Waves Webquest

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Name: Class Period:

Follow the websites to learn more about waves.

1. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/waves/u10l1b.cfm - a good introduction to waves

a. Name 2 characteristics of a wave.

b. Define medium.

c. What is the medium for a wave:

i. At the beach?
ii. In a football stadium?
iii. Of sound?

d. A wave transports _________________ but not ___________________.

e. Complete the check your understanding section before proceeding. Indicate your
answers below.
i. True / False
ii. Moe _____________________________________________________________

iii. Position on the rope before and after __________________________________

iv. Because __________________________________________________________

v. a, b, c, or d

2. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves/U10L1c.cfm - classify types of waves

a. Fill in the chart.

Wave Type Direction of the wave Direction of the medium Example

or energy or particles


b. Fill in the chart.

Wave Type Can travel through Requires a medium to Example

a vacuum? travel?


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Name: Class Period:
3. http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/waves/wavemotion.html - master the difference
between transverse and longitudinal waves
a. Watch one of the red particles in the medium for a longitudinal wave for several
i. Describe its motion?

ii. Does it really move all the way through the material like the wave does?
iii. In which direction is the wave moving and in which direction is the particle
moving? Does this match what you wrote in your chart for question 2a?

b. Watch one of the particles in the medium for a transverse wave for several seconds.
(Using the zoom function to increase the page size might help you focus on one particle)
i. Describe its motion?

ii. Does it really move all the way through the material like the wave does?
iii. In which direction is the wave moving and in which direction is the particle
moving? Does this match what you wrote in your chart for question 2a?

c. Classify the wave type as longitudinal or transverse.

Wave Longitudinal/Transverse
Deep ocean wave
Wave done by fans in a stadium

4. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves/u10l2a.cfm - wave parts and diagrams

Use this diagram

to answer a-d.

a. What type of wave is illustrated?

b. What positions are labeled
i. U
ii. R
iii. D
c. Draw a horizontal line to show one wavelength on the diagram and label it W.
d. Draw a vertical line to show an amplitude and label it A.

Use the diagram on the next page to answer e-f.

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Name: Class Period:

e. What type of wave is illustrated above?

f. How many of each of the following are in the diagram?
i. Crests
ii. Troughs
iii. Amplitudes
iv. Wavelengths

Use this diagram to

answer g-j.

g. What type of wave is illustrated above?

h. Label each compression and each rarefaction.
i. What 2 parts of a transverse wave correspond to compression and rarefaction?

j. How many wavelengths are illustrated?

k. Complete the check your understanding and document your answers below.
i. Wavelength

ii. Amplitude

iii. One full wavelength

5. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves/U10l2b.cfm - frequency vs. period
a. Both frequency and period involve time, but how do they differ?

b. What is the SI unit for frequency, which is the term we will use most often?
c. Use the “Investigate” Wave Plotter to change the frequency. Keep the amplitude
constant while you vary the frequency to see how the wavelength is affected. As
frequency increases, wavelength _____________________.
d. Complete the check your understanding and document your answers on the back .

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