EIA Oxidation Pond JU
EIA Oxidation Pond JU
EIA Oxidation Pond JU
February, 2010
Jimma, Ethiopia
The study team members really acknowledge the representatives of the University for their
Continuous & heartily support starting from the selection of the study team until the
submission of this EIA report.
Next to this, the study team appreciates the contribution of the mayor of Jimma town Ato
Ahmed Abagissa for arranging the preconditions for the discussion between the Jimma town
council members and the university.
Finally, the study team acknowledge all the following individuals and organizations for their
cooperation and constructive comments:
• Ato Yodahe and his colleague from Addis Ababa City Water and sewerage Authority
• Ato Bereket Beleyhun –FDRE CDSCO- deputy chief executive officer water works
• Ato Wondwossen Assefa - GaD construction PLC worker (GaD site Engineer)
Table of contents
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................i
Table of contents........................................................................................................................ii
1 Introduction............................................................................................................................1
2 Structure and content of the report ........................................................................................9
2.1 Executive Summary .........................................................................................................9
2.2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................14
2.3 Approach to the study/methodology ..............................................................................17
2.4 Assumptions and/or Gap in Knowledge’s......................................................................18
2.5 Administrative, Legal and Policy Requirements............................................................24
2.6 Project Description.........................................................................................................25
2.7 Background to the project ..............................................................................................26
2.7.1 Description of the Project Environment and Project location .................................26
2.7.2 Objectives of the construction of Oxidation Pond project ......................................34
2.7.3 Project Justification .................................................................................................40
2.7.4 Raw material............................................................................................................41
2.7.5 Design of the Project ...............................................................................................41
2.8 Assessment ................................................................................................................45
2.8.1 Baseline Information on the project proposal ....................................................46
2.8.2 Baseline Information-Biophysical environment and human environment..............49
2.8.3 Synthesis and analysis of information to the environmental Impacts of a project ..50
2.9 Suggested Measures to Mitigate Negative Impacts ..................................................52
2.9.1 Environmental Management Plan/EMP ..................................................................56
2.9.2 Monitoring/Auditing................................................................................................59
2.10 Conclusion and Recommendations ...........................................................................61
2.11 Appendices ...................................................................................................................64
1. Introduction
JU is Ethiopia's first innovative community-oriented education institution of higher learning,
with teaching centres for health care in Jimma, Yebu, Omo Nada, Serbo, Shebe, Agaro Limu
Genet, and Asendabo.
Jimma University aspires to become the premier public higher education institution in the
country, renowned in Africa and respected internationally for its innovative and community-
based educational approaches that underpin its educational programs, research and scholarly
undertakings and delivery of services to the public.
Jimma University will be recognized for excellence of its educational programs, quality and
impacts of its research undertakings, effectiveness and efficiency of its institutional
governance, leadership and management, quality of its management of human, material and
physical resources, conducive infrastructure and learning technology, and effectiveness of its
networks of collaboration and partnership that impact the University and society at large.
The Core Values
Equity and Access: We are committed to ensuring our teaching, research and public
services are accessible to all citizens in an equitable manner regardless of their ethnicity,
religion, culture, sex, location or ideas they subscribe to.
Honesty and Integrity: we highly value integrity and trustworthiness in carrying out
intellectual exercise and in day-to-day interaction of our staff and student among themselves
and with the public at large. We are committed to living what we say.
Transparency and Accountability: Rules and regulations govern our decisions and
actions. There is no sector, position or function in our University that is not answerable to the
authority and the public in general.
Mutual Respect, Collegiality and Team Spirit: We all share the same dream of
transforming Jimma University into a world-class Ethiopian university. We consider our staff
as members of one big family and treat one another with fairness, honesty and mutual
Boosting up Resources generation and management capacity:
To create and sustain sufficient and diverse bases of resources and establish effective
management of these resources to achieve high quality teaching, research and service that
will enhance the reputation and competitiveness of the University.
School of Graduate Studies
Institute of Education
International Affiliates/Partners
Centres for Disease Control (USA)
Nottingham University (UK)
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (UK)
Clinton Foundation
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil)
Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Columbia University (USA)
Women and Health Alliance International (France)
gather data
prioritise problems
Jimma University is the national pioneer of community based higher education. But through
time other recently established universities have adopted the philosophy. Even though, this
philosophy was adopted by the health sciences at the beginning, the philosophy was later
used for all disciplines. All colleges of the university are currently implementing the
philosophy with each college having its own CBE coordinating office.
Strategies of CBE at JU
In addition “CBE project and intervention office” and “CBE data and GIS office” assist the
activities of the above four strategic arms.
Community Based Training Program (CBTP)
CBTP is one form of the strategies of CBE, where beginning from year I, students go to the
community in a group and are attached for at least three weeks every academic year and
engage themselves the learning activities. The same group of students will be assigned to the
same locality so that knowing the exact problems of the locality; students can make a
difference by working together with the community and stakeholders.
CBTP during pre-graduating years runs for 2, 3 and 4 years for academic programs that take
3, 4 and 5 years respectively. Each phase has specifically defined educational objectives.
During each phase, students as a group (10-12) are assigned to urban, semi-urban or rural
communities with an approximate population of 600-10,000. The areas are identified by the
coordinating office and are located within 50 km radius from the university.
Three to five teaching staff members supervise each group. Each faculty designs in what sort
of community based studies students will be engaged and when they plan, it is in such that it
will addresses the real problems of the community and relates to the students’ class room
teaching and career. The developmental work plan enable students to use locally available
resources and utilize appropriate technology. The CBE office of each college in collaboration
with the central CBE coordination office and concerned offices plans, put up schedules and
mobilizes students in group and assist in the in each step in the problem solving approach. In
this program, students are supposed to pass through the problem solving steps, i.e. from
problem identification to implementation and evaluation. The community actively
participates in each of the steps
Even though, Jimma University is one of the oldest higher teaching institutions in Ethiopia.
The University hosts thousands of students, administrative workers, academic staffs and daily
labourers. However, it has no any wastewater treatment plant so far. As the result, it is
continuously generating liquid waste and discharge to the nearby environment without any
2. Structure and content of the report
Jimma University is established next to Addis Ababa and Haramaya University and the total
population of the university including the Jimma University specialized hospital is estimated
to be more than 40,000 which accounts 1/5th of the Jimma town population. The university
has no any OP for liquid waste management, hence, until nowadays, the university releases
its liquid waste without any treatment to the nearby local community, thus creating burden on
their health and the environment. To solve these problems, the University has got land for the
construction of OP from Jimma town municipality in 1995EC and the university allowed
more than 46 million Ethiopian birr and the construction of new OP started in 2000EC in
Bechobore kebele next to Hilal primary school in the built area of 60,000m2(excluding the
buffer zone and the sludge drying bed area). But, in and around the construction of the OP
area within 150m radius from the edges of the pond, there are around 98 squatter settlers
households which come to the area after land was given to the university. These squatter
settlers and other legal residents have raised their questions related to the construction of OP.
