A Holistic Approach To Phrasal Verbs PDF
A Holistic Approach To Phrasal Verbs PDF
A Holistic Approach To Phrasal Verbs PDF
ISBN 978-606-577-927-3
Chapter I
A Chronological Survey
Positioning of Particles
Spatial particles
Variations of meaning
Phrasal Verbs
Chapter III Practical Aspects of Phrasal Verbs
3.1 Difficulties with phrasal verbs
3.2 A query on the verb listen to as a Phrasal Verb
3.3 Slang equivalents for the verb to die
3.4The analysis of the phrasal verbs used in lyrics
General conclusion
The present study suggests a revision of all the theses concerning the
domain of complex verbs. The practical aim of the study is to offer a
synthesizing model of the conveyed theories that have been put forward in
the specialized literature of complex verbs.
Being structured into three chapters, this paper is a study on phrasal
verbs whose particular aim is that of producing an accurate description of
phrasal verbs seen through their complex perspective of the morphological,
syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features.
Therefore, Chapter One deals with aspects related to a chronological
survey, to a historical rise of the English phrasal verbs and has in view
definitions and classifications of phrasal verbs.
Further on, Chapter Two points out a complete approach from a
morphological, syntactical, semantic,pragmatic and metaphorical point of
And finally, Chapter Three offers a new perspective on the matter of
phrasal verbs dealing with issues like: the description of listen to as a phrasal
verb, slang equivalents for the verb to die and the analysis of phrasal verbs
that occurin some lyrics.
In the study there are some methods used in order to highlight matters
like the description of listen to as a phrasal verb, such as the method of query
that helps in demonstrating that listen to is a phrasal verb, or the method of
approaching grammatical judgements through the theories of some authors
on the same subject. (Driven, Rene's study on metaphorical extension is a
case in point)
The Bibliography that supports the theoretical affirmations is classified
into General Bibliography and Special Bibliography. The latter comes up
with examples meant to illustrate that phrasal verbs are used in many
domains, even in the lyrics of the Magical world of Disney, issue encountered
in the last part of Chapter One. This paper was fulfilled in accordance with
the scientific writing techniques described by Gherasim, Alexandra and
Turcan, Nelly (2006)1
Gherasim,Alexandra,TurcanNelly.GhidMetodologicpentruElaborareaTezelordeLicentasiMasterat.Chisinau:Universitatea deStatdinMoldova,2005-P.23
Nevertheless, in the 20th century, more and more studies were to be written. Thus,
in 1906 A. Western published his work Some Remarks on English Adverbs.
Englische Studieni 36, 75-99, Whitehall. In 1919. Harold Dongen W. A. wrote He
put on his hat and he put his hat on. A number of other works written in this century
were: AG Kennedy (1920), The Modern English Verb Adverb Combination.
Stanford University Press, California; Bogholm, Niels (1920) English Prepositions.
Copenhagen, Fowler, H.W. (1923) Preposition at end. Society for Pure English
Tracts 14, 18-21 ; Smith, Logan P(1925), Words and Idioms: Studies in the English
Language, London ; Poutsma, Hendrik (1926), A Grammar of Late Modem
English, Part II: The Parts of Speech, Section II: The Verb and the Particles,
Groningen ; P. Noordhoff Volbeda, R (1926), On the place of prepositions ;
English Studies 8, 143 - 152,169 -181 ; Roberts, M.H. (1936), The antiquity of the
Germanic Verb- adverb locution, JEGP 35, 466 -481 ; Charnley, M.B. (1949),
The syntax of deferred prepositions. American Speech 24; Pence, R.W. (1949),
Up with which we can no longer put Quarterly Journal 35; Mackin, Ronald
(1950). The Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Oxford
University Press; Stevie, F. W. (1950). The deferred preposition. American
Speech, 25, 211 - 214; Brondal, V. (1950) Theorie des prepositions. Copenhagen;
Jowett W. P. (1951) On phrasal verbs. ELT 6; Prins, Anton A. (1952) French
Influence in English Phrasing. Leiden, Universitaire Press Leiden; Anthony, M.
M. jr. (1954) Test Frames for structures with "up" in Modem American
Speech. University of Michigan Dissertation; Mechner, M. (1956) Some
Problems of Collocations of Verb and Particle in the Teaching of English as a
Foreign Language. MA. Thesis University of London; Hornby A. S. (1957), A
guide to patterns and usage in English. 2nd ed. London, Oxford University Press;
Mitchell, T.F (1958) Syntagmatic relations in linguistic analysis. Transactions of
the Philological Society, 101 - 118; Potter, S (1965), English Phrasal Verbs.
Philologica Pragensia 8, 285 - 289; Kiffer. T E. (1965), A Diachronic and
Synchronic Analysis and Description of English Phrasal Verbs. University of
Pennsylvania; Hughes, M. N. (1966) Phrasal and prepositional verbs. English
Language Teaching Institute, London, Typescript; Legum, St. E verbparticle constructions in English. Papers from the Foui Meeting of the
Chicago Linguistic Society, 50-62, Chicago ; Nickel, Gerhard (1968), Complex
verbal structures in English. International Review of Applied Linguistics 6: 1 2; Zamudio, M (1969), On defining the phrasal verb: its grammatical structure
and its recognition.
Revista de Linguistica Apicada, Chile, Universidad de Concepcion ; Bolinger
Dwight (1971) The Phrasal Verb in English. Cambridge, Harvard University
Press; Lipka, L (1972) Semantic Structure and Word - Formation. VerbParticle Constructions in Contemporary English, Munchen; Fink Sroka,
Kazimiers (1972), The Syntax of English Phrasal Verbs. The Hague, Mouton;
Quirk et al (1972), A Grammar of Contemporary English, London, Longman ;
Parisi, D. & A. Puglielli (1974), Hopping adverbs, Atti del XI Congresso
Internazionale di Linguistica ; Cowie, A.P& R. Mackin (1975), Oxford
Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, vol 1, Verbs with prepositions and
particles. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Swan, Michael (1980), Practical
English Usage. Oxford, Oxford University Press; Hook, J. N. (1981), Two- word
Verbs in English. New York Harcourt; Aarts, J. F. (1982), English Syntactic
This chronological survey meant to highlight the studies that have been
written since the 16th century to the 20,h century, constitute a premise for the next
section that is, The Historical Rise of the English Phrasal Verb.
Millward, CM A Biography of the English Language. 2nd edition Forth Worth: Harcourt Brace, 1996.
Baugh Albert C. and Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language..4th edition Eaglewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1993.
Traugott, Elizabeth C. The History of English Syntax. New York: Holt Rinehard and Winston, 1972.
