Epigenetics: A Possible Answer To The Undeciphered Etiopathogenesis and Behavior of Oral Lesions
Epigenetics: A Possible Answer To The Undeciphered Etiopathogenesis and Behavior of Oral Lesions
Epigenetics: A Possible Answer To The Undeciphered Etiopathogenesis and Behavior of Oral Lesions
DOI: How to cite this article: Singh NN, Peer A, Nair S, Chaturvedi RK.
10.4103/0973-029X.180967 Epigenetics: A possible answer to the undeciphered etiopathogenesis and
behavior of oral lesions. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2016;20:122-8.
© 2016 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Role of epigenetics in oral lesions Singh, et al. 123
and most specialists still feel handicapped at actually treating RNAs (siRNA), tobacco, cigarette, alcohol, oral rinses and
the tumor or preventing its recurrence. Another aspect of buccal swabs were used for the search.
the etiopathogenesis of orofacial neoplasms has been their
genetic basis. Much of the research at the genetic level For a long time, environmental and genetic factors were
has been carried out on chromosomal mutations and other thought to be independent mechanisms, but recent evidence
genetic defects, but even this has not helped in achieving suggests that epigenetics bridges these two factors.[7] The term
pinpoint diagnosis or prompt treatment in most cases of oral epigenetics was coined by Waddington in the 20th century
malignancies. This has led to speculations about the role and he hypothesized that patterns of gene expression define
of phenomena other than genetic events, which have been each cell type, turning genes on and off, thus linking genes
termed “Epigenetics.” In the past few years, many researchers to development.[8‑11] Table 1[12-16] provides a brief description
have made attempts to decipher these internal mechanisms of the historical perspective of epigenetics. Genetic and
and have postulated the rectification of these mechanisms, epigenetic mechanisms are very closely related. Yet, there are
when they appear aberrant, for possible management of the many important differences between the two systems. Unlike
oral diseases and malignancies. This has been authenticated genetic changes, epigenetic changes do not depend on DNA
by evidence showing inter-generational exchange of genetic sequence changes but depend on modifications of the DNA,
information by the genome, by mechanisms other than its other than those involving the basic sequence of adenine,
basic genetic material. guanine, cytosine and thymine nucleotides.[3] Genetic changes
are stable and can rarely be reversed, whereas epigenetic
Epigenetic changes have been described as stable but changes are often reversible.[3,10] The genotype is constant
potentially reversible alterations in a cell’s genetic except for changes caused by mutagens and there is no
information that result in changes in gene expression but inheritance of acquired characteristics, whereas the epigenetic
do not involve changes in the underlying deoxyribonucleic process is dynamic and changes in response to diseases and
acid (DNA) sequence.[1‑3] Some changes that may occur in environmental factors.[6,10] In contrast to genetic changes which
the lifetime of the parent may in turn affect the phenotype usually involve a single gene, epigenetic modifications involve
of their offspring, leading to an epigenetic phenomenon that more than one gene.[2,17-19] Epigenetic mechanisms that modify
is transgenerational.[4] The concept of epigenes (transposable chromatin structure can be divided into three main categories:
elements in our genes) as factors travelling with the genes DNA modifications, histone modifications and modifications
between generations is becoming increasingly popular. of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs). These modifications work
Various factors have been identified in the environment, diet together to regulate the functioning of the genome by regulating
and habits of an individual which affect not only the person the dynamics of chromatin.[9] Flowchart 1 helps to understand
but also subsequent generations.[5] Epigenetic modifications the mechanism by which epigenetic phenomena function.
