United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,674,003 B2

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,674,003 B2

Du et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Mar. 18, 2014

(54) ADHESIVE (52) U.S. Cl.

USPC ........................................... 523/513,523/521
(75) Inventors: Kunwen Du, Wuhan (CN); Kunwu Du, (58) Field of Classification Search
Wuhan (CN) USPC .................................................. 523/513,521
(73) Assignee: Wuhan Keda Marble Protective See application file for complete search history.
Materials Co., Ltd., Wuhan (CN) (56) References Cited
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 2006/0252869 A1* 11/2006 Twardowska-Baxter
et al. ............................. 524,445
This patent is subject to a terminal dis- 2011/0040004 A1* 2/2011 Andjelkovic et al. ......... 524,394
claimer. 2011/0263771 A1* 10, 2011 Du et al. ....................... 524/310
2011/0301.263 A1* 12/2011 Du et al. . 523,455
(21) Appl. No.: 13/568,123 2012/0302686 A1* 11/2012 Du et al. ....................... 524, 313
k .
(22) Filed: Aug. 6, 2012 cited by examiner
(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Peter Szekely
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Matthias Scholl P.C.;
US 2012/O3O2687 A1 Nov. 29, 2012 Matthias Scholl
Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No.
PCT/CN2011/074032, filed on May 13, 2011. An adhesive, including: at least 100 weight parts of an unsat
urated polyester resin suitable for air-drying, between 0 and 5
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data weight parts of hydrogenated castor oil, between 1 and 20
weight parts of nano powder, between 0 and 100 weight parts
Jun. 8, 2010 (CN) .......................... 2010 1 O2O1032 of a filler, and between 1 and 15 weight parts of an anti
shrinking agent.
(51) Int. Cl.
COL 67/06 (2006.01) 19 Claims, No Drawings
US 8,674,003 B2
1. 2
ADHESIVE 1) The adhesive should have good permeability, that is to
say, the colloid of the adhesive is fine and easy to blend, and
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED after curing agents added, the adhesive has a certain fluidity
APPLICATIONS and can permeate into Small cracks in the stone. Because the
colloid is fine, so is the filling joint, which increases the sense
This application is a continuation-in-part of International of beauty. 2) The adhesive should have good air-drying prop
Patent Application No. PCT/CN2011/074032 with an inter erty and be not sticky after curing, which means an instant
national filing date of May 13, 2011, designating the United polishing can be carried out and no black spots occurs in the
States, now pending, and further claims priority benefits to filling joints. 3) The adhesive should have good shrinkage
Chinese Patent Application No. 201010201032.X filed Jun. 10 resistance so that after the adhesive cured, no concave formed
8, 2010. The contents of all of the aforementioned applica and the adhesive will not separate from stone. 4) The polished
tions, including any intervening amendments thereto, are adhesive should have a brightness (dependent on the hardness
incorporated herein by reference. Inquiries from the public to of the adhesive) equivalent as that of polished stone the adhe
applicants or assignees concerning this document or the S1V.

related applications should be directed to: Matthias Scholl P. 15 In view of the above-described problems, it is one objective
C., Attn.: Dr. Matthias Scholl Esq., 14781 Memorial Dr. of the invention to provide an adhesive for filling in gaps
Suite 1319, Houston, Tex. 77079. between stones.
To achieve the above objectives, in accordance with one
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION embodiment of the invention, there is provided an adhesive
comprising at least 100 weight parts of an unsaturated poly
1. Field of the Invention ester resin suitable for air-drying, between 0 and 5 weight
The invention relates to an adhesive for filling in the gaps parts of hydrogenated castor oil, between 1 and 20 weight
between stones. The adhesive is also suitable for filling in parts of nano powder, between 0 and 100 weight parts of a
gaps between ceramics and other building materials. filler, and between 1 and 15 weight parts of an anti-shrinking
2. Description of the Related Art 25 agent.
Unsaturated resin adhesives are mainly used for filling in In a class of this embodiment, the adhesive comprises 100
and bonding Stone. In China, they are mainly used for marble, weight parts of the unsaturated polyester resin suitable for
thereby with a nickname of marble glue. air-drying, between 1 and 3 weight parts of the hydrogenated
The bonding of Stones includes structural bonding and castor oil, between 3 and 10 weight parts of nano powder,
non-structural bonding. Marble glue bonds stones mainly 30 between 10 to 60 weight parts of the filler, and between 5 and
using filling in gaps therein, i.e., by non-structural bonding. 10 weight parts of the anti-shrinking agent.
