Directory of Cyclotrons Used For Radionuclide Production in Member States
Directory of Cyclotrons Used For Radionuclide Production in Member States
Directory of Cyclotrons Used For Radionuclide Production in Member States
October 2006
The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was: Industrial Applications and Chemistry Section International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramer Strasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria
IAEA, 2006 Printed by the IAEA in Austria October 2006
FOREWORD The present directory of cyclotron facilities used for the production of radionuclides in Member States is an update of the one compiled by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in late 2001 and published in 2002. This directory was prepared through information collected by questionnaires that the IAEA sent to known institutions operating cyclotrons for radionuclide production. Technical as well as administrative data supplied to the IAEA as of November 2005 were taken into account. The directory is considered to include most of the cyclotrons of the world that are used at least partially for radionuclide production. There are 262 entries for cyclotrons operating in 39 Member States of the IAEA. This is an increase of 7% over the 246 reported in the 2002 cyclotron directory. This can be compared to the 350 or so cyclotrons believed to be presently operating in the world, which are involved in some aspects of radionuclide production. The increase has been in the number of cyclotrons in developed countries, but even more so in the developing countries. The increase in number during the last four years was driven by several factors, i.e. advent of advances in medical imaging, introduction of compact, user friendly medical cyclotron, and a recent decision that costs for 15 O-oxygen position emission tomography (PET) studies in Japan and 18F-FDG PET studies in Germany and the United States of America are eligible for reimbursement by government or health insurance companies. There is no doubt that the fastest growing segment of the market is in the commercial distribution of FDG to local hospitals. The IAEA is promoting cyclotron technology as applied to nuclear medicine. Requests for cyclotron technology is steadily increasing; many developing Member States are interested in this technology. There is need to stimulate, build and maintain consulting capability in interested developing Member States. There are good reasons to believe that the number of cyclotron facilities dedicated to the production of PET tracers will continue to grow in the near future, so the need to further update the directory will be assessed in due course, depending on comments and suggestions receiving from users of the directory. This directory will help decision makers and specialists in Member States to draft mid and long term strategies regarding the implementation of cyclotron technology for radioisotope production and their medical applications, as well as for selection of the most suitable alternative. The IAEA wishes to thank D.J. Schlyer of the Brookhaven National Laboratories, USA, for his analysis of the data. The IAEA officer responsible for the compilation of the directory was M. HajiSaeid of the Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences.
This CD-ROM has been prepared from the original material as submitted by contributors. Neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsibility for the information contained on this CDROM. The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
CONTENTS SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1. Argentina......................................................................................................................................... 7 2. Australia........................................................................................................................................ 11 3. Austria........................................................................................................................................... 17 4. Belgium......................................................................................................................................... 21 5. Brazil............................................................................................................................................. 37 6. Canada........................................................................................................................................... 41 7. China............................................................................................................................................. 59 8. Czech Republic ............................................................................................................................. 77 9. Denmark........................................................................................................................................ 81 10. Egypt ........................................................................................................................................... 85 11. Finland ........................................................................................................................................ 87 12. France.......................................................................................................................................... 95 13. Germany.................................................................................................................................... 107 14. Hungary..................................................................................................................................... 153 15. India .......................................................................................................................................... 155 16. Indonesia ................................................................................................................................... 159 17. Iran, Islamic Republic of........................................................................................................... 161 18. Israel.......................................................................................................................................... 163 19. Italy ........................................................................................................................................... 167 20. Japan ......................................................................................................................................... 193 21. Kazakhstan................................................................................................................................ 265 22. Korea, Republic of .................................................................................................................... 267 23. Mexico ...................................................................................................................................... 297 24. Netherlands ............................................................................................................................... 299 25. Norway...................................................................................................................................... 319 26. Philippines................................................................................................................................. 321 27. Poland ....................................................................................................................................... 323 28. Romania .................................................................................................................................... 327 29. Russian Federation.................................................................................................................... 329 30. Saudi Arabia.............................................................................................................................. 347 31. Slovakia..................................................................................................................................... 349 32. South Africa .............................................................................................................................. 351 33. Spain ......................................................................................................................................... 353 34. Sweden...................................................................................................................................... 363 35. Switzerland ............................................................................................................................... 365 36. Syrian Arab Republic................................................................................................................ 371 37. Turkey ....................................................................................................................................... 373 38. United Kingdom........................................................................................................................ 377 39. United States of America .......................................................................................................... 391
SUMMARY The directory of cyclotrons used for radionuclide production in Member States contains technical, utilization and administrative information supplied to the IAEA as of November 2005. It was prepared through information collected by questionnaires sent to institutions that either have a cyclotron or were identified to be in the process of installing a cyclotron. Included in the directory are a significant fraction of the cyclotrons of the world that are used at least in part for radionuclide production. If replies were not received from institutions, it was assumed that the cyclotron is still being used for similar tasks as it was at the time of the last survey. Some institutions reported that older cyclotrons had been shut down and replaced with newer cyclotrons. The questionnaire was, in general, not completed by institutions that have cyclotrons dedicated to physics and/or material science activities. Certain of the institutions constructing superconducting cyclotrons for medical and nuclear physics applications responded even though they are not yet involved in radionuclide production initiatives. The directory is organized alphabetically by Member States and by institutes. There are individual entries for each cyclotron even for institutions having more than one cyclotron. The names, title/position of the persons listed in position in the entries for individual countries were taken directly from the answers in the questionnaires. There are 262 entries for cyclotrons operating in 39 Member States of the IAEA. This is an increase of 7% over the 246 reported in the 2002 cyclotron directory. This can be compared to the 350 or so cyclotrons believed to be presently operating in the world, which are involved in some aspects of radionuclide production. The increase has been in the number of cyclotrons in developed countries, but even more so in the developing countries. Large concentrations of cyclotrons for radionuclide production are located in the United States of America, Japan and Germany. The largest number of cyclotrons for a single country is in the United States of America. However, taken collectively there are more cyclotrons located in the European Union countries that are used for medical radionuclide production. The number of institutions which distribute radiopharmaceuticals and 18F-FDG, in particular, is significant and growing. In this sample, 75% of the cyclotrons are being used to produce FDG, either for internal use or for distribution. This is certainly an underestimate as the commercial suppliers are under represented in this survey. The expansion in the number of cyclotrons during the last 10 years has been driven by the advent of advances in medical imaging instrumentation (PET, SPECT and more recently PET/CT); introduction of user friendly compact medical cyclotrons from several companies that manufacture cyclotrons; and recent decisions that some PET radiopharmaceuticals are eligible for reimbursement by government or insurance companies. There is no doubt that the fastest growing segment of the market is in the commercial distribution of 18F-FDG to local hospitals. Many centers have begun distributing FDG and at present at least 36% of the centers producing FDG are distributing it. Again this is a lower limit rather than an accurate assessment. The satellite approach is cost-effective because it is not necessary for every medical imaging centre to own a cyclotron as a source of shortlived radiopharmaceuticals. 18F-FDG is gaining widespread clinical acceptance for a variety of disease states. The number of types of cyclotrons available commercially is quite large and growing. The energies range from a few MeV for only PET isotope production to a few hundreds MeV for proton therapy or production of radioisotopes requiring these high energies. The beam currents range upwards from 40 to over 1 mA. The characteristics of the machines available for commercial acquisition are shown in Table I.
RDS 111 RDS 112 TR 14 TR 19 TR 19/9 TR30 TR30/15 MGC-20 MiniTrace PETrace Cyclone 3 Cyclone 10/5 Cyclone 18/9 Cyclone 18+ Cyclone 30 Cyclone 235 BC168 BC1710 BC2010N BC2211 BC3015 OSCAR 12 MC17 MC30 MC32NI MC40 MC50 MC60 K130
11 MeV H-, 60A 11 MeV H-, 60A 11-14 MeV H-, 100A 14-19 MeV H-, 160A 19 MeV H-, 9 MeV D-, 160A 30 MeV H-, 100A 30 MeV H-, 15 MeV D-, 160A 18 MeV H-, 10 MeV D-, 160A 9.6 MeV H-, 50A 16.5 MeV H-, 8.6 MeV D-, 80A 3.8 MeV D-, 60A 10 MeV H-, 5 MeV D-, 60A 18 MeV H-, 9 MeV D-, 80A 18 MeV H-, 80A 30 MeV H-, 15 MeV D-, 400A 240 MeV H16 MeV H+, 8 MeV D+, 50A 17 MeV H+, 10 MeV D+, 60A 20 MeV H-, 10 MeV D-, 60A 22 MeV H+, 11 MeV D+, 60A 30 MeV H+, 15 MeV D+, 60A 12 MeV H-, 60A 17.2 MeV H+, 8.3 MeV D+, 60A 12 MeV 3He++, 16.5 4He++, 60A 30 MeV H+, 15 MeV D+, 60A 15-32 MeV H-, 8-16 MeV D-, 60A 11-23 MeV 3He++, 15-31 4He++, 60A 10-40 MeV H+, 5-20 MeV D+, 60A 13-53 MeV 3He++, 10-40 4He++, 60A 18-52 MeV H+, 9-25 MeV D+, 60A 24-67 MeV 3He++, 18-50 4He++, 60A 50 MeV H+, 60A 6-90 MeV H-, 10-65 MeV D-, 60A 16-173 MeV 3He++, 20-130 4He++ 16 MeV H+, 8 MeV D+, 60A 16 MeV H+, 10 MeV D+, 60A 18 MeV H-, 10 MeV D-, 60A 12 MeV H-, 6 MeV D-, 60A 30 MeV H+, 60A 40 MeV H+, 60A 50 MeV H+, 60A 70 MeV H+, 60A 90 MeV H+, 60A 80 MeV H+, 60A 400 MeV H+ (K=400), 60A 240 MeV H+ (K=540), 60A 240 MeV H-, 60A 13 MeV H+, 100 A
Oper. 44 30 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 16 2 3 15 1 16 1 2 7 2 1 1 5 13
Plan 10
5 2
3 6 1 1
CYPRIS 325 CYPRIS 370 HM 18 HM 12 480 AVF AVF 680 AVF 715 AVF 750 AVF 930 AVF 1000 Ring Cyclotron 400 Ring Cyclotron 540 C235 Kirams-13
1 4 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3
Of the respondents to the survey, the number of existing cyclotrons broken down by energy level is given in Fig. 1.
180 160
Number of Cyclotrons
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 <10 MeV 10-20 MeV 20-30 MeV 30-40 MeV 40-100 MeV >100 MeV
Energy Distribution
FIG. 1. Distribution of proton energies as reported by respondents to the IAEA survey. The preponderance of low energy cyclotrons can be clearly seen from the distribution which is very similar to the distribution from the 2002 edition of the directory. Another interesting aspect is the distribution of time being devoted to radioisotope production. This distribution is shown in Figure 2.
80 70
Number of Instutions
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 <5 hrs 5-15 hrs 15-25 hrs 25-35 hrs 35-100 hrs >100 hrs
FIG. 2. Distribution of hours of radioisotope production from the respondents to the IAEA survey.
One interesting aspect of this distribution is that many institutions are spending a very small fraction of the available time in radioisotope production. The cyclotron is idle for a significant fraction of the week. This implies that the cyclotron is not the slow step in clinical applications and that a single cyclotron can support several PET or PET/CT cameras. The other interesting trend is in the compounds that are being synthesized with these radioisotopes. A graph of the number of centres that responded synthesizing these compounds is given in Fig. 3.
Number of Instutions
FIG. 3. Number of reporting institutions that use a particular compound. This figure clearly shows that 18F-FDG is the most widely produced compound at cyclotron facilities world wide. It is now used in many applications in diagnostic nuclear medicine. TABLE II. EXPECTED PRODUCTION YIELDS (MCI) OF SYNTHETIC PRECURSORS OF PET RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS WITH SELECTED PROTON AND DEUTERON ENERGIES AND IRRADIATION AT 20 TO 35 A AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER OF VARIOUS CYCLOTRONS. Precursor
12 MeV p only 1500 1000 1250 750 200 1000 500 500 750 700
10 MeV p + 5 MeV d 1000 350 350 250 100 >150/min. >75/min. >150/min. 200 >500
18 MeV p + 9 MeV d 2800 1400 700 1200 450 1200 700 700 1000 800 300
One of the areas of current research is on the development of very high current targets that can produce several curies of fluorine-18 for synthesis of 18F-FDG. This type of target is advantageous for production facilities where distribution of 18F-FDG is being carried out on a routine basis.
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: ARGENTINA ARG-1 Comisin Nacional de Energia Atmica (CNEA) Avenida del Libertador 8250 1429 Buenos Aires +54 11 4379 8250 [email protected] +54 11 4480 0615 Mr. Carmelo Rocco Head of the Facility Mr. Ortega Daniel, in charge of Operation and Maintenance Mr. Guevara Ernesto, in charge of Radiochemistry YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1994 (II) UPGRADE: Beam current increase
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Isochronous, CYCLOTRON: negative ion MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron Corporation CP - 42 MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 25/42 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 150 Typical beam employed ( A) 100 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 29 22 7 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): 123 123 I, I iodide and other compounds, 67Ga, 111In [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s and how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals Yes No carried out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
7 1
F RADIONUCLIDE PRODUCTION Production Typical % Isotopic production enrichment 18 yield (GBq) O used
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15 4 weekly
Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ Sales Yes No No Yes Yes No
Price /GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield Frequency of (list) on batch, GBq production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch Frequency of production Nuclear reaction Price/ (list) (GBq) used GBq OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production Sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl 37 2 monthly Yes No Yes No US$ 324 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) The production of high purity 123I is a project that was carried out under the IAEAs Technical Co-operation Programme (ARG/4/085). The IAEA supported the CNEA efforts to set up required facilities including different system provision of expert and personnel training.
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion hospital CYCLOTRON: cyclotron MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: This cyclotron is not self-shielded. This is installed inside a bunker. All the support equipment is located in different rooms. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 8 2 3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): 15 O, 11C [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
ARGENTINA ARG-2 Fundacin Escuela de Medicina Nuclear Garibaldi 405, CP 5500 Mendoza 1429 +54 261 4201 615 (1ext. 564; 2ext. 562; 3 ext. 508) [email protected] +54 261 4203 288 Ing. Enrique R. Noya Electronic Engineer Head of Operation and Maintenance Dr. Fernando Spigatin2, Head of Radiochemical Laboratory Ing. Norma Acosta3, Head of Radiological Security YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1997 (II) UPGRADE:
9 3
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10 5/week
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 4 6/week
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: AUSTRALIA AUL-1 Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre Studley Road, Heidelberg, VIC 3084 +61 3 9496 3995 [email protected] +61 3 9496 5892 Dr. Henri Tochon-Danguy Senior Radiochemist Dr. John Sachinidis, Radiochemist Dr. Uwe Ackermann, Radiochemist Mr. Stan Poniger, Cyclotron/Robotic Engineer YEAR OF: 1992 (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE: 1996 (new sources) 2001 (remote start-up & control) H 5 20 8
2 3
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 25 25 1 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): 124 I, [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 4 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
11 5
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 24 7/week 18 F MISO 2 1/week 18 FLT 2 2/month 18 FA85380 2 1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production PIB 2 2/week SCH23390 2 1/month Ro151788 2 2/month Choline 2 2/month PK11195 2 2/month 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
20 15
Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N[d, n] 15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 1/min OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. S. Carr POSITION: Director, Radiopharmaceuticals OTHER SENIOR STAFF: D. Arnott NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION 1991 MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: 1997 MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 140 90 60 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): [9] [10] [11] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
AUSTRALIA AUL-2 Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organization (ANSTO) Radiopharmaceutical Division New Illawarra Road +61 2 9717 9079 [email protected]
No No No No No
13 7
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ Sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Superconducting YEAR OF: (I) 1998 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Oxford (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: 12 MeV [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 12 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 80 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 13 12 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): 18 F-AZA, 18F-LT [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F, Wesley Private Hospital/ 2-3 times/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal 1 (Jan. 2002 delivery) Plant biochemistry No [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
AUSTRALIA Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute 12 Cathedral Place East Melbourne 3002, Victoria +61 3 9656 1852 [email protected] +61 3 9656 1826 Dr. Rodney J. Hicks Associate Professor/Director, PET Centre Mr. Peter Eu, Radiochemist
15 9
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 6.5 1-2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
10 16
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: AUSTRIA ARGOS Zyklotron Betriebs-Ges.m.b.H. LKH Klagenfurt, PET-Zentrum NMSE St. Veiter Str. 47, A-9026 Klagenfurt +43 (0) 463 500 705 +43 (0) 463 500 705 14 AUS-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Dirk W. Becker POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Dipl. Ing. Mustafa Skenderi, QC NAME/POSITION Stefan Weber, Leading Technician [3] TYPE OF PT YEAR OF: 1999 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GE Medical Systems (II) UPGRADE: PET Trace MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16 8.5 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 75 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 32 30 1 1 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Isotope production [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): (18F) FLT, 124I, 86Y [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
17 11
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production FDG 65 DOPA 10 MISO 30 Fluoride 150 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionin Cholin
20 13
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price /GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
12 18
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: GE Uppsala MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 Maximum beam available ( A) 75 Typical beam employed ( A) 40
AUSTRIA AUS-2 sterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf Department of Radiopharmaka A-2444 Seibersdorf +43 0 50 550 3470 [email protected] +43 0 50 550 3473 Dr. Peter Angelberger Department Head Dr. Herbert Kvaternik, Deputy YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE:
2 3 4
H 8.4 60 40
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 15 10 4 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Further 18F radiopharmaceuticals [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
19 13
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
20 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 65 5/week FDOPA 2 2/month
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
14 20
2005 [1] COUNTRY INSTITUTE: BELGIUM BEL 1 ULB/Erasme hospital 808 Lennik street, B-1070 Brussel [email protected] Dr. S.Goldman Doctor in medicine M.Monclus (PhD, radiochemist) M.Kadiata (PhD, radiochemist) J.Van Naemen (cyclotron engineer) YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1990 (II) UPGRADE: 1999-2006
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OFCYCLOTRON: Negative ion MANUFACTURER: IBA MODEL: Cyclone-30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 200 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radio. product maintenance applications 20 3 2.5 1 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: 20 Radiography: 0 Materials science: 0 Proton therapy: 0 Physics: 0 Neutron therapy: 0 Activation analysis: 0 Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F labeled amino acid and derivatives [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 0 Gamma camera 4 Single photon tomography (SPET) 4 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 - Clinical 2 - Small animal 0 - Plant biochemistry 0 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
21 15
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1.5 ml
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 67 254/year 18 F MPPF 2 10/year 18 F F2 5/year 18 F 2 5/year phenylalanine 18 F FET 2 10/year 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C methionine 8 154
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 16 O(p,pn)15O
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production 10
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
16 22
2005 [1]
Country: Institute:
Telephone no.: E-mail address: Fax No.: [2] Person in charge: Position: Other senior staff: Name/Position [3] Type of cyclotron: Isochronous Year of: (i) installation 1977 Manufacturer: CGR-MeV (France) (ii) upgrade: 1982 Model: 520 [4] Cyclotron characteristics: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 2.5 24 3 14.5 6 32 10 29 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 100 60 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 5 [5] Cyclotron operation: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20-30 10 10-20 <1 [6] Cyclotron applications: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: <1 Activation analysis: <1 Other (specify) PIXE 10-20 [7] Is the cyclotron used to produce: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Tracers 1 207 Bi 0.4 MBq Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No En = 7MeV [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
BELGIUM Institute of Nuclear Sciences University of Ghent Proeftuinstraat 86, B-9000 Gent +32 9 264 6616 [email protected] +32 9 264 6699 Professor Dr. Karel Strijckmans Professor
23 17
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F radiopharmaceuticals produced Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 18 FDG 4 seronotin receptor antagonist
20 11
Price/ GBq
Yes Yes C radiopharmaceuticals produced Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) PK 11195 4 CAMPRAL 4 new research molecules N radiopharmaceuticals produced Name Typical yield on (list) batch (GBq)
No No
Yes Yes
No No Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
O radiopharmaceuticals produced Name Typical yield on line Frequency of production Nuclear reaction Price/ (list) (GBq) used GBq 14 4 GBq min-1 <1/week N(d, n) 15O O2 14 CO2 4 GBq min-1 <1/week N(d, n) 15O -1 14 CO 2 GBq min <1/week N(d, n) 15O Other isotopes produced Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBql 81 81m Rb Kr 0.6 2/week Yes No Yes No 48 V <1/week Yes No Yes No 114 In <1/week Yes No Yes No 75 Se <1/week Yes No Yes No 74 As <1/week Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No Comments: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
18 24
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Isochronous CYCLOTRON: Cyclotron HMANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 15 - 30 Maximum beam available ( A) 400 Typical beam employed ( A) 400
BELGIUM MDS Nordion S.A. Zone Industrielle B-6220 Fleurus +32 10 829 211 +32 10 829 696 Dr. Claude Pirarat Manager, Radiochemical Production
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 160 160 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Yes [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of No institution/s & how often? Bulk 201Tl Europe, North and South America, 123I, 201Tl Europe (OEM manufacturing) [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
25 19
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 123 I 100 250 4/week 201 Tl 150 - 300 5/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
20 26
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: BELGIUM BEL-4 Universite catholique de Louvain Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron 2, Chemin du Cyclotron, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve +32 10 472 998 [email protected] +32 10 452 183 Mr. Guido Ryckewaert Director Mr. Daniel Labar Head of Radiochemistry YEAR OF:
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Compact HCYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: UCL/IBA, s.a. MODEL: Prototype Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 15 30 Maximum beam available ( A) 350 Typical beam employed ( A) 50/300
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30 4 15 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: 15 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): [9] [10] [11] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
27 21
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 40 daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 16 O (p, pn)15O
Price/G Bq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 5 monthly Methionine 5 weekly Flumazenil 5 monthly N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production NH4OH 5 weekly
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 1 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
22 28
2005 [1]
BELGIUM BEL-5 Universite catholique de Louvain Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron 2, Chemin du Cyclotron, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve +32 10 472 998 [email protected] +32 10 452 183 Mr. Guido Ryckewaert Director Mr. Daniel Labar Head of Radiochemistry (I) 1969-1972
3 4
He 15 145
He 20 - 110
Maximum beam available ( A) 30 20 5 20 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 10 5 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 150 8 4 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? To two centres, sporadically. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry No [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
29 23
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 28 Mg 20 MBq 52 Fe 0,2 2 MBq 94,95,96 Tc 0,1 0,01 MBq 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
24 30
2005 [1]
IBA, s.a. 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 35 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30 10 20 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) PET/30 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Several radiopharmaceuticals specific for receptoe and gene expression imaging. [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
BELGIUM BEL-6 Universite de Liege Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron Sart Tilman, B-4000 Liege +32 4 366 2360 [email protected] +32 4 366 2946 Dr. A. Luxen Director C. Brihaye, Senior Radiochemist G. Del Fiore, Senor Radiochemist C. Lemaire, Senior Radiochemist A. Plenevaux, Senior Radiochemist, Aerts/Pharmacist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1999 (II) UPGRADE:
31 25
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
4 Ci
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 75 250/year FTyrosine 11 12/year FDopa 11 12/year
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 0.37
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
26 32
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1990 CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 10/5 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 10 5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 70 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 45 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 5 4 0 1 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 0 Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 0 Small animal 0 Plant biochemistry 0 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
BELGIUM BEL-7 University of Leuven (KUL) Department of Nuclear Medicine, U.Z. Gasthuisberg Herestraat 49 B-3000 Leuven +32 16 34 3715 [email protected] +32 16 34 3759 Luc Mortelmans, MD, PhD. Head of Nuclear Medicine
33 27
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
#1 20 GBq #2 70 GBq
#1 0,5 mL #2 2 mL
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 350 GBq 1-2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 2 1/week Acetate 2 0,5/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N H3 2 3/week
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
28 34
2005 [1]
PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVR CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: CGR France MODEL: 560 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: All beams are extracted with an electrostatic deflector average 50%. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 5-42 10-22 20-50 20-43 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 100 10 20 Typical beam employed ( A) 2-30 8 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 2 3 2 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 7 Proton therapy: Physics: 3 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No En > 25 MeV. Thin targets neutron TOF spectroscopy [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Neurotensin analogues; 18F peptides and aromatic amino acids; Pd- 103 for research labelling and rodent studies; 188 Rh 186Rh [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? RUG , SCK [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? In academic hospitals Nuclear Medicine [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera >3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical From June 2001 Small animals collaboration with RUG Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience Yes No
BELGIUM Vrije Universiteit Brussels Eenheid Cyclotron Laarbeeklaan 103, B-1090 Brussels +32 2 4774 864 or +32 2 477 4860 [email protected] [email protected] +32 2 477 4855 Professor A. Hermanne Head, Cyclotron Department Professor P. Van den Winkel Professor J. Mertens YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1983 (II) UPGRADE:
35 29
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 8 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 37
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
2-4 /week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Stopped in 1996
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Additional labelled compounds: 77 Br, 56Co, 123I , 111In, 206Tl neurotensin analogues, 123I peptides and aromatic amino acids
30 36
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: BRAZIL BRA-1 Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN) Caixa Postal 68550, Cidade Universitria S/N Ilha do Fundo 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro RJ +55 21 560-4113 ext. 2184 [email protected] Dr. Julio Cezar Suita Head, Radiopharmaceutical Division Ana Maria Silvera Braghirolli Jos Antnio Dias Furlaneto Jackson Louis Queiroz de Britto Migual ngelo Valle Bastos YEAR OF: 1975 (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE:
The Cyclotron Corporation MODEL: CV-28 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Variable energy and multiparticle 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 24 14 36 28 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 75 30 25 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 32 20 4 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Occasionally Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Occasionally X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Occasionally Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) 17 MeV Yes No Occasionally [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): n-isopropyl para-iodine anphetamine labelled with 123I [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
37 31
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (ml)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
20 18
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction Price/ (list) used GBq OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I 15 3/week Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Meta iodinebenzilguanine labelled with 123I has also been produced.