cause remodelling of the chromatin which results in activation
or inactivation of a gene, thus contributing to the development The first evidence that DNA methylation or demethylation
of diseases including malignancies.[6] Three key mechanisms might have an important biological role was provided by
involved in epigenetic regulation have been identified, namely Griffith and Mahler in 1969.[10] Currently, DNA methylation
DNA modifications, histone modifications and ribonucleic is the most studied epigenetic mechanism.[20] Studies have
acid (RNA) modifications. Although epigenetics and genetics shown that DNA methylation provides a stable gene silencing
are individual and distinct fields, potential interactions have mechanism that plays an important role in regulating gene
been observed to occur between them. Epigenetic marks may expression and chromatin architecture.[2,5,9,21] The DNA can
influence genetic changes such as mutation, transposition and be modified by the addition of methyl groups to specific
recombination of DNA sequence and the predisposition of DNA sequences with cytosine and guanine bases separated
a gene to be selected for epigenetic changes. Furthermore, by a phosphate molecule (CpG islands).[6,20] X‑chromosome
the mechanisms enabling epigenetic effects are themselves inactivation (XCI) and imprinted genes are classic examples
subject to evolution.[4] Hence, the present review was done of naturally occurring CpG island methylation during
to understand the evolution and concepts of epigenetics development.[9,22] This process of DNA methylation is
and to understand its significance in relation to oral lesions, regulated by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs). Presently,
especially oral cancer. five DNMTs have been identified: Dnmt1, Dnmt2, Dnmt3a,
Dnmt3b and DnmtL.[15,23,24] There is strong evidence that DNA
To understand the role of epigenetic mechanisms in oral methylation can provide a primary switch for epigenetics.[10]
lesions, especially oral malignancies, the literature in English Loss of DNA methylation is related to increased risk of tumors
language was searched and a structured scientific review and due to chromosomal instability. It has been considered as the
meta‑analysis of scientific publications from the year 2000 to earliest epigenetic change from a normal cell to a premalignant
2015 was carried out from various journals using search engines cell.[8]
such as PubMed, Wiley, Google Scholar, Science Direct and
EBSCO host. The keywords Oral cancer, Epigenetics, DNA The DNA is wrapped around a histone core to form the
methylation, Histone modification, miRNA, small interfering nucleosome, which forms the fundamental unit of the
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Role of epigenetics in oral lesions Singh, et al. 124
GENETIC INFLUENCES ENVIRONMENTAL these modifications has been termed “histone crosstalk.”[23]
(Constant factor) INFLUENCES Histone modifications can lead to either activation of the genes
(Dynamic factor)
(associated with a loosely packed chromatin) or inactivation of
the genes (associated with a compact chromatin). These histone
modifications are proposed to play a key role in determining
EPIGENETIC CHANGES : cellular identity.[6,9] Of late, various potential roles of histone
• DNA modifications
• Histone modifications proteins have been postulated which include uses such as
• RNA modifications. prognostic biomarkers in the detection of aggressive behavior
of tumors as well as a predictive factor of chemotherapy and
radiotherapy response.[5,10,22]
Along with changes in the DNA and supporting histone
framework, certain RNA modifications have also been
proposed to cause epigenetic changes. These mainly occur in
AFFECT HEALTH OR PREDISPOSE TO DISEASE the ncRNAs that are classified according to their size as a first
Flowchart 1: Epigenetic phenomena group of small ncRNAs, which include siRNAs and P‑element
induced wimpy testis‑interacting RNAs and a second group
chromatin. These histone proteins are themselves subject of micro RNAs (miRNAs).[27] miRNAs play an essential role
to reversible epigenetic modifications by processes such as in modifying gene expression as well as in controlling DNA
methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, biotinylation, methylation and histone modifications. They can function as
ubiquitination, sumoylation and adenosine diphosphate both oncogenes and tumor suppressors genes and can regulate
ribosylation which occur at the N‑terminal tails of histones target genes with important functions in carcinogenesis such
and regulate important cellular processes such as transcription, as TPM1, PTEN and bcl‑2.[5,15,28] miRNA profiles can also
replication and repair.[2,5,21,25] The most studied histone be used to classify human cancers.[2,16] Recently, much work
modifications are methylation, acetylation and phosphorylation. has been carried out on the role of miR‑21, miR‑345 and
These modifications are mediated by enzymes such as miR‑181b in oral cancer progression.[28] siRNAs are a class of
histone methyltransferases, histone demethylases, histone short, double‑stranded RNAs which are involved in the RNA
acetyltransferases, histone deacetylases, histone phosphorylases interference (RNAi) pathway and suppress the expression of
and histone phosphatases.[2,5,6,24-26] The combined effect of all specific genes. They have been shown to be involved in both
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Role of epigenetics in oral lesions Singh, et al. 125
DNA methylation and histone modifications.[2,19] All these of significance for understanding the etiopathogenesis of
