Names of God
Names of God
Names of God
" This is the name that God re ealed !imself to A"raham# $saac# and %aco" as "the One that mað fruitful" (Genesis '()'# *+)''# ,-)*-,). JEHOVAH-JIREH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 yir-eh0)means "the 1O23 /ill pro ide." %4!O5A!-%$24! is the name if God in the Old Testament that uni6uely points to God0s pro ision for us on the cross. And# since God ga e us !is o/n Son# /ill not %4!O5A!%$24! "...freely gi e us all things" (2omans -)*7). JEHOVAH-ROPHE pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 ra/-fa/) means "the 1ord that healeth thee." $n the compound names of %eho ah# God is progressi ely re ealing !imself to !is children as the One a"le to meet all their needs. 8hat a /onderful truth that God heals# restores# and repairs us spiritually and physically...!allelu.ah9 %esus :hrist is re ealed to us in the ;e/ Testament as the great healer# /ho healed all that came to !im (Matthe/ -) '<-'(). "$f thou /ilt diligently hear&en to the oice of the 1ord thy God# and /ilt do that /hich is right in his sight# and /ilt gi e ear to his commandments# and &eep all his statutes# $ /ill put none of these diseases upon thee# /hich $ ha e "rought upon the 4gyptians) for $ am the 1O23 that healeth thee" 4=odus '+)7<. ELOHIM pronounced (el-o-heem0) means "the One that &eepeth co enant" ('>ings -)7*). The root /ord of 41O!$M is "4l#" /hich means the Mighty # Strength# or Strong One (3euteronomy '?)'(). @ecause 41O!$M is the Strong and Mighty One# !e has the po/er to ma&e co enants and to &eep them fore er. ";o/ unto !im that is a"le to &eep you from falling# and to present you faultless "efore the presence of his glory /ith e=ceeding .oy# To the only /ise God our Sa iour# "e glory and ma.esty# dominion and po/er# "oth no/ and e er. Amen" %ude ')7,-7+ JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 m &a/-dash0)means "the 1ord /ho sanctifies." 8e are sanctified "y redemption and constantly "eing sanctified through !is 8ord (ST. %ohn '()'(-'A). "Sanctify yoursel es therefore# and "e ye holy) for $ am the 1O23 your God. And ye shall &eep my statutes# and do them) $ am the 1O23 /hich sanctify you." 1e iticus 7?)(-JEHOVAH-NISSI pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 nis-see0) means "the 1ord our @anner of ictory." 8e cannot lose as long as /e understand that the "attle is God0s and !e guarantees the ictory (3euteronomy 7?)'-,). 8e must fight under !is "anner and in !is strength. "And it came to pass# /hen Moses held up his hand# that $srael pre ailed) and /hen he let do/n his hand# Amale& pre ailed. And Moses "uilt an alter# and called the name of it %eho ah-nissi)" (4=odus '()''#'+) JEHOVAH-ROHI pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 ra/-hee) means "the 1ord my Shepherd." This name of God re eals the most intimate relationship "et/een the 1ord and !is people. The primary meaning of "2ohi" is "to feed or to lead to pasture." %esus :hrist is the %4!O5A!-2O!$ of this dispensation or age of grace (ST. %ohn '?)'-'-). "The 1O23 is my shepherdB $ shall not /ant. !e mað me to lie do/n in green pastures) he leadeth me "eside the still /aters. !e restoreth my soul) he leadth me in the paths of