32 38
2005 [1]
Fixed field, fixed frequency INSTALLATION TBA, S.A. (II) UPGRADE: Cyclone - 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 15-30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 500 Typical beam employed ( A) 200 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 18 2 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): 201 Tl, 111In [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Hospitals and medical centers/ weekly [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
BRAZIL BRA-2 Instituto de Pesquisas Energticas e Nucleares IPEN/CNENSP Travesa , R, 400, Cidade Universitria CEP 05508-900, So Paulo, SP +55 11 3816 9275/ 9265 [email protected] +55 11 3816 9263 Dr. Wanderley de Lima Head, Cyclotron Laboratory Dra. C. Pagano G. da Silva, Head Radioisotope Department Uylton Matsoda Valdir Sciani YEAR OF: (I) 1998
39 33
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production FDG 500 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/sales Yes Yes Yes No No No
Price/G Bq
Price/G Bq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/G Bq
Frequency of production
Price/G Bq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/G (list) (GBq) production sales Bq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga 50 1/week Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I 20 1/week Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) As of June 2001, MIBG 123I, HEPPURAN 123I and radiopharmaceutical for neuroreceptors are produced.
34 40
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: CANADA Clark Institute of Psychiatry 250 College Street Toronto, ON M5T 1R8 +1 416 979 4651 +1 416 979 4656 Dr. Sylvain Houle Head, PET Centre Allan A. Wilson Jean Da Silva YEAR OF: (I)
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Fixed energy CYCLOTRON: isochronous MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix MODEL: MC-17 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 17 Maximum beam available ( A) 15-60 Typical beam employed ( A) 10-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 20-25 20-22 [6]
2 3 4
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
41 35
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 F-FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/G Bq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C-raclopride
Price/G Bq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/G Bq
Frequency of production
Price/G Bq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/G (list) (GBq) production sales Bq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
36 42
2005 [1]
OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: Advanced Cyclotron MANUFACTURER: Systems MODEL: TR19/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 19 9 Yes x No Maximum beam available ( A) 200 100 200 Typical beam employed ( A) 75 20 75 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 30 30 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (Medical research) 30 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No X [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Radionuclides: 124I, 64Cu, 86Y Radiopharmaceuticals: Development of new tracers to study metabolic processes in cancer. [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes X No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Foothills Hospital, Calgary. 3 4/week Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg. 3 -4/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes X No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No X agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No X [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes X No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes X No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
CANADA CAN -2 Edmonton PET Centre, Cross Cancer Institute Edmonton, AB, T6G 1Z2, Canada 780-989-4311 [email protected] 780-432-8483 Steve McQuarrie, PhD Director, Cyclotron Operations and Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta John Wilson, PhD Sr. Cyclotron Operator YEAR OF: 2001 (I) INSTALLATION: N/A (II) UPGRADE:
43 37
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
0 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 0 O (, x) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 50 - 100 3/day 18 FES 2 - 10 1/week 18 FLT 2 - 10 1/week 18 FAZA 2 - 10 3/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C-choline
Distribution/ sales Yes X No Yes No X Yes No X Yes No X Distribution/ sales Yes No X Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/G Bq
Price/G Bq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/G Bq
Frequency of production
Price/G Bq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I < 0.05 1 4 /month Yes X No Yes No X 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) The Edmonton PET centre is a basic science and translational research centre whose mission is the discovery, elucidation and clinical evaluation of the molecular mechanisms associated with cancer.
38 44
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF RDS 112 YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Negative ion cyclotron 1 2 H H Beam energies (MeV) 10 Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 5 3 [6]
CANADA CAN-3 Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation Department of Nuclear Medicine Mc Master Site, 1200 Main Street West, Room 1 P 6 Hamilton, ON L8N3Z5 +1 905 521 2100 ext. 76893/73025 [email protected] +1 905 546 1125 Dr. Raman Chirakal Radiochemist Jia Juen Chen (I) (II) UPGRADE:
3 4
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 3 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Research - 2 IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Ottawa Heart Institute, 1/week Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
45 39
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production FDG 10 6/week J6 F MT 1.12 1/week J6 - FDOPA 0.3 2/month
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production ACETATE 0.3 2/month
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production AMMONIA 0.8 4/week
Price/ GBq
O(p, ) 13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) WATER 5.6
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
40 46
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 18 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 30-40
CANADA Montreal Neurological Institute McGill University 3801, University Street Montreal, Quebec H3A2BA +1 514 398 8526 [email protected] +1 514 398 8540 Prof. Mirko Diksic Dean Jolly YEAR OF:
H 9 60 20
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20-30 20-30 2-3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
47 41
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 F-FDG 18 F-DOPA 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C-RO Deprenyl -methylL-trypotophan Bensotropine PK-11195 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
42 48
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF H- / sector-focused CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: EBCO MODEL: TR30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 30 Maximum beam available ( A) 1200 Typical beam employed ( A) 1000
CANADA TRIUMF 4004 Westbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3 +1 604 222 1047 [email protected] +1 604 222 1074 Dr. Stefan K. Zeisler Manager, Applied Technology Groups Mr. R. Van Den Elzen YEAR OF:
1990 1995
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 168 148 20 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
49 43
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
3/week ~5/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Yields and prices of commercial products are confidential and cannot be reported.
44 50
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF H- / sector-focused CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: EBCO MODEL: TR30-2 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 30 Maximum beam available ( A) 1200 Typical beam employed ( A) 1000 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 168 148 [6]
CANADA TRIUMF 4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3 +1 604 222-7364 [email protected] +1 604 221-0436 Dr. Stefan K. Zeisler Manager, Applied Technology Group Mr. R. van den Elzen YEAR OF:
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
No No No No No
51 45
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
~7/week 3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may include names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Yields and prices of commercial products are confidential and cannot be reported.
46 52
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF 520 MeV H-/ YEAR OF: (I) CYCLOTRON: sector-focused INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: TRIUMF (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Isotope production beam line only 1 2 3 H H He Beam energies (MeV) 500 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 70 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 144 [6]
CANADA TRIUMF 4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3 +1 604 222-7364 [email protected] +1 604 221-0436 Dr. Stefan K. Zeisler Manager, Applied Technology Group Mr. R. van den Elzen 1962 1997
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
53 47
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 82 Sr/ 82Rb, Mo(p, spall) ~ 8 targets/year
48 54
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF H-/sector-focused CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron Corporation MODEL: CP42 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 42 Maximum beam available ( A) 200 Typical beam employed ( A) 180 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 168 158 [6]
CANADA TRIUMF 4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3 +1 604 222-7364 [email protected] +1 604 221-0436 Dr. Stefan K. Zeisler Manager, Applied Technology Group Mr. R. van den Elzen YEAR OF:
1980 1991
[8] [9]
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? University of British Columbia, Botany Department, 1-2 times/week Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
[10] [11]
No No No No No
55 49
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N NO3 7 1/week O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list)
Price/ GBq
O(p, )
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
1/month 3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Yields and prices of commercial products are confidential and cannot be reported.
50 56
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion, CYCLOTRON: sector focused MANUFACTURER: EBCO MODEL: TR13 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 13 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 25 15 [6]
CANADA UBC/TRIUMF PET Programme 4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3 +1 604 222 1047 [email protected] +1 604 222 1074 Dr. Thomas Ruth PET Director/Senior Research Scientist Ken Buckley, PET Project Engineer YEAR OF:
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: 2 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Same as below. Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Various, on request Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 3 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
No No No No No
57 51
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
F 2 18.5 F -26
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 3.7 1/week 18 F SETOPERONE 1.8 1/week 18 F DOPA 0.8 2/week 18 F EF5 0.8 <1/week 18 F FHBG 0.8 <1/week 18 F FLT 0.8 <1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 1.1 3/week Schering23390 1.1 <1/week Carfentanil 1.1 <1/week DHTBZ 1.1 3/week NK 1.1 <1/week Methylphenidate 1.1 3/week Pk 11195 1.1 <1/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 3.0 3/week NOX
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O (p, )
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 11 C PMP, 1.1 GBq, 1/week
52 58
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: CHINA China Institute of Atomic Energy P.O. Box 275 (99) Beijing 102413 +86 01 69358090 +86 01 69357195 Dr. Li Da Kang Zhao Gui Zhi; Zhao Zhen Lu Shen de Heng Xu Shu He (I) YEAR OF:
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: IBA sa MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 15-30 Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 100-220 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 4 days/week 4 days/week [6]
2 3 4
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 123 186 I, Re Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? No Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 57Co to USA 1 per month Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
59 53
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
54 60
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11.1 Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 38.5 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 18 12 [6]
CHINA Guangdong Province People's Hospital 96 Dong Chuan Road Guangzhou 5 10 100 +11 86 20 8382 7812 +11 86 20 8382 5453 Dr. Tang Au-Wu
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
61 55
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d,) 18F 16 O ( , d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production FDG 30 4/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes Yes Yes No No No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production AMMONIA
Price/ GBq
O (p , ) 13N
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
56 62
2005 [1]
1 2
CHINA Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Ltd. Department of Radiology & Radiotherapy 2 Village Road, Happy Valley Hong Kong +11 852 2835 8989
+11 852 2835 8825 Dr. C.L. Ho Director, Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET Dr. David W.C. Young, Deputy Director Mr. Steve H.Q. Sitt, Manager Dr. M.K. Cheung, Radiochemist YEAR OF: (I) 1998
3 4
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 6 5 18F; 1 11C 1 6 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 15 O-oxygen; 18F-Fluoroestradiol, 18F-choline, 18F-fluoro--methyltyrosine, 18F-DOPA [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
63 57
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
~ 37
Ne(d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG ~ 15 5 batches/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate ~ 3.7 1-2/week Choline ~ 3.7 1/month Methionine ~ 3.7 1/ month N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia ~ 1.8 1/month
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
58 64
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Zhi-Gang Tang/senior Engineer NAME/POSITION Zheng-Hao Liu/Professor NAME/POSITION Ming-Da Hua/Professor [3] TYPE OF Positive ion YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION 1997 MANUFACTURER: TCC (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: CS-22 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Our CS-22 will be used to produce radiopharmaceuticals in 2002. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 22 11 29 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications [6] h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F, 67 Ga, 111In, 18 FDG, 18F - DOPA Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE microSPECT Number 1
CHINA CPR-4 Key Laboratory of Radiopharmaceuticals (Beijing Normal University), Ministry of Education of China Beijing Normal University Beijing ,100875 , P. R. China +86-01-6220 7786 [email protected] +86-01-62207786 Professor Lin Zhu
Next year
Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
No No No No No
65 59
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 18 F - DOPA
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
60 66
2005 [1]
CHINA CPR-5 Institute of Applied Chemistry Beijing Normal University Bejing Cyclotron Produced Radiopharmaceutical Laboratory 100875 Beijing, China P.R. +86 01 6220 7786 or 8396 [email protected] +86 01 6220 0567 Professor Bo Li Liu Dean of Radiochemistry Huang Zheng Xing Professor Liu Zheng Hao Zhang Hui Xing Chen Ru Yi YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1986 (II) UPGRADE:
2 3 4
H 26 200 110
H 15 200
He 30 100
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
67 61
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O ( , d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/G Bq
Price/G Bq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/G Bq
Frequency of production
Price/G Bq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/G Bq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
62 68
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +86 10 652 33129 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Chien Chou POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) YEAR OF: 1998 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 35-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 48 2-3 1-2 1-2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence EXACT HR + Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
CHINA Peking Union Medical College Hospital Nuclear Medicine Department PET Centre Beijing 100730 +86 10 652 33129
No No No No No
69 63
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
14.8 - 29.6
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O ( , d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 7.4 11.1 2-3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/G Bq
Price/G Bq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/G Bq
Frequency of production
Price/G Bq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/G Bq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 18 F-FEthyltyrosine: not in clinical trial yet.
64 70
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 400 Typical beam employed ( A) 150 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 50 50 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
CHINA Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research P.O. Box 800-204 201800 Shanghai +86 21 5955 3634 [email protected] +86 21 5955 2509 Professor Wang Yongxian Director Cao Benhong Gao Wenzhao Yuyi YEAR OF: (I) 1996
No No No No No
71 65
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O ( ,d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 5500 - 7400 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/G Bq
Price/G Bq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/G Bq
Frequency of production
Price/G Bq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 12950 - 14800 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 14800- 16650 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/G Bq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
66 72
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 8 4 [6]
CHINA The PLA General Hospital 28 Fuxing Road Beijing 100853 +86 10 6693 9424 [email protected] or [email protected] +86 10 681 31142 Professor Jia-he Tian Jinming Zhang YEAR OF:
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
73 67
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d,) 18F 16 O ( ,d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production FDG 18.5 2-4/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p, n ) 15O
Price/G Bq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 3.7 1-2/week Methioine 2 0-1/week RACLOPRIDE 2 0-1/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production AMMONIA 1.5 2/week
15 13
Price/G Bq
Price/G Bq
O(p, ) 13N
Price/G Bq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/G Bq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
68 74
2005 [1]
CHINA Zibo Wanjie Hospital Boshan, Zibo Shandong +86 533 4650 000 8730 +86 533 4650 830 Dr. Sun Qiyin Wang Ming Fang Zhao Jun Wang Changqing Li Jiamin (I) YEAR OF:
2 3 4
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20-30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 6 5 [6]
H 16.5
[8] [9]
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C, 15O, 82Rb Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
[10] [11]
No No No No No
75 69
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
70 76
1 2
CZECH REPUBLIC Nuclear Physics Institute Rez near Prague, 25068 Rez +420 2 6617 3613 [email protected] +420 2 20941130 Ing. Jan Stursa, MSc. Head of the Cyclotron Division J. Kucera, Deputy Head J. Lacman, Control System M. Cihak, Beam Dynamics (I) YEAR OF:
1977 First beam 1992 Axial injection 1997 H-, D- Beams 2000 New beam line He 20-40 3 3
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 78 62 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
He 17-53 3 3
h/week for maintenance 1 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify) - Stent activation
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) = 15 MeV Yes No 7 RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): 86 Y, 123I Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) - Clinical - Small animal - Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
77 71
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 45 12/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 4 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 4 211 At 1
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 81 Rb/81mKr radionuclide generator, 3/week, not used on site, distribution yes.
72 78
2005 [1]
CZECH REPUBLIC CZR-2 Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc 250 68 Rez +42 02 572 16 982 or +42 02 570 90 616 mailto:[email protected] or ami@ +4202 572 15 949 Ing. Michal Antos Head, Department of PET Radiopharmaceuticals Ing. Karel Mudra, Cyclone Operator Ing. Petr Kopecky, Vice Director Division of Radiopharmaceuticals YEAR OF: (I) 1999
2 3 4
H 9 40
not used
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 36 36 [6]
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: 18 Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No F -5 GBq/year Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): 18 F- FDG, 11C- labelled pharmaceuticals Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Yellow Hill Hospital Brno,FDG twice per day Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 0 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 1xPET, 1xPET/CT - Clinical x - Small animal - Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
79 73
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
140/2hrs-large 65/1,5hrs-medium
32g/week totally
Not used Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 Not used O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 50 large volume 2x/ day 18 FDG 20-medium 1x/ day volume
20 11
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Routine production of FDG only Monday to Thursday 3 batches per day, Friday to Sunday 2 batches per day.
74 80
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: DENMARK University Hospital of Copenhagen Cyclotron and PET Unit, KF 3982 Blegdamsvej 9, DK 2100 Copenhagen +45 3545 3915 [email protected] +45 3545 3898 Dr. Mikael Jensen Physicist-in-Chief Holger Jensen, Physicist Nic Gillings, Chemist Jacob Madsen, Chemist YEAR OF: (I) 1992
MODEL: MC 32-NI CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 32 16 32 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 80 30 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 10 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30-40 25 5 2 0-8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: 1 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Space component tests [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C FLB 457 [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [4] [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 6 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
No No No No No
81 75
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 25 2-3/week 18 F -ALTANSERIN 4 1/week
Yes Yes C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
No No
Yes Yes
No No Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N (d, n ) 15O 14 N (d, n ) 15O 14 N (d, n ) 15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 2 2-8/week
Price/ GBq
O (p, ) 13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water on line 8 hours/week CO on line OO on line OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I 0.1 5/year Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At 1 1/week Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) The home of : gas phase Methyl iodine - 11C, 10C - carbon dioxide Production of 81Rb/ 81mKr generators 16/week 12 GBq/week.
76 82
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Compact, negative CYCLOTRON: ion MANUFACTURER: General Electric MODEL: Pettrace (II) UPGRADE: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Beam energies (MeV) 16,5 8 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 60 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance production 40 36 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] [9] [10] [11]
DENMARK The Hevesy Laboratory Ris National Lab P.O.Box 49, DK 4000 Roskilde, Denmark +45 4677 5300 [email protected] +45 4677 5347 Mikael Jensen Professor Head of Programme Lars Martiny Radiochemist Palle Rasmussen Physicist Dennis Ringkjbing Radiochemist Sorin Aburel YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 2004
Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes x No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No X Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes X No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes X No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
83 77
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 100 2/week 18 FDOPA 0.4 1/month 18 Fluoride 0.5 1/month 18 FMISO 2 1/month 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 0.5 1/week PK11195 0.5 1/month Acetate 5 1/month Methonine 3 1/month 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 4 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes X No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction Price/ (list) used GBq 14 Water 3 daily N(d,n) 14 Oxygen 6 1/week N(d,n) 14 CO 3 1/week N(d,n) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu 3 1/mo Yes x No Yes x No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
78 84
2005 [1] COUNTRY INSTITUTE: EGYPT Cyclotron Project, Nuclear Research Center Atomic Energy Authority, 13759, Egypt +(202)4620786 EGY-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +(202)4620786 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Ppof.Dr. Sh.M. Saad TITLE/POSITION: Supervisor OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Prof.Dr. M.N.H. Comsan NAME/POSITION Prof.Dr. Z.A. Saleh NAME/POSITION Dr. S. Abdel-Samad [3] TYPE OF AVF YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION: NIIEFA 2000 MANUFACTURER: (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MGC-20 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 5-18 3-10 8-24 6-20 Yes No X Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 25 25 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 -10 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 40 Not yet 30 10 -[6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): I-123, Ga-67, In-111, Cu-64 [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No X If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No X out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes X No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes X No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes X No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
85 79
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
In plan
In plan
In plan
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Trial Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Trial Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Trial Yes No Yes No 123 I Trial Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
80 86
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: FINLAND FIN-1 Laboratory of Radiochemistry University of Helsinki, Department of Chemistry P.O. Box 55, 00014 University of Helsinki +358 9191 50133 [email protected] +358 9191 50121 Dr. Kerttuli Helariutta , Senior Laboratory Manager Martti Hakanen, Laboratory Manager
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) YEAR OF: 1997 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: Cyclone 10/5 MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 10 5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 80 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 10-20 Not yet used [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications ~ 4.5 ~4 ~ 0.5 ~1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: A couple of times Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No 57 Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Co 109 X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Ag Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 124 64 I, Cu , 86Y [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Hospitals (Helsinli, Tampere, Lahti, Kuojno) 1-3 times/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) - Clinical - Small animal - Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
87 81
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 1-3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) We are still in the beginning of using Cyclotron. Probably this year, the production of radionuclides will increase significantly.
82 88
2005 [1]
FINLAND Turku PET Centre Turku University Central Hospital Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8 FIN-20520 Turku +358 2 313 1860 [email protected] +358 2 313 2882 Mr. Hannu Sipil Chemist Mika Ters, Hospital Physicist Kari Lindberg, Technician Jukka Kaikkonen, Technician (I) YEAR OF: 1992
2 3 4
H 3-7 60 5-35
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 14 14 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: 14 Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 4 Positron emission tomography (PET) 4 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
89 83
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N (d, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) H2 O 0.2 1.4 4 days/week CO 2.6 0-1 days/week 1.2 0-1 day/week O2 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
84 90
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: D.V. Efremov Institute MODEL: MGC-20 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 3-20 Maximum beam available ( A) 30 Typical beam employed ( A) 300 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 42 32 [6]
FINLAND FIN-3 Turku PET Centre Accelerator Laboratory bo Akademi, Porthansgatan 3 FIN-20500 Turku +358 2 2654 608 [email protected] +358 2 2654 912 Dr. Sven-Johan Heselius Director Olof Solin; Jrgen Bergman; Jan-Olof Lill; Ulf Hllsten; Stefen Johansson; Erkki Stenvall; Per Olof Eriksson (I) YEAR OF: 1974
He 9-28 20 80
He 12-21 20 80
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? . Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 2 Gamma camera 4 Single photon tomography (SPET) 4 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
91 85
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced
86 92
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Isochronous CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: JYFL, Scandinotrix MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: E = q2 m 130 MeV 1 2 H H Beam energies (MeV) 5-70 5-65 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 30-50 0.1 - 10
FINLAND FIN-4 University of Jyvskyl Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35 40351 Jyvskyl +358 14 260 2350 [email protected] +358 14 260 2351 Professor Esko Liukkonen Professor Pauli Heikkinen, in charge of Accelerator Physics Hannu Koivisto, in charge of Ion Sources Teuvo Poikolainen, Radiation Safety Officer YEAR OF: (I) 1990-92 (II) UPGRADE:
3 4
He 15 - 168 20 0.1 - 10
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 120 18 20 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 20 Proton therapy: Physics: 120 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? . [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
93 87
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ (list) (GBq) production sales 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I 150 1/week Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced
Price/ GBq
88 94
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: FRANCE Centre Antoine Lacassagne Laboratoire du Cyclotron 227, Avenue de la Lanterne, 06200 Nice +33 4 920 31070 [email protected] +33 4 920 31095 Dr. Pierre Mandrillon Head of Cyclotron Laboratory Donadey Trimud Giusto YEAR OF: (I) 1991 FRA-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Compact isochronous CYCLOTRON: - negative ion INSTALLATION Centre Antoine (II) UPGRADE: MANUFACTURER: Lacassagne MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 65 65 65 65 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 40 40 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 0.1 - 25 0.1 - 25 0.1 - 25 0.1 - 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30 10 20 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: 20 Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
95 89
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 150
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
90 96
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF K50 isochronous CYCLOTRON: CGR MeV MANUFACTURER: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 36 25 65 50 Yes No X Maximum beam available ( A) 50 40 10 5 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 40 5 5 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 64 6 30 8 20 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 30 Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: 20 Activation analysis: 5 Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes X No 25 [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F for FDG and fluoride, 11C, 81mKr, 64Cu, 123I, [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No X If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No X out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal 1 in end 2006 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No X agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? X No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
FRANCE FRA-2 CNRS/CERI 3a rue de la Frollerie 45071 Orlans cedex 2 France +33238255410 [email protected] +33238630271 Gilbert Blondiaux Director J.Briaud : Technical director L.Le Polotec : assistant of the technical director M.F.Barthe : leader of the research staff YEAR OF: 1974 (I) INSTALLATION: upgraded continuous by the technical staff from 1998(II) UPGRADE: 2005
97 91
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At 0.1 3/month Yes No X Yes No X [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) We are installing on the site a production of classical 511 keV positrons emitter form PET imaging of small animals. We are also starting this month a production of 211At for research A large part of the beam time of this machine is utilized for nuclear waste management studies (alpha radiolysis simulation with external beam). A project of boron capture enhance fast neutron therapy is also under progress.