mechanisms of DNA, histone and RNA modifications are virus‑associated malignancies.[30,31]
closely interrelated and are responsible for regulating gene
expression in the healthy cells as well as may instigate aberrant Development of oral cancer is a multistep process involving
gene expressions in cancer cells. Much lesser investigated an accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations resulting
epigenetic mechanisms include small regulatory RNA in cellular dysregulation and uncontrolled growth.[32] Markert
molecules, non-covalent mechanisms (such as nucleosome has stated that normal gene activity is misprogrammed by
remodeling and replacement of canonical histone proteins epigenetic mechanisms to produce a neoplastic pattern of
with specialized histone variants), self‑sustaining loops and metabolism in which all of the individual components are
structural inheritance.[4,9,10] normal.[3] Cellular aging and chronic inflammation may be
potential inducers of epigenetic alterations in oral mucosal
Various factors can provoke epigenetic changes. These may cells.[5] Epimutations can lead to silencing of tumor suppressor
be physiological or pathological. Epigenetic changes increase genes independently and also in conjunction with deleterious
during life and age itself may be a risk factor for epigenetic genetic mutations or deletions; thus, serving as the second
changes. Studies have proved that the mother’s diet influences hit in the “two‑hit” model of carcinogenesis proposed by
fetal development as well as affects the offspring as an adult. Knudson. Hypermethylation and consequent silencing of
Several nutritional factors such as folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, several tumor suppressor genes have been identified in oral
methionine, choline, betaine, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid cancers. The genes found hypermethylated include cell cycle
and zinc as well as bioactive dietary components (genistein control genes (p16, p15), apoptosis genes (p14, DAPK, p73
and polyphenols) may result in epigenetic modifications, which and RASSF1A), Wnt signaling genes (APC, WIF1, RUNX3),
in turn participate in events such as embryonic development, cell‑cell adhesion genes (E‑cadherin), DNA‑repair genes
aging and carcinogenesis.[3,6,21] The epigenome may be (MGMT, BRCA1 and hMLH1), tumor suppressor genes
especially plastic during early development of the individual (p16, MLH1, BRCA1 CDKN2A, pRB, APC, PTEN, BRCA1,
and is susceptible to modifications. Thus, intervention at this VHL and CDH1), metastasis‑related genes, hormone receptor
stage can provide a therapeutic advantage.[22] genes and genes inhibiting angiogenesis.[9,33‑36] The tumor
microenvironment may itself be viewed as an epigenetic
Significant effects of various habits have been found in modifier with the potential to promote or prevent malignant
relation to epigenetic changes.[25,26] Long‑term epigenetic outgrowth.[36] Multiple factors and mechanisms have been
changes in the DNA have been found in smokers.[11] In actively discovered which have a potential role in carcinogenesis. These
drinking individuals, increased levels of homocysteine include loss of imprinting; E‑cadherin hypermethylation;
have been found, which plays an important role in DNA reduced expression of the enzyme death associated protein
methylation.[15,17] In squamous cell carcinoma of the head kinase; hypermethylation of genes p14, p15, p16; DNA
and neck, alcohol has been also found to be associated with methylation in the promoter region is deleted in colorectal
changes in the methylation pattern.[6] cancer (DCC) gane; hypermethylation of MINT 1 and MINT
31 and epigenetic deregulation of Notch signaling.[9,15,35‑37]
Epigenetics can play a role in health as well as disease. Role of Methylated genes in tumors identified in recent investigations
various bacteria and viruses has been implicated in epigenetic in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma such as HOXA9,
mechanisms. Bacteria‑induced epigenetic deregulations may HS3ST2, NPY, EYA4 and WT1 have been suggested as
affect host cell function either to promote host defense or to biomarkers for early detection of oral cancers.[37] Studies have
allow pathogen persistence.[29] Pathogens in the oral mucosa reported using methylation‑specific polymerase chain reaction
may cause epigenetic changes in the host, which may, in turn, in oral rinses and found that hypermethylation status of
influence the progression of disease or cancer. In patients circulating DNA could be used as a tumor marker to monitor
with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck region, patients with premalignant and malignant oral lesions. Other
bacteria were shown to be associated with methylation of the studies have identified up to seven novel DNA methylation
multidrug resistance gene and increase in methylation in the markers in oral rinse samples from oral cancer patients.[32]
E‑cadherin gene after Helicobacter pylori stimulation was Epigenetic modifications are tissue specific and DNA from
also observed.[5,6] Virus‑induced epigenetic changes include oral rinses, buccal swabs or whole saliva could be used for
changes due to chronic human immunodeficiency virus determining the epigenetic status of oral tissues.[6,38] miRNA
(HIV) infection that has revealed epigenetic changes in key levels have also been found to be differentially expressed
genes. Studies have recently found an association between in oral squamous cell carcinoma tissues, serum and saliva.
