Title: A Test Manual Report To Determine Extent of Efflorescence in Masonary and in Concrete

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Title: A test manual report to determine extent of efflorescence in

masonary and in concrete.

Efflorescence is the stubborn problem that has caused confusion and trouble for
masonry since the first time it appeared thousands of years ago on ancient
masonry walls. Efflorescence is normally the white, powdery scum that can
appear on masonry walls after construction but can also be brown green or
yellow, depending on the type of salts. Nobody likes it, nobody wants it on their
walls, but occasionally this persistent problem appears. Great deals of time,
money and effort have been spent trying to solve the difficulties efflorescence
generates. Many test programs have been developed and numerous attempts
have been made to eliminate the efflorescence problem. Unfortunately, nothing
has proven 100% effective against this very stubborn problem. However, even
though no surefire cure has been discovered, a great deal has been learned about
how efflorescence works and how to prevent it, and if preventive measures are
inadequate, how to remove the efflorescence if it does appear. This article
explains the mechanics of white efflorescence, how to help prevent efflorescence
and some traditional methods used to remove efflorescence from new walls.

What is Efflorescence?
We know that efflorescence is a fine, white, powdery deposit of water-soluble
salts left on the surface of masonry as the water evaporates. These efflorescent
salt deposits tend to appear at the worst times, usually about a month after the
building is constructed, and sometimes as long as a year after completion.

Required Conditions: Efflorescence is not a simple subject. Three conditions must

exist before efflorescence will occur.
• First: There must be water-soluble salts present somewhere in the wall.

• Second: There must be sufficient moisture in the wall to render the salts into a
soluble solution.

• Third: There must be a path for the soluble salts to migrate through to the
surface where the moisture can evaporate, thus depositing the salts which then
crystallize and cause efflorescence.

All three conditions must exist. If any one of these conditions is not present, then
efflorescence cannot occur. Even though the efflorescence problem is complex, it
is not difficult to prevent. Although no economically feasible way exists to totally
eliminate any one of these three conditions, it is quite simple to reduce all three
and make it nearly impossible for efflorescence to occur.

Source of Efflorescent Salts A chemical analysis of efflorescent salts in the

Southern California area (1) reveals that they are principally alkalies of Sodium
Sulfates (Na3S04) and Potassium Sulfates (K2S04). These are the main soluble
salts to be concerned with in Southern California since these are 90% of the
efflorescence found in this area. These alkali sulfates appear because they exist
somewhere within the masonry wall, either in the brick, the mortar, or the grout,
or possibly a combination of these three. These alkalies combine with sulfates
from the masonry to form sulfate salts. The alkali sulfates in the wall are dissolved
by water into a solution which then moves through the natural pores in the
masonry. The solution migrates to the surface of the wall where the water
evaporates, depositing the salts on the wall and generating the white powdery
scum we know as efflorescence.
Research into each of the materials used in masonry walls reveals that the main
source of alkalies for the salts is the Portland cements used in the mortar and
grout. Using a low alkali Portland cement will often eliminate the efflorescent
problem. It is recommended that low alkali Portland cement be used to reduce
the chances of efflorescence occurring. Low alkali Portland cement has 0.6% alkali
or less, by weight in the cement (2, 3). Another culprit is, of course, the clay brick
itself. The natural clays used in the manufacture of brick often contain soluble
alkali sulfates. Most modern fired clay brick have balanced chemical additives,
such as Barium Carbonate (BaCO3), to immobilize the sulfates and render them
insoluble (4). This prevents the salts from being dissolved into a solution that
could migrate through the wall to the surface. Most fired clay brick do not greatly
contribute towards the efflorescence problem. The next source for soluble salts
would be the sand used in the mortar and grout. Contaminated sands with
soluble alkali sulfates will cause efflorescence unless the sulfates are removed.
Using clean, washed sand will eliminate any efflorescing contribution. The water
used in the mortar and grout during construction can also be a source of
contaminants. Clean, potable, salt free water must be used at all times. Tests of
Colorado River tap water show only insignificant amounts of salts in the water.
Water from other sources should be checked for their alkali sulfate contents to be
sure no efflorescing salts will be introduced into the masonry wall. In the past,
hydrated lime used in the mortar was thought to have been responsible for
efflorescence. This did make sense to the layperson. After all, anyone can make a
logical connection between the white lime and the white efflorescent salts.
However, chemical analysis and experimental tests.