92 98
2005 [1]
FRANCE FRA-3 Centro d'Exploration et de Recherche Medicales par Emission de Positrons (CERMEP) Cyclotron Biomedical de Lyon 59 Boulevard Pinel, F-69003 Lyon +33 4 726 88600 [email protected] +33 4 726 88610 Dr. D. Le Bars Head of Radiochemistry G. Galy P. Lanai D. Comar YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1987 (II) UPGRADE:
2 3 4
H 8
>50 20
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications >15 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? No Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-FDG one per/month to one per week. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
99 93
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
94 100
2005 [1]
FRANCE CERMEP Imagerie du Vivant Hopital Neurocardiologique 59 Bd Pinel F - 69003 Lyon +33 4 72 688600 [email protected]
Dr. Gimenez Director Dr. D. Le Bars, Head of Radiochemistry Radiopharmacy Dr. L. Zimmer, Radiopharmacology Radiopharmacy Dr. S. Guillouet, Radiochemist YEAR OF: (I) 1999
2 3 4
H 9 40 5
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20-30 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
101 95
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10 3/week DOPA 6 1/week MPPF 3 3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 2 1/week Flumazenil 2 1/week Raclopride 2 1/week Diprenorphine 2 2/month 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/G Bq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 0.33
Price/G Bq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/G Bq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) [11C]acetate, [11C]MQNB, [11C]PE2I; [18F]FLT, [18F]FCH, [18F]NaF
96 102
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON Compact YEAR OF: MANUFACTURER: CGR-MeV (I) INSTALLATION: 1971 MODEL: 680 (II) UPGRADE: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Beam energies (MeV) 38 25 65 50 Maximum beam available ( A) 40 40 10 10 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 20 1 1 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance 65 2 30 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 20 Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: 10 Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes x No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F by 18O (p, n) 18F 11 C 64 Cu
FRANCE CNRS CERI 45071 Orleans Cedex 02 France 33 2 38 25 54 05 [email protected] Joseph Briaud Engineer
15 10
[10] [11]
Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? For the moment we deal with industrial partnerships the conditions of production and delivery radionuclides(frequency, activityies,). Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 2 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
Yes X
No X
No x No No No No
103 97
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
98 104
2005 [1]
1 2
FRANCE FRA-6 Advanced Accelerator Applications 20 rue Diesel 01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly France +33-4-50993070 [email protected] +33-4-50993071 Stefano Buono President & CEO Luca Maciocco/cyclotron engineer & researcher Vincent Tadino/research radiochemist Philippe Dasse/responsible radiopharmacist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 2003 (II) UPGRADE: H
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radionuclide production maintenance applications 30 10 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): F-MISO (2005) [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
105 99
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 90 3/day 18 F-Choline 20 2/week 18 FLT 20 2/week 18 MPPF 10 1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name (list) Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
100 106
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: GERMANY GER-1 Cyclotron Laboratory Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt Hauptabteilung Zyklotron P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe +49 7247 82 2433 [email protected] +49 7247 82 3156 Dr. H. Schweickert Director, Cyclotron Laboratory Dr. V. Bechtold, in charge of Radioisotope Production Dr. P. Fehsenfeld, RTM, Radionuclide Technique YEAR OF: (I) 1984
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION Cyclotron (II) UPGRADE: Continuous MANUFACTURER: Corporation MODEL: CP 42 H[4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 15-40 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 200 Typical beam employed ( A) 100 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 140 50 70 when needed 20 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) TLA [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? To hospitals and industry [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
107 101
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 37 - 75 1/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y Planned 94m Tc Planned 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 175 124 I 3.7 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
1/day 1/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
102 108
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: AEG (II) UPGRADE: Continuous MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 52 104 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 15 5 5 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
GERMANY GER-2 Cyclotron Laboratory Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt Hauptabteilung Zyklotron P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe +49 7247 82 2433 [email protected] +49 7247 82 3156 Dr. H. Schweickert Director, Cyclotron Laboratory Dr. V. Bechtold, in charge of Radioisotope Production Dr. P. Fehsenfeld, RTM, Radionuclide Technique in Mechanical Engineering (I) YEAR OF: 1964
109 103
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
104 110
2005 [1]
GERMANY GER-3 Eberhard-Karls-University Tbingen Interdisciplinary PET Centre, Radiopharmacy Rntgenweg 15, D-72076 Tbingen +49 7071 29 87443 [email protected] +49 7071 29 5264 Professor Dr. H.-Juergen Machulla Dr. rer. nat. C. Solbach Dr. rer. nat. G. Reischl Dipl.-Ing. A. Stahlschmidt YEAR OF: (I) 1995
2 3 4
H 8
Maximum beam available ( A) 75 Typical beam employed ( A) 35-55 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 15-20 15-20 15-20 1 15-20 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 15-20 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Katharinenhospital (Stuttgart) 4/week, Kernchemie (Mainz) 1/week, Dr. Hrr (Plochingen) 1/week, Universittsklinikum RDI (Mnchen) 1/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 PET and PET/CT Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry 0 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
111 105
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production FDG 30 5/week FLT 10 1/week FAZA 10 1/week FMISO 10 1/week FEC 13 2/week
20 16
Price/GBq if available
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 4 3/week Methylphenidat 5 3/week DASB 6 1/week BTA-1 8 1/3 months 6-OH-BTA-1 6 1/3 months Cholin 30 4/week
Methionin 8 1/month 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
No Price/GBq if available
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction Price/GBq (list) used if available 14 Water 12 1/3month N(d, n ) 15O OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/GBq (list) (GBq) production sales if available 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y 1 2/month Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I 0.4 1/month Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
106 112
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITIO [3] TYPE OF Negative Ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: GE. MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: . 1 H Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) 75 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production [6]
GERMANY Euro-PET GmbH Hugstetlerstrasse 55 D-79106 Freiburg +49 761 270 9204 [email protected] +49 761 270 9200 Professor Dr. Peter Reuland Dr. Ursula Sahm, Chief Chemist Kenneth Stalmo, Technician Bernd Morasch, Chemist Dagmar Hentschel, Engineer (I) YEAR OF:
2 3 4
75 40
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C-carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, 15Owater, carbon monoxide and oxygen. Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? To different institutions Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 - Clinical - Small animal - Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
No No No No No
113 107
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
25 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 35-45 8-10/week Fluoride
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production (see comments)
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 NH3 10-13 10/year
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) N213O 8-10
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
108 114
2005 [1]
GERMANY GER 5 Forschungszentrum Rossendorf Institut fuer Bioanorganische und Radiopharmazeutische Chemie P.O Box 51 01 19 01314 Dresden, Germany +49 (0) 351 260 3170 [email protected] +49 (0) 351 260 3232 Prof. Dr. habil. Joerg Steinbach Director of the Institute Dr. Frank Wuest, Head of PET Tracer Dept. Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Preusche, Head of PET Cyclotron Unit YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1996 (II) UPGRADE:
H 9 20
He -----
He -----
Typical beam employed ( A) 30 15-18 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance production 13-25 13-25 for PET 3 routine and R&D [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Radiobiology: --------Radiography: Materials science: --------Proton therapy: Physics: --------Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: --------Other (specify): RN production [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes X No
Hours/week ------------------------13-25
Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No X Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes X If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes X out on-site? Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical, Small animal , Plant biochemistry 1 Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes X Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes X Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X
No No
No X No X No No No
115 109
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O(p, n)18F
8-11 Ne(d, )18F 16 18 O(, x) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production [18F]FDG 33-45 1/day [18F]FDOPA 1.2 2/week [18F]3-O1.2 2/week Methyl-FDOPA [18F]NAF 1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production [11C]Acetate 12-15 2/week Various on request research products
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Yes Yes N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Currently not used
No No
Yes Yes
No No Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction Price/ (list) used GBq 15 14 15 [ O]H2O 5-6 2/month N(d,n) O OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y 1.1 2/month Yes X No Yes X No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Our internet home pages: Forschungszentrum Rossendorf: Institut fr Bioanorganische und Radiopharmazeutische Chemie: CYCLONE 18/9 and 10/5 USER COMMUNITY:
110 116
2005 [1]
GERMANY Forschungszentrum Rossendorf Institut fr Bioanorganische und Radiopharmazische Chemie P.O. Box 510119, 01314 Dresden +49 351 260 3170 [email protected] +49 351 260 3232 Professor habil. Bernd Johannsen Director of the Institute F. Wuest, Head of PET Tracer Department St. Preusche, Head of Cyclotron Unit YEAR OF: (I) 1958
H 14
He 28
Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 50 50 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 50 10 5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? External application of radionuclides generally [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
117 111
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
112 118
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Professor Dr. Michael Eisenhut, Head Radiochemistry [3] TYPE OF Isochronous, YEAR OF: (I) 1991 CYCLOTRON: negative ion INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC 32 NI [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Average magnetic field: 1.59 T; pole face diam.: 135 cm; accel. freq: 24.3 MHz; 2 Dees 90; dual cold cathode ion source; total weight: 53 tons; total power dissipation: 185 kva. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16-32 8-16 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 50 (aver), 1997-2000 25 15 2-5 45 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 1 Radiography: Materials science: 2-3 Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Neutron dosimetry - 2 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No 140 Pr Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No n= 14MeV [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): see comments [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Radiological Clinic of the University of Heidelberg; daily [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Both [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal planned Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
GERMANY GER-7 German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 D-69120 Heidelberg +49 6221 550 3 [email protected] +49 6221 422 572 Dr. Gerd Wolber, Head, Cyclotron Operation Group Professor Dr. Wolfhard Semmler, Head Biophysics
119 113
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
16 at 30 bar
20-30 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15-20 1-2/day FLT 1.7 on demand Others, see comments 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Others, see comments
20 13
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 5-6
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ (list) (GBq) production sales 64 Cu rare Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I in preparation Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 18 F DOPA, FU, FET, 2F-Throsine,Choline 11 C AIB, ethanole, doxorubicine, dacarbacine, acetate, choline In preparation : Iodinated compounds (124I, 121I) 140 Pr ( 20% +,via 141Pr (p, 2n) 140 Nd is used for calibration of PET systems.
Price/ GBq
114 120
2005 [1]
PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative Ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 3 4 d P He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 9 18 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 80 Typical beam employed ( A) 5 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 20 2 days quarterly h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 4-[18F]-FBA (in vivo identification and quantification of apoptotic cells with PET) [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 4 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
GERMANY GER-8 Herz- und Diabeteszentrum NRW Universitaetsklinik der Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum Institut fr Molekulare Biophysik, Radiopharmazie u. Nuklearmedizin Georgstrasse 11. D-32535 Bad Oeynhausen +49 5731 97 1308 [email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] +49 5731 97 1819 Professor W. Burchert Director of Institute Ms. Petra Hadjilazaros (responsible for cyclotron operation) Mr. Harald Henneken YEAR OF: (I) 1994
No No No No No
121 115
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
25 50
1 1.6
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 F-FDG 20 5-7 syntheses/week 18 F-Fluorine 5 10/year
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 3.7 4/week MHED 2.6 2/month
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 4.5 4/day
Price/ GBq
O(p, ) 13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water 3 6/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
116 122
2005 [1]
GERMANY Institut fr Nuklearchemie Forschungszentrum Jlich GmbH D-52425 Juelich +49 2461 614141 [email protected] +49 2461 612535 Professor H.H. Coenen
1997 1999
H 16.5
H 8.4
Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 40 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30 30 4 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] [11] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? (radiochemistry) Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
123 117
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n) 15O 14 N(d, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Flumazenil 3 2/week Raclopride 3 2/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 15 Butanol 5 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
118 124
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Professor S.M. Qaim NAME/POSITION Dr. J. Ermert NAME/POSITION Dr. K. Hamacher [3] TYPE OF Baby Cyclotron YEAR OF: (I) 1987 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. MODEL: BC 1710 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 30 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 35 20 15 5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry 1 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No (radiochemistry) [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
GERMANY Institut fr Nuklearchemie Forschungszentrum Jlich GmbH D-52425 Juelich +49 2461 614141 [email protected] +49 2461 612535 Professor H.H. Coenen
125 119
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 30 4/week CPFPX 15 1/week FET 15 occasionally 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 1-3 occasionally Flumazenil 1-3 occasionally
20 13
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/GBq if available
Price/GBq if available
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 1 occasionally
Price/GBq if available
O(p, ) 13N
Frequency of production
Price/GBq if available
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/GBq if available
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
120 126
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Professor S. Qaim NAME/POSITION Dr. B. Scholten [3] TYPE OF Variable energy YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: compact (I) INSTALLATION 1976 MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron (II) UPGRADE: 1986, 1991, 1997 Corporation MODEL: CV 28 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 6-22 4-14 18-36 10-28 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 30 20 10 20 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 20 10 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 56 12 16 7 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 28 Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? No Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 86Y, 94mTc and 12yI to several clinics under co-operative research [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
GERMANY Institut fr Nuklearchemie Forschungszentrum Jlich GmbH D-52425 Juelich +49 2461 614141 [email protected] +49 2461 612535 Professor H.H. Coenen
127 121
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml) 50
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
15 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 2 94m Tc 2 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 0.5 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
on demand on demand
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
122 128
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive Ion, sectorCYCLOTRON: focused MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron Corporation MODEL: CV 28 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 24 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 100 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 40 20 [6]
GERMANY Institute for Medical Radiation Physics Hufelandstrasse 55 D-45122 Essen +49 201 723 4182 +49 201 723 5907 Professor Dr. A. Bochisch Director G. Hudepohl, Technician/Engineer YEAR OF:
He 36 50 50
He 28 50 50
h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: research 5 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: research 5 Neutron therapy: 5 Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes
No No
No No No No No
129 123
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F O (3He,p)18F 37 20 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 18.5 3/week C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 CO2 37 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(din)15O 14 N(din)15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) O2 15/min CO2 15/min OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 7.4 124 I 3.7 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
124 130
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion H CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: CTI. MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 40 20 h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
GERMANY GER-13 Institute of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Adickes-Allee 51-53 60322 Frankfurt am Main +49 69 95961 626 +49 69 95961 630 Professor G. Hoer Dr. W.T. Kranert YEAR OF:
h/week for maintenance 5 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify)
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 94m Tc, 124I Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes institutions? how often? We can give addresses, after the cyclotron is established. Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No No No No
131 125
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 40 1/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production CO 5 1/week CO2 5 1/week Amino acids 5 1/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 5 2/week
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 1/week
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) The cyclotron is not established so far.
126 132
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Baby cyclotron YEAR OF: (I) 1987 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: 2005 MODEL: MC 16 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 8.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 20 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes institutions? how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number
GERMANY GER-14 Max-Planck-Institut fuer Neurologische Forschung Gleueler Strasse 50 D-50931 Koeln (Lindenthal) +49 221 4726 220 [email protected] +49 221 4726 298 Professor Wolf-Dieter Heiss Director Professor Dr. Klaus Wienhard
Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
No No No No No
133 127
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
10 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10 4/week Dopa 1 2/week FLT 1 1/week FHBG 1 1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 12 3/week Raclopride 5 2/week Flumazenil 10 1/week MPHA 8 1/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No X Yes No X Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n) 15O 14 N(din)15O 14 N(din)15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water 6 25/week CO 5 1/month O2 5 3/month OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): 124 I FIAU with 124I from outside.
128 134
2005 [1]
1 2
GERMANY GER-15 Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Klinik fr Nuklearmedizin Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, D-30625 Hannover +49 (0) 511 532 3085 [email protected] Dr. Helmeke Head of the Cyclotron Group Prof. Dr. W.H. Knapp / Director of Nuclear Medicine Prof. Dr. G.J. Meyer / Head of the Radiopharmazie Group YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1976/77 (II) UPGRADE:
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 18,5 (incl. stand by) 17 1,5 6 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No x [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No X If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes X No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 5 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No X agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No X [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes X No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No X [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No X
H 7,5-35 50 30-40
H 3,8-18 50 30
He 5,6-47 20
He 7,5-35 20 15
135 129
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
20 - 40
1,5 ml
1,8 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, x) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 F-FDG 9-20 5 / week 18 F-dopa 0,6 1 / week 18 F-NaF 4 2 / week C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C-acetic acid 6-10 2 / week 11 C-methionine 2-5 1 / week 11 C-m-Hed 0,5-1,5 1 / week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
13 11
Distribution/ sales Yes X No Yes No X Yes No X Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No X Yes No X Yes No X Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) 15 O[H2O] 0,15
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At up to 0,16 1-2/week Yes X No Yes X No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/ radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
130 136
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: Negative Ion MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 25
GERMANY GER-16 Klinik fr Nuklearmedizin Universittsklinikum Aachen Pauwelsstrae 30 . 52057 Aachen . Germany +49 241 80 88740 [email protected] +49 241 80 82520 Univ.Prof. Udalrich Bll Dr.rer.physiol. Berthold Mller YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: (II) UPGRADE:
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 22 20 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week --- none --Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera (planar) 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
137 131
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED --- none --Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N (p,n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED --- none --Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 + [ N]NH4 4 50 (per month)
Price/ GBq
O (p,) 13N
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED --- none --Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Aachen, 2005-09-28 B.Mller
132 138
2005 [1]
GERMANY GER-17 Klinikum Rechts der Isar der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen, Nuklearmedizinische Klinik und Poliklinik Ismaninger Strasse 22 D-81675 Muenchen / Germany +49 (0)89 4140-2972 [email protected] +49 (0)89 4140-4841 Markus Schwaiger, MD Director Hans-Jrgen Wester, PhD / Radiopharm. Chemistry Ingo Wolf, PhD / Targeting Michael Herz / FDG Production Petra Watzlowik / PET Tracer Production YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1992 (II) UPGRADE:
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 16 16 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 4 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
H 10.5 40 30 - 40
139 133
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 20.0 3 / day FLT 0.75 1 / week FET 3.0 2 / week RGD 0.75 2 / month 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production methionine 2.6 2 / week choline 6.0 3 / week flumazenil 1.5 1 / month BTA 1.2 1 / week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 NH3 1.2 4 / week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBqe
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) H215O 1.2
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 11 C-hydroxyephedrine 2.2 GBq 1 / month 11 C-diprenorphine 0.9 GBq 18 F-octreotide 0.5 GBq 1 / week 18 F-fluoride 1.2 GBq 1 / month
134 140
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Isochronous CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Philips (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: 140/IV [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 30 16 42 30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 130(internal) Typical beam employed ( A) 20(external) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 30 2 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 5-7/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural Yes No applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
GERMANY GER-18 Universittsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Klinik u. Poliklinik fr Radiologie, Abteilung fr Nuklaermedizin, Bereich Zyklotron u. Radiopharmazie Luruper Chaussee 149 D-22761 Hamburg +49 40 8998 2968 [email protected] +49 40 8998 2960 Dr. Pal Mikecz Head Uve Kirchner Dr. Oliver Schulze (I) YEAR OF: 1968
141 135
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15 10/week 18FLT 1-5 1
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production McN 5652z 1-3 4/week Choline 1 1
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
136 142
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 20 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 15 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 16 3 1 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) 20 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Research, still not specified. No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Munich, Nuklearneclizimsche und Polikline, KRI & in cases of cyclotron maintenance [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? e.g. with FLP, FDOpa Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No The candidate can only visit our cyclotron site, self-operation is impossible.
GERMANY GER-19 Universittsklinikum Ulm, Abteilung Nukleamedizin Robert-Koch-Strasse 8 D-89081 Ulm +49 731 500 24981 [email protected] +49 731 500 24979 Dr. Bernd Neumaier Head of PET Chemistry Dr. Andreas Vogg, Radiochemist Christoph Solbach, Radiochemist Dr. Michaela Schmid, Chemist YEAR OF: (I) 1994
143 137
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
2 21
6 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 22 4/week Dopa 0.8 2/week FLT 3 1/week Fluoride 6 1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 7 2/week Acetate 2.5 2/week Raclopride 4 2/week PK11195 1 0-1/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonic 16 0/week
20 15
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(din)
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): 18F micliosides by electrophilic fluorination. 0.4GBq, occasionaly for research 11 C chlorine, 6GBq/batch, 0.1/week 11 C alpha-methyl-tryptophane, 1.5 GBq/batch, 0.1/week 11 C carfentanil, 4GBq/batch, 0-1/week 11 C flumazenile, 4GBq/batch, 0.1/week.
138 144
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION 1994 TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GE Medical Systems. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PETtrace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8.4 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 75 30 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 25 h 20 h 5h 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Radpharm 25 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Research, still not specified. [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? e.g. with FLP, FDOpa Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No The candidate can only visit our cyclotron site, self-operation is impossible.
GERMANY GER-20 Universittsklinikum Ulm Abteilung Nukleamedizin Robert-Koch-Strasse 8 D-89081 Ulm +49 731 500 24981 [email protected] +49 731 500 24979 Dr. Bernd Neumaier Head of Cyclotron / Radiopharmacy Dr. Andreas Vogg, Radiochemist Wolfgang Scheel, Cyclotron Engineer Dr. Michaela Schmid, Chemist (I) YEAR OF: 07 / 2002
145 139
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
2 21
10 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production FDG 26 4/week DOPA 0.8 2/week Fluoride 6 1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 7 2/week Choline 9 9/week Raclopride 2 1/week BTA-1 2 2/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonic 16 0/week
20 15
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): 11 C alpha-methyl-tryptophane, 1.5 GBq/batch, 1/week
140 146
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF YEAR OF: 2002 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PetTrace? [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PLANNED TO BE PRODUCED IN THE NEXT 1-3 YEARS (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? . [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
GERMANY GER-21 University of Frankfurt Department of Nuclear Medicine Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitt Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Jaus 21 D D-60590 Frankfurt am Main +49 69 6301 4330 [email protected] +49 69 6301 6805 Professor Dr. Frank Grnwald Chairman and Director Professor Dr. Christian Menzel, Deputy Director
147 141
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced
142 148
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 11 10 [6]
GERMANY Westfaelische Wilhelms Universitaet Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin Domagkestrasse 5 48189 Mnster +49 251 83 473 76 or 473 62 [email protected] +49 251 83 473 63 Professor Dr. O. Schober Director Jrg Eckardt, Physicist Dr. Markus Knickmeier, Chemist YEAR OF: 1999 (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE:
2 3 4
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: 10 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
149 143
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 20 Daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p,n) 15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
144 150
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Dipl.-.Ing. R. Wortmann, Head of Radiopharmacy [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION 1997 MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: 1998/99 (Dual Beam) MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 16 14 - 15 none 1-2 none Installation underway h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: none Radiography: none Materials science: none Proton therapy: none Physics: none Neutron therapy: none Activation analysis: none Other (specify) none [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C, 13N, 15O, 18F [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Hospitals in Germany, daily [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals caried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
GERMANY GER-23 Zentralklinik Bad Berka GmbH Bad Berka PETCT Centre Robert-Koch-Allee 9 99437 Bad Berka, Germany +49 364 585 2200 [email protected] +49 364 585 3515 Professor Dr. Richard P. Baum Chairman, Department of Nuclear Medicine/Centre for PETCT
151 145
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 20 - 70 daily 18 Fluoride 20 2/week 18 FET (Tyrosin) 4 1/week 18 FECh (Cholin) 4 1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production None
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production None
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED None Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): Ga-68 DOTA-NOC, Y-90 DOTA-TATE, Lu177-DOTA-TATE N-13 ammonia
146 152
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: HUNGARY Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Bem ter 18/c, P.O. Box 51 +36 52 417 266 HUN-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +36 52 416 181 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: F. Tarkanyi Head, Cyclotron Department POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Dr. L. Trn, Head of PET Centre NAME/POSITION Z. Kormany NAME/POSITION P. Kovacs [3] TYPE OF Compact isochronous YEAR OF: (I) 1985 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION NIIEFA Russia (II) UPGRADE: 1997 MANUFACTURER: MODEL: MGC 20E [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 20 10 26 20 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 200 300 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 50 25 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 94 28 (56 every 2nd week) 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 13 N-Ammonia, 15O-Water, 11C-Flumezinil, 111In-DTPA, 123I-mIBG, 123I-Imoazine [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? No Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Na123I-every 2 weeks; 67Ga-citric acid every 2 weeks. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
153 147
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): Neutron source (radiobiology, radiation hardness test, neutron activation, Thin Layer Activation (TLA), wear measurements, activation analysis (charged particle) Basic nuclear physics (in beam nuclear spectroscopy, astrophysical nuclear reactions)
148 154
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: INDIA IND-1 Radiation Medicine Centre Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Trombay, Mumbai 400 085 +91 22 550 5326 [email protected] +91 22 550 5326 Dr. A.M. Samuel Director, Bio-Medical Group, BARC, Mumbai Dr. N. Ramamoorthy Chief Executive, BRIT, Mumbai Dr. B.N. Karkers, Head, MD & PDS Dr. M.R.A. Pillai, Head, Radiopharmaceuticals Division Dr. N. Nair, Head, Radiation Medicine Centre (I) YEAR OF: 2001
OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Medical CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Wipro GE, Mumbai (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Dual particle (16.5 MeV Proton and e MeV Deuteron) 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams No Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8.5 Yes Maximum beam available ( A) 80 80 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10-12 10-12 Not yet decided [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of No Yes institution/s & how often? Planned to supply 18F to Nuclear Medicine Departments [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 4 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
155 149
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): This is the first facility to be set up in the country with expertise in accelerations, radiopharmaceuticals, radiation biology and nuclear medicine. It is anticipated that apart from the routine PET radiopharmaceuticals, research in the development of new PET labeled compounds will be initiated.
150 156
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Sector-focused (pole CYCLOTRON: diameter 224 cm) MANUFACTURER: VEC Centre MODEL: (Individual design) [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 6.30 Maximum beam available ( A) 200 Typical beam employed ( A) 20
INDIA Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar Calcutta - 700 064 +91 33 3371 230 +91 33 3346 871 Dr. B.C. Sinha Director
H 12.30 200 20
He 25.80 200 20
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 160 24 8 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 201 Tl [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Regional Radiation Medicine Centre, Thakurpukur, Calcutta weekly, Radiation Medicine Centre Mumbai - monthly [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
157 151
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
152 158
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: INDONESIA National Atomic Energy Agency, BATAN PPR-Batan Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong 15310 +21 756 3141 [email protected] Mr. Silakhuddin Head, Cyclotron Division Mr. Tonny Heryanto Budi Tarigan YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1990 (II) UPGRADE: INS-1
1 2
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 6 4 2 2 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): We would like to produce 123I. Unfortunately we have no experts and facility. [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Hospitals, 1-2/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
159 153
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): We are planning to produce 18FDG in 2002.