To solve these problems, the university has established EIA study sub-team comprises of six
individuals. In doing so, these study teams have presented their study to the city council
members in the presence of the university representatives. Lastly, the university and the
council members have discussed thoroughly and agreed upon to submit one copy of the study
document to the Jimma town land and environmental protection office and one copy to the
Oromia regional state Land and Environmental Protection Agency and to arrange tour to the
representatives of the Bechobore kebele local community (where the OP is being constructed)
to visit some OPs which are functional nowadays in Addis Ababa, Adama and Hawassa with
the municipality and university representatives.
Consultant: The consultant of the project is the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Construction Design Share Company (FDRE CDSCo)
Organization preparing the EIA report is EIA team (all members are full time academic
and administrative workers of the university) established by Jimma University.
Study Group
Project Location: The project site is located in Bechobore kebele at elevation of 5626ft,
Latitude of 7º39’13.87” N and Longitude of 36º51’03 .26” E.
Site Description: The proposed site is found at a distance of about 3km far from the main
campus, there are residential houses, Boye swamp where hippopotamus is found, and
public institutions (like School, mosques , a protestant church and Jimma town hospital
which is under construction) at a different distances from the edges of the pond. Currently
since the OP site is excavated, no trees are located inside the site.
Project Alternatives
Two alternatives have been considered and the implications of each are described in the
sections which follow.
Alternative I: “Do-nothing”: With the “do-nothing” alternative, the potential health and
environmental impacts will increase, and quality of life would remain at a low level for many
of those who live in the university and in the town. Long-term development plans for the
town would be compromised and slowed down, since a reliable OP and the improved service
associated with it are fundamental.
Therefore, from an environmental viewpoint, the “do-nothing” alternative is not preferable to
project implementation, since liquid waste generated from the university is currently being
disposed off at the open dumpsite or directly to the environment affecting the health of
thousands of inhabitants living in and around the campus.
For the above mentioned problems, the solution is constructing a well designed oxidation
pond which can mitigate the main environmental and health impacts arising from the free
release of the liquid waste generated from the university. Ponds are regarded as the methods
of first choice for the treatment of waste water (sewage effluent treatment where
decomposition of Organic matter is processed naturally, i.e. biologically) in many parts of the
Analysis of Alternatives
Selection of the most appropriate solution to meet a certain long-term objective is not a simple
and straightforward task. Several factors must be taken into consideration, including technical
criteria, environmental considerations, and economic observations. The aim of this section is to
weigh the potential of all relevant alternatives concerning the treatment process, the system
selection and the site location. As a result, a sustainable solution can be implemented to
treat the liquid waste crisis in the university. Since the current situation is not desirable, the
“Do Nothing” scenario involving the disposal off the waste waster at the existing open dump
and uncontrolled into the environment is not considered a legitimate or a sustainable waste
management practice.
The OP can have both the significant positive impacts and concerns and each of them are
discussed in detail.
Socio-economic status
Socio-economic information about the local inhabitants residing around the project was
assessed during the field visits. The economy in of the area is mainly driven by brick
making, related activities and private sector employments.
The landscape of project site has been planned to provide a clean, healthy and beautiful
green environment for the people to live in and work in. A combination of evergreen trees
and ornamental flowering trees, shrubs and palms is used. In addition, Landscaping will be
undertaken to enhance the aesthetic value of the area and to enhance the capability to
absorb carbon dioxide.
Human power
During construction and operation, unskilled and professional work force including temporary
and permanent employees shall be required for the purposes of day-to-day professional and
maintenance works. This workforce shall be hired locally in order to generate the
employment to the local people.
For the proper functioning of the OP and to mitigate the negative impacts, the appropriate
recommendations are strongly forwarded depending on the EIA study.
Mitigation Measures
To avoid possible visual impacts resulting from the existence of OP to the local
community, the following steps are to be implemented:
Maintaining cleanness within the pond
Appropriate landscaping of the plant grounds with planting of suitable trees, grass and
Fencing and screening the site with appropriate trees to obstruct the OP
components from onlooker and area inhabitants. (All along with some
odour reduction).
Controlling movement of equipment and vehicles to and from the site, especially in the
construction phase.
As a conclusion, proper supervision, high workmanship performance, and provision of adequate safety
measures will alleviate public and occupational risks.
In order to ensure the proper operation of the liquid waste treatment plant, a management
system must be implemented. This management scheme shall assure regular monitoring of
effluent quality and compliance, and process performance. Proper staff training and organized
record keeping will also take place.
Contingency plan
The contingency plan during the case of emergency (e.g. if liquid waste overflow occurs
which is beyond the capacity of OP) is beneficial.
Capacity building
Considered as corner stone of the EMP the capacity-building program consists of two major
parts: On the Job Training (OJT) and a General Awareness Seminars (GAS).
2.2 Introduction
Waste management practices differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural
areas, and for residential and industrial producers. An important method of waste
management is the prevention of waste material being created, also known as waste
reduction. Methods of avoidance include reuse of second-hand products, repairing broken
items instead of buying new, designing products to be refillable or reusable (such as cotton
instead of plastic shopping bags), encouraging consumers to avoid using disposable products,
removing any food/liquid remains from cans, packaging, etc and designing products that use
less material to achieve the same purpose.
Many cities have no controlled system for waste management. Waste is burned in pits,
dumped and released in random locations, or disposed off in uncontrolled dumps without any
further management. All these actions harm public health and the environment.
Controlled waste management can help improve and protect the health of local populations
and preserve valuable environmental resources, such as groundwater and drinking water. We
have two options for waste disposal: operate properly designed, constructed, and managed
landfills, oxidation ponds, etc or burn the waste in a controlled facility that converts waste to
What Problems can uncontrolled Dumping and Burning Cause?
Most uncontrolled dumps are many years old, having grown over time from small dumps to
large, unmanaged waste sites. Uncontrolled dumps have significant environmental impacts.
As the waste decomposes, it creates leachate— mixture of toxic and nontoxic liquids and
rainwater - which may get into local water supplies and contaminate the drinking water.
Uncontrolled dumps also release gases that are explosive and flammable. In some instances,
waste is burned at these dumps, which poses a direct safety threat because of the danger of
explosion. The air pollution created by burning harms local communities. Improper waste
disposal also produces greenhouse gases (GHGs), which contribute to climate change. In
contrast, properly designed, constructed, and managed landfills aim to prevent or minimize
health and environmental impacts. They have liners and leachate collection systems that
protect groundwater, and gas collection systems that contain or safely burn methane from
The environmental pollution not only creates ecological disturbances but also poses greater
risk to human health. Human has altered his environment in the process of satisfying his
needs, and has done tremendous damage to it and therefore to himself. If he has to survive on
this planet, he has to require a pollution free environment.
the maintenance of the necessary plant and equipment, must be within the capability of
developing urban centres and industrial complexes.
