Art Lift

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International Journal of Mental Health Nursing (2013) 22, 279286

doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0349.2012.00862.x

Feature Article

Art Lift intervention to improve mental

well-being: An observational study from UK
general practice
Diane M. Crone,1 Elaine E. OConnell,2 Phillip J. Tyson,4 Frances Clark-Stone,3
Simon Opher5 and David V. B. James1

Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Gloucestershire, 2HPA Primary Care Unit, Microbiology Laboratory,
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, 3NHS Gloucestershire, Public Health Directorate, Brockworth, Gloucester,
University of Wales, Newport, Caerleon and 5May Lane Surgery, Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK

ABSTRACT: Arts for health interventions are emerging as an alternative option to medical management of mental health problems and well-being. This study investigated process and outcomes of an art
intervention on patients referred by primary care professionals, including associations between patient
characteristics (e.g. sex), progress through the intervention (e.g. attendance), and changes in mental
well-being. Referral criteria included people with anxiety, depression, or stress; low self-esteem,
confidence, or overall well-being; and chronic illness or pain. The study took place in UK-based general
practitioner practices, with a total of 202 patients referred to a 10-week intervention. Patient sociodemographic information was recorded at baseline, and patient progress assessed throughout the
intervention. Significant improvement in well-being was revealed for the 7-item (t = -6.049, d.f. = 83,
P < 0.001, two-tailed) and 14-item (t = -6.961, d.f. = 83, P < 0.001, two-tailed) scales. Of referred
patients, 77.7% attended and 49.5% completed. Most patients were female, and from a range of
socioeconomic groups, and those who completed were significantly older (t = -2.258, d.f. = 145,
P = 0.025, two-tailed). Findings reveal that this art intervention was effective in the promotion of
well-being and in targeting women, older people, and people from lower socioeconomic groups.
KEY WORDS: attendance, completion, mental health, primary care, referral, uptake,
WarwickEdinburgh Mental Well-being Scale.

Mental illness represents the single largest cause of
disability, costing 11% of the national health budget, with
Correspondence: Diane M. Crone, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
University of Gloucestershire, Oxstalls Campus, Oxstalls Lane,
Gloucester GL2 9HW, UK. Email: [email protected]
Diane M. Crone, BSc (Hons), PhD.
Elaine E. OConnell, BSc (Hons), MSc (Res).
Phillip J. Tyson, MSc, PhD.
Frances Clark-Stone, BA (Hons), PG Dip.
Simon Opher, MBBS, MRCGP, DCH.
David V. B. James, BSc (Hons), PhD.
Declaration of conflict of interest: none. This was a funded contract
research project.
Accepted June 2012.

an estimated wider economic cost of approximately

110 billion (Friedli & Parsonage 2007). With 30% of
general practitioner (GP) consultations about mental
health issues, the promotion of mental well-being has
become a key strategic priority, with an increasing range
of programmes aiming to improve well-being, such as
physical activity, arts, and community activities (HM
Government 2011). Some of these interventions have an
established evidence base, for example, exercise referral
schemes (Williams et al. 2007), but arts for health
schemes are relatively new and as such have limited supporting evidence.
Arts for health interventions are typically based in
primary care services as a form of social prescribing which

2012 The Authors

International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2012 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.



enables health professionals to refer patients with social,

emotional, or practical needs to a range of local nonclinical services (Brandling & House 2008). Social prescribing evolved when some patients were deemed to be
using primary care services excessively, normally due to
poor mental health, family dysfunction, and lack of social
support (Bellon et al. 2008). This caused frustration for
health professionals when attempts to help their patients
were unsuccessful, due to their limited ability to solve
social problems (Brandling & House 2008). Social prescribing through joint working addresses these issues and
can reduce a patients use of primary care services (Brandling & House 2008; Edmonds 2003).
There is now a considerable emerging evidence base
for the use of art for health in primary care and community settings, although not all is rigorous and based on
well-designed studies (Department of Health with Arts
Council England 2007; Hacking et al. 2008; Staricoff
2004). Furthermore, research often fails to utilize formal
instruments for measurement of outcomes (Angus 2002;
Staricoff 2004). Of the evidence available, the focus also
varies, for example, focusing on therapeutic benefits of
art, intervention outcomes, physiological health benefits,
mental health benefits, community group benefits, or the
benefit to health services (Macnaughton et al. 2005).
However, in terms of the evidence base for arts for health
interventions as a form of social prescribing, current published research suggests that art for health projects have a
number of known benefits relevant to primary care,
including reduced feelings of isolation, broadening of participants horizons, improvements in mental well-being,
self-esteem, and confidence, and in developing the social
networks of participants (Daykin et al. 2008a; Heenan
2006; Secker et al. 2007; Spandler et al. 2007; Staricoff
2004). However, much of this research either uses music
as the art form, or is predominantly qualitative, and
undertaken in secondary care (Staricoff 2004). A more
recent review on art on prescription concludes that comparisons between creative art interventions are difficult to
make because generalization of the findings from most
evaluations in applied practice is inappropriate (Leckey
2011). Despite this, there are many arts for health
projects in operation and these are not always evaluated
rigorously (Clift et al. 2009; Leckey 2011). Descriptive
case study methods predominate (e.g. Stickley & Duncan
2007), lacking formal instruments for measurement of
outcomes and, therefore, do not show the full potential of
the arts for health improvement for mental health and
well-being in primary care (Angus 2002; Leckey 2011;
Macnaughton et al. 2005; Staricoff 2004). In response to
these criticisms, the present study, through adopting an

