TI-Acronal PLUS 7589 - 20190327
TI-Acronal PLUS 7589 - 20190327
TI-Acronal PLUS 7589 - 20190327
Acronal® PLUS
7537X7589 X
Polymer Dispersions for Construction
Acronal® PLUS 7589 X is an anionic Acronal® PLUS 7589 X is used to Acronal® PLUS 7589 X can easily be
emulsion polymer of acrylic ester and manufacture building adhesives and incorporated in formulations with
styrene. primers with improved water standard mineral fillers. If required, the
resistance and good adhesion to stability of formulations can be
mineral and glazed surface, such as ensured with small quantities of
It does not contain APEO and mastic back tile adhesives with dispersants such as Dispex CX 4320.
formaldehyde. fillers.
Coalescing agents such as glycol
Mastic back tile adhesives ethers and their acetates, or Loxanol®
formulated with Acronal® PLUS CA 5308 are recommended, while
7589 X has excellent adhesion to white spirit can also be used. Rheovis®
different substrates even after long HS 1152 can be used to achieve proper
term water treatment. The high rheology.
resistance against water and
alkaline enable a more durable Standard commercial antifoams, such
as Foamstar MO NXZ, can be used to
solution for the customer.
suppress foaming.
Additionally, the wet-on-wet
application of back tile adhesives Although Acronal® PLUS 7589 X is
enables a quick and reliable protected against microbial attack,
application on the job site. preservatives must still be added to the
Trials must be performed in finished products to ensure consistent
advance since the performance of quality even after a long storage time.
Technical Data
Acronal® PLUS 7589 X can be It is strongly recommended to carry out
influenced by other additives and your own trials when developing and
Solids content 49-51 % materials involved. processing products contains Acronal®
PLUS 7589 X. This also includes
pH value 8.0 – 9.5 testing the storage stability of
customer’s finish product.
500 – 4,000
mPa ∙ s
23℃, 6 rpm)
Density approx.1.04 g/cm3
MFFT Approx. 40 ℃