As migration from rural to urban areas continues, the control of waste water will become
increasingly difficult. This problem has two aspects: water must be supplied for the carriage
of household and industrial wastes, and the waterborne wastes from a community that has an
adequate water supply must be safely disposed of.
The protection of water resources against pollution is basic to the development of a sound
economy. For both the maintenance of public health and the conservation of water resources,
it is essential that pollution be controlled.
As urbanization continues, household privies, septic tanks, sand-filter drains and other
methods of disposing of excreta may create economic and health problems. Such practices as
the disposal of night-soil by burial or the disposal of waste waters in cesspools (underground
pits) can also contribute significantly to the pollution of soil and water if attempted on the
scale required for a large urban centre.
Newly developing areas must determine the waste water treatment measures that are
required, and government agencies should proceed as rapidly as possible with planned waste
control programmes. Problems usually arise in allocating funds for water supply and waste
water disposal and expenditures must be equitably distributed between the collection and the
treatment of community wastes. An elaborate treatment scheme, whether biological or
chemical, is impractical without a satisfactory collection system.
It is generally recognized that some form of biological treatment provides the most
economical solution for handling domestic and most industrial waste waters. Waste
stabilization ponds are most suitable for locations where land is inexpensive, organic loadings
fluctuate, currency restrictions are in force, and there is a shortage of trained operating
Oxidation ponds have been found to be an effective means of low cost treatment of domestic
and industrial wastewater, especially for those countries lies in tropical and subtropical
regions of the world (Gloyna, 1971; Kharkar et al., 1972). The oxidation pond treatment
technology has been recommended by a number of scholars (McGarry and Pescod, 1970;
Mara, 1975; Oswald, 1975; Middlebrooks et al., 1981 and many others). The oxidation pond
treatment technology has an edge over the mechanical systems, as these systems constitute a
heavy economic burden. It has been proved that oxidation ponds are economical as compared
to mechanical systems. Installation and maintenance costs of oxidation ponds are much more
less as compared to mechanical systems.
The design of a waste stabilization pond depends on the treatment objectives. A pond system
is usually designed to receive untreated domestic or industrial wastes, but may also be
designed to treat primary or secondary treatment plant effluents; excess activated sludge, or
diluted night soil. The ponds may be used to pre-treat wastes, to remove most of the
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and to reduce the concentration of disease causing
In waste stabilization ponds, the decomposable organic wastes are stabilized by micro-
organisms and the numbers of disease causing agents are reduced significantly, primarily due
to the long detention period required for stabilization. In some types of pond, aerobic
conditions can be maintained by the natural photosynthetic processes of algae. These green
plants provide most of the oxygen transferred from the air to the water by natural surface
mixing processes.
The mechanism of treatment of waste water in oxidation ponds is biological. The raw
wastewater is detained in a pond for some time. The bacteria that are already present in the
raw waste water decompose the organic matter in the presence of oxygen and produce carbon
dioxide. Carbon dioxide is utilized by algae, which in turn produce oxygen that is utilized by
the bacteria.
To protect human health and the environment, communities should discourage the use of
existing open dumps and establish a managed site for waste management. Safe, well-
controlled waste placement distinguishes OP from an open dump or release. If we want to
provide a properly designed, constructed, and managed OP in our community, we can either
convert an existing uncontrolled release of liquid wastes or construct a new OP. Jimma
University has taken the later choice.
The present impact study included the collection of information and documents
related to the project by meetings with the project proponent(JU higher officials),
Jimma town mayors and council members , collection and review of pertinent reports
and other references; undertaking field visits to the project site, surveying the
neighbourhood, looking into the performance of the close-by existing OPs in the
different parts of Ethiopia(especially Kality waste water treatment & reuse, Mick
Leland or “Birchiko Fabrika” condominium site, Adama university, and Hawassa
University (main campus and Health Sciences colleges) gathering information from
various government and other agencies, etc.
The main assumption, especially regarding the induced effects, is that the cost-benefit
analysis implicitly assumes that an increase in quality of effluents from the OP can be met by
an increase of appropriate liquid waste decomposition processes uniformly throughout the
project. In reality however there can be time/stages that are unable to increase quality of
effluents at constant rates because of some failure(s) that might rise during operational
phase of the project
An EIA is generally carried out as a part of the feasibility Study (FS) or together
with it and before going into site selection and the construction phase of a particular
development project. In the case of this project, the project is underway without the
benefit of an EIA/EA as a part of the FS; as the site for the project has been selected
by the university and consultant and the excavation of the pond site is completed by
the contractor.
Basically the university had got the site from the Jimma town municipality in 1995,
but entered in to construction in 2000EC. In addition, the Jimma town municipality
didn’t stop giving legal licence of residential area for some of the local community
and expansion of the squatter settlers near the OP site. In addition, even though the
university accepted the land in 1995, it didn’t delineate and inform the municipality
mayors not to give residential areas for the local communities which are currently
living in the buffer zone of the pond. The other problem is that the replacement of
one town mayor by the other from time to time causes expansion of residential
houses in and around the buffer zone of the pond.
Public Involvement
Public Consultation has been and remains a continuous process in any EIA studies. Thus,
for this project to ascertain the specific views of the community (especially town mayors,
Bechobore kebele chairperson, the town land and environmental protection office and the
town council members) about the Project, the Public Consultation has been undertaken in
an environment of open consultation at the town mayor’s office on February 15, 2010
[Yekatit 8, 2002EC] from 9:30-12:00 (local time). In short, the entire process has been
underpinned by free, prior, and informed consultations with various levels of Jimma town
council members’ and Bechobore kebele officials.
The following list indicates the participants of the meeting which was held at Jimma town
mayor’s office on February 15, 2010.
8 Atike Mohammed Education office head
21 Dr. Berhanu Belay Senior Director for Research, CBE and Graduate
studies (delegate to the President)
Based on the discussions and agreement made with these representatives, Bona fide
residents (famous local communities) were selected and went with Jimma town
municipality representatives , Oromia Land and environmental protection office EIA expert
and with some of the Jimma university EIA team members for OPs visit which are found in
the different parts of the country (especially Kality waste water treatment & reuse,
Mick Leland or “Birchiko Fabrika” condominium site, Adama university, and
Hawassa University (main campus and Health Sciences colleges).
A) From the JU
D) From Oromia Land and Environmental Protection Office
The overall cost of these OPs visit was covered by the university.