proved otherwise. Hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) does not contribute sufficiently

towards the soluble alkali sulfates necessary for efflorescence to occur (generally
only 1 /4 to 1 /10 the efflorescing potential of the cements). In addition, the
hydrated limes also reduce the voids in the mortar, thus reducing the area for
capillary flow of any solutions in the wall. Potential efflorescent problems can be
greatly reduced by using low alkali cements, clean washed sands and clean,
potable salt free water. Controlling Efflorescence Even if soluble alkali sulfates
exist in a masonry wall, before the sulfates can cause efflorescence the salts must
be dissolved into solution by water. If no moisture reaches the sulfates then they
cannot be rendered into solution and migrate to the surface where the water will
evaporate, leaving the sulfate salts on the surface to crystallize and become
efflorescence. Attention must be given to preventing any soluble alkaline sulfates
from being rendered into solution by water. This is difficult since during
construction water is naturally used in the mortar and grout, therefore the
amount of water in the wall should be controlled to only that amount necessary
for actual construction. The majority of the water is absorbed into the masonry
and used to chemically react with the Portland cement and hydrated lime and is
thus not free water. The next critical concern is to prevent any water from
penetrating into the masonry wall where it could cause efflorescence to occur.
This can be done with good architectural details and quality masonry
construction. Designing with overhanging eaves, copings and flashings, and
careful attention to landscaping and sprinklers will reduce the chances of water
entering the wall. In addition, specifying tooled, compacted mortar joints
(concave or "V" type) will also reduce the potential for water infiltration. See
Figures 3 and 4 for good efflorescence controlling design. As mentioned earlier,
for efflorescence to appear, the alkali sulfates must be able to travel through the
pores in the masonry to the surface. If the natural pores in the wall can be
reduced, it becomes harder for the salts to migrate through to the surface.
Consolidating the grout with mechanical vibration will greatly reduce any voids in
the grout, as well as improving the bond of the steel and the masonry wall. Dense
tooled mortar joints will also reduce the porous nature of the wall and make it
difficult for the salts to migrate. Grout admixtures that claim to inhibit
efflorescence can also be used. These chemical additives claim to improve the
flow of the grout mix while decreasing the water content. They also claim to
reduce voids in the grout due to shrinkage. Special care must be taken when using
these grout admixtures. Individual manufacturers have developed them and their
actual contents are protected trade secrets. The manufacturer's
recommendations must be closely followed.

