Dental Age As Indicator of Adolescence

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Original Article

Dental age as indicator of adolescence

Omar Gabriel da Silva Filho*, Naiara Jordão Souza Parteira**, Tulio Silva Lara***, Francisco Antônio Bertoz****


Aim: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationship between root
formation of the first premolars and skeletal maturation stages identified in hand-wrist
radiographs. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving the panoramic
and hand-wrist radiographs obtained on the same date of 232 patients, 123 boys and 109
girls aged 4 years and 5 months to 17 years and 12 months. Root formation stages of the
first premolars were related to the ossification stages of the sesamoid bone, epiphyseal
stages of the phalanx of the thumb and epiphyseal stages of the radius. Results: The stud-
ied variables demonstrated statistically significant correlations. Conclusion: Roots of the
lower first premolars do not reach 2/3 of their complete length before adolescence.

Keywords: Age determination by skeleton. Orthodontics. Bone development.

introduction Moreover, dental age is reported to be a deter-

The concepts of corrective and interceptive minant of the proper time for treatment, as seen
orthodontics are founded on the development in Figures 2 to 5.
stage of the occlusion. Corrective orthodontics Figure 2 illustrates the extrusion of tooth
is the mechanical movement imposed on perma- #21 in the inter-transitory period of the mixed
nent dentition, whereas interceptive orthodon- dentition. Figures 3 to 5 illustrate continuous
tics is treatment prior to the installment of the mandibular advancement applied in pre-ado-
permanent dentition. Based on these concepts, lescence in the same period.
orthodontists use dental age as a practical param- Orthodontists do not always need the growth
eter for differentiating early and late treatment. variable for the application of mechanical

How to cite this article: Silva Filho OG, Parteira NJS, Lara TS, Bertoz FA. » The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the
Dental age as indicator of adolescence. Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Jan- products or companies described in this article.

* Head of the Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics course, PROFIS (Bauru/SP, Brazil). Orthodontist at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial
Anomalies, University of São Paulo (HRAC-USP, Bauru/SP, Brazil).
** Resident at the Department of Orthodontics, HRAC-USP.
*** Professor at the Preventative and Interceptive Orthodontics course, PROFIS. Orthodontist at the HRAC-USP/ Funcraf.
**** Full Professor, Araçatuba School of Dentistry, University of the State of São Paulo (UNESP, Araçatuba/SP, Brazil). Professor of Orthodontics, Child and Social
Dentistry Department, UNESP, Araçatuba.

Dental Press J Orthod 85 2012 Jan-Feb;17(1):85-100

Dental age as indicator of adolescence

movement. For instance, the correction of mal- The use of new diagnostic methods is cer-
occlusions without sagittal error does not re- tainly part of the evolution of science, but does
quire growth (Fig 2). As crowding is an intra- not invalidate classic methods of proven reli-
arch problem, its treatment does not depend on ability. In hand-wrist radiographs, numerous
growth; nor does growth interfere in the treat- centers of ossification can be assessed in ado-
ment. Crowding can be corrected beginning in lescence, such as the sesamoid bone,4,5 epiphy-
the first transitory period of the mixed denti- sis of the proximal phalanx of the thumb10 and
tion. The same is true for eruption problems, epiphysis of the radius.6
which should be treated during the eruption of The aim of the present study was to deter-
the teeth involved (Fig 2). mine associations between dental age analyzed
The remaining potential of facial growth in panoramic radiographs and bone age ana-
takes on importance in the treatment of mal- lyzed in hand-wrist radiographs. A further aim
occlusions with sagittal skeletal error, such as was to demonstrate the degree of agreement of
Class II malocclusions with mandibular defi- skeletal age and dental age by a single examiner
ciency (Pattern II).1,17,21,26 and determine whether sexual dimorphisms
Growth is a complex biological phenomenon exists in the development of the upper and
driven primarily by genetics and, in postnatal lower first premolars.
life, occurs from birth through the skeletal mat-
uration, with a growth spurt in adolescence.4 MATERIAL AND METHODS
Locating a patient on his/her growth curve is a Panoramic and hand-wrist radiographs of
well-known task for orthodontists and is mainly 232 patients (123 females and 109 males)
performed by bone age.4,7,12,24 However, the dai- taken on the same day were selected from the
ly practice of occlusal analysis and the practi- archives of the Profis Preventive and Intercep-
cality of this diagnostic method, makes, on the tive Orthodontics Course in the city of Bauru
part of orthodontists, the underestimated den- (Brazil) for analysis. Patient age ranged from 4
tal age a tempting means to be used as the first years and 5 months to 17 years and 12 months
option to determine adolescence. Is it possible (mean= 8 years and 10 months; standard devia-
to locate the patient in adolescence based on tion= 2 years and 3 months) (Fig 1).
dental age? By posing this question, the focus
of the present study fuels the discussion on the
use of dental age as a biological development
parameter in orthodontics.
30 Male
Day-to-day experience with dental age sug-
25 Fem.
gests that the occlusion of the upper and lower
Frequency (n)

