Demodulation of Four Channels in Parallel With Just One Receiver

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Demodulation of Monitoring solution

Using the R&S®EB500 monitoring receiver with it’s

­optional digital downconverters (R&S®EB500-DDC), you

four channels in can perform the described monitoring tasks easily and

­parallel with just one A single monitoring receiver can demodulate (or measure
the level of) up to four signals in parallel. Demodulation
type and bandwidth, as well as the center frequency and

receiver the applied squelch level, can be set fully independently

for each channel.

The four channels must be set to a frequency within the

Multichannel signal reception in parallel using R&S®EB500’s realtime bandwidth (up to 20 MHz) and the
digital downconverters in a monitoring receiver receiver itself has to be set to fixed frequency mode (FFM).

The main demodulation channel has a maximum band-

width of 5 MHz bandwidth. Each of the three additional
DDC channels has a maximum bandwidth of 1 MHz.

The content of four different on-air channels is demodu-

lated in parallel and stored internally to the receiver’s hard
drive or streamed out via the 1 Gbit LAN interface to a re-
mote control PC. On the remote control PC, four different
files will be automatically created to independently record
the received on-air signals.

The demodulated content of analog modulated signals

(AM, FM, etc.) is recorded as an audio *.wav file, which
can be replayed using a standard Windows media player,
for example.

Your task The demodulated content of digitally modulated signals

You want to demodulate received signals to extract the (4PSK, 16QAM, etc.) is recorded as a baseband I/Q *.wav
content. You are working in a radiomonitoring environ- file, which can be further analyzed using a signal analysis
ment and may not know which demodulation type and software package (e.g. R&S®CA100). The data format de-
bandwidth are required or when signals will be on air. You scription of the I/Q *.wav file allows third party software to
need to demodulate signals received at different frequen- be used for analysis, e.g. a Matlab® software package (pro-
cies at the same time, but your budget or your installation gramming skills highly recommended).
space and power requirements limit you to a single receiv-
er setup. Additionally, you want to store the demodulated
information either as an audio file or a baseband (I/Q) file
for offline analysis and further evaluation.
Radiomonitoring & Radiolocation
Application Card | 02.00

Demodulation of four channels

in ­parallel with just one receiver

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Application PTT (push-to-talk)
TETRA Push-to-talk communications uses bidirectional data trans-
Per channel, a 25 kHz bandwidth is used (up to 150 kHz fer at one frequency (one demodulation channel needed
for wideband TETRA). Each available demodulation chan- per active communications session) or unidirectional data
nel (one plus three) can be used for recording and offline transfer at two frequencies (two demodulation channels
analysis or decryption (use I/Q demodulation and remote needed). With four DDCs it is possible to capture up to
PC). four independently active bidirectional communications
sessions at the same time.
Per channel, a 200 kHz bandwidth is used (250 kHz ATC (air traffic control)
channel spacing). Up to four neighboring GSM chan- Each 25 kHz wide ATC channel (AM modulated) easily fits
nels can be recorded in parallel per DDC (max. 1 MHz). into one DDC channel. In total, the ATC band does not
This means up to 16 channels are available for docu- ­exceed 20 MHz. Channels distributed somewhere inside
mentation purposes (use I/Q demodulation). the used ATC band can be easily covered.

R&S®EB500 connected to remote control PC for multichannel data storage

R&S®EB500 with R&S®EB500-DDC option installed

E.g. DDC1
120 kHz E.g. DDC2
LAN connection FM
120 kHz E.g. DDC3
Four channels AM
(data streams) 25 kHz E.g. DDC4
in parallel I/Q
1 MHz
Four separate files
R&S®EB500-Control installed on a PC are recorded in parallel to a PC hard drive

R&S®EB500, model .03 with front panel 9 kHz to 6 GHz (fully optioned)
realtime bandwidth 1 kHz to 20 MHz
R&S®EB500, model .02 without front panel 9 kHz to 6 GHz (fully optioned)
realtime bandwidth 1 kHz to 20 MHz
One main demodulation channel for level measurement, demodulation and digital
baseband output (I/Q)
bandwidth 100 Hz to 5 MHz
demodulation modes AM, FM, PM, LSB, USB, LSB, CW, I/Q, PULSE
Three optional digital downconverter (DDC) for level measurement, demodulation and digital
channels baseband output (I/Q)
bandwidth 100 Hz to 1 MHz
demodulation modes AM, FM, LSB, USB, CW, I/Q, PULSE

Designation Type Order No.

Digital Downconverter R&S®EB500-DDC 4072.9500.02
Monitoring Receiver, with control front panel R&S®EB500 4072.5004.03
Monitoring Receiver, without control front panel R&S®EB500 4072.5004.02

Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Europe, Africa, Middle East | +49 89 4129 12345 R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
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North America | 1 888 TEST RSA (1 888 837 87 72) PD 5214.6551.92 | Version 02.00 | May 2014 (sk)
[email protected] R&S®EB500-DDC
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