Following the agreement, the representatives of the University, Jimma town municipality and
Bechobore kebele community representatives went to visit the oxidation ponds at Hawasa
University (main campus), Hawasa University referral hospital, Adama university,
Mickyleland condominium site (Addis Ababa city around Asco) and Addis Ababa city
(Kality liquid waste treatment) oxidation pond from February 18, 2010 (Yekatit 11, 2002
E.C) - February 22, 2010 GC (Yekatit 15, 2002 E.C). Hence, the observation was
summarized in the following Table:
Table showing the different characteristics of oxidation ponds constructed by different institutions in Ethiopia
distance (m) Prese
Year of Mode of Number of
from the nearest nce of Population Presence of Biogas for
Name of institution Establishmen transport of oxidation Effluent Utilization
house/office(insti HDP served wind breaker community
t (Eth.C.) the waste cells
tution) E*
Adama University (old OP) 1986 100 no 18,000 Sewer line 4 Yes no no
Hawasa University Referral Hospital Not known 70-80m from yes 1000 + Sewer line 4 no no no
OP hospital beds outpatient
Hawasa University main campus 1997 350 yes 15,000 sewer 8 no yes no
Mickyleland Condominium site OP 2001 50 no 25,000 sewer 8 partially no no
Addis Ababa city (Kality) OP 1975 60m from garage no 2 million Sewer and 8 no no Under study
& main office is car
found in the
Jimma University OP 2000 150 (proposed) yes 40,000 sewer 7 Vegetation and quality effluent for Proposed
venting system unrestricted
WHO recommendations*** N/A 200 yes N/A Sewer line At least 3 yes Restricted and recommende
and car unrestricted d
*HDPE = High Density Polyethylene: very vital for protecting ground water pollution
**unrestricted irrigation: the use of effluent for vegetable crops and others
** *For Mediterranean Europe (which has very cold temperature)
2.5 Administrative, Legal and Policy Requirements
EIA requirement
The Environmental Impact Assessment Proclamation (Proc. no. 299/2002) has made
Environmental assessment/EA to be a mandatory legal prerequisite for the implementation of
major development projects, programs and plans. This proclamation is a proactive tool and a
backbone to harmonizing and integrating environmental, economic, cultural, and social
considerations into a decision making process in a manner that promotes sustainable
The concept of sustainable development and environmental rights are enshrined in article 43,
44 and 92 of the Constitution of FDRE.
The enhancement of their capacities for development and to meet their basic
needs, are boldly recognized.
Similarly, in Article 44: Environmental Rights, all persons are entitled to:
government shall ensure that all Ethiopians live in a clean and healthy
programs and projects design shall not damage or destroy the environment,
people’s have the right to full consultation and expression of views, and
Besides this, according to FDRE EPA EIA procedural guideline of Ethiopia (FEPA,
2003) there are 3 schedule of activities. These are:
Schedule 3: Lists of Projects that may not require Environmental Impact Assessment
Since waste treatment and disposal is categorized as schedule 1 activity; thus it needs
full EIA.
Since the university has no any waste water treatment facility for the liquid waste generated
in the campus, the university allocated about 46 million Ethiopian birr (including the waste
water drainage system) and the construction of new OP which is started in 2000EC in
Bechobore kebele next to Hilal primary school in the built area of 60,000m2(excluding the
buffer zone and the sludge drying bed area). The OP is designed to have one anaerobic pond,
two facultative ponds and four maturation ponds for the proper functioning & treatment of
the wastewater.
Physical Environment
A) Climate
Jimma has an average altitude of 1760 meters above sea level, i.e., a “Weinadega” (middle
zone). Its temperature on the maximum average reaches 25-300c and the minimum average is
between 7-12 0c. The mean annual temperature is 20.4°C.
B) Wildlife Resources
Based on the assessment, there are some hippopotamus living in the Awetu swamp which is
found at hundreds of meters from the edges of maturation pond.
C) National parks and Protected Areas
Ethiopia issued a number of regulations aimed to conserve and protect the remaining natural
ecosystems of the country in National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Priority Forest
Areas and Controlled Hunting Areas. However, the pond area is neither contiguous with nor
in close proximity with any of these nationally protected areas.
The study would include the description of project setting and assessment of adverse
impacts related to the location, design, construction and operation of the project. In
addition, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was prepared that includes mitigation
measures, including evaluation of alternatives to reduce or mitigate/eliminate the impacts that
likely to cause most significant environmental burdens.
The scope of this EIA study includes assessing the effect of the oxidation pond construction
on public health, economic, soil, surface and ground water bodies, flora & faunas.
Fig 3: Nearest house from the East-225m
East (from the edge of MP)
Fig 5: Nearest house from North-East-140m
North (from the edge of MP)
Figure 7: Squatter settlers producing brick at a distance of 5m from the fence of OP
Figure 8: Squatter settler house in the vicinity (fence) of the OP (adjacent to the Facultative
Fig 9: North West direction-Khalid
Khalid mosque 299m (from FP)
Fig 11: North West direction-- Hilal primary private school class rooms 218m (from FP)
Figure 12: West direction- nearest house at 16m (from the ANP)
Fig 13: South west direction municipal houses -200m (from ANP)
Figure 15: Dolollo River and Awetu swamp nearer to the OP area in the south direction
The primary purpose of EA is to ensure that impacts of projects, policy and programs, etc are
adequately and appropriately considered and mitigation measures for adverse significant
impacts incorporated when decisions are taken.
Thus, the main objective of this project is to provide the necessary means and proper
treatments of the liquid waste generated in the university, and halt the current practices of
uncontrolled release of liquid waste in the open dumpsite and uncontrolled release in
the environment. These practices are posing risk to the public health and the
environment. An additional objective is to reduce disease vectors and halt the nuisance
associated with open dumping onto roadways, rivers and open trenches resulting in the
generation of odours, mosquitoes, flies and other insect populations. The concern of the
university for the health of the public, the protection of the environment is a driving force
behind this project.
The main objective of the construction of this OP is summarized as follows:
To mitigate the main environmental and public health problems related to the liquid
wastes generated from the university.
To produce Biogas and dry sludge compost from the waste and
To establish field research centre for the university academic staffs & students
There are two possibilities (Options) for managing liquid waste from the Jimma University
The University produces huge amount of solid and liquid every year. Since the University
uses several small pits located at various sites one can easily notice overflow of all kinds
of waste in and around the University. Within the University compound one can find
several sites of waste overflow including those around the Social Science Library and
student dining halls.
Figure 17: Waste overflows around the student dining halls
The University has been receiving several complaints from the University community and the
community residing near the University. For instance, anybody can easily notice this problem
when going along the road taking from Kochi to Aramayic Hotel where the odour nuisance is
irritating to local residents (such as workers of Environmental protection Office), pedestrians
and people passing within vehicles.