first premolars immediately precedes adoles-
cence. As the tooth eruption process is closely
related to the degree of root formation,30 pan-
oramic radiography is a convenient means for
this evaluation.

Bone age, which is currently determined

Age (years)
through radiographic images of the cervical
vertebrae,2,11,16,22 has historically been identi-
Figure 1 - Distribution of the 232 patients of the studied sample, accord-
fied through hand-wrist radiographs.4,7,12 ing to age and gender.

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Silva Filho OG, Parteira NJS, Lara TS, Bertoz FA

Figure 2 - Class I malocclusion with ectopic eruption of tooth #21 diag-
nosed in inter-transitory period of the mixed dentition. In malocclusions
without sagittal error, dental age is determinant of proper treatment
time. A) Initial panoramic radiograph.

Figure 2 (continuation) - Initial dental cast: B) right lateral view, C) frontal view and D) left lateral view.

Figure 2 (continuation) - 4X2 upper leveling with rectangular steel wire: E) right lateral view, F) frontal view and G) left lateral view.

Figure 2 (continuation) - Leveling of tooth #21 with NiTi wire anchored on continuous leveling: H) right lateral view, I) frontal view and J) left lateral view.

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Dental age as indicator of adolescence

Figure 2 (continuation) - Leveling of tooth #21: K) right lateral view, L) frontal view and M) left lateral view.

Figure 3 - Class II, division I malocclusion, with anterior open bite diagnosed in the first transitory period of the mixed dentition, development stage
equivalent to preadolescence: A) right lateral view, B) frontal view and C) left lateral view.

Figure 3 (continuation) - Continuous mandibular advancement with Herbst appliance: D) right lateral view; E) occlusal view of fixed Haas expander
modified for Herbst (upper anchorage); F) frontal view. The continuous orthopedic mandibular advancement with the Herbst appliance was instituted at
this dental age (early treatment protocol).

Figure 3 (continuation) - Correction of sagittal error: G) right lateral view, H) frontal view and I) left lateral view.

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Silva Filho OG, Parteira NJS, Lara TS, Bertoz FA

Figure 3 (continuation) - Retention performed with intermittent mandibular advancement: J) right lateral view, K) frontal view and L) left lateral view.

Figure 3 (continuation) - Final mandibular advancement phase: M) right lateral view, N) frontal view and O) left lateral view.

Figure 3 (continuation) - End of treatment after removal of fixed orthodontic appliances: P) right lateral view, Q) frontal view and R) left lateral view.

Figure 4 - A) Initial facial profile analysis revealing mandibular deficiency which follows the Class II malocclusion shown in Figure 3. B) Frontal facial analysis.
C) Orthopedic mandibular advancement had an important facial impact by repositioning the mandible in the face. D) Final frontal facial analysis.

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Dental age as indicator of adolescence

1997 1999


Figure 5 - Cephalometric tracings and superimpositions from the patient in Figures 3 and 4 revealing changes in the face and mandible throughout follow-
up period (1997 to 2001): A) pretreatment; B) post-orthopedic mandibular advancement.

1997 2001 1999

1999 2001


Figure 5 (continuation) - C) Superimposition 1997-1999, D) 2001 (post-corrective orthodontic treatment), E) Superimposition 1999-2001.

1997 1997
1999 2001

Figure 5 (continuation) - F) Superimposition 1997-1999-2001, G) Superimposition 1997-2001.