154 160
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +98 261 411 105 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor Hossein Afarideh POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Satari; Partovi NAME/POSITION Rafii; Akbari; Shafiei [3] TYPE OF (I) Negative ion YEAR OF: 1995 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, Belgium (II) UPGRADE: Cyclone 30 MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 15-30 7-15 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 500 150 175 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20-25 12-17 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 81m Kr Rb generator, 18F FDG , 123In [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? To all nuclear medicine centres Once a week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
161 155
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
20 16
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 0.1 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 0.5 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 0.037 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
156 162
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: ISRAEL Hadassah Medical Organization Ein Karem Il-91 120 Jerusalem +972 2 6777 197 [email protected] +972 2 6438 506 Dr. Eyal Mishani Head of Cyclotron Unit Mr. Desideriu Laky, Cyclotron Operator Dr. Revital ben-Daniel, Research Mr. Daniel Wajnblum, Engineer YEAR OF: (I) 1997 ISR-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 25 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 18 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 18 12 6 12 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 4 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F FDG, DOPA, 18F FES; 18F FLT; 11C Choline ; 15O - Water [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence 2 Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
163 157
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 50 2-3/day Dopa ML 01 ML 03 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Choline 10 Deprenyl 3 Methionine
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N (d, n ) 15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 8
Price/ GBq
O(p, ) 13N
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
158 164
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Cyclone series CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, Belgium (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: 10/5 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 10 5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 80 80 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20-25 15-20 1-2 5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: 15-20 Radiography: Materials science: 1-2 Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 66-68 C Ga 15F-DOPA [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
ISRAEL ISR-2 Soreq NRC 81800 Yavne +97 2 8943 4615 [email protected] +97 2 8943 4133 Engineer Yosef Shohet Head of Facility Dr. M.B. Goldberg, Head, Steering Committee Dr. D. Berkovits, Chief Physicist Bs. Phrm. B. Hoch, Chief Radiochemist Mr. T. Arbel, Head of Operation Staff YEAR OF: (I) 2000
165 159
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 50 1-2
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
160 166
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: ITALY ITA-1 Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Policlinico S. Orsola - Malpighi Via Massarenti, 9 40138 Bologna +39 051 636 3952 [email protected] +39 051 636 3954 Professor Roberto Franchi Professor of Nuclear Medicine Dr. Mario Marengo, Medical Physicist, Head Nuc. Med. Physics Dr. Stefano Boschi, Chemist, Head Radiopharmacy YEAR OF: (I) 2001
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF PETtrace CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION GE (II) UPGRADE: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 75 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 38 35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 25 18 6 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 64Cu [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes No institutions? how often? Hospitals of Cesena and Forl, daily [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) 5 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
167 161
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1.5 60
Ne (d,) 18F 5.5 Ne+0.3 %F2 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 F - FDG 50 2/day 18 F - FDOPA 1 1 / week
16 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C - Choline 26 1 / day 11 C - Methionie 26 1 / week 11 C - acetate 26 1 / week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
162 168
2005 [1]
ITALY Azienda Ospedaliera 5. Maria Nuova Servizio di Medicina Nucleare V. le Risorgimento 80, Reggio Emilia +39 0522 296 284 [email protected] +39 0522 296 392 Dr. Diana Salvo Department Chief Dr. Annibale Versari chair of PET-Center activities YEAR OF: (I)
OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF 10 Mev CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: General Electric MODEL: Minitrace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 9.6 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 15 13 [6]
October 2001
2 3 4
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Maybe 11C Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? In 2002 Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
169 163
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 37 1or 2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
164 170
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GE Medical Syst. (II) UPGRADE: 2001 MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 5 beam ports used (6 available); targets resident on beam ports, no beam transport lines. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.7 8.4 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 75 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 27 15 10 2 [6] h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal planned Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
ITALY CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology Via Moruzzi, 1 I-56100 Pisa +39 050 315 3384 [email protected] +39 050 315 2166 Piero A. Salvadori Head PET/Cyclotron Facility Luca Menichetti, Radiopharmacist Debora Petroni, Radiopharmacist Michela Poli, Pharmacist YEAR OF: (I) 1996
171 165
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 11 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 11 1/day Fluoride 3.7 2/week
16 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methyl iodide 37 Development
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 2 1/day
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) O Development Water Development OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu Development 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc Development 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I Development 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): Additional activities planned for near future: - use of cyclotron for research in Boron neutro capture therapy - FDG manufacturing site - research in molecular imaging applied to genomic and proteonomic.
166 172
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +39 81 5465 797 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor Marco Salvatore POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Antonello Green NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion YEAR OF: (I) 1991 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC 17 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 8.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 75 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 15 25 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 15 O - Water , 11C CH3 I [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
ITALY Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Institute Pascale (CNR) Via M. Semmola I-80131 Napoli +39 81 5903 528/527
No No No No No
173 167
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG Fluoride
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
168 174
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scanditronix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC 17F [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 85 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 12 6 6 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) PET 35 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes institutions? how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 9-10 patients/day Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
ITALY ITA-5 Istituto Nazinale per lo Studo e la ura dei Tumori Via G. Venezian 1 I-20133 Milano +39 2 2390 2220 [email protected] +39 2 2367 874 Dr. Emilio Bombardieri Director, Nuclear Medicine Department Dr. Flavio Crippa, Co-ordinator, Clinical PET Dr. Claudio Pascali, Co-ordinator, Radiopharmacy Eng. Vinicio De Sanctis, Responsible for the Cyclotron YEAR OF: (I) 1995
175 169
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10-15 1/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 2 - 10 1/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
170 176
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor Ferruccio Fazio POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Mario Matarrese NAME/POSITION Francesco Perugini NAME/POSITION Sergio Todde [3] TYPE OF (I) Negative ion YEAR OF: 1988 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Negative hydrogen ions 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 27 20 5 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes institutions? how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
ITALY Istituto Scientifico H. San Raffaele Servizio di Medicina Nucleare Via Olgettina, 60 I-20132 Milano +39 02 2153 056 [email protected]
177 171
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 13 2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methyl choline 3 2/week FE CIT 1 2/week Raclopride 1.5 1/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 370 MBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
N (p, n ) 15O
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
172 178
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Mario Matarrese, in charge of the Cyclotron NAME/POSITION Francesco Perugini, in charge of Operations NAME/POSITION Sergio Todde, in charge of Radiochemistry [3] TYPE OF (I) Negative ion YEAR OF: 2000 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Protons and deuterons beam. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 32 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE:
ITALY Ospedale San Raffaele, Universita Degli Studi Cattedra di Medicina Nucleare Via Olgettina 60 I-20132 Milano +39 2 2153056/2643/ 2716 [email protected] +39 2 2640390 Professor Ferruccio Fazio
h/week for maintenance 2 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify)
No Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes institutions? how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No
No No No No No
179 173
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 37 1 run/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
174 180
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: Compact MANUFACTURER: Scanditronix MODEL: MC40 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 8-39 4-19.5 11-53 8-39 Yes No X Maximum beam available ( A) 60 50 20 30 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 15 3 5 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 70 35 20 5 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: 0 Radiography: 0 Materials science: 10 Proton therapy: 5 Physics: 5 Neutron therapy: 0 Activation analysis: 5 Other (Target developm.) 10 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No X [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes X No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Istituto Nazionale di Fiscica Nucleare according to common project necessities Istituto Europeo di Oncologia (start envisaged for 2006) [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No X out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 0 Gamma camera 0 Single photon tomography (SPET) 0 Positron emission tomography (PET), (PET-CT) 0 Clinical 0 Small animal 0 Plant biochemistry 0 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No X agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes X No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Please, specify. Yes X No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes X No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
ITALY ITA-8 European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Via E. Fermi 1, I-21020 Ispra (VA), Italy +39-0332-785194 [email protected] +39-0332-789385 Uwe Holzwarth Technical Director Kamel Abbas Neil Gibson YEAR OF: 1982 (I) INSTALLATION: none to accelerator; (II) UPGRADE: laboratory continuous
181 175
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1.5 ml
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 50
Distribution/ sales Yes X No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu <1 2/month Yes X No Yes X No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At <1 1/month Yes X No Yes X No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 18 F-FDG production in collaboration with commercial partner that is in charge with distribution (commercial data confidential) proton therapy: test and development of beam diagnostic equipment in collaborations 64 Cu and 211At: target development, alternative production routes, production capacity will increase Distribution of 64Cu and 211At to collaboration partners in the nuclear and medical field for in vitro (later in vivo) studies; studies with 211At have to start in our labs due to missing licenses for handling alpha-emitters in hospitals CPAA for biokinetics studies on radioactive fallout components TLA for release studies on biomedical materials and implants, as well as engine components
176 182
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: 11 MeV MANUFACTURER: CTI MODEL: (II) UPGRADE: RDS 112 2002 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: MEDICAL CYCLOTRON NEGATIVE IONS ACC. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 10.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 28 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 18 16 0 4 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Clinical [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No X [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18RFbFLT 18F MISO 18F DOPA [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes X No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 2 other regional institutios [10] Are clinical medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? Yes X No [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 0 Gamma camera 0 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET), (PET-CT) 1 PET Clinical, Small animal, Plant biochemistry 1 PET-TC [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No X agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No X [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Please, specify. Yes No X [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes X No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
ITALY ITA- 9 U.O.Medicina Nucleare centro PET Ospedale S.Giacomo via Ospedale n 18 31033 Castelfranco Veneto Treviso, ITALY +390423732435 [email protected] +390423732426 F.Chierichetti MD director of Nuclear Medicine Department Head of PET center Dr A.Fini, radiochmist Dr M.Marcolin, radiopharmacist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1994
183 177
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
0.85 ml
800 gr
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 21 daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No X Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No X Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No X Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N (p n ) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C-Acetate 5 Twice a week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N-Ammonia 1.1 Twice a week
Price/ GBq
O ( p alfa )13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 5.5
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
178 184
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +39 02 5503 5510 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Paolo Gerundini Gherardi POSITION: Primario OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Fabio Riccardo Colombo NAME/POSITION Rosangela Casati [3] TYPE OF (I) PET Trace YEAR OF: 2000 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PT GEMS [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8.4 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 75 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 8 2 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) PET [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 15 O - Water, 13N - Ammonia, 11C - Radiopharmaceuticals to be decided. [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
ITALY Ospedale Maggiore di Milano Servizio di Medicina Nucleare Via Francesco Sforza 35 Pad. Granelli, I-20133 Milano +39 02 5503 3340
185 179
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 22.2 Daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
180 186
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OFCYCLOTRON: Cyclone MANUFACTURER: IBA MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: PROTON BEAM 18 MEV DEUTERON BEAM 9 MEV 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 80 35 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 12 12 [6] Hours/week Hours/week Cyclotron applications: Radiography: Radiobiology: Proton therapy: Materials science: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11C-choline; 11C-metionine; 13N-ammonia [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET), (PET-CT) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Please, specify. Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
ITALY Istituto Clinico Humanitas Via Manzoni 56 20089 Rozzano (MI), Italy +390282246622 [email protected] +390282246691 Arturo Chiti Director, Nuclear Medicine Giovanni Tosi / Physicist Katia Marzo/ Senior Radiochemist Mauro Almangano / Junior Radiochemist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 2003 (II) UPGRADE:
187 181
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
2000 l 600 l
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 14.8 2 / DAY
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
182 188
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: Self-shielded MANUFACTURER: GE Healthcare (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MINItrace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 9.6 Yes No X Maximum beam available ( A) 35 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 9 8 0 1 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Medical [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No X [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C-Choline [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No X If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes X No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 5 Positron emission tomography (PET), (PET-CT) Clinical 1 Small animal 0 Plant biochemistry 0 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No X agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No X [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Please, specify. Yes No X [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes X No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
ITALY ITA-12 AZIENDA OSPEDALIERA S. CROCE E CARLE - CUNEO Via M Coppino 26 12100 Cuneo , Italy +39.0171.64.1690 [email protected] +39.0171.64.1554 Dr. Alberto Biggi Head of Nuclear Medicine Dept Dr. Gianni Perno, Physicist Dr. Michelangelo Longo, Chemist Ing. Roberto Giuliano. Chemist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 2002
189 183
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1 cc
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 25 1/die
Distribution/ sales Yes No X Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No X Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production NH3 1 1/week
Price/ GBq
O (p, ) 13N
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
184 190
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: IBA MANUFACTURER:MO Cyclone 18/9 DEL: (II) UPGRADE: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes x No Maximum beam available ( A) 80 35 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 12 7 N/A N/A N/A [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No x [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11C- Methyoinine and Coline [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes x No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? in next future [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No x out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET), (PET-CT) 2 (1+1) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No x agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No x [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Please, specify. Yes No x [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No x [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
191 185
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 900 mCi daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No x Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
186 192
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: JAPAN JAP-1 Biomedical Imaging Research Centre Fukui Medical University 23-3 Shimoaizuki, Matsuoka, Yoshida, Fukui, 910-1193 +81 776 61 8430 [email protected] +81 776 61 8170 Yoshiharu Yonekura Director, Professor of Medical Imaging Yasuhisa Fujibayashi, Professor of Molecular Imaging Tatsuo Ido, Professor of PET Engineering YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1994
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF OSCAR 5, CYCLOTRON: superconducting, negative-ion RDS eclipse, negative-ion MANUFACTURER: NKK (II) UPGRADE: 2004 CMI/CTI MODEL: Oxford RD/HP [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 12 Yes No Yes 11 No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 - 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 - 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 26 16 2 8 0 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: 18 Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No F 0.5/week Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes, name of institutions. Yes No [10] Are clinical& medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? Yes No [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical, Small animal, Plant biochemistry 2 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
193 187
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
4.2 1.5
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10 4/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 20 1/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 4 1/month
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction (list) used 15 Water 0.37 2/week N(p,n) 15O 15 CO 0.37 1/week N(p,n) 15O 15 CO2 0.37 1/week N(p,n) 15O 15 O2 0.37 1/week N(p,n) 15O OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ (list) (GBq) production sales 64 Cu 0.37 1- 2/week Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): 64 Cu - ATSM (Hypoxia), 62Cu - ATSM (Hypoxia), 67Cu - PTSM (Perfusion) and 18F - FES (Estrogen receptor)
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
188 194
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 30 Maximum beam available ( A) 350 Typical beam employed ( A) 300
JAPAN Daiichi Radioisotope Laboratories, Ltd. 453-1 Shimo-okura Matsuo-machi Sanbu-gun Chiba 289-1592 +81 479 86 4721 [email protected] +81 479 86 5112 Mr. Takashi Syogenji Manager, RI Production Group Yasuharu Sato YEAR OF:
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 120 120 12 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
195 189
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
5/week 1/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
190 196
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix MODEL: MC-40 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 30 Maximum beam available ( A) 200 Typical beam employed ( A) 180 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 120 120 [6]
JAPAN Daiichi Radioisotope Laboratories, Ltd. 453-1 Shimo-okura Matsuo-machi Sanbu-gun Chiba 289-1592 +81 479 86 4721 [email protected] +81 479 86 5112 Mr. Takashi Syogenji Manager, RI Production Group Yasuharu Sato YEAR OF:
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
197 191
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
192 198
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Sumitmo Heavy Industries, Ltd. MODEL: Cypris 370 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
JAPAN Department of Radiology University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113 +81 3 381 55411 ext. 5129 +81 3 5800 8935 Toshimitsu Momose, MD Assistant Professor Shinya Oku YEAR OF:
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No
No No No No No
199 193
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG DOPA
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production NHSP NHPB Methionine N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammpnia
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) O2 CO2 Water CO OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
194 200
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor Keigo Endo POSITION: Chairman OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Tomio Inoue, M.D. NAME/POSITION Kunio Matsubara, PhD. NAME/POSITION Katsumi Tomiyoshi, PhD. [3] TYPE OF Baby cyclotron YEAR OF: (I) CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. MODEL: BC 1700 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 H H He Beam energies (MeV) 18 10 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 16 10 [6]
JAPAN Gunma University School of Medicine 39-15 Showa-machi 3-chome Maebashi-shi, Gunma-ken 371 +81 27 220 8661 [email protected]
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 0.5 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 11 F - - Methyl - Tryptophan, C Annexine Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes No institutions? how often? No Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
201 195
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
4 -5
4 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 4 -5 5/week FAMT 4 1/week
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p, n) 15O 15 N(p, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Choline 10 - 15 1/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 10 1/month
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) O2 21 Water 10 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
196 202
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: [3] TYPE OF AVF YEAR OF: (I) 1993 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: Industries, Ltd. MODEL: HM 18 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 10 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 70 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 7 6 1 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-6 HIMEDIC Imaging Center at Lake Yamanaka 562-12 Yanagihara, Hirano Yamanakako-mura, Minamitsuru-gun +81 555 65 9135 [email protected] +81 555 20 3007 Dr. Michiru Ide President
203 197
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10 5/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 3 20/week
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
198 204
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. MODEL: CYPRIS-HM 18 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 18 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 20
JAPAN JPN-7 Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Medicine Department of Tracer Kinetics Kita 15 Nishi 7 Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8638 +81 11 706 5150 [email protected] +81 11 706 7155 Nagara Tamaki Professor and Chairman Yuji Kuge, Associate Professor YEAR OF: (I)
H 10 50 15
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 15 2 3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C - NHSP, 18F DOPA, 11C Palmitic Acid , 11C CGFI 2177 [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes No institutions? how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence 2 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 5 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
205 199
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n) 15O 14 N(d,n) 15O 14 N(d,n) 15O 14 N(d,n) 15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 8 2/week Methyonine 7 1/week Flumazenil 5 1/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 2 Occasionally
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water 1.5 2/week O2 0.5 2/week 2.0 CO 3/week CO2 1.0 2/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
200 206
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Superconducting CYCLOTRON: negative ion cyclotron MANUFACTURER: Oxford MODEL: OSCAR-2 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 12 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 6 5 [6]
JAPAN JPN-8 Hyogo Institute for Aging Brain and Cognitive Disorders 520 Saisho-ko, Himeji Hyogo 670 +81 792 95 5511 [email protected] +81 792 95 8199 Dr. Masahiro Sasaki Chief, Nuclear Pharmacology Laboratory
2 3 4
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C MPHA Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
207 201
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
25/ 95%
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 4 2 - 3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 2 - 3/year NMSP 2 - 3/year
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction (list) used 13 Water 5 6 - 10/week N(p, n ) 15O 13 O2 5 2 - 5/month N(p, n ) 15O 13 CO 5 2 - 5/month N(p, n ) 15O OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ (list) (GBq) production sales 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
202 208
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. MODEL: HM 18 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 18 Maximum beam available ( A) 25 Typical beam employed ( A) 15-20
JAPAN Institute for Biofunctional Research 5-7-1 Fujishiro-dai, Suita-shi Osaka 565 +81 6 834 7000 [email protected] +81 6 872 8761 Dr. Naoto Hashimoto Director Norimasa Ejima YEAR OF:
H 10 20 10-15
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications ~24 810 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Specific to animal PET studies. [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
209 203
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C - N2 40-50 1 per month
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N 1.7 1 per 3 months H216O+5mM EtOH
Price/ GBq
Yes Yes O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) 15 O N2+O2 7.5 (0.4%) Frequency of production (2-3) (5-7)
No No Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
204 210
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1994 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. MODEL: BC 2010N [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: p.d. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 20 1 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 30 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 10 5 5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No 1 Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN International Medical Centre of Japan Radiology Department 1-21-1 Toyama, Shinjaku-ku +81 3 3202 7181 [email protected] +81 3 3202 7181 Toshihiko Hara, MD Chief - Nuclear Medicine Noboru Kosaka, MD
211 205
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 7.4 Choline 3.7
16 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Choline 14.8
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 3.7
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
206 212
2005 [1]
OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF Cyclotron, KCYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION 110 MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy Industries MODEL: 930 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 H H Beam energies (MeV) 90 50 Maximum beam available ( A) 5 7 Typical beam employed ( A) 5 5 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for production research 101 15 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: 32 Materials science: 28 Physics: 12 Activation analysis:
JAPAN JPN-11 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) 1233 Watanuki, Takasaki Gunma 370-1292 +81 27 346 9420 [email protected] +81 27 346 9688 Dr. Toshiaki Sekine Deputy Director Department of Radiation Research for Environment and Resources Ms. Noriko Shigeta Ishikoka Mr. Sutoshi Watanabe (I) YEAR OF: 1990 (II) UPGRADE:
He 100 7 3
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 76 Br, 77Br Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes institutions? how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry 2 Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No
No No No No No
213 207
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 0.1 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 0.03 1/month 18 F - WATER 0.1 2/week
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Mehionine 0.4 3/week CO2 3 8/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production NO-3 0.3 15/week O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list)
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O(p,) 13N
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): Products with our cyclotron are used in plant physiology only. Once, we have produced 186Re for medical research. Production of this radionuclide, for medical purposes may be done again. Metallic positron emitters 48V, 52 Mn, 52 Fe and 62 Zn are also produced.
208 214
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: [3] TYPE OF Baby cyclotron for YEAR OF: (I) 1991 CYCLOTRON: medical use INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: The Japana Steel (II) UPGRADE: Works Ltd. MODEL: BC 1710 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 60 60 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications ~ 20 ~4 ~2 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN Kanazawa Cardiovascular Hospital Ha 16 Tanaka, Kanazawa Ishikawa +81 76 253 8000 [email protected] +81 76 253 0008 Mr. Toshihiko Morikawa
215 209
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
210 216
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy Industries MODEL: Cypris 325 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 16 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 8 7 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis:
JAPAN JPN-13 Kyoto University Hospital 54 Shogoin Kawahara-cho, Sakyo-ku Kyoto 606-8507 +81-75-751-3306 [email protected] +81-75-751-3217 Hidekazu Kawashima, PhD. Mr. Haruhiro Kitano YEAR OF:
Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other: Radiopharmaceuticals for clinical and animal studies
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [11C]SCH23390, [11C]CFT, [18F]FDOPA Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No
No No No No No
217 211
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) F
17 Ne (d, ) 18F 18 O (, d) F 18 F radiopharmaceuticals produced Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) FDG 16 FLT 2.0
20 16 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n ) 15O 14 N(d, n ) 15O 14 N(d, n ) 15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C radiopharmaceuticals produced Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) Raclopride 2.0 Flumazenil 2.5 PK11195 1.0 N radiopharmaceuticals produced Name Typical yield on (list) batch (GBq)
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
O radiopharmaceuticals produced Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) CO 1.5/min 48/year O2 0.8/min 24/year CO2 0.5/min 24/year Other isotopes produced Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Comments: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
212 218
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +81 92 642 5833 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Yasuo Kuwabara POSITION: Chief, Nuclear Medicine Section OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Masayuki Sasaki NAME/POSITION Isuyoshi Yoshida NAME/POSITION Toshimitsu Fukumura [3] TYPE OF (I) AVF YEAR OF: 1983 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: 1998 Ltd. MODEL: BC 1710 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 11 7 2 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN Kyushu University Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine Maidashi 3-1-1, Higashi-ku Fukuoka 812-8582 +81 92 6425 788
219 213
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 2/week DOPA Estiradiol
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n ) 15O 14 N(d, n ) 15O 14 N(d, n ) 15O 14 N(d, n ) 15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 1/week Methionine 1/week NMPB 1/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) H 2O 1/week CO 1/week O2 1/week CO2 1/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
214 220
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Mr. Masanori Tadokoro POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Takeo Ishigaki NAME/POSITION Masanari Nishino [3] TYPE OF Baby cyclotron YEAR OF: (I) CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. BC 2211 MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 H H He Beam energies (MeV) 22 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 60 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 100 100
JAPAN Medical School of Nagoya University Department of Radiology 65 Tsurumaicho, Showa-ku Nagoya City 466 +81 52 741 2111 or 733 9415
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 6 3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
221 215
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 16 3 per week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 CMethionine 100 1 per month
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) 15 O-Water 100
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
216 222
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy Industries MODEL: Cypris 370 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 18 Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 20
JAPAN JPN-16 Nagoya City Rehabilitation and Sports Center 1-2 Mikanyama, Yatomi-cho Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8622 +81 52 83 4573 [email protected] +81 52 835 3745 Yoshihiro Ito Noriyuki Kato Katsumi Araki YEAR OF:
H 10 40 5 - 30
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 8 2 3 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C Raclopride , Na 18H [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
223 217
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
18 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 1.8 1day/week DOPA 1
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production NMSP 2.5 5 days/year Methionine 2.5 3days/year Palmitic Acid 2.5 6 days/year Acetic Acid 2.5 6 days/year Flumazenil 2.5 1 day/month 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n )15O
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (list) (GBq) Water CO, CO2 & O2 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
218 224
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF YEAR OF: 1989 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: Industries MODEL: Cypris 370 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 70 70 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 15 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 1 2 5 12 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: 12 Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] [11] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & institutions? how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 3 Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) 5 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
JAPAN National Cardiovascular Centre 5-7-1 Fujishirodai, Suita Osaka 565 +81 6 833 5012 [email protected] +81 6 872 7486 Dr. Yoshio Ishida Director of Nuclear Medicine Dr. Yoshinori Miyake
No No No No No
225 219
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g) 60
O (p, n) 18F 22 94 In future 20 18.5 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 1.5 1/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n ) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 3.3 2/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 1.4 5/week
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 3.3 CO,CO2,O2 0.01 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
220 226
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Superconducting CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION compact MANUFACTURER: Oxford (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: OSCAR, SCC12P [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 12 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 11.4 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 7 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN National Centre of Neurology and Psychiatry 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi-cho 4-chome, Kodaira, Tokyo 187 +81 423 412 711 [email protected] +81 423 446 745 Dr. Hiroshi Matsuda Director, Radiological Division Yutaka Takayama; Satoru Horikoshi Kenichi Ogawa; Masato Kobayashi (I) YEAR OF: 1997
227 221
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 20 1-2 per week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
222 228
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: Dr. Kentaro Hatano OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Dr. Takashi Kato NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) Negative ion YEAR OF: 1995 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION acceleration AVF MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: Industries MODEL: HM-18 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 8 4 3 1 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: 18 Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No F, 370MBq Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN National Institute for Longevity Sciences Gengo, Morioka Obu 474-8522 +81 562 46 2311 [email protected] +81 562 44 6 596 Dr. Kengo Ito
229 223
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 2.4 1/week DOPA 0.875 1/week
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n )15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 0.37 24/year
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 17.4 CO 3.7 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 11 C - SCH 23390 and B-CFT are used for animal experiments (including PET). Some novel radiopharmaceuticals are produced for drug development research.