righteousness for his name0s sa&e. Cea# though $ /al& through the alley of the shado/ of death# $ /ill fear no e il) for thou art /ith meB thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a ta"le "efore me in the presence of mine enemies) thou anointest my head /ith oilB my cup runneth o er. Surely goodness and mercy shall follo/ me all the days of my life) and $ /ill d/ell in the house of the 1O23 for e er." Dsalm 7* JEHOVAH-NAKAH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 na/-&a/)means "the 1O23 /ho smites." God ne er smites (punishes or destroys) until !is mercy and longsuffering ha e "een e=hausted. God smote the earth "y flood# "ut only after the /hole /orld had "ecome corrupt "efore !im (Genesis <)'7-'*). God decided to smite 4gypt "ecause of Dharaoh0s stu""orn heart /hich /ould not let the people go (4=odus *)7?). The great plagues that /ere "rought upon 4gypt are a reminder to us all that God /ill not al/ays tolerate our sinful /ays (4=odus ()'(B '7)'7) JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 sha/m-a) means "the 1O23 is there." The most precious promise that "elie ers ha e had in all ages is the presence of the !oly One. The only thing that ma&es us different from the /orld is that %4!O5A!S!AMMA! is present in our li es. The !oly Spirit /as gi en to use /hen the presence of %esus :hrist !imself left this earth (St. %ohn ',)'<-'()# and /ill remain until /e see %esus :hrist face to face and !is ery presence /ill "e the light of the city (2e elation 7')7*-7+). EL-ELYON pronounced (ale el-yone0) means "Most !igh." This name spea&s of the a/esome ma.esty and supreme e=altedness of God. !e is higher than the highest# in fact# !e is the "!ighest" (1u&e ')*7#*+). "Such as sit in dar&ness and in the shado/ of death# "eing "ound in affliction and ironB @ecause they re"elled against the /ords of God# and contemned the counsel of the most !igh) Therefore he "rought do/n their heart /ith la"ourB they fell do/n# and there /as none to help. Then they cried unto the 1O23 in their trou"le# and he sa ed them out of their distresses" (Dsalm '?()'?-'*). JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 tsed-&en-oo) means "the 1O23 our 2ighteousness." %eho ah is perfectly righteous (Dsalm '7A),)# and the ery throne of God is righteousness (Dsalm A()7). "@ehold# the days come# saith the 1O23# that $ /ill raise unto 3a id a righteous @ranch# and a >ing shall reign and prosper# and shall e=ecute .udgment and .ustice in the earth. $n his days %udah shall "e sa ed# and $srael shall d/ell safely) and this is his name /here"y he shall "e called# T!4 1O23 OE2 2$G!T4OES;4SS." %eremiah 7*)+-< ADONAI pronounced (ad-o-noy0) means "1O23 or MAST42." Our relationship /ith God is made clear "y this name# in /hich !e demands o"edience from all creation (Malachi ')<). @oth Moses and 3a id understood this personal relationship /ith The Master (4=odus ,)'?# 7 Samuel ()'--7?). "After these things the /ord of the 1O23 came unto A"ram in a ision# saying# Fear not# A"ram) $ am thy shield# and thy e=ceeding great re/ard. And A"ram said# 1ord GO3# /hat /ilt thou gi e me# seeing $ go childless# and the ste/ard if my house is this 4lieGer of 3amascusH" Genesis '+)'-7
JEHOVAH-SABAOTH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 sa"-ah-o/th0) means "the 1O23 of !osts." This name or aspect of God is not re ealed to the children of $srael until they are in the promised land. As the "1O23 of !osts" %eho ah stands ready to help at all times (Dsalm -,)''-'7). "For /ho in the hea en can "e compared unto the 1O23H /ho among the sons of the mighty can "e li&ened unto the 1O23H O 1O23 God of hosts# /ho is a strong 1O23 li&e unto theeH or to thy faithfulness round a"out theeH Dsalm -A)<#YASHA pronounced (ya/-shah0) means Sa iour. $t comes from a root meaning "to "e open or /ide and free." :hrist is our Sa iour "ecause /e need to "e sa ed from our sin# a /asted life# and from eternal death (Matthe/ ')7'). ManI8oman has no a"ility to deli er himselfIherself from