Dental Press J Orthod 90 2012 Jan-Feb;17(1):85-100

Silva Filho OG, Parteira NJS, Lara TS, Bertoz FA

Bone age was determined through the eval- thumb, radius and left upper and lower premo-
uation of specific centers of ossification in the lars, were analyzed separately, with the rest of
hand-wrist radiographs. For such, the degree of the radiograph covered by a black cardboard. Pa-
ossification of the sesamoid bone, epiphyseal tient identification such as name, gender and age
stage of the proximal phalanx of the thumb were also covered on the radiograph, so that the
and epiphyseal stage of the radius were ana- evaluator had no access to this information. After
lyzed. A letter from A to M was attributed to fifteen days, a second analysis was performed of
each ossification or epiphyseal stage, as illus- each region of interest in order to determine the
trated in Figures 6 to 8. reliability of the method (intra-examiner agree-
The root development stage of the left up- ment). The Kappa statistic14 was used as the con-
per and lower first premolars was assessed in cordance measure between the first and second
the panoramic radiographs. For such, the clas- evaluations of the radiographs in the identifica-
sification system proposed by the authors was tion of the development stage of the left upper
used, in which a letter from N to R was at- and lower first premolars and ossification/epiph-
tributed to each degree of root formation, as yseal stages of the hand-wrist bones.
illustrated in Figure 9. In cases in which there was no agreement
Only radiographs of good quality and no evi- between the first and second evaluations, for
dence of carious lesions or endodontic problems the determination of the dental or ossification
of the analyzed teeth or their primary predeces- development stages, a second examiner helped
sors were selected. All panoramic and hand-wrist the first examiner determine the stage that
radiographs were examined separately by a single best represented the image in the radiograph
examiner using an X-ray viewer in a darkened through a consensus assessment. This only hap-
room. The regions of interest, sesamoid bone, pened in three cases.

A Stage A B Stage B C Stage C

Figure 6 - Ossification stages of sesamoid bone identified in hand-wrist radiograph: A) Absence of calcification (Stage A); B) Onset of calcification (Stage B);
C) Definite calcification (Stage C).

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Dental age as indicator of adolescence

A Stage D B Stage E C Stage F

D Stage G E Stage H

Figure 7 - Epiphyseal stages of the proximal phalanx of the thumb identified on hand-wrist radiograph: A) Pre-capping (Stage D); B) Capping (Stage E);
C) Fusion onset (Stage F); D) Fusion in progress (Stage G); E) fusion complete (Stage H).

A Stage I B Stage J C Stage K

Figure 8 - Epiphyseal stages of the radius identified on hand-wrist radiograph: A) Less than diaphysis (Stage I); B) Same size as diaphysis (Stage J);
C) Capping (Stage K).

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Silva Filho OG, Parteira NJS, Lara TS, Bertoz FA

D Stage L E Stage M

Figure 8 (continuation) - D) Fusion onset (Stage L); E) Fusion in progress (Stage M).

A Stage N B Stage O C Stage P

D Stage Q E Stage R

FIGURE 9 - Degrees of root formation of upper and lower first premolars assessed on panoramic radiographs: A) Absence of root formation (Stage N);
B) Root 1/3 complete (Stage O); C) Root 1/2 complete (Stage P); D) Root nearly complete (3/4) with open apex (Stage Q); E) Root complete with closed
apex (Stage R).

The existence of sexual dimorphism was Associations between dental age and bone
evaluated in the development stages of the up- age were determined by the frequency of dental
per first premolar, lower first premolar and be- development stages between different ossifica-
tween the upper and lower first premolars. The tion stages. Spearman’s correlation coefficients
Mann-Whitney test was used for this evalua- were calculated to determine correlations be-
tion, with a 5% level of significance (p<0.05). tween these variables.

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Dental age as indicator of adolescence

