Zuma Part1 Solutions+
Zuma Part1 Solutions+
Zuma Part1 Solutions+
Project Name: Blue Zuma project for greatest X-Games scooter of this generation.
Priority Matrix:
Time e constrain Enhance Accept Performanc Cost
Q1: When is the project estimated to be completed? How long will the project take? The project esimated to be completed at 22/12/08. The project take 250 days Q2: What is the critical path for the project? The critical path for the project is: 2,3,5,8,9,10,12,13,14 Market Analysis + Product Design + Product Design Selection + Detailed Product Design + Test Prototype + Finalize Product Design + Order Production Equipment + Install Production Equipment + Celebration
Q3 : What activity has the greatest amount of slack? Detailed Marketing Plan has 159 days of free slack Q4: How sensitive is this network? When project have sensitive its mean project has more than one critical path. The network is not very sensitive, there is only one critical path.
Q5: Identify 2 sensible milestones and explain your choices? Milestones are appropriate checkpoints that provide an indication of progress on the project. About Zuma's project the milestones are: Marketing analysis its the first activity the project have to start with it before do any other activity , and Product design selection most of the project activates depend on it. Q6: What are advantages of displaying the schedule as a network versus a Gantt chart? Network schedules more clearly exemplify the relationship between different activities and the critical path. Gantt charts are easy to understand and provide a clear overview of the project schedule according to calendar dates.
A Gantt chart :
A network digram :
0 0 20 0 159 30 0 0 0 27 0 0 0