sin. Only in CAS!A# /ho is %esus :hrist# can /e "e freed from the "ondage and penalty of our sin (%ohn ,),7# Acts ,)'7). "$# e en $# am the 1O23B and "eside me there is no sa iour." $saiah ,*)'' PISTOS pronounced (pis-tos0) means "Faithful." !e is called Faithful "ecause !is coming is the fulfillment of multiplied promises in God0s 8ord# /hich the /orld has dou"ted ($$ Deter *)*-A. !e is D$STOS# /hich means certain or /orthy to "e "elie ed (!e"re/s '?)7*). "And $ sa/ hea en open# and "ehold a /hite horseB and he that sat upon him /as called Faithful and True# and in righteousness he doth .udge and ma&e /ar." 2e elation 'A)'' QADOWSH-IYSH pronounced (&a/-doshe0-eesh) means "!oly One." Derhaps none of the descripti e names of God so 6uic&ly descri"e to our finite minds the ery essence of /ho God is li&e this one. !4 $S T!4 !O1C O;4# the most perfect "eing in e=istence (4=odus '+)''). !oliness is God0s primary attri"ute and if /e are to d/ell /ith !im# !e demands that /e# also# "e holy (' Deter ')'+-'<). "To /hom then /ill ye li&en me# or shall $ "e e6ualH saith the !oly One." $saiah ,?)7+ AMNOS pronounced (am-nos0) refers to the sacrifice of the 1am" as the the paschal lam" (sym"olic representation of :hrist)# slain for the ser ice of God (' Deter ')'A). At the dedication of Solomon0s Temple# there /ere '7?#??? lam"s sacrificed. That is a line of sacrificial lam"s that is <- miles long (7 :hronicles ()+). :hrist suffered once as the 1am" of God and there /ill ne er "e a need for any other sacrifice (!e"re/s A)7<-7-). "The ne=t day %ohn seeth %esus coming unto him# and saith# @ehold the 1am" of God# /hich tað a/ay the sin of the /orld." %ohn ')7A PELE-YAATS pronounced (peh0-leh ya/-ats0)means "8onderful :ounsellor." The /ord 8onderful means miraculous# astonishing# e en incredi"le# /hile the /ord :ounsellor means to ad ise# admonish# direct# or guide. This means that the counsel in /hich God gi es to us is so incredi"ly miraculous that /e stand amaGed. !a e you e er .ust sat and thought a"out /hat God has "rought and led you through and .ust said# "8O89" :hrist li es to represent us "efore the Father as our legal counsel# and he has ne er lost a case (!e"re/s ()7+). "For unto us a child is "orn# unto us a son is gi en) and the go ernment shall "e upon his shoulder) and his name shall "e called 8onderful# :ounsellor# The mighty God# The e erlasting Father# The Drince of Deace." $saiah A)<
THURA pronounced (thoo0-ra) means "the door." :hrist is the entrance to eternal life. !e# also# is the T!E2A of a"undant life (%ohn ',)<). Those that enter into the 3oor find peace# safety# and refuge from life0s trails and "urdens (Matthe/ '')7-). "$ am the door) "y me if any man enter in# he shall "e sa ed# and shall go in and out# and find pasture." %ohn '?)A EL OLAM pronounced (ale o-la/m0) means "the 4 erlasting God." God is immuta"le "ecause !e is timeless. As stum"ling "loc&s and unforeseen circumstances cause us to faulter and fall# as :hildren of God# /e feel that !e should "e there instantly to pic& us up. @ut# 41 O1AM is completely independent of time. Cet# !e has al/ays "een there and /ill al/ays "e here pro iding all that /e need# not necessarily /hat /e /ant. $saiah declares that the "e erlasting God" ne er faints or "ecomes /eary ($saiah ,?)7-). 8hat a comfort to &no/ that regardless the num"er of times /e faulter# 41 O1AM is al/ays a aila"le to assist and correct us. "And A"raham planted a gro e in @eer-she"a# and called there on the name of the 1O23# the e erlasting God." Genesis 7')** ASAH pronounced (a/- sa/0) means "Ma&er." God is the ma&er of all the /orld#yet they deny !im (%eremiah '?)'7). Those of use that "elie e# re.oice that !e has made us and /e &no/ that /e come from the act of !is creati e /ill (Dsalm A+)+-<) $n return of "eing creations of ASA!