RESULTS Based on this difference in degree of forma-

Table 1 displays the results of the intra-ex- tion of the premolars, the lower premolar was
aminer agreement between readings of the radio- chosen for comparisons with bone events in the
graphs on two separate occasions with a 15-day hand-wrist radiographs. Spearman’s non-para-
interval. Kappa values ranged from 0.92 to 1.00, metric correlation test revealed correlations be-
corresponding to nearly perfect agreement. tween the degree of formation of the lower first
The Mann-Whitney test revealed no sexual premolar and hand-wrist bone events (Table 3).
dimorphism in the degree of root formation with Tables 4, 5 and 6 display the frequencies of
regard to the upper first premolar (p= 0.43) and the different degrees of lower first premolar
lower first premolar (p= 0.47) (Table 2). formation and different bone events represent-
However, a statistically significant differ- ed by the sesamoid bone, epiphyseal stage of
ence was found in the comparison of the for- the proximal phalanx of the thumb and epiph-
mation of the upper and lower first premolars yseal stage of the radius.
(p= 0.02) (Table 2).
As in the determination of root formation
events, the assessment of bone age in hand-
tablE 1 - Intra-examiner test: Percentage of agreement and Kappa in-
dex regarding three bone centers assessed on hand-wrist radiographs wrist radiographs also proved reliable when per-
(sesamoid bone, proximal phalanx of the first finger FP1 and radius) formed on two separate occasions by the same
and root formation stages of first lower and upper premolars on pan-
oramic radiographs. examiner (Table 1). Thus, there is no doubt
regarding the reliability of assessing bone age
Parameter % of agreement K
or dental age, even when employing subjective
Sesamoid bone 100.00 1.00 qualitative methods. The aim of assessing the re-
FP1 96.70 0.92 liability of the method in the present study was
Radius 96.70 0.95 to demonstrate the calibration of the evaluator
Upper 1 premolars
97.80 0.97
for the analysis proposed by the authors, clas-
Lower 1st premolars 95.60 0.94
sifying different bone stages (sesamoid, epiphy-
sis of the proximal phalanx of the thumb and
tablE 2 - Sexual dimorphism for the tooth formation degree for upper epiphysis of the radius) and odontogenic stages
and lower premolars and the difference in the formation degree among (degree of root formation of first premolars) us-
ing a letter system from A to R (Figs 6 to 9).
Formation degree Formation degree Formation degree The association between the development of
of upper premolars of lower premolars of upper x lower
between genders between genders premolars the dentition and skeletal maturation has been
p-value = 0.43 p-value = 0.47 p-value = 0.02* studied in the literature, with discrepant results
*Statistically significant difference. reported.8,13,15,19,23,29 In the present study, den-
tal age was compared to different ossification
tablE 3 - Relationship between the degree of formation of lower first events that are determinants of adolescence.
premolar and bone events of hand-wrist analysis: Spearman’s correlation
coefficient and p-value. The reference chosen for the determination of
Comparison Spearman’s p-value dental age was root formation of the upper and
Lower premolar X sesamoid 0.6299 <0.0001* lower first molars (Fig 9). The choice of these
Lower premolar X phalanx epiphysis (FP1) 0.4987 <0.0001* teeth was based on the proximity of their time
Lower premolar X radius epiphysis 0.5964 <0.0001* of eruption to adolescence,19,27 which is clini-
*Significant correlation between variables. cally important information for estimating the

Dental Press J Orthod 94 2012 Jan-Feb;17(1):85-100

Silva Filho OG, Parteira NJS, Lara TS, Bertoz FA

tablE 4 - Degree of lower first premolar formation and stages of sesamoid ossification.

Sesamoid / Premolar Absence of ossification Onset of ossification Definite ossification Total

0 74 (31.9%) - - 74 (31.9%)
1/3 55 (23.71%) 2 (0.86%) - 57 (24.57%)
1/2 23 (9.91%) 4 (1.72%) 1 (0.43%) 28 (12.07%)
Open apex (3/4) 25 (10.78%) 11 (4.74%) 14 (6.03%) 50 (21.55%)
Closed apex 3 (1.29%) 3 (1.29%) 17 (7.33%) 23 (9.91%)
Total 180 (77.59%) 20 (8.62%) 32 (13.79%) 232 (100%)

tablE 5 - Degree of lower first premolar formation and stages of ossification of the epiphysis of the proximal phalanx of the first finger (FP1).

Fusion in
FP1 / Premolar Pre-capping Capping Fusion onset Fusion Total
0 74 (31.9%) - - - - 74 (31.9%)
1/3 57 (24.57%) - - - - 57 (24.57%)
1/2 24 (10.34%) 4 (1.72%) - - - 28 (12.07%)
Open apex (3/4) 37 (15.95%) 9 (3.88%) 1 (0.43%) 1 (0.43%) 2 (0.86%) 50 (21.55%)
Closed apex 8 (3.45%) 4 (1.72%) 3 (1.29%) 1 (0.43%) 7 (3.02%) 23 (9.91%)
Total 200 (86.21%) 17 (7.33%) 4 (1.72%) 2 (0.86%) 9 (3.88%) 232 (100%)

tablE 6 - Degree of lower first premolar formation and stages of ossification of the epiphysis of the radius.