Such Old English compound verbs were also highly idiomatic, in that the
meaning of the compound form did not necessarily reflect the meaning of the root.
Denison (1993) 5 provides beraedan as an example because it meant to
dispossess, while its root verb raedan meant to advise.
Akimoto (1999)6 suggests that Old English prefixes often remained before
the verb because Old English had strong object- before- verb tendencies, whereas
present day English is largely a VO (verb+ object) language, which has made it
possible for particles to travel to post verbal positions.
Some Old English verbs did function as modern phrasal verbs do.
Referring to the post- verbal particles in this period was still often very directional,
in close relationship with a prepositional meaning.
Therefore, applications of the particle up in Old English conveyed a sense
of direction upward, as in to grow up (ward), rather than the completive sense, as
in to break up (completely), that would become more common in Middle English
and beyond.
1.4 Phrasal Verbs in Middle English
This section will deal with those forms of phrasal verbs that occur in Middle
English. Thus, the formation of prefixes verbs in Old English was no longer
productive in Middle English, and the loss of productivity was already evident in
Old English, in which certain authors added a post- verbal particle to prefixed verbs,
possibly because the prefix was losing meaning (Denison, 1986:47)7
Denison, David. English Historical Syntax: Verbal Constructions: London and New York, Longman, 1986
Akimoto, Minoji. Collocations and Idioms in Late Modern English. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999
Denison, David. The Origins of Completive up in English Ncuphilologische Mitteilungen , 1986-P. 47.
The rapid borrowings of French verbs into Middle English likely showed the
development of phrasal verbs (Baugh and Cable 3408, Fischer 3869) because of
competition in semantic fields of the Old English prefixed verbs. For example, the
French borrowing destroy could accommodate the meaning of the Old English
forbrecan break up (Smith, 1996:140)10
French forms also likely hindered phrasal verbs because of lexical register.
French was the language of status in England after the Norman Conquest, and
phrasal verbs were considered informal (Tanabe, 1999:123)11, Fischer 39812).
Nonetheless, phrasal verbs regained strong productivity by the 15th century
(Fischer, 1992:386)13 Middle English underwent a shift in syntax from many
instances of SOV to SVO as it lost many synthetic inflections from Old English,
becoming a much more analytic, or word- order based language. The new VO
word order, as Akimoto claims, likely enabled adverbial particles.
In other words, Old English forbrecan became to break up. By late
Middle English, phrasal verbs could be divided into three categories: a). Old
English style inseparable particle+ verb (understand, overtake); b). phrasal verbs
including verbs+ separable particle (take up, write up); and c). nominal compounds
derived from the first two (outcry, write- off). (Fischer, 1992: 386)14
Hilluten, Risio Verbal Phrases and Phrasal Verbs in Early Modern English, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999- P. 95
Heaton (1985:103)22 considers that "phrasal verbs are compound verbs that
result from combining a verb with an adverb or a preposition, the resulting
compound verb being idiomatic."
All these definitions lead to another aspect proposed for discussion, that is,
the role of phrasal verbs in the English language.
1.8 The role of Phrasal Verbs in the English language
Phrasal verbs are considered to be a very important and frequently
occurring feature of the English language.
First of all, they are so common in every- day conversation, and non-native
speakers who wish to sound natural when speaking this language need to learn their
grammar in order to know how to produce them correctly.
Secondly, the habit of inventing phrasal verbs has been the source of great
enrichment of the language. By means of phrasal verbs it is described the greatest
variety of human actions and relations. .E.g. People can be taken up, taken down,
taken off, taken in or one can keep in with people, one can set people up or down,
or hit people off. So there is hardly any action or attitude of one human being to
another which cannot be expressed by means of these phrasal verbs.
The last part of this chapter will deal with classifications of English verbs and
with types of phrasal verbs.
22 Heaton, J. B. Prepositions and Adverbial Particles. Hong Kong: Peninsula Press, 1985- P. 155
An aspect related to compound verbs is that compounds, as hold off are not
to be confused with combinations as to come in or to go out or to look up, in
which in, out, up are adverbs forming answers to such questions as: 'where?',
'where to?', 'in what directions?'
E.g. (1) The boy went in (Where did the boy go?)
(2) The rain held off (No such question is possible: What is
said about the rain or What did the rain do?).
These exemplifications support the fact that complex verbs is a special
category of compounds. (Levitchi, 1970:69).
So far, all these classifications and comments have shown that phrasal
verbs are considered and called 'complex verbs' in accordance with Leon Levitchi,
but there are also called 'multi- word verbs' and' phrasal- prepositional verbs' by
Greenbaum, Sidney and Quirk, Randolph (1990)24
24 Greenbaum,Sidney,QuirkRandolph,AUniversityGrammarofEnglish.BurntMill,Essex:LongmanHouse,1973.-P.121
25 Courtney,Rosemary.Longman Dictionary of Phrasal verbs. England:LongmanHouse,193-P.85
27 Veres, Grigore, Andriescu, luliana, Cehan, Anca. A Dictionary of English Grammar: lasi: Uniiversitatea Al. I. Cuza, 1998. P.67
In the previous chapter, the notion 'phrasal verb' was treated as a whole unit
and there was little reference made to its morphology, syntax or semantics.
As the title of this study suggests, a holistic approach on phrasal verbs is
necessary for accomplishing the purpose of a unified presentation on the matter.
The Longman Dictionary (2008)28 defines the term 'holistic' as being
"based on the principle that a person or thing is more than just their many small
parts added together. (Longman, 205)29. In other words, a holistic approach in this
paper refers to a complete approach from morphologically, syntactically,
semantically, pragmatically and metaphorically points of view.
2.1 Particle Verbs and Morphology
Morphology is the study of the way words are formed from smaller units
called morphemes.
So, the study of morphemes and of the way in which they are organised in
order to form words is the object of morphology.
From a morphologically point of view phrasal verbs are multi- word verbs
consisting of a lexical invariant+ variant morpheme+ an adverbial particle (Horia
Hulban,1983: 251 )30
Hulban explains that the lexical invariant is usually a verb of Germanic origin: E.g.
Idem. - P. 205.
'add', 'answer, 'break', 'bring', 'carry', 'check', 'laugh', 'hit', 'strike', 'turn', 'walk', and the
variant morpheme is of the type , -s, -ed. E.g. He picked up a coin, (pick- INV.
LEX.; ed- VAR.; up- Adverbial Particle)
According to Bolinger Dwight (1971)31 phrasal verbs are the most
productive source of new lexical items in the English language and of crucial
interest linguists and language teachers.
