Battles of The Bible
Battles of The Bible
Battles of The Bible
Author(s): S. S. WARDWELL
Source: Advocate of Peace (1847-1884), Vol. 15, No. 2 (MARCH AND APRIL. 1864), pp. 61-63
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc.
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Accessed: 03-05-2020 19:23 UTC
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Advocate of Peace (1847-1884)
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1864.] Battles of the Bible . 61
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62 Battles of the Bible . [. April ,
30. Battle of Tabor. A. M. 2699. B. C 1305. Between the Israelites
under Barak and the army of Jabin, king of Hazor. This king had 900
chariots of iron, but was totally defeated by Barak with 10, 000 men. Jabin
was slain by Jael, the wife of Heber, while asleep after the battle.
31. Battle of Moreh. A. M. 3759. B. C. 1245. Between Gideon and
his army of 300 men and the Midianites, in which the latter were defeated.
Gideon "had also the assistance of the Ephramites who were stationed at the
fords of Jordan.
32. Battle of Shechem. A. M. 3769. B. C. 1335. Between Abimelech
and his army and Gaal and the Shechemites, in which the latter were routed,
and their city taken, beaten down, and sowed with salt.
33. Battle between Jepthah and his army of Israelites and the Ammo-
nites. The latter were defeated with great slaughter and twenty of their
cities were taken.
34 and 35. Battles of Aphek. A. M. 2888. B. C. 1116. Between the
Israelites and the Philistines. The Israelites were defeated with the loss of
4000 men. A second battle was fought on a following day, and the Isra-
elites were again defeated with a loss of 30,000 men, and the ark of God
was taken by the Philistines.
36. Battle ofyMizpeh. A. M. 2978. B. 0. 1026. Between the Israel-
ites and the Philistines. The latter were defeated.
37. Battle of Jabesh-gilead. A. M. 2909. B. C. 1095. Between the
Israelites under the command of Saul and the Ammonites. The forces of
Saul numbered 330,000, and the Ammonites were entirely routed. This
battle lasted from early morn to noon.
38. Battle between the Israelites and Philistines commenced by Jonathan,
son of Saul, and his armor-bearer, in which the Philistines were defeated.
A. M. 2911. B. C. 1093.
39. Battle between .Saul, king of Israel, and his army of 210,000 men,
and the Amalekites. Same year as the preceding. The Amalekites de-
stroyed except Agag, their king, who was afterwards slain by Samuel.
40. Battle and overthrow of the Philistines by the Israelites, after David
had slain Goliath. A. M. 2941. B. C. 1063.
41. Battle of Keilah, between David and his men and the Philistines.
T íe latter defeated.
42. Battle between David and 400 men, with the Amalekites. The latter
43. Battle of Mount Gilboa. A. M. 2949. B. C. 1055. Between the
Israelites under Saul and the Philistines. The Israelites were defeated and
Saul and three of his sons were slain.
44. Battle of Gibeon. M. M. 2951. B. C. 1053. Between the forces
of David under Joab and the adherents of the house of Saul under Abner,
in which the latter were defeated.
45. Battle of Rephaim, between the Israelites under David and the Phi-
listines, in which the latter were defeated. A. M. 2957. B. O. 1047.
46. Battle between the Israelites under David and the king of Zobah, in
which the latter ;was defeated. David took 1000 chariots, 700 horsemen, and
20,000 footmen. A. M. 2964. B. O. 1040.
47. Battle between the Israelites and Syrians. The latter defeated with
the loss of 22,000 men. Saine year as the preceding.
48. Battle between the Israelites and Jidomites. The latter defeated,
having 18,000 killed.
49. Battle between the Israelites under Joab and the Ammonites. The
latter were assisted by 33,000 Syrians and others, but were defeated, losing
700 chariots and 40,000 horsemen. A. M. 2966. B. C. 1038.
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1864.] Battles of the Bible. 6$
50. Battle of Kabbah, between David and his forces and
The latter were defeated and the city of Rabbah taken.
51. Battle of the woods of Ephraim, between the force
Joab and the forces of Absalom, who had rebelled against
Absalom was defeated and himself and 20,0u0 of his
2981. B. C. 1023.
52/ The Great Battle of Mqunt Ephraim. A. M. 3046. B. C. 95S.
Between Abijah, king of Judah, with an aripy pf 400,000 men and Jero-
boam, king of Israel, with an army of 800,000. The latter was defeated
with the loss of 500,000 killed. This is the greatest battle on record.
53. Great battle between Asa, king of Judah, with his army of 580,000
men, and the Ethiopians with an army of 1,000,000 men and 300 chariots,
under command of Zerah, in which the latter were totally defeated. A. M.
54. Battle between the armies of the Moabites, Ammonites and others.
These armies had come up against Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, but the
Lord set them against each other and they slew one another ; while all that
jehoshaphat had to do was to appoint singers to praise the Lord, and to
stand still with his army and behold the destruction of their enemies. A.
M. 3108. B. C. 896.
55. Battle between the Israelites and Syrians, near Samaria» in which the
latter were defeated. A. M. 3103. B. C. 901.
56. Another battle at A phek, between the Israelites and Syrians. The
latter defeated. A. M. 3104. B. C. 900.
57. Battle of Ramoth Gilead. A M. 3107. B. C. 897. Between the
Israelites, under king Ahab, assisted by Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, and
the Syrians. The Israelites were defeated and Ahab was slain.
58. Battle between the Israelites under king Jehoram, assisted by the
kings of Judah and Edom, and the Moabites. The Moabites were defeated.
A. M. 3109. B. C. 895.
59. Battle between Jehoram, king of Judah, and his army, and the
Edomites. The latter defeated. A. M. 3119. B. 0. 885.
60. Battle in the Valley of Salt, between Amaziah, king of Judah, and
his army, with the children of Seir. The latter defeated with a loss of
10,000 men. Ten thousand prisoners were taken by Amaziah and put to
death, by casting them from a rock. A. M, 3165. B. C. 839.
61. Batile between Amaziah, king of Judah, and Jehoash, king of Israel,
and their armies. Amaziah was defeated and taken prisoner. A. M. 3178.
B C. 826.
62. Battle between the armies of Judah and Israel.' The Israelites under
Pekah defeated the army of Judah, slew 120,000 and took 200,000 prison-
ers. A.M. 3263. B.C. 741
63. Battle between Josiah, king of Judah, and Necho, king of Egyp
and their armies. Josiah was defeated and killed. A. M. 3394. B. C. -,61
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