observational design using an established measurement

method for mental well-being, investigated the use of arts
for mental health and well-being improvement in primary
The intervention, Art Lift, aimed to improve the
health and well-being of patients through referral to
10 weeks of art delivered by an artist within a GP surgery.
Patients referred to the programme were identified in
primary care through their GP or health-care professional, such as a physiotherapist, practice nurse, or the
primary care mental health team. Patients were identified
if they were experiencing anxiety, depression, or stress;
low self-esteem, confidence, or overall well-being; stress
from chronic illness or pain; in need of distraction from
behaviour-related health issues; or had experienced a
recent major life change or loss. The research study, using
data collected between 2009 and 2011, aimed to explore
both the process and outcomes of the intervention. The
study investigated the impact of the art intervention on
the mental well-being of patients (outcome) and examined patient progress through the intervention (i.e.
uptake, attendance, completion, and engagement) and
key associated sociodemographic factors (i.e. sex, age,
referral reason, place of residence, level of deprivation).

Patients were referred to the scheme, using a specifically
designed referral form, by their GP or other health professional, who filled in the referral form and passed it on
to the artist. All data from participants was anonymized by
using the participants unique identification number from
their referral form. The dataset comprised all referred
patients (n = 202). The majority of patients were not
receiving any other form of specialized mental healthrelated treatment for their referral reason; the art intervention was the specified service for their referral
condition. However, further individual level data on treatments that were being received and by whom, was not
able to be extracted at the point of initial data collection.
The intervention was a 10-week art intervention delivered by an artist within a GP surgery. Eight different
artists offered their services in a variety of creative arts
activities including working with words (i.e. poetry),
ceramics, drawing, mosaic, and painting. The majority of
the artists were resident within surgeries, however, some
were based in community facilities such as nearby halls or
community centres due to space constraints at some surgeries. Patients attended a course of the art for 10 weeks
with the same artist, and most sessions were in small
groups of between three and 10 people, depending on

2012 The Authors

International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2012 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.


space, number of referrals, and art type. The study was

approved by the National Health Service Local Research
Ethics Committee.
A prospective longitudinal follow-up (observational)
design was employed, where data were collected by the
artists and included the following patient data at baseline:
age, sex, place of residence/home (postcode), type of
referral (i.e. first or re-referral), referral reason, referring
health professional, artist, the art form (e.g. poetry), and
the surgery. The WarwickEdinburgh Mental Well-being
Scale (WEMWBS) (Tennant et al. 2007) was completed
by all patients pre-intervention and by the sample of completing patients post-intervention period. Uptake,
attendance, and completion data were also collected,
where attendance reflected the actual number of attendances out of a total of 10 (e.g. one per week over
10 weeks). Completion for the purpose of the present
study was objectively defined as attending the first and
last session (e.g. week 1 and week 10); successful completion was therefore defined as attendance at the final
scheduled session. In addition, subjectively, the artists
rated the degree of patient engagement (non-completion,
partial completion, or completion) dependent on their
perception of patient engagement in the programme
rather than the actual objective attendances. Patients
were categorized as either not attending (i.e. referred but
did not attend), non-completion (i.e. referred and
attended one or more sessions), and completion (i.e.
referred and attending at least week 1 and week 10).
These data were collected through the patient referral
form, the WEMWBS, and an artists checklist, designed
to ensure all data was collected and passed on to the
research team.
The WEMWBS was adopted for the study because it
uses positive, simple words, has been validated, is widely
used, and is recommended for use at population level
(Tennant et al. 2007). The WEMWBS also captures a
wide conception of well-being, including affective
emotional aspects, cognitiveevaluative dimensions, and
psychological functioning. It has been used in a number
of social surveys and intervention studies including
national population surveys, which have further validated
its use as an appropriate practical mental well-being
measure (Braunholtz et al. 2007; Gosling et al. 2008;
Stewart-Brown & Janmohamed 2008). Stewart-Brown
et al., (2009) critiqued the WEMWBS as they found
initial fit to model expectations was poor and some items
that misfit with the model expectations showed considerable bias for sex and age. As a consequence, they deleted
items to create a mostly bias-free short 7-item scale;
however, this 7-item scale presented a more restricted


