Emotional Freedom Self Quiz
Emotional Freedom Self Quiz
Emotional Freedom Self Quiz
For more information about Judith Orloff, M. D. and Emotional Freedom, visit www.drjudithorloff.com
TYPE #4: THE GUSHER - The Gusher's Upside
Am I a Gusher? • You're emotionally articulate.
Ask yourself: • Negativity doesn't fester in you if you express it to others.
• Is it easy for me to express my emotions? • You have a supportive network of friends.
• Do I get anxious if I keep my feelings in? • You value intimate relationships; are a sensitive listener.
• When a problem arises, is my first impulse to pick up the • You deal with hard issues and process them quickly.
• Do I need to take a poll before finalizing a decision? The Gusher's Downside
• Are my friends often telling me "too much • You're a candidate for becoming a drama king or queen.
information?" • You may turn friends into therapists.
• Do I have difficulty sensing other people's emotional • You seek external feedback before you consult your
boundaries? intuition for answers.
If you answer "yes" to 1-3 of these questions, you possess • Your need to share excessively may burn other people out.
some gusher tendencies. Responding "yes" to more than • You haven't fully embraced your own inner power or
three questions indicates that you've found your emotional spiritual strengths.
For more information about Judith Orloff, M. D. and Emotional Freedom, visit www.drjudithorloff.com
Emotional Freedom Self Quiz
This quiz will help you assess your level of emotional freedom at this time. Choose the
option that most corresponds to how seldom or how often you experience these reactions.
Not Sometimes Mostly
True True True
1. If I'm angry with someone, I'll breathe and center myself
before I react. 0 1 2
2. When I'm filled with self-doubt or fear, I treat myself lovingly. 0 1 2
3. When stuck in traffic or if something doesn't happen on my
timetable, I have patience. 0 1 2
4. After a hard day, I focus on what I'm grateful for, rather than
beating myself up for what has gone wrong. 0 1 2
5. I rarely get snippy or cop an attitude if people frustrate me. 0 1 2
6. I feel connected to a sense of spirituality, however I define it. 0 1 2
7. I check in with my intuition - my gut feelings - when
making choices. 0 1 2
8. If I'm blamed for something, I rarely lash out and say things
I regret. 0 1 2
9. I fall asleep quickly and don't worry about tomorrow's "to-do"
list. 0 2
10. If my heart gets broken, I don't give up on love. 0 1 2
11. I'm a positive person, and don't make small problems into
big ones.
--1 2
12. I don't seek revenge if someone treats me poorly. 0 1 2
13. I'm not jealous of other people's successif it surpassesmine. 0 1 2
14. I quickly let go of negative emotions and don't brood on them. 0 1 2
15. I'm not easily crushed by disappointmen~ __ 0 1 2
-- --
16. I don't compare myself to others. 0 1 2
17. I have empathy for others but I don't become their therapist
or get drained by their emotional pain_._________ 0 1 2
18. I live in the Now, rather than dwelling on the past or future. 0 1 2
19. I feel happy with my life, not that it's just passing me by. 0 1 2
20. I am good at setting limits with people who drain my energy. 0 1 2