What Is MLA?: MLA Review Sheet MLA Format
What Is MLA?: MLA Review Sheet MLA Format
What Is MLA?: MLA Review Sheet MLA Format
It is more concise and user-friendly than other styles due to its use Online Newspaper and Magazine Articles:
of brief parenthetical citations within the text; these citations then Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Source. Publisher Day Month Year.
associate to an alphabetical list within a Works Cited list at the end Print. Access Day Month Year.
of a paper/work.
Scholarly Journal Articles:
TRIO Quest activities encourages the use of the MLA format for Example Print article
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal. Volume.Issue (Month Year):
citation as it makes it easy to find sources for verification. pages. Print.
Example Online article
For more information on MLA, go to: Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal. Volume.Issue (Month Year):
n.pag. Web. Access Day Month Year.
http://www.mla.org/style - Modern Language Association
Web Sites:
Author(s). Name of Web Page. Date of posting/revision. Name of
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/ - Purdue’s MLA institution/corporation affiliated with the site. Web. Access Day Month
Formatting and Style Guide Year. <electronic address if needed for easy access>.
NOTE: MLA modified its Work Cited format style to take effect in April
2009. You can find these changes in MLA Handbook for Writers of
Online Articles:
Author(s). "Article Title." Title of Resource. Date of publication/update/posting.
Research Papers (7th edition). Web. Access Day Month Year <Electronic address if needed for easy
Here are a few of the changes.
Photo sharing:
Owner User Name. “Title of Photo”. Title of Source. Name of Source. Web. Day
Month Year accessed. <Elec address if needed for easy access>.
MLA Review Sheet