Electrolyte and Acid Base Balance
Electrolyte and Acid Base Balance
Electrolyte and Acid Base Balance
Electrolyte disturbances
Na level
Hypo-natremia and hyper-natremia are water distribution or water balance problem.
It's defined as Na concentration <135mEq/L.
Decrease of water clearance via variety of processes. This is mainly controlled via
vasopressin (anti-diuretic hormone-ADH). Secretion of ADH can be either appropriate or
3. Reset osmostat: body sets new point for plasma osmolarity and ADH and thirst
response to maintain osmolarity to that level. Classic example is pregnancy
We need to assess circulating volume and ECF status to allow knowing the cause of
Clinical presentation
Hyponatremia --> shifting water into intraceullar compartment --> cerebral
edema. So, symptoms develop both on amount of Na fall + rate. In acute decrease
of Na (within 2 days) -->
o at 125 =nausea and malaise
o lower than 125 --> headache, lethargy and confusion
o Stupor, seizure, Coma and death if Na below 115
In chronic setting (develop >3 days), body minimize increase in ICF --> not much
We need to determine rate of correction+ appropriate intervention+ treating of co-
existing disease if present
In case of acute hyponatremia, give hypertonic saline. However, we fear from central
pontine myelinolysis (CPM). It's a neurologic damage of neuron secondary to osmotic
shifts. It's characterized via flaccid paralysis, dysphagia and dysarthia. It's diagnosed via
CT or MRI. To avoid CPM, we do not increase [Na] more than 12mEq/L/day.
Now, in acute sever hyponatremia (<115mEq/L) --> increase Na in rate of 1-2 mEq/L/
hour for 3-4 hours then correction rate must tapper off. So, maximum correction is
within 10-12/day.
we need 2mEq/L increase per hour. So, 2/10=0.2mEq/L--> give 200ml per hour
Sine we need to avoid CPM, do not give more than 1 liter of hypertonic saline per day.
Asymptomatic hyponatremia
Water deficit, most common cause
o Impaired thirst response, occur in case of limited access to water or most
commonly in due to physical restriction (severely debilitated patient)
o Increase water loss,
Non-renal loss: diarrhea is most common GI cause of
hypernatremia (viral gastroenteritis and osmotic diarrhea-sorbitol
or carbohydrates malabsorption --> loss water >Na). Others like
loss of water from skin and respiratory tract
Renal water loss
Osmotic dieuresis : glycosuria, high protein feed, increase
urea production from accelerated catabolism of protein and
o Central (decrease ADH secretion): Most common
cause is destruction of neurohypophysis secondary
to trauma, surgery, infection, vascular accident and
granulomatous disease. Many cases are idiopathic
o Nephrogenic (periphery- resistance to ADH). It can
be secondary to drugs -lithium, demeclocycline and
amphotericin, electrolyte disturbances-hypokalemia
and hypercalcemia, intrinsic renal disease and loop
o Gain Na, either from administration of hypertonic saline or chronic
mineral-corticoid excess.
Clinical presentation
Shifting of water from ICF--> ECF --> shrinking of neurons -->weakness, altered
mental status and neuromuscular irritability. Occasionally, it can cause seizure
and coma
Chronic hyponatremia less symptoms
Polyuria and polydipsia in case of CDI/NDI.
In hypernatremia, urine volume should be low with urine osmolarity >800. If 300-800 -->
osmotic diuretic or partial DI. Osmotic diuretic is differentiated from DI via excretional
osmolarity >900mOsm/day in osmotic diuretic (volume of urine in 24 X urine
osmolarity). If less--> DI. Response to desmopressin allow differentiation of central from
Note urine osmolarity >800 meaning good ability of kidney to concentrate urine. If less
--> osmotic effect or DI. If <300 --> for sure DI.
Complete response to desmopressin, urine osmolarity increases via 50%. If 10-50%
increases --> partial response.
