United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,104,396 B2

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USOO8104396 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,104,396 B2

Warren (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 31, 2012

(54) REACTIVE ARMOR SYSTEMAND METHOD (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... 89/36.17: 89/902
(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 89/36.17,
(75) Inventor: David H. Warren, Stone Ridge, NY 89/902
(US) See application file for complete search history.
(73) Assignee: Atyrdynamics Inc., Kingston, NY (56) References Cited
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 4,081,581 A * 3/1978 Littell, Jr. ...................... 428, 138
U.S.C. 154(b) by 197 days. 6,532,857 B1 * 3/2003 Shih et al. .................... 89.36.02
6,962,102 B1 * 1 1/2005 Johnston et al. ............. 89.36.17
7,080.587 B2 7/2006 Benvami et al. ............. 89.36.08
(21) Appl. No.: 12/385,126 www.
T300,893 B2 * 1 1/2007 B y tal. .............. 442/134
(22) Filed: Mar. 31, 2009
7, 5 33 E". 89.36.02
2008/0264243 A1* 10, 2008 Lucuta et al. ................ 89.36.02
(65) Prior Publication Data * cited by examiner
US 2012/OOOO352 A1 Jan. 5, 2012 Primary Examiner — Stephen M. Johnson
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Andrews Kurth LLP
Related U.S. Application Data
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/979,309, (57) ABSTRACT
filed on Nov. 1, 2007, now Pat. No. 7,628, 104, and a A reactive armor that may include multiple layers. The reac
continuation-in-part of application No. 11/978,663, tive armor may include a self-healing outer layer, a ceramic
filed on Oct. 30, 2007, which is a continuation-in-part tile layer and a backing layer. The ceramic tile layer may
of application No. 1 1/296.402, filed on Dec. 8, 2005, include a plurality of ceramic tiles and explosive material.
now Pat. No. 7,383,761. The ceramic tiles may be hexagonal. The ceramic tiles may
(60) Provisional application No. 61/064,851, filed on Mar. each define a hollow space in which the explosive material is
31, 2008. deposited. The reactive armor may be combined with non
reactive armor.
(51) Int. Cl.
F4H 5/07 (2006.01) 20 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jan. 31, 2012 Sheet 1 of 10 US 8,104,396 B2

U.S. Patent US 8,104,396 B2


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U.S. Patent Jan. 31, 2012 Sheet 10 of 10 US 8,104,396 B2

US 8,104,396 B2
1. 2
REACTIVE ARMOR SYSTEMAND METHOD reactive armor may include a self-healing outer layer, a
ceramic tile layer and a backing layer. The ceramic tile layer
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED may include a plurality of ceramic tiles and explosive mate
APPLICATIONS rial. The ceramic tiles may be hexagonal. The ceramic tiles
may each define a hollow space in which the explosive mate
This application claims the priority of U.S. Provisional rial is deposited. The reactive armor may be combined with
Application Ser. No. 61/064,851, entitled “Reactive Armor non-reactive armor.
System and Method.” (“the 851 application') which was Embodiments of reactive armor that includes multiple lay
filed Mar. 31, 2008 and is incorporated herein by reference. ers is described herein. The reactive minor may include a
This application is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent 10 self-healing outer layer, a tile layer and a backing layer that
application Ser. No. 1 1/979,309, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,628, may be affixed to the tile layer. The tile layer may include a
104, entitled “Methods and Apparatus for Providing Ballistic plurality of tiles, each defining one or more hollow spaces,
Protection.” filed Nov. 1, 2007 (“the 104 patent”) and U.S. and explosive material that at least partially fills hollow
patent application Ser. No. 1 1/978,663, entitled “Apparatus spaces in the plurality of tiles. The tiles may be ceramic tiles
for Providing Protection From Ballistic Rounds, Projectiles, 15 and may be hexagonal in shape.
