Fondi I Pyetjeve-Histori

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1. Which historical events had an impact on the linguistic developments of English language?
2. Explain the way the deducing and the analogical techniques are used to trace back the quality of
Old English sounds?
3. Which was the first alphabet used in England? What were its particular features compared to the
other European versions? (Runic Alphabet) What sounds, symbols of sounds and letters have
survived in the Modern English alphabet?
4. What grammatical categories did the OE nouns have? Which was the main principle that defined
their being part of a strong or weak declension classes?
5. Define the main categories of the OE adjectives, numerals and adverbs? What particular features
do they represent if compared to the Modern English versions?
6. Which was the main criterion that defined the classification between the Strong and the Weak
Verbs in OE? How many classes were there in each subdivision and what were their vowel
gradations? What finite verb forms were established in OE? How did the non-finite verb forms
develop during the OE?
7. Why was the Latin influence divided in periods of different linguistic impact? Define the reasons
and the nature of the word classes that entered OE corpus in each period? Bring evidence related
with historic and religious developments to support your arguments.
8. Was the Scandinavian linguistic influence of any different nature from that of the other
languages? Explain.
9. What historical events affected the linguistic development of English language during the Mid.
Ages? How did the Norman influence diminish by the end of LMA? Bring arguments to support
your answer.
10. What grammatical forms of the nouns, pronouns, adjectives and verbs were established during
Mid. English?
11. Explain why the English word order was affected by the loss of inflection during Mid. English?
12. What particular influence induced in Mid. English French and Latin? Why was their influence on
Mid. Eng. different from what it had been on Old English?
13. What were the main factors that encouraged the creation of a newly born standard version of
English during the Middle Ages? How did the printed texts assist the recovery of the written
English and the creation of a standard version?
14. Why did the spelling of the English words leg behind the pronunciation during the E.M. English?
15. Describe the impact that the social, economic developments and the international position had on
the English linguistic developments of the XIX century.
16. Explain the way the sources of new borrowings, self-explaining compounds, compounds formed
from Greek and Latin elements, prefixes and suffixes, coinages and other sources enriched the
English vocabulary during the XIX century.

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