Artigo 32
Artigo 32
Artigo 32
Animal assisted therapy (AAT) is gaining a stronger presence within the therapeutic
community. It is now utilized to ameliorate a diverse range of human needs across the lifespan
impairments; acquired brain injuries; chronic illnesses; palliative care; trauma, post-traumatic
stress disorder and addiction (Chandler, 2005; Engelman, 2013; Hanrahan, 2013; Kamioka,
Okada, Tsutani, Park, Okuizumi, et al, 2013; O’Haire, 2013). There has been particular interest
in working with seniors, especially those with dementia (Bernabei, De Ronchi, La Ferla, Moretti,
Tonelli, et al, 2013; Filan, & Llewellyn-Jones, 2006; Majić, Gutzmann, Heinz, Lang, & Rapp,
2013; Nordgren, & Engström, 2014; Richeson, 2003; Sellers, 2006). However, the presence of
therapy animals may not only be beneficial for clients but also has the potential to impact the
entire system and thus could also be a contributor employee workplace wellness.
impact of stress on families with a member having dementia (Gitlin, Marx, Stanley, & Hodgson,
2015; Kim, Chang, Rose, & Kim, 2012) as well as worker wellness has well been documented
(Csiernik, 2014). Neuropsychiatric symptoms are common in nursing home residents (Selbæk,
Engedal, & Bergh, 2013) as are behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)
that include aggression, wandering, restlessness, repeated actions, suspicion, apathy, sundowning
and sexualized behaviours (Alzheimer Society Canada, 2016). In 2014 the Ontario (Canada)
Long Term Care Association OLTCA reported that 62% of Ontario nursing home residents lived
with Alzheimer’s or another dementias while nearly one third had severe cognitive impairment.
Since 2008 the proportion of residents with dementia increased by 6% while mild or moderate
cognitive impairment rose by 8% with dual diagnosis of dementia coupled with a psychiatric
diagnosis increasing 11%. As well, one in three residents also had a psychiatric diagnosis such as
moderately aggressive behaviour with nearly half of residents exhibiting some level of
aggressive behaviour between 2010 and 2012. As the complexity of residents issues has
increased so have incidents of aggressive behaviour involving employees which has led to
concerns regarding the safety of both staff and residents. This trend is only likely to continue in
Canada as the proportion of seniors over 65 is predicted to grow from 15.9% in 2016 to 22.6%
prolonged family and workplace stress can impact the quality of care provided to residents
(Pitfield, Shahriyarmolki, & Livingston, 2011). Long-term care nursing staff are subject to
considerable occupational stress and report high levels of burnout (Woodhead, Northrop, &
Edelstein, 2016). Both verbal and physical assaults on staff are common often occurring in
patients’ rooms because of an individual’s cognitive impairment and/or not wanting personal
care. Documented physical contact against staff includes slapping, squeezing, punching, hitting,
and shoving (Lachs, Rosen, Teresi, Eimicke, Ramirez, M., et al, 2013; Morgan, Cammer,
Stewart, Crossley, D'Arcy, et al, 2012; Tak, Sweeney, Alterman, Baron, & Calvert, 2010).
Resident aggression in seniors care facilities is associated with increased levels of workplace
stress as well as with compassion fatigue and burnout (Brodaty, Draper, & Low, 2003; Edberg,
Bird, Richards, Woods, Keeley, & Davis-Quarrell, 2008). Not surprisingly one outcome is
employee turnover, which is a substantive and expensive concern in seniors’ residential care
facilities (Kash, Naufal, Cortés, & Johnson, 2010; McGilton, Boscart, Brown, & Bowers, 2014).
