AIM Express Issue 14

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AIM Express

Issue 14 Princeton Palmer December 2010

'Tis the season...

It seems that León is getting
colder and colder by the day
and although there are no signs
of any snow here, it sure feels
like festive season.
Dance of the Apaches
Christmas isn't as big
here in Mexico as it is in some Church Retreat at Morelia, Dance of the little bull
other parts of the world such as
in the US for example. My co-ordinators and I along with
some of my teammates travelled

Nevertheless, a country that is

so rich in history, culture and to the city of Morelia for a retreat

tradition can't help but provide held by the church there. Nick

a spectacle during its festive and I stayed the night there with

periods. the Gonzalez family, the

From 'the dance of the

missionaries working there. We Contact Info
attended church there the next Princeton Palmer
little bull' where masked actors
Iglesia de Cristo
morning and then left back for
try to act out the 'taming of a C/O Princeton Palmer
León that Sunday night.
bull' to 'the dance of the Apdo. Postal 453
The retreat was a great León, Gto C.P. 37001
apaches' which is a fast dance
experience, getting to see and be Mexico
with dancers wearing lots of
a part of God's work in other
colorful feathers and costumes, Email
parts of Mexico. I also met some [email protected]
it sure raises your pulse rate!
people from Argentina, Blog

Venezuela and the Dominican princetonpalmer.blogspot.

Republic, and one of them was
Venezuela's No.3 in chess!! +52-477-229-8211
AIM Express
Issue 14 Princeton Palmer December 2010

It was sad seeing another teammate
Jedda Bragg finish his field time here
and head back to the States. He is
going on to study Advanced Spanish
at Texas Tech University in Lubbock.
Please pray for his future and for his
Dinner with teammates and co-
transition back to the States. rdinators in downtown León

'La Posada' (The Inn)

We held a youth Christmas event at church called 'La Posada' in which we
re-enacted the prophecies about Jesus, the angel's appearance to Mary
and Joseph and finally the baby Jesus in the stable and all the many
visitors that came to see Him. The 'Posada' is a traditional part of the
Christmas festivities here.
About 20 youth attended the event and we also held a Skype
conference call with Shawn & Barb Gary who were part of the missions
Prophecies about
team that planted the León Sur church, and Shawn used to be the youth Jesus : I was Isaiah,
Ramiro was Malachi
minister. Now Shawn and his family are back in the States worshipping
and Jazmin was Micah.
with the congregation that meets in Knott, Texas.

Ladies' Retreat
We had a ladies' retreat at church with the theme of 'How to possess the heart of
Mary in a world with that of Martha's?'. Many women from different parts of
Mexico attended the event. Some of them brought their kids with them; so the
AIM guys were in charge of taking care of them and keeping them busy during
the retreat. I think we did a pretty good job..although it seemed like the kids'
favorite thing to do was to scream!!
AIM Express
Issue 14 Princeton Palmer December 2010

Thank you
I would like to thank all of you who are
partners with me in the Lord's ministry,
helping me through financial means, prayers
and cards of encouragement. You enable me
to be here and and be a part of the mission
Me at the end of 'No-
that God is doing in here in León, Mexico. It
shave November'
truly is a blessing to be doing what I am doing
and I thank you all for making it possible.
January...going home Discipling
I am going to England this January to visit my I met a guy here in downtown León called
parents and also to renew my UK Residency. Alejandro a few weeks back. He is a business
The Residency status allows me to stay in the administration student at the university and is now
UK indefinitely and also helps towards visa off on Christmas vacation. Some of my teammates
requirements for other countries such as the and I have got to spend some time with him in the
US and Mexico. very short while we've known him. He came to my
I haven't been back to the UK since I small group twice, helped us at the orphanage sort
started AIM and so I am very excited for this out clothes and also came to Jedda's send-off party
trip. I'm looking forward to spending time with even though he had never met him before! Our
my family and catching up with friends. I will third meeting was at his sister's wedding!
also be visiting the Scotland and Ireland AIM Alejandro has a cool character and although
teams as they are so close by. he was brought up in Catholic tradition, he is very
open to God's word and very real about his
Wishing you all a Merry perspective on how God wants us to live. So please

Christmas and a Happy New keep him in your prayers that God may use him and

Year!!! mold him and make him into a great witness in His

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