224 230
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. MODEL: BC - 2010 BC-2010 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 20 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 70 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 36 10 4 26 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No for PET Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 3 Clinical Small animal 2 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-20 National Institute of Radiological Sciences Advanced Technology Division for Medical Imaging Anagawa 4-9-1, Inage-ku +81 43 206 3262 [email protected] +81 43 206 3261 Dr. Kazutoshi Suzuki Head Mr. Toshiaki Irie, Head Mr. Kiyoshi Fukushi, Senior Researcher Mr. Terushi Haradahira, Senior Researcher YEAR OF: (I) 2000
231 225
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1 10
3 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 3 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n )15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 4 8/week McN5652X 1-2 3/week Raclopride 1-2 1/week MP4A 2 1/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 2-3 1/week
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O(p,) 13N
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 11 C - Ro 15-1788, Ro 15- 4513, NMSP and SCH 23390
226 232
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: Industries MODEL: HM-18 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 34 18 6 16 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No PET Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 3 Clinical Small animal 2 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-21 National Institute of Radiological Sciences Advanced Technology Division for Medical Imaging Anagawa 4-9-1, Inage-ku +81 43 206 3262 [email protected] +81 43 206 3261 Dr. Kazutoshi Suzuki Head Mr. Toshiaki Irie, Head Mr. Kiyoshi Fukushi, Senior Researcher Mr. Terushi Haradahira, Senior Researcher YEAR OF: (I) 1994
233 227
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1- 10
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 1 10 1 - 2/week Labeled Compd. 1 1/week
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Ro15 - 4513 3 1 - 2/week Methionine 4 6/week WAY 100635 1 -2 2 - 3/week MP4A 1-2 1/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 2-3 1/week NPC 1 1/month O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 2
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O(p,) 13N
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 11 C - NMSP, McN 5652X(+),McN 5652, Ro15 - 1788, SCH 23390, Raclopride, FLB 457, NMPB and Cyanoimipramine
228 234
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF multi-particle CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Thomson CSF (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: AVF-930 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 90 55 145 110 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 20 20 10 10 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 15 10 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 9 6 6 3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 4 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: 3 Physics: 16 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) 2 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 3 Clinical Small animal 2 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-22 National Institute of Radiological Sciences Advanced Technology Division for Medical Imaging Anagawa 4-9-1, Inage-ku +81 43 206 3262 [email protected] +81 43 206 3261 Dr. Kazutoshi Suzuki Head Mr. Toshiaki Irie, Head Mr. Kiyoshi Fukushi, Senior Researcher Mr. Terushi Haradahira, Senior Researcher YEAR OF: (I) 1973
235 229
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
3 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, d) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 1-10 1-2/week Labeled Compd 1 1/week
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production WAY 100635 1-2 1-2/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 2-3 1/week NPC 1 1/month O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 2
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 3 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 11 C - NMSP, MCN 5652X(+), MCN 5652, RO15-1788, SCH 23390, RACLOPRIDE, FLB457, NMPB, CYANOIMIPRAMINE, 38K
230 236
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF (fixed energy) CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. MODEL: BC 1710 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 10 26 20 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 20 20 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 30 10 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 50 40 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 40 Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN National Research Institute for Metals 1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba Ibaraki 305 +81 298 592 014 [email protected] +81 298 592 014 Mr. Johsei Nagakawa Group Leader Mr. Norikazu Yamamoto, Subgroup Leader Mr. Yoshiharu Murase, Researcher Mr. Toshimitsu Fukuzawa, Researcher YEAR OF: (I) 1986
237 231
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) We use our cyclotron only for studying radiation damage in nuclear reactor materials and not for RADIONUCLIDE
232 238
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +81 438 633 306 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Masaji Takahashi POSITION: Manager of Technical Section 1 OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF YEAR OF: (I) 1986 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: Industries MODEL: 750 PV [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 130/55 Typical beam employed ( A) 120/50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 130 90 40 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? everyday to hospitals. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN Nihon Medi-Physics Co. Ltd. Chiba Facility 3-1 Kitasode, Sodegaura City Chiba Pref., 299-0266 +81 438 634 771
239 233
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 500(@EOB) 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 81 Rb
234 240
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +81 438 633 306 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Masaji Takahashi POSITION: Manager of Technical Section 1 OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF YEAR OF: (I) 1985 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: 1999 (H- acceleration) Industries, Ltd. MODEL: 480P [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 28 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 55 Typical beam employed ( A) 55 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 120 80 40 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? everyday, to hospitals. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals Yes No carried out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-25 Nihon Medi-Physics Co. Ltd. Chiba Facility 3-1 Kitasode, Sodegaura City Chiba Pref., 299-0266 +81 438 634 771
241 235
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 300(@EOS) 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 81 Rb
236 242
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +81 795 683 071 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Mr. Shigeaki Kataoka POSITION: Manager of Technical Section 1 OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Fixed field, fixed YEAR OF: (I) 1992 CYCLOTRON: frequency, INSTALLATION accelerating H-ions MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 15-30 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 400 Typical beam employed ( A) 360 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 132 120 12 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes No institutions? how often? Everyday, to Hospitals [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-26 Nihon Medi-Physics Co. Ltd., Hyogo Facility 9-1 Techno Park, Sanda City Hyogo Pref., 669-1339 +81 795 684 771
243 237
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 120(EOB) 123 I 500(EOS) 124 I 201 Tl 400(EOS) 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
238 244
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +81 795 683 071 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Mr. Shigeaki Kataoka POSITION: Manager of Technical Section 1 OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Fixed field, fixed YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: frequency, (I) INSTALLATION 1990 accelerating H-ions MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16-30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 400 Typical beam employed ( A) 360 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 132 120 12 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Everyday, to Hospitals [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-27 Nihon Medi-Physics Co. Ltd., Hyogo Facility 9-1 Techno Park, Sanda City Hyogo Pref., 669-1339 +81 795 684 771
245 239
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 120(EOB) 123 I 500(EOS) 124 I 201 Tl 400(EOS) 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
240 246
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Deep valley fixed CYCLOTRON: energy proton MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production [6]
JAPAN Nikko Memorial Hospital Shintomi-cho 1-5-13 Muroran-shi, Hokkaido 51 +81 143 24 1331 +81 143 22 5296 Masahiro Shinohara Chief of Radiology Takafumi Mochizuki, Radiology YEAR OF:
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
247 241
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 3.7 1
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
242 248
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Baby cyclotron CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: Industries, Ltd. MODEL: HM-18 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 11 10 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F - - Methyl Tyrosine (18F AMT) [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 5 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN Nishidai Clinic Diagnostic Imaging Center, Inc. 1-83-8 Takashimadaira, Itabashi-ku Tokyo 175-0082 +81 3 5922 0700 [email protected] +81 3 5922 0701 Kimiichi Uno, M.D. Chairman Keiichi Nakagawa, M.D. Katsumi Tomiyoshi, PhD., M.D. YEAR OF: (I) 2000
249 243
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10-15 1-2/day 18 F 10 1/week
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 13 N(p, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production MET 5 1/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 10 3/day
Price/ GBq
O(p,) ) 13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 5 CO, O2 & C O2 10 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced We carry out clinic diagnostic studies only, in collaboration with Gunma University School of Medicine.
244 250
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Takahiro Kanatsuna POSITION: President OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Akira Fijii NAME/POSITION Hitoshi Horii NAME/POSITION Kazuo Wakita [3] TYPE OF Positive ion YEAR OF: (I) 1985 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. MODEL: BC 1710 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 10 ~ 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 70 ~ 80 extracting efficiency: (60 ~ 65%) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 6 ~10 6 ~10 4~8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN Nishijin Hospital 1035 Mizomae-cho, Kamigyo-ku Kyoto 602 +81 75 4615514 [email protected]
251 245
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
246 252
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Shimazu (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MCY 1750 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.9 8.3 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 30 30 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 6 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN Nishina Memorial Cyclotron Centre 348-58 Tomegamori, Takizawa Iwate 020-0173 +81 19 688 6071 [email protected] +81-19 688 6072 Tsuneo Takahashi Director Shoji Futatsugawa, General Manager Kouichiro Sera, Professor Satoru Hatakeyama, Manager YEAR OF: (I) 1989
253 247
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 14.5 1 per week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
248 254
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Compact CYCLOTRON: superconducting, negative ion MANUFACTURER: Oxford-NKK MODEL: OSCAR SCC12P [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 12 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 40
JAPAN Osaka City University Medical School Division of Nuclear Medicine 1-4-3 Asahi-machi, Abenoku Osaka 545-8585 +81 6 6645 3885 [email protected] Dr. Hironobu Ochi Professor, Division of Nuclear Medicine Dr. Masaji Okamoto Susumu Shiomi, Associate Professor YEAR OF: (I) 1992
2 3 4
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 8 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
255 249
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 5 15/month
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 5 2/month
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 2 10/month
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) CO2 2 2/month O2 4 CO 4 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
250 256
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Masanobu Ibaraki [3] TYPE OF Baby cyclotron YEAR OF: (I) 1983 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. MODEL: BC-168 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16 8 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 14 2 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes institutions? how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-33 Research Institute for Brain & Blood Vessels Akita 6-10 Senshu-Kubota-machi Akita City +81 188 330 115 [email protected] +81 188 332 104 Dr. Kazuhiro Takahashi Head
No No No No No
257 251
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 4 1/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n )15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 6 2/week 3NHPB 2 15/year NMSP 2 15/year N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) H 2O 4 20/week O2 20 6/week CO 10 6/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
252 258
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF multi particle YEAR OF: (I) 1977 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: Industries MODEL: 680 AVF [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 40 25 65 50 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 15 12 5 5 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 87 ~ 96 16 12 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN JPN-34 Tohohu University Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (CYRIC) Aramaki, Aoba-ku Sendai 980-7 +81 217 7798 [email protected] +81 263 5358 Professor Tsutomu Shinozuka
259 253
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 11 3-4 per week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine Doxepin Nemonapride N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
254 260
2005 [1]
JAPAN Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology 35-2 Sakaecho Itabashi Tokyo 173-0015 +81 3 3964 3241 ext. 3505 [email protected] +81 3 3964 2188 Dr. Kiichi Ishiwata Head, Positron Medical Center Dr. Yuichi Kimura, Senior Research Scientist Dr. Toru Sasaki, Research Scientist Kenji Ishii, M.D., Research Scientist Keiichi Oda, Research Scientist (I) YEAR OF: 1990
H 10
Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 30 10 ~ 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 24 24 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
261 255
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 18 F-DOPA
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine Flumazenil N-methyl spiperone N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Oxygen Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
256 262
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +81 3 5800 8678 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor Johru Ontoke POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Toshimitsu Momose NAME/POSITION Shinya Oku [3] TYPE OF Positive ion YEAR OF: 1988 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo Heavy (II) UPGRADE: Industries, Ltd. MODEL: Cypris 370 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 10 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 50 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 32 32 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
JAPAN University of Tokyo Department of Radiology 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113 +81 3 3815 5411 ext. 5129
263 257
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 18 F-DOPA
20 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine N-Methylspiperone
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water Oxygen C. monoxide Carbon dioxide OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
258 264
KAZAKHSTAN Institute of Nuclear Physics 480082 Almaty-82, Ibragimov str., 1 +7 327 2 546 433 [email protected] +7 327 2 546 517 Professor A.A. Arzumanov Head, Accelerator Laboratory Sychikov Gennadi Popov Yuri Batischev Viktor YEAR OF: (I) 1965
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 25-50 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 16.5 15.7 4.3 3.5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 1.8 Proton therapy: Physics: 15.7 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Neutron Source, 1.7 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: 57 Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Co, (5) 57 Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Co, (1) 57 X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Co, (4) 109Cd,(6) Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No 2 MeV [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 201 Tl Chloride, 67Ga Citzate, 57Co, 109Cd, 111In, 237Pu, 88Y, 85 Sr [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions?If yes and available, name of Yes No institution/s & how often? Hospitals, central clinics, on request. No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical, Small animal, Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
He 18.5-62 50 20
265 259
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O2 (l)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 13 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 3.0 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 3.3 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
On request.
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
260 266
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: MC 50 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 50 25 60 50.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 60 low current low current [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 20 6 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: 60 h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F production by 20Ne target; High purity 123I production by 124Xe target; on plan: 11C, 45Ti, 211At, 186Re, 124I [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes No institutions? how often? 67Ga-citrate, 201TICI, Na123I, 123 I-mIBG 1 per week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 6 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
267 261
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ (list) (GBq) production sales 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
Price/ GBq
262 268
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Proton only CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone-30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 350 Typical beam employed ( A) 200 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 45 45 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 6 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF ROK-2 Korea Cancer Centre Hospital Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 215-4 Gongneung-Dong Nowon-Ku, Seoul +82 2 970 1331 [email protected] +82 2 970 1332 CHAI, Jong-Seo Principal Researcher/Director KIM, Yu-Seok, Senior Engineer HONG, Seong-Seok, Engineer LEE, Min-Yong, Engineer (I) YEAR OF: 2002
269 263
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 7 2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 1 2/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 1.5
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
264 270
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: KIRAMS (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: KIRAMS -13 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: H+ 13 MeV, 4 sector magnet, 4th harmonics, PIG internal ion source, GUI computer control. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 13 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 24 18 6 4 6 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): F-18, FDG [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? National Cancer Center; Ajou University Hospital, Yonsei University Hospital. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 2 Gamma camera 4 Single photon tomography (SPET) 4 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF ROK-3 Korea Cancer Centre Hospital Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 215-4 Gongneung-Dong Nowon-Ku, Seoul +82 2 970 1331 [email protected] +82 2 970 1332 CHAI, Jong-Seo Principal Researcher/Director KIM, Yu-Seok, Senior Engineer HONG, Seong-Seok, Engineer LEE, Min-Yong, Engineer (I) YEAR OF: 2001
271 265
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
266 272
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION In Won Lee, Chief Technologist (I) [3] TYPE OF Proton only YEAR OF: 1994 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: EBCO Technology (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: TR-13 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 13 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 44 25 10 5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Yunsei University Hospital 5/week; National Cancer Center 2/week No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF ROK-4 Seoul National University Hospital Department of Nuclear Medicine 28 Yungun-Dong, Chongro-Ku Seoul 110-744 +82 2 760 3805 [email protected] +82 2 745 7690 Dr. Jae Min Jeong Director, Cyclotron and Radiochemistry; Associate Professor
273 267
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 7 2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methionine 1 2/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 1.5
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
268 274
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) Negative ion YEAR OF: 1994 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GEMS (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8.4 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 75 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 15 6 1 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] [11] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) 5/5 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1/1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF ROK-5 Samsung Medical Centre Department of Nuclear Medicine Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine 50 Ilwon-Dong, Kangnam-Ku Seoul 135-710 +82 2 3410 2623 [email protected] +82 2 3410 2639 Yearn Seong Choe Assistant Professor/Senior Research Scientist
No No No No No
275 269
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
~ 310
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 7 -11 6/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production CFT Methionine 1/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia > 1.9 1/week
Price/ GBq
O (p, ) 13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water > 3.7
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
270 276
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: [3] TYPE OF H-/DYEAR OF: (I) 2001 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a., Belgium (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 25 Typical beam employed ( A) 38 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 12 9 3 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 12 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C-neuroreceptor imaging radiopharmaceuticals [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Two-three times in a week. No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Asan Medical Center Seoul +82 2 2224 4590 [email protected] +82 2 2224 4588 Dr. Seung Jun Oh
277 271
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 55 2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 n(D,N)15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Methonine 18.5 3-4/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 18.5 1-2/week
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 18.5
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
272 278
2005 [1]
COUNTRY: Institute:
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION 1 H, 2H [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: IBA MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 18 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production [6]
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Yonsei University Hospital Department of Nuclear Medicine 134 Sinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-752 +82 2 365 8441 +82 2 365 8437 Wan-won Seo
H 9 50
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FDG Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
279 273
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
274 280
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Proton only CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: CTI MODEL: RDS111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF NATIONAL CANCER CENTER Department of Nuclear Medicine 809 Madu1-dong, Ilsan-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 411-769 +82 31 920 0176 +82 31 920 0179 Yong-keun, Kim Director
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FDG, 11C-acetate, FLT No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
281 275
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
276 282
2005 [1]
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF ROK-9 The Catholic University of Korea, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital Department of Radio-pharmaceutical 505 Banpo-dong, Socho-gu, Seoul 137-701 +82 2 3478 1816 +82 2 3478 1819 Hee-cheol, Kim Director
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 12 12 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FDG [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
283 277
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
278 284
2005 [1]
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Kosin University Gospel Hospital Department of Cyclotron 34 Ahnnam-Dong,Seo-Ku Pusan 602-702 +82 51 253 1175 [email protected] Sung-kwon Lee Director,
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 5 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FDG [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
285 279
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
280 286
2005 [1]
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF ROK-11 Kyungbook National University Hospital 50 Samduk-2ga, Jung-gu Daegu, 700-721
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: KIRAMS MODEL: KIRAMS-13 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 13 Maximum beam available ( A) 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
287 281
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
282 288
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION (I) [3] TYPE OF Proton only YEAR OF: 2004 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GE (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: G.E MINItrace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 9.6 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 35 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 7 7 10 5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FDG [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Daegu Catholic University Hospital -5/week; [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Yeungnam University Medical Center Department of PET-CT 317-1 Daemyung-Dong, Nam-Ku Daegu 705-717 +82 53 620 3126 [email protected] +82 53 625 3126 Ssang-tae Kim Director,
289 283
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
284 290
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) Proton only YEAR OF: 2004 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GE (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: G.E PETtrace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 70 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 6 5 1 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FDG, Ammonia [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Chonnam National Univeristy Hospital Department of Nuclear Medicine 8 Hak-dong, Dong-gu Gwangju 501-757 +82 61 379 7262 [email protected] +82 61 379 7281 Jeong-young Kim
291 285
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
286 292
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Proton only CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo MODEL: Cypris HM-12S 12/6MeV [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 12 Maximum beam available ( A) 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 60 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Eulji Univeristy Hospital Department of Nuclear Medicine 1306 Dunsan-Dong, Seo-Ku Daejeon 302-799 +82 42 259 1425
Mon-hyung Gu
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
293 287
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
288 294
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: KIRAMS MODEL: KIRAMS-13 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production [6]
2005 (Installing)
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
295 289
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GB q
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
290 296
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: MEXICO MEX-1 Unidad PET, Facultad de Medicina Univesidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico Circuito Escolar S/N, Ciedad Universitaria Del. Coyoacn 04510 Mxico, D.F. +52 5623 22 88 or 5623 22 99 [email protected] +52 5623 21 15 or 5623 22 41 Dra. Nora E. Kerik Rotenberg Chief of Department Dr. Ren Drucker Coln, Scientific Committee Member M. en C. Adolfo Zrate Morales, Cyclotron Operator M. en C. Martha Pedraza Lpez, Radiopharmacist Q.F.I. Irma Martnez Hernndez, Radiopharmacist Fs. Miguel Angel Avila Rodrguez, Cyclotron Operators YEAR OF: 2000 (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE:
2 3 4
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 13 8 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F - DOPA and Raclopride [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? To hospitals in the future No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical, Small animal, Plant biochemistry 1 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
H 11 50 40
297 291
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 14 1/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p,n ) 15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production HCN 33.3 1/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 3.7 2/week
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water 28 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
292 298
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: NETHERLANDS NET-1 Accrec B.V. Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) Cyclotron Building Postbus 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven +31 40 247 4048 [email protected] +31 40 243 8060 Professor Dr. M.J.A. de Voight/Professor Dr. M.J. u.d. Wiel Directors, Accrec B.V.
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 18-30 Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production [6]
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
299 293
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
294 300
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF 2nd harmonic dees YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: with 6th harmonic (I) INSTALLATION 1989 flat top dees MANUFACTURER: Home-made (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: ILEC [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 3 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] [11] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
NETHERLANDS NET-2 Accrec B.V. Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) Cyclotron Building Postbus 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven +31 40 247 4048 [email protected] +31 40 243 8060 Professor Dr. M.J.A. de Voight/Professor Dr. M.J. u.d. Wiel Directors, Accrec B.V.
No No No No No
301 295
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
296 302
2005 [1]
NETHERLANDS NET-3 Accrec B.V. Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) Cyclotron Building Postbus 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven +31 40 247 4048 [email protected] +31 40 243 8060 Professor Dr. M.J.A. de Voight/Professor Dr. M.J. u.d. Wiel Directors, Accrec B.V.
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production ~ 80 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Yes Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
H 3- 30
He 2-20
h/week for maintenance ~4 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify)
Catalysis/ radiochemistry
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 (PEP) Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
303 297
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No No Yes Nuclear reaction used 14 N (d, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C alkanes weekly N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production NO Ammonia O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) N2 150 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Commercial isotope production for Nycomed, Amersham and Cygne Production of short - lived positron emitters for University Research in catalysis using PEP Beam analysis techniques for material research (University related) This AVF Cyclotron will be shut - down in 2002 - 03 and a new Negative ion , IBA, Cyclone 30, 18-30 MeV is planned.
298 304
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +31 50 361 1687 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor William Vaalburg POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: A.M.J. Paans NAME/POSITION P.H. Elsinga [3] TYPE OF AVF YEAR OF: 1991 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC 17F [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 8.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 780 750 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 - 30 20 - 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 3.5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
NETHERLANDS Groningen University Hospital PET Centre P.O. Box 30.001 NL-9700 RB Groningen +31 50 361 3311
No No No No No
305 299
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
7 Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG >8 200/year DOPA 0.5 60/year MPPF 0.5 10/year
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Choline >3 60/year Tyrosine 2-3 40/year Raclopride 0.5 30/year Verapamil 2 20/year Bicarbonate >3 20/year Acetate >3 10/year CSP - 12388 1 20/year 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 0.8 - 1.0 500/year
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O (p, n) 13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 2-4 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
300 306
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: 1992 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 15-30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 400 Typical beam employed ( A) 2180 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 130 130 0 10 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 0 Radiography: 0 Materials science: 0 Proton therapy: 0 Physics: 0 Neutron therapy: 0 Activation analysis: 0 Other (specify) 0 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): None No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 0 Gamma camera 0 Single photon tomography (SPET) 0 Positron emission tomography (PET) 0 Clinical 0 Small animal 0 Plant biochemistry 0 Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
NETHERLANDS NET-5 Mallinckrodt Medical P.O. Box 3 NL-1755 ZG Pette +31 224 567 890 [email protected] +31 224 563 566 Eng. (Ir.) H. Buurlage General Manager Eng. (Ir.) F. de Lange, Head of Cyclotron Operations
No No No No No
307 301
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
302 308
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF Positive ion YEAR OF: 1966 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Philips (II) UPGRADE: 1996 MODEL: AVF [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 10-30 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 150 Typical beam employed ( A) 120 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 100 100 0 10 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 0 Radiography: 0 Materials science: 0 Proton therapy: 0 Physics: 0 Neutron therapy: 0 Activation analysis: 0 Other (specify) 0 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 0 Gamma camera 0 Single photon tomography (SPET) 0 Positron emission tomography (PET) 0 Clinical 0 Small animal 0 Plant biochemistry 0 Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
NETHERLANDS NET-6 Mallinckrodt Medical P.O. Box 3 NL-1755 ZG Petten +31 224 567 890 [email protected] +31 224 563 566 Eng. (Ir.) H. Buurlage General Manager Eng. (Ir.) F. de Lange, Head of Cyclotron Operations
No No No No No
309 303
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O2 (l)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price /GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
304 310
2005 [1]
1 2
NETHERLANDS Vrije Universiteit, BV Cyclotron VU De Boelelaan 1081 NL-1081 HV Amsterdam +31-20-4449123 [email protected] +31-20-4449128 Dr. P.J. van der Jagt General Director Drs. P. Kruijer/Chemist Dr. ing. F. van Langevelde/Physicist P.J. van Leuffen/Daily Operations R. Mooij/Chief Cyclotron Operator YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1997 (II) UPGRADE: H 9
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week radioproduction maintenance applications 38 35 3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No x [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FLT, O-15, Zr-89, I-124 [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes x No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes x No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 1 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No x agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No x [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes x No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes x No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes x No
311 305
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F 95 18 Ne (d, ) F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list)
15 13
Distribution/ sales Yes x No Distribution/ sales Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
306 312
2005 [1]
1 2
NETHERLANDS Vrije Universiteit BV Cyclotron VU De Boelelaan 1081 NL-1081 HV Amsterdam +31-20-4449123 [email protected] +31-20-4449128 Dr. P.J. van der Jagt General Director Drs. P. Kruijer/Chemist Dr. ing. F. van Langevelde/Physicist P.J. van Leuffen/Daily Operations R. Mooij/Chief Cyclotron Operator YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1965 (II) UPGRADE: H 3-16
NET- 8
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 6-32 Yes No x Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 15 10 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 85 75 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No x [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes x No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes x No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 1 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No x agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No x [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes x No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes x No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes x No
He 10-45
313 307
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list)
15 13
Distribution/ sales Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No x Yes x No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Rb-81 is produced for the production of Rb/Kr-generators
308 314
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION: 1996 MANUFACTURER: (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Compact superconducting cyclotron for research in physics, also used for radiotherapy related radiobiological experiments, development of dose imaging systems and radiation hardness testing Ions of alle elements up to lead are accelerated, for more information see 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 200 Yes No x Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ year Hours/year Hours/year for research Hours/year for Hours/year for for radionuclide maintenance applications production [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/year Hours/year Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Detector development IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x No x Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No x Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes X No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No X Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
NETHERLANDS Kernfysisch Versneller Institute Zernikelaan 25 NL-9747 AA Groningen +31 50 363 3600 [email protected] +31 50 363 4003 W K van Asselt
NET- 9
315 309
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
310 316
2005 [1]
1 2
NETHERLANDS Vrije Universiteit, BV Cyclotron VU De Boelelaan 1081 NL-1081 HV Amsterdam +31-20-4449123 [email protected] +31-20-4449128 Dr. P.J. van der Jagt General Director Drs. P. Kruijer/Chemist Dr. ing. F. van Langevelde/Physicist P.J. van Leuffen/Daily Operations R. Mooij/Chief Cyclotron Operator YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 2004 (II) UPGRADE: H 9
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 28 25 3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No x [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FLT, O-15, Zr-89, I-124 [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes x No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes x No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 1 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No x agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No x [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes x No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes x No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes x No
317 311
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F 95 18 Ne (d, ) F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list)
15 13
Distribution/ sales Yes x No Distribution/ sales Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
312 318
[1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: NORWAY University of Oslo Department of Physics P.O. Box 1048, Blindern N-0316 Oslo +47 22 856 460 NOR-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +47 22 856 422 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor Magne Guttormsen POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: John Rekstad NAME/POSITION Svein Messelt [3] TYPE OF Sector focusing YEAR OF: (I) 1979 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: MC 35 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 35 17 47 35 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 80 10 20 Typical beam employed ( A) 70 50 5 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 5 2 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
319 313
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
314 320
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: PHILIPPINES PHI-1 Positron Emission Tomography and Cyclotron Facility St. Lukes Medical Center, E. Rodriguez Avenue Quezon City 1102 +63 2 7268369 [email protected] /[email protected] +63 2 7268369 Jonas Y. Santiago, MD, FACNP Chief, Section of PET Nathaniel B. de Vera, Manager, PET & Cyclotron Facility Katheryn S. Mandap, Radiochemist YEAR OF: 2001 (November) (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE:
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Negative Ion [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: GE MODEL: Minitrace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 9.5 Yes No x Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 5 4 0 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: N/A Radiography: N/A Materials science: N/A Proton therapy: N/A Physics: N/A Neutron therapy: N/A Activation analysis: N/A Other (specify) N/A [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No x Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No x [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): F-18 and N-13 [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No x If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes x No x out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No x agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No x [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No x [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No x [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes x No
321 315
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
95 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 5.5 for 30min 1 per day 9.4 for 60 min bombardment
Price/ GBq x x
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production N/A
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes Yes No No
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production N-13 1.1 for 30 min occasional ammonia bombardment
Price/ GBq x
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu N/A Yes No Yes No 67 Ga N/A Yes No Yes No 86 Y N/A Yes No Yes No 94m Tc N/A Yes No Yes No 103 Pd N/A Yes No Yes No 111 In N/A Yes No Yes No 123 I N/A Yes No Yes No 124 I N/A Yes No Yes No 201 Tl N/A Yes No Yes No 211 At N/A Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) This is the first cyclotron in the country; will be dedicated to produce 18F FDG and 13N Ammonia for use in PET procedures of the Medical Center and supply to other users on request. Detailed information will be supplied when the unit becomes operational.