Fragments and Explosives.” filed Oct. 30, 2007 (“the 663
application'), which are a continuation and continuation-in DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
part, respectively, of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/296,
402, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,383,761, entitled “Methods and The detailed description will refer to the following draw
Apparatus for Providing Ballistic Protection.” (“the 761 ings, wherein like numerals refer to like elements, and
patent”). The above applications and patents are all incorpo wherein:
rated herein by reference. FIGS. 1A-1B are diagrams illustrating embodiments of
ceramic tiles and explosive material that may be used in
BACKGROUND embodiments of reactive armor.
25 FIGS. 2A-2D are diagrams illustrating embodiments of
Light-weight vehicles are being Subjected to a growing and ceramic tiles that may be used in embodiments of reactive
significant problem, Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFPs). aO.
Originally reactive armor was designed to defeat anti-tank FIGS. 3A-3B are diagrams illustrating an embodiment of
rounds. These rounds use a conical shape charge capable of ceramic tiles and explosive material, and arrangements of
producing a high temperature jet delivering a tremendous 30 same, that may be used in embodiments of reactive armor.
amount of energy on a single point. EFPs are highly dense FIG. 3C is a diagram illustrating a cross-section of a por
solid matter traveling at 7,000 to 8,000 fps with very high tion of an embodiment of reactive armor that may include a
kinetic energy making it much harder to stop using a flying layer of ceramic tiles.
plate method. FIG. 4A is a diagram illustrating an embodiment of
Stopping a Projectile 35 ceramic tiles and explosive material, and arrangements of
The basic concept in stopping a projectile is that work must same, that may be used in embodiments of reactive armor.
equal energy. The more work the armor can do on the projec FIG. 4B is a diagram illustrating a cross-section of a por
tile, the more kinetic energy it can absorb. Conventional tion of an embodiment of reactive armor that may include a
armor augments work by increased frictional force through layer of ceramic tiles.
hardness, tensile strength and thickness of the armor system. 40 FIG. 5A is a diagram illustrating an embodiment of
Normal force is what gives rise to the friction force, the ceramic tiles and explosive material, and arrangements of
magnitudes of these forces being related by the coefficient of same, that may be used in embodiments of reactive armor.
friction “Lu” between the two materials: FIG. 5B is a diagram illustrating a cross-section of a por
tion of an embodiment of reactive armor that may include a
45 layer of ceramic tiles.
Therefore, given the mass and velocity of the projectile a FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating a cross-section of a portion
simple equation would define the thickness “d” and “f” force of an embodiment of reactive armor that may include a layer
to stop the projectile. of ceramic tiles.
The hydrodynamic impact of an EFP delivers an enormous FIGS. 7A and 7B are diagrams illustrating a cross-section
amount of energy. In the past, stopping an EFP has been 50 of ceramic tiles that may be used in an embodiment of the
directly related to the density of the armor. It has always been reactive armor.
a balance between weight and thickness. The current Solution FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating a cross-section of a layer of
of using rolled homogeneous armor (RHA) backing with ceramic tiles that may be used in an embodiment of reactive
Polyethylene and other composites is not a viable solution for aO.
light-weight vehicles. For example, to defeat a 135 mm EFP 55 FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating a cross-section of a portion
the required armor would be 12-16 inches thick and 80-120 of an embodiment of reactive armor that may include a layer
lbs/psf. Using this logic to stop the current threat the minor of ceramic tiles.
system would need to be more then 21 inches thick. Diagram 1 illustrates a bullet entering a piece of armor.
Conventional reactive armor systems are omni-directional
thus, the back pressure is rather significant. When designing 60 DETAILED DESCRIPTION
a proactive armor for light-weight vehicles, the back pressure
is a major factor to consider. Described herein are embodiments of an armor system and
method for defeating armor piercing rounds, EFPs, RPGs and
SUMMARY other threats to personnel, vehicles, buildings and property. In
65 bridging the gap between conventional reactive armor sys
Embodiments of a reactive armor may include reactive tems and the need to minimize back pressure, embodiments
armor that includes multiple layers is described herein. The provide a focused, directional system that results in little back
US 8,104,396 B2
3 4
pressure using a minimal amount of explosive but still pro With reference now to FIGS. 1A-1B, embodiments of
vides protection against EFPs. Embodiments provide a new ceramic tiles 100 used to provide the unique three-dimen
armor system designed for light-weightarmored vehicles that sional rigid core of embodiments of the reactive armor system
is both passive and reactive to defeat armor piercing rounds as are shown. Here, ceramic tiles 100 are hexagonal-shaped and
well as EFPs. This armor is based on MagmacoreTM armor 5 may be placed together as shown. The embodiments shown
technology that uses a unique 3D matrix for displacing energy illustrate different geometric arrangements of ceramic tiles
as well as several patent pending related applications. See, 100. Such as linear groupings or wider groupings. In other
e.g., the 761 patent and the other cross-referenced applica embodiments, the ceramic tiles may be square or other geo
tions above.
