.4/.5/.6 transmis-
The Y3/8s1 range sensor is monitors the Ravigneaux carrier sions. This special ATF is available
built into the ECM ribbon cable, and speed (ring gear of rear planet). from Shell & Fuchs Europe oil sup-
can’t be replaced individually. It’s a 3. The rear speed sensor (Y3/8n3) pliers in 1 liter bottles under Mercedes
Permanent Magnetic Linear Contactless monitors the park pawl gear (excit- Benz part number A001 989 45 03 10.
Displacement (PLCD) sensor; it has a er ring/2 Hall Effect). No scheduled maintenance is
permanent magnet mounted to the man- required for the 722.9 (fill for life).
ual valve, which changes the magnetic The magnets for these sensors are In the next issue we’ll go into
field and output voltage as you move molded in a plastic ring and secured sequential shifting, powerflow, and
the selector. If the sensor signal doesn’t inside nonferrous flanges. some unusual features associated with
register properly with the computer, the Mercedes 722.9.
it’ll put the system into limp mode. Transmission Fluid
Speed Sensor Function The transmission fluid temperature
The 722.9 uses three speed sen- sensor is built into the TCM, and isn’t
sors to monitor transmission operation replaceable separately.
(figure 4):
1. The front speed sensor (Y3/8n1) Clutch Components
monitors turbine speed (input shaft The 722.9 uses four brakes and
Figure 6
Planetary Gears
Figure 7
Figure 8 Figure 9
How I Run My
Business by Paul Mathewson
I n our last issue of Keep Those
Trannys Rolling, we took a brief
look at what’s new in four-
wheel drive systems and discussed
Borg Warner’s Interactive Torque
Management System (ITM 3e). In this
issue, we’re going to take a closer look
at the Interactive Torque Management
System available in various models of
the 2009 Chrysler 300, Dodge Magnum,
and Dodge Charger.
These vehicles use an electroni-
cally-controlled transfer case, which
eliminates the need for an electroni-
cally-controlled coupler at the rear dif-
ferential as was used in other applica-
This new ITM 3e system is made
up of two technologies: Active Transfer 2009 Chrysler 300
Case and Front Axle Disconnect (also
known as FAD). The system uses a
new design transfer case that auto-
matically connects and disconnects the
components that drive the front wheels.
The all-wheel drive system operation
is seamless. An indicator diagram is
located between the tachometer and
speedometer to show the driver which
wheels are receiving power (figures 1
and 2).
The Heart of
the ITM 3e System
The heart of the ITM 3e system
is the BorgWarner 44-40 transfer case
(figure 3). The Borg Warner 44-40
(BW44-40) transfer case allows torque
to be applied variably to the front axle, 2009 Dodge Magnum
and it has a fixed gear ratio. By allowing (crow hopping) that occurs with most bly within the transfer case (figure 4) to
variable torque application between the four-wheel drive transfer cases. vary the amount of torque applied to the
front and rear axles, this all-wheel drive Depending on conditions, the Drive front axle, while continuing to deliver
system can be driven on dry pavement Train Control Module (DTCM) will torque to the rear axle.
without the typical driveline wind-up modulate the electronic clutch assem- This BW44-40 transfer case uses
Brains of the
ITM 3e System
The Drive Train Control Module
(DTCM) is the brains of this ITM 3e
all-wheel drive system. In the earlier
versions (2007 and 2008), the AWD
control module controlled the all-wheel Figure 1: Indicator displays rear wheel drive engaged
drive system and the electronically-
controlled coupler located in the rear
In the 2009 ITM 3e system, the
electronically controlled coupler
was eliminated, and the AWD mod-
ule has been replaced with a Drive
Train Control Module. The Drive Train
Control Module controls the electronic
transfer case, providing seamless all-
wheel drive operation when needed.
The DTCM communicates with the
PCM, TCM and ABS control module
over the CAN-C system and uses inputs
from each of these systems to control
the all-wheel drive system (figure 5).
Diagnosing the
ITM 3e System
Diagnosing the new ITM 3e all- Figure 2: Indicator displays all-wheel drive engaged
wheel drive system is pretty straightfor-
ward. Simply connect your scan tool to trol module indicating an out of range return control circuit open. Indicates
the DLC connector and check for codes tire revolution. Check the ABS control the DTCM has detected an open circuit
in the PCM, TCM and ABS control system for wheel speed sensor codes. in the AWD clutch power or ground cir-
module. Document all codes received Repair as needed. cuit. Check AWD clutch control circuit.
from each of these modules. C1456 — AWD clutch power Repair as needed.
