CFD Simulation of Hydraulic Tank: Sciencedirect

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Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 609 614

TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport

CFD simulation of hydraulic tank

Martin Moilana*, Milan mindka, Peter Pecha, Peter Weisa
Univerzity of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univerzitn 1, 010 26 ilina , Slovak Republic


The aim of this paper is the examination of fluid dynamics in a tank. The use of modern CAD and CFD techniques in the
conception and simulation of industrial products has huge applications in the mechanical, automotive and aerospace industries.
This paper includes all the steps from treatment of CAD geometry up to the analysis of simulation results. The presented
approach involved CAD simplification, meshing of the geometry, CFD simulation and analysis of the simulation results.
A case study of a hydraulic tank partially filled with hydraulic oil was simulated in this paper using Volume of Fluid (VOF)
multiphase model. Simulations compared the amplitude of sloshing in tank. In this paper, a part of the project which aims to
develop a computer aided methodology for developing/designing of the fuel tanks based on static and dynamic analysis is
The Authors. Published
by Elsevier by Elsevier
Ltd. This is an openLtd.
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on
sustainable,under responsibility
modern of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable,
and safe transport.
modern and safe transport
Keywords: CFD ; Fuel Tank ; Sloshing ; Fluid-Structure Interaction

1. Introduction

Introduction sloshing refers to the motion of free liquid surface inside a tank. To estimate the sloshing effects
acting on the container, an accurate modeling of the free-surface waves is necessary [1].
Over the past decades, it has been recognized that it is important to take the nonlinearity of sloshing waves into
account. In terms of the free-surface non-linearity, one major difficulty is that the fully-nonlinear boundary
conditions have to be satisfied on the free surface not known a priori [1].
It seems that the best options for solving the fully-nonlinear problem are numerical methods [2,5].

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +421 41 513 2951; fax: +421 41 56 52 940.

E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport
610 Martin Moilan et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 609 614

At present, numerical methods for surface wave problems are based on either the NavierStokes (NS) equations
or potential flow theory. Due to the advantages in the efficiency and accuracy, the potential-flow-based methods
which assume the fluid to be incompressible, inviscid and flow irrotational are very popularly used in sloshing
studies. For the time-domain simulation, a potential-flow-based method usually has two key modules: One is for
solving the Boundary Value Problem (BVP) of the velocity potential, which could be achieved by Boundary
Element Method (BEM), Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Difference Method (FDM), Pseudo-Spectral Method
and so on; The other is for updating the boundary position and boundary conditions. For the free surface boundary,
two procedures, the Mixed-EulerLagrange (MEL) and semi-Lagrangian (SL) procedure, are mostly adopted to
update the free surface position and the corresponding boundary conditions [6].
In recent times, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis is playing a vital role in analyzing the
different design models and helps in saving time and cost by eradicating the need for construction of several
prototypes in the design and testing phase [6].
In multiphase flow, a phase can be defined as an identifiable class of material that has a particular inertial
response to and interaction with the flow and the potential field in which it is immersed. Currently there are two
approaches for the numerical calculation of multiphase flows: the Euler-Lagrange approach and the Euler- Euler
The VOF formulation in ANSYS FLUENT is generally used to compute a time-dependent solution, but only for
problems with a steady-state solution; it is possible to perform a steady-state calculation provided solution is
independent of initial guess. In case of vortex formed system with liquid-gas interface, the solution depends on the
initial liquid height and hence transient solution method should be chosen.
The tracking of the interface(s) between the phases is accomplished by the solution of a continuity equation for
the volume fraction of one (or more) of the phases. For the q (fluids volume fraction) phase, this equation has the
following form:


Where mqp is the mass transfer from phase q to phase p and mpq is the rate of mass transfer from phase p to
phase q. By default, the source term on the right-hand side of equation (1) Saq, is zero, but you can specify a constant
or user-defined mass source for each phase. Volume fraction in the cell is denoted q. [7-8]

2. Computational study and boundary conditions

The analyzed problem consists of a closed tank, which is filled with hydraulic oil by 65% and the rest 35% of its
volume is filled with air. The total volume of the hydraulic tank is 0.203 m3, the volume of hydraulic oil is 0.132 m3
which corresponds with 65% of tank volume. The tank is made from steel whose material properties are shown in
table 1. Thickness of sheet metal walls is 6mm.

Tab. 1 Material properties

Material Elastic Modul Poissons Ratio Density

Steel 206 GPa 0,29 7 827 kg/m3
Hydraulic Oil - - 900kg/m3
Martin Moilan et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 609 614 611

Fig.1 a.) CAD model of the Hydraulic tank b.) Wire model of the hydraulic tank with boundary conditions.

Coordinate system and boundary conditions for static solution is shown in Fig. 1 b. the tank was loaded in all
directions by acceleration of 3G.
Tab. 2 Load Case
X 3G
Y - 3G
Z 3G

The tank is fixed on 8 places as can be seen on Fig. 1 All degrees of freedom were fixed at these 8 places. These
boundary conditions were used for static analysis and also FSI analysis of the hydraulic tank.

3. Static analysis of hydraulic tank

Hydrostatic pressure was used as load during static analysis. The pressure distribution can be seen on Fig. 3. The
computational model of fluid was not used during static analysis. The approach involved the free surface at an angle
of 45 degrees. The distribution of the free surface can be seen in Fig. 2.

Fig.2 The distribution of the free surface in the tank.

612 Martin Moilan et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 609 614

Fig. 3. Hydrostatic pressure.

The stress results of static structural analysis for surface is presented in the figure (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. The stress results for surface 1.

4. Fluid structure interaction of the hydraulic tank

The analyzed problem consisted of a closed hydraulic tank which was filled with hydraulic oil by 65% and 35%
of air. The tank was at rest at the beginning of the simulation and it was subjected to time-dependent acceleration at
time t = 2s. The goal was to find the maximum stress in the tank during acceleration. Multiphase model with two
phases was used. One phase was air and the second phase was hydraulic oil. Volume of Fluid (VOF) multiphase
model in ANSYS FLUENTTM 12.0 was used to predict the motion of the fuel inside the tank when the tank was
under accelerated motion. The VOF model was designed to determine the position of interface between two or more
immiscible fluids. Volume fraction of each of the fluids in each computational cell was tracked throughout the
domain by sharing a single set of momentum equations between the fluids. The model relied on the fact that the
fluids were not interpenetrating. The free surface shape prediction results of dynamic simulation at the time of t = 2s
are represented in figure (Fig. 5.).
Martin Moilan et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 609 614 613

t = 0.5s t = 1s t = 2s

Fig. 5. Liquid interface at various time steps for tank without baffles.

Fig. 6. The graph of process liquid flow velocity in the tank without baffles during 2 seconds.

The stress results of dynamic simulations in the time 2 second are presented in the figure (Fig. 7.).

Fig. 7. The max. stress results in time 2 s.

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5. Conclusion

During solution of the problem, simulation of the flow of hydraulic oil in the tank proved to be an important
factor. Comparison of results from static simulation and fluid structure interaction shows that these methods produce
different results. For static analysis, the maximum stress on surface was 63,87 MPa.
Static analysis can be performed using significantly smaller computational time than FSI, however the results
produce higher stresses which do not correspond with the results of FSI. Using only static analysis during the design
of tank can lead to oversized design, which could be considered as wasteful and undesired.
In the further research, different other configurations will be analyzed to optimize the design of the tank by
further reducing the stress and sloshing phenomenon.


This work was supported by the Slovak Grant Agency No. VEGA 1/0983/15 and No. VEGA 1/0787/15.


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