Names of God

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Some of the key names of God mentioned and their meanings are El-Shaddai (God Almighty), Jehovah-Jireh (The LORD Will Provide), Jehovah-Rophe (The LORD Who Heals), Elohim (The One Who Keeps Covenant).

Jehovah-Rohi means 'The LORD My Shepherd' and reveals the most intimate relationship between God and His people where He feeds, leads, and cares for them.

God is revealed through His names as the Almighty, Provider, Healer, Covenant Keeper, Sanctifier, Banner of Victory, Shepherd, Smiter, and Present One among others. His characteristics include being all-powerful, caring for His people, defeating enemies, and being with His people.

EL-SHADDAI (pronounced ale shad-dah`-ee)means "God Almighty or All Sufficient Mighty One.

" This is the name that God re ealed !imself to A"raham# $saac# and %aco" as "the One that ma&eth fruitful" (Genesis '()'# *+)''# ,-)*-,). JEHOVAH-JIREH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 yir-eh0)means "the 1O23 /ill pro ide." %4!O5A!-%$24! is the name if God in the Old Testament that uni6uely points to God0s pro ision for us on the cross. And# since God ga e us !is o/n Son# /ill not %4!O5A!%$24! "...freely gi e us all things" (2omans -)*7). JEHOVAH-ROPHE pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 ra/-fa/) means "the 1ord that healeth thee." $n the compound names of %eho ah# God is progressi ely re ealing !imself to !is children as the One a"le to meet all their needs. 8hat a /onderful truth that God heals# restores# and repairs us spiritually and physically...!allelu.ah9 %esus :hrist is re ealed to us in the ;e/ Testament as the great healer# /ho healed all that came to !im (Matthe/ -) '<-'(). "$f thou /ilt diligently hear&en to the oice of the 1ord thy God# and /ilt do that /hich is right in his sight# and /ilt gi e ear to his commandments# and &eep all his statutes# $ /ill put none of these diseases upon thee# /hich $ ha e "rought upon the 4gyptians) for $ am the 1O23 that healeth thee" 4=odus '+)7<. ELOHIM pronounced (el-o-heem0) means "the One that &eepeth co enant" ('>ings -)7*). The root /ord of 41O!$M is "4l#" /hich means the Mighty # Strength# or Strong One (3euteronomy '?)'(). @ecause 41O!$M is the Strong and Mighty One# !e has the po/er to ma&e co enants and to &eep them fore er. ";o/ unto !im that is a"le to &eep you from falling# and to present you faultless "efore the presence of his glory /ith e=ceeding .oy# To the only /ise God our Sa iour# "e glory and ma.esty# dominion and po/er# "oth no/ and e er. Amen" %ude ')7,-7+ JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 m &a/-dash0)means "the 1ord /ho sanctifies." 8e are sanctified "y redemption and constantly "eing sanctified through !is 8ord (ST. %ohn '()'(-'A). "Sanctify yoursel es therefore# and "e ye holy) for $ am the 1O23 your God. And ye shall &eep my statutes# and do them) $ am the 1O23 /hich sanctify you." 1e iticus 7?)(-JEHOVAH-NISSI pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 nis-see0) means "the 1ord our @anner of ictory." 8e cannot lose as long as /e understand that the "attle is God0s and !e guarantees the ictory (3euteronomy 7?)'-,). 8e must fight under !is "anner and in !is strength. "And it came to pass# /hen Moses held up his hand# that $srael pre ailed) and /hen he let do/n his hand# Amale& pre ailed. And Moses "uilt an alter# and called the name of it %eho ah-nissi)" (4=odus '()''#'+) JEHOVAH-ROHI pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 ra/-hee) means "the 1ord my Shepherd." This name of God re eals the most intimate relationship "et/een the 1ord and !is people. The primary meaning of "2ohi" is "to feed or to lead to pasture." %esus :hrist is the %4!O5A!-2O!$ of this dispensation or age of grace (ST. %ohn '?)'-'-). "The 1O23 is my shepherdB $ shall not /ant. !e ma&eth me to lie do/n in green pastures) he leadeth me "eside the still /aters. !e restoreth my soul) he leadth me in the paths of


