Waves Webquest
Waves Webquest
Waves Webquest
b. Define medium.
i. At the beach?
ii. In a football stadium?
iii. Of sound?
v. a, b, c, or d
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Name: Class Period:
3. http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/waves/wavemotion.html - master the difference
between transverse and longitudinal waves
a. Watch one of the red particles in the medium for a longitudinal wave for several
i. Describe its motion?
ii. Does it really move all the way through the material like the wave does?
iii. In which direction is the wave moving and in which direction is the particle
moving? Does this match what you wrote in your chart for question 2a?
b. Watch one of the particles in the medium for a transverse wave for several seconds.
(Using the zoom function to increase the page size might help you focus on one particle)
i. Describe its motion?
ii. Does it really move all the way through the material like the wave does?
iii. In which direction is the wave moving and in which direction is the particle
moving? Does this match what you wrote in your chart for question 2a?
Wave Longitudinal/Transverse
Deep ocean wave
Wave done by fans in a stadium
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Name: Class Period:
ii. Amplitude
b. What is the SI unit for frequency, which is the term we will use most often?
c. Use the “Investigate” Wave Plotter to change the frequency. Keep the amplitude
constant while you vary the frequency to see how the wavelength is affected. As
frequency increases, wavelength _____________________.
d. Complete the check your understanding and document your answers on the back .
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