The major types of morphological processes are: Derivation, Inflection and
Compounding. What are of great importance here are the processes of derivation
and inflection.
2.1.1 Derivation
Related to derivation, Mclntyre Andrew (2001)32 thinks of the verbs in
English as being restricted except with Particle gerundive nominalisations (the
taking out of rubbish, his working a solution out) and past participle adjectivals
(fallen- over trees, an unwritten- up paper, an under- worked out- plan).
Otherwise, suffixing English particle verbs yields an intruding range of possibilities
which attempted.
E.g. a), a washer up, it's foldable up, passer(s) by(s);
b). use- up- able, pick- upable, unmake- upable;
c). a filler- inner of forms;
d). the present giver- out er- er
e). picker- up- er. (Mclntyre, 2001:82)33.
34 Stiebels, B. and Wunderlich, D.Morphology feeds Syntax: the Case of Particle Verbs. Linguistics 32,1994. P..913
McIntyre, Andrew. Op. cit. P.88
Accounts assume that the inflection operates over the whole structure but is
subject to morphological or phonological constraint, positioning it on the verb stem.
(McIntyre, 2001: 89).37 Yet, the truth of this affirmation depends on ones' theory of
morphological leadership.
Some syntactic research such as Bennis, H, Jordens, M., Powers, P.
(1995)38 see the left headedness of English particle verbs as proof that particles
cannot enter the syntax as Vs. , but an invariant right hand headed English
morphology is not universally accepted.
All in all, the studies mentioned so far consider particle verbs as being in
some sense between morphology and syntax.
2.2. Syntax of Phrasal Verbs
English Syntax distinguishes between verbs followed by prepositions and
verbs followed by adverbs.
2.2.1 Differences between Phrasal Verbs and Prepositional Verbs.
Because the forms of the particle and the preposition are identical it is easy
to confuse phrasal verbs with prepositional verbs. That is why a distinction between
preposition and adverbial particles appears as necessary.
Idem P.89
Bennis, H. Jordens, M., Powers, P. Picking up Particles. In: Mc Laughlin, 1995 P.103
Over the centuries, the combinations of verbs with short adverbs and
preposition increased .Eventually, they came to be the most productive means for
the creation of new verbs that exists in Modern English.
Quirk Randolph (1973)39 illustrates five major differences between
prepositions and adverb particles:
a).A preposition cannot be placed after the object, while the
adverbial particles of phrasal verbs can generally precede or follow the object.
E.g. (37) He disagreed with his interlocutor.
(38)*He disagreed his interlocutors with.
(39) She turned off the stove.
(40) She turned the stove off.
b). A pronoun always precedes the adverbial particle of a phrasal
verb and always follows a preposition.
E.g. (41) She turned it off.
(42)* She turned off it.
(43) He disagreed with her.
(44)* He disagreed her with,
c). An adverb can be placed between a verb and is following
preposition, but its not the verb of the phrasal verb construction and its adverbial
This section in relation with the previous one debates upon issues like:
Transitivity, word-classes of particles and positioning of particles, the role of
the syntactic patterns being that of giving information on these issues.
Verb transitivity
E.g. (70) 'to put heads together, 'to keep one's hair / shirt on.
(Veres, 90-91 )42
If the phrasal verb is transitive, the pattern will include N, PRON, or REFL.
(Collins Dictionary, V)43. The Dictionary gives as examples the phrasal verbs('pay
out'), which includes the pattern V+ N+ ADV or 'add up', which includes the
pattern V+ ADV+N; 'call in' which includes the pattern V+ PRON.+ ADV and
shut away which is labelled V+REFL+ADV.
V+ N+ ADV means that the verb has an object (N) and that the
object must come in front of the adverb (ADV): E.g. They pay
out half of their income in rent.
V+ ADV+ N means that the verb has an object (N), and that
the objects come after the adverb (ADV): E.g. First, add up all
your regular payments.
V+ PRON+ ADV means that the verb must have an object
which can be a personal pronoun (PRON), and that the object
comes in front of the adverb (ADV): E.g. They called me in for
V+ REFL+ ADV means that the verb has an object which must
be a reflexive pronoun (REFL) and that the object must come in
front of the adverb (ADV): E.g. I shut myself away in a library
that night and wrote a letter. (Collins, VI)44.
43 Collins Cobuild, Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, William Collins Sons& CO Ltd: Glasgow, Great Britain, 1991-P.45
Idem. P. - VI
A few phrasal verbs are ditransitive, meaning that they are used with two
objects, a DO and an 10. The patterns of ditransitive phrasal verbs include both
objects. For example, hand back includes the pattern V+ PRON+ AW+ N. This
means that the adverb comes between the 10, which must be a pronoun, and the
DO, which must be a full noun group: E.g. The girl handed him (10) back his card
(DO). (Collins, VI).45
Idem. P. - VI
Collins, Op. cit. P. VII
57 Chen, Ping. Discourse and Particle Movement in English. Studies in Language, 1986-.P..422
58 Hawkins,J.A.A Performance Theory of Order and Constituency. Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,U.K.,1994--.P.80
Fraser, B. The Verb- Particle Combination in English. The Hague: Mouton, 1976.- P. 125
Bas,Aarrts.Verb- Preposition Construction and Small Clauses in English. JournalofLinguistics,1989.P.100
Kayne,Richard.Principles of Particle Constructions. InGueron,J;H-G.ObenauerandJ-YPollock(eds),1985.P.148
Construction 1 names the number of constituents intervening between verb and particle.
stands closer to and modifies the DO), so that the resultant state of the DO is
concentrated upon.
f). Factor 6: Idiomaticity of the construction (Fraser, 1976)
The more literal the phrasal combination, the higher the probability of
E.g. (78) a. He has tried to eke out a profitable living.
b. He has tried to eke a profitable living out.
f). Factor 6: Idiomaticity of the construction (Fraser, 1976)64
The more literal the phrasal combination, the higher the probability of
E.g. (78) a. He has tried to take out a profitable living.
b. He has tried to take a profitable living out.
g). Factor 7: News value of the direct object (Erades 1961.7865,
Chen 1986: 425)66
Another factor that is related to particle placement and that is connected to
the notion of stress as discussed above is the news value of the DO:
E.g. (79) a. We'll make up a parcel for them... On the
morning of Christmas Eve together we made up the parcel.
Fraser, B. The Verb- Particle Combination in English. The Hague: Mouton, 1976. P. 131
Erades, Peter A Op. cit. P. 78
Chen, Ping. Op. cit. P. 425
E.g. (82) It's almost ten o'clock. Put your nightie on, and run
up to bed.
h). Factor 8: Times of subsequent mention (Chen, 1986:42s)67.