Figure 18: Waste overflows leaving from the university to the nearby local community
In response to these problems several temporary filtration pits were constructed by the
university at several sites including those around Comoros student dormitories.
But, from the field observation it was noticed that these were insufficient and there are
overflows of waste at different sites which has created odour nuisance to the University
community and the community residing along the road to Aramayic Hotel.
For the above mentioned problems, the solution is constructing a well designed oxidation
pond which can mitigate the main environmental and health impacts arising from the free
release of the liquid waste generated from the university. Ponds are regarded as the methods
of first choice for the treatment of waste water (sewage effluent treatment where
decomposition of Organic matter is processed naturally, i.e. biologically) in many parts of the
Jimma University
Wastewater Treatment
Mitigation measures
Fig 21: Conceptual model indicating the proper wastewater treatment method for Jimma
Study Period
The EIA study was conducted from February 05-February 13, 2010
Jimma University
Local community
Jimma town municipality
Jimma town land and environmental protection office
Oromia land and Environmental protection Agency and
Consultant- Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia construction design
share company- FDRE CDSCo
Jimma University is one of the biggest higher teaching institutions in Ethiopia. The university
hosts students, academic staffs, administrative staffs and patients. However, it has no any
wastewater treatment method. As the result, it is continuously generating liquid waste and
discharge to the nearby water bodies without any treatment.
Need of the Project: To avoid the haphazard disposal of the liquid waste generated from the
University, it is now establishing an oxidation pond (OP) at the eastern direction of the
Jimma town. The pond will serve to treat the liquid waste generated from a population of
more than 40, 000 individuals including the specialized hospital which is unique in South-
western Ethiopia. In addition, due to the inefficient management of the liquid waste, the
community of Jimma town estimated to be 300 households at the vicinity of the University
are suffering with problem related to the haphazard release of the waste. Besides, the nearby
spring, which is serving as a drinking water source for more than 150 households, could be
contaminated. Moreover, the release of the untreated liquid waste could devastate the aquatic
environment, specifically Awetu stream, Gilgel Gibe River and the Dam in general. The
untreated waste could lead to eutrophication of Gilgel Gibe dam by elevating the nutrient
content of the Gilgel Gibe River which could shorten the life span of the hydropower dam.
Therefore, the disposal of untreated liquid waste is unacceptable both environmentally and in
public health aspects.
Therefore, establishment of oxidation pond is the only option for Jimma University to treat
the generated liquid waste. Other treatment options could not be a choice both economically
and from the sustainability point of view.
Starting from 1995 E.C. the university is trying to construct an oxidation pond on the land
provided from the Jimma town municipality. By the time (1995 E.C), within 500m radius
from the present OP, there was no any residency, road or other institutions. Afterward settlers
were observed at the vicinity of the OP area. Even some of them were found at the edge of
the pond. When the construction of OP is on the verge of finishing, in 2002 E.C, there were
many complaints from the local community resisting the construction of the OP. As the
result, Jimma University has established Environmental Impact Assessment study group to
evaluate the positive and negative impacts of the project.
The major materials required for construction of the proposed project will be HDPE
(high density polyethylene) or PVC (polyvinyl chloride), cement, metal, wire (woven
type for fencing), stones, wood, water, etc. All the items to be used in the proposed
project will be as per the national building code specification.
Fig. 22: The different possibilities of Stabilization pond configurations: AN = anaerobic
pond; F = facultative pond; M = maturation pond (Pescod and Mara, 1988).
1) Anaerobic pond
2) Facultative pond and
3) Maturation pond and
The stabilization pond configuration which was established by the FDRE construction
design share company was anaerobic pond Facultative pondmaturation pond
arranged in series.
Figure 24: Configration of the proposed project (A= Anaerobic pond, F= Facultative pond,
M=Mataration pond)
The liquid waste will be taken to the OP through pipelines and the consultant has confirmed
that there will be no displacement of the people for the pipeline elongation to the site of the
The anaerobic pond has a length of 55m, 37m width and 4.75m height; the facultative pond
has a length of 150m, 79m width and height of 2.69m and maturation pond has a length of
104m, 56m width and height of 2.63m. The Anaerobic pond has a depth of 2-5m fulfilling the
WHO recommendations, usually, from 2-5m. But, as mentioned on the OP site study by the
consultant, there is no sewage drying area which was estimated to have an area of 15,657m2.
EIA can be defined as the systematic identification and evaluation of the potential impacts
(effects) of proposed projects, plans, programs or legislative action relative to the physical-
chemical, biological, cultural, and socio-economic components of a total environment.
The primary purpose of EIA process is to encourage the consideration of the environment in
the planning and decision making and to ultimately arrive at actions which are more
environmentally comfortable.
Objectives of EIA
The primary purpose of EA is to ensure that impacts of projects, policy and programs, etc are
adequately and appropriately considered and mitigation measures for adverse significant
impacts incorporated when decisions are taken.
Impact Prediction
Impact analysis
Consideration of alternatives
preparation of management plan (mitigation, monitoring activities) and
Preparations of contingency plan are the most common steps.
Different countries have their own EIA process flow charts. But, the following figure shows
the most common accepted flow chart by UNEP.
Figure 25: General EIA Process Flow Chart [Source UNEP, 2002]
Jimma University is one of the well established higher institutions next to Addis Ababa
and Haramaya Universities. Currently, the university has 6 colleges. The university is
hosting regular undergraduate, postgraduate, extension, summer students, administrative
and academic staffs (working in the different colleges of the university), and daily
labourers (working in the different constructions).
In general, nowadays, JU has total population more than 40,000 and it has no any
oxidation pond for the treatment of the liquid wastes generated from the university.
Therefore, starting from about 1995 EC the college has planned to construct the modern
oxidation pond with the total budget of more than 46 million ETB and the contractor is
Daniel Mammo Construction (DMC) P.L.C and the consultant is FDRE construction
design Share Company. The project area is in Bechobore kebele and the total built area of
the oxidation pond is 60,000m2 excluding the buffer zone and the sewage drying bed.
Nowadays, there are about to the maximum 98 houses (houses with residents and without
residents) in and around the oxidation pond project site.
Impact Assessment
The assessment of impacts indicated that negative impacts should not be significant as long
as process performance is continuously controlled. Significant impacts on water
resources, soil, biodiversity, human amenity and health are anticipated if effluent compliance
standards and utilization methods are not met. However, design and management of the
OP will take necessary procedures to ensure the elimination of these impacts.
On the other hand, positive impacts with respect to human health and environmental
protection are a direct consequence and key goals of the project implementation.
Low operational and maintenance costs, including a zero requirement for energy other
than solar energy.
Ponds provide effective treatment with minimal threat to the environment and the health
of the public
OPs work very well in clay soils which is the case for the proposed project.
