TF: Textile Engineering and Fibre Science: Wrona
TF: Textile Engineering and Fibre Science: Wrona
TF: Textile Engineering and Fibre Science: Wrona
I. This question paper comaina 16 P-act including blanlr. pages for rough work. Please cbeclr. all pages
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7. Questions Q.i-Q.2S will carry 1-IDII'k CICh,mdquelliool Q.26-Q.S5 will carry 2-mub -=h.
8. Questi<MB Q.48- Q.Si (2 pain) are coumoa dala questions and quatioo pairs (Q.52, Q.SJ) and
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9. Questions Q.S6- Q.6S belong to Gcncn1 Aptitude (OA). Questions Q.56- Q.60 will carry 1-madr.
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II. Wrong answcn will carry NEGATIVE mub. For Q.l - Q.2S and Q.56 - Q.60, セ@ mark will be
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wroog answer. The queuioa ー。ゥョセ@ (Q.S2, Q.S3), and (Q.S4, Q.SS) are questiolls witb tiokedliiiiiWenl.
Tbme will be negative mub only for wrona lUJSW« 10 the finrt question oftbtlliaked -.wet question
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13. Charts. graph sheets or tables are NOT •!lo-a in tbe examination ball.
14. Rough work can be done on the question paper it.elf. Additionally, blank ー。ァ・セ@ are provided at the
md of the question papo:r for rough work.
Q.l - Q.15 c.rry oae mark eacb.
Q.l Amoaast the following, lbe ooly tlaiUfalty extruded libn= is
(A) Wool {8) Cotton (C) Hemp (D) Sillr.
Q.3 For poly (ethylene terepb.thalale), whic:b oftbe followina will bave the highest gystalliuity?
(A) Amorpbous drips (8) LOY
Q.S In whidl of tbe following fe8ioos of a eardios macl!iiMl, tbe fibre ャゥァョュ・。セ@ is disturbed to tbc
IJIIriTTIIvn aleal?
(A) Cylillder to doffer ttam!er region (B) Licker-into cylinder trmsfu rqioo
(C) Cylinder to cylioder UDdcr-asing rqion (0) Cylinder to flats <:aniing region
Q.\0 QuK:k lespoo:te powaful brake is neea..,y in a bigb speed warpina maciUnc Choose lhc
INCORRECT Ra10!1 from tbe following
(A) The iDertiaofbeam is very hish (B) Warpina process is irreversible
(q Buriedead may result (D) Machine viblatioo can be minjrnjsecl
ltllD TF
Q.l2 The weave, that produces fabrics with maximum dcgn:e or 511101.1tbnca, close packing of threads,
bcavy C01151nldioo and b.igb seam slippage is
(A) Satin {B) Basket (C) Twill (D) Gabardine
Q.22 The matrix. {セ@ セ@ セ}@ has one eigenvalue equal to 3. The swn of two othereigeo values is
I 4 P
セ@ セZ@ セQ@
(A)3 (B)5 (C) 1 (D) 9
Q.24 A fair coin is 105Sed4 times. What is the probability of getting heads 3 tirom?
(A) 1/2 (B) 1/4 (C) l/6 (D) 1/8
Q.25 The on1er BDd degree of following differential equation are
(A)4 BDd 2 •cspc:ctively (B) 2 BDd 2 ltspa:tively
(C) 2 BDd I Iapedively (D) 2 BDd S 1espectively
Q. 26 - Q.55 tan")' two marks each.
Q.26 Match tbe elemems of Groap I and Gro.p II.
Grpt1pl Groyp Q
P. Polypropylene I. Poor hydrolytic.: stability
Q. Cotton 2. Ex.cellent thermal resistance
R. Polyester 3. Ex.ce\lcnt clastic recovcry
S. Wool 4. Poor resistmce to acid
S. Higher wet strength
6. Ex.cellentchemical resistmce
(A) P-6, Q-5, R-1, S-3 (B) P-2, Q-5, R-6, S-3
(C) P-4, Q-5, R-1, S-2 (D) P-6,Q-l,R-2,S-3
Q.27 In the cootext of viscose fibre producti011, cboolc the corm;t stmmen•
(A) AgieiQg is an oxidative: polymeril:ation step
(B) The ooagnlatioo batb requires acid for rqmenlion of cellul05C
(C) lUpeniiig is carried OUI just before uplbatiOD process
(D) Xanlhltion is IIC' ry for -vertiag ocllulose to alkali cellulose
Q.28 Oeccrmme the correctDess or odleiwisc of the following A "Cia 1•1 and the RaMo lrl
Aaertioa: The spinning speed in melt spinning process are higher than !hat of wet spinning
Reuoa: """"
The solidiflcatioo of melt involves only beat transfer, whereas in wet spinning one
way mass transfer is also involved.