So far there have been considered factors concerned with either the parts of
the transitive phrasal verb construction or with the preceding discourse text.
One factor proposed by Chen is connected to the discourse following the
utterance in question, and it is measured of how often the referent of the DO in the
utterance under investigation is mentioned in the discourse following this utterance.
The more often the referent is mentioned, the higher the probability of the
(86) She took her coat off the hook. In the first
sentence, off shows the direction in which she moved the coat, while off in the
second sentence indicates the relationship between coat and hook.
The function of on is also taken into consideration by Heaton (e.g. Peter
turned on the boastful youth and struck him.). In this sentence, on is a preposition
and shows the relation between the boastful youth and the verb turn (= become
hostile). The boastful youth is the object of the preposition on, not of the verb
c). ln spite of its different positions on functions as an adverbial
particle in both sentences below. On modifies the verb turn, tap being the object of
the verb turn in both cases.
E.g. (87) John turned the tap on.
(88) John turned on the hot- water tap.
d). The following example illustrates how slight the difference
frequently is between prepositions and adverbial particles. In both sentences,
through functions as an adverbial particle modifying the verb read. In the second
sentence, however, through could easily be confused in function with a
E.g. (89) I have read your essay through and think ii is
(90) I have read through your essay and think that it
is good.
Heaton (1985: 114)71 considers that adverbial particles differ from other
adverbs in certain ways. Most of them are best regarded as helping to form a new
verb, for they change or add to the meaning of the verb, however slightly.
Thus, "the particle is really an integral part of the phrasal verb, separable
often in word- order but nevertheless constituting a single unit" (Heaton, 114).
Going further into discussion, Heaton proposes five ways in which most
particles function:
1). Many cause a verb to assume a new or subsidiary meaning.
E.g. (91) The widow carried on as if nothing had
(92) Let's take a rest.
(93) I'm done for ('warned out').
(94) Long dresses have gone out these years
('ceased to be fashionable').
2). Some particles assume a new or special meaning with a verb
but do not change the normal meaning of that verb.
E.g. (95) He talked down to his pupils.
(96) Speak out ('loudly')
As the verb retains its usual meaning in such cases it is often possible to
deduce the meaning of the whole collocation. (E.g. look over = 'inspect'; switch =
3). Other particles provide stress emphasis or a sense of completion.
E.g. (97) Let me finish this off before.
74 Dixon, Robert. The Grammar of English Phrasal Verbs. Australian Journal of Linguistic, 1982.;P.104
It is debatable whether these are true specimens of the verb-particle construction given the inability of the particle to precede the object:*leave on ones coat
McIntyre (2001) suggests that "the aspectual use of the particle is related ti its
meaning and is an overt expression of the abstract path of a verbal
event. "(Mclntyre,2001:118)78
b). Non- perfective 'aspectual particles'.
Another type of particle which tells something about the course of a
verbal event is seen in the data in (1), from Mclntyre (2001)
(105) a* fight (^battles/ enemies) on; eat (*salad) on.
b' sing (*songs) along, read (*the text) around.
c' play (*a silly game) around, hammer (*the metal)
d' type away *(at) the essay, eat away *(at) the
e' kick/ hit off *(with) a new type of football.
These particles uses have received little attention. Remarks on their
semantics can be found in Jackendoff, R. (1997)79 and Mclntyre (2001).
The latter author argues that the particles describe the abstract path
followed to verbal event. Thus 'around' in we drove around denotes a goalless
In the 'aspectual' use of the particle, an event instead of an entity is the
theme, and hammer around indicates a hammering activity characterised as
metaphorically 'goalless', as aimless, futile, as getting nowhere.
Idem P.534
Idem P.221
To solve the apparent contradiction between compositional and noncompositional phrasal verbs, Talmy considers that motion verbs constitute a very
special semantic class. Motion verbs occurring as phrasal verbs are mostly
productive in meaning since the directional particle is usually to be understood in its
core sense. Thus, motion verbs constitute a unique class by admitting the directional
marker to be understood as incorporated in the verb. This opens the possibility of
viewing the expression of direction as a regular syntactic pattern which alternates
with directional phrase:
E.g. (108) He limped home on his battered leg.
(109) He rattled down the road in his old car.
Talmy also states that it is a well- known characteristic of the part les to act
as aspectual markers, changing a process verb into a transition verb as in
E.g. He ran out and He walked up where process motion
verbs are change into becoming change of location verbs.
In some cases, the aspectual marking is the only function of the particle as in
the examples (He ate up; He drank up), where process verbs like eat' and
drink' are changed into transition verbs.
There also exist directional particles that are not transitional; in the
following examples the meaning is that of a process even if a direction
particle is added: E . g . He walked homewards; He sauntered about)
(Talmy, 1985: 224).84
Idem P.224
All in all, in the preceding sections there have been identified two kinds
of constructions involving directional particles:
Phrasal verbs which are compositional.
Phrasal verbs which are non- compositional.
It has also been shown that the second group of verbs is constituted
by motion verbs, a unique semantic class in the sense that it admits the
directional marker to be understood as incorporated in the verb itself
contributes to the meaning of the expression.
The section entitled Semantics of Phrasal Verbs has dealt with issues
concerning types of particles, and compositionality vs. compositionality, in
the manner that a new perspective on phrasal verbs was offered.
verbs are common in conversation, they are the subject to the process of
metaphorical extension." (1997: 83)85
As a result of these metaphorical extensions, three types of phrasal verbs
have developed: literal, aspectual and figurative.
Literal phrasal verbs
The meaning of a literal phrasal verb is based on the meaning of the two
morphemes. Some examples of sentences with literal phrasal verbs would be:
E.g. (110) Pick up your clothes.
(111) Get down the box.
(112) Take out the trash.
Another problem is that the two morphemes of phrasal do not have to say
together as they do with Latin, French or Greek words
The following pairs of sentences mean the same thing.
E . g . (117) Pick up your clothes or Pick your
clothes up
(118) He fixed up the toys or He fixed the toys
Either way is fine unless the object is a pronoun. In that case, the shift of
particle movement is obligatory.
E.g. (119)* Pick up them vs. Pick them up.
(120) *He fixed up them vs. He
fixed them up. (Biber, D.,
together vs. 'assembly', put on vs. 'extinguish') and in most cases the phrasal verbs
is less formal, more colloquial and more image- laden than the single word."