Radius epiphysis/ Fusion in

Smaller Equal Capping Fusion onset Total
Premolar progress
0 73 (31.47%) 1 (0.43%) - - - 74 (31.90%)
1/3 54 (23.28%) 3 (1.29%) - - - 57 (24.57%)
1/2 24 (10.34%) 1 (0.43%) 3 (1.29%) - - 28 (12.07%)
Open apex (3/4) 27 (11.64%) 13 (5.60%) 3 (1.29%) 5 (2.16%) 2 (0.86%) 50 (21.55%)
Closed apex 3 (1.29%) 4 (1.72%) 2 (0.86%) 7 (3.02%) 7 (3.02%) 23 (9.91%)
Total 181 (78.02%) 22 (9.48%) 8 (3.45%) 12 (5.17%) 9 (3.88%) 232 (100%)

adequate time for the treatment of mandibular permanent teeth, which is directly related to the
deficiency.21,26 Although the literature demon- degree of root formation, there is a difference be-
strates that the lower canine has the greatest tween genders regarding the time in which these
association with skeletal events,23 the decision teeth erupt in the oral cavity in both the maxilla
was made to assess the lower first premolar, as and mandible (Fig 10).27,30 In the present study,
a recent study determined that this tooth also however, sexual dimorphism was found regard-
does not exhibit considerable variability when ing the degree of root formation between the
compared to bone age.17 upper and lower first premolar. Thus, the lower
No difference was found between genders in first premolar was chosen for comparisons with
the progression of root formation of the first pre- skeletal events, although the upper first premolar
molars. Analyzing the eruption chronology of the could have been chosen as well.

Dental Press J Orthod 95 2012 Jan-Feb;17(1):85-100

Dental age as indicator of adolescence

The sesamoid bone undergoes ossification (absence of root formation, root 1/3 complete, root
beginning from a cartilaginous center, which is 1/2 complete, root 3/4 complete and complete
seen at the beginning of adolescence between the root). With 3/4 of the root formed, the tooth is al-
distal portion of metacarpal 1 and the epiphysis ready in the oral cavity and its complete eruption
of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. The on- approximately coincides with its complete forma-
set of this ossification announces the beginning tion, though not necessarily with the apex closed.
of the adolescent growth spurt.4,12,25 Peak of Most of the patients in the present sample
growth in adolescence is identified by the cap- (n= 180) were in pre-adolescence, as identified
ping of the epiphysis of the proximal phalanx of by the lack of ossification of the sesamoid bone
the thumb.10 The final stages of adolescence can (Table 4), which restricts the analysis of the
be determined on radiographs by indications of degree of root formation in adolescence itself.
fusion or complete fusion of the epiphysis with However, it was possible to determine that a
the diaphysis in either the thumb or radius.5,6 larger portion of the patients in the stages prior
Dental age can be assessed radiographically to adolescence exhibited early degrees of pre-
by the degree of crown and root formation of molar formation (absence of root formation or
the teeth20 or clinically by non-erupted teeth.3,8 root 1/3 complete), indicating that these teeth
A tooth initiates its eruption after the root had not yet erupted. Only 1.29% of the patients
reaches 1/4 of its complete length.30 Permanent in pre-adolescence exhibited the R stage (closed
teeth perforate the gingival tissue and appear in apex), which is indicative of completely erupt-
the oral cavity when the roots are approximate- ed teeth in occlusion. This result is in agreement
ly 3/4 formed.18,20 Eight to ten months elapse with that described by Franchi et al,8 who found
between the emergence of an incisor in the oral that the inter-transitory period of the mixed
cavity and its complete eruption.9 dentition coincides with pre-adolescence. Ex-
The proposal of the present study is essentially trapolating these results to the clinical realm,
clinical: The identification of adolescence through the first premolars do not erupt in pre-adoles-
the assessment of dental age. For reasons of greater cence and first premolars in occlusion announce
consistency and practicality from the methodologi- adolescence. The presence of first premolars in
cal standpoint, dental age was inferred from the occlusion has been the reference used to deter-
degree of root formation (Fig 9) assessed on pan- mine the proper time for orthopedic mandibu-
oramic radiographs obtained from archival records lar advancement for a Pattern II correction.26

A Male and Female B Male and Female

Figure 10 - Mean eruption sequence of permanent teeth in the final phase of mixed dentition (second transitory period) in panoramic radiographs
(Source: Freitas, 1975), at mean age of 9 years and 3 months (A) and mean age of 10 years and 3 months (B).