(A) Both [a] and [r] are lrue and [r] is the corm:t reason for [a]
(B) Both [a] and [r] are 1rue and [r] is not the comet reason for [a]
(C) Both [a] sud [r] are false
(D) [a] is lme but [r] is false
(A) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-5 (B) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-5
(C) P-5, Q-4, R-2. S-6 (D) P-S, Q-2. R-1, S-6
(A) P-2, Q-3, R·l, S-4 (B) P-5, Q·3, R-1, S--6
(C) P-5, Q-1, R--6, S-4 (D) P-2, Q-1, R·3, S--6
Q.31 30 bales of3.5 Mi and 40 bales of 4.0 Mi oonon films (Mi is Microoair value ofcottoo filnee) are
already available in the raw material inventory of the mill. What is the approximate Mi value
required of IIDOiher 30 bale& !l(llblli. lhc IOSUIIIDI OleiUl Ml of lhc total 100 bak:s will be 4.0'1
(A)3.4 (B)4.7 (C) 5.2 (D) 6.0
(P) Ring spun. )'1ll1IB Uvc: higher fibre migration lban.DREF-2 frictioD spun )'1ll1IB
(Q) The rotor spuo )'1ll1IB have uniform twin structun: 11Cf0151be .;:ross.sectioo
(R) Air jet spun yarn is formed by fibre wrapping
(S) Minimtm Olllllbet of fibres required fer 1 particular count ym1 is hiafler fOJ" ring spun )'1ll1IB IS
compaRd 10 rotor spuD }'11111
(A) P--6, Q-1, R·2, S-5 (B) P-3, Q-6, R-1, S-5
(C) P-4, Q--6, R·l, S-2 (D) P·3, Q-5, R·l, S--6
Q.34 In a 11izins machine, 100 m Jenatb of warp sheet was proc m 1d The warp was SbetCbed by 3%, 2%
and 1% at unwinding zone. wet zone and drying zone reepectively. The length ofWilp sheet oo
weaver's beam will be
Q.35 The propelling force generated for insertion of weft yam in air jet weaving syMem is independent of
(A) Strength of the yam (B) Length of lhe yam
(C) Diameter of the yam (D) Velocity of the yam
Q.J<; Match !be elements ofGrotlp I and Grot1p II.
Grup I: Teclulology Gf01p II :
P. Rope dyeing I. Spacer fabric
Q. Electronic jacquard 2. Terry towel
R. Warpknitting 3. Furnishing f8bric
S. Nonwoven 4. Denim
s. Seat belt
6. Teabag
Q.37 The effec;tive length of cotton with 21 mm lower quartile length and 25% dispersion percentage is
Q.39 The bmding lc:ngth of a fabric is S em. The length of overhanging strip oftbe fabric specimen when
the tip of it, viewed in the mirror, cuts both the ゥョ、」セ@ lines of fabric ileDding length le$lel" is
(A) 2.5 em (B) S em (C) 7.5 em (D) 10 em
Q.40 Determine the COI>..,.tues.;; or otberwise of tbe following A11ertiH 1•1 and the セ@ Jrl
Aaertlon: 1n efllueru trea•men•,ヲャッュセ。エゥ@ is used to pl'llCipitate out the organic impurities
a-: Aoe<.:ulatioo involves use of modcntcly cb.arged polye1ectrolytes
(A) Both {a] and [r] are false
{B) Both fa] and [r] are 1n.1e: and [r] is the co=ct reason for [a]
(C) Both [a] and [r] are 1rue but Jr] is not エィ・セ@ reason for [a]
(D) [a] is false but [r] is true
Q.41 The Nernst isothenn セis@ a partition ofthc dye between fibre and dye solution such lhat tbe
value of [D]r/ [DJ,
(A) Increases with ゥセct・。s@ in concentration of dye in solution
(B) DecRases with increase in com:entration of dye in solution
(C) Does not change with increase in concentration of dye in solution
(D) lncJeases initially with increase in dye coDCelltration and then di:cralses
Q.43 The diverp:nce ッヲエ「Zセ@ field {ll- ケセ@ +(y MャセKサク@ +y+z)i:U
jQクI]セ@ otherwise
!ben tlle ュ・。セ@ value of X will be
x' -64
Q.46 When x -+ 4 , lim will be equaiiO
log,(x 3)
(A) 24 (B)48 (C)72 (D)96
Q.47 For a cimllar rod wilh カッセ@ 16Jr em', lbe value ofndius for whicb.lbe surl'aoc:- (including
tbe top aDd boUom surfKes) will be rnininwm is
HaIャセ@ セR・ュ@ {C)3em セT・ュ@
A spet:d hmc: with all the drafting rollers of 25.4 mm diameter bas the followin& proce88 セZ@
Roving count- I.Ss Ne; Front drafting roller speed- 220 rpm; Roving diameter- 3.0 nan: Roving Twist
Multiplier- I .2 tpi Ne' 1a, Empty bobbin diameter- 16.2 mm.