metric shape. Each tile shown may have a partially hollowed
Embodiments described herein are designed to defeat out section or space 102 in which other material may be
EFPs by using counter measure shape charges, focusing a placed. In embodiments, the hollowed out space 102 may
tremendous amount of kinetic energy at the point of contact. extend all the way through the center of ceramic tiles 100 or
In various embodiments, armor materials are engineered to be part-way through. If part-way through, the hollowed out
consumed in the reaction of defeating an EFP, thus minimiz 15 space 102 may be on one side or both sides of ceramic tile
ing secondary fragmentation. Performance Canabilities: 100. In embodiments, the space 102 may be filled with a
plastic explosive or other explosive material 104. The plastic
explosive or other explosive material 104 may provide the
Conventional Reactive Armor Reactive Armor Described Herein
reactive component of the reactive armor.
In the embodiment shown, the explosive material 104 is
Ineffective against EFPs Anti-EFP armor system pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). In the embodiment
Produce tremendous backpressure Minimize backpressure shown in FIG. 1A, ceramic tiles 100 may be filled with 1 gram
Enormous secondary frags Reduces secondary frags
Heavy Light of PETN explosive material 104 perceramic tile 100. In the
embodiment shown in FIG. 1B, ceramic tiles 100 may be
25 filled with 2 grams of PETN explosive material 104 per
ceramic tile 100. The different amounts of explosive material
104 may be determined by the volume of the hollowed out
Conventional Passive Armor Reactive Armor Described Herein space 102 in ceramic tiles 100. In the embodiment shown in
FIG. 1A, for example, the hollowed out space 102 may be
Thick and bulky Low profile 30 large enough to permit up to a 1 gram of explosive material
Heavy Lightweight 104. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1B, for example, the
Tremendous over pressure Reduces over pressure
Greatly reduce vehicle mobility Minimal impact on vehicle mobility hollowed out space 102 may be large enough to permit up to
2 grams of explosive material 104.
It is also important to note that ceramic tiles 100 may be
Embodiments described herein provide an armor system 35 sized larger or Smaller depending on the nature of the
that is both passive and reactive and which has the following expected threats. If more explosive material 104 and larger
characteristics: ceramic tiles 100 are needed to provide effective static armor
functionality, larger ceramic tiles 100 may be used.
In the reactive armor, the explosive material 104 reacts to
Multi-Threat Has the ability to take multiple hits 40 an EFP, or other threat such as an RPG, to deliver focused
Capability from a varying combination of threats energy (a shape charge), disrupting the EFP affects. Ceramic
(ball rounds, armor piercing and shape tiles 100 may be made of virtually any three-dimensional
charges). shape. Such as cubes, cylinders, spheres, etc. The tiles may be
Light Weight Is designed for lightweight vehicles.
Scalable May be customized to meet varying made out of various materials, other than ceramics, and filled
threats. 45 with other materials, such as sand.