Different from structural bonding which supports a big load, In a class of this embodiment, the adhesive comprises 100
non-structural bonding employs organic adhesives to mend, weight parts of the unsaturated polyester resin suitable for
fill in, strengthen, and fix the defects of Stone, for example, air-drying, 2 weight parts of the hydrogenated castor oil, 6
fissures, cracks, apertures, and sand holes. 35 weight parts of the nano powder, 40 weight parts of the filler,
Bonding using filling in has huge difference from struc and 8 weight parts of the anti-shrinking agent.
tural bonding in load-carrying capability. Bonding using fill In a class of this embodiment, the unsaturated polyester
ing in basically does not bear load, and the function of the resin Suitable for air-drying is selected from the group con
filling in is mainly to beautify Stone and standardize product sisting of dicyclopentadiene-modified unsaturated polyester
S17C. 40 resin synthesized using half-esterification, allyl glycidyl
In the past few years, with the rapid development of bond ether-modified unsaturated polyester resin, or trimethylol
ing adhesives, marble glue has been widely applied in house propane diallyl ether-modified unsaturated polyester resin.
hold decoration, quick positioning, amendment, splicing, and In a class of this embodiment, the adhesive further com
filling in gaps of stone. prises between 1 and 5 weight parts of an active diluents
Marble glue is mainly used for the bonding of stone with 45 which makes the adhesive easy to blend, permeate but doesn’t
the ground, or the bonding of Stone with wall having a height affect its sticky property.
of less than 9 meters. Marble glue is required to bear a minor In a class of this embodiment, the nano powder and the
load, and thus the bonding strength thereof should meet a filler are dispersed using ultrasonic, or mixed at a high speed
certain standard, but the requirement for air dry, brightness, of at least 1,500 rpm.
shrinkage, and permeability is low. Gap-filling adhesives are 50 In a class of this embodiment, the nano powder is selected
mainly used for fillingingaps between Stone and need contact from the group consisting of nano silicon dioxide, nano cal
with air. Thus, there is a low requirement on the bonding cium carbonate, nano magnesium silicate, nano calcium
strength of gap-filling adhesives in contrast to that of marble oxide, nano alumina, or a mixture thereof.
glue, but the air drying, brightness, shrinkage, and permeabil In a class of this embodiment, the filler is selected from the
ity thereof should be high. 55 group consisting of micron silica, transparent talcum powder,
Marble glue, if used as a gap-filling adhesive, has the or a mixture thereof.
following disadvantages: a) poor air drying property, and In a class of this embodiment, the anti-shrinking agent is
viscosity after curing; b) there is a color difference between selected from the group consisting of polypropyl acetate, poly
polished glue and stone; 3) poor shrinkage resistance, which (adipate-co-propanetriol), poly vinyl acetate, polyacrylate,
makes the cured glue concave or separate from Stone; and 4) 60 polystyrene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polymethyl
poor permeability, which results in an incomplete filling in or methacrylate, or a mixture thereof.
produces holes. In a class of this embodiment, the active diluent is selected
from the group consisting of styrene, C.-methylstyrene, glyc
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION erol diallyl ether adipate, diallyl phthalate, 2-chlorostyrene,
65 p-tert-butyl styrene, or a mixture thereof.
For filling in gaps between Stones, an adhesive should have In a class of this embodiment, the fillerused is between 300
the following characteristics: and 1,250 mesh on the average.