view of mental well-being than the 14-item scale in terms

of face validity (Stewart-Brown et al. 2009). Therefore, in
this study, both scales were used and the critiques of
both were kept in mind during the interpretation of the
Postcode data were used to assign an Index of Multiple
Deprivation (IMD) score for patients, a method used in
similar prescription to health intervention programmes
(Gidlow et al. 2007; James et al. 2008; 2009). IMD data is
based on the income, employment, health and disability,
education, barriers to housing and services, crime and
living environment domains of the relevant postcodes
(Department for Communities and Local Government
2011). Due to socioeconomic status being based on
employment and conditions of occupations, the IMD can
give an idea of the participants socioeconomic status
(Office for National Statistics 2011).

Data analysis
The pre-post well-being data collected using the
WEMWBS, along with progress through the intervention,
was considered in relation to the sex, age, and IMD score
of patients. Descriptively, the numbers of completions,
non-completions, and those who did not attend were provided, along with a description of sex, age, and IMD for
each progression category. Scores obtained from the
WEMWBS pre- and post-intervention were compared
using a paired-sample Students t-test. Changes in wellbeing were also considered in relation to key sociodemographic factors (i.e. age, sex, and IMD) using independent
sample Students t-tests.

Of those referred, using objective measurement, 77.7%
attended (i.e. attended the initial planned session) and
49.5% of those referred completed (i.e. attended the final
planned session). Of those referred and attended the first
session, 63.7% completed (see Fig. 1). Non-attendence
(i.e. referred and did not attend) were 22.3%. Seventeen
patients were re-referred (8.4%) onto the programme for
a further course of the intervention.
The subjective assessment of completion made by the
artists was categorized as patients fully engaged in the
scheme (completions), partially engaged (partial completions) or did not engage (non-completions). Of the 157
patients who presented themselves to the artists (i.e.
those who attended and completee), 120 resulted in
completions, 13 partial completions, and only 24 noncompletions. All of the patients who had been objectively
categorized as completing had also been subjectively

2012 The Authors

International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2012 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.



categorized as completions by artists. Generally, however,

the artists designated a greater proportion of completions
or partial completions than the objective data indicates.
Table 1 illustrates that the majority of referrals were
female in all progression categories, and that those who
did not attend or complete tended to be younger.
Postcode data allowed the IMD to be determined and
the range of the IMD for all the postcodes was then
ranked from the most deprived to the least deprived to
produce a relative deprivation for those in the sample.
Postcode was not provided on the referral form for all
Number of all referrals (n = 255; initial =
202; re-referrals 53)

Initial referrals (n=202; 100%)

Referred but did not attend
(n = 45; 22.3%)

patients. Consequently, the dataset for further analysis

was reduced because patients with missing data were
removed from the sample. This range was then split into
quartiles, where those in quartile 1 (Q1) were from the
most deprived areas and those in quartile 4 (Q4) were
from the least deprived areas (Adams et al. 2001). The
percentage of people in each quartile can be seen clearly
in Table 2, which describes the data that was used for the
further analysis.
Table 2 illustrates that most of those referred were
female. Those who completed were significantly older
than those who didnt complete or attend (t = -2.258,
d.f. = 145, P = 0.025, two-tailed) (see Table 2). Of all
those referred, the highest percentage of referrals
(38.8%) were from Q1, indicating that the project targeted those from the more deprived areas. Those in the
completion and non-completion progression categories
TABLE 1: Age and sex of participants according to progression
through the intervention

Referred and attended (n = 157; 77.7%)

Did not complete 10 weeks
(n = 57; 28.2%)

Completed 10 week intervention (n = 100;

Did not get re-referred
(n = 47; 23.3%)
Re-referred for another 10 weeks (n=53;
Did not get re-referred
(n = 36; 17.8%)
Re-referred for another 10 weeks (n = 17;

