Fujitec Step Maintenance PDF
Fujitec Step Maintenance PDF
Fujitec Step Maintenance PDF Steps
The following steps are for the maintenance and adjustment of the step.
1. Inspect each step for damage to the riser and tread.
2. Inspect each comb segment for broken fingers, cracks. Replace if needed.
3. Observe the steps for shifting, interference or misalignment.
4. Clean the steps of any debris.
5. Check clearance between the steps and skirt panels.
• The clearance should be 1/8 inch.
• Adjust the skirt panel, if required. (See paragraph 4.5.)
6. Check the clearance between steps is not more than 0.15”.
• If the clearance is more, replace the step chain. (See paragraph 4.3.2.)
(After pin is release move
to center of axle)
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FUJITEC 1200 ESCALATOR Step Wheel Removal and Replacement
The following instructions will aid the worker in removal and replacement of the step wheel
1. Remove the step, following steps 1 through 7 in paragraph
2. Loosen and remove M12 nut and lockwasher
3. Remove wheel and axle assembly.
4. Install new wheel and axle assembly.
5. Apply threadlocker to thread of axle, and replace nut.