There is a distinct relationship between working conditions, mental health, and intention to leave
with intention to leave partially mediated by employee mental health. It is argued that workplace
programs must begin to address work organization features to reduce employee intention to leave
Human-animal interactions involve sensory, tactile and social engagement that stimulates
the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin has widespread neurological, biological, emotional and social
effects, including attachment, trust and social processing, while also decreasing anxiety, stress
and aggression (Netherton & Schatte, 2011; Olmert, 2009). By stimulating the parasympathetic
nervous system, oxytocin calms the fight-flight-freeze stress response, reducing the secretion of
cortisol, aldosterone and adrenaline, while also increasing pain tolerance, lowering blood
pressure, increasing vagal tone, decreasing inflammation, improving wound healing, facilitating
learning, and lowering anxiety (Chandler, 2012). This is a major reason there has been an
care facilities where the interaction has been demonstrated to ameliorate the symptoms and
impact of dementia. If this is the case, is there also a spill over effect such that AAT’s effects on
A specialized dementia wing of a long term care home in an urban Southwestern, Ontario
city was selected for this exploratory study. The residential facility is home to 160 individuals,
many of whom have a formal diagnosis of dementia and who are in the middle to late stages of
this condition.
The AAT study was undertaken on a specialized dementia unit within the facility,
Memory Lane. Baseline data on the residents was collected for two weeks followed by eight
weeks of animal assisted therapy and then a three-week post-intervention data collection period.
Residents engaged in three one hour sessions each week during the study period with a range of
farm animals including a sheep, rabbits, chickens and a goat. Activities consisted of petting,
grooming and walking the animals; singing animal songs, learning about the animal's history,
species and breed; training the animal; reminiscing about past human-animal interactions and
relationships; and reflecting on the animal’s behaviours and story in relation to their own story.
Assisted Therapy program was implemented agreed to be interviewed using an eight item open
ended data collection instrument (Appendix A) at the conclusion of the trial period to ascertain
the impact they have perceived of the program. The sample consisted of personal service
workers, registered nurses, dietary aids, housekeepers and recreation therapists. The sample
consisted of 18 women and 2 men ranging in age range from early 20s to mid 50s. All interviews
were conducted at the worksite either during working hours or directly before or after depending
upon each participant’s availability. Interviews were tape recorded with the tapes transcribed
verbatim with a thematic analysis of the responses conducted. Ethics approval was granted by
In examining the transcripts distinct inconsistencies became evident. While the majority
of respondents found that the animals had a positive impact on the affect and behaviour of
residents, indirectly also creating a more positive work environment, there were a minority of
responses indicating that there were no noticeable changes. This led to a re-examination of the
transcripts where a key factor was found leading to the differences: the shift the respondent
worked. This readily explained the two distinct sets of responses while also leading to
Day shift staff perceived the farm AAT program to have a variety of positive benefits and
residual outcomes for residents and for themselves. This was often expressed via lengthy,
detailed and overtly positive comments that were overwhelmingly in favour of maintaining the
program. Adjectives such as effective, interactive, engaging, and positive were regularly used as
well as descriptions of specific outcomes, such as reduced agitation, greater communication and
I think this whole project was effective. (Residents) were quite engaged, even the ones
who are quiet, the residents who are not verbal, you know, (were) interactive. I think this
is something I would highly recommend, especially for the residents with dementia, it
was a form of communicating and engaging, you know, being able to touch and pet the
anybody that came in contact with the animals at the time were very happy. I didn’t see
I was shocked about some of the residents that wander and pace up and down the halls,
sometimes like for an hour straight, could actually sit and enjoy and just be involved in
that. In this program I found that they would sit for the whole thing, which I thought was
However, afternoon and night shift staff had a less positive view of the program with
some not even knowing when the program was implemented and why. This group typically
indicated that the program had no lasting impact on the residents, and thus none of themselves
In contrast staff who worked days provided several clear examples of how the AAT
initiative not only benefitted residents but also enhanced the workplace environment and staff
Oh yeah, definitely. Everybody that I noticed was so much more pleasant, you know,
smiling when the animals arrived. They were just, they're so cute. [laughs]” (Interview 12)
Respondents also described curiosity about the animals among staff who were not
directly involved. Memory Lane staff noticed workers from other units and programs stopping
by to see the animals and to watch the residents enjoy their time interacting with them. Some
between groups of staff in different settings regarding the farm AAT program.