(Bolinger, 1971:62).89
All in all, "phrasal verbs and their noun derivatives account for a significant
number of new words now being coined in the English language. (Bolinger,
This section has dealt with literal, aspectual, and figurative
meanings of phrasal verbs, but also with their formal and informal aspects. In
relation to this, the next topic to be discussed is the metaphorical extension of
phrasal verbs
2.5. Metaphorical Extension of Phrasal Verbs
Of great importance for the present study, this point of discussion
determines the real status of the English phrasal verb that is the characteristic of
possessing some degree of idiomaticity.
As a preliminary definition, phrasal verbs possess a degree of idiomaticity
in the assembly of the verb plus preposition (cry over something), or verb plus
separable particle (run up the flag or run the flag up), verb plus inseparable
particle (run up a debt), or the doubly assembly of verb plus particle and
preposition (face up to problems).
Originally, all the idiomatic phrasal verbs started out as a verb and a
prepositional particle in literal usage. Just as a picture hangs on the wall, or we
cross over the other side of the road, so a mother may have taken a last look
at her child going off to school, or may have looked after the child, a usage
whose meaning has changed in that it describes an entirely different activity in the
modern context, to look after someone meaning 'to care for someone'.
However, in everyday life, an idiomatic phrasal verb too, like any other
grammatical constructs becomes fixed and authentic enough in time by being used
2.5.2. Variations of meaning.
According to Biber, D (1998)91, phrasals and their meanings may vary
depending on where the speaker lives. Speakers of British English, or even
speakers from other regions of the U.S. might understand some of the
expressions differently.
For example, while an American might call you up on your cell
phone, a Brit would ring you up to tell you he needed to kip down (to stay
temporarily, the American equivalent of crash) in your apartment.
In the Southern U.S.A., one might scoot down the car while in
California one would hose it down with water.
Another case in point is that even though they are idiomatic, many phrasals
do make a certain amount of sense, depending on how one might understand the
particle, or preposition- like attachment.
A single preposition or particle can carry any of a multitude of meanings,
and the meaning of a phrasal verb like blow up depends a lot on which meaning of
up is chosen. For example, up can refer to increase ('freshen up' = increasing
freshness); to movement ('boil up' = move about in a chaotic way); or not to be in
bed asleep ('stay up' = remain awake and out of bed).
In the case of blow up, 'up' can be understood as relating either to increase
(as a fireball increases), or to movement (for chaotic movement of air). 'Up' in blow
up, on the other hand has nothing whatever to do with staying awake and out of
bed. (Denison, 1986: 37)92
It is the particle that changes the meaning of a phrasal verb. For example,
the word break usually means a sudden stopping, bursting, or loss of function. But
the phrasal verb break up means to end a personal relationship (up-completion),
while break up means to happen suddenly (out= appearance). (Denison, 45)93
All in all, emphasis in idiomatic phrasal verbs is on the analysis to
ascertain whether either verb or particle have a meaning.
If neither component has a meaning of its own within the context of the
sentence, it confirms the idiomaticalness of the whole and all that needs to be
noted is whether the idiom is valid and recognised as such.
Idem P.45
Referring to metaphors only, in order to describe non- physical, nonspecial events and relationships (time, emotions) all languages use metaphors
taken from the physical world. And this is particular true in the case of phrasal
verbs which often have both a physical and a metaphorical or derived meaning,
sometimes even several metaphorical meanings, depending on the context in
which they are used. (E.g. She made up a story; She made up her face.)
In nearly all cases, being able to evoke the physical image helps to find the
metaphorical or derived meaning. But this fact makes things even more
complicated, because certain prepositions or adverbial particles such as over, at,
about evoke images for English learners that are not the same they evoke for native
Fortunately, unlike verbs, they are limited in number and those frequently
used to form phrasal verbs even fewer.
As it was seen in the previous section, phrasal verbs have a figurative
meaning. There is often an underlying metaphor that helps in understanding their
In the case of blow up, the metaphor compares the movement of air created
by a bomb to the movement of boiling water in a kettle. In addition, blow up is
frequently used in a figurative sense, as in 'The issue of the councilman's
overspending blew up once the newspapers ran the story.' "Here the sudden
public revelation and subsequent discussion of the councilman's overspending is
compared to an explosion. (Denison, 52.)94
But this doesn't mean that new idiomatic verb phrases may not be
created. One recent example has been to chill out. It is a metaphor, and
because it is used so often these days, it has become an idiom, and a clich.
Dirven Rene's study (2001) is a case in point because her paper
highlights the main gains made by the approaches of Tyler and Evans (In
prep), Morgan (1997) , Hampe (2000) and Gries (1997 , 1999
2.5.4 The Metaphoric in Recent cognitive approaches to Phrasal Verbs
Tyler and Evans' theory does not specifically concentrate on phrasal verbs
but their indirect contribution to the field of phrasal verbs deserves attention.
The authors deal with the most valuable insights of cognitive linguistics,
combining them also with insights from pragmatics.
In their view of the relation between the mind and the world, they accept
the existence of a real world, which is however accessible to man by perception so
that one can only deal with a 'represented' real world.
In the understanding of a sentence, such as The cat jumped over the
wall, the preposition over does not describe the whole trajectory of the cat's motion,
but of all the possible elements of the reality, it only encodes the vertically notion of
'higher than and proximate to some point'. Thus the cat's jump is seen as a scene,
consisting of a point A, where the cat is at the lowest point, a point B, where the cat
arrives at the top of the arc, and finally a point C, where the cat lands at the other
lowest level.
This information is not expressed in the sentence as such, but thanks to the
integration of one's knowledge of linguistic forms and one's general background
97 Lidner,S.A Lexico- Semantic Analysis of Verb-Particle Constructions with up and out. Indiana University Press,1963. P. 211
98 Morgan, Pamela. S. Op. cit. P. 355
Only in the literal sense of (130a) is there a common literal source domain
for verb and preposition. In all the other cases there isn't a common source domain,
bit two different ones. Thus, in (130c) the verb hand denotes the literal
manipulation of an object, but there is no 'literal' container. Here any set of similar
things, is seen as a container. Many domains can be metaphorically seen as
containers. Thus, a source/ origin/ centre, a set, a field, a previous boundary,
possession, and inaccessibility are all seen as possible effects of a state of
containment. The conceptualisation of these abstract categories as containers also
offers an explanation for the many different meanings of out in particle verbs as
exemplified in:
Metaphorisations of the container notion:
The full conceptual richness of a particle verb also involves several other
metaphorical processes. Thus, the verb to figure out in the title of Driven's study is
analysed as containing four steps:
1). The noun derived verb to figure means to manipulate
numbers' and is a metonymy based on the notion of 'number'; to figure is
metaphorised into the most abstract meaning of 'reaching a solution by thinking1.
