ORS(Oral rehydration solution)
RL(Ringer Lactate solution)
• CSWS(Cerebral salt wasting syndrome)
As sodium directly contribute to the plasma osmolality ;
change in the plasma concentration leads to a
fluid shift in brain(if the fluid shift occurs in <48 hours)
causing CNS manifestations like cerebral edema,seizures,nausea
,delirium ,lethargy and coma
• Addisons disease
Occurs due to the decrease in Aldosterone secretion and
characterized by hyponatremia with ECF volume contraction
• Euvolaemic hyponatremia
Characterised by (↑H2O, ←→Na+)
seen in:
1. SIADH(Syndrome of inappropiate ADH release)
2. Primary polydipsia or Psychogenic polydipsia
3. Beer potomania
4. Hypothyroidism
5. Post operative patients
6. Endurance sports
Fluid restriction + Vaptans(V2 receptor antagonists)
A defect in osmoregulation causes vasopressin to be
inappropriately stimulated, leading to urinary concentration.
Excess vasopressin: CNS disturbances such as hemorrhage,
tumors, infections, and trauma.
Elevated urinary sodium excretion (>20 mmol/L) while on
normal salt and water intake.
Inappropriate urinary concentration (Uosm >100 mOsmol/kg
H2O) with normal renal function) at some level of plasma
• Hypervolaemic hyponatremia
Characterised by (↑↑H2O, ↑Na+)
Seen most commonly in patients of ascites and its associated features:
1. CHF
2. Cirrhosis
3. Nephrotic syndrome
4. Chronic Kidney disease
5. if ascites due to chroic cause, then we give SPIRONOLACTONE (Potassium
sparing diuretics)
6. if ascites due to acute cause, then we give FUROSEMIDE (Loop diuretics)
• Massive Ascites
leads to severe decrease in circulating fluid volume( due to collection of
fluid in the abdomen) which leads to GFR↓ leading to RAAS stimulation
and release of ALDOSTERONE and activation of ENaC channels causing
more absorption of Na+/H20 and excretion of K+/H+.
• Acute Hyponatremia – <48 hours
• chronic hyponatremia - > 48
STEP1-Serum Osmolality :
Serum Osmolality: lab value or calculation in mosm/kg
=(2 x Na+) + (glucose/18) + (BUN/2.8).
Patients can present para- or quadraparesis, dysphagia, dysarthria, diplopia, a "locked-in syndrome," and/or loss of consciousness.
Other regions of the brain affected in ODS: (in order of frequency) cerebellum, lateral geniculate body, thalamus, putamen, and cerebral cortex or subcortex.