Staff throughout the whole building were like “oh my goodness the animals are here”
and they come poke their head in and every single staff member that came in here had a
smile on their face when they saw the animals, whether it was the diaper on the goat or
the diaper on the chickens or just anything. They always just wanted to come in and pet
the goat, just take time out of their own day to come in and see how things were going.
(Interview 19)
…we had staff coming down all the time and when the word got out...people were asking
us about it too and we were just explaining that it was you know the pet therapy and
what there was and stuff. And the staff would come down and specifically go out to see
the animals, not all the staff, but some of the staff, it was interesting to them too
(Interview 20)
However, there remained tensions as other staff not directly involved with the program stated
said to them when I would hear oh that's ridiculous, why are the bringing animals in,
blah, blah, blah. There was negativity from a lot of the staff. (Interview 14)
The AAT initiative was reported to have a positive impact on workload for day staff; one
compared their experience working in the day program to Memory Lane, which typically had
larger groups and less staff. The AAT program provided more structure that seemed to help
enable relief for staff to focus more on providing quality programming for all their residents.
I found having that group of nine or 10 people throughout the morning gave me
opportunity to work with, you know, the other group more intimately and more
therapeutic all for people that perhaps don’t get, you know, aren’t as demanding of
engagement and of my time, they were able to benefit from, you know, sensory programs
from me and they just got a lot more of my time. And I think overall the whole unit was a
little more at ease because you need that kind of small dividing group, different areas,
inadvertently reduced the number of residents they had to watch at one time. Another described
the program as a redirection tactic used variably depending on the resident they were supporting.
I know they're safe when they're outside with the animals or in here with the animals.
You know, if there's four or six people of them at a time then there's four or six people
that I'm not looking out for out there on the floor. (Interview 10)
There were multiple exemplars throughout the interviews highlighting positive impacts
on the work environment. Likewise, there was appreciation for what AAT did for residents and
how AAT impacted their connection to the residents and work, even if the change was mainly
experienced in the moment. This interconnection between resident and staff wellness is certainly
I think the staff people enjoyed it. It's something to talk about, like a conversation that
we've had ourselves about a goat in a diaper, so, in that way, yes. I think people think it
was a neat idea. I think we always love to see an opportunity for our residents to enjoy
something very special. And having visiting animals is very special I would think for
them. And so that would be the impact on staff that we love to see in enrichment in our
The staff again was very engaged, they really enjoyed it and it was good for both the
staff and the resident to have something totally different from a regular line of duty to do.