2). The literal use of out meaning 'not within the boundaries of a
container is "extended to other kinds of accessibility, such as when a
problem is conceptualised as a (blocked) container."(Morgan, 1997:
3). From these two source domains, i.e. from the verb to figure
via the conceptual metaphor thinking is calculated and from the particle
out via a conceptual metaphor a problem is a (locked) container, the new
compound verb to figure out has developed one target domain, meaning '
to make a solution cognitive accessible by thinking'. Thus the particle verb
to figure out becomes an integrated construction, both semantically and
Idem P.343
Idem P.345
With the simple verb one can have human and non- human subject (134 a,
b).But the compositional meaning of to face up to only allows an agent- driven.
E.g. (134) a) We faced serious problems.
b). Serious problems faced us.
(135) a) We are facing up to a huge problem.
b).* A huge problem is facing up to us.
Just as Morgan deals with out in to figure out, Hampe claims that the
particle up in to race up to is motivated by conceptual metaphors in many ways and
she makes an important generalisation "This simultaneous motivation by more than
one conceptual metaphor is a very common property of particles in a verb- particle
construction."(2000:92). The element face in to face up to has just like the simple
verb to face the sense of being situated in front of, or opposite some entity.
This location sense also explains why the simple verb to face in (134) allows
both human and non- human subjects. The domain of event structure is a cover
term for a whole chain of events and states subsuming not only locations, states, and
events or changes, but also causes, actions, purposes (of actions),means (for
realising actions), difficulties encountered when acting and its sub- metaphor
PROBLEMS ARE OBSTACLES. By mapping this event structure onto the
location sense of the particle- verb, its component to face now means 'to confront
something'. The two components up and to add very rich extension possibilities,
too. The particle up evokes the vertically or up- down orientation and of this source
domain it is the upper limit of the vertically orientation that is added to the event
structure of to face. (Dirven, 2001:85)103
This physical space domain is the source domain for many different
metaphorisations, all suggesting positive values, such as CLOSE is UP,
Thus, the face up to construction incorporates the notion of ACTIVITY,
CONTROL and COMPLETION Finally the preposition to denotes a physical
goal in space. As a conceptual metaphor, to implies motion towards an 'abstract
entity' such as a problem, a difficulty.
Each of these three metaphor systems contributes to the compositional
global meaning of to face up to as "to actively confront an entity that possesses a
problem, a difficulty for one's further actions." (Dirven, 2001: 86.). However, the
schematic meaning of to face up to transcend this compositional structure since it
also encompasses the motion of 'an energetic human agent' and that of
In this sense the construction is strongly idiomatic. Thus, the particle- verb
to face up to instantiates the construction schema 'verb+ up to) which contains the
additional sense of 'energetic agent' and of 'emotionality'.
Whereas Hampe thus makes a first inroad into a syntactic aspect of
particle- verbs [the opposition between (104) and (105)], this avenue is not further
explored in the rest of his study.
Here, Gries has made important progress. The deeper principle which
Gries proposes as the underlying principle is the consciousness principle,
manifesting itself in the degree of attention needed to set up mental contact with the
NP's referent.
He formulates his consciousness hypothesis as follows, "construction 1
will be preferred with objects requiring a high amount of consciousness and
construction 2 will be preferred with objects requiring none or only a limited
amount of consciousness for their processing." (Gries, 1997. 64).104
The degree of consciousness is in its turn determined by two conditions: the
discourse context and the entrenchment of the linguistic form denoting a referent.
Objects that are new in the discourse context like a pencil in E.g. He picked up a
pencil, prefer construction 1, whereas objects that are accessible or active via
the discourse context co- occur in construction 2 as in the example: He picked
the pencil up.
Similarly, according to Gries (1997:64), the degree of entrenchment
is partly equated with the reverse of the Silverstein Hierarchy(SH) such that
nouns/ referents at level 1 in Table 1 are least entrenched and forms/
referents at level 1 in Table 1 are most entrenched.
1. Abstract entities.
2. Sensual entities
3. Locations
4. Containers
5. Concrete objects
6. Animate beings (other than humans)
7. Kin terms
8. Proper names
9. 3rd person singular pronoun
10. 2nd person
singular pronoun
1 1 1st person
singular pronoun
The Silverstein Hierarchy offers a plausible explanation for the fact
that with pronouns referring to an abstract referent such as malaria one can
use only (136a). When the same anaphoric reference is made by means of
super ordinate abstract nouns like disease, (level 1 in SH),one tends to find in
the large majority of cases, construction 1 as in (136b) which is in clear
string of words, each of which he knows very well, but which in combination do
not make any sense. Here are such verbs:
get up to ('to do') - What have you been getting
up to lately?
put up with ('to tolerate') - I can't put up with
his rudeness anymore.
different meanings can also be learnt according to the preposition or adverb (let
down, sit down, turn down, put down, write down).
Other ways are learning different verbs used for a particular subject or
situation, for instance 'telephoning': put through, hold on, hang up, get through
cur off, speak up. The recommendations to best learn phrasal verbs are to use
them in different situations, to treat them as one treats any new vocabulary.
information up.
The particle has the appearance of a preposition or an adverb but does not
function as either and effects a change in the meaning of the verb.
Usually, the verb-particle combination has the meaning of a single verb,
as with to look up meaning 'to research', to hand in meaning 'to submit' or to
turn into meaning 'to become'.
This test of substituting a synonym does not apply easily to listen to. A
single- word definition is not easy to find, not even for the verb listen.
In addition, the meaning of listen to does not seem to be idiomatic. Its
meaning is neither different, nor altered from that of listen. But the semantic
context of the sentence does point to an object rather than an adverb, music, as
the object- recipient of the act of listening. It is the 'what' receiver and not the
'where' adverb of the verb's action. As in the sentence He turned into a monkey,
whose predicate contains a multi- word linking verb with a predicate noun, the
verb function in the following sentences substantiates another point against
particle transformation as a sure test for phrasal verbs.
E.g. (144) a. They came in.
They entered.
Sentence (144a) has a phrasal verb with an intransitive verb function and
is semantically equivalent to sentence (144b). Sentence (144c), using the same
multi- word verb, but with a transitive verb function, corresponds to (144d).
However, unlike the prototype sentences, such as sentence (141), in which the
particle can be moved to a position after the direct object NP, sentence (144c)
cannot be rendered as (144e). The verbal extension in cannot be separated from a
verb by a noun phrase. So, in this instance of the verb- particle combination with a
direct object (V+ part+ NP), the transformation rule which moves the verb-particle
cannot be applied.
