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(Student Name) (Course Title) (Instructor) (Date)
(Student Name) (Course Title) (Instructor) (Date)
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Our genes play an important role in the maintenance of our health and also determine our
behaviors as well as your environment. Epigenetics refers to the study about the heritable
changes being caused due to the activation and deactivation of genes without any changes in the
underlying in the DNA sequence of the organism on whole. It investigates how our behaviors
and environment can give raise to the changes that can affect the way your genes express
themselves. Considering that our environment and behaviors can result in epigenetic changes, it
cells tend to differentiate and to end up as skin cells, brain cells, liver cells, etc. In other words,
epigenetic change can have more devastating effects that can result in diseases such as cancer. At
least three systems such as DNA methylation, histone modification as well as non-coding RNA
correlated gene deactivation are currently considered to initiate and sustain epigenetic change.
Lately, DNA methylation is one of the most widely researched and well-characterized
epigenetic modifications dating back to studies done by Griffith and Mahler which suggested
that DNA methylation may be essential in long term memory function. Epigenetic processes are
natural and very important to sustain numerous organism functions, but if they take place
inadequately, there can be adverse health and behavioral complications. Errors in the epigenetics
serve as modification of the wrong gene or failure to add the correct chemical group to a
particular gene or histone. This can lead to abnormal activity of the gene or even complete
inactivity. Altered gene activity, particularly caused by epigenetic errors, is a common cause of
genetic disorders. Conditions including cancers, metabolic disorders, and degenerative disorders
Several lifestyle factors have been identified that might modify epigenetic patterns, such
Expanding evidence shows that environmental and lifestyle factors may impact different
expression. For instance, past human epidemiological studies have shown evidence that prenatal
environmental factors influence the risk of developing numerous chronic diseases and behavioral
disorders in adults. Different studies have shown that children born during the period of the
Dutch famine from 1944-1945 have a higher rate of coronary heart disease and obesity after
maternal exposure to famine during early pregnancy. Research has also proved that a mother’s
exposure to pollutants could affect her child’s asthma susceptibility and her uptake of vitamin D
could change DNA methylation that impacts the functioning of placenta. This conveys that it
does not stop at the mother; however, studies support that the father has a part in his child’s
health and epigenetic marks as well. Researchers have found that fathers who consume an
excessive amount of certain supplements can epigenetically harm their offspring, by affecting
Diet has also been shown to modify epigenetic tags in important ways. The field of
nutria-epigenomics dictates how food and epigenetics work together to influence health and
wellbeing. Overweight, obesity, and sedentary lifestyle are the prevailing risk factors for several
diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease. Exposure to air pollution has been
associated with increased morbidity and mortality from cardiorespiratory disease, including
those related with increased lung cancer risk. Cancer is established as the first human disease that
was associated to epigenetics. Studies performed by Feinberg, using primary human tumor
tissues found that genes of colorectal cancer cells were hypomethylated juxtaposed with normal
tissues. Ten DNA hypomethylation can cause oncogenes and initiate chromosome instability. On
accumulation of genetic and epigenetic errors can change a normal cell into an intrusive or
metastatic tumor cell (Simmons, 2008). A professor named Randy Jirtle, and his colleagues
According to research published by Nilamadhab Mishra, and his colleagues, the team
claims that it’s the first to demonstrate a specific link between aberrant histone modification and
mechanisms underlying lupus-like symptoms in mice. They confirmed that a drug known as
trichostatin A, could reverse the modifications. The drug tends to reset the inactive histone
modification by correcting hypoacetylation at two histone sites. However, one of the more
startling reports published challenged this belief and suggested that epigenetic changes may last
A professor named as Michael Skinner, his team described in their experiment about how
they briefly exposed pregnant rats to individual relatively high levels of the insecticide
methoxychlor and the fungicide vinclozolin. They documented the effects and showed a decrease
in sperm production and increased male infertility in the male pups. They also found that
Apart from this, Director of the Cancer Epigenetics Laboratory Manel Esteller, and his
colleagues evaluated 40 pairs of identical twins, ranging in age from 3 to 74. Younger twin
pairs; who lived together and shared similar lifestyles had a very similar DNA methylation and
histone acetylation patterns. However, the older twins who spent fewer years of their lives
together and had different lifestyles and had much different patterns in many different tissues
such as lymphocytes, epithelial mouth cells, intra-abdominal fat, and selected muscles (Annalisa
Roberti, 2019).
According to the studies by Jirtle and Robert Waterland, the color changes were directly
linked to alternations in DNA methylations. Supplementation of the pregnant mother’s diet with
vitamin B12, choline, folic acid, and betaine can result in changes in the pigmentation of mouse
Many observers say technology will need to continue advancing due to the fact that
help explain how gene expression is adjusted by lifestyle and environmental factors, and to bring
factors. Since both epigenetic mechanisms and lifestyle are modifiable, epigeneticists have
largely unexplored opportunities to ascertain how tightly epigenetic markers are reliant on
lifestyle factors and whether the epigenetic mechanisms can be modified even after positive or
On the whole, by perusing Dr. Oz’s family history, I became acquainted that I am more at
risk of cerebrovascular accidents due to my father’s genes, cancer and diabetic from my mother’s