11-9 Polarization of Light

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Polarization of Light

Thursday, 11/09/2006
Physics 158
Peter Beyersdorf

Document info 1
Class Outline
Polarization of Light

Polarization basis’

Jones Calculus

16. 2
The Electric field direction defines the
polarization of light

Since light is a transverse wave, the electric

field can point in any direction transverse to
the direction of propagation

Any arbitrary polarization state can be

considered as a superposition of two orthogonal
polarization states (i.e. it can be described in
different bases)

16. 3
Electric Field Direction
Light is a transverse
electromagnetic wave so the
electric (and magnetic) field
oscillates in a direction transverse
to the direction of propagation

Possible states of electric field

polarization are
electric field
plane wave
Examples of polarization states

right hand circular

horizontal (CW as seen from observer)

left hand circular

vertical (CCW as seen from observer)

linear polarization at an elliptical

arbitrary angle
16. 5
Linear Polarization Basis
Any polarization state can be described as the
sum of two orthogonal linear polarization states
Ex (z, t) = E0x îe i(kz−ωt+φx )

Ey (z, t) = E0y ĵe i(kz−ωt+φy )

" #
! t)
E(z, ! !
= Ex (z, t) + Ey (z, t) = E0x e î + E0y e ĵ e
iφx iφy i(kz−ωt)

E0y=0 E0x=0 E0y=E0x E0y=-E0x

y y y y

x x x

horizontal vertical diagonal diagonal

φx=φy φx=φy+π 16. 6
Circular Polarization

" #
! t)
E(z, = iφx
E0x e î + E0y eiφy
ĵ e i(kz−ωt)

For the case |φx-φy|=π/2 the magnitude of the field

doesn’t change, but the direction sweeps out a circle

The polarization is said Left-Handed Right-Handed

to be right-handed if y y

it progresses clockwise
as seen by an observer
looking into the light. x x

Left-handed if it
counterclockwise φy-φx=π/2 φy-φx=-π/2
16. 7
Circular Polarization basis
Circular (as well as any arbitrary) polarization can be
described as a linear combination of orthogonal linear
polarization states
! " ! "
iEx Ex
Erhc = Elhc =
Ey iEy

alternatively we can define linear (or any arbitrary)

polarization as the sum of orthogonal circular
polarization states

Ex = (Elhc − iErhc )/2

Ey = (Elhc + iErhc )/2i
16. 8
Elliptical Polarization
Linear and Circular polarization are just special cases of
elliptical polarization
" #
! t)
E(z, = E0x eiφx î + E0y eiφy ĵ ei(kz−ωt)

The orientation of the major axis

2E0x E0y cos(∆φ) α
tan 2α = 2 − E2
E0x 0y
The ratio of the major to minor
axes is
−E0x sin(∆φ) + E0y cos(∆φ) cos(∆φ)
E0x cos(∆φ) + E0y sin(∆φ) cos(∆φ) 16. 9
“Unpolarized” light
Most sources of natural light are “unpolarized”

Randomly oriented dipoles radiate for about 10ns

at a time before collisions cause the phases to
change. The sum or the radiation from all
dipoles is polarized in a direction that depends
on the relative phases of the dipoles, which
changes every 10 ns or so (called the coherence

When viewed at time scales greater than the

coherence time the radiation appears unpolarized

“Unpolarized” light

Describing Polarization Mathematically

Since polarization, like vectors, can be

described by the value of two orthogonal
components, we use vectors to represent

Amplitude of the components can be complex to

represent a time delay between the
components of the waves

Jones calculus allows us to keep track of the

polarization of waves as they propagate
through a system

Jones Vectors
Expressing polarization in terms of two
orthogonal states with complex amplitude (i.e.
amplitude and phase) of each component
expressed in vector form
! ".
vertical 1
! "
horizontal 0
! ".
1 1
linear at +45° √
2 1
! ".
cos θ
linear at θ sin θ
! ".
right circular

2 1
! "
1 1
left circular √
2 i
Jones Matrices
An optical element that transforms one
polarization state into another can be treated as
a 2x2 matrix acting on a jones vector
! " ! "! "
Ex,out M11 M12 Ex,in
Ey,out M21 M22 Ey,in

The Jones Matrices for a series of optical

elements can be multiplied together to find how
the optical system transforms the polarization of
an input beam

Selectively attenuates one input light

polarization polarizer polarized

output light

Malus discovered that an analyzer

oriented at θ with respect to a
polarizer would have atransmission Wire Grid Polarizer
I(θ) = I0 cos θ

known as Malus’ Law

Jones Matrix of a Polarizer
What is the Jones matrix for a polarizer that
transmits horizontal polarization?
! " ! "! "
Ex,out ? ? Ex,in
0 ? ? Ey,in

What if it is rotated at an angle θ?