As shown in the examination of transitive phrasal verbs operational
108 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.P.164
109 Webster, Merriam. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Plebius Press, 2003. P. 67
110 Charleton, Laird. Webster's New World Dictionary. Random House, 1999.P.178
111 Elbaum, Sandra N. Grammar in Context. Book Two. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1986.P.101
People listen to music for various reasons, the query continues with an
examination of specialized resources such as verb dictionaries.
The Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs (1992)112 contains the
entry listen to in which it confirms its categorization as a phrasal verb. The entry
supplies no single- word synonym even though similar periphrastic definitions
occur, 'to hear (something or someone) intentionally',
obviously a transitive usage. And syntactically, Longman labels listen to a 'verb
prep.', meaning prepositional verb.
In addition to Longman Dictionary, the foundation studies of Bolinger
(1971), of Fraser (1976), of Palmer (1968,1974) prove useful.
Of these sources, Bolinger (1971) notes differences in stress between
particles and prepositions. Accordingly, the particle receives more stress as a
primary influence to meaning than does a preposition which acts as a connector.
Finally, there are studies that analyse closely the single verbal elements
to and at as particles. The inclusion of at in The Dictionary of American
Regional English and its discussion by Virginia McDavid (1963)113 are
especially significant. McDavid notes that at often alternates with to and that at
and to are not always indicators of place or location. This alternation is
considered dialectal in the United States.
The prevalence of the form listen to among a large body of speakers
attests to as functioning as an attachment to listen and not as a locative preposition
for the noun which follows it.
113 McDavid,M.The Dictionary of American Regional English. Cambridge: Belknap Press/ Harvard University Press 1991 P.141
The English alternation usages, such as listen at, can be used as semantic
tests to explain listen to and other such occurring English verbs.
*For the query sentence People listen to music for various reasons, the
Synonymy and Substitutability rule is applied for the dictionary's meaning
'attend'. Another definition of listen to to pay attention to' contains the
nominalized verb 'attend'.
*The Particle Transformation rule cannot be applied.
*The Substitutability rule generates a prepositional verb when it is applied to
the definition 'to pay attention to' which is an idiomatic combination that
nominalizes the verb attend and uses 'pay' than 'give' with the structure word
*Listen to cannot move the to particle to a position after its object. The
*Noun Phrase which follows this kind of verb is not the adverbial modifier of
place or direction.
*Ultimately, listen to is a type of transitive phrasal verb, a prepositional
phrasal verb with syntactic rules which restrict its particle movement.
Hearne, Betsy. Beauty and the Beast: Visions and Revisions of an Old Tale. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989. P.17
Ison, S. Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. New York: A Welcome Book Hyperion, 1995 P. 17
illustrations: In the song Looking for Romance, from Bambi118 "I want you to
know that I'm looking for romance", (colloquial idiomatic verb: 'seek'. It is also
shown in the song When you Wish Upon a Star, from Pinocchio119, where the
phrasal verb acquires a poetical meaning for the euphonic use of the preposition
upon and the word star, a celestial body which conveys the additional meaning of
being a magic object: "When you wish upon star", (poetical idiomatic verb: 'make a
wish using a magic talisman'.)
In Looking for Romance from Bambi, the alternation of verbs that map
the core information into themselves- framing verbs- or into the particle -framing
"satellite verbs"- reinforces the idea of 'search' in the discourse and avoids verbal
repetition by expressing this intention with different linguistic elements: "I'm
looking for romance (framing satellite verb) or "I'm seeking romance (framing
This research aims to offer the analysis of the constructions associated with
emphasis, motion and idiomatic expressions as supporting evidence for the
pragmatic functions of grammar.
The effects of the phrasal verbs in these songs have "consequences for
rhetorical discussions, and that they are significant enough to influence the
audience's attention to particular constructional domains- a realm of fantasy, a field
of action, or magic influence."120
119 Talklen, J. R. R. On Fairy Tales. In Tree and Leaf: George Allen and Unwin, 1964- P. 15
Rierola, Ana. M. A Linguistic Study of the Magic in Disney. Faculty of English and German Philology of Barcelona , 2001-P.112
In the lyric Mr. Stork from Dumbo121 six phrasal verbs have been used:
"He'll get through." (change + medium, meaning 'pass'.)
"Look out for Mr. Stork." (perception + locative + goal, meaning
'beware of.
"He'll come along." (motion + medium, meaning 'approach'.)
"Don't try to get away." (change + direction, meaning 'escape'.)
"He'll spot you out in China." (change + locative, meaning
"When he comes around." (motion + locative, meaning 'visit'.)
(1990:23- 25). 122
In the song Little April Shower from Bambi (1990: 32)123, the phrasal
verbs in: "Beating a tune as you fall all around." and in You'll come along with your
pretty little song." Contribute to the staging of the metaphorical actions:
fall around (motion + locative, meaning 'descend
come along with (motion + medium + instrument,
meaning 'approach with'.
All in all, all the lyricists have made good use of the phrasal verbs in their
lyrics. Therefore, the study and usage of these grammatical constructions provide a
collection of many verbs with a great deal of particles or "satellites".
Although verbs plus satellite constructions should be considered as a
whole, there have been explored the syntax and the semantics of these
combinations and the distinctions of the different types (motion, stative, action or
event, emphatic or idiomatic verbs) in each of the example given during the
linguistic analysis. The main objective of the lyricists has been to obtain a variety of
Thus, the phrasal verbs with up conveys emphasis. The stress, importance
or significance is laid on the particle by means of the forceful indicative that the
three actions must be complete.
121 Dumbo. Look out for Mr. Stork. The Walt Disney Company, 1990. P. 27
Idem P.23 - 25
E.g. "Clean it up. we want the company impressed.' (Be Our guest)
"Bit for now let's eat UP."(id.)
On the other hand, "idiomatic phrasal verbs have idiosyncratic characteristics
for having distinct style or character and lacking predictable meanings."124
However, these grammatical constructions or expressions contribute to enrich the
language of these songs with traits of peculiarity:
E.g. "A cat's the only cat who knows where it's at." (The
"When all longing is through.'' (Looking for
Although, there are more nouns than verbs in these lyrics, phrasal verbs play
an important role, and they are the most complex lexical category, for being more
polysemous than nouns.
As an overall conclusion, Chapter 3 offers a new perspective on the
matter of phrasal verbs proving that it is essential to know and understand multiword verbs as these are nearly always the chosen forms for a native speaker. The
importance of using phrasal verbs resides in the fact that they usually begin in
casual speech where they become part of the every- day vocabulary and eventually
become recognized as acceptable standard usage. The analysed lyrics, from the last
part of the Chapter were meant to prove that literature is in search of a deeper
understanding of this ubiquitous construction called 'verb-particle construction'.