US 8,674,003 B2
3 4
Advantages of the invention are summarized below. 1) The neously. Because the anti-shrinking agent has bigger shrink
adhesive has good permeability, fine colloid, and is easy to ing percentage than the polyester, many Small holes form at
blend. After curing agents added, it has a certain fluidity and the interface of the two phases. The formation of the holes
can be permeate into Small cracks in the stone. Because the eliminates the internal stress, and thus the polyester no longer
colloid is fine, so is the filling joint, which increases the sense COntractS.
of beauty. 2) The adhesive has good air-drying quality, and The unsaturated polyester resin Suitable for air-drying
thus is not sticky after curing, which means an instant polish includes but is not limited to dicyclopentadiene-modified
ing can be carried out. 3) The adhesive has strong shrinkage unsaturated polyester resin synthesized using half-esterifica
resistance, neither concave nor separation from the stone tion, allyl glycidyl ether-modified unsaturated polyester
happening after curing. 4) The polished adhesive has a bright 10 resin, or trimethylolpropane diallyl ether-modified unsatur
ness equivalent as that of polished stone. 5) The adhesive has ated polyester resin. All these polyester resins can be pur
high transparency. The nano powder works as a thixotropic chased from markets. The shrinking percentage of the unsat
agent, and it is dispersed by ultrasonic wave or high speed urated polyester resin suitable for air-drying is about between
stirring, thus, it is not easy to agglomerate. Its diameter is 5 and 8%.
shorter than half of the optical wavelength, which makes the 15 The active diluent selected from the group consisting of
light pass directly, thus the transparency and color of the diallyl phthalate, 2-chlorostyrene, and p-tert-butyl styrene,
unsaturated polyester resin will not be affected after the nano has capacity of anti-shrinking. As an active diluent, glycerol
powder added. 6) The adhesive has higher bonding strength, diallyl ether adipate has capacity of air dry. All these active
because it rarely uses hydrogenated castor oil which diluents can be purchased from markets. As needed, other
decreases the bonding strength as a thixotropic agent. 7) The active diluents can also be applied.
invention solves the difficult problem of gap-filling of stone The anti-shrinking agent is selected from the group con
and as a new category of marble glue, the adhesive enriches sisting of polypropyl acetate, poly(adipate-co-propanetriol),
the type of marble glue. poly vinyl acetate, polyacrylate, polystyrene, polyethylene,
polyvinyl chloride, polymethyl methacrylate, or a mixture
EMBODIMENTS Technical indexes according to building materials industry
standards JC/T989-2006, PRC. are given below:
For further illustrating the invention, experiments detailing
an adhesive of colored stone are described below. It should be
noted that the following examples are intended to describe 30
and not to limit the invention. Technical indexes
When cured in the air, an unsaturated polyester resin suit High-class Qualified
able for air-drying is dried to form film, free of interference Items products products
from oxygen, and the Surface thereof is not sticky. The char
acteristic is known as air dry. 35 Color, appearance, and state in a Products should be fine viscous
The principle of air dry is described below. When an unsat container paste with uniform color, without
obvious isolation and gel as well
urated polyester resin (UPR in short) is cured at normal tem as rough particles, easy to stir,
perature, the Surface thereof is often sticky, which causes and color or package of products
inconvenience for use. The curing mechanism of UPR is should be clearly distinguishable.
based on the radical copolymerization. The activity of free 40
Rebound deflection (MPa) is 2OOO 1SOO
Impact flexibility (KJ/m) > 3.0 2.0
radicals determines the polymerization rate thereby affecting Pressure-shear Stone- Standard 8.0 7.0
the size of the polymer molecular weight. strength StOne conditions
If oxygen is involved in the curing of unsaturated polyester (MPa) >
resins, a Sticky Surface will form. Free radical R. generated at
early stage contacts with oxygen to yield a polymer peroxy 45
radical RO. The activity of R. is stronger than that of RO. Example 1
The halflife of R. is 10s, and that of RO, is 10°s. On the
Surface, the RO. is dominant, thereby inhibiting the increase The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight
of polymer molecular weight. However, the polymer peroxy
radical RO. easily contacts with hydrogen connected to posi 50 An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises
tively-charged carbon to yield a polymer hydroperoxide, that 100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for
1S, air-drying, 8 weight parts of nano silica, 3 weight parts of
nano calcium carbonate, 3 weight parts of nano magnesium
silicate, 3 weight parts of nano calcium oxide, 3 weight parts
The polymer hydroperoxide can produce free radicals with 55 of nano alumina, 15 weight parts of polyacrylate (an anti
strong activity to make reaction proceed to yield high molecu shrinking agent). The unsaturated polyester resin Suitable for
lar weight polymers. air-drying is dicyclopentadiene-modified unsaturated polyes
For example, allyl ether (CH=CH-CH O—) and ter resin Synthesized using half-esterification.