# our responsi"ility is to "e plia"le in !is hands. "For thy Ma&er is thine hus"andB the 1O23 of hosts is his nameB and thy 2edeemer the !oly One of $sraelB The God of the /hole earth shall he "e called." $saiah +,)+ QANNA pronounced (&an-na/0) means "%ealous." God demands# e=pects# deser es# and is /orthy of the /orship of all man&ind. God /ill not tolerate the /orship of another god "y !is creation. !e continuously /arns of s/ift and certain .udgment if anything is made in the li&eness of idle gods (3euteronomy ,)7*-7,B +)AB <)',-'+B %oshua 7,)'A-7?). "For thou shalt /orship no other god) for the 1O23# /hose name is %ealous# is a .ealous God)" 4=odus *,)', EL-ROI pronounced (ale ro-ee) means "the Strong One 8ho Sees." God sees our afflictions and directs us through !is 8ord to find the promises /e need to sustain us. %o" declares "3oth not he see my /ays# and count my steps" (%o" *'),). @e reminded that God also o"ser es our faults as /ell as the trou"les# "...the house of $srael do in the dar&# e ery man in the cham"ers of imagery" (4Ge&iel -)'7). !e loo&s through e ery action /ithin our li es and into our hearts to find the moti e for /hat /e ha e done and are doing (' Samuel '<)(). "And she called the name of the 1O23 that spa&e unto her# Thou God seest me) for she said# !a e $ also here loo&ed after him that seeth meH" Genesis '<)'* JEHOVAH-SHALOM pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 sha/-lome0) means "the 1O23 is Deace." All relationships are faced /ith trou"les from time to time# and most of the time our immediate solution is to "cut0em loose." @ut# as /e all mature /e come to realiGe that the most rapid solution is not al/ays the most ad antageous. 8e already understand /ho %4!O5A! is# "ut /hat a"out S!A1OMH S!A1OM has in its meaning the idea or concept of reconciled relationships "ased on the completion of a transaction or the
payment of a de"t. :hrist paid our de"t of sin "y the shedding of his "lood on the cross# and purchased for us perfect peace for all /ho "elie e (Dhilippians ,)(). 8hen /e d/ell in !is presence /ith our hearts and minds fully trusting !im# /e ha e "perfect peace" ($saiah 7<)*). "And the 1O23 said unto him# Deace "e unto theeB fear not) thou shalt not die. Then Gideon "uilt an alter there unto the 1O23# and called it %eho ah-shalom..." %udges <)7*-7, SEMAH pronounced (tseh0-ma&h) means "the @ranch." The name @2A;:! is a Messianic title that spea&s of :hrist as the sprout# gro/th# or "ranch /hich "uds forth from the tree /hich is God the Father. The prophets loo&ed for/ard to the day /hen :hrist# as the @ranch# /ould ""uild the temple" and ""ear the glory" and "sit and rule...and..."e priest upon his throne" (Jechariah <)'7-'*). !is righteousness is spo&en of upon the earth from %erusalem during the '#??? year reign of :hrist (%eremiah 7*)+). "And the spirit of the 1O23 shall rest upon him# the spirit of /isdom and understanding# the spirit of counsel and might# the spirit of &no/ledge and of the fear of the 1O23B" $saiah '')7 ORTHRINOS-ASTER pronounced (or-thrin-os0 as-tare0) mean "Morning Star." $ considerate it amaGing that :hrist# !imself# says# "...$ am...the "right and morning star" (2e elation 77)'<). $t is safe to say that :hrist /anted to insure that /e understand# e=actly /hom the "Morning Star" is. 1ucifer (The 3e il) is called the "...son of the morning..." and it is said that he desired to e=alt his star "...a"o e the stars of God" ($saiah ',)'7-'*). 