And it really did have staff just smiling and just feeling good overall, knowing the
resident, that it's making a different in the resident at that time… and I will keep
repeating it that it was a good thing for the home, for the residents for the staff. I seen the
residents are more uplifting, smiling, it was very effective, especially with the residents
who are more withdrawn. They were light, they were lit up. (Interview 1)
Others spoke directly about the impacts on how they viewed their normal day in comparison to
their time in the farm AAT program. One staff made a direct link between staff wellness and
So I think that something like that as beneficial as this is could be right through the
whole building. And even for you know like even for like staff too. Somebody who is a
little edgy that day - why didn't you go see the animals or if there's … I mean
everybody's got lousy days, it's not just residents that have behaviours, I mean we leave
our garbage at the door, but if somebody's got a stressful situation at home, why don’t
you … You know send them down to see the chickens for five minutes or something or
you know go pet the bunny rabbit. I really believe in pet therapy period for everybody,
not just for residents and I just find it very beneficial. (Interview 20)
Overall most of the respondents valued the program and stated that it contributed to a
positive feeling within the unit and around the building. Staff members in general reported that
the program was beneficial and supported a continuation of the program. Repeatedly study
participants noted that there was a decrease in agitation and aggressiveness among residents on
AAT program days. They also reported that it was nice to see these residents happy even though
they note that there was not a long term impact on behaviours. Most staff members felt that it
would have more of a lasting impact if this was a regular part of the program. However, despite
the positive benefits enjoyed in general by staff involved in the initiative, respondents from all
shifts reported no direct effect on their job, nor did it make their shift any more enjoyable, easier
Seeing a baby goat in a diaper brings a smile just about anyone’s face; including those
secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue among helping professionals (Bride,
Robinson, Yegidis, & Figley, 2004; Buchanan, Anderson, Uhlemann, & Horwitz; Figley
1995,1996, 2002a, 2002b; Stewart, 2012) as well as vicarious trauma (Dill, 2007; Devilly et al.,
2009; Najjar, et al., 2009) and burnout (Acker, 2011; Halbesleben & Buckley 2004; Harr &
Moore, 2011; Horowitz, 2006; Maslach, 2001; Newell & MacNeil, 2011). These conditions lead
to substantive human and financial costs and thus an initiative that can benefit clients as well as
staff appears to be one whose implementation and funding should not be questioned. However,
few counselling interventions are straight forward especially in the fields of aging and dementia.
What became evident in examining the data was the dichotomy between staff working
different shifts. Day staff were overwhelming in favour of the program, viewing substantive
improvements in their clients’ functioning and behaviour and as an indirect result having positive
effect on the workplace environment. However, this was not unanimous. As well, afternoon and
night shift staff did not have the benefit of the animals in their work environment nor did they
see any protracted change in the behaviour of residents on Memory Lane for the very reason they
Animal Assisted Therapy has additional costs and liabilities because you are working
with living creatures. There are also risks to the animals because of unintended mishandling by
residents due to their diminished cognitive capacities. As well, the animals are not there for staff
to engage with and their presence can actually be disruptive to routines which are essential in a
At the heart of this debate, initiated by animals, is an even more fundamental question.
How do we treat each other especially as we age and become more fragile? One reason AAT is
successful among this population is that every time the animals were introduced to the
environment, which was three times a week for eight weeks, it was if they were there for the first
time for the residents. Residents retained no memory of previous animal engagement which
made each encounter in essence a first encounter. It was this fact that contributed to the ongoing
positive reactions but also the lack of any sustained gains even into the very next shift just a few
hours after the animals departed the facility. So given, there is no memory of the event and the
impact while positive is fleeting, the question must be asked is it worth the financial cost and
associated risks to the animals? This question has been answered in part by this follow-up study.
The impact of AAT was not only on the residents but also on employees and the entire
work environment. Though not sustained, day staff found residents to be temporarily calmer.
They found residents temporarily more engaged. They reported a more positive working
atmosphere in this high stress environment. But what of the night staff? Simply, in the pilot
study there was no thought bringing the animals in at different times. Instead a regular rountine
was deemed of importance. It would then be a simple solution to alternate programming in the
morning, afternoon and evening in order to benefit not only residents but all staff. Also, by
doing programming in the evenings it would provide some families the opportunity to also
participate with their aging relatives in a more positive and active manner.
This was an exploratory qualitative study conducted in one residential environment and
subject to all the limits of any qualitative study. However, the outcomes indicate that there is
certainly a future for Animal Assisted Therapy in seniors’ care residents even with the most
vulnerable clients and that the benefit is not exclusive to the clients.
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What type of interaction did you have with the Farm Animal Assisted Therapy program?
Did it affect their interpersonal relationships other residents did it decrease, agitation, aggressive
Did you see any differences between program days (Mon/Wed/Friday) and non-program days?
Did you witness any changes in behavior of your co-workers arising from the AAT program?
What impact did it have on the overall mood and morale in Memory Lane?
8. Anything else you would like to add that we haven't talked about?