righteousness for his name0s sa&e. Cea# though $ /al& through the alley of the shado/ of death# $ /ill fear no e il) for thou art /ith meB thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a ta"le "efore me in the presence of mine enemies) thou anointest my head /ith oilB my cup runneth o er. Surely goodness and mercy shall follo/ me all the days of my life) and $ /ill d/ell in the house of the 1O23 for e er." Dsalm 7* JEHOVAH-NAKAH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 na/-&a/)means "the 1O23 /ho smites." God ne er smites (punishes or destroys) until !is mercy and longsuffering ha e "een e=hausted. God smote the earth "y flood# "ut only after the /hole /orld had "ecome corrupt "efore !im (Genesis <)'7-'*). God decided to smite 4gypt "ecause of Dharaoh0s stu""orn heart /hich /ould not let the people go (4=odus *)7?). The great plagues that /ere "rought upon 4gypt are a reminder to us all that God /ill not al/ays tolerate our sinful /ays (4=odus ()'(B '7)'7) JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 sha/m-a) means "the 1O23 is there." The most precious promise that "elie ers ha e had in all ages is the presence of the !oly One. The only thing that ma&es us different from the /orld is that %4!O5A!S!AMMA! is present in our li es. The !oly Spirit /as gi en to use /hen the presence of %esus :hrist !imself left this earth (St. %ohn ',)'<-'()# and /ill remain until /e see %esus :hrist face to face and !is ery presence /ill "e the light of the city (2e elation 7')7*-7+). EL-ELYON pronounced (ale el-yone0) means "Most !igh." This name spea&s of the a/esome ma.esty and supreme e=altedness of God. !e is higher than the highest# in fact# !e is the "!ighest" (1u&e ')*7#*+). "Such as sit in dar&ness and in the shado/ of death# "eing "ound in affliction and ironB @ecause they re"elled against the /ords of God# and contemned the counsel of the most !igh) Therefore he "rought do/n their heart /ith la"ourB they fell do/n# and there /as none to help. Then they cried unto the 1O23 in their trou"le# and he sa ed them out of their distresses" (Dsalm '?()'?-'*). JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 tsed-&en-oo) means "the 1O23 our 2ighteousness." %eho ah is perfectly righteous (Dsalm '7A),)# and the ery throne of God is righteousness (Dsalm A()7). "@ehold# the days come# saith the 1O23# that $ /ill raise unto 3a id a righteous @ranch# and a >ing shall reign and prosper# and shall e=ecute .udgment and .ustice in the earth. $n his days %udah shall "e sa ed# and $srael shall d/ell safely) and this is his name /here"y he shall "e called# T!4 1O23 OE2 2$G!T4OES;4SS." %eremiah 7*)+-< ADONAI pronounced (ad-o-noy0) means "1O23 or MAST42." Our relationship /ith God is made clear "y this name# in /hich !e demands o"edience from all creation (Malachi ')<). @oth Moses and 3a id understood this personal relationship /ith The Master (4=odus ,)'?# 7 Samuel ()'--7?). "After these things the /ord of the 1O23 came unto A"ram in a ision# saying# Fear not# A"ram) $ am thy shield# and thy e=ceeding great re/ard. And A"ram said# 1ord GO3# /hat /ilt thou gi e me# seeing $ go childless# and the ste/ard if my house is this 4lieGer of 3amascusH" Genesis '+)'-7