To summarize, three conditions must exist before efflorescence can occur. If

these three conditions can be controlled, there should be no efflorescing of
masonry walls. 1. Reduce all soluble alkali sulfates. 2. Use good details to prevent
water from entering the masonry. 3. Use good construction practices to eliminate
migratory paths for moisture. Remember, it is very difficult to totally control any
one of these three conditions, but it is relatively simple to reduce the effect each
one has towards efflorescence. Removing Efflorescence Despite all efforts,
efflorescence may sometimes occur. A detail may have been omitted. Materials
may have been incorrectly specified or may not have been used as specified.
Sometimes conditions just naturally conspire to generate efflorescence on a wall.
The materials may not have been covered or stored on pallets off the ground.
Unknown salts could infiltrate masonry materials during a wind storm or simply
through ignorance and misuse of the materials. Salt laden soils could be backfilled
against a wall where the salts could be absorbed and cause efflorescence.
Whatever the reason, when efflorescence does appear, it has to be removed. The
first step in removing efflorescence should be an attempt to identify the salts. If
the salts are water soluble, the best removal method is with a dry brush. Rinsing
with water or natural weathering process may also be effective. Alternately, if the
efflorescence is in small patches or limited areas, hand washing with a mild
detergent and a stiff bristle brush will often prove sufficient. The traditional
method of cleaning has been sandblasting, which, of course, works. Unfortunately
it removes just about everything else, too. The abrasive action of the sand erodes
the surface of the brick and the tooled mortar joints along with any deposited
salts. This increases the porous qualities of the masonry and the water absorptive
nature of the wall. Sandblasting will also damage the integrity of the dense tooled
mortar joints. A well-tooled and compacted mortar joint readily sheds moisture
and provides minimum voids for penetration. After sandblasting, the mortar is
more porous, has voids for infiltration, and may even reveal cracks in the mortar.
Additionally, the appearance of the masonry wall will be changed since the
texture of the brick has been made slightly coarser. Sandblasting should be used
with caution and afterwards the masonry should be sealed with a waterproofing
material. An alternative to sandblasting, which has shown good success when
done properly is the use of special chemical cleaners. Most chemical cleaning
agents are proprietary and must be used according to the manufacturer's
directions. Generally, thorough presoaking and post washing with clean potable
water is required. Presoaking is done to saturate the wall, reducing its natural
porous tendencies and limiting the depth of penetration of the cleaning solution.
After the cleaning solution has been used, the wall must be thoroughly washed
with clean water to remove any of the cleaning chemicals. This is very important
since most cleaning agents are acidic in nature and cannot be permitted to
remain in the wall where they will continue to react with and erode the masonry
itself. A conventional chemical cleaner that has been used for removing
efflorescence is muriatic acid in a mild solution, usually one part muriatic acid
(hydrochloric acid, HC1) to 12 parts water. Several mild individual applications are
better than one overpowering dose. Again, care must be taken to thoroughly
presoak the wall with clean water and to thoroughly flush the wall of all
remaining acids with clean water. Cleaning efflorescence from masonry walls
does not cure the problem; it only removes the symptoms. After cleaning, the
efflorescence will reappear unless the natural efflorescent chain is broken. Due to
the added water used when presoaking and post-flushing the walls when using
chemical or acid cleaners, the efflorescence will sometimes reappear, often
stronger than before After final sandblasting or acid cleaning of the efflorescence
from the masonry, the wall should be sealed. The efflorescence already indicates
that soluble alkali sulfates may exist in the wall and that the sulfates have
migratory paths to the surface. All we can prevent now is the moisture from
entering the masonry and rendering the sulfates into solution. Care must be taken
not to trap the salts below the surface of the masonry. This condition is known as
crytoflorescence. If the salts are stopped just below the surface, for instance by a
silicon water repellent, the water will still evaporate, depositing the salts behind
the surface, which then crystallize. The expanding salt crystals can exceed the
tensile strength of the brick causing spalling or disintegration of the brick. South
and West facing walls are normally less prone to efflorescence since the sun
exposure moves the point of evaporation further into the wall. The point of
evaporation is where efflorescence occurs. On the other hand, North and East
facing walls are normally cooler and the point of evaporation remains on the
surface of the wall where the efflorescence occurs. It is not a cure-all to simply
seal a wall when efflorescence already exists. The presence of efflorescence
shows that the salts are already in the wall, have sufficient water to be made
soluble, and that migratory paths exist for the salt solution to travel through to
the surface. It would be better, if possible, to wait until the efflorescence problem
has been reduced to a minimum before sealing the wall. Efflorescence is a
controllable condition that should not be a problem in modern masonry. Breaking
the chain of conditions necessary for efflorescence can be done with good details,
the correct materials and quality construction.
Efflorescence is a deposit of water soluble salts formed on the surface of concrete
and brick masonry due to movement of water through pores. When water gets
evaporated, efflorescence is formed as the dissolved salts gets deposited on the

This article discusses different aspects of efflorescence and its treatment in

concrete and brick masonry.

Causes of Efflorescence
The condition in which efflorescence occurs is unique and all conditions should be
met otherwise concrete and brick masonry would not suffer from it.

There are three main conditions that offer excellent condition for efflorescence
formation on concrete and brick masonry wall. These conditions are as follows:

1. Concrete and brick masonry wall should contain soluble salts and the salt might be
in masonry brick, mortar, adjacent soil and backing material
2. Water should present in concrete and brick masonry wall and need to be in contact
with soluble salt to dissolve it.
3. Concrete and brick masonry wall shall possess pore structure to permit the
migration of soluble salt to the surface where water may evaporate and leave the

Fig. 1: Causes of efflorescence

Efflorescence Treatment on Concrete and Masonry Surfaces
Following methods can be adopted for treatment of efflorescence:

1. Material selection
2. Design and detailing
3. Construction practices
1. Material Selection
Avoid selection of materials that has low potential to produce efflorescence. For
example, use cements with low alkali content since the possibility of efflorescence
formation increases with the increase of alkali content.

Moreover, specify potable water and clean and washed sand for the production of
grout or mortar mixtures.

