July 11 T Board

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511 Kingsley Ave. Orange Park, FL 32073-4829 904-264-2783

Stated Communications 7:30PM 1st & 3rd Monday Order of Eastern Star 7:30PM 1 & 3 Tuesday
Orange Park Lodge has an active Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. The following are eligible for membership: Affiliated Master Masons in good standing, females related to those Master Masons or if deceased, were in good standing at the time of their death. Contact: Carol Davis, Secretary for information. 904-813-6764
st rd

July AL 6011

July AD 2011
From the East:
It was great to see all of the brothers at the Grand Communication in Orlando. While we may not all agree on the outcome of every vote, the legislative process works and the voices of the majority were heard. At installation, our own Right Worshipful Danny Griffith was installed as Senior Grand Warden, Corey Kosciuszko was installed as Right Honorable District Instructor and Most Worshipful Elmer Coffman remains Grand Treasurer. Outside of the official meetings, all enjoyed the great fellowship. If you have never been to a Grand Communication, I encourage each person to join us next year. th The Grand Masters official visit will be July 9 at the Morocco Shrine. The dinner is free and your wives are welcome. There will be a tyled meeting after dinner and a reception with adult beverages and snacks at the Radisson hotel afterwards. The invitation will be posted on our website with an RSVP that needs to go back to Right Worshipful Frank Kleese, our District Deputy Grand Master. I encourage every new brother to attend the School of Instruction at Hyde Park. The Entered Apprentice Degree will be covered and is the most important degree to learn. If you know it well, the rest are easier to learn and it is the first experience new brothers have with our Fraternity. I want to congratulate Richard Bilyard II on attaining his Green Proficiency Card. It is good to see everyone working hard on the proficiency cards. There are still tickets available to the Table Lodge. This is a special opportunity to experience fellowship without a business meeting. A great deal of work is being put into this event that will be enjoyed by all who attend. While we have so many exciting things happening, I am, at the same time, disappointed by some unmasonic behavior that continues to lurk within our lodge. I will be the first to admit that I struggle with my own prejudices within my heart, but I DO NOT allow them to guide me in my masonic life and activities. This is a place where we are to come together as equals in Gods eyes, regardless of race, religion, creed, political beliefs, nationality or financial and career stature. We are to work together towards the Grand Architects goals and for His benefit and glory and not allow the ugliness of bigotry and intolerance to tarnish His and our fraternitys reputation. We brag about our tradition and history in helping form the Great Republic we live in. WE should be the continual examples of freedom and equality and not be regarded as a brotherhood of hate and bigotry. I encourage each brother to see the rough edges of his lifes ashlar and continually chip away at these imperfections by not promoting bigotry and hate as well as not associating with those that do. I am well aware that many other lodges will read this and ask that the Masters and Wardens of each lodge join together in ending this disease within our midst. Lets show the world who we are supposed to be and cause the All Seeing Eye to see only good work from our craft..

2011 Officers
WM Ronald Smith 993-8524 S.W. Duane Trump 772-7648 J.W. - RH Corey Kosciuszko - 535-8428 Treas. Wayne Williams PM - 272-5487 Sec. Charlie Frey, PM 563-3340 S.D. - DJ Levy 860-6740 J.D. - Leif Olsen - 759-0543 S.S. Richard Bilyard II 982-5273 J.S. James Orner 254-8866 Marshal - Steven Baker - 210-5912 Chaplain Phillip Cannon - 262-0304 Tyler Harmon Bonner 215-1409 Notice Unless otherwise noted in the Trestleboard, Dinner WILL be served prior to all meetings and special events. Secretarys Corner
Those of you who do not have your 2011 dues cards will be getting a letter from me in a week or so reminding you to get your dues in. Lets not let this drag on as it seemed to do in previous years. If times are really difficult for you please let me know. Ill bet we can work out something. If you have just forgotten, now is time to correct it before the dreaded s word (suspended) will be used. If you have any question please give me a call. Im still looking for someone who would like to take over the Secretarys job next year. If you like office work and have a little extra time this is the job for you. Please come in and talk with me. I would be very happy to show you what I do. The new changes with the Grand Lodge computer system have really simplified the work.

Committees 2011
Sickness and Visitation Phil Cannon, Harmon Bonner Widows: Jeff Foster, Bill Stevens, Harmon Bonner Vigilance Corey Kosciusko, Danny Griffith & Vince Dreyer Masonic Education Elmer Coffman, Jeff Foster, Pat Farrell, Rudy Boatright, Jerry Austin, Corey Kosciusko Finance: Duane Trump, Corey Kosciusko, Bill Walker, Randy Rogers Charity Duane Trump, Corey Kosciusko, Bill Walker Board of Relief Ron Smith, Duane Trump, Corey Kosciusko Lodge Property Duane Trump, Corey Kosciuszko, DJ Levy, Wayne Williams, George VanValkenburg Memorial Charlie Frey, Lew Smith Petitions: Charlie Frey, Jeff Foster, Philip Cannon, Lew Smith, Arthur Morrison, Tony Cerra Investigation Committee: Stephen Baker, Philip Cannon Non-payment of Dues Elmer Coffman, Danny Griffith Public Education and Primary Schools: Elmer Coffman, Jeff Foster, Duane Trump, Corey Kosciusko Publicity & Scholarship Randy Rogers, Jack Welkenbach, Dennis Smith, Website Corey Kosciusko, DJ Levy, James Orner Blood Bank: Jack Welkenbach Board History & Archives Elmer Coffman, Bill Walker Mentors: Vince Dreyer Catechism Instructors DL Levy, Richard Bilyard Sr., Richard Bilyard II, Lew Smith,

Calendar of Events July 2011

July 4 Lodge Dark - Independence Day. July 9 6:30 (5:00 Registration) Grand Masters Official Visit Morocco Shrine July 10 6:00 Degree Practice July 11- 5:30 Called Communication Fellow Craft Proficiency 6:30 Dinner 7:30 Called Communication Master Mason Degree July 18 -6:30 Dinner 7:30 Stated Communications July 20 7:00 School of Instruction, Hyde Park Lodge #370 EA Degree July 23 9:00 Open Books July 23 5:00 Table Lodge Morocco Shrine July 26 7:00 Grand Masters Homecoming Committee July 27- 6:30 11 & 12 Masonic District Association Ezra Lodge #67 ----------------------------------------------th th

Do your part and donate blood as often as you can. It is one of the best charities that we can all donate to. It is free and they give you snacks and drinks.

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