8ith the Morning Star comes a ne/ day for man&ind# a day in /hich God0s "right light /ill shine upon the hearts of men and sa e their eternal souls. "$ %esus ha e sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. $ am the root and the offspring of 3a id# and the "right and morning star." 2e elation 77)'< PARACLETE pronounced (par-a-&lete) means ":omforter." The /ord "paraclete" refers to a person /ho steps for/ard to represent anotherB the technical definition "eing "one called alongside to help#" thus# ":omforter." 8hen :hrist ascended to the Father# !e said that !e /ould send "another" :omforter of e6ual 6uality (%ohn ',)'<). Dlease understand that it /as re6uired for :hrist to depart us# physically# in order for completion of the di ine plan..."physical presence of The Trinity." God# The Father appeared numerously in the Old Testament (Genesis '()'B'-)'# 4=odus <)7-*B**)'(-7*). %esus :hrist# The Son# in the Old Testament (3aniel *)7+) and throughout the ;e/ Testament. ;o/# /e ha e the presence of the !oly Spirit (2omans -)7<B %ohn ',)'-). "And $ /ill pray the Father# and he shall gi e you another :omforter# that he may a"ide /ith you for e erB" %ohn ',)'< JEHOVAH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0) means "1O23." Out of all of the names of God# the singular /ord# %4!O5A! spea&s for itself. $t descri"es for us that God is a"solutely self-e=istent. %4!O5A! literally means "One /ho is /hat !e is." This is /hy !e told Moses to tell the people# "...$ AM T!AT $ AM..." has sent you (4=odus *)',). So# as /e ha e studied the arious personalities of God /e can more clearly understand /hat it truly definesB %4!O5A!-%$24! "One /ho is /hat !e is and /ill forsee and pro ide#" %4!O5A!-2OD!4 "One /ho is /hat !e is and healeth thee#" %4!O5A!-;$SS$ "One /ho is /hat !e is and the @anner of ictory." GO3 $S A84SOM49 "And one cried unto
another# and said# !oly# holy# holy# is the 1O23 of hosts) the /hole earth is full of his glory." $saiah <)* SUR OR PETRA pronounced (tsoor I pet0-ra) means "2oc&." This particular name of God denotes a massi e# immo a"le foundation that regardless of the indi idual situation# !e is al/ays the same. 3a id cried out "From the end of the earth /ill $ cry out unto thee# /hen my heart is o er/helmed) lead me to the roc& that is higher than $" (Dsalm <')7). So# in spite of the persecution that /e encounter on a constant "asis "ecause of our "eing in :hrist# /hen /e ha e done all that /e can# .ust stand (4phesians <)'*). The church of %esus :hrist is "uilt upon the 2oc& of our faith (St. Matthe/ '<)'-) and is a "stum"lingstone and roc& of offense" to the /orld (2omans A)**B ' Deter 7)-). "The 1O23 li ethB and "lessed "e my roc&B and let the God of my sal ation "e e=alted." Dsalm '-),< ALPHA & OMEGA pronounced (al0 -fah and o0-meg-ah) means "the First and the 1ast." This is a familiar name of God /hich re6uires ery little ela"oration. @ut# for the scholars# A1D!A and OM4GA are the first and last letters of the Gree& alpha"et. 4 en though /e see the name (singular) as three separate /ords# they can not "e separated as /e can not "e separated from the 1o e of God (2omans -)*--*A). A1D!A K OM4GA ser es as t/o slices of "read holding all of the arious personalities of God together li&e a !oly Sand/ich. A1D!A is the initial foundation of the /orld# /hich is the 8ord of GodB OM4GA is the glory of God# /hich is in :hrist %esus# that is to come. "$ am Alpha and Omega# the "eginning and the ending# saith the 1ord# /hich is # and /hich /as# and /hich is to come# the Almighty." 2e elation ')-