Q.49 The ideal bobbin rack speed fOI" the lint layer of roving being mn.ctly WOUDd on the empty bobbin
will be &pproximate\y
{A) 220 mmlmin (B) 240 mmlmin (C) 260 mmlmin (D) 280 mm/min
TF-A 7116
A shirting cotton cloth ia made from the following particulars :
Warp crimp, C 1 • Ill%
wセイーケ。ュ、ゥNL@ d 1•0.01627em
K1 = 11.3
Fabric lltl:al dcuaity = 91.15 g/m2
wbc:n: T is yam tex aDd K i5 tbc cover f8ctM in Sl unit denoted by (lhreads p« cm)(tex) 112 x 10""1•
Q.SO "l"bicbleN oftbe fabric will be
Q.S3 Iftbe dio 1 :·«oftbe above yam is 0.28 mm. tbe twist 811gle will be approximately
(A) Acrylic (B) Polyester (C) Visoose (D) Acrylic aDd visoose
Q.SS The •mdiiiSQlved part of the above experiment wt111 further tteatcd with 75 wt% H,SO.. The
fibre/fibres that will oot dissolve is/are
(A) Acrylic (B) Polyester (C) Viscose (0) Acrylic md pol:yC*ter
General Aptitude (GA) Questioas
Q.S6 Which of the following optioru U the c/OSQt ill -.mlllg to the won/ be/ow_·
(A) effeminate
(8) gboltlike
(C) soft
(D) sh<.xt..Jivai
Q.S7 TM quotion /Jelow ronsUu. of<> pair of re/Oled wordr folluwed o/ four pain of wordt. S..ln:t the
pair that best expre:ues the relati<Ht In the original p<JW.
Erudlt6NI : SeOOlar
(A) alcldfast; memuiBl
(B) compeleDCe: stricl
(C) skill : crafUm&n
(D) DUne: doctor
Q.SS Cltome the most approprlille Wl>rdfrom the options given below to comp/ele the followillg
The two cblld-- wtdl fertile vhlalan wfD lulu tlplftrut lmplkadoM for"'
tlc•fiCI•pMI; pn1lle..
(A) disilw:altives
(8) iDcjle"*"ls
(D) ratnints
Q.59 Choou the most セ@ word from 1M optkHu giwrl below 10 contplete the following
Tbert II ao flud rehdM betw 1 1 fotd ud fambte; r · • - caa occar wltb or ..tdtout
l1lbltutlal Ia food oalptrt.
(A) abemitiQil
(B) weakening
(C) dec.:line
{D) deteriomtion
Q.60 Consider the ftmctiOIII{JI)• mu('7-IL, J.+J).In which nmgc does fblb: ils .u.tan• value?
(A)-O!';x<-2 HbIMRNZセ\@ (C) 2:5x<6 (D) 6:S:x<IO
(C) Our Olympians have undertaken a lonajoumey 10 Beijing.
(D) India's bronze medal turned into gold at Beijing.
Q.62 Consider the scncs -+---+-+---+- +---+ .... The sum of the infmile series
2348916322 764
above is:
5 (C) I
(A)"' (B)- (D)O
6 2
Q.63 A gathering of SO linguists discovered thai 4 knew Kannada, Telugu and Tllllil, 7 knew only
Telugu and Tamil, 5 knew only K.annada and Tamil, 6 knew only Tc\ugu and K•nn•da If the
nwnber of linguists who !mew Tamil is 24 and those wbo knew Kannada is also 24, how many
linguists knew only Telugu?
(A)9 (B) 10 (C) II (D) 8
Q.64 A tank bas 100 IilJa of water. At the end ofevny hour the following two operations are perfuo:lllf:d
ゥョセZ@ i) watet equal to セNT@ oflbc: Cl.lm:l1l conlents of the tank is added 1o the taDk, ill water
equal to n% of the c:u=nt 0011tents of the tank is removed from the tlulk. At the end of 5 bours the
tank llOIItains exactly 100 litres of wllter. The relation between m and n is:
(A)m-n (B)m>n (C) m<:n (D) None of the previous.
Q.65 A student is anawering a multiple choice examination with 65 questions with a marking scheme as
follows: i) I marl< for each correct answer, ii) _.!_ for a wroog answer, iii) _ _!. for a question that
4 8
has not bceolltempled. lftbe m•dent sets 37 marks in the test then the least possible numhr:r of
questions the snvlen• has NOT answered is:
(A)6 (8)5 (C) 7 (0)4
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