Minimize Secondary Minimizes collateral damages and With reference now to FIGS. 2A-2D, shown are various
Fragments reducing secondary fragmentation. embodiments of hexagonal ceramic tiles 200. Each embodi
Reduce Back Proactive counter response minimizes
Pressure shock trauma effects to vehicle ment has a hollow space or spaces 202 in which PETN or
compartments. other explosive material may be placed. In some of the
Low Profile Low profile minimizes the impact to the
vehicle's overall dimensions and reduces
50 embodiments shown, the hollow space 202 is on the top and
the impact on the vehicles functionality. bottom of ceramic tile 200. In other embodiments, the hollow
space 202 extends part way through ceramic tile 200 on one
side. If ceramic tiles 200 include multiple hollow spaces 202,
Building on the MagmacoreTM armor concept of a 3D each hollow space 202 may be of different size and shape.
matrix for displacing energy, the embodiments described 55 In FIG. 2A, ceramic tile 200 includes two hollow spaces
herein provide a viable armor to defeat EFPs and other 202 in the center of ceramic tile 200. The hollow spaces 202
threats. Embodiments described herein have a unique three extend partially towards the middle of ceramic tile 200. The
dimensional rigid core designed for structural integrity and to depth of the hollow spaces 202 may be varied to accommo
displace energy. This design includes a three-prong approach date more or less explosive material. In the embodiment
to defeat EFPs: (1) disrupt the EFP (2) deliver a focused 60 show, ceramic tile 200 may have a height of 10 units (e.g., 10
energy “shape charge' and (3) absorb the resulting shock. millimeters) and a width of 20 units, providing a relatively
Embodiments of the reactive armor described herein pro short and wide ceramic tile 200. The depth of each hollow
vide a passive and reactive armor system, all-in-one, devel space 202 is 2 units, leaving a center, non-hollowed out sec
oped specifically for light armored vehicles. Some additional tion 206 of 6 units. The hollow spaces 202 may also leave a
advantages of reactive armor system embodiments are: it is 65 tile wall 208 of 2 units thick surrounding the hollow spaces
Scalable for a range of threats, has flat and curved surfaces, is 202. The shape, size, position and other characteristics of the
lightweight, and has a low profile. hollow spaces 202 and ceramic tile 200 help to shape the
US 8,104,396 B2
5 6
explosive charge produced by the explosive material depos a self-healing layer 322, e.g., a self-healing polymer skin
ited into the hollow spaces 202. (e.g., Rhinocast) layer, Such as described in the 761 patent or
Ceramic tile 200 shown in FIG. 2B may have a height of 14 the other cross-referenced patent applications above. When
units (e.g., 14 millimeters) and a width of 12 units, providing fragments, explosives or other projectiles impact on self
a relatively tall and narrow ceramic tile 200. The depth of each 5 healing layer 322, it "self-heals, closing or partially closing
hollow space 202 is also 2 units, leaving a center, non-hol any holes made in self-healing layer 322. Self-healing layer
lowed out section 206 of 10 units. The hollow spaces 202 may 322 helps to keep ceramic tile 300 fragments within armor
also leave a tile wall 208 of 2 units thick surrounding the 320, maintaining the integrity of ceramic armor 320 and
hollow spaces 202. The shape, size, position and other char extending its useful life. Self-healing outer layer 322 may
acteristics of the hollow spaces 202 and ceramic tile 200 help 10 encapsulate the ceramic tile layer.
to shape the explosive charge produced by the explosive Self-healing layer 322 may be deposited on top of and help
material deposited into the hollow spaces 202. contain ceramic tile layer 324. Ceramic tile layer 324, as
Ceramic tile 200 shown in FIG.2C may have a height of 14 described above, may include ceramic tiles 300 with explo
units (e.g., 14 millimeters) and a width of 12 units, providing sive 304 deposited along the side walls 306. As described
a relatively tall and narrow ceramic tile 200. Ceramic tile 200 15 above, ceramic tile layer 324 may include a single layer of
shown in FIG. 2C, however, only has one hollow space 202. ceramic tiles 300 or multiple layers of ceramic tiles 300
The hollow space 202 shown may have depth of 10 units, stacked on top of one another. Ceramic tiles 300 may be
leaving a non-hollowed out section 206 of 4 units on one end arranged within each layer as shown in FIG. 3B or otherwise.