Before starting your diagnosis, control circuit low. Indicates the DTCM C1464 — Front axle disconnect
correct any codes in the other modules. has detected low voltage in the AWD control circuit low. Indicates the DTCM
PCM, TCM and ABS problems can clutch power circuit. Check battery or has detected low voltage in the front
interfere with the all-wheel drive sys- system voltage. Check DTCM power axle disconnect circuit. Check DTCM
tem operation. After all the codes have and grounds. Check AWD clutch cir- power and grounds. Check front axle
been corrected in the other modules, cuit. Repair as needed. disconnect circuit. Repair as needed.
access the Drive Train Control Module C1457 — AWD clutch power C1465 — Front axle discon-
and retrieve any codes in memory. Here control circuit high. Indicates the DTCM nect control circuit high. Indicates the
are the codes you might find in the has detected high voltage in the AWD DTCM has detected high voltage in
Drive Train Control Module, and what clutch power feed circuit. Check bat- the front axle disconnect circuit. Check
those codes indicate: tery or system voltage. Check DTCM DTCM power and grounds. Check
C1078 — Tire revolution range power and grounds. Check AWD clutch front axle disconnect circuit. Repair as
performance. Indicates the DTCM has circuit. Repair as needed. needed.
received a message from the ABS con- C145D — AWD clutch power/ C1477 — Transfer case clutch
800.428.8489 805.988.6761
ou’ve just completed a rebuild
on a late model ZF. You replaced
all the clutches and seals, and
installed a rebuilt converter. You put the
unit back into the car and fill it to the
correct level. Once you have everything
buttoned up, it’s time for a test drive.
It doesn’t take long to notice the
problem: a chatter when the converter
clutch applies. Everything else seems
fine… sort of. Well, maybe the clutch
applies are a little firm, but not so
severe that the customer will notice.
But there’s no way you can deliver the
car with this TCC chatter. You’re going
to have to pull the transmission back
out and replace the converter… again!
Wait… don’t blame the torque con-
verter or the converter clutch just yet.
They may not be causing the chatter.
But then, if the converter’s okay, why
is the clutch chattering?
How about the fluid? modifier, many transmissions work just ibility problems with the ATF. But if
Once upon a time, automatic trans- fine with Dexron. you run into a converter clutch chatter,
mission fluid came in two different But some transmissions aren’t so suspect the fluid before replacing the
flavors: Type A and Type F. Type F forgiving. In some cases the type of converter a second time. Replace the
went into Fords that used bronze clutch clutch material you used won’t apply fluid with a factory fill and try again.
facings, and everything else took Type smoothly with Dexron, even though it If the chatter goes away, you know that
A. So remembering which one you worked fine in another transmission. this is one unit that just won’t get cozy
needed for which transmission wasn’t In others, no amount of coaxing or with Dexron.
all that difficult. modifiers will overcome the differences Of course, you can improve your
That was over a quarter century between Dexron and the factory fill. ZF rebuild’s durability and shift quality
ago. Today there are hundreds of dif- units are a good example of a transmis- with one of the additive packages from
ferent units on the road, and dozens sion that’s usually a lot happier with the Lubeguard or Life, even when used
of different oils made to address their manufacturer’s brand of ATF. with the factory fill.
individual performance characteristics. So how can you be sure which Just remember, if the converter
Some of those oils cost a bundle: as units will accept Dexron and which clutch chatters, make sure you aren’t
much as $45 a quart! won’t? Start by following the recom- fighting a fluid compatibility problem
Between all the different types of mendations in the application guides before you start replacing the convert-
fluid and their extreme costs, there’s from Lubeguard and Life, available on er… for a second time.
no way any shop can keep a reason- line at the ATRA Tech Center, under the
able selection in stock. So many shops Quick Reference link.
try to save by using Dexron in every These guides provide the informa-
transmission. When used with a friction tion to help you avoid most compat-
Like so many other things, cars don’t break down on a schedule. So you can pick up
additional work simply by picking up the phone 24/7.
urphy’s Law tells us that
“anything that can go
wrong probably will.” And
time and time again, Murphy has been
proven right. In fact, today there are
dozens of corollaries to Murphy’s Law,
• An open-faced sandwich will
always fall peanut butter-side
down (directly proportional to the
cost of the carpet, and inversely
proportional to the carpet’s age).