We need to correct hypernatremia in proper rate. Aggressive correction is dangerous due
to fact that rapid water shifting into neuron cells --> seizure, coma and permanent
neurologic damage. So, as in hyponatermia, rate of correction should not exceed 10-
The mainstay of treatment is increase water intake. we prefer water intake via oral/ NG
tube intake or infusion of 5% dextrose or quarter saline via IV
water deficit = (Na-140)/ 140 X TBW (male weight X 0.6 or female weight X 0.5)
This does not help us in choosing solute or rate of infusion. So, we prefer another way via
calculating of delta Na. However, TBW in male is weight X0.5 While in female weight X
0.4 Due to fact of volume contraction
Specific therapies
Ca is balanced via
1. PTH --> increase bone resorption and increase Ca reabsorption in kidney and
finally promote conversion of 25hydroxyvitamin D3 into 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin
D3 (1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol= calcitriol) via activation of 1,25dihydroxy
2. Calcitriol increase Ca reabsorption from intestine.
Definition: Serum Ca >10.3mg/dl with normal serum albumin or ionized Ca>5.2mg/dl
Mild: 10.5-11.9mg/dl
Intermediate 12-13.9mg/dl
High: 14mg/dl or more
Note: Significant hypercalcemia needs increase ECF Ca content and decrease ability of
renal to excrete Ca. This is why it still asymptomatic for a while till failure of
compensatory mechanism to excrete Ca in urine like volume depletion
Since total Ca level, that we measure, depends on albumin concentration, we prefer to use
ionized Ca or doing correcting equation.
Rapid elevation of Ca level --> symptoms are sever and usually neurological symptoms.
In elderely with neurologic manifestation, neurological involvement develops on lower
look for duration of hypercalcemia, presence or absence of symptoms and ask for signs
of malignancy (always precedes hypercalcemia symptoms), family history and
medication. If hypercalcemia lasts longer than 6 months without symptoms --> most
likely primary hyperparathyrodism
Laboratory test
Corrected Ca= Ca +0.8 X(4- albumin concentration)
Serum PTH:
o If it's normal to high --> primary hyperparathyrodism. Because 20% of
primary hyperparathyrodism have normal PTH (Not low). In 20% of
primary hyperparathyrodism, we also should think of familial
hypocalciuric hypercalcemia via checking fractional Ca.
o If PTH is suppressed --> check for PTH related peptide and check for
calcitrol. Increase Calcitrol in granulomatous disease, calcitrol overdose
and primary hyperparathyrodism and acromegaly
Serum phosphorus: if it was increase with hypercalcemia --> vitamin D
intoxication (check for vitamin D metabolites) or paget's disease. Low occurs in
both malignant and primary hyperparathyrodism because PTH enhances renal
phosphate elimination
Urine Ca: elevated in primary hyperparathyrodism due to filtered dose of Ca
exceeds ability to reabsorb Ca. Low in thiazide medication, milk alkali syndrome
(associated with metabolic alkalosis) and FHH.
Milk alkali syndrome: metabolic alkalosis and Cl concentration <103mEq/L.
If all are normal --> check level of vitamin A, TSH and serum and urine protein
electrophoresis (suspect of multiple myeloma)
ECG --> Short QT prolongation
First step --> correction of hypovolemia via giving 0.9% saline patients who
demonstrate volume depletion, since hypovolemia prevents effective calciuresis (do not
forget nephrogenic DI). Euvolemia increase GFR --> enhance Ca excretion and decrease
Ca reabsorption in proximal tubule secondary to fact that saline is calciuretic
Second step: if sign of overload limit further saline administration, we give loop
diuretics. These decrease Ca reabsorption in ascending loop of henle and enhance Ca
excretion. They should not be used in euvolemic or hypovolemic state.
If saline can not solve problem and we can not give loop diuretics or given without
improvement --> give IV bisphosphenate (decrease bone resorption --> decrease Ca
level). Hydration should precede bisphosphenate use. They have a delayed response
usually after 2 days. We can give pamidronate or more potent drug like zoledronate.
After infusion, we may develop hypocalcemia after 2 days and resolves spontaneously
within 2 weeks. Relative CI is renal failure
Gallium nitrate IV same as bisphosphenate in mode of action and time of onset. Problem
is that it's CI if Cr>2.5mg/dl due to nephrotoxic effect
In case of renal failure, we prefer giving Calcitonin, which inhibits bone resorption and it
has analgesic effect especially if metastasis to skeletal muscle is the cause of
Dialysis using low Ca dialysate is used in case of sever hypercalcemia (>16mg/dl) and in
patient with renal failure
Chronic management of hypercalcemia
If there is no indication for surgery, we should give medication like liberal oral
hydration, high salty diet and daily exercise to decrease bone resorption. You have to
avoid thiazide. In post-menopause women, we can use estrogen replacement therapy or
selective estrogen raloxifene.
Pseudo-hypocalcemia: total Ca level is decreased due to hypo-albuminemia.