(e.g., the top) of ceramic tile 200. The hollow spaces 202 may Ceramic tiles 300 may provide stopping, static armor aspects
also leave a tile wall 208 of 2 units thick surrounding the of reactive armor 320 as well as reactive armor aspects
hollow space 202. In the embodiment shown here, the hollow described herein. See 761 patent or the other cross-refer
space 202 may be circular in shape, as opposed to the hex enced patent applications above.
agonal shape shown in FIGS. 2A-2B. This illustrates that a Reactive armor 320 may also include a backing layer 326.
variety of hollow space shapes may be used which are not Backing layer 326 may provide backing and additional static
limited by the shape of ceramic tile 200. The shape, size, 25 armor functionality of reactive armor. Backing layer326 may
position and other characteristics of the hollow space 202 and also provide protection from reactive armor affects on non
ceramic tile 200 help to shape the explosive charge produced threat side of reactive armor 320. See the 761 patent or the
by the explosive material deposited into the hollow spaces other cross-referenced patent applications for description of
202. Ceramic tile 200 shown in FIG. 2D may be nearly backing layers. Backing layer 326 may be made from a vari
identical to ceramic tile 200 shown in FIG. 2C, except that 30 ety of materials (e.g., Steel, plastic, composite, wood, Mag
hollow space 202 may be hexagonal in shape. The dimen macoreTM armor as described in the 761 patent or the other
sions, shapes and configurations of ceramic tiles 200, hollow cross-referenced patent applications) and may be secured to
spaces 202, non-hollowed out sections 206 and tile walls 208 the tiles with an epoxy. Different tiles, such as those shown in
may be varied to shape the charge and provide armor charac FIG. 2, may be used. Additional explosive may also be placed
teristics best fitting the application of the ceramic armor. 35 as a sheet on top of the ceramic tile layer 324 or between
With reference now to FIGS. 3A-3C, shown are embodi ceramic tiles 300 in the reactive armor 320.
ments of ceramic tiles 300 and arrangements thereofthat may With reference now to FIGS. 4A and 4B, shown are
be used in an embodiment of reactive armor 320. With refer embodiments of ceramic tiles 400 and arrangements thereof
ence to FIG.3A, ceramic tiles 300 may be hexagonal and may that may be used in an embodiment of reactive armor 420. In
have shallow (relative to the thickness of the tiles) hollow 40 embodiments, the ceramic tiles may have shallow (relative to
spaces 302 on the top and bottom of ceramic tile 300 (e.g., the thickness of the tiles) hollow spaces 402 on the top and
similar to ceramic tile 200 shown in FIG. 2A as described bottom of ceramic tiles 400. The hollow spaces 402 may be
above). filled with explosive material 404, as shown. The explosive
With reference to FIG. 3B, hollow spaces 302 may have material 404 may be PETN, RDX, HMX, other plastic sheet
explosive material 304 deposited along inner side of walls 45 explosive, or other explosive filling the hollow spaces 402.
306. In the embodiments shown, PETN or other plastic sheet The explosive material 404 may fill both the top and the
explosive (RDX, HMX, etc.) explosive material 304 may be bottom hollow spaces 402, or either of the hollow spaces 402
placed along the inside of walls 306 of the hollow spaces 302. in ceramic tile 400. The explosive material 404 may not fill
The explosive may be placed in both the top and bottom the entire hollow space. Different ceramic tiles 400 may have
hollow spaces 302 or in only one of the hollow spaces 302 in 50 different amounts of explosive and explosive may be placed
ceramic tiles 300. The explosive may not fill the entire hollow in the top or bottom in different ceramic tiles 400. Basically,
space 302. Different ceramic tiles 300 may have different the placing of the explosive material 404 may be configured
amounts of explosive and explosive may be placed in the top for the threat.
or bottom in different ceramic tiles 302. Basically, the placing With reference to FIG. 4B, shown is an embodiment of
of the explosive may be configured for the threat or threats 55 reactive armor 420. A cross-section of a partial portion of
reactive armor 320 is intended to address. reactive armor 420 is shown. Reactive armor 420 may include
FIG. 3B also shows an example of how ceramic tiles 300 a self-healing layer 422, a ceramic tile layer 424, and a back
may be arranged next to each other in a ceramic tile layer 324 ing layer 426. Each layer may be configured as described
of reactive armor 320. Ceramic tile layer 324 may include a above with reference to FIG.3C. As there, the different layers
single ceramic tile-height layer of ceramic tiles 300 arranged 60 may be secured to each other with an epoxy, other adhesive or
as shown in FIG. 3B, or otherwise arranged. Likewise, fastener. Different tiles, such as shown in FIG.2, may be used.
ceramic tile layer 324 may include multiple ceramic tile Additional explosive may also be placed as a sheet on top of
height layers of ceramic tiles 300, stacked on top of one ceramic tile layer 424 or between ceramic tiles 400 in reactive
another. armor 420.