All liquid wastes from the community in the university will be properly treated
The local community may use the biogas generated from the pond
The pollution due to liquid waste released by the university on the environment will
The sludge compost can be used by the college for different agricultural purposes and
Very high removals of excreta pathogens: up to 99.999%
Creates new opportunities for research undertaking for the staff and students of the
It may create job opportunity for some people. Example, guards, foreman, operators,
laboratory technicians and vegetation cultivators (Gardeners)
Ponds are not aesthetically acceptable to some people. Some people consider ponds
unsightly and unsafe.
As with any other open body of water, there is some potential danger. Although ponds
are required to be fenced, this does not always prevent access by people or pets.
If improperly designed OPs have the problem of:
Surface water, soil and underground water pollution
Dust particles (during construction phase)
Pathogens and
Flies and mosquitoes breeding etc
The current lack of proper liquid waste management is surely having a negative impact on
human health and the environment. Current and historical releasing and dumping of wastes,
whether in open dumps, is directly polluting the environment and water resources of the area,
and is furnishing breeding habitats for rodents and diseases to flourish. Such impacts will
be mitigated by the deployment of a proper liquid waste management system and the
construction of appropriate OP.
As a whole, the projects would lead to positive impacts with respect to human health.
Improvements in health conditions are likely to occur as the result of improvements in
sanitation conditions. In addition, with proper operation of the proposed OP, the need for the
open dump/release will diminish. However, the impacts on human health and sanitation posed
by the open dump will not be alleviated unless a proper operation and monitoring plan is planned
and implemented.
Economic Impacts
Additional positive impacts would be observed at the socio-economic levels. The proposed
OP project will create certain job opportunities for skilled and unskilled labour. Moreover,
with careful monitoring of effluent quality, the effluent would be of a benefit and ensure a
quick acceptance by the public.
The soil type of the oxidation pond area is more of clay (especially in the maturation and
facultative ponds).
Jimma has an average altitude of 1760meters above sea level, i.e., a “Weinadega” (middle
zone). Its temperature on the maximum average reaches 25-300c and the minimum average is
between 7-12 0c. The mean annual temperature is 20.4°C.
There are some hippopotamus living in the Awetu swamp which is located very close to the
edge of the pond. That is, ecologically, the proposed location is in an area of special concern
designated as having national or international importance. But, the exact number of
hippopotamus is unknown. The project may lead to the extinction of hippopotamus and its
habitats if the waste water coming to the OP is not managed and treated well.
The OP footprint is located mainly on settled land. Current estimates are that about 98 (to
the maximum) households (houses with residents and without residents) who are residing
in the 150m from radius from the anaerobic pond edges of all sides will have to be relocated.
Population displacement will occur and those located on the west are the most affected.
The livelihood of the community is mainly brick makers, daily labourers, and farmers. Some
of these daily labourers and brick makers will be involved in the project during construction
and ongoing re-vegetation programs.
Benefiting community
The pond will serve to treat the liquid waste generated from the University (a population of
more than 40,000 individuals). Moreover, release of the untreated liquid waste could
devastate the aquatic environment, specifically the Awetu River, Gilgel Gibe River and the
Dam. Therefore, if this OP is monitored properly, this burden on the health of the university
community and local community as well as the pollution effect on the environment will
Environmental Impact Matrix
--- direct high impact +++ direct high +ve impact 00- indirect -ve impact
-- direct medium impact ++ direct medium +ve impact 00+ indirect +ve impact
- low impact + direct low +ve impact
0 No impact ? not sure
fauna surface public
activities phase noise soil and flora water Ground water health
Excavation -- --- -- - + 0 0
Vegetation clearance 0 -- --- 00- 00- 0 0
Construction Road construction --- -- 0 0 0 00+ 0
Lining HDPE 0 - - 0 00+ 0 0
Transportation - - 0 0 0 0 0
Filling of WW & digestion 0 - ? +++ +++ +++ --
filled oxidation pond 0 0 ++ +++ +++ - -
sludge dredging and drying 0 00+ 0 0 0 0 -
discharging effluent 0 0 00+ - 0 - 0
Maintenance phase There could be no major impact other than the utilization phase
2.9 Suggested Measures to Mitigate Negative Impacts
In general, if improperly designed or function, OPs might have the following problems:
Odour, Surface water, soil and underground water pollution, very low quality Effluents,
Pathogens, Flies and mosquito breeding.
When we come to the proposed JU oxidation pond, which is under construction in Bechobore
kebele, has faced public resistance due to fear of odour nuisance. However, the study team
strongly believes that the OP under construction will not have as such disturbing odour
problem to the surrounding community due to the following mitigation measures.
i. First of all, the way the OP was designed is very good and the study team has
confirmed this in comparison with the different designs in different literatures
(including the recommendations of WHO) at different conditions. In addition, in-
depth discussion was made with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Construction Design Share Company (FDRE CDSCo) which is the consultant of the
OP project. The team has understood that the design was made based on the lowest
temperature of the area. This will maximize the absence of odor problem during the
coldest season.
ii. The EIA study team recommended the resettlement of the local community (which
are estimated to be a maximum of about 98 households) which are residing within
150 m radius from all edges of the anaerobic pond so that the problem of odor
problem will be of insignificant.
iii. To prevent the odor especially from the anaerobic pond, vent system with the iron
metal sheet (rest resisting) will be used which will have three to five meters of
height. This will completely avoid the slight odor problem by creating barrier and
enhancing dilution above the height of surrounding residential houses.
iv. Greenbelt development (landscaping) with different vegetations with different
heights will be used. This will serve as a wind breaker from directly blowing to the
community in the vicinity. In addition, the landscape for the proposed project has
been planned to provide a clean, healthy and beautiful green environment for the
people live and work around the OP.
v. Before the wastewater is entered to the OP, screening will be undertaken to remove
unwanted substances like plastics which could reduce the decomposition of waste.
Besides this, full time cleaners should be employed to remove these unwanted
substances wearing personal protective devices.
vi. As a last option, different chemicals like lime (which do not affect the metabolism of
microorganisms) will be used to prevent odor problem.
Since the soil type of the area is mixed type soil (especially clay in facultative and
maturation ponds), the contractor (DMC) should prepare and cover the surface of the
oxidation ponds with High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), to prevent the surface water
and ground water contamination, so that there will be no worry for pollution of these
water bodies. In addition, the soil type of the area is somewhat clay which is good for
construction of an oxidation pond.
Moreover, since the contractor is also constructing sub-surface drainage, therefore, there
will be no worry for flooding of the oxidation pond nutrients to the river and no pollution
of the down stream water bodies in particular and the environment in general.