316 322
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: POLAND POL-1 Henryk Niewodnicanczanski Institute of Physics (HNIP), Radzikowskiego 152 PL-31-341 Krakow +48 12 637 0222 [email protected] +48 12 637 5441 Mr. Edmund Makewicz, MSc., EE Head of Cyclotron Unit Mr. Henryk Doruch, MSc., EE/Mr. Marek Talach, MSc., EE Dr. Ryszard Taraszkiewicz, Cyclotron Research Dr. Barbara Petelenz, head Laboratory of Physical Chemistry YEAR OF: (I) 1997
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF isochronous CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION HNIP (II) UPGRADE: 2001 MANUFACTURER: MODEL: AIC-144 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: K-factor = 60; extraction radius R = 0.62 M. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 10-60 15-30 30-60 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100/45 100 30 MeV Typical beam employed ( A) 2-5 n/a 3-5 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications Variable [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: planned Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: planned Physics: variable Neutron therapy: planned Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No variable X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No planned [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 111 In, 211At [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
323 317
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG F-Dopa ML01 ML03 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Choline Deprenyl Methionine N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
15 13
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 57 Co occasionally, used on site in test of Si strip detectors, 99 Rh occasionally, used on site for Mssbauer research, 173 Hf occasionally, used on site in model studies of chemistry of transuranium elements, 178 W, 181W occasionally, used on site in model studies of chemistry of transuranium elements.
318 324
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +48 22 659 2714 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor Dr. hab. Jan Kowracki POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Mr. Tomasz Czosnyka NAME/POSITION Mr. Jerzy Jastrzebski [3] TYPE OF AVF, 4-sector, YEAR OF: (I) 1994 CYCLOTRON: 2-dee, 2 m diameter INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Magnet - Dubna, (II) UPGRADE: ECR installation, 1997 rest all Polish parts MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) * Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 100 24 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 123 111 I, In [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Planned after the ECR installation [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
POLAND Warsaw University Heavy Ion Laboratory uL Pasteura 5A PL-02-097 Warszawa +48 22 658 2021
325 319
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction (list) used OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ (list) (GBq) production sales 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Basic research, e.g. Coulomb excitation, Giant Dipole Resonances In-beam high-spin spectroscopy Radioactive decays in He-jet system and isotope separation in-line.
320 326
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: ROMANIA ROM-1 National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering IFIN-HH Bucharest, Str. Atomistilor 407 POB MG-6, 76900 Bucharest-Magurele +40 1 404 23 00/4406/+401 4023 1701 [email protected] Dipl. Eng. Dorin Dudu Head of the Cyclotron Accelerator Dip. Eng. Nicolae Tetcu, Deputy Head Dr. Eugen Ivanov Dr. Petru Mihai Racolta YEAR OF: 1957/1958 (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE: 1970 development of 7 beam transport lines 1999 upgrading of RF controls
MODEL: U-120/1956 CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams No Beam energies (MeV) 10-15 10-13 20-27 Yes Maximum beam available ( A) 25 25 10 Typical beam employed ( A) 55 10 3 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 45 10 10 10 15 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 15 Proton therapy: Physics: 5 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: 5 Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) 22Na/1 mCi Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) 5 MeV Yes No 1012n/cm2s typically for d (13 MeV) on Be target. [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18f, 103Pd, 22Na, 67Ga, 111In, 123I, 68Ge [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical; Small animal; Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No [4]
327 321
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
322 328
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION Self-shielded, proton [3] TYPE OF cyclotron CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: 2001 - accepted MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Nil nil Nil Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 6 2 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C, 15O, 11C - acetate, 11C - methinione, 15O water [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
329 323
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 4 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N - ammonia 1 1/month
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
324 330
2005 [1]
RUSSIA RUS-2 Central Research Institute of Roentgenology and Radiology 189646 St. Petersburg Pesochny-2 Leningrad ul., 70 +7 812 596 6609 [email protected] or [email protected] +7 812 596 6609 Oleg A. Shtukovski, PhD. Head of the Department of Cyclotron Radiopharmaceuticals Mikhail Korsakov, Scientific Expert
(I) Isochronous YEAR OF: 1991 INSTALLATION cyclotron with variable energy MANUFACTURER: Efremov Institute, St. (II) UPGRADE: Petersburg, Russia MODEL: MGC-20P [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: H- and D- energy beam 16.4 MeV. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 4-18 7-10 10-28 4-20 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 50 30 25 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 60 40 12 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 67 Ga, 111In [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 11 different clinical institutions in St. Petersburg, 2times/week No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
331 325
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 5-10 2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C butyrate 4-6 2/week 11 C acetate 2-3 validation for patient studies
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N ammonia 3-5 1 runday/week
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
2/week 1/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): 123 I - iodide, 123I iodo hippurate, 123I iodo bengal rose, 123I iodo iodopentadecanoic acid.
326 332
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF lsochronic CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Scientific Institute, Electrophysics MODEL: RIC - 14 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 14 Maximum beam available ( A) 1000 Typical beam employed ( A) 850 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 52 weeks 130 h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
RUSSIA RUS-3 Cyclotron Co. Ltd. Bondarenko Sq. 1, Obninsk, Kaluga Region 249033 +7 95 255 2385 [email protected] +7 95 255 2326 Professor N.N. Krasnov Director General A.A. Ponomarev, Chief Engineer Dr. Yuri Sevastianov, Deputy Director General YEAR OF: (I) 1999
h/week for maintenance 20 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify) 57 Co, 109Cd , 68Ge
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: 68 Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Ge 57 Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Co 57 X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Co,109Cd Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
333 327
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, )18F O (,d)18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga Upto 30 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd Upto 200 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
328 334
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Classical cyclotron CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Scientific Institute Electrophysics MODEL: U - 150 - 1 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 22 Maximum beam available ( A) 1000 Typical beam employed ( A) 700 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 52 weeks in year 2000 144 hours h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
RUSSIA RUS-4 Cyclotron Co. Ltd. Bondarenko Sq. 1, Obninsk, Kaluga Region 249033 +7 95 255 2385 [email protected] +7 95 255 2326 Professor N.N. Krasnov Director General A.A. Ponomarev, Chief Engineer Dr. Yuri Sevastianov, Deputy Director General YEAR OF: (I) 1963 INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE: 1993
He 22 1000 700
h/week for maintenance 20 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify) 57Co, 109 Cd, 68Ge
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: 68 Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Ge 57 Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Co 57 X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Co,109Cd Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes institutions? how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
335 329
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, )18F O (,d)18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga Up to 30 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd Up to 200 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
330 336
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Krasikova Raisa, Head of Radiopharmacy [3] TYPE OF Medical YEAR OF: (I) 1990 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC-17 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 85 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 15-40 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 16 7 4 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): PET 16 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
RUSSIA Institute of Human Brain RAS 9 Pavlov Street St. Petersburg 197376 +7 812 234 9347 [email protected] +7 812 234 3247 Demianov Alexandr Cyclotron Engineer
No No No No No
337 331
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 8.8 1/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production L-11C methyl 4.4 4/week methionine
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N[NH3] 2.6 1/month O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) 15 O[H2O] 4.4 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
332 338
2005 [1]
RUSSIA RUS-6 Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy (KIAE) Moscow 123 182 +7 095 196 9782 or +7 095 196 9977* +7 095 737 0600 Unezhev Vitaly Oglobin Alexei V.E. Jarosh YEAR OF:
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 60 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 20 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 60 35 4 15 5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 2 Proton therapy: Physics: 4 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No En=30MeV [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
H 30 15 10
He 70 15
339 333
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 37
124 201
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
3 days/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No
Price/ GBq
On request
I Tl 211 At
2 days/month
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
334 340
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION A.I. Komov*, Chief of the Cyclotron Department [3] TYPE OF Tomsk(U-120) YEAR OF: (I) 1959 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Electrosila St. (II) UPGRADE: 1971 Petersburg MODEL: R - 7M [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 15 14 30 28 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 35 50 20 55 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 45 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 35 19 5 11 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: 6 Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No En=7.5 MeV [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 123 I, Sodium Iodide, Iod - O - gippurate, MIBG, Iodophen [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Institute of Cardiology of Tomsk Research Centre (TRC) of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy Medical Sciences (SB RAMS)- 2 per week; Institute of Oncology of TRC SB RAMS- 2 per week; Siberian State Medical University- 2 per week. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
RUSSIA RUS-7 Nuclear Physics Institute at Tomsk Polytechnic University Lenina 2-1 St., P.O. Box 25 634050 Tomsk +7 3822 417 953 or +7 3822 424 003* [email protected] +7 3822 423 934 V.M. Golovkov Deputy Director
341 335
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Since 1990, TI-199 isotope is produced as analog of TI-201. The Thallium Chloride, TI-99 radiopharmaceutical is provided to some medical institutes. Deliverables are realized twice per week. Quantity of the supplying radiopharmaceutical with the TI-11 is equal to 5-6 Ku/year.
336 342
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION B.V. Zabrodin, Director of the Cyclotron Laboratory, RINP [3] TYPE OF MGC-20 YEAR OF: (I) 1985 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: SRIEPhA, Russia (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 10 27 20 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 20 25 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 20 5 15 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 0 50 0 - 50 0 20 25 50 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: 0 - 20 Proton therapy: Physics: 0 - 20 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: sometimes Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 67 Ga, 124I, 85Sr. [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? As required. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
RUSSIA RUS-8 Research Institute of Nuclear Physics St. Petersburg Technical University 194223 St. Petersburg, ul. Kurchatova 10 +812 552 98 96 [email protected] +812 552 98 31 V.N. Lomasov Director, Research Institute of Nuclear Physics (RINP)
343 337
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 1 - 10 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 1 - 10 124 I 0,5 - 4 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
as required as required
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 85 Sr
338 344
2005 [1]
RUSSIA V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute 2nd Murinski Prospect 28 149 021 St. Petersburg +7 812 247 [email protected] +7 812 237 6181 L.M. Solin, PhD. Head of Laboratory
OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Efremov NIIEFA MODEL: MGC-20 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 5-18 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 5-15 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 60 48 [6]
H 3-10 50
He 8-24 20
He 8-20 20
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Sodium iodide, 123I; Sodium-Iodohippurate, 123I; 123I -MIBG; 123I -BMIPP; 67Ga Citrate: Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
345 339
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 3.5 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 10 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
2-3 / week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
340 346
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion, AVF, CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION electrostatic extraction The Cyclotron (II) UPGRADE: MANUFACTURER: Corporation MODEL: CS 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 28.5 15 38 30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 200 300 135 90 Typical beam employed ( A) 100 100 100 80 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 45 < 10 < 10 < 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: 25 (on hold) Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No En =14 MeV [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C, 103Pd, and 123I [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No 124 If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? I, 203Pb [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 5 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
347 341
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15 Every day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 3.7 1-2/week
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 44.0 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 16.7 123 I 28.0 124 I 16.0 201 Tl 34.0 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Kr81m generator production everyday.
342 348
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: SLOVAKIA SLR-1 Slovak Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing Cyclotron Centre of the Slovak Republic Stefanovicova 4, P.O. Box 76, SK-81005 Bratislava +421 7 524 91085 [email protected] +421 7 524 91050 Dr. Dusan Podhorsky Chairman Dr. Peter Kovac, Senior Operators Dr. Josef Kristiak, Senior Scientist Professor Fedor Macasek, Senior Scientist Professor Jan Ruzicka, Scientific Secretary Professor Stefan Saro, Senior Scientist (I) YEAR OF: 2001 - 2002
Fixed energy H- and CYCLOTRON: D- ions INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a., Belgium (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams No Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes Maximum beam available ( A) 80 35 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: 5 (Planned) Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F FDG, 11C Raclopride [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No [3] TYPE OF
349 343
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
2 x 50
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 2 x 20 18 F-DOPA
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(p,n) 15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 40
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 4
Price/ GBq
O(p,) 13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) CO2 (10) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
344 350
OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Separated sector w/ CYCLOTRON: solid pole injector INSTALLATION cyclotron MANUFACTURER: NAC MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 H H Beam energies (MeV) 66 - 200 Maximum beam available ( A) 180 Typical beam employed ( A) 90 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for production research 144 38 24 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: 24 Activation analysis: [7]
3 4
h/week for maintenance 24 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify) Radionuclide production
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F and 18F FDG; 68Ge; 82Sr, 88Yr Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Nuclear medicine centres in South Africa and Namibia on a weekly basis. 22Na to USA , European and Far East Markets, RbCl & Ga irradiated targets to USA (DOE) Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical, Small animal, Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No No No No
351 345
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG To be 4 times a week determined, not in production yet
Yes Yes Yes C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
No No No
No No No Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
$ 405
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 81 Rb/81MKr generators, 123I MIBG, 123I-NaI capsule, , 123I-NaI solution, 67Ga-resin
346 352
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: SPAIN BARNATRON Anselm Clave, 100 08950 Espluges de Llobregar Barcelona +34 93 473 5144 [email protected] +34 93 473 4839 Isabel R. de Arellano Radiochemist, responsible for Installation Carlos Piera, responsible for Quality Control Pedro Larroza, Technician Production Martin Vargas, Technician Quality Control (I) YEAR OF: 2001 SPA-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GE (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: H- and D- energy beam 16.4 MeV. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.4 MeV Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 36 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 11 7 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Advanced GE Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
353 347
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1.6 mL
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 65/2 MR bomb 4/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
348 354
2005 [1]
PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GE MODEL: PET Trace 2132402 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 H H Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 Maximum beam available ( A) 75 Typical beam employed ( A) 36 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for production research 26 26 h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis:
SPAIN SPA-2 Centro Andaluz de Dagnstco PET (CADPET) Ronda de Capuchinos, 11 41009 Sevilla +34 954 432 537 ext. 172 [email protected]/[email protected]/riglesias@cadpe +34 954 435 5850 Mr. Miguel Perez Consejero Delegado (Managing Director) Mr. Miguel Cantero, Radiochemist Mrs. Roco Iglesias, Radiopharmacist YEAR OF: (I) 2001 (II) UPGRADE:
3 4
h/week for maintenance n/a Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify) Radiopharmaceuticals
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? CADPET Mlaga: 3/week; Hospital Universitario Virgen del Roco (Sevilla): 5/week Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves (Granada): 6/week; IPO (Lisboa): 5/week ; Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No No No No
355 349
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1,5 mL
Ne (d, ) 18F O (,d )18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 37 17/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
350 356
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Superconducting, CYCLOTRON: negative ion MANUFACTURER: Oxford Intr. MODEL: OSCAR IV [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 12 Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 15 h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
SPAIN Centro PET Complutense (CPC) Manuel Bartolome Cossio, 10 E-28040 Madrid +34 91 534 4896 [email protected] +34 91 553 0845 Jos Miguel Alfonso President Antonio Maldonado, Medical Director Magdalena Melgarejo Icaza, Laboratory Director Jos Manuel Nieto, Administrative Director YEAR OF: (I) 1994
2 3 4
h/week for maintenance 3 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify): FDG fabrication
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? IVO (Valencia): 3-4/week; Hospital del Roco (Sevilla: 5-9/week; Hospital Dr. Peset (Valencia): 2-3/week Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No No No No
357 351
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 25 2-4/day
Yes Yes Yes C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
No No No
No No No Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Centro PET Complutense S.A. is dedicated only in the production and utilization of 1`8FDG for clinical use. During this utilization it participates in diverse projects of clinical investigation.
352 358
2005 [1]
OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION Double particle [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 80 35 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 15 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
SPAIN Clinica Universitaria de Navarra Facultad de Medicina Apartado, 4029 31080 Pamplona +34 948 255 400 ext. 4941 [email protected] +34 948 296 500 Jos A. Richter MD, PhD. Chief of Nuclear Medicine Josep M. Marti-Climent, PhD. Ivn Peuelas, PhD. Javier Arbizu, MD Mara J. Garca-Velloso, MD, PhD. YEAR OF: 1996 (I)
359 353
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d,a) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
354 360
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Mr. Tomas Arroyo, Radiopharmacist [3] TYPE OF GE Minit-11 YEAR OF: (I) 2001 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 9.6 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: (ESTIMATION) Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 19 1 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 5 during 2001 (expected) [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
SPAIN MOLYPHARMA Avenida Dr. Severo Ochoa, 37-41-1 28100 Alcobendas Madrid +34 91 490 5730 [] +34 91 490 5740 Mr. Rafael Jimenez Shaw Director de Operaciones
361 355
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d,)18F O (, d)18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 37 Daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 5 Daily
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
356 362
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: SWEDEN Uppsala Universitet PET-Centrum UAS, S-75185 Uppsala +46 18 471 5388 [email protected] +46 18 471 53890 Joachim Schultz Engineer Mr. Gunnar Antonio, Senior Chemist SWE-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) Isochron, deflector YEAR OF: 1991 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MC 17 MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 17 MeV protons, 8,5 deuterons, mx 50 A on target 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 17 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 45 45 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 60 57 0 2 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal 2 Plant biochemistry No [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
363 357
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15 3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production CO2 ~20 5/day
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
358 364
2005 [1] COUNTRY: INSTITUTE: SWITZERLAND Paul Scherrer Institute CH-5232 Villigen-PSI +41 56 310 2813 [email protected] +41 56 310 2849 Professor P.A. Schubiger Head of Centre for Radiopharmacy Simon Ametamey Peter Bluenstein Roger Schibli (I) YEAR OF: 1974 SWI-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF PSI construction CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Philips (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Total beam is 200 Micro Amp; a splitter divides into main beam and a small part for the radiopharmacy; this sheet is filled out with respect to RPH applications 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 72 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 70 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 140 150 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
365 359
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG Dopa
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Flumazenil Raclopride Methionine Ketamine 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 20 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) We are concentrating on research of new radiopharmaceuticals for brain imaging and tumour therapy. The products are investigated in vitro and in vivo (animals). If good results are obtained, first clinical tests are started, but there is no regular distribution to hospitals anywhere. In addition to 18F, we are producing 11C, 67Cu and 76Br.
360 366
2005 [1]
SWITZERLAND SWI-2 Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, Nuclear Medicine Service, Cyclotron Unit 24, rue Micheli-du-Crest, CH-1211 Geneva +41 22 37 27 580 [email protected] +41 22 37 27 585 Dr. Dmitri Soloviev, PhD. Radiopharmacist, Qualified Person, Head of Cyclotron Unit a.i. Claire Tamburella, PhD., Cyclotron Physicist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 2001 (machine manufactured in 1997)
MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 15 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 30 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C, 18F, 64Cu, 55Co, 86Y, 124I [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? No Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [18F]FDG to PET Centers in Switzerland daily beginning in December, 2005. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
367 361
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1.5; 2.5;3
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production [18F]FDG 20 daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production [11C]acetate 20 3 d/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
362 368
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Dr. G. Westera NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Fixed energy, YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: negative ion (I) INSTALLATION 1994 MANUFACTURER: GE (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 Stand-by 20 Beam on target 3 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F DOPA, FLT, 11C Various [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
SWITZERLAND University Hospital Zrich, PET Center Raemistrasse 100 CH-8081 Zrich +41 1 255 1111 [email protected] +41 1 255 4428 Professor A. Schubiger
369 363
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
600 MBq Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, x) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 45 1/day
18 18 -
2.5 1.5
1/week 1/week
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 2.5 1/2 weeks Flumarenil 2.5 1/2 weeks Acetate 2.5 1/month N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 NH3 10 10 / week
15 13
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p.n)15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O (p, a) 13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) H 2O Continuous OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
364 370
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion, CYCLOTRON: variable energy MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. Cyclone 30 MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 15-30 Maximum beam available ( A) 350 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production [6]
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 123 111 I, In, 103Pd, 11C, 15O Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Not yet. Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
No No No No No
371 365
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
~ 90
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 30 3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
366 372
2005 [1] COUNTRY INSTITUTE: TURKEY MONROL Nuclear Products Inc. Tubitak MAM Teknoparki Gebze / Kocaeli +90 262 646 40 66 [email protected] +90 262 646 40 66 Baris Cakir Eng. / Specialist Ozgur Ustaoglu / Asst. Specialist H. Ozgur Kazanci / Asst. Specialist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 2000 TUR-1
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: (-) Ion Beam MANUFACTURER: CTI MODEL: (II) UPGRADE: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 31 30 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FLT, FDOPA [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Various National Institutions [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
373 367
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O2 (l)
O (p, n) 18F 55.5 97 18 Ne (d, ) F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 25 2
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq -
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
368 374
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: (-) Ion Beam MANUFACTURER: IBA (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: 18/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 31 30 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): FLT FDOPA [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Various National Institutions [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
TURKEY MONROL Nuclear Products Inc. Tubitak MAM Teknoparki Gebze / Kocaeli +90 262 646 40 66 [email protected] +90 262 646 40 66 Baris Cakir Eng. / Specialist Ozgur Ustaoglu / Asst. Specialist H. Ozgur Kazanci / Asst. Specialist Halil Kusanl / Asst. Specialist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 2004
375 369
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O2 (l)
O (p, n) 18F 166.5 97 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 74 2
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq -
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
370 376
1 2
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 5 2 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: 15 Physics: 2 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: 22 Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Na Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 64 Cu, 55Co [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Paterson Institute, Christie Hospital, (4-8/month) Manchester, M20 4BX, U.K. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
377 371
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Mostly recycled
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 1
201 211
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No
Price/ GBq
Research contract
Tl At
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) We only produce isotopes, not pharmaceuticals.