• Your kids (or pets) will always
get sick after the doctor’s office the phone at that late hour will dramati- fee to have it added to your shop phone.
has closed (usually Christmas Eve, cally increase your chances of getting Call your phone service provider for
after 6 pm). that job, and dozens of jobs like his that details and to add call forwarding.
leave the customer stranded at all hours Once you have call forwarding on
And most importantly, a car will of the night or weekend. your shop phone, using it is simple.
always break down at the most inop- Sure it’d be nice to get that work, Here’s how Verizon’s call forwarding
portune moment, and during the most but who wants to sit at their shop 24 plan works; most others work in a simi-
inconvenient conditions. Like when hours a day, 7 days a week, waiting for lar manner:
you’re out for the evening and stuck those late night calls? Fortunately you • Pick up your phone receiver and
on a long stretch of road, miles from don’t have to; you can be available to press *72 (on some areas it’s 72#).
home. And of course it’ll be at 9 pm or answer the phone without being there, • When you hear the tone, enter the
later… long after every shop has closed using two simple, 21st century solu- number you want the call forward-
for the day. tions: call forwarding and a cell phone. ed to, including the area code.
But a customer who’s stuck in • That phone will ring. Once you
that situation won’t let a little thing Call Forwarding answer it, call forwarding is
like logic get in the way. He’s going Call forwarding is a service from active.
to try calling your shop anyway, in the your phone company that’s available
unlikely prospect of finding someone nearly everywhere across the country. Now, when someone calls your
there to help him out of his jam. If you have a bundled phone package, shop phone, the call will automati-
Wouldn’t it be great if you were you may already have call forwarding cally forward to the phone number
there to answer his call, and help him included in your service plan; otherwise you entered; in this case, a dedicated
in his time of need? Simply answering you may have to pay a small monthly cell phone. It’ll continue to forward
Santa Rosa
Sam Burrage; Owner
ccording to many shops
from all across the country,
car counts and profits have
been abysmal for years. But through
it all, Sam Burrage’s shop, Santa Rosa
Transmissions, has managed to remain
busy. What’s his secret? Where is he
finding so much work when other shops
are barely holding on?
“Probably the most important thing
is having a good reputation,” explains
Sam. “I don’t care how much you
advertise; it won’t overcome a bad
reputation. We have a great reputation
here in town for being straightforward
and honest and doing good work.”
Over the years Sam has worked on
developing his reputation for honesty
and providing quality work. “Always
treat people as if your roles were
reversed, and you were the one on the San Francisco, the shop where Sam got equipment… it helps me hire better
other side of the counter,” he says. his feet wet in the transmission repair people because I can more easily iden-
“How would you want to be treated? business. tify a talented technician.
Most people aren’t looking for some- After graduating high school, Sam “But I owe my success today from
thing for free; they want an honest job went to a local college where he stud- learning to think like an entrepreneur
at an honest price.” ied transmission technology. “It was and not like a mechanic,” concludes
It’s that attitude that’s helped build a valuable experience because that’s Sam. And a big part of that thinking
the reputation of this ATRA-Member where I learned the theory to support involves the work he does in the com-
repair shop as the shop for auto repair the rebuilding skills I learned in my munity of Santa Rosa, building his
service in the Santa Rosa area. father’s shop,” says Sam. reputation… and his business… each
But while his introduction to the and every day.
Three Generations of industry was from the technical side,
Transmission Repair today Sam no longer considers himself Getting the Word Out
That reputation didn’t happen a technician. “I’m a businessman/entre- So how do potential customers find
overnight. It’s a legacy that spans three preneur with a strong technical back- Santa Rosa Transmissions? What type
generations, beginning with Sam’s ground,” he says. “I have a skilled staff of advertising brings in those custom-
grandfather, William, who started fix- of diagnosticians and rebuilders who ers? “A large part of our work comes in
ing automatic transmissions back when handle that end of the business. directly from referrals, or is backed up
they first began rolling off the Detroit “My technical background is a by referrals,” says Sam.
assembly lines. valuable resource, because it helps me “Customers also come in because
William taught the business to understand what my technicians are of our relationship with associations
Sam’s father, Bill, and uncle, Ed. They dealing with on a daily basis… it helps they’ve learned to trust, such as ATRA
went on to open B&E Transmissions in me recognize when they need new and AAA. People see those credentials
Community First
While Sam recognizes the need for
advertising, he’s quick to point out that
the most valuable resource for bring-
ing customers in is through community
For example, Sam is currently a
board member for the local Automotive
Service Council (ASC), where he regu-
larly meets with other automotive ser- The Santa Rosa Transmissions Team
vice business owners. And he’s a mem- Dennis, Tom, Sam, Tawnia, Rick and Aaron
ber of the local Chamber of Commerce;
a membership that allows him to meet
with other local business owners and this as a marketing tool; I do it because to do business with members of their
community members. it’s important to me. community; it’s about finding common
He’s also been a member of dif- “But when you’re involved with ground,” says Sam.