Furthermore, building trims for instance copping, sills, and cops that manufactured
from low salt content materials shall be selected otherwise the likelihood of
efflorescence formation will increase.

Finally, materials can be tested to find out whether they potentially cause
efflorescence formation or not for example, test method C 67 efflorescence test for

2: Efflorescence test on bricks

2. Design and Detailing
Generally, rainwater can ingress into all kinds of masonry walls to a certain extent,
but proper design and detailing can be employed to decline or eliminate the water
penetration which subsequently contribute to the prevention of efflorescence

The design measures that recommended to avoid efflorescence formation involves:

2.1 Watertight Below Grade Masonry

Commonly, groundwater contains sizable quantity of soluble salts that may
accumulate in masonry and cause efflorescence creation.

This source of efflorescence can be removed through watertight masonry below

grade in addition to install base flashing to discharge water out of the wall a few
courses of masonry above the grade.
Finally, it is recommended to use grout or mortar to support base flashing below
the air space.

Fig. 3: Watertight below grade masonry

2.2 Flashing on trim
Flashings shall be employed to prevent capillary action and avoid the contact
between masonry and trim materials.

2.3 Air Space

Air space between exterior walls and interior of masonry walls reduces
efflorescence formation.

Air space function includes separation of exteri

or wall from other

elements of masonry wall, permits water to drain down the back of the of the brick
wythe, and impede the movement of salts from backing material by separating the
brick wythe from the materials containing salt compounds.
Fig. 4: Air space in masonry wall
2.4 Proper Detailing of Movement Joints
If the movement joints are adequately sized, located, and sealed, then water
penetration into the wall will be declined to a great extent.

3. Construction Practices
Beneficial construction practices that lead to decrease efflorescence formation are
as follows:

3.1 Utilized Water

Use clean water and free from salts.

3.2 Material protection during transportation and construction process

Masonry units shall be isolated from dirt, contamination, groundwater, snow, and
rain water through suitable storing. In addition to cover material during
transportation and construction process.

3.3 Filling Joints Adequately

Sufficient filling of joints such as head and bed mortar joints in solid unit masonry,
face shells head and bed joints in hollow unit masonry, and grapevine mortar joints
on the exterior face of the wall is considerably critical factors that must be
considered to eliminate efflorescence.

This is will create adequate bond between masonry units and prevent the
ingression of wind driven water into masonry walls.
Fig. 5: Proper filling of joints reduce water penetration
3.4 Covering unfinished brickwork
Covering partially completed masonry works with waterproofing membranes at the
end of each working day is a must.

If such measure is not considered, the masonry works may be subjected to

rainwater and saturated which takes long time to dry. Consequently, the likelihood
of efflorescence formation will increase.

Removal of Efflorescence
The removal of efflorescence is conducted using one of the following methods:

o Dry brush
o Rinsing with water or other acceptable liquid
o Hand washing
o Sandblasting
o Utilize special chemical cleaner
o Ordinary chemical cleaner such as muriatic
There are number of factor that controls the selection of efflorescence removal. For
example, if the salt is soluble, it is recommended to apply dry brush. Hand washing
is recommended to choose for small efflorescence batches.

It should be known that the removal and cleaning of the efflorescence on masonry
surface would not solve the problem. So, it is required to seal the wall to tackle the
problem permanently.
Fig. 6: Removal of efflorescence

Efflorescence in concrete is a whitish coloured powdered deposition of salts on the concrete

surface that is formed due to evaporation of water from the concrete. It is caused when water
soluble salts are present in the concrete material, which comes on to the surface while evaporation
of water from the concrete.

Causes for Formation of Efflorescence in Concrete

The formation of efflorescence in concrete is factored by many external factors.