372 378
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF O-15 generator CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 3D [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Positive ion, fixed energy, fixed frequency, internal beam only. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 3.8 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30 28 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) O-15 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED KINGDOM UK-2 Hammersmith Imanet Limited Cyclotron Building Hammersmith Hospital Ducane Road, London W12 ONN +44 (0) 208 383 3162 [email protected] +44 (0) 208 383 2029 Sue Matthews Managing Director Bruce Mackay, Cyclotron Operations Manager Mike Renton, Chief Cyclotron Engineer Shaun Creasey, Radiochemistry Production Manager (I) YEAR OF: 1991
379 373
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) 15 H 2O continuous daily 15 CO continuous daily 15 O continuous weekly OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
374 380
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion, variable CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION energy MANUFACTURER: Scanditronix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC 40 Mark II [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Isochronous cyclotron for acceleration of light ions, delivers high quality external beams via a beam transport system with seven (7) lines to more than 20 installed targets. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 10-40 5-20 12-53 10-40 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 65 65 50 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 30 30 55 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 110 65 40 5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Daily [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED KINGDOM UK-3 Hammersmith Imanet Limited Cyclotron Building Hammersmith Hospital Ducane Road, London W12 ONN +44 (0) 208 383 3162 [email protected] +44 (0) 208 383 2029 Sue Matthews Managing Director Bruce Mackay, Cyclotron Operations Manager Mike Renton, Chief Cyclotron Engineer Shaun Creasey, Radiochemistry Production Manager (I) YEAR OF: 1986
381 375
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
10/F2; 55/F-
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 20 daily Wide range of compounds
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Extensive range daily of compounds 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) 15 CO continuous daily 15 CO2 continuous daily 15 H 2O continuous daily OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I 0.3 Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 81 Rb/Kr generators
376 382
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF GE PETtrace CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: GEMS Uppsala. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PETtrace selfshielded [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Positive ion, fixed energy, fixed frequency, internal beam only. 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8.4 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 75 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 60 60 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) O-15 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical 2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED KINGDOM UK-4 Hammersmith Imanet Limited Cyclotron Building Hammersmith Hospital Ducane Road, London W12 ONN +44 (0) 208 383 3162 [email protected] +44 (0) 208 383 2029 Sue Matthews Managing Director Bruce Mackay, Cyclotron Operations Manager Mike Renton, Chief Cyclotron Engineer Shaun Creasey, Radiochemistry Production Manager (I) YEAR OF: 2004-2005
383 377
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F 100 95 as F18 Ogas (p, n) 18F 50 as F2 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11C CO2 11C Methane
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) 15 H 2O continuous daily 15 CO continuous daily 15 O continuous weekly OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
378 384
2005 [1]
UNITED KINGDOM UK-5 John Mallard Scottish PET Centre University of Aberdeen Department of Biomedical Physics and Bioengineering Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB9 2ZD +44 1 224554767 [email protected] +44 1 224552514 Dr. Andrew Welch Director M.G. Dodd, Cyclotron Engineer Dr. Lutz Schweiger, Senior Chemist YEAR OF: (I) 1998
2 3 4
Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 12 4 0.2 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 16 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): Target dev. 1 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
385 379
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 8 daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p,n)15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Choline 2 weekly Methylene blue 4 weekly methionone 4 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 3 as required
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
380 386
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +44 207 922 0790 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr Michael ODoherty POSITION: Director, The Clinical PET Centre Ms. Margaret Dakin OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Mr. Gavin dCosta NAME/POSITION Mr. Phil Halstead NAME/POSITION Mr. Paul Marsden [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1991 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 19 15 4 As required [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 64 Cu In development; 18F FLT In development; 18F Peptides In development [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Fluoride for scanner applications [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 2 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED KINGDOM UK-6 St. Thomas Hospital The Clinical PET Centre Guys, Kings, St. Thomas School of Medicine Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 7EH +44 207 188 4988
387 381
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 2 /day
FLT FMISO C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C Metnionine 11 C Fumazenl 11 C Methyl acetate N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 NH3 O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water
15 13 11
No No No
No No No Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
382 388
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion, fixed CYCLOTRON: energy MANUFACTURER: GE MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16 8.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 45 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 28 6 10 4 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): PET [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F peptides; 11C ligands and substrates; 64Cu antibody fragments/chelates [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 3/week to two centres. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED KINGDOM UK-7 University of Cambridge Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre Box 65, Addenbrook's Hospital Cambridge CB2 2QQ +44 1223 33 1820 [email protected] +44 1223 33 1826 John C. Clark, DSc. PET Science Director Professor John D. Pickard, Clinical Director and Chairman Dr. Franklin I. Aigbirhio, Radiopharmaceutical Chemist Dr. Peter J. Johnstrom, Radiopharmaceutical Chemist Mr. Paul Burke, Cyclotron Engineer YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1994 (II) UPGRADE:
389 383
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction (list) used Water CO O2 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ (list) (GBq) production sales 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
384 390
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Richard L. Witcofski Director POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Richard Ehrenkaufer NAME/POSITION Henry Chilton [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: 1991 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: RDS-112 MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 15 15 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-FDG, daily No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry No [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
391 385
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 F FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C - methionine
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
386 392
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Isochronous CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, Ltd. MODEL: BC 1710 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30 30 0 4 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-2 Brookhaven National Laboratory Chemistry Department, Bldg. 901 Upton, NY 11973 +631 344 4587 [email protected] +631 344 4587 David J. Schlyer Manager, BNL Cyclotron Facility Joanna Fowler, Programme Director Richard Ferrieri, Chemist Michael Schueller, Assistant Chemist YEAR OF: 1981 (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE:
393 387
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 3.5 daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Cocaine 0.5 3/week Raclopride 0.5 3/week Deprenyl 0.5 2/week Clorgyline 0.5 2/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 1.0 On demand
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
0(p, )13N
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 195m Pt
388 394
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: Ebco Technologies MANUFACTURER: Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: TR19 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 19 10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 100 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 25 20 5 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: 0 Radiography: 0 Materials science: 0 Proton therapy: 0 Physics: 0 Neutron therapy: 0 Activation analysis: 0 Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): New tracers for receptor systems [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 2 Gamma camera 0 Single photon tomography (SPET) 0 Positron emission tomography (PET) 0 Clinical 2 Small animal 2 Plant biochemistry 1 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Brookhaven National Laboratory Building 901 Upton, NY 11973 (631) 344-4587 [email protected] (631) 344-7350 David J. Schlyer Head, BNL Cyclotron Facility Michael Schueller Assistant Scientist Richard Ferrieri Chemist YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 2002
395 389
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 13.5 daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Cocaine 0.5 3/week Raclopride 0.5 8/week Ritalin 0.5 1/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production ammonia 0.25 1/week
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O (p, a) 13N
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) [11C] Jasmonic acid for plant studies
390 396
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Ron Borchert POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF YEAR OF: (I) 1993 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11.5 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 80 Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 80 80 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Confidential [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 6 Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Carolinas Medical Center Department of NM & PET 1000 Blyth Blvd., P.O. Box 32861 Charlotten NC 28232 +1 704 355 2276 [email protected]
397 391
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
~ 37
Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 400-450 2-4/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 15 - 22 1-2/week
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
392 398
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix MODEL: MC-17 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 17 Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 25 25 [6]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-5 Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals of Cleveland Division of Radiology 11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44139 +1 216 844 7350 [email protected] Dr. Marc Berridge Associate Professor Lei Zheng Ken Voelker YEAR OF: (I)
2 3 4
H 8
40 h/week for research h/week for maintenance average: 6 (some weeks, none) h/week for applications
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-Fluoride; 13N-Ammonia; 18FFDG Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 2 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
399 393
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
394 400
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1993 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 - 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 20-24 10 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 20 - 24 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C leucine; 11C - DWAY [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Childrens Hospital of Michigan PET Center 3901 Beaubien Boulevard Detroi, MI 48201 +1 313 993 2618 [email protected] +1 313 993 3845 Dr. Thomas J. Mangner Director, PET Chemistry Dr. Harry T. Chugani, Medical Director
401 395
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 12 5-6/week 18 F FLT 2 1/week 18 F FMAU 1.5 1/monoth C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C FMZ 15 2-3/week 11 C AMT 6 2-3/week
13 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p,n)15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N NH3 2 5-10/week
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Other radiopharmaceuticals produced on an irregular basis: C-11 acetate, C-11 m-hydroxyephedrine (HED), 2-C-11 thymidine, C-11 methionine, F-18 FAU, F-18 FIAU, F-18 FBAU.
396 402
2005 [1]
1 2
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. USA-7 Columbia University, Kreitchman PET Center 177 Ft Washington Ave, MHB B1 room 4 New York, NY 10032 (212)923-1555 [email protected] (212)543-8879 Ronald Van Heertum M.D Director Kreitchman PET Center Norman Simpson, Director Radioisotope & Radioligand Product Dave Wilson, Radiopharmacy Manager YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1992 (II) UPGRADE: H N/A N/A He N/A N/A
3 4
Typical beam employed ( A) N/A N/A N/A N/A [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 18 75 F 15 0 cyclotron research 20 15 O 0.5 2 hours chem. Res 13 N 0.25 11 C -15 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: 40 Radiography: 0 Materials science: 0 Proton therapy: 0 Physics: 0 Neutron therapy: 0 Activation analysis: 0 Other (specify) 0 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence 3 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical, Small animal, Plant biochemistry 3 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
403 397
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 40.7 2 Batches/Day FPS 3.7 1/month Fallypride 3.7 2/month C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production M100907 7.4 2 Batches/week Raclopride 7.4 4 Batches/week WAY 100635 0.37 2 Batches/week DASB .74 2 Batches/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 1.85 2-3 per week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales No Yes Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production Nuclear reaction Price/ (list) used GBq 15 Oxygen 3.7 1 Batch every 2-3 months N(p,n)15O N/A 15 Water 3.7 2-3 Batches per month N(p,n)15O N/A Carbon N/A Monoxide OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 67 Ga N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 86 Y N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 94m Tc N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 103 Pd N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 111 In N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 123 I N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 124 I N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 201 Tl N/A N/A Yes No Yes No 211 At N/A N/A Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) [C-11]NNC112, [C-11]acetate, [C-11]Palmitate, [C-11]mHED, [C-11]cocaine, [C-11]Carfentil, [C-11]DTBZ, [C-11]McN5652
398 404
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Marc Wrichelt POSITION: Manager OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Dr. Mike Harrington NAME/POSITION Mr. Steve Torres [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1989 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications ~7 2 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] [11] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & institutions? how often? 18F-FDG Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Creighton University Center for Metabolic Imaging 901 Dorcas Street Omaha, NE 88106 +1 402 346 4181
No No No No No
405 399
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
400 406
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF 76 inch isochronous CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: W.M. Brobeck & Associates MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 4-68 Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 112 4-8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-9 Crocker Nuclear Laboratory University of California, Davis, 1 Bainer Drive Davis, CA 95616 +1 916 752 1460 [email protected] +1 916 752 0952 Dr. Manuel C. Lagunas-Solar Senior Radiochemist Mr. Nolan X. Zeng Mr. Carlos M. Castaneda Ms. Krystyna Trzepla-Nabaglo YEAR OF: 1964-1966 (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE:
He 20-90 1
He 16-90 40
h/week for maintenance ~ 16 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify)
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F; 205Bi; 206Bi; 67Cu Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Benedict Nuclear Pharmaceuticals, CO. USA 4/w; University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 1-2/w; University of California, Berkley, CA, USA 1-2/w; VA Hospital, Palo Alto CA. USA 1-2/w; National Institute of Health, MD, USA 2-4/y; NeoRx Corporation, WA, USA 2-4/y Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out Yes on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical; Small animal; Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No No No No
407 401
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 3.7 7.4 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced): 205 Bi, 206Bi
402 408
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +1 309 6712 166 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Danny Bingham POSITION: Manager OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Brenda Shields NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1990 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 20 0.5 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Yes No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often?18F-FDG, 5/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Downstate Clinical PET Center Methodist Medical Center 221 North East Glen Oak Ave. Illinois 61606 +1 309 6724 191
409 403
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
404 410
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Isochronous fixed YEAR OF: (I) 1985 CYCLOTRON: field, positive ion INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron (II) UPGRADE: Corporation MODEL: CS-30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 27.6 14 28.3 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 120 120 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 70 70 50 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 32 28 4 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Duke University Medical Centre Department of Radiology Box 3808 Durham, NC 27710 +1 919 684 7708 [email protected] +1 919 684 7121 Dr. Bruce Wieland Director, Cyclotron Dr. Michael Zalutsky, Professor
411 405
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
O2 (ml)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 12 3/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production ammonia 1 3/week
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) H 2O 1 2/week O2 8 2/week CO 8 2/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I 0.1 4/week Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At 4 1/week Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
406 412
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Mark Goodman POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Ronald Crowe NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1992 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30 ~4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-12 Emory University, Division of Nuclear Medicine 1364 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, GA 30322 +1 404 712 7930
413 407
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
408 414
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Mark Yudelev, PhD., Senior Clinical Medical Physicist NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF 50 MeV deuteron YEAR OF: 1990 CYCLOTRON: superconducting (I) INSTALLATION cyclotron MANUFACTURER: Michigan State (II) UPGRADE: University MODEL: K100-Harper [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 48.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) ~ 20 Typical beam employed ( A) ~ 12 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Totalhours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 71 6 15 50 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 1 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: (medical) 5 Neutron therapy: 50 Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No En = 19MeV, 55 [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): None [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-13 Gershenson Radiation Oncology Center Harper University Hospital and Wayne State University 3990 John R Detroit, MI 48201 +1 313 745 2487 [email protected] +1 313 745 2314 Dr. Richard L. Maughan
415 409
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
410 416
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-14 Good Samaritan Medical Center PET Net Pharmaceutical Services 1111 E. McDowell Road, West Tower, Lower Level 1 +1 602 239 4100/4747 +1 602 239 2810 Dr. Tricia Giurlani PDC Manager Dr. Michael Lawson Mr. David Stith Mr. Jay Stivers YEAR OF:
1 2
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 15-30 5-10 5-10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? No Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-FDG, daily; 13N-ammonia, 1/month. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
417 411
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
412 418
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Separated sector CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: In-house (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: K200 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 205 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 5 Typical beam employed ( A) 5 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 125 10 20 95 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 5 Radiography: Materials science: 50 Proton therapy: 90 Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): None No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-15 Indiana University Cyclotron Facility 2401 Milo B. Sampson Lane Bloomington, IN 47408 +1 812 8559 365 +1 812 8556 645 Dr. John M. Cameron Director D. Friesel J. Collins G. East YEAR OF: (I) 1975
419 413
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
414 420
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-16 Indiana University Cyclotron Facility 2401 Milo B. Sampson Lane Bloomington, IN 47408 +1 812 8559 365 +1 812 8556 645 Dr. John M. Cameron Director D. Friesel J. Collins G. East YEAR OF: 1972 (I) INSTALLATION (II) UPGRADE:
3 4
Maximum beam available ( A) 20 Typical beam employed ( A) 5 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 125 10 20 95 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 5 Radiography: Materials science: 50 Proton therapy: 90 Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
421 415
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
416 422
2005 [1]
1 2
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-17 John Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Nuclear Medicine, PET Center 600 North Wolfe Street, Nelson B1-150 Baltimore, MD 21287 +1 410 955 2916 rfd +1 410 955 0691 Robert F. Dannais, PhD. Professor, Radiology/Director, PET Center Hayden T. Ravert, PhD. John L. Musachio, PhD. William B. Mathews, PhD. (I) YEAR OF: 2000
The installation of the PETtrace represents an upgrace from our previous Scandinotrix MC-16F which is still on-site, but no longer used. H 9 40 30 h/week for research 20
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 40 39 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
h/week for maintenance 1 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify):
Radiotracer chemistry
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 2 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No
No No No No No
423 417
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
~ 90
Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG > 55 2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Many 11C ~ 3.7 4/daily ligands
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n) 15O
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water On-line, ~ 3 GBq
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
418 424
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +1 937 296 4265 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Joseph Mantil POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Dr. Martin Satter NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1989 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 25-43 Typical beam employed ( A) 20-35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 12 12 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-18 Kettering Memorial Hospital Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET 3535 Southern Boulevard Kettering, OH 45429 +1 937 296 7211
425 419
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
420 426
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-19 LA Tech Center UCLA School of Medicine Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology and PETNet Pharmaceuticals, Inc. +1 310 670 1010 [email protected] +1 310 670 2521
PERSON IN CHARGE: Henry C. Padgett, PhD. POSITION: Managing Director OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Deep Valley YEAR OF: (I) 2000 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS-111 (2) [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20-30 20-30 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 124 I [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
No No No No No
427 421
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 5 days/week F-dopa (in progress)
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production [11C] CO2
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
422 428
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Dr. Thomas F. Budinger NAME/POSITION Dr. Henry VanBrocklin [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1994 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Prototype(1st built), H+ only, dual beam, 1 fixed 112style target, 1 8 position turret assembly 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: <10 Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 55 Co, 124I, 94mTc, 76Br [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) KLEON Positron emission tomography (PET) ECAT 531 (1) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Department of Functional Imaging 1 Cyclotron Road, 55-121 Berkeley, CA 94720 +1 510 486 5276 [email protected] +1 510 486 6208 James P. ONeil Supervisor, Biomedical Isotope Facility
429 423
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
9 37
0.3 1
Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG Various 1/week 18 FMT 1.9 - 3.7 24/week
16 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Choline Various 1 week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 1.1 3/month
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
424 430
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor M.J. Welch POSITION: Division Head of Radiological Sciences OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Cyclone 30; 4 beam YEAR OF: 1977 and 1991 CYCLOTRON: lines (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a., The (II) UPGRADE: Cyclotron Corp., and Japan Steel Works CS-15 (3); JSW 168 MODEL: (1) [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16 8 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 80 80 Typical beam employed ( A) 40-50 30-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 35 35 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): PET 35 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 5 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology Washington University 510 Kingshighway St. Louis, MO +1 314 362 8435
431 425
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1.7 1.2
Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 29-60 daily Captopi1
16 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(d,n)15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 10 3/week Palmitate 8 3/week Glucose 1.5 3/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 4
15 13
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water 4-8 Varies Oxygen 4-8 Varies CO 4-8 Varies OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu 15 2/week Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 76 Br, 66Ga
426 432
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF AVF CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC-17 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: Fixed energy, 18 MeV protons, 8.5 MeV deuterons 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 8.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 55 20 6 4 25 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Yes No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18FDG daily, ten local institutions/hospitals. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 2 Gamma camera 15 Single photon tomography (SPET) 6 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal 3 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-22 Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Radiology Boston, MA 02114 +1 617 726 8336 [email protected] +1 617 726 5123 John A. Correia, PhD. Director, Cyclotron Laboratory Eli Livni, PhD., Radiochemist David Elmaleh, PhD., Radiochemist Alan Fischman, MD, PhD., Physician William Bucekwicz, Cyclotron Engineer YEAR OF: (I) 1989
433 427
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
1 250
1.2 Ne (d, )18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 40 daily DOPA 0.05 weekly Setopirine 0.1-0.5 weekly
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C-CFT, Raclopride Altopene, SCH 50 mCi 10/week 11 CO 100 mCi 2/week N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N2 100 mCi 10/week 13 N 2H 3 300 mCi 5/week
15 13
Price/ GBq
C(d,n) O(p, )
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No No Yes Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n) 15O 14 N(d,n) 15O 14 N(d,n) 15O Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) C15O2 300 mCi 10/week 15 O2 300 mCi 2/week H215O 300 mCi 5/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I 0.037 Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
428 434
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Gordon Glass POSITION: Site Administration Manager OTHER SENIOR STAFF: William McClain NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion, fixed YEAR OF: (I) 1989 CYCLOTRON: field, fixed freq., var. INSTALLATION energy MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Proprietary Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications Proprietary info h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Proprietary info [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Medi-Physics, Inc. Amersham Healthcare 900 Durham Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 +1 908 757 0500
435 429
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
430 436
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Thomas Springer POSITION: Director of Operations OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Brian Carus NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion, variable YEAR OF: (I) 1986 CYCLOTRON: energy INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Sumitomo & CGR (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PV-750 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Proprietary Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications Proprietary info h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Proprietary info No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Medi-Physics, Inc. Amersham Healthcare 3350 Ridge Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004 +1 847 3988 400
437 431
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
432 438
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Thomas Springer POSITION: Director of Operations OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Brian Carus NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion, variable YEAR OF: (I) 1979 CYCLOTRON: energy INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC-40 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Proprietary Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications Proprietary info [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] [11] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Proprietary info Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Medi-Physics, Inc. Amersham Healthcare 3350 Ridge Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004 +1 847 3988 400
No No No No No
439 433
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
434 440
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Gordon Glass POSITION: Site Administration Manager OTHER SENIOR STAFF: William McClain NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion, YEAR OF: (I) 1973 CYCLOTRON: Azimuthally varying INSTALLATION field, isochronous MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron (II) UPGRADE: Corporation MODEL: MC-40 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Proprietary Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications Proprietary info [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Proprietary info [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Medi-Physics, Inc. Amersham Healthcare 900 Durham Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 +1 847 3988 400
441 435
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
436 442
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +1 305 674 2428 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Thomas E. Boothe POSITION: Director, Cyclotron/Radiochemistry OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Mike Plitnikes NAME/POSITION Patricia Smith NAME/POSITION Manny Tavana [3] TYPE OF Positive ion YEAR OF: 1972 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron (II) UPGRADE: Corporation MODEL: CS-30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Proprietary Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Yes No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 67Ga-chloride; 111In-chloride; 201 Tl-chloride world wide [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mount Sinai Medical Center 4300 Alton Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 +1 305 674 2465
443 437
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced):
438 444
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 25-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 0 8 20 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: 0 Radiography: 0 Materials science: 0 Proton therapy: 0 Physics: 0 Neutron therapy: 0 Activation analysis: 0 Other (specify): 20: PET [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-28 National Institute of Drug Abuse NIDA/IRP, NIH 5500 Nathan Shock Drive, Room 405 Baltimore, MD 21224 +1 410 550 1440 (general)/ +1 410 550 2916 (cyclotron) [email protected] +1 410 550 2724 Alane Kimes, PhD. Acting Branch Chief Andrew Horti, PhD., Chief Radiochemist Carlo Contoreggi, MD, Authorized Radiation User/Nuclear Medicine Physician YEAR OF: (I) 1997
445 439
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 4-8 1-2/week 18 F 2-Fa 1 0-2/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p,n)15O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 4-8 0-6/week
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production n/a
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water 0.7-1
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Many research tracers labeled with 11C and 18F.
440 446
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) YEAR OF: 1999 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: PET Trace [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams No Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8.4 Yes Maximum beam available ( A) 50 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 35 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 5 5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: 40 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? ORNL - monthly; NIST - yearly. No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA National Institute of Health Building 10, Room 1C401, MSC 1180 Bethesda, MD 20892 +1 301 496 0345 [email protected] +1 301 402 3521 Dr. William Eckelman Chief, PET Department Paul S. Plascjak
447 441
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
10 Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 20 1/day Dopamine 0.3 1/week DOPA 0.3 1/week FPTZTP 0.2 1/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Raclopride 1 1/week Palmitic acid 1 2/week Aracidonic 0.5 4/week CO 2 2/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 1.5 10/week
16 15
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n)15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O(p, )13N
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water Continuous
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 0.75 94m Tc 1.0 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 1.5 201 Tl 211 At 1.5
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
1/week 1/week
1/month 1/month
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
442 448
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +1 301 402 3521 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. William Eckelman POSITION: Chief, PET Department OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Paul S. Plascjak NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) Fixed energy YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION compact MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works, (II) UPGRADE: Ltd. MODEL: JSW-1710 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 H H He Beam energies (MeV) 17.5 9.8 Maximum beam available ( A) 150 150 Typical beam employed ( A) 50 50
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA National Institute of Health Building 10, Room 1C401, MSC 1180 Bethesda, MD 20892 +1 301 496 0345
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 72 (6 days/ week) ~ 35 4 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Yes No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F FDG provided to one centre 1/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 3 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
449 443
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG Dopa Dopamine F Pr TZPZ 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ (list) (GBq) production sales 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 6 -18F Cylofoxy.
Price/ GBq
444 450
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) Fixed energy YEAR OF: 1985 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION compact MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron (II) UPGRADE: Corporation MODEL: CS 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 26.5 14.8 38.1 29.6 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 200 300 135 90 Typical beam employed ( A) 60 100 60 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 72 (6 days/week) ~ 35 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Yes No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18FDG provided to one centre, 1/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Research/diagnosis on site. [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 3 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA National Institute of Health Building 10, Room 1C401, MSC 1180 Bethesda, MD 20892 +1 301 496 0345 [email protected] +1 301 402 3521 Dr. William Eckelman Chief, PET Department Paul S. Plascjak
451 445
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG Dopa Dopamine F Pr TZPZ 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 6 -18F Cylofoxy.