However, corrected Ca level is normal
Effective hypothyrodism:
o Acquired: more common due to infiltration or auto-immune destruction. It
can be iatrogenic post -thyroidectomy. Hypomagnesemia (<1mg/dl) or
sever hypermagnesemia (>6 mg/dl) --> decrease PTH release.
o Congenital: DiGeorge syndrome or familial hypocalcemia
Vitamin D deficiency : mild -moderate sever --> normal Ca level due to
compensatory mechanism of increase PTH release. Sever vitamin D deficiency
--> liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, elderly people or limited sun exposure.
Profound elevation of phosphate level --> bind Ca and precipitate into body tissue
Alkalemia --> increase ability of Ca to bind albumin
Post-transfusion hypocalcemia --> due to binding of Ca to citrate containing
blood product
Ca can bind fluroquinolones
It depends on rate and level of Ca
Acute management of symptomatic hypocalcemia requires prompt and aggressive
The effect of initial treatment is only transient, and maintenance of calcium levels
typically requires a continuous infusion of 0.5 to 1.5 mg/kg/hr of elemental
calcium. solution comprised of 1 L D5W with 100 mL of 10% calcium gluconate
contains ~900 mg of elemental calcium per liter, approximating 1 mg of
elemental calcium per mL of fluid. Infusion is typically begun at a rate of 50
mL/hr (~50 mg of elemental calcium per hour) and titrated up as needed.
Chronic management
We need Ca supplements and vitamin D metabolities
o Oral Ca supplement: Ca carbonate (40% of elemental Ca) or Ca acetate
(25% of elemental Ca) can be given with goal 1-2 g of elemental Ca PO
o Vitamin D supplement
Level of PO4 >4.5mg/dl
Trans-cellular shift occurs in rhabdomyolysis, tumor lysis syndrome and massive
hemolysis. This cause release of PO4 out of cells. Hypoinsulinemia or metabolic
acidosis --> decrease PO4 influx into cells
Increase intake: especially in case of renal failure
Decrease renal excretion: in renal failure, pseudohypo-parathyrodism and
Hypocalcemia is due to intra-vascular chleation of Ca via PO4 through precipitation into
It's due to hypocalcemia and metastasis calcification of soft tissue. For example,
precipitation of Ca-PO4 in skin --> pruritis
Calciphylaxis describes the tissue ischemia that may result from the calcification of
smaller blood vessels and their subsequent thrombosis
However, anesthesiologist and critical care professional prefer to use Stewart's approach
for acid base balance (also called strong ion difference)
Stewart's says that acidosis occurs in case of shifting of water to make more H and less
OH. He says that HCO3 is dependant variable and it's not a determinant of blood PH.
1. Strong ion difference (SID): Since not all ion concentration can be measured, we
say apparent SID (SIDapp). It's calculated via difference of major cation and
major anion
SIDapp under normal condition is 40 mEq/L. If difference >40 --> alkalosis and <40 -->
acidosis. For example, in vomiting, we have increase SID secondary to loss of Cl -->
alkalosis (Stewart think alkalosis is secondary to loss of Cl not loss of H) !! Moreover,
giving solution that has high concentration of Cl --> acidosis (gaining of Cl, not due to
dilution of HCO3).
If we do not have all of ion, we can measure Na and Cl. Difference should be 38 If more
--> alkalosis, if lower --> acidosis. Compare with base deficit, if there is difference -->
attribuated to lactate, Ca or Mg level
Since SIDapp is the function of PH and non-volatile weak acids. We can measure
effective SID based on these data.
SIDapp -effective SID should be zero. if it was +ve --> organic acid accumlation is the
cause of acidosis
Since it's complex, there is equation for calculating it. Moreover, some devices measure
it. Value differ from one device to another --> this is why tradition way is still preferred
The major difference between stewart approach and traditional one is inclusion of
albumin serum in Stewart.
Metabolic alkalosis
We have an increase HCO3, PH and PaCO2. Expected PaCO2 is 40 + 0.6 x HCO3
Initial cause is either vomiting, NG suction and diuretic use. Moreover, Cushing, Conn's
and Barrter's syndrome.
Maintenance cause can be due to renal hypo-perfusion --> can not get rid of H. So, it's
called saline responsive. However, maintenance issue in other causes is pathological
procress like Cushing, conn's and barrter's syndrome. In latter, Cl >20mEq/L due to
increase renal perfusion secondary to volume expansion. So, saline will not solve the