non-conjugated double bonds ( CH=CH-CH Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the
CH=CH-) have positive carbon atoms, and thus have the 60 adhesive is 15.6 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is
capacity of automatic oxygen absorption. 16.4 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 3278.0 MPa, the
The anti-shrinkage mechanism of an anti-shrinking agent impact flexibility thereof is 5.1 KJ/m, the hardness thereofis
of the invention is described below. When a gap-filing adhe 73.6 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 0.07%.
sive of the invention is curing, the anti-shrinking agent expe In use, the adhesive is mixed and stirred uniformly with a
riences thermal expansion. The expansion offsets the Volume 65 curing agent, a mixing ratio of the adhesive to the curing agent
contraction originated from the curing of the polyester around being 100:3 which can be adjusted according to the usage
the corner. Subsequently, the two phases are cooled simulta demand.
US 8,674,003 B2
5 6
Example 2 The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in
Example 1.
The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight Example 5
An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight
100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for
air-drying, 5 weight parts of hydrogenated castor oil, one An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises
weight part of nano silica, and 15 weight parts of poly vinyl 100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for
acetate (an anti-shrinking agent). The unsaturated polyester 10 air-drying, 2 weight parts of hydrogenated castor oil. 4 weight
resin Suitable for air-drying is dicyclopentadiene-modified
unsaturated polyester resin synthesized using half-esterifica parts of nano silica, 2 weight parts of nano calcium carbonate,
tion. 40 weight parts of micron silica, 8 weight parts of polyacry
late (an anti-shrinking agent), and 4 weight parts of p-tert
Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the butyl styrene (an active diluent). The unsaturated polyester
adhesive is 13.8 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is 15
resin suitable for air-drying is trimethylolpropane diallyl
14.6 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 4073.6 MPa, the ether-modified unsaturated polyester resin.
impact flexibility thereof is 3.2 KJ/m, the hardness thereofis Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the
73.4 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 0.08%.
The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in adhesive is 17.9 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is
Example 1. 18.3 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 4301.4 MPa, the
impact flexibility thereof is 4.32 KJ/m, the hardness thereof
is 70.9 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 0.28%.
Example 3 The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in
Example 1.
The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight Example 6
An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight
100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for
air-drying, one weight part of hydrogenated castor oil, 4 30 An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises
weight parts of nano silica, 3 weight parts of nano calcium 100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for
carbonate, 2 Weight parts of nano magnesium silicate, one air-drying, 3 weight parts of nano silica, 2 weight parts of
weight part of nano calcium oxide, 10 weight parts of silica nano magnesium silicate, 20 weight parts of micron silica
(800 mesh on the average), one weight part of polyethylene (700 mesh on the average), and 10 weight parts of polypropyl
(an anti-shrinking agent), 3 weight parts of diallyl phthalate, 35
one weight part of styrene, and one weight part of C.-methyl acetate (an anti-shrinking agent). The unsaturated polyester
styrene (an active diluent). The unsaturated polyester resin resin suitable for air-drying is allyl glycidyl ether-modified
Suitable for air-drying is allyl glycidyl ether-modified unsat unsaturated polyester resin.
urated polyester resin. Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the
Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the 40 adhesive is 17.5 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is
adhesive is 16.7 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is 18.1 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 4018.5 MPa, the
17.5 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 3668.1 MPa, the impact flexibility thereof is 4.51 KJ/m, the hardness thereof
impact flexibility thereof is 4.83 KJ/m, the hardness thereof is 71.6 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 0.90%.
