Demodulation of Four Channels in Parallel With Just One Receiver
Demodulation of Four Channels in Parallel With Just One Receiver
Demodulation of Four Channels in Parallel With Just One Receiver
four channels in can perform the described monitoring tasks easily and
parallel with just one A single monitoring receiver can demodulate (or measure
the level of) up to four signals in parallel. Demodulation
type and bandwidth, as well as the center frequency and
R&S®EB500, model .03 with front panel 9 kHz to 6 GHz (fully optioned)
realtime bandwidth 1 kHz to 20 MHz
R&S®EB500, model .02 without front panel 9 kHz to 6 GHz (fully optioned)
realtime bandwidth 1 kHz to 20 MHz
One main demodulation channel for level measurement, demodulation and digital
baseband output (I/Q)
bandwidth 100 Hz to 5 MHz
demodulation modes AM, FM, PM, LSB, USB, LSB, CW, I/Q, PULSE
Three optional digital downconverter (DDC) for level measurement, demodulation and digital
channels baseband output (I/Q)
bandwidth 100 Hz to 1 MHz
demodulation modes AM, FM, LSB, USB, CW, I/Q, PULSE
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
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