124 Townsend, J. R. Written for Children: An Outline of English Language. Children's Literature (5th edition). London: Badley Head, 1990. P. 134
125 Finch, C. Walt Disney's The Aristocrats. New York: A Welcome Book Hyperion, 1995. P. 101
General Conclusions
The study on multi- word verbs set out to produce a unified description of
phrasal verbs. The research reached the following conclusion: the available corpora,
the larger studies and the theoretical approaches to the issue made it possible for the
production of a study meant to highlight and to clarify some problems with which
students and teachers of English may confront: the problem of word- order in the
verb- particle construction, the problem of idiomaticity with phrasal verbs, the
difficulty of understanding phrasal verbs.
Thus, this study may be used as a guide for the non- native speakers of
English, for it can offer at any time answers to whatever questions may arise.
This paper has discussed minutely the classifications and definitions of
phrasal verbs (Chapter I), problems such as transitivity, word classes of particles,
types of particles, aspectual and figurative meanings (Chapter II), issues such as
description of listen to as phrasal verb, slang equivalents for the verb to die and not
in the least an analysis of phrasal verbs that occur in some given lyrics (Chapter III).
As an overall conclusion, the studies support the theories advanced by
Levitchi. Leon (1970) on the matter of complex verbs, by Greenbaum, Sidney and
Quirk, R. (1973) on the issue of transitivity, by Hulban, Horia (1991) and by
Bolinger, Dwight on the issue of morphology, by McIntyre, Andrew (2001) on the
matter of semantics, by Gries, Stefan (1997. 1999) on the matter of particle
movement., by Talmy, L. (1985) on the issue of the representation of phrasal verbs
in the semantic lexicon model, by Veres, Grigore (1998) on the matter of formality
and informality, by Dirven, Rene on her contribution to the metaphorical approach
on phrasal verbs, and not in the least by Green, Jonathon (1986) on the matter of
slang equivalents of the verb to die.
Akimoto, Minoji. Collocations and Idioms in Late Modem English. Amsterdam and
Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.
Bas, Aarts. Verb- Preposition Construction and Small Clauses in English. Journal of
Linguistics, 1989.
Baugh, Albert C. and Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language. 4th edition
Bolinger, Dwight. The Phrasal Verb in English. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
Biber, D. Variations across Speech and Writing. Cambridge Cambridge University Press,
Denison, David. English Historical Syntax: Verbal Constructions. London and New
York: Longman, 1986.
Erades, Peter A. Points of Modem English Syntax. English Studies 42, 1961.
Elbaum, Sandra N. Grammar in Context. Book Two. Boston: Little Brown and
Company, 1986.
Fraser, B. The Verb- Particle Combination in English. The Hague: Mouton, 1976.
Fischer, Olga. Syntax. The Cambridge History of English Language. Vol. 2, Ed. Norman Blake,
Cambridge: Cambridge UP., 1992.
Gries, Stefan T. Particle Movement: A Cognitive and Functional Approach, Cognitive Linguistics,
Galea, lleana, Criveanu, Irina, Ivas, Angela. Dictionar Englez-Roman de Expresii Verbale: Editura
Echinox, Cluj, 1992.
Greenbaum, Sidney, Quirk Randolph, A University Grammar of English. Burnt Mill, Essex:
Longman House, 1973.
Green, Jonathon. The Slang Thesaurus. London: Elm Street Books, 1986.
Gherasim, Alexandra, Turcan Nelly. Ghid Metodologic pentru Elaborarea Tezelor de Licenta si
Masterat. Chisinau: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2005.
29. Heaton, J. B. Prepositions and Adverbial Particles. Hong Kong: Peninsula Press, 1985.
30. Hiltuten, Risto. Verbal Phrases and Phrasal Verbs in Early Modern English. Amsterdam and
Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.
31. Hampe, Beate. Facing up to the Meaning of face up to: A cognitive semantico- analysis of an
English Verb- Particle Construction. In: Foolen, Ad/ van der Leek, Frederike, 2000.
32. Hulban Horia. Synthesis in English Morphology, lasi: Al. I. Cuza University of lasi, 1983.
Kennedy, Arthur, G. The Modem English Verb Adverb Combination, Standford: Standford
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36. Lidner, S. A Lexico- Semantic Analysis of Verb- Particle Constructions with up and out.
Indiana University Press, 1963.
37. Levin, B. English Verb Classes and Alternations. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and
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40. Morgan, Pamela S. Figuring out Figure out: Metaphor and the Semantics of the English
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41. Millaward, C. M. A Biography of the English Language. 2nd edition Fort Worth:
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43. Mclntyre, A. Preverbs, Argument I Linking and Verb Semantics. Ms. Leipzig, 2001.
47. Palmer, Frank Robert. The English Verb. London, New York: Longman, 1998.
48. Side Richard.Phrasal Verbs: Sorting them out. ELT Journal, 1990
49. Swan, M. , Practical English Usage. 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.
50. Smith, Jeremy. A Historical Study of English. London and New York: Routledge, 1996.
51. Stiebels, B. and Wunderlich, D. Morphology feeds Syntax: the Case of Particle Verbs.
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52. Traugott, Elizabeth C. The History of English Syntax. New York: Holt Rinehard and Winston,
53. Talmy, L. Lexicalisation Patterns: Semantic Structures and the Lexicon, Vol. 3, Chicago:
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54. Tyler, Andrea and Evans Vyvyan. Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning and Cognition,
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55. Tanabe, Harumi. Composite Predicates and Phrasal Verbs in the Paston Letters,
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56. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
57. Veres, Grigore, Andriescu, luliana, Cehan, Ancs. A Dictionary of English Grammar: lasi:
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58. Vlad, Eduard. English Group Grammar. Constanta: Tipografia Universitatii Ovidius, 1998
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60. Webster, Merriam. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Plebius Press, 2003.
2. Dumbo. Look out for Mr. Stork. The Walt Disney Company, 1990.
3. Finch, C. Walt Disney's The Aristocrats. New York: A Welcome Book Hyperion, 1995.
4. Hearne, Betsy. Beauty and the Beast: Visions and Revisions of an Old Tale. Chicago:
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5. Ison, S. Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. New York: A Welcome Book
Hyperion, 1995.
6. Rierola, Ana. M. A Linguistic Study of the Magic in Disney. Faculty of English and
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7. Talklen, J. R. R. On Fairy Tales. In Tree and Leaf: George Allen and
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8. Townsend, J. R. Written for Children: An Outline of English Language. Children's
Literature (5th edition). London: Badley Head, 1990.