1. Presence of salts in one of the materials of concrete. Commonly salts are found in
the fine aggregate or sand taken from the river beds.
2. If the concrete is not cured properly, the hydration process is incomplete on which
the un-hydrated products near the surface form the efflorescence on the surface of
3. Slow rate of evaporation of water allowing time for salts to permeate to the surface
(this is why efflorescence tends to be more of a problem during the winter months;
in summer, high temperatures may cause evaporation and hence depositing of salts
within the concrete rather than on the surface)
4. If the water content in the concrete mix is more, it makes the concrete porous. Thus
allowing the path for water and salts to come to the surface and for efflorescence.
5. In wet conditions such as rainy season, the surplus water acts as a medium for the
salts to transport to the surface of concrete and form crystalline white powder.
6. Variability of concrete (compaction or curing) can result in localised problems
where water can permeate more easily through the concrete.
Type of Salts in Efflorescence
1. Calcium Sulphate
A common efflorescence salt source in brick
2. Sodium Sulphate
Often seen in cement-brick reactions
3. Potassium Sulphate
Noticeable in many cement-brick reactions
4. Calcium Carbonate
May be discovered in mortar or concrete backing
5. Sodium Carbonate
Frequently seen in mortar
6. Potassium Carbonate
Like sodium carbonate, commonly found in mortar
7. Vanadyl Sulphate
Usually found in brick
8. Manganese Oxide
Often present in brick.

Prevention of Efflorescence in Concrete

The preventive methods that can be used to avoid efflorescence in concrete are,

1. Inclusion of Class-F fly ash or metakaolin can lock up significant amounts of

calcium hydroxide in the concrete.
2. Installing vapour barrier to prevent the movement of moisture from the sub grade
to the surface of a slab.
3. Application of sealers and coatings can prevent surface water from penetrating
4. Waterproofing agents to be used to reduce permeability of concrete.
5. Making the concrete denser will reduce the permeability of concrete to a greater
6. Preventing the hardened concrete from exposure to moisture by maintaining
surface sealers and site drainage, and from rising groundwater by placing a plastic
membrane under slabs.
7. Avoiding the concrete from premature drying.
8. Use of concrete ingredient such as aggregate, cement and sand which contains very
less amount of salts in it.
Removal of Efflorescence in Concrete
Before removal of efflorescence in concrete, the source for the cause for the
efflorescence must be found out and tried to mitigate it. Further the removal of
efflorescence can be done in 3 methods,

1. Pressurised Water
Efflorescence in the concrete can be removed using the pressurised water jet.
Applying pressurised water may dissolve efflorescence quickly. But care must be
taken that the water after removing of efflorescence is completely dried off. If not
dried, the same water can cause efflorescence to reappear.
2. Brushing
Some type of efflorescence that are easily removable can be easily removed using
a stiff?bristle broom or brush. If the result is not satisfactory by dry brushing, scrub
with clean water then lightly rinse the surface.

3. Dilute Acid Solution

Concentrated acid is not recommended to be applied on concrete, diluted
proportion of 1:20 is used. the surface in which the acid is applied must be moist
but without any free water. The applied solution should be allowed to react on the
concrete surface for 10 to 15 minutes. The surface should then be thoroughly
rinsed and scrubbed with lots of clean water. Repeat rinsing at least twice or until
all traces of the acid solution have been removed.

Fig 3: Removal of efflorescence using diluted acid and brush.

Washing with acid may cause colour variations and alter the surface texture. For
coloured finishes a more dilute acid solution (2% or 1 part acid to 50 parts water)
may be required. A small trial area should be done first to assess the results.

Proper safety to be followed while doing this procedure. Ensure good ventilation
and avoid contact between the acid and the reinforcement.

Acids used in Removal of Efflorescence in Concrete

o Hydrochloric acid.
o Phosphoric acid.
o Phosphoric acid.
o Prepackaged efflorescence removers.
Applying of Coating to Prevent Efflorescence in Concrete
Clear water repellents, silicone and acrylic coatings also may help you remove
efflorescence as well. The coating will absorb water across a masonry surface and
prevent efflorescence from recurring. Plus, the combination of warm water and
white wine vinegar has been shown to eliminate efflorescence.

Application of sealant coat is done in 3 steps,

1. Rinsing of Concrete
Rinse the building surface with water. If the surface is outdoors, you can use a hose
to spray down the surface. Or, if the surface is indoors, you can use a spray bottle
filled with water to rinse the surface thoroughly.

2. Applying the Solution

Spray the cleaning solution onto the building surface and allow it to sit for several
minutes. If necessary, you may need to apply multiple coats of the cleaning
solution to the surface for optimal results.

3. Rinsing of Concrete Again

Rinse the building surface with water one last time. Then, use a fresh, dry cloth to
clean the surface. Ensure the surface is dry to minimize the risk of ongoing

Apply coatings roughly 1/8 in. to 1/4 in. below the surface of the building material.
This will prevent water from evaporating and passing through the treated area as
vapour and soluble salts.

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