JEHOVAH-SABAOTH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 sa"-ah-o/th0) means "the 1O23 of !osts." This name or aspect of God is not re ealed to the children of $srael until they are in the promised land. As the "1O23 of !osts" %eho ah stands ready to help at all times (Dsalm -,)''-'7). "For /ho in the hea en can "e compared unto the 1O23H /ho among the sons of the mighty can "e li&ened unto the 1O23H O 1O23 God of hosts# /ho is a strong 1O23 li&e unto theeH or to thy faithfulness round a"out theeH Dsalm -A)<#YASHA pronounced (ya/-shah0) means Sa iour. $t comes from a root meaning "to "e open or /ide and free." :hrist is our Sa iour "ecause /e need to "e sa ed from our sin# a /asted life# and from eternal death (Matthe/ ')7'). ManI8oman has no a"ility to deli er himselfIherself from sin. Only in CAS!A# /ho is %esus :hrist# can /e "e freed from the "ondage and penalty of our sin (%ohn ,),7# Acts ,)'7). "$# e en $# am the 1O23B and "eside me there is no sa iour." $saiah ,*)'' PISTOS pronounced (pis-tos0) means "Faithful." !e is called Faithful "ecause !is coming is the fulfillment of multiplied promises in God0s 8ord# /hich the /orld has dou"ted ($$ Deter *)*-A. !e is D$STOS# /hich means certain or /orthy to "e "elie ed (!e"re/s '?)7*). "And $ sa/ hea en open# and "ehold a /hite horseB and he that sat upon him /as called Faithful and True# and in righteousness he doth .udge and ma&e /ar." 2e elation 'A)'' QADOWSH-IYSH pronounced (&a/-doshe0-eesh) means "!oly One." Derhaps none of the descripti e names of God so 6uic&ly descri"e to our finite minds the ery essence of /ho God is li&e this one. !4 $S T!4 !O1C O;4# the most perfect "eing in e=istence (4=odus '+)''). !oliness is God0s primary attri"ute and if /e are to d/ell /ith !im# !e demands that /e# also# "e holy (' Deter ')'+-'<). "To /hom then /ill ye li&en me# or shall $ "e e6ualH saith the !oly One." $saiah ,?)7+ AMNOS pronounced (am-nos0) refers to the sacrifice of the 1am" as the the paschal lam" (sym"olic representation of :hrist)# slain for the ser ice of God (' Deter ')'A). At the dedication of Solomon0s Temple# there /ere '7?#??? lam"s sacrificed. That is a line of sacrificial lam"s that is <- miles long (7 :hronicles ()+). :hrist suffered once as the 1am" of God and there /ill ne er "e a need for any other sacrifice (!e"re/s A)7<-7-). "The ne=t day %ohn seeth %esus coming unto him# and saith# @ehold the 1am" of God# /hich ta&eth a/ay the sin of the /orld." %ohn ')7A PELE-YAATS pronounced (peh0-leh ya/-ats0)means "8onderful :ounsellor." The /ord 8onderful means miraculous# astonishing# e en incredi"le# /hile the /ord :ounsellor means to ad ise# admonish# direct# or guide. This means that the counsel in /hich God gi es to us is so incredi"ly miraculous that /e stand amaGed. !a e you e er .ust sat and thought a"out /hat God has "rought and led you through and .ust said# "8O89" :hrist li es to represent us "efore the Father as our legal counsel# and he has ne er lost a case (!e"re/s ()7+). "For unto us a child is "orn# unto us a son is gi en) and the go ernment shall "e upon his shoulder) and his name shall "e called 8onderful# :ounsellor# The mighty God# The e erlasting Father# The Drince of Deace." $saiah A)<