446 452
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OFCYCLOTRON: Superconducting YEAR OF: MANUFACTURER: magnet cyclotron (I) INSTALLATION: 1980-1987 MODEL: (II) UPGRADE: In-house, K1200 1996-2000 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1200 q2/A2 MeV/nucleon, focusing limit 400 q/A MeV/nucleon 16 O 150 MeV/u, 136Xe 120 MeV/u, 209Bi 80 MeV/u for example 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 156 156 12 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) Production of rare isotope beams by nuclear fragmentation process [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? We supply beams of rare isotopes to users, many from other institutions. No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA- 32 National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Michigan State University, 1 Cyclotron East Lansing, MI 48824-1321 +1-517-355-9671 [email protected] +1-517-353-5967 Dr. C.-K. Gelbke Director Dr. Peter S. Miller / Head, Operations Department
453 447
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Used on site
Distribution/ sales
Price/G Bq if availabl e
No No No No
No No No No Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
448 454
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OFCYCLOTRON: Superconducting YEAR OF: MANUFACTURER: magnet cyclotron (I) INSTALLATION: 1977-1981 MODEL: (II) UPGRADE: In-house, K500 1996-2000 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 520 q2/A2 MeV/nucleon, focusing limit 160 q/A MeV/nucleon 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 156 156 12 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7] Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify) Injector for K1200cyclotron
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-33 National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Michigan State University, 1 Cyclotron East Lansing, MI 48824-1321 +1-517-355-9671 [email protected] +1-517-353-5967 Dr. C.-K. Gelbke Director Dr. Peter S. Miller / Head, Operations Department
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No
No No No No No
455 449
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
450 456
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix MODEL: MC-17F [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 17.5 Maximum beam available ( A) 180 Typical beam employed ( A) 30-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 20 20
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-34 North Shore University Hospital Research Department - Cyclotron/ PET Facility 350 Community Drive Manhasett, NY 11021 +1 516 562 1055 [email protected] +1 516 562 1120 Dr. J. Robert Dahl Thomas Chaly YEAR OF:
He 17.5
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Only to research collaborators with continuing joint projects. Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 1 Single photon tomography (SPET) 1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
457 451
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
452 458
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Peter Valk POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Mason Jones NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) Negative ion YEAR OF: 1992 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams No Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 10 2 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-FDG, 1/month No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-35 Northern California PET Imaging Center 3195 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95816 +1 916 737 3200
459 453
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 F-FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N-ammonia
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) 15 O-water OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
454 460
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +1 423 574 1268 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: B.A. Tatum POSITION: Engineering Manager S.W. Mosko OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) K=100 Isochronous YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: ORNL (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 H H He Beam energies (MeV) < 60 < 40 Maximum beam available ( A) < 100 < 200 Typical beam employed ( A) < 50 < 100
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bldg. 6000, MS 6368 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6368 +1 423 574 4111
[5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 40 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
461 455
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
456 462
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PET Net - Chicago 200 E. Howard Street No. 240 Des Plaines, IL 60018 +1 847 297 1322
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 10 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Yes No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-FDG, 5 per week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
H 11
463 457
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 F-FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
458 464
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 40 33 [6] [2]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PETNet Pharmaceutical Services 1350 Manufacturing Drive, Suite 105 Dallas, TX 75207 +1 214 741 2075 [email protected] +1 214 741 9323 Mr. Steve Torres
h/week h/week CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
465 459
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 59 3 /day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
460 466
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) YEAR OF: 1999 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams No Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 33 18 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PETNet Pharmaceutical Services 1350 Manufacturing Drive, Suite 105 Dallas, TX 75207 +1 214 741 2075 [email protected] +1 214 741 9323 Mr. Steve Torres
467 461
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F O (, d) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 59 3 /day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
462 468
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Henry C. Padgett POSITION: Manager Dave Wilson OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF (I) Negative ion YEAR OF: 1996 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams No Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 25-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 5-15 5-15 ~0 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 15 O [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 2-3/ week No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 3 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PET Net/VAMC Palo Alto Nuclear Medicine Service (115) 3801 Miranda Avenue +1 415 493 5000 [email protected]
No No No No No
469 463
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
464 470
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 80 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 30 25 h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Regional Nuclear Pharmaceutical, LLC 1224 3rd Avenue South University Park Birmingham, Alabama 35233 +1 205 322 4252 [email protected] +1 205 322 4859 Mr. John Haynes Director of Operations
h/week for maintenance 2 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify): 18 F production
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
25/week IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? New Orleans, Regional PET; Memphis Regional PET; Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Centre. Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
471 465
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 55 2/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
466 472
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: CTI, Inc. MANUFACTURER: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 11 Maximum beam available ( A) 80 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production 20 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-42 Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine Division of Nuclear Medicine 3635 Vista Avenue at Grand Blvd. P.O. Box 15250 St. Louis, MO 63110-0250 +1 314 577 8801 +1 314 268 5486 Dr. Ranajit K. Bera Assistant Professor Dr. James W. Fletcher, Director YEAR OF:
h/week for maintenance 1 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify): Radiopharmaceuticals
20 h/week IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Advanced Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
473 467
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 15-20 everyday C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p,n)15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 NH3 0.8 O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) H215O 15 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 18 F - Cyclofoxy
468 474
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-43 Saint Joseph's Positron Center 3003 W. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Tampa, FL 33607-4227 +1 813 876 5620
John Mather
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 10 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] [10] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-FDG, 5 days/week Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
H 11
No No No No No
475 469
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
470 476
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION 1992 MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 15-30 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 0-450 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 164 8 ~4 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 103 Pd [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-FDG VA, daily; 13Nammonia, weekly; -18F-FDG, MFH 3-4 x/week/Roswell 1/week/Biomedical Research, 12/week [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Number [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera 15 Single photon tomography (SPET) 22 Positron emission tomography (PET) 3 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-44 State University of New York at Buffalo Department of Nuclear Medicine 105 Parker Hall, 3435 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14214-3007 +1 716 838 5889 [email protected] +1 716 838 4918 Prof. R. E. Ackerhalt Director of the Cyclotron Facility Michael S. Haka
477 471
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 1/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 1/week
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) Water CO OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 62 Cu, 62Zn
472 478
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF K500 CYCLOTRON: Superconducting MANUFACTURER: TAMU MODEL: K500 (II) UPGRADE: none [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 10-70 55-70 MeV/nuc 25-40 15-70 Yes No MeV/nuc MeV/nuc MeV/nuc Maximum beam available ( A) 0.2 1 1 1 Typical beam employed ( A) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for for radionuclide maintenance applications production 168 0 69% 1% 30% [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: 0 Radiography: 0 Materials science: 30% Proton therapy: 0 Physics: 69% Neutron therapy: 0 Activation analysis: 0 Other (specify) 1% [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute College Station, TX 77843 979-845-1411 [email protected] 979-845-1899 Robert Tribble Director Don May Fred Abegglen George Kim Henry Clark YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1988
479 473
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
474 480
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 12 12 1 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F- FDG, 13NH3 [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? University of Cincinnati 2/week; Fort Hamilton Hughes Hostpital 1/month; Proctor & Gamble 1/month [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The Christ Hospital 2139 Auburn Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45219 +1 513 585 0836 [email protected] +1 513 585 0835 Mr. Thomas G. Kemme Manager Ms. Carla C. Pemberton, RPh. Mr. George H. Day, RPh. YEAR OF: (I) 1991
481 475
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 10 daily
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 30 1-2/yr
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 1.2 1/week
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
476 482
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Marc Coel, MD [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1998 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 111 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) (yes) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 5 1 5 0 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [F-18] Choline No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Tripler Hospital and Kuakini Hospital [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The Queen's Medical Center 1301 Punchbowl Street Honolulu, HI 96813 +1 808 537 7077 [email protected] +1 808 585 5095 Pat McGuigan Manager
483 477
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 9 1/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) [F-18] Choline
478 484
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Tony Longo POSITION: Cyclotron Facility Manager OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Tom West; Ty Tobin NAME/POSITION Mr. Joe Rodgers; J. Hwung [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1996 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18+ [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) various Typical beam employed ( A) N/A [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 144-168 Typical 0-36 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Medical; Typical 1 to 10 / month/ client [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Theragenics Corporation 5325 Oakbrook Parkway Norcross, GA 30093 +1 770 381 8447
485 479
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 10 - 60 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Brachytherapy
480 486
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Tony Longo POSITION: Cyclotron Facility Manager OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Tom West; Ty Tobin NAME/POSITION Mr. Joe Rodgers; J. Hwung [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION 1994 MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18+ [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) various Typical beam employed ( A) N/A [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 144-168 Typical 0-36 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Medical; Typical 1 to 10 / month/ client [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Theragenics Corporation 5325 Oakbrook Parkway Norcross, GA 30093 +1 770 3818 447
487 481
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 10 - 60 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Brachytherapy
482 488
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Tony Longo POSITION: Cyclotron Facility Manager OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Tom West; Ty Robin NAME/POSITION Joe Rodgers; J. Hwung [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION 1992 MANUFACTURER: IBA, s.a. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: Cyclone 18+ [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) various Typical beam employed ( A) N/A [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 144-168 Typical 0-36 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Medical; Typical 1 to 10 / month/ client [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Theragenics Corporation 5325 Oakbrook Parkway Norcross, GA 30093 +1 770 381 8447
489 483
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 10 - 60 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Brachytherapy
484 490
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +1 310 825 4517 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: N. Satyamurthy POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: (I) 1994 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 100 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 40 20 10 2-3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Several 18F and 11C labeled radiopharmaceuticals [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 3 Small animal 3 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA University of California at Los Angeles Biomedical Cyclotron 10833 Le Conte Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095 +1 310 825 6231
491 485
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 20 10/week Variety of 18F10/week labeled prods.
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C-Acetate 10 2/week Variety of 11C4/week labeled prods.
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 3 20/week
O(p, ) 13N
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 15 N(p, n) 15O
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) H 2O 4 10/week O2 4 3/week CO 4 3/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
486 492
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion YEAR OF CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION 1988 MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC 17 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 8-10 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 20 Typical beam employed ( A) 2-3 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 12 12 2 -3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? No [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) (yes) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA University of California-Irvine Brain Imaging Centre Irvine, CA 92697 +1 714 824 2018 [email protected] +1 714 824 2230 Dr. Ahmod A. Najafi
493 487
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG Dopa
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
488 494
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Positive ion, sectorCYCLOTRON: focused, resistive magnet MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix MODEL: MC-17 F [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 H Beam energies (MeV) 18 Maximum beam available ( A) 1-70 Typical beam employed ( A) 25-50 100 max [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide production > 40 20-30 [6]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-53 University of Iowa PET Imaging Centre Iowa City, IA 52242 +1 319 356 4100 [email protected] +1 319 353 6512 Professor Richard D. Hichwa Director G. Leonard Watkins Laura Boles Ponto Mark T. Madsen YEAR OF: (I) 1990
2 3 4
H 7.3 (fixed energy) 1-70 10-15 100 max h/week for research
CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Medical research/diagnosis TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
495 489
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Mehionine Acetate CO, CO2 Receptor ligands 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water CO, CO2 O2 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 48 V
490 496
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: +1 313 764 0288 [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Professor Michael R. Kilbourn POSITION: Director, PET Chemistry OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Dr. Robert Koeppe NAME/POSITION Mr. James Moskwa [3] TYPE OF Medical YEAR OF: 1982 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: The Cyclotron (II) UPGRADE: Corporation MODEL: CS-30 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 26.0 15.0 38.0 30.0 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 200 300 100 90 Typical beam employed ( A) 30 30 50 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 15 12 4 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 3 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA University of Michigan 3480 Kresge III Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0552 +1 313 763 9244
497 491
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Epinephrine Pseuolophedrine Diahydiotetaben azine Acetate 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
15 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ Bq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 62 Zn
492 498
2005 [1]
OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OFCYCLOTRON: Positive Ion MANUFACTURER: Japan Steel Works MODEL: 3015 BC [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18, 22, 30 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 30 15 Typical beam employed ( A) 10-15 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week or Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications 40 30 3 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify)PET Tracers 30 [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18-F, 11-C Choline, FIAU, Fallypride, 11-C Cartentenil [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera 3 Single photon tomography (SPET) 5 Positron emission tomography (PET) 5 Clinical 4 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA University of Pennsylvania Department of Radiology 420 Curie Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-662-7550 [email protected] 215-662-7551 Richard Freifelder, Ph.D. Senior Research Investigator, Cyclotron Facility Manager Joel S. Karp, Ph.D. Harry White Larry Toto YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1985 (II) UPGRADE:
499 493
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
55 3.7
0.6 cc 50 cc Ne gas
250 g
Ne (d, ) 18F
16 18
n/a O (, x) 18F F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 18 Daily 18 F-DOPA 0.37 Once/week 18 F-FHBG 0.19 Once/week 18 F-FLT 0.19 Once/week 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 11 C0.19 Once/month Raclopride
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 N-ammonia 3.7 Once/month
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) EF5 (18-F) 15-O water 18-F NaF
494 500
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-56 University of Southern California 1510 San Pablo, #350 Los Angeles, CA 9003 +1 213 342 5884 [email protected] +1 213 342 5778 Dr. Peter S. Conti Director, PET Imaging & Radiological Resources James R. Bading; Miar Alauddin Mr. John Fissikis; Mr. Keith Higa YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1990 (II) UPGRADE:
2 3 4
Maximum beam available ( A) 150 Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 20 15 3 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Yes No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-FDG daily [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Both on and off site [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
501 495
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water O CO, CO2 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
496 502
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-57 University of Tennesse Medical Centre Biomedical Imaging Center 1924 Alcoa Highway, Knoxville, TN 37920 +1 865 544 9818 or 865 544 9697 [email protected] OR [email protected] +1 865 544 8395 C.P.D. Longford Manager K.F. Hubner YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1987 (II) UPGRADE: 2000 - two (2) high pressure target; APS power supply upgraded 2001 - new main magnet power supply - solid state; new automated chemistry equipment
He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 32/target [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30-40 30-40 1-2 4-8 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Daily deliveries of 18FDG to hospitals within 4-5 km radius. Currently have 20 customers, shipping up to 20 doses/day with planned expansion to ship 60 doses/day. [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
H 11.2
503 497
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 30-60 2-3/day
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production ACBC 3.0 5-10/year
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Planned: 18F -BPA and DOPA not yet available.
498 504
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Variable energy CYCLOTRON: isochronous MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix MODEL: MC-40 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 H H Beam energies (MeV) 40 20 Maximum beam available ( A) 150 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 15 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for production research 50 25 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week Radiobiology: 1 Materials science: 1 Physics: 1 Activation analysis: [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA University of Texas Houston 6431 Fannin Street, Houston, TX 77030 +1 713 500 7755 [email protected] +1 713 500 7771 Carlos Gonzalez Lepera Associate Professor and Executive Director Nancy Haberman, Chemist Kevin Grilley, Radiopharmacist Russell Hildebrandt, Radiopharmacist Isidoro Vaquila, Cyclotron Engineer David Andews, Cyclotron Operator YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1983 (II) UPGRADE:
3 4
He 40 30 15
h/week for maintenance 4 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify): Yes No
[8] [9]
[10] [11]
Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 124 I , 211At Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Hospitals and PET Centres throughout Southeast Texas Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes
No No No No No
505 499
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 50 2/day NaF 50 1/day C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d, n)15O
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 4 6/day
Price/ GBq
0(p, )13N
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 555 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 370 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
500 506
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Fixed energy, YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: isochronous, positive (I) INSTALLATION 1991 ion MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC-17F [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 17.2 8.6 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) < 10 < 10 Typical beam employed ( A) 10-50 10-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 3-5 3-5 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 - Clinical - Small animal - Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-59 University of Texas Research Imaging Center Health Science Center, San Antonia 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio, TX 78284 +1 210 567 8190 [email protected] +1 210 567 8152 Dr. Peter Fox Director Paul Jerabbk
507 501
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate Methionine
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
502 508
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Compact room CYCLOTRON: temperature cyclotron MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 50.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 60 Typical beam employed ( A) 60 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 10 3 6 30 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: 1 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: 30 Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No 35 [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F, 11C, 15O, 13N, 86Y, 99Tc, 124I, 19Ne [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 0 Gamma camera 6 Single photon tomography (SPET) 2 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SA-60 University of Washington Medical Centre Department of Radiation Oncology Box 356043, Room NN-136, 1959 NE Pacific Street Seattle, WA 98195-6043 +1 206 548 4136 [email protected] +1 206 548 6218 Dr. Ruedi Risler Senior Cyclotron Engineer Professor Kenneth A. Krohn Professor Jeanne A. Link YEAR OF: 1983 (I) INSTALLATION
509 503
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
No Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 No O (, x) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 5 2/day FES 1 3/month FM180 1 3/month FLT 1 3/month 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Glucose 1 1/month Thyamidine 1 3/momth MHED 1 4/month CGP12177 2 8/month Flumazenile 1 1/month 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) H 2O O2 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y 2/yr Yes No 94m Tc 2/yr Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I planned Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
504 510
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-61 MEDICAL PHYSICS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, 1530 MEDICAL SCIENCE CENTER 1300 UNIVERSITY AVE, MADISON, WI, 53706, A 608-263-3910 [email protected] FAX 608-262-2143 RJ Nickles Professor of Medical Physics Brad Christian, Assistant Professor of Medical Physics Onofre DeJesus, Professor of Medical Physicss YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: 1985 (II) UPGRADE: 2005
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week or Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radiopoduction maintenance applications 10-20 10 5 2 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) teaching [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes x No Ce-139 Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes x No Protons on Be-9 [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Br-76, Cl-34m, O-14, [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes x No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Stanford (monthly) TRIUMF (soon to start) [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out Yes x No on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical, Small animal, Plant biochemistry 2 [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes x No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [F-18] atrazine (Roundup) leachng into ground water [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes x No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes x No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes x No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes x No
H 11 50 20-30
511 505
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
0.9 ml
20 ml
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG Purchase commercially F-DOPA, FMT 3 30 fallypride 2 50 Fatty acids 2 2 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production SCH 23,390 2 10 Raclopride 2 15 PK 11195 2 15 Methy2 15 phenidate 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production NH3 4 5
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 20-40
67 86
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production 10
Yes No Yes No Yes x No Yes No Yes x No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 0.2-0.4 10 Yes x No Yes x No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No COMMENTS:(e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Over the period of 1971 to the present, about 120 radioisotopes have been studied, making about over hundred labeled compounds. (Nickles RJ, . Production of a Broader Palette of PET Tracers. J Lab Comp Radiopharmaceuticals 46, 1-27: 2003 2 4 5 5
506 512
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: Mr. Rashid Syed OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION Ms. Carroll Arnett NAME/POSITION E. Akguen NAME/POSITION Munawwar Sajjad [3] TYPE OF (I) Positive ion YEAR OF: 1985 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: Scandinotrix (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: MC-40 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 40 20 Yes N Maximum beam available ( A) 40 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 25 30 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30 15 2 6 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other If yes and available, name of institution/s & Yes No institutions? how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry No [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VA Medical Centre (11P) 1 Veterans Drive Minneapolis, MN 55417 +1 612 725 2230 [email protected] +1 612 725 2068 Dr. David Rotenberg
513 507
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
11 99.999 Ne (d, ) 18F 16 18 O (, x) F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 6.5 3/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used 14 N(d,n)15O 14 N(p,n)14O
Price/ GBq
C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Acetate 1.8 on demand
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 2.2 5/week
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list) 15 O Water 6.0 14 O Water 3.5 OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
508 514
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: 1991 CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 80 Typical beam employed ( A) 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 35 20 15 <5 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Many, various 11C-CFT, 11C-acetate and choline [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 3 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1+2 Small animal 1 Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-63 VAMC & University of Pittsburgh Medical Facility PET Center -9B 200 Lothrop Street Pittsburg, PA 15213 +1 412 647 0736 [email protected] +1 412 647 0700 Professor Chet Mathis Co-Director, PET Facility Professor David Townsend, Co-Dir., PET Facility
515 509
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 7 5/week 18 F-Altanarin 2 2/week C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Flumezenil 4 1/week McN 5652 4 2/week Way 100635 1 4/week PMD 4 4/week Raclopride 3 10/week 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production NH3 3 4/week
15 11
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) H 2O 4-20 20/week O2 4-10 5/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
510 516
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Ronald G. Manning POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Jeff Clanton NAME/POSITION Jeff Clauton, ominique Delbeke NAME/POSITION Robert Kessler [3] TYPE OF (I) Negative ion YEAR OF: 1989 CYCLOTRON: INSTALLATION MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 80 Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 25 25 20 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? PETNet Site; Several Customers >15 [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? Both on & off sites. [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence 1 Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) 4 Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Vanderbilt University Medical Center Radiology Department 100 Medical Center South Nashville, TN 3723206315 +1 615 3220508 [email protected]
517 511
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBqe
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
512 518
2005 [1]
UNITES STATES OF AMERICA USA-65 Weill Medical College at Cornell University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Consortium 1300 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 +1 212 639 2458 [email protected] +1 212 717 3821 Dr. Ron Finn Head, Cyclotron Division Yiauchung Sheh, MS, Senior Cyclotron Engineer YEAR OF: Ongoing and in progress (I) INSTALLATION (2001) (II) UPGRADE: Incorporation of external beam line with target changer
Beam energies (MeV) Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for production research h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Materials science: 10% anticipated Physics: Activation analysis: [7]
h/week for maintenance Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify): Radionuclide preparation
90% anticipated
IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? On scientific collaborative basis Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on-site? TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes Yes No No
No No No No No
519 513
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 69 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) Imaging Center building completion scheduled for October 2001. Cyclotron already in vault, awaiting building service availability for start of the assembly.
514 520
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion, dual CYCLOTRON: beam MANUFACTURER: General Electric MODEL: [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 16.5 8.5 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) Typical beam employed ( A) 20 10 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 5 5 1 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? 18F-Fluoride irregularly; 18FFDG - planned [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry No [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-66 West Virginia University Hospital PET Centre P.O. Box 9236 Morgantown, WV 26506-9236 +1 304 293 7798 [email protected] +1 304 293 7142 Dr. Naresh C. Gupta Director Mr. Samuel M. Mazza Mr. Raymond R. Raylman YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION 1995 (II) UPGRADE:
521 515
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
516 522
2005 [1]
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA William Beaumont Hospital Department of Nuclear Medicine 3601 West Thirteen Mile Road Royal Oak, MI 48083-6769 +1 313 551 831
Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 20-35 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 13 13 2 h/week h/week [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Radiobiology: Nucl. Med. 40 Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 11 C and 15O [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) 1 Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
523 517
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 16/batch 5/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production 13 NH3 1.9 2/month O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) (list)
Price/ GBqle
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch (list) (GBq) 64 Cu 67 Ga 86 Y 94m Tc 103 Pd 111 In 123 I 124 I 201 Tl 211 At
Frequency of production
Used on site Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
518 524
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: Dr. Pradeep Garg POSITION: Director, Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry OTHER SENIOR STAFF: NAME/POSITION [3] TYPE OF Negative ion YEAR OF: CYCLOTRON: (I) INSTALLATION 1991 MANUFACTURER: CTI, Inc. (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: RDS 112 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 11 Yes No Maximum beam available ( A) 40 Typical beam employed ( A) 20-40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours (h)/ week h/week for radionuclide h/week for h/week for h/week for production research maintenance applications 30-40 ~ 10 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: h/week h/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify): [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): 18 F- labeled androgens, 18F- labeled prostate probes No [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Yale University and VA Nuclear Medicine: 0-2 times/month [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No out on-site? [11] TYPE OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON-SITE Number 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical 1 Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Yale University/VAMC West Haven PET Imaging Center (115A) 950 Campbell Avenue West Haven, CT 06516 +1 203 937 4884 [email protected]
525 519
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (ml)
O2 (ml)
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 5-6 4 - 10/week
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia ~1 1-10/month
Price/ GBq
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water 3-4 0-40/week OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes No 67 Ga Yes No 86 Y Yes No 94m Tc Yes No 103 Pd Yes No 111 In Yes No 123 I Yes No 124 I Yes No 201 Tl Yes No 211 At Yes No
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Price/ GBq
COMMENTS: (e.g. you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced) 11 C - NNC 112, Dolipram, Tropanes; 18F Deutero-Altanserine, para fluoro benzylguanidine, Fallypride.
520 526
2005 [1]
TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NO.: [2] PERSON IN CHARGE: TITLE/POSITION: OTHER SENIOR STAFF: Ken Voelker / VP Cyclotron Engineering NAME/POSITION Bonnie Bennington / VP Production [3] TYPE OF CYCLOTRON: PET-Trace YEAR OF: MANUFACTURER: (I) INSTALLATION: GE 2002 MODEL: (II) UPGRADE: PETtrace N/A [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 17 MeV proton, 8 MeV deuteron, Negative ion 1 2 3 4 H H He He Beam energies (MeV) 17 8 na na Maximum beam available (A) 60 40 Typical beam employed (A) 50 20 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance 25 21 4 8 [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Radiobiology: Materials science: Physics: Activation analysis: [7] Is the cyclotron used to produce: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) [8] [9] [10] [11] Yes G No G 0 0 0 0 Radiography: Proton therapy: Neutron therapy: Other (specify)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USA-69 Cyclo-Tech, LLC 7650 First Place, Oakwood Village, OH 44146 440-439-5356 [email protected] 440-439-5403 Marc Berridge, Ph.D., President
DualBea Yes
n n n n
Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): I-124, Cu-64 Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Y If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried out on- Y site? Number Type of imaging equipment available on-site 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical, Small animal, Plant biochemistry 0.1 (Shared Mobile) Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for agricultural N applications such as plant biochemistry/research? N Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Y N Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience?
527 521
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F 2.5 Ci 95 Ne (d, ) 18F na 16 O (, x) 18F na 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG 50% (uncorr) Fluorocarazolol 40% 1/mo fluticasone 40% 18/mo propionate 6-FDG 50% 4/mo 11 C RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production Topotecan 15% 1/mo Nicotine 85% 2/mo Various Steroids 70% 2/mo Raclopride 70% 1/mo 13 N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production Ammonia 0.8 Ci 20/mo Nitrogen 0.8 Ci 1/mo
1.3 mL
Used on site Y Y Y Y Used on site Y Y Y Y Nuclear reaction used O-16 (p,alpha) O-16 (p,alpha)
Distribution/ sales Y Y Y Y Distribution/ sales Y N N N Distribution/ sales Y N Yes G No G Nuclear reaction used N-14 (d,n)
Price/ GBqe na
O RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on batch (GBq) Frequency of production (list) Water 0.5 Ci CO 0.5 Ci Butanol 0.15 Ci OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site (list) (GBq) production 64 Cu Yes G No G 67 Ga Yes G No G 86 Y Yes G No G 94m Tc Yes G No G 103 Pd Yes G No G 111 In Yes G No G 123 I Yes G No G 124 I Yes G No G 201 Tl Yes G No G 211 At Yes G No G
Price/ GBq
Distribution/ sales Yes G No G Yes G No G Yes G No G Yes G No G Yes G No G Yes G No G Yes G No G Yes G No G Yes G No G Yes G No G
Price/ GBq
522 528
2005 [1]
YEAR OF: (I) INSTALLATION: Negative Ion 2002 MANUFACTURER: ACS (II) UPGRADE: MODEL: TR19/9 [4] CYCLOTRON CHARACTERISTICS: 1 2 3 4 H H He He Dual Beams Beam energies (MeV) 18 9 Yes X No Maximum beam available ( A) 350 50 Typical beam employed ( A) 100 40 [5] CYCLOTRON OPERATION: Total hours/ week Hours/week for Hours/week for research Hours/week for Hours/week for radioproduction maintenance applications [6] CYCLOTRON APPLICATIONS: Hours/week Hours/week Radiobiology: Radiography: Materials science: Proton therapy: Physics: Neutron therapy: Activation analysis: Other (specify) [7] IS THE CYCLOTRON USED TO PRODUCE: Calibration sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Mssbauer sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X X ray sources? (specify which & quantity) Yes No X Intense neutron beam? (specify average En = ?) Yes No X [8] Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals planned to be produced in the next 1-3 years (specify): [9] Do you supply radionuclides to other institutions? Yes X No If yes and available, name of institution/s & how often? [10] Are clinical studies and/or medical research using cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals carried Yes No X out on-site? [11] Type of imaging equipment available on-site Number of 511 KeV coincidence Gamma camera Single photon tomography (SPET) Positron emission tomography (PET) Clinical Small animal Plant biochemistry [12] Are cyclotron radionuclides/labelled compounds used or planned to be used for Yes No X agricultural applications such as plant biochemistry/research? [13] Is the cyclotron used for nuclear reaction cross-section measurements? Yes No X [14] Is the cyclotron used for targetry development? Yes X No [15] Is the cyclotron used for education and training in nuclear sciences, health physics, etc.? Yes X No [16] Does your institute accept IAEA research fellows for training/experience? Yes X No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CYCLOTOPE Accelerated Medicine 8285 El Rio, Suite 160 Houston, TX 77054 (713) 747-5686 [email protected] (713)747-4858 Carlos Gonzalez President Roberto Strangis, Cyclotron Engineer
529 523
Target Volume
18 18
18 18
OH2 (g)
O (p, n) 18F
Ne (d, ) 18F 16 O (, x) 18F 18 F RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of (list) (GBq) production 18 FDG Daily
Distribution/ sales Yes X No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Distribution/ sales Yes No Yes No Yes No Nuclear reaction used
Price/ GBq
Price/ GBq
N RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCED Name Typical yield on Frequency of (list) batch (GBq) production
Price/ GBq
Frequency of production
Price/ GBq
OTHER ISOTOPES PRODUCED Name Yield on batch Frequency of Used on site Distribution/ Price/ (list) (GBq) production sales GBq 64 Cu Yes No Yes No 67 Ga Yes No Yes No 86 Y Yes No Yes No 94m Tc Yes No Yes No 103 Pd Yes No Yes No 111 In Yes No Yes No 123 I Yes No Yes No 124 I Yes No Yes No 201 Tl Yes No Yes No 211 At Yes No Yes No [17] COMMENTS: (e.g., you may add names of additional labelled compounds/radiopharmaceuticals being produced)
524 530