ferent “leads” groups, where members your community, people talk to you.
meet to share business leads and ideas They’ll ask, ‘Hey Sam, what do you do Advertising His Shop
with one another. And he’s sponsored for a living?’ and that gets your name While Sam acknowledges the
a few Little League teams over the out there. You become their ‘friend in importance of word-of-mouth referrals
years. the business,’ and it eventually turns and community involvement, he also
Another way Sam works to give into new leads… and new customers. recognizes the importance of main-
back to his community is by volunteer- The additional business is a side-effect taining an advertising presence. He
ing with a local hospice group, visit- of being an active member in the com- still advertises in the Yellow Pages,
ing and helping terminally ill patients. munity.” and has a beautiful web site at www.
Many are living out their last days Sam also lives right near his shop,
alone. in Rohnert Park — one town over from This year, based on some things
Sam doesn’t volunteer for any per- Santa Rosa. So it’s a common occur- Thom Tschetter mentioned at a recent
sonal benefit: “I didn’t go into (hospice rence for him to run into his customers Expo, Sam reduced his Yellow Pages
care) as a tool to improve my business; while at the supermarket, a restau- ad presence. “I’ve always run big ads
I don’t walk in wearing a Santa Rosa rant, or taking his 10-year-old daughter in the phone book, but this year I’ve
Transmissions shirt or even identify Alyson or 5-year-old son Gavin to decided to switch to a single listing. I’m
Surrounding Himself
with Talented People
There’s little doubt that a key ele-
ment in any successful business is to
surround yourself with talented people.
Sam is quick to acknowledge the con-
tribution his employees make to Santa
Rosa’s success.
Two of his employees are also
family members: His uncles, Dennis
Burkett and Rick Burrage, began work-
ing with Sam back when he first started
out in his father’s shop. “These guys
were my first teachers in the transmis-
sion business,” Sam says proudly. Both
Dennis and Rick hold ASE and ATRA
Shop Area Tom Brown and Aaron Nelson
round out the Santa Rosa technical
crew. Both are experienced technicians
and both carry ASE certifications.
Tawnia Pometta is the office man-
ager, and the newest member of the
Santa Rosa staff. It’s her friendly voice
that greets people who call for service
or to check on their cars.
Building Area
continued on page 53
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BUSINESS FOR SALE: Asheville, NC 888-686-9591 or Asheville.Transmissions@ block test capabilities. All in excellent condi-
– Well established ATRA transmission shop tion, included are dyno tester with 392 Ford
in business for over 40 years located in the ATRA Mbr gas engine with Zoom Technology window
heart of the beautiful Smokey Mountains. based computer system, valve body cali-
Prime downtown commercial property with BUSINESS FOR SALE: California – You bration tester designed by Aidco Company
very large historic building and ample park- need to take a look at this one! 40 years of for Allison. New Allison diagnostic scanner,
ing. Shop’s vast and unobstructed 8000+ excellent business transmission & general complete paint booth system, 454 and 643
sq. ft. interior space includes multiple lifts, automotive service. Same great location, reman units, cores and inventory stock, cus-
office, restrooms, all equipment and many central California, this is not your ordinary tomer/client list. Asking $75,000 for all or will
vintage parts. Available separately, busi- shop. Large building with latest equipment, sell separately. Northwest Ohio area. Con-
ness with equipment & inventory offered at owner ready to retire. Contact (209) 602- tact Jim at (419) 215-5504. ATRA Mbr
$225,000 and land with building offered at 7250. ATRA Mbr
$765,000, or as a discounted package deal. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: TCRS -Torque
Owner ready to retire. Buy one of the most EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Heavy duty Converter Rebuilding System, includes:
respected businesses in the area and con- transmission dyno test business for sale, TCRS Auto-align welder, electronic balancer
tinue with its long history of success. Some designed for Allisons, heavy duty trucks and leak tester. Also includes, lathe and in-
owner financing available. Contact John and cars and any RWD units with solenoid ventory of parts. New 1999, all equipment is
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