is 72.1 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 2.64%. The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in
45 Example 1.
The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in
Example 1. Example 7
Example 4 The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight

The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises
100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for
air-drying, 3 weight parts of nano silica, 3 weight parts of
An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises nano magnesium silicate, one weight part of nano calcium
100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for 55 oxide, 80 weight parts of micron silica (400 mesh on the
air-drying, 3 weight parts of hydrogenated castor oil. 3 weight average), 2 weight parts of polyvinyl chloride, 3 weight parts
parts of nano silica, 60 weight parts of micron silica (400 of polyacrylate, and one weight part of glycerol diallyl ether
mesh on the average), 9 weight parts of polystyrene (an anti adipate. The unsaturated polyester resin suitable for air-dry
shrinking agent), and 3 weight parts of 2-chlorostyrene (an ing is trimethylolpropane diallyl ether-modified unsaturated
active diluent). The unsaturated polyester resin suitable for 60 polyester resin.
air-drying is dicyclopentadiene-modified unsaturated polyes Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the
ter resin Synthesized using half-esterification. adhesive is 17.8 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is
Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the 18.4MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 4890.0 MPa, the
adhesive is 17.4 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is impact flexibility thereof is 3.10 KJ/m, the hardness thereof
17.8 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 4583.7 MPa, the 65 is 66.1 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 1.29%.
impact flexibility thereof is 3.75 KJ/m, the hardness thereof The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in
is 68.3 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 0.73%. Example 1.
US 8,674,003 B2
7 8
Example 8 The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in
Example 1.
The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight In the trial period, the adhesive for filling in gaps between
stones completely meet the requirement for filling in gaps
An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises 5 between stones.
100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for While particular embodiments of the invention have been
air-drying, 7 weight parts of nano calcium carbonate, 3 shown and described, it will be obvious to those skilled in the
weight parts of nano magnesium silicate, 2 weight parts of art that changes and modifications may be made without
nano calcium oxide, 15 weight parts of transparent talcum departing from the invention in its broader aspects, and there
powder (1.250 mesh on the average), 2 weight parts of poly 10 fore, the aim in the appended claims is to cover all Such
vinyl acetate, 2 weight parts of polystyrene, one weight part changes and modifications as fall within the true spirit and
of poly (adipate-co-propanetriol), 2 weight parts of polym Scope of the invention.
The invention claimed is:
ethyl methacrylate, 2 weight parts of diallyl phthalate, and 1. An adhesive, comprising:
one weight part of glycerol diallyl ether adipate. The unsat 15 at least 100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin
urated polyester resin suitable for air-drying is trimethylol Selected from the group consisting of dicyclopentadi
propane diallyl ether-modified unsaturated polyester resin. ene-modified unsaturated polyester resin, allyl glycidyl
Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the ether-modified unsaturated polyester resin, and trim
adhesive is 16.9 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is ethylolpropane diallyl ether-modified unsaturated poly
17.3 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 3782.8 MPa, the ester resin;
impact flexibility thereof is 4.57 KJ/m, the hardness thereof between 1 and 20 weight parts of nano powder;
is 71.9 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 0.78%. and
The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in between 1 and 15 weight parts of an anti-shrinking agent.
Example 1. 2. The adhesive of claim 1, wherein the adhesive further
25 comprises not more than 5 weight parts of hydrogenated
Example 9 castor oil.
3. The adhesive of claim 1, wherein the adhesive further
The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight comprises not more than 100 weight parts of a filler.
4. The adhesive of claim 1, further comprising between 1
An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises 30 and 5 weight parts of an active diluent.
100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for 5. The adhesive of claim 1, wherein the nano powder is
air-drying, 7 weight parts of nano calcium carbonate, 3 selected from the group consisting of nano silicon dioxide,
weight parts of nano magnesium silicate, 30 weight parts of nano calcium carbonate, nano magnesium silicate, nano cal
micron silica (400 mesh on the average), 3 weight parts of cium oxide, nano alumina, and a mixture thereof.
polystyrene, one weight part of polymethyl methacrylate, 2 35 6. The adhesive of claim 1, wherein the anti-shrinking
weight parts of diallyl phthalate, and 3 weight parts of 2-chlo agent is selected from the group consisting of polypropyl
rostyrene (an active diluent). The unsaturated polyester resin acetate, poly (adipate-co-propanetriol), poly vinyl acetate,
suitable for air-drying is trimethylolpropane diallyl ether polyacrylate, polystyrene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride,
modified unsaturated polyester resin. polymethyl methacrylate, and a mixture thereof.
Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the 40 7. The adhesive of claim 4, wherein the active diluent is
adhesive is 18.0 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is selected from the group consisting of styrene, C.-methyl Sty
18.7 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 4283.7 MPa, the rene, glycerol diallyl ether adipate, diallyl phthalate, 2-chlo
impact flexibility thereof is 4.46 KJ/m, the hardness thereof rostyrene, p-tert-butyl styrene, and a mixture thereof.
is 70.3 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 1.28%. 8. The adhesive of claim 3, wherein the filler is selected
The usage method of the adhesive is the same as that in 45 from the group consisting of micron silica, transparent talcum
Example 1. powder, and a mixture thereof.
9. The adhesive of claim 8, wherein the filler used is
Example 10 between 300 and 1,250 mesh on the average.
10. The adhesive of claim 2, wherein the adhesive further
The Usage Amount is Calculated by Weight 50 comprises not more than 100 weight parts of a filler.
11. The adhesive of claim 10, comprising: 100 weight parts
An adhesive for filling in gaps between stones comprises of the unsaturated polyester resin, between 1 and 3 weight
100 weight parts of an unsaturated polyester resin suitable for parts of the hydrogenated castor oil, between 3 and 10 weight
air-drying, 5 weight parts of nano magnesium silicate, 8 parts of the nano powder, between 10 and 60 weight parts of
weight parts of micron silica (1000 mesh on the average), 5 55 the filler, and between 5 and 10 weight parts of the anti
weight parts of polyacrylate, 2 weight parts of polymethyl shrinking agent.
methacrylate, one weight part of p-tert-butyl styrene, one 12. The adhesive of claim 11, comprising: 100 weight parts
weight part of glycerol diallyl ether adipate, one weight part of the unsaturated polyester resin, 2 weight parts of the hydro
of diallyl phthalate, and one weight part of 2-chlorostyrene. genated castor oil, 6 weight parts of the nano powder, 40
The unsaturated polyester resin Suitable for air-drying is tri 60 weight parts of the filler, and 8 weight parts of the anti
methylolpropane diallyl ether-modified unsaturated polyes shrinking agent.
ter resin. 13. The adhesive of claim 10, wherein the adhesive further
Measurement shows that, the pressure-shear strength of the comprises between 1 and 5 weight parts of an active diluent.
adhesive is 16.6 MPa, the tensile-shear strength thereof is 14. The adhesive of claim 10, wherein the nano powder is
17.3 MPa, the rebound deflection thereof is 3554.5 MPa, the 65 selected from the group consisting of nano silicon dioxide,
impact flexibility thereof is 4.89 KJ/m, the hardness thereof nano calcium carbonate, nano magnesium silicate, nano cal
is 72.5 HSD, and the shrinking percentage thereof is 1.05%. cium oxide, nano alumina, and a mixture thereof.
US 8,674,003 B2
9 10
15. The adhesive of claim 10, wherein the filler is selected
from the group consisting of micron silica, transparent talcum
powder, and a mixture thereof.
16. The adhesive of claim 10, wherein the anti-shrinking
agent is selected from the group consisting of polypropyl
acetate, poly (adipate-co-propanetriol), poly vinyl acetate,
polyacrylate, polystyrene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride,
polymethyl methacrylate, and a mixture thereof.
17. The adhesive of claim 10, wherein the nano powder and
the filler are dispersed using ultrasonic wave, or mixed at a 10
high speed of at least 1,500 rpm.
18. The adhesive of claim 13, wherein the active diluent is
selected from the group consisting of styrene, C.-methyl Sty
rene, glycerol diallyl ether adipate, diallyl phthalate, 2-chlo
rostyrene, p-tert-butyl styrene, and a mixture thereof. 15
19. The adhesive of claim 15, wherein the filler is between
300 and 1,250 mesh on the average.
k k k k k

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