With reference to FIG. 3C, shown is an embodiment of 65 With reference now to FIGS. 5A-5B, shown are embodi
reactive armor 320. A cross-section of a partial portion of ments of ceramic tiles 500 and arrangements thereofthat may
reactive armor 320 is shown. Reactive armor 320 may include be used in an embodiment of reactive armor 520. Ceramic
US 8,104,396 B2
7 8
tiles 500 may be hexagonal ceramic tiles that may include the hollow space 702 and the top-most upward arrows the
hollow spaces 502 on top and bottom of center of ceramic kinetic force resulting from that explosive force.
tiles 500. As shown, ceramic tiles 500 may include no explo With reference now to FIG. 8, shown is a cross-section of
sive material. As shown in FIG. 5B, reactive armor 520 may a portion of an embodiment of ceramic tile layer 824 that may
include a self-healing layer 522, a ceramic tile layer 524, and be used in reactive armor. This drawing illustrates that the
a backing layer 526. Each layer may be configured as ceramic tiles are designed to contain explosives and explosive
described above with reference to FIG. 3C. As there, the force and prevent propagation of the explosives and explosive
different layers may be secured to each other with an epoxy, forces. The explosive force impacts on ceramic tile layer 824
other adhesive or fastener. Different tiles, such as shown in 10
at intersection of two ceramic tiles 800. This triggers resulting
FIG. 2, may be used. To provide a reactive armor component, reactive armor explosions and resulting opposing kinetic
an explosive material layer 504 may be placed as a sheet on forces, as shown. The explosive material 804 in the two
top of the ceramic tile layer 524 or between ceramic tiles 500. impacted ceramic tiles 800 explodes. However, the ceramic
With reference now to FIG. 6, shown are embodiments of tile walls 806 contain the explosions of the explosive material
ceramic tiles 600 and arrangements thereof that may be used 15 804, helping to direct or shape these explosions upwards
in an embodiment of reactive armor 620. Ceramic tiles 600 against the EFP, RPG, fragment, explosive force or other
may be hexagonal ceramic tiles that may include hollow projectile. By helping to shape the explosions of the explosive
spaces 602 on top and bottom of center of ceramic tiles 600. material 804 upwards, the walls 806 also help prevent the
As shown, ceramic tiles 600 may include no explosive mate horizontal spread of the explosive affects to adjacent ceramic
rial. Reactive armor 620 may include a self-healing layer 622, tiles 800.
a ceramic tile layer 624, and a backing layer 626. Each layer With reference now to FIG. 9, shown is a cross-section of
may be configured as described above with reference to FIG. a portion of reactive armor 920. As in FIG. 8 above, this
3C. The self-healing layer 622 may be a polymer skin formed drawing illustrates that the ceramic tiles are designed to con
with a layer of wire mesh embedded therein. The wire mesh tain explosives and explosive force and prevent propagation
helps to keep ceramic tile 600 fragments within armor 620, 25 of the explosives and explosive forces. The explosive force
maintaining the integrity of ceramic armor 620 and extending impacts on ceramic tile layer 924 at intersection of two
its useful life. The wire mesh may also help to contain explo ceramic tiles 900. This triggers resulting reactive armor
sive fragments. The backing layer 626 may be three-dimen explosions and resulting opposing kinetic forces, as shown.
