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Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 1116 – 1120


Hands-on education system using water rocket

Nobuyuki Tomitaa,∗ , Rikio Watanabea , Alexander V. Nebylovb
a Musashi Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
b St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, St. Petersburg, Russia

Received 14 June 2005; accepted 11 December 2006

Available online 17 May 2007

Trial of hands-on education of rocket technology for university students using water rocket, which consists of structural study,
propulsion system study, aerodynamic study, stability study, and flight trajectory study, has been performed. Integrating each
subject into a group of tasks, a hands-on education system of aerospace technology will become feasible. Advantage of the
system is that students can verify the theory by hands-on practice. Development of recovery mechanism for water rocket will
be a good subject of hands-on innovative design. Although the system has been developed mostly for university students, it can
easily be converted to hands-on education system for school children and high school students.
© 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction • safe,
• cheap,
Water rocket is one of the most popular amuse- • easy to make,
ments among school children in festive events in Japan, • easy to test.
particularly in summer. It uses pressurized water as
a propulsive substance. As a tank for a water, a PET A shortcoming of water rocket is its low payload
(Polyethylene terephthalate) bottle for soft drinks is capability. Although, it raises restriction on application
usually used. of water rocket, education is exceptional, since it does
Water rocket is also attractive as an educational tool not require high payload capability.
for students because it is: Safety is the most important concern when we
deal with any kind of rocket. There were two major
• a self-contained rocket with a unique rocket propul- safety concerns when we started our study. One was
sion system, structural strength of PET bottle under pressure. The
other was inconsistent behavior of water rocket flight
Several studies were performed particularly on the
∗ Corresponding author. Now, Visiting Professor, School of Sci-
second concern and a guideline to make water rocket
ence for Open and Environmental System, Keio University, KZ flight with consistency was established.
Campus, Bldg. K, 144-8 Ogura, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki 212-0054,
A study to investigate practical application of water
Japan. Fax: +81 3 5707 1139.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N. Tomita), rocket by examining it from an engineering stand-
[email protected] (R. Watanabe), [email protected] point was started in 1996 in Musashi Institute of
(A.V. Nebylov). Technology.
0094-5765/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Tomita et al. / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 1116 – 1120 1117

The following studies have been performed and some Table 1

of them are progressing. Yield and burst pressure of PET bottle

Yield pressure (MPa) Burst pressure (MPa)

(a) Structural study (1996),
Min. Max. Min. Max.
(b) Propulsion system study (1997–),
(c) Aerodynamic study (2001–), Used bottle 0.75 1.25 1.08 1.50
(d) Stability study (1996–2003), New bottle 0.85 1.25 1.45 1.68
(e) Recovery system study (1998–),
(f) Flight trajectory study (1998–),
(g) Launcher (1998–), The results of pressure testing were evaluated using
(h) Robust design study (2000–). the data from tensile strength testing and were found
2. Structural study
3. Propulsion system study
2.1. Destructive testing
Mathematical model of propulsion system was made
Destructive testing of PET bottles was performed to and verified by thrust measurement testing.
identify the strength of the PET bottle and the behavior A crucial part in water rocket propulsion system is the
when it breaks under pressure. nozzle. In the beginning, straight nozzle with a diameter
The 90 mm in diameter ×325 mm in length standard of 7.5 mm, which is the standard nozzle for water rocket
1.5 l PET bottles (15 used ones and 10 new ones) were in Japan, was used. Later on, different nozzles with
tested. different configurations and sizes were examined.
Yield pressure and burst pressure of PET bottle are Typical thrust–time history with 7.5 mm standard
shown in Table 1. The table shows that used bottles have nozzle and 0.5 MPa pressure is shown in Fig. 1
less strength compared to new bottles and that the min- (0.5 × 10−3 m3 water). The device is an assembly of
imum burst pressure for used bottles is approximately nozzle and a cylindrical flow regulator, with many small
1 MPa. holes on the cylindrical surface of the regulator (Fig. 2).
When pressurized, past yield pressure, the volume of This assembly was named as “flow regulating nozzle”.
the bottle increased reaching more than 1.5 times the Maximum thrust is approximately 50 N. Specific im-
initial volume. At the time of the burst, a crack appeared pulse was approximately 4 s.
in the skin at the middle of the cylinder section and in- In the early phase of operation, single phase flow
stantaneously the crack became wider turning the skin of water came out of the nozzle. At about 0.3 s after
over. However, the bottle skin did not break into frag- initiation, flow through the nozzle changed into two-
ments. The skin kept itself still in one piece. We con- phase mixed flow of water and air.
cluded that, from a safety view point, the behavior of With a standard nozzle, behavior of water in the bottle
the PET bottle at the burst is acceptable but to ensure was turbulent. It swirled like a flow in a sink.
safety, it will be desirable to keep the pressure less than One of the students who worked on water rocket
0.5 MPa (approximately half the minimum burst pres- investigation invented a simple device which stopped
sure of used bottles). swirling in the tank (PET bottle) and changed turbulent
flow into smooth laminar flow.
2.2. Tensile strength testing Although with a flow regulating nozzle, the specific
impulse became a little lower, oscillatory movement of
Tensile strength testing of PET using standard JIS the data got smaller. The device also helped to improve
specimens and tensile strength test machine was per- inconsistent performance of the rocket in flight, which
formed. Ultimate tensile strength distributed between will be addressed in the next paragraph.
134 and 180 GPa, and there were no observable differ- Another student who worked on optimization of noz-
ences between strength in axial (parallel to the axis of zle diameter as well as number and size of small holes
the bottle) and transverse directions. on the cylinder found that with increasing diameter of
Young’s modulus was 1.3–1.5 GPa for the axial di- the nozzle, specific impulse increased until nozzle diam-
rection and approximately 2 GPa for the transverse di- eter became 8.5 mm. It was also found that smaller the
rection. It was observed that when the loading speed size of small holes and the larger the number of small
gets higher, Young’s modulus gets smaller. holes, the better the characteristics of flow regulation.
1118 N. Tomita et al. / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 1116 – 1120