The effluent will be continuously monitored for nutrient and organic load by the
University and when necessary, by any other proper body. When found faulty, the
University will take immediate measure to avert the effluent into its predesigned effluent
standard. To protect these aforementioned problems the proponent, JU, have an
Environmental Management Plan (EMP). Continuous implementation and follow up by
Jimma University, Jimma town land and environmental protection office, Oromia land
and EPA offices could be necessary for cross checking the quality of the effluent.
In addition to the above Suggested measures to mitigate negative impacts the following
measures should be undertaken:
A) Fence: The pond should be enclosed by a suitable non-climbable fence 4 feet high
to keep out children, pets, and livestock. An open type fence (woven wire) is
should be used because it will not restrict sunlight and air which are necessary for
B) Biogas: The JU should provide the biogas generated from anaerobic pond for the
surrounding community freely by installing cost effective technology.
G) A proponent (The university) is required to:
proactively integrate an environmental concerns into its social and economic
development OP project, program, policy, plan or strategic initiative as per the
requirements of relevant environmental laws and directives,
ensure that positive effects are optimized and strive to promote conservation
based development and work with objectives of continuous improvement,
initiate the EA process and create the necessary ground for undertaking EA,
Submit an EIA report to EPA or to relevant regional environmental agency
together with the necessary documents requested both in an electronic and
hard copies.
H) Environment Officer
I) Site Supervisor/Foremen
Site supervisor/foremen are responsible for directing and coordinating the labour force,
including subcontractors, in the daily execution of the work in a safe and workmanlike
manner that meets the Project’s environmental obligations. Specifically, responsibilities
J) Field Assistants
Apart from the mitigation measures described in above sections, the following generic
measures need to be undertaken during project operation and maintenance stages. The EMP
is a vital process in the management plan for any construction projects. This helps in
signalling the potential problems that would result from the proposed project and will allow
for prompt implementation of effective corrective measures. The environmental monitoring
will be required especially during operational phases.
Regular and proper maintenance of a pond is very important for continuously satisfactory
operation. The operation and maintenance duties for pond system include the following
Since manual bar screens and/or grit channels are used, regular cleaning and daily
burial or burning of screenings and detritus, or removal from site will be carried out.
Scum on facultative ponds should be removed and broken up. Scum and algal mats
should be left at the water’s edge but should be dried and disposed off by burial
nearby. Scum on anaerobic ponds aids the treatment process and should be left to
form a hard crust but sprayed to prevent any fly breeding (E.g. “Abate” or “Fenthion”
could be applied). In addition, mosquito larvae feeding fish will be introduced into the
maturation ponds to control mosquito breeding.
Inlet’s and outlets will be kept free from accumulating solids;
Any vegetation emerging through the hard edge protection or from the pond liquid
will be removed;
Appropriate regular records will be kept of flow rates into and out of the pond system
and the influent and effluent quality will be regularly monitored;
A careful watch will be kept for evidence of embankment damage caused by
burrowing rodents, snakes, ants, etc. if this occurs the embankment will be reinstated
immediately and the animals or insects kept clear of the ponds by spraying, providing
a more hostile environment, or if necessary laying poison or trapping.
Maintenance labors will be given clear investigations on his/her duties and the
frequency of which these will be carried out maintenance manuals are advisable either
written or, in the case of illiterate staff, explanation by illustration.
Pond cleaning will be undertaken when the pond is approximately half full of sludge,
although the liquid depth will not be allowed to reduce to less than 1 m in facultative
The most important part of the pond are the levees or dykes and accordingly their
a) Sodding of levees with suitable persistent grasses to reduce erosion hazard with
resultant wash into the pond.
b) Regular mowing of grass on the levees to prevent the growth of weeds and other
deep rooted plants, not only to prevent erosion, but to prevent vegetation growing
or hanging into the pond water, facilitating mosquito breeding.
c) Maintaining fences and keeping gates closed to prevent unauthorized entrance to
avoid accidents.
d) Repair of erosion, settling, or rodent damage to levees.
Many techniques have been developed to remove the algae from effluents; these include rock
filtration, grass plots, floating macrophytes and herbivorous fish. Also, the use of maturation
ponds can reduce the algal concentration considerably provided the system is not overloaded.
3. Security
Ponds will be surrounded by a chain-link fence and gates will be kept padlocked. Children
are especially at risk, as they may be tempted to swim in the ponds.
4. Operator Facilities
The facilities to be provided for the team of pond operators’ depend partly on their number,
but would normally include the following:
- First-aid kit
- Strategically placed lifebuoys
- Wash-basin and toilet
- Storage space for protective clothing, grass-cutting and scum removal equipment,
screen rake and other tools, sampling boat (if provided) and life-jackets.
5. Routine Maintenance
The maintenance requirements of ponds are very simple, but they must be carried our
regularly. Otherwise, there will be serious odour, fly and mosquito nuisance. Maintenance
requirements and responsibilities must therefore be clearly defined at the design stage so as to
avoid problems later. Routine maintenance tasks are as follows:
The operators must be given precise instructions on the frequency at which these tasks should
be done, and their work must be regularly inspected. In this regard, it is very helpful if the
operators are provided with a local pond maintenance manual.
2.9.2 Monitoring/Auditing
Implementation and Follow up
Once a pond system has been commissioned, a routine Monitoring and Evaluation Program
should be established so that its’ real, as opposed to design, performance can be determined
and the quality of its effluent known.
Routine monitoring of the final effluent quality of a pond system permits a regular
assessment to be made of whether the effluent is complying with the local discharge or reuse
standards. Moreover, should a pond system suddenly fail or its effluent start to deteriorate ,
the results of such a monitoring program often give some insight into the cause of the
problem and may indicate what remedial action is required.
The evaluation of pond performance and behaviour, although a much more complex
procedure than the routine monitoring of effluent quality, is none the less extremely useful as
it provides information on how under loaded or overloaded the system is, and thus by how
much, if any, the loading on the system can be safely increased as the community it serves
expands, or whether further ponds (either in parallel or in series) are required. It also
indicates how the design of future pond installations in the region might be improved to take
account of local conditions.
Effluent quality monitoring programs should simple and should provide reliable data. Two
levels of effluent monitoring are recommended:
Level 1: Representative samples of the final effluent should be taken periodically; these
samples should be analyzed in laboratory for those parameters for which effluent discharge or
reuse standards exist.
Level 2: When level 1 assessment shows that a pond is failing to meet its required discharge
or reuse quality, a more detailed study is necessary before any alteration to the pond system is
2.10 Conclusion and Recommendations
1) Since the cost benefit analysis of the proposed oxidation pond of the JU shows that
the benefit is very much greater than its cost, and the design (including the dimension
of the ponds) is also in the range of the mostly accepted designs including the
recommendations of WHO. In short, since the advantages of constructing the OP is
much greater than its negative impact, the project can proceed taking in to
consideration of the effluent standards limits periodically.
