Newsletter 239
Newsletter 239
Newsletter 239
To: [email protected];
Date: Sat, January 8, 2011 6:52:49 AM
Subject: Citizen Newsletter #239
In This Issue
The National Weather Service is predicting up to 5? of snow in
Metro Atlanta beginning Sunday evening into Monday
• News & Commentary
• Lee Stuart: Boomer Update
• Reception for Rep. Steve Davis
• Georgia Historical Society News Hat tip to Jason Pye at
• Re-Writing Georgia History
• State Budgets in Peril R. Lee Ermey, a retired Marine and actor, recently let loose on President
• Parcel Ignites DC Post Office Barack Obama during at an appearance for charity:
• Your Voice
• Henry County 912 Project The economy really sucks. Now I hate to point fingers at anybody, but the
• Henry County TEA Party present administration probably had a lot to do with that. And the way I
• Butts County GOP see it, they’re not going to quit doing it until they bring this country to its
• TEA Party’s Noble Legacy knees. So I think we should all rise up and we should stop this
• Fairview Rec Center Opens administration from what they’re doing because they’re destroying this
country. They’re driving us into bankruptcy so that they can impose
socialism on us and that’s exactly what they’re doing. And I’m sick and
damn tired of it, and I know you are too. But I know that the Marine Corps
will be here forever; this administration won’t. Semper Fi.
Available in HTML (original) or PDF format Congrats to Erick Erickson on his new radio gig with WSB:
Send email to [email protected]
Conservative commentator Erick Erickson, who operates blog
The Citizen newsletter is available online site, will host a local weekday show from 9 p.m.
at View online at to midnight on AM 750 and now 95.5FM News/Talk WSB
starting Monday. Erickson, who lives in Macon, regularly
appears on CNN to talk about politics.
Or visit
I've received several phone calls, emails etc.
that you either missed the Fox & Friends interview or can't find the
Honored Hosts:
Speaker David Ralston
Speaker Pro-Tem Jan Jones
Majority Leader Larry Oneal
Chairman John Meadows
Six Feet Under
437 Memorial Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30312
*No minimum Donations, Maximum donation of $2500 per person and all donations over $101 will be
disclosed. Checks can be brought to event or mailed prior to 10am on 1/10/11.
Savannah, GA, January 5, 2011 - The Georgia Historical Society (GHS) has recently been awarded a $6,000 Preservation
Assistance grant by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to support the preservation of artifacts in the GHS
collection. Over the course of the grant term, GHS archivists will re-house a total of 955 artifacts while also implementing
environmental improvements targeted at the care and preservation of irreplaceable archival resources. This is the fifth NEH
grant awarded to GHS in three years and the second grant awarded under this particular program.
Murals of slaves harvesting sugar cane on a Georgia plantation and picking and ginning cotton are coming off the
walls of a state building on the order of a new agriculture commissioner.
The murals are part of a collection of eight works painted by George Beattie in 1956 depicting an idealized version of
Georgia farming, from the corn grown by prehistoric American Indians to a 20th century veterinary lab. In the Deep
South, the history in between includes the use of slave labor.
When we refuse to acknowledge it, remove it from our lexicon, we can act like it never happened.
Steve Kroft reports on the precarious financial conditions many states are facing and what they're doing about it.
Hat tip to Robbie Robinson
Signature Broadcasting
The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in
Network – SBN TV the private business sector prior to their appointment to the
We’re all about you! cabinet. You know what the private business sector is... a real life business, not a government job.
Obama................ 8%!!!
Yep! That's right! Only Eight Percent!!! the least by far of the last 19 presidents!! And
these people are trying to tell our big corporations how to run their business? They
know what's best for GM...Chrysler... Wall Street... and you and me?
94-A Woolsey Road How can the president of a major nation and society...the one with the most successful
Hampton, Georgia 30228 economic system in world history... talk about business when he's never worked for
Or about jobs when he has never really had one??! And neither have 92% of his senior
staff and closest advisers! They've spent most of their time in academia, government
and/or nonprofit jobs....or as "community organizers" when they should have been in an
employment line.
For example: The Wal-Mart in Stockbridge is never overrun with business. The only way
they have been able to stay at the location is due to it's ability to sale groceries. You can
find clearances all over the dry goods section of the store.
This is the reality in today's economy. And with the price of gas going up again this is
only going to cause further problems with the economy. People may not believe it but
this nation's economy is based on fuel prices and getting goods to market as cheaply as
possible. If the price goes up then it is passed along to the consumer. What is
interesting is to hear government officials say that the economy is improving. We would
like to know where.
When the prices of gold and silver rise to the amounts they have been riding at it shows
that the people have lost confidence in supporting goods. We as a nation must find a
way to have a sustainable economy based on goods we can produce and sell at a
competitive price with foreign countries. If we do not find a way to break our
confidence on depending upon China we will become a Third World Nation. We can fix
the problem with the right people at the helm and not those who pander to other
nations and leave us behind.