! "
cos θ sin θ
R(θ)M R(−θ) R(θ) ≡
− sin θ cos θ

Use this to verify Malus’ Law

Jones Matrix of a Polarizer
What is the Jones matrix for a polarizer that
transmits horizontal polarization?
! " ! "! "
Ex,out ? ? Ex,in
0 ? ? Ey,in

What if it is rotated at an angle θ?

! "
cos θ sin θ
R(θ)M R(−θ) R(θ) ≡
− sin θ cos θ

Use this to verify Malus’ Law

Malus’ Law
! " ! "! " ! "
Ex,1 1 0 Ex,0 Ex,0
= =
Ey,1 0 0 Ey,0 0 E0 E1 E2
! " ! "! "! "! "
Ex,2 cos θ sin θ 1 0 cos θ − sin θ Ex,1
Ey,2 − sin θ cos θ 0 0 sin θ cos θ Ey,1
! " ! "! "! "! "
Ex,2 cos θ sin θ 1 0 cos θ − sin θ Ex,0
Ey,2 − sin θ cos θ 0 0 sin θ cos θ 0
! "! "! "
cos θ sin θ 1 0 cos θEx,0
− sin θ cos θ 0 0 sin θEx,0
! "! "
cos θ sin θ cos θEx,0
− sin θ cos θ 0
! "
cos θEx,0
− sin θ cos θEx,0

|E2 | ! I2
= cos θ cos2 θ + sin2 θ = cos θ = cos2 θ
E0,x I1
Devices which delays one polarization component
with respect to the other

For a birefringent material of thickness d

∆φ = (kny d − knx d) = ∆nd

Thus the Jones matrix is

! "
1 0
0 e∆φ

Quarter Wave Plate
For a retarder with Δφ=π/2 (i.e. a retardation of
λ/4) ! "
1 0
0 i
And when a wave with linear polarization at ±45°
passes through the retarder it gets converted to
left (right) circular polarization
! " ! "! "
1 1 1 1 0 1
√ =√
2 i 2 0 i 1
! " ! "! "
1 i 1 1 0 1
√ =√
2i 1 2 0 i −1
Half Wave Plate
For a retarder with Δφ=π (i.e. a retardation of
λ/2) ! "
1 0
0 −1
And when a wave with linear polarization at θ
passes through the retarder it gets converted to
linear polarization at -θ
! "! " ! "
1 0 cos θ cos θ
0 −1 sin θ − sin θ
! "
Variable waveplate with Jones matrix
! "
1 0
0 e∆φ

Babinet compensator Berek compensator

Waveplate Order
Recall that the relative delay between the two
polzrization states is

∆φ = ∆nd
For a zero-order quartz waveplate if we wish
Δφ≈π we need d≈100μm

For a typical multi-order waveplate Δφ≈11π so

d≈1mm which is easier to manufacture and has
the same retardation (modulo 2π) as a zero
order waveplate

Waveplate Order
dispersion of a waveplate is the sensitivity of the
retardation to wavelength

∆φ = ∆nd
d∆φ 2π
= − 2 ∆nd
dλ λ
which is minimized in a zero order waveplate.

Typical zero-order waveplates are actually made

of two multiorder waveplates cemented together
oriented at 90° so that Δφ=Δφ1-Δφ2≈π but the
total thickness d≈2mm
Polarization of light can be described as linear, circular,
elliptical or unpolarized

unpolarized light is really just polarized light that has the

polarization changing very rapidly

Any type of polarization can be described in terms of any

other polarization basis

Jones vectors mathematically describe polarized light, Jones

matrices describe the action of optical elements on
polarized light

Various elements are used to manipulate the polarization

state of light


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