2) The sub-surface drainage which is now currently being constructed can strongly
protect the flooding that may come to the ponds easily, there will be no worry for over
surface flowing of the liquid wastes (without decomposition) to the nearby Awetu
swamp and the whole environment. In addition, since all the layers of the ponds will
be covered by HDPE liner, there would be no worry about surface water and
underground water pollution.
3) There is no risk of displacing people during pipeline elongation to the OP.
4) The entire project area is devoid of any endangered flora and fauna except
hippopotamus which is living in the Awetu swamp and the study team expects
that as much as possible great care should be taken by all the concerned bodies to
protect these hippopotamus so that these species are protected from any danger.
Thus the proposed project is not likely to affect the species and the adjacent
ecosystem adversely.
5) It is predicted that socio-economic impact due to this project will positively
increase the chance of some employment opportunities for local inhabitants shall
For the proper functioning of the OP, the following recommendations are strongly
of anaerobic pond should be moved from the area as soon as possible so
that the JU should start the green belt development timely.
c. Specifically fencing the anaerobic pond with rust resisting materials (for
example, corrugated iron sheets) with the height of 3-5m is very
important to avoid possible odour nuisance.
d. Fencing the OP as well as the buffer zone (double fence) with a suitable
non-climbable fence 4 feet high or more to keep out children, pets, and
livestock. An open type fence (woven wire) is to be used because it will
not restrict sunlight and air which are necessary for treatment. That is, the
site will be fenced on all sides and access will be controlled through
gates with guard posts.
e. The effluent quality should be checked periodically.
f. The sludge from the anaerobic pond must be desludged approximately
every 3-5 years.
g. A permanent vegetative cover should be established on the lagoon as
soon as possible to prevent erosion of the dike. If the pond is not
constructed during the normal growing season, a temporary vegetative
cover should be planted, or other erosion control measures should be
utilized. Vegetative growth should be controlled to assure necessary
sunlight exposure and air movement. Grass should be mowed on a regular
basis during the growing season.
h. No trees should be allowed to grow around the pond because; ponds
should be built in locations where trees will not restrict sunlight exposure
or air movement. A waterway is constructed on all sides of the pond to
prevent inflow of surface water and discharge of waste water.
i. Great care should be taken by the university not to mix the liquid wastes
with the toxic laboratory reagents and solvents.
j. Jimma University should establish an EIA study group for all the
activities which are going to be performed by the university.
k. The EMP as stipulated in the EIA shall have to be implemented and all
the mitigation measures have to be strictly followed throughout the life of
the project.
l. Rehabilitation of human settlement or compensation for any loss due to
the project activity will have to be ensured in line with the national
m. Proper and adequate on-site precautionary and occupational health and
safety measures shall have to be ensured to protect life and property.
n. Environmental monitoring program will have to be duly implemented and
an environmental monitoring report containing, among others, data
generated from the environmental monitoring program will have to be
submitted to Jimma town land and environmental protection office on a
monthly basis throughout the life of the project.
o. All the required mitigation measures suggested in the EIA report along
with the emergency response plan are to be strictly implemented and kept
operative /functioning on a continuous basis.
p. Compensation for any sort of activity which will incur damage or loss of
public or private property or any natural resources shall be addressed as
per government of Ethiopia rules & regulations.
2.11 Appendices
JU – Jimma University
EC-Ethiopian calendar
NB! Human amenity is defined here as general comfort of persons that could eventually be
disturbed by factors such as aesthetic, litter, dust, noise, and odours.
List of the EIA study team and their Qualifications
In addition to this, during the EIA study time of the OP field visit
1) Ato Bereket Belayhun CDSCo Deputy Chief Executive Officer of water works
2) Ato Kefyalew Kassa CDSCo from Jimma project coordinating office,
3) Ato Kassaye Degefu the site project manager of DMC-Daniel Mammo Construction,
4) Ato Shambel Bayeh, CDSCo resident engineer were interviewed.
1. Moazzam Ali Khan (1999). Studies of Effluent Recirculation on the Chemical and
Biological Performance Efficiency of Oxidation pond. Doctorial thesis submitted to
department microbiology, University of Karachi, Pakistan.
2. Establishment of 5,600 TPD clinker capacity Greenfield
cement project and operation of captive mines near Derba village, Oromia regional
state, federal democratic republic of Ethiopia, February 2008
3. Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) GIBE III Hydroelectric Project:
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, March, 2009.
4. Rapid environmental impact assessment at Dwarka for society for unique hospital and
research institute, July ,2006
5. Environmental impact assessment report on solid waste treatment facility in AIL
BAAL, CAZA of TYRE, South Lebanon, May 2005.
6. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) &
environmental management plan (EMP) for Jharbeda limestone & dolomite mines,
Sundergarh, Orissa.
7. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): Guidebook on environmental impact
assessment for in-situ leach mining projects, May 2005
8. WHO (1971). Waste Stabilization Ponds. WHO monograph series No. 60; Geneva
9. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (2006). Lagoons (Oxidation Ponds).
Environmental Complaints and local services, Oklahoma.
10. United Nations Environment Program, UNEP (2002). Environmental Impact
Assessment Training Resource Manual. Division of Technology, Industry and
Economics, second edition, Geneva.
11. WHO Regional office for Europe (1987). Waste Stabilization Ponds; design manual
for Mediterranean Europe, Copenhagen.
12. Wood, C. (2003). Environmental Impact Assessment: A comparative Review.
Second edition, England.
13. Barrow, C. (2000). Social Impact Assessment: An Introduction. Oxford University
Press. New York.
14. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Environmental Protection Agency (FDRE
EPA) (2000). Environmental Policy of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
15. The Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.1st year number 1
(1995). Federal Negarit Gazeta of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
16. Addis Ababa University Science Faculty Environmental Science Program Lecture
notes on Environmental Policy and Law, April, 2006. Addis Ababa University; Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
17. Federal democratic republic of Ethiopia environmental protection authority:
environmental impact assessment procedural guideline series 1 November, 2003,
Addis Ababa.
18. Federal democratic republic of Ethiopia environmental protection authority:
environmental impact assessment guideline document, July, 2000, Addis Ababa.
19. The federal democratic republic of Ethiopia environmental protection authority
guideline series documents for reviewing environmental impact study reports.
January, 2003.
20. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Environmental Protection Authority
Guidelines for Social, Environmental and Ecological Impact Assessment and
Environmental Hygiene in Settlement Areas (Draft) August, 2004 Addis Ababa.
21. Mississippi State Department of health (1997). Regulation Governing individual
Onsite waste water Disposal; Design Standard IX Lagoons (Oxidation ponds),
22. Hamzeh Ramadan and Victor M. Ponce (2006). Design and performance of Waste
Stabilization Ponds.
23. Gianna Aiezza and Meredith Streeter (1995). Principles of Microbiology. Mosby,