poorly differentiated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma These can provide biomarkers for early diagnosis of oral
and human papillomavirus‑16. The bacterial pathogens that squamous cell carcinoma. They can also serve as a potential
cause periodontal diseases are known to cause epigenetic biomarkers of nutritional status in humans.[1,5,33] Diseases
modifications to the genomes of Epstein–Barr virus, Kaposi caused by the expression of a dominant gene can be treated by
sarcoma‑associated herpes virus and HIV, which may be ligand‑targeted nanoparticles for siRNA.[5,21] Various studies
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have demonstrated the possibility to detect hypermethylation diseases and immune diseases.[18,21,43,44] X‑inactivation and
in saliva. Biomarkers based on the methylation profile imprinting are the other major types of epigenetic events that
evaluation in exfoliated mucosa cell samples could represent occur in cancer. Several diseases and syndromes occur with
a powerful class of minimally invasive markers for squamous abnormal DNA methylation or imprinted gene sites including
cell carcinoma detection.[1,25,26,33,39] Silver–Russell syndrome, Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome,
Angelman syndrome, Prader–Willi syndrome, Williams
Epigenetics has provided a new dimension to clinical genetics. syndrome, Di George‑Velocardiofacial syndrome, Fragile X
Epigenetic dysregulation in diseases is increasingly being studied syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, Rett’s syndrome and XCI
as a potential mediator of pathophysiology of various diseases disorders such as Ring Turner syndrome.[3,8,39,41,45] Epigenetic
and malignancies.[40‑42] In recent years, epigenetics has become alterations are currently used clinically as diagnostic markers
an emerging mechanism in the etiology of diseases such as of various diseases.[29,41,46] Table 2 gives a brief description of
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, inflammation, neurocognitive how epigenetics affects oral health and its role in causing oral
disorders, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative lesions.
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Role of epigenetics in oral lesions Singh, et al. 127
Factors in the diet such as retinoids have been shown to of smoking in mid‑childhood and increased body mass index
suppress carcinogenesis in a variety of epithelial tissues in their future sons. Similarly, a contemporary population
including skin and oral mucosa.[5] Certain natural compounds from Taiwan shows an association between paternal betel
such as sulforaphane found in cruciferous vegetables, nut chewing and early onset of the metabolic syndrome in
compounds from garlic and grapes, genistein and curcumin the offspring. The sequencing of the human genome is being
have been found to alter epigenetic patterns.[6,21] Epigenetic followed by the epigenome project, which will eventually
changes can be exploited for therapeutic intervention, unravel the significance of the field of epigenetics.[3,22]
which is authenticated by the recent Food and Drug
Administration on approval of three epigenetic drugs for CONCLUSION
cancer treatment.[9,23,34,36,39,47,48]
Presently, much research is going on in the field of epigenetics.
The concept of inherited epigenetic susceptibility to Epigenetic marks can provide new insights in the early
tobacco‑related cancers can be used for identification of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of oral precancers, cancers
susceptible individuals to allow more focused prevention and various other oral diseases. DNA from oral rinses and
strategies in oral cancers. The cell cycle regulator p15 buccal swabs can serve as a routinely used noninvasive tool
predicts malignant transformation and has been targeted.[35] that can be employed for screening for epigenetic alterations
Various tests have been generated and devised to understand in oral tissues. In addition, epigenetics can be utilized for the
epigenetic information. These include a single gene‑based development of novel therapeutic interventions for various
DNA methylation assay, a microarray‑based epigenomic developmental diseases as well as for addiction. Thus,
assay and a high‑density bead chip‑based epigenomic epigenetic therapy is now a reality that can change our future
assay.[22,41] Recent sequencing technology has revealed the for good. The change in our genes has been impossible, but
presence of copy‑number variations, which are associated the change in our epigenes now appears possible!
with susceptibility to common diseases.[41] Currently,
several epigenetic drugs are being tested in clinical trials Financial support and sponsorship
or are already being used.[18,22,36] Development of several
small molecule inhibitors such as SGI‑1027, RG‑108 and Nil.
MG‑98 has provided nonnucleoside compounds, which
can effectively inhibit DNA methylation without being Conflicts of interest
incorporated into the DNA.[49] Several pathways appear to be
specifically epigenetically deregulated in the cases showing There are no conflicts of interest
greatest biological aggression that often prove refractory to
aggressive conventional therapies, emphasizing the need for REFERENCES
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