The Doctor
Just a last minute reminder about our next meeting, Monday night, January 10th. We gather at 6:30 and the
meeting will start promptly at 7:00PM. We will meet at our normal meeting place, The Henry County Park and Rec
building at 99 Lake Dow Road. One item of note; as you proceed south bound on Hwy 81, the old Lake Dow Road is
closed. The new Lake Dow Road is immediately past McDonalds. Turn left there, then turn left again into Heritage
park, then left again. The Park and Rec building will be 100 yards ahead. If you are coming from the south on 81, the
turn will be immediately before McDonalds. Check out the map on our website:
We have a great program for you on Monday. Dr. Brian Hill will be our speaker. Dr. Hill has spend considerable
time and effort trying to interpret and understand our current health bill. He will inform us of the true effects that the
health bill will have on us and our future health care. In addition, he will explore possible future health care plans that
may provide solutions for all of us. Dr. Hill was also a part of our Governor-Elect, Nathan Deal's, transition team.
Hopefully, he will provide an insight as to what we can expect with respect to health care on the State level. At any
rate, this will be a meeting that you will not want to miss.
These are interesting times. The health care bill is on page one. The Republicans are intent on passing repeal and
the Democrats are doing all they can to muddy the waters. Our responsibility is to learn the truth and to pass that
truth to all that will listen. We can do no less.
Meeting on Thursday, January 27, 2011. The meeting will be held in the Community Room Annex at 116 S Zack Hinton
Parkway, McDonough from 6:00 till 8:00P.M. We will be discussing important planning sessions for 2011 plus, the future
Goals of the National Tea Party: You don’t want to miss this very informative meeting. If you have any questions
please email them to [email protected].
We will get back on track & down to business with our next Butts County Republican Party meeting Thursday, January
20th, 2011, at 7:00 PM.
It will be held in the Butts County Administration Building located at 625 W. 3rd St., Jackson.
The guest speaker will be our new State Representative Andy Welch III!
In March next year we will be electing new officers for the Butts County Republican Party. The County Conventions, held
statewide, will be Saturday, March 12, 2011 also at the Butts County Administration Building. You MUST be there by
10:00 AM!
• Chairman - Chairs meetings and overseas party business, as well as complies with state mandates.
• Secretary - Maintains meeting minutes and party records, assists with candidate qualifying for 2012 County
candidates, as well as complies with state requirements.
Only those attending this County Convention can vote for Butts County party officers. Also, only those attending this
County Convention can vote for and/or be selected as the Delegates to send to the District and State Conventions.
There will be also be elections next year for new officers for both the District and State levels of the Georgia GOP.
Debbie Moon
Chairman, Butts County Republican Party
Some ask, “What is the platform of the Tea Party?” The answer is that the Tea Party doesn't have platforms, charters or
leaders, other than the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Tea Partiers particularly revere Article 1,
Section 8 of the Constitution, which clearly defines and limits the powers of government. It would be nice if politicians
had the same respect for our Constitution.
Whether dumping tea into a harbor or dumping an incumbent on Election Day, revolts such as these make history and
they can revolutionize a nation. Like their 1773 forebears, modern day Tea Partiers will earn a place of honor in history.
Their noble legacy promises to be one of strictly limited government, personal responsibility, maximum personal
freedom and respect for the rights of individuals. What more could you ask?
Tea Partiers are standing up for all of us. All that is necessary to be a member is a shared belief and awareness in the
value of a single human being.
Tony Cain
Henry County’s Fairview Recreation Center is set to open to the public in January, according to Henry County Parks and
The 26,000-square-foot facility is the second to be newly constructed using Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax
Tim Coley, director of the Henry County Parks and Recreation Department, believes the new center will serve the
community well.
Coley added District 5 Commissioner Johnny Basler was instrumental in regards to having the recreation center placed
on the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax ballot and overseeing the development and building.
Features of the facility include an indoor walking track, exercise and workout area, aerobics and dance room, music
room for lessons, arts and crafts room and two regulation sized basketball gymnasiums.
A community room is also available to rent for parties and community gatherings.
Other than the accessible location of the recreation center, it will be an asset in terms of being an environment/place for
the entire family.
Fairview Recreation Center, the third recreation center in Henry County, is located on 35 Austin Road in Stockbridge,
next to the Fairview Library.
Participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Fairview Recreation Center were, from left to right, District 2 Commissioner Monroe
Roark, Ralph Moses, President & CEO of MWC Construction, Eugene Edwards, President of the Henry County Chapter of the NAACP, Ron Burckhalter, SPLOST Capital Projects
Director, Thomas Hester, Michael Tew, SPLOST Capital Project Manager, District 5 Commissioner Johnny Basler, Dan Edwards, Tim Coley, Henry County Parks & Recreation
Director, District 4 Commissioner Reid Bowman, and Ronnie Glaze, SPLOST Facilities Project Manager.
Residents interested in obtaining more information about Parks and Recreation programs and facilities can visit or call (770) 288-7300.