sional (3D) safety glass with wire mesh. To provide a reactive The explosive material 904 in the two impacted ceramic tiles
armor component, an explosive material 604 may be placed 30 900 explodes. However, the walls 906 contain the explosions
as a sheet on top of ceramic tile layer 624. Alternatively, of the explosive material 904, helping to director shape these
explosive material 604 may be placed between ceramic tiles explosions upwards against the EFP RPG, fragment, explo
600. sive force or other projectile. By helping to shape the explo
With reference now to FIGS. 7A and 7B, shown are sions of the explosive material 904 upwards, the walls 906
embodiments of ceramic tiles 700 and potential forces result 35 also help prevent the horizontal spread of the explosive affects
ing from reactive armor utilizing ceramic tiles 700. FIG. 7A to adjacent ceramic tiles 900.
illustrates a progressive cross-section view of reactive tile Reactive armor 920 may include a ceramic tile layer 924
700, with the potential forces indicated by arrows. Plastic and a backing layer 926. Reactive armor 920 may also include
explosive is generally omni-directional. For effective reactive a self-healing layer, which is not shown in FIG.9. Downward
armor, the explosive material 704 should be shaped to have an 40 explosive force resulting from EFP, RPG, fragment, explo
effective direction. A washer or similar device 705 may be sive force or other projectile and explosive material 904
placed into the hollow spaces in the ceramic tiles to shape the explosion (e.g., in vertical channel formed by washer 905),
explosive. In the three right-most ceramic tiles 700 shown, generates a reactive upward kinetic force from backing layer
explosive material in the bottom hollow space 702 of ceramic 926, as shown. Backing layer 926 may be steel. The steel may
tile 700 may fill a thin layer above a washer 705, in the hole of 45 represent a vehicle. Reactive armor 920 may be affixed to the
the washer 705 (the narrow vertical channel) and below the exterior of the vehicle. Unlike conventional reactive armor
washer 705. Embodiments of the reactive armor described the majority of the material used in the reactive armor 920
herein may use a systematized chain reaction to minimize described herein is designed to be consumed, minimizing
backpressure. The point of impact of the EFP, RPG, fragment, secondary fragmentations.
explosive force or other projectile (e.g., in the middle of the 50
tile), triggers the explosion of the explosive material 704 in Summary of Reactive Armor Results
the vertical channel formed in the washer 705, propagating
kinetic force downward, shown by downward arrow. This Various testing, as illustrated and described in the 851
kinetic force triggers the explosion of the explosive material application, was performed on embodiments of the reactive
in the bottom of the hollow space 702, shown by the bottom 55 armor described herein. During testing, embodiments of the
most upward arrows, propagating kinetic force upwards, reactive armor were able to greatly reduce the depth and width
shown by the top upward arrows, against the EFP, RPG, of the cut from various explosions, such as a 5400 grainLiner
fragment, explosive force or other projectile. This reaction Shape Charge (LSC) (used to minimize the possibility of
minimizes the affects of the EFP, RPG, fragment, explosive skewing the tests used a 5400 grain linear shape charge
force or other projectile. FIG. 7B illustrates a single ceramic 60 known for its consistency). The unimpeded Liner Shape
tile 700 and the various forces and reactive forces described Charge cut into the RHA the furthest. The 2 mm Dura Sheet
above. The large downward arrow represents the downward Explosive did help reduce the depth and width of the cut, but
force of the EFP, RPG, fragment, explosive force or other with great back pressure. Increasing the Dura Sheet Explo
projectile, the bottom-most upward arrows kinetic force sive to 6.4 mm did not improve the results from 2 mm of Dura
reflecting off of the backing layer as a result of the explosive 65 Sheet Explosive, however the back pressure was so great that
material in the channel exploding, the middle upward arrows it deformed the 1/4 steel. In this case the Dura Sheet Explo
the explosive force of the explosive material in the bottom of sive actually was helping the LSC.
US 8,104,396 B2
9 10
The best result achieved was using ceramic tiles with 2 explosive material and separate the portion of the explo
grams of Dura Sheet Explosive perceramic tile. See the table sive material from other portions of the explosive mate
and graph below rial; and
a backing layer.
2. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the ceramic tiles
are hexagonal.
Dura. Sheet 1 Dura sheet 2 3. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the ceramic tile
Dura sheet Dura sheet Ceramic
2 mm 6.4 mm Tiles
gram per
ceramic tile
grams per
ceramic tile
layer includes multiple layers of ceramic tiles.
4. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the ceramic tile
1.14 O.823 O.81 0.55 O.48 O45 10
layer is affixed to the backing layer with an epoxy.
O.625 O.6O1 1.OS O428 O.326 O.301 5. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the self-healing
outer layer encapsulates the ceramic tile layer.
In developing the reactive minor, testing was conducted to 6. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the self-healing
confirm the structure of the ceramic layer or core provides outer layer is a polymer.
protection to the explosive and that the reactive armor 15 7. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the self-healing
embodiments is stable in non-EFP conditions. The straintests outer layer includes wire mesh.
performed determined that reactive minor, with ceramic tiles 8. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the backing layer
is steel.
filled with explosive material, would not detonate from the 9. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the backing layer
affects of a non-EFP/RPG impact. See the 851 application. is safety glass and wire mesh.
A pinch test was also performed to see if the ceramic tiles 10. The reactive armor of claim 1 wherein the ceramic tiles
filled with explosive material would detonate and the result each define a plurality of hollow spaces.
was no detonation. The ceramic tiles contained the explosive 11. The reactive armor of claim 10 wherein the explosive
from redundant detonation in this pressure test. See the 851 material fills one of the plurality of hollow spaces in each
application. ceramic tile.
Additional tests were performed to determine if reactive 25
12. The reactive armor of claim 10 wherein one of the
armor with ceramic tiles filled with explosive material would hollow spaces include a washer.
detonate from the affects of small arms fire. The result was no
detonation. Another test was conducted to determine struc 13. The reactive armor of claim 12 wherein the explosive
tural performance and the result was that the reactive armor material fills one of the hollow spaces around and through the
with ceramic tiles filled with explosive material contained the 30
14. A reactive armor system including one or more layers
explosion from the redundant detonation with /2 lbs of PETN. of the reactive armor of claim 1 and one or more layers of
Various embodiments of reactive armor and various com non-reactive armor.
binations of the reactive armorembodiments described herein
may be used to address a threat from EFPs, RPGs and threats. 15. The reactive armor of claim 1 further comprising one or
For example, multiple layers of reactive armor embodiments 35 more additional layers of ceramic tiles.
described herein may be used. Layers of reactive armor com 16. A reactive armor comprising:
bined with layers of armor described in the 309 application, a self-healing outer layer,
the 663 application, and/or the 761 patent. Such combina a ceramic tile layer that includes a plurality of ceramic tiles
tions may be configured, for example, as described in 309 that each define at least one hollow space and explosive
application, the 663 application, and/or the 761 patent. One 40
material, wherein the explosive material is deposited in
of the many advantages of the reactive armor, armor the hollow spaces:
described in the 309 application, the 662 application, and/or a layer of explosive material on top of the ceramic tile
the 761 patent, is that it may be designed to address virtually layer; and
any threat. a backing layer.
The terms and descriptions used herein are set forth by way 45
17. A reactive armor comprising:
a self-healing outer layer,
of illustration only and are not meant as limitations. Those a tile layer that includes a plurality of tiles, each defining
skilled in the art will recognize that many variations are one or more hollow spaces, and explosive material that
possible within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined at least partially fills the one or more hollow spaces in
in the following claims, and their equivalents, in which all each of the plurality of tiles, wherein the plurality of tiles
terms are to be understood in their broadest possible sense 50
each encapsulate a portion of the explosive material and
unless otherwise indicated.
separate the encapsulated portion of the explosive mate
The invention claimed is: rial from other portions of the explosive material; and
1. A reactive armor comprising: a backing layer affixed to the tile layer.
18. The reactive armor of claim 17 in which the tiles are
a self-healing outer layer; 55
ceramic tiles.
a ceramic tile layer that includes a plurality of ceramic tiles 19. The reactive armor of claim 17 wherein the tiles are
that each define at least one hollow space and explosive hexagonal.
material, wherein the explosive material is deposited in 20. The reactive armor of claim 17 further comprising one
the at least one hollow space of substantially all of the or more additional layers of tiles.
plurality of ceramic tiles so that substantially all of the 60
plurality of ceramic tiles encapsulate a portion of the k k k k k

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