FIG. 1:

53 (16)
56 (15)
49 (17)
51 (16)
58 (15)

F = 75%; M = 23%
F = 77%; M = 23%
F = 72%; M = 26%
F = 76%; M = 20%
F = 81%; M = 19%

Age, sex, and deprivation for the progression categories of the sample

Age, years




57 (15)

F = 74%; M = 26%



50 (18)

F = 79%; M = 21%



52 (16)

F = 83%; M = 17%


54 (16)

F = 77% M = 23%


F = 76%; M = 22%



F, female, M, male; SD, standard deviation; sex percentages do not

always total 100% due to sex not always being disclosed on the referral

Patient progress through the intervention.


All referrals, including

Initial referrals

age (SD)

Index of Multiple
Deprivation, n (%)
Q1 = 34 (40.5)
Q2 = 14 (16.7)
Q3 = 14 (16.7)
Q4 = 22 (26.1)
Q1 = 11 (39.3)
Q2 = 4 (14.3)
Q3 = 6 (21.4)
Q4 = 7 (25.0)
Q1 = 12 (34.3)
Q2 = 11 (31.5)
Q3 = 6 (17.1)
Q4 = 6 (17.1)
Q1 = 57 (38.8)
Q2 = 29 (19.7)
Q3 = 26 (17.7)
Q4 = 35 (23.8)

Age is presented as mean (standard deviation); F, Female; M, Male; Q, quartile.

2012 The Authors

International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2012 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.


have a similar deprivation profile as the total sample,

however, non-attendances have a higher percentage of
people from Q2 than the other categories, and a much
lower percentage from Q4 (least deprived) than the other
At baseline (i.e. pre-scores), no differences were
revealed between the those who completed and those
who did not on either the 7-item scale (19 5 vs 19 4;
t = -0.649, d.f. = 110, P = 0.518, two-tailed) or 14-item
scale (38 10 vs 37 9; t = -0.608, d.f. = 110, P = 0.545,
two-tailed). Those who completed showed a statistically
significant improvement in their well-being over the
course of the intervention for both the 7-item (19 5 vs
22 5; t = -6.049, d.f. = 83, P < 0.001, two-tailed) and
14-item scales (38 10 vs 44 9; t = -6.961, d.f. = 83,
P < 0.001, two-tailed). A higher WEMWBS score indicates better mental well-being.

Summary of the main findings
The present study found an improvement in well-being
scores for those patients who completed the intervention.
More women than men, and a greater proportion from
lower socioeconomic groups, were referred to the intervention. Compared with all patients referred, patients
who completed the intervention were more likely to be
older and female. High levels of adherence to, and completion of, the intervention were observed in comparison
to other health referral programmes in primary care such
as exercise referral schemes. Arts for health interventions
in primary care could, therefore, contribute to current
policy priorities of improving the mental health and wellbeing of the general population (Department of Health

Comparison with existing published work

The completion rate of people who completioned the art
intervention was 63.7%. Art interventions have tended to
have good completion rates, for example, 57.8% (Eades &
Ager 2008) and 67.5% (Miriad 2011). Further direct comparison of these findings with other art interventions on
prescription is difficult due to the issues identified previously by Leckeys (2011) review. However, the model of
evaluation used in this study was derived from those used
in exercise-based primary care interventions, where consistency in intervention design and outcomes are more
advanced. Comparisons with findings from these studies
are favourable. For example, this intervention had better
completion and attendance rates (i.e. 77.7% of those
referred attended and 49.5% completed) than other pub-