100 4.1. Wind tunnel testing

80 Static stability is one of the most important factors
70 experimental for stable flight.
Thrust [N]

50 Empirically static margin of about 20% was selected
40 in the design of fins for water rocket.
30 A wind tunnel testing was planned for the purpose
20 of verifying calculated lift coefficient and observing be-
10 havior of the rocket with large angle of attack.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 It was confirmed that calculated lift coefficient
time [msec] coincided with experiment within acceptable tolerance.
It was also observed that rigidity of the fin and attach-
Fig. 1. ing point of the fin to the body have an influence on
static margin because low rigidity of the fin and weak
adhesion of the fin to the body diminishes effective
surface of the fin. It was concluded that paper fins and
vinyl tapes, which are usually used for attachment of
fins to the rocket body by reason of convenience, were
not appropriate from the viewpoint of stability.
Boundary layer control by means of vortex gener-
ator was examined in wind tunnel testing. Although
there was slight advancement of aerodynamic center of
the rocket, oscillatory motion of the model in the wind
tunnel at high angle of attack largely diminished, and
obvious improvement in consistency of trajectory was
observed in flight testing.
Zero lift drag of 0.24 was obtained from wind tunnel
testing, which coincided with 0.24 which was obtained
Fig. 2. from analysis.

Mesh was tested instead of solid cylinder with small 4.2. Sloshing test
holes. The result was that there was a problem in
structural strength of mesh structure. It was concluded Sloshing of water in the tank was suspected as a major
that although mesh is the best from a functional view- cause for inconsistent flight performance.
point, it is not practical because of vulnerability in the Slosh testing was conducted by a student. Slosh fre-
structure. quency was taken and was compared with numbers
calculated from the theory. Slosh phenomena in flight
4. Stability study was observed analyzing high-speed camera images of
water in the tank in flight. It was found that turbulent
Stability of flight was another concern from safety water surface swirled and oscillated taking the shape of
viewpoint. It was common recognition that flight tra- a funnel.
jectory of water rocket was inconsistent. From investigation of the vehicle and launcher, it was
The problem is that sometimes vehicles, which have also found that natural frequency of the launcher rail
the same configuration, show different flight trajectory was very close to the fundamental sloshing frequency.
when launched with the same amount of water and pres- Two actions were taken. One was to apply “flow reg-
sure. ulating nozzle” instead of standard and the other was to
Many times the water rocket takes an unanticipated make the launcher rail stiffness higher.
trajectory, hitting a car, building, or a player playing a It was observed that sloshing motion had gone when
football game in the adjoining playground. flow regulating nozzle was used. With flow regulating
Exhaustive investigation of the cause for anomalous nozzle and stiffened launcher rail, water rocket started
flight has been performed. to fly more consistently.
N. Tomita et al. / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 1116 – 1120 1119