THURA pronounced (thoo0-ra) means "the door." :hrist is the entrance to eternal life. !e# also# is the T!E2A of a"undant life (%ohn ',)<). Those that enter into the 3oor find peace# safety# and refuge from life0s trails and "urdens (Matthe/ '')7-). "$ am the door) "y me if any man enter in# he shall "e sa ed# and shall go in and out# and find pasture." %ohn '?)A EL OLAM pronounced (ale o-la/m0) means "the 4 erlasting God." God is immuta"le "ecause !e is timeless. As stum"ling "loc&s and unforeseen circumstances cause us to faulter and fall# as :hildren of God# /e feel that !e should "e there instantly to pic& us up. @ut# 41 O1AM is completely independent of time. Cet# !e has al/ays "een there and /ill al/ays "e here pro iding all that /e need# not necessarily /hat /e /ant. $saiah declares that the "e erlasting God" ne er faints or "ecomes /eary ($saiah ,?)7-). 8hat a comfort to &no/ that regardless the num"er of times /e faulter# 41 O1AM is al/ays a aila"le to assist and correct us. "And A"raham planted a gro e in @eer-she"a# and called there on the name of the 1O23# the e erlasting God." Genesis 7')** ASAH pronounced (a/- sa/0) means "Ma&er." God is the ma&er of all the /orld#yet they deny !im (%eremiah '?)'7). Those of use that "elie e# re.oice that !e has made us and /e &no/ that /e come from the act of !is creati e /ill (Dsalm A+)+-<) $n return of "eing creations of ASA!# our responsi"ility is to "e plia"le in !is hands. "For thy Ma&er is thine hus"andB the 1O23 of hosts is his nameB and thy 2edeemer the !oly One of $sraelB The God of the /hole earth shall he "e called." $saiah +,)+ QANNA pronounced (&an-na/0) means "%ealous." God demands# e=pects# deser es# and is /orthy of the /orship of all man&ind. God /ill not tolerate the /orship of another god "y !is creation. !e continuously /arns of s/ift and certain .udgment if anything is made in the li&eness of idle gods (3euteronomy ,)7*-7,B +)AB <)',-'+B %oshua 7,)'A-7?). "For thou shalt /orship no other god) for the 1O23# /hose name is %ealous# is a .ealous God)" 4=odus *,)', EL-ROI pronounced (ale ro-ee) means "the Strong One 8ho Sees." God sees our afflictions and directs us through !is 8ord to find the promises /e need to sustain us. %o" declares "3oth not he see my /ays# and count my steps" (%o" *'),). @e reminded that God also o"ser es our faults as /ell as the trou"les# "...the house of $srael do in the dar&# e ery man in the cham"ers of imagery" (4Ge&iel -)'7). !e loo&s through e ery action /ithin our li es and into our hearts to find the moti e for /hat /e ha e done and are doing (' Samuel '<)(). "And she called the name of the 1O23 that spa&e unto her# Thou God seest me) for she said# !a e $ also here loo&ed after him that seeth meH" Genesis '<)'* JEHOVAH-SHALOM pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0 sha/-lome0) means "the 1O23 is Deace." All relationships are faced /ith trou"les from time to time# and most of the time our immediate solution is to "cut0em loose." @ut# as /e all mature /e come to realiGe that the most rapid solution is not al/ays the most ad antageous. 8e already understand /ho %4!O5A! is# "ut /hat a"out S!A1OMH S!A1OM has in its meaning the idea or concept of reconciled relationships "ased on the completion of a transaction or the