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Silva Filho OG, Parteira NJS, Lara TS, Bertoz FA

Most of the patients who had initiated ado- mation and growth peak. When the epiphysis
lescence, as indicated by the onset of ossification of the radius was smaller than the diaphysis,
of the sesamoid bone (only 8.6% of the sample) the patients exhibited the initial degrees of
(Table 4), exhibited premolars with 3/4 of the root formation, with the first premolars further
root formed, which coincides with the eruption along the formation process when the fusion of
of these teeth. Patient in adolescence with the the epiphysis with the diaphysis began to oc-
sesamoid bone defined (13.8%) exhibited premo- cur, corresponding to the final stages of ado-
lars in either the stage of the onset of eruption or lescence. The few patients with indications of
with a closed apex and therefore likely in occlu- epiphyseal fusion of the radius (onset of fusion
sion with the antagonist. Franchi et al8 and Tassi or fusion in progress, Table 6), corresponding to
et al28 confirmed the end of the mixed dentition 9.05% of the sample, exhibited roots either 3/4
(second transitory period), with the exfoliation or completely formed.
of the primary second molars and eruption of The variability in the odontogenic stages in
the premolars, to be an unreliable determinant of relation to bone maturation does not preclude
adolescence, as the results of these studies dem- the use of dental age as an initial development
onstrated that only one third of individuals with parameter in orthodontics or orthopedics, at
erupted premolars were in early adolescence and least in the stages of mixed dentition and pri-
more than half had not left pre-adolescence. or to the complete eruption of the permanent
Considering epiphyseal capping as an indica- second molars (occlusal maturity). Surprisingly,
tor of peak growth (7.3% of the sample), 1.7% due to its immediate clinical nature, dental age
exhibited a 1/2 formed root, 3.9% exhibited a seems to suggest the remaining growth potential.
3/4 formed root and 1.7% had a closed apex. Indeed, precise information is not expected.17
As there were few patients in this skeletal stage, Dental age only reflects the passage to adoles-
one cannot draw reliable conclusions regarding cence (Fig 11) and detailed information comes
the association between the degree of root for- from skeletal age. Thus, dental age constitutes a


Figure 11 - Dental age as parameter for

definition of proper treatment time. Horizon-
tal overjet reduced and malocclusion cor-
rected (Class II, division I) with intermittent
orthopedic mandibular advancement applied
in adolescence, according to dental age, on
second transitory period of mixed dentition.
Initial dental casts: A) right lateral view, B)
frontal view, C) left lateral view, D) upper oc-
D E clusal view and E) lower occlusal view.

Dental Press J Orthod 97 2012 Jan-Feb;17(1):85-100

Dental age as indicator of adolescence

Figure 11 (continuation) - Initial panoramic radiograph (F) and lateral cephalometric radiograph (G).

Figure 11 (continuation) - Intermittent orthopedic mandibular advancement: H) right lateral view, I) frontal view and J) left lateral view.

Figure 11 (continuation) - K) Lateral cephalometric ra-
diograph during corrective orthodontic treatment.

Dental Press J Orthod 98 2012 Jan-Feb;17(1):85-100

Silva Filho OG, Parteira NJS, Lara TS, Bertoz FA

Figure 11 (continuation) - Final photographs after appliance removal: L) right lateral view, M) frontal view and N) left lateral view.

line of demarcation from which one may solicit 2) Lower premolars can emerge in the oral
skeletal age in order to locate the patient on the cavity in the beginning of adolescence.
adolescence curve. Based on the present findings, 3) In adolescence, premolars vary from the
skeletal age should be solicited at the beginning clinical appearance all the way to full oc-
of premolars eruption and not before. clusion.
4) Intra-examiner agreement is high in the
CONCLUSION identification of dental age using pan-
Based on the results of the present study, it oramic radiographs and skeletal age using
appears valid to draw the following conclusions: hand-wrist radiographs.
1) Lower premolars do not erupt in pre- 5) There is no sexual dimorphism in the de-
adolescence. velopment of the lower first premolars.

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Submitted: November 24, 2008

Revised and accepted: June 19, 2009

Contact address
Omar Gabriel da Silva Filho
Av. Rio Branco, 2081 – Altos da Cidade
Zip code: 17.014-037 – Bauru / SP, Brazil
E-mail: [email protected]

Dental Press J Orthod 100 2012 Jan-Feb;17(1):85-100

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