lished findings from primary care-based health referral

programmes. For example, reviews of exercise referral
programmes in primary care concluded that some
schemes can have up to an 80% dropout rate (Gidlow
et al. 2005) and that in some studies only one-third of
people referred participated and between 1242% completed (Williams et al. 2007). Interestingly, in exercise
referral interventions, patients referred for mental health
reasons had an even poorer level of uptake (60%) and
with only 22% completing (Crone et al. 2008). This suggests that art interventions may be more suitable in
primary care for people with mental health issues, especially given the statistically significant changes in wellbeing scores demonstrated in this study.
Patients in this study were similar with regard to age
(53 years; standard deviation, 16) when compared to
other arts on prescription schemes (Eades & Ager 2008;
Miriad 2011), as well as exercise referral schemes
(Gidlow et al. 2005; James et al. 2008). This may be due to
older people tending to have more time available to them
to attend daytime sessions, or the fact that older people
may be more likely to be isolated at home; increasingly
their likelihood of participation in social prescription
schemes (Larson et al. 1985). Older participants are
also more likely to visit their GP therefore increasing
their likelihood of referral opportunity from health professionals (Taylor 2006). It is also possible that younger
women may not have attended due to requiring child-care
facilities, as the interventions were scheduled during the
Findings from the IMD analysis revealed that people
were referred from varying levels of deprivation,
however, the highest percentage of people referred into
the intervention and in the completion category were
from the more deprived quartile. Low socioeconomic
status has often been associated with mental health problems, so this may explain why a greater proportion of
participants were from the lower quartile of IMD, as the
current intervention was targeting people with mild
mental health issues. However, previous studies reveal
that people with mental health problems such as depression do not generally adhere well to treatment interventions (Croghan et al. 2006; DiMatteo et al. 2000).
Research has found that lack of adherence is often due to
lack of health professional communication, patient knowledge, and social demographic characteristics such as
young age, being female, and low income (Croghan et al.
2006; Edlund et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2000). On the contrary, the present research demonstrated good levels of
adherence from people with low socioeconomic status.
High levels of support, having an interest, and enjoying

2012 The Authors

International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2012 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.



the activity have been shown to help adherence to interventions in previous research (Sherwood & Jeffery 2000;
Taylor 2006). In terms of the number of people who have
been re-referred, other arts for health projects have often
reported that it can take a minimum of 6 months for
participants to benefit with many programmes significantly longer in duration than 10 weeks (Secker et al.
2007). It is therefore not surprising that re-referral for
some was appropriate. It is also possible that these people
were experiencing more long-term chronic mental health
conditions and social deprivation where a longer intervention time may have been more appropriate. Unfortunately, further statistical analysis of re-referrals was not
possible with the limited amount of data from the present
In terms of the well-being findings, both the 7-item
and 14-item WEMWBS showed an improvement from
attending 10 weeks of art. This supports findings from
other arts for health interventions which have also found
improvements in well-being (Eades & Ager 2008; Miriad
2011; Sefton MBC & NHS Sefton 2009). Improvements
in well-being have been attributed to economic factors
such as having more money, to social factors such as being
engaged in something, and having positive emotions. The
art intervention in this study may have provided some of
these social factors by allowing interaction with others,
taking part in purposeful activity, causing enjoyment, and
providing a distraction from the stresses of everyday life
(Diener 2009).
There are some limitations to this study which are
discussed in the following section, however, in summary,
the study has showed statistically significant improvements in well-being scores following the intervention,
which provides further evidence, based on a large sample
size, that art interventions can improve well-being for
those that attend, and that such interventions appear to be
attractive to women and those from lower socioeconomic

Strengths and limitations of the study

The present study was conducted in routine clinical practice ensuring high ecological validity, and used an established measure of well-being as an outcome. The sample
size is also large in comparison to other arts for health
intervention studies (Eades & Ager 2008; Daykin et al.
2008b, Sefton MBC & NHS Sefton 2009). Furthermore, patients from a broad range of socioeconomic
backgrounds were recruited. The combination of patient
progress (i.e. uptake, attendance, and completion) along
with patient characteristics such as age, sex, and socioeconomic status, has provided information missing from most

past evaluations of similar interventions. Although

stronger than many previous studies, the main weakness
of the present study was the total duration of data collection which, if longer, would have enabled a larger sample
size and longer term follow up. Furthermore, any conclusion about an improvement in well-being should be
treated with caution, given the absence of a control/
comparator group.

Implications for future research and

clinical practice
The findings confirm the value and benefits of arts interventions in primary care. As such, it adds to the current
developing evidence base on the use of arts and creativity
in the promotion and maintenance of public health in the
community. Further research could usefully include a
similar longitudinal observational design, but with sufficient follow-up duration to investigate whether the
improvement in well-being change is sustained following
the intervention completion. A focus of further research
should also be on identifying which aspects of arts interventions are the key mechanisms of action for mental
well-being improvement. Candidates may include the
opportunity to engage in a creative activity, the opportunity for social contact, and the distraction from persistent
concerns, although it is likely that a number of factors
within arts intervention all contribute to the improvements observed. Additionally, there remains a need to
investigate the cost-effectiveness of interventions, uptake
and levels of adherence for participants with differing
referral reasons, and the impact of art type on outcomes.

The authors would like to thank those patients who took
part in the study, the referring health professionals, the
artists, and Gloucestershire Art Lift Steering Group

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