4.3. Body divergence will be calculated and the location of the rocket will be
determined as an intersection of two vectors.
Body divergence is a combined aeroelastic phenom- With this method, maximum altitude will be calcu-
ena. Theory of body divergence had been established lated quickly.
as early as 1960 and a failure of rocket due to body
divergence has been reported. A student challenged to 6. Robust design
confirm the theory with water rocket. He made a rocket
with a joint with low stiffness in the middle of the body. Robust design is a method of design to get high-
Stiffness of the joint was determined so that calculated quality products at low cost [1].
body divergence velocity coincides with maximum ve- This method is particularly useful when analytical
locity of water rocket (approximately 25 m/s). method is not fully applicable and quantitative infor-
In flight testing, at around maximum velocity, the mation is not obtainable. With water rocket, there are
rocket lost its stability and stalled. Probably, this may some ambiguities concerning design parameters like
be the first experience of witnessing body divergence in static margin, fin rigidity and fin attachment rigidity,
flight. nose shape and boundary layer control.
An attempt to establish standard water rocket config-
uration using robust design method assuming the above-
5. Trajectory observation
mentioned design parameters as control factors, was
Analysis of flight trajectory is a good exercise for
As an evaluation function, deviation of the flight path
students. However, the difficulty lies in verifying the
from predetermined flight path was taken.
analysis by flight testing because there is no established
Noise factors were selected as individual workman-
method to get flight trajectory data from flight testing
ship and launch condition (wind and weather).
with high accuracy.
Some of the results obtained from robust design are:
Several students challenged to get flight trajectory us-
ing two-point observation method from manual tracking • static margin of 25% of dry rocket is preferable,
data resulting in large error in altitude. • there is no significant difference between cone nose
and semi-spherical nose,
• plastic fin is better than fin made from paper.
5.1. Application of image processing
It was confirmed that the design of water rocket could
Joint effort of obtaining trajectory data from images be a good exercise for robust design.
taken by two video cameras was conducted under joint
study of Musashi Institute of Technology and St. Pe- 7. Recovery
tersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Flight trajectory was assumed to be on a single ver- Recovery is another important issue for rocket sys-
tical plane and using elevation and azimuth angle data tem. Three types of recovery systems for water rocket
obtained by calculating pixel number of the image of have been developed.
the rocket, the position of the rocket was estimated. Type 1 uses propeller driven shaft for trigger of sepa-
The problem with this method was found to be the ration mechanism and after separation the whole rocket
great dependency of accuracy of trajectory on accuracy will be lowered by a parachute.
of setting of optical axis of two cameras. Type 2 uses a small bottle which is connected to the
It requires tremendous effort to settle optical angle top of the PET bottle. When pressure in the PET bottle
correctly. decreases, pressure in the small bottle will be decreased
Another attempt to take data of any point from flight too triggering separation mechanism. This type uses a
trajectory from video data is going on at the Musashi parachute to lower the rocket.
Institute of Technology. Type 3 uses servo actuator operated by radio control
With this method, a reference axis unit, which is used from the ground. This type uses a parachute, too.
to convert pixel number into actual distance, is placed
in the picture at the launch point, and optical axes of the 8. Educational program
cameras are calculated using pixel number of the center
of the picture from the launch point in the picture. Two All of the above mentioned activities have been per-
vectors pointing to the image of the rocket in the picture formed by students of Musashi Institute of Technology
1120 N. Tomita et al. / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 1116 – 1120

for eight (8) years. The total numbers of students who 9. Educational short program
participated in the project was 24 in total.
Every student conducted analysis, ground testing and Other than standard engineering programs, there are
flight testing with rockets manufactured by themselves. some short programs for university students and school
Everybody supported each other during flight testing. children.
It was a kind of team operation.
In an occasion of festive events of the university or 9.1. Program for university students
towns of the local area, students participated in the event
with water rockets, and instructed children on rocket Introduction of water rocket as an aid for hands-
technology. on education of the third grade students of aerospace
It could be said that water rocket is not only a good systems course of mechanical systems department,
tool for aerospace education, but it also gives a good Musashi Institute of Technology got started in 1996.
opportunity for cooperation and public service. At Musashi Institute of Technology, a short program
A complete set of half year course of water rocket of approximately four classes has been offered for third
using tools which have been developed so far will be year grade students as a part of hands-on education. The
possible. The program consists of: course consists of a lecture on water rocket technology,
calculation of aerodynamic parameters, estimation of
• lecture on rocket propulsion, static margin, design and manufacturing of rocket with
• propulsion system testing, recovery system and launch.
• lectures on structural engineering, Competitive factors were introduced by measur-
• structural testing, ing maximum altitude and time between launch and
• lecture on aerodynamics of rocket, landing.
• wind tunnel testing,
• lecture on stability of rocket,
• design of rocket with recovery system,
• structural and aerodynamic analysis, [1] R. Watanabe, N. Tomita, T. Takemae, Thrust characteristics of
• stability analysis, water rocket and their improvement’, Journal of the Japan Society
• flight test, for Aeronautica and Space Sciences 49 (2001) 382–387.
• trajectory analysis.

Special test equipment for the course is as follows: Further reading

• material testing machine, [2] T. Ota, A. Umemura, Parametric study of water rocket for
• propulsion system test stand with instrumentation optimum flight, Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautica
(thrust, pressure), and Space Sciences 51 (2003) 314–320.
• vibration testing machine, [3] M.S. Phadke, Quality Engineering Using Robust Design,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.
• wind tunnel, [4] N. Tomita, R. Watanabe, T. Takemae, Experimental study of
• two video cameras, engineering education via water rocket, JSME, 2002, Congress
• launching equipment (including pressurizing device). [in Japanese].

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