payment of a de"t. :hrist paid our de"t of sin "y the shedding of his "lood on the cross# and purchased for us perfect peace for all /ho "elie e (Dhilippians ,)(). 8hen /e d/ell in !is presence /ith our hearts and minds fully trusting !im# /e ha e "perfect peace" ($saiah 7<)*). "And the 1O23 said unto him# Deace "e unto theeB fear not) thou shalt not die. Then Gideon "uilt an alter there unto the 1O23# and called it %eho ah-shalom..." %udges <)7*-7, SEMAH pronounced (tseh0-ma&h) means "the @ranch." The name @2A;:! is a Messianic title that spea&s of :hrist as the sprout# gro/th# or "ranch /hich "uds forth from the tree /hich is God the Father. The prophets loo&ed for/ard to the day /hen :hrist# as the @ranch# /ould ""uild the temple" and ""ear the glory" and "sit and rule...and..."e priest upon his throne" (Jechariah <)'7-'*). !is righteousness is spo&en of upon the earth from %erusalem during the '#??? year reign of :hrist (%eremiah 7*)+). "And the spirit of the 1O23 shall rest upon him# the spirit of /isdom and understanding# the spirit of counsel and might# the spirit of &no/ledge and of the fear of the 1O23B" $saiah '')7 ORTHRINOS-ASTER pronounced (or-thrin-os0 as-tare0) mean "Morning Star." $ considerate it amaGing that :hrist# !imself# says# "...$ am...the "right and morning star" (2e elation 77)'<). $t is safe to say that :hrist /anted to insure that /e understand# e=actly /hom the "Morning Star" is. 1ucifer (The 3e il) is called the "...son of the morning..." and it is said that he desired to e=alt his star "...a"o e the stars of God" ($saiah ',)'7-'*). 8ith the Morning Star comes a ne/ day for man&ind# a day in /hich God0s "right light /ill shine upon the hearts of men and sa e their eternal souls. "$ %esus ha e sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. $ am the root and the offspring of 3a id# and the "right and morning star." 2e elation 77)'< PARACLETE pronounced (par-a-&lete) means ":omforter." The /ord "paraclete" refers to a person /ho steps for/ard to represent anotherB the technical definition "eing "one called alongside to help#" thus# ":omforter." 8hen :hrist ascended to the Father# !e said that !e /ould send "another" :omforter of e6ual 6uality (%ohn ',)'<). Dlease understand that it /as re6uired for :hrist to depart us# physically# in order for completion of the di ine plan..."physical presence of The Trinity." God# The Father appeared numerously in the Old Testament (Genesis '()'B'-)'# 4=odus <)7-*B**)'(-7*). %esus :hrist# The Son# in the Old Testament (3aniel *)7+) and throughout the ;e/ Testament. ;o/# /e ha e the presence of the !oly Spirit (2omans -)7<B %ohn ',)'-). "And $ /ill pray the Father# and he shall gi e you another :omforter# that he may a"ide /ith you for e erB" %ohn ',)'< JEHOVAH pronounced (.eh-ho- a/0) means "1O23." Out of all of the names of God# the singular /ord# %4!O5A! spea&s for itself. $t descri"es for us that God is a"solutely self-e=istent. %4!O5A! literally means "One /ho is /hat !e is." This is /hy !e told Moses to tell the people# "...$ AM T!AT $ AM..." has sent you (4=odus *)',). So# as /e ha e studied the arious personalities of God /e can more clearly understand /hat it truly definesB %4!O5A!-%$24! "One /ho is /hat !e is and /ill forsee and pro ide#" %4!O5A!-2OD!4 "One /ho is /hat !e is and healeth thee#" %4!O5A!-;$SS$ "One /ho is /hat !e is and the @anner of ictory." GO3 $S A84SOM49 "And one cried unto

another# and said# !oly# holy# holy# is the 1O23 of hosts) the /hole earth is full of his glory." $saiah <)* SUR OR PETRA pronounced (tsoor I pet0-ra) means "2oc&." This particular name of God denotes a massi e# immo a"le foundation that regardless of the indi idual situation# !e is al/ays the same. 3a id cried out "From the end of the earth /ill $ cry out unto thee# /hen my heart is o er/helmed) lead me to the roc& that is higher than $" (Dsalm <')7). So# in spite of the persecution that /e encounter on a constant "asis "ecause of our "eing in :hrist# /hen /e ha e done all that /e can# .ust stand (4phesians <)'*). The church of %esus :hrist is "uilt upon the 2oc& of our faith (St. Matthe/ '<)'-) and is a "stum"lingstone and roc& of offense" to the /orld (2omans A)**B ' Deter 7)-). "The 1O23 li ethB and "lessed "e my roc&B and let the God of my sal ation "e e=alted." Dsalm '-),< ALPHA & OMEGA pronounced (al0 -fah and o0-meg-ah) means "the First and the 1ast." This is a familiar name of God /hich re6uires ery little ela"oration. @ut# for the scholars# A1D!A and OM4GA are the first and last letters of the Gree& alpha"et. 4 en though /e see the name (singular) as three separate /ords# they can not "e separated as /e can not "e separated from the 1o e of God (2omans -)*--*A). A1D!A K OM4GA ser es as t/o slices of "read holding all of the arious personalities of God together li&e a !oly Sand/ich. A1D!A is the initial foundation of the /orld# /hich is the 8ord of GodB OM4GA is the glory of God# /hich is in :hrist %esus# that is to come. "$ am Alpha and Omega# the "eginning and the ending# saith the 1ord# /hich is # and /hich /as# and /hich is to come# the Almighty." 2e elation ')-


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