PRMGT301 (NET) : Practical 1
PRMGT301 (NET) : Practical 1
PRMGT301 (NET) : Practical 1
Practical 1
The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills related to creation of Work Breakdown Structure
Practical 1
Building the WBS for the Doghouse Project
Step 1. Partition the project into its major activities (here, we are using a verb-oriented
Step 2. Partition the major activities into work tasks.
The major activities are filled in for you under the first level of the outline (that is, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and
so on). In Step 2, the first four major activities have been entered, but the rest of the outline has not
been filled in.
Below the outline is a list of the remaining activities and work tasks, in random order. Use this
outline and put these items into the outline in correct order. You may need to use some items more
than once.
Note: for the purposes of this example, the activities and work tasks have deliberately been kept
simple. Note, too, that you already have the design for the doghouse (activity 1.1). You don't need to
do anything more to obtain it.
2.3.2Cut lumber
Adopted from
2.7 Set in place
Place the following tasks in their correct locations in the WBS. You may need to use some more than
once. Once complete, upload the document as submission for practical 1 assignment.
Set in place
Finish roof with shingles
Go to store to buy lumber, nails, paint, and shingles
Borrow power saw from neighbours
Install roof trusses
Install sub-roofing
Search for hammer in basement
Make measurement marks on lumber
Assemble floor structure
Cut lumber
Get instruction from neighbors on using power saw
Assemble doghouse frame and floor structure according to design
Decide on location and position in yard
Assemble wall frames
Assemble roof trusses
Erect walls
Nail shingles to top roof board