Draft Tube Gate
Draft Tube Gate
Draft Tube Gate
A Date 02/11/25 02/11/25 02/11/25
CONTRACT No. EGAT 47/9-32-5611-EGAT-LTK-C3
1 TECHNICAL DATA......................................................................................... 3
1.1 DRAFT TUBE GATE....................................................................................... 3
1.2 BY-PASS EQUIPMENT.................................................................................. 3
1.3 HYDRAULIC HOIST....................................................................................... 3
1.4 HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT (H.P.U.)............................................................. 4
4 SAFETY DEVICES......................................................................................... 9
9 REGULATIONS.............................................................................................. 21
9.1 THERMOSTAT................................................................................................ 21
9.2 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE (24)................................................................... 21
9.3 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE (37)................................................................... 21
9.4 PRESSURE SWITCH (26).............................................................................. 21
9.5 PRESSURE SWITCH (25).............................................................................. 21
10 COMMISSIONING.......................................................................................... 22
10.1 OPERATIONS RECORDS.............................................................................. 22
Quantity ....................................................................................... 4
Quantity ....................................................................................... 4
The bear system is composed by flat bronze bars that transmit the load to stainless steel
bars in the casings.
These structures have stainless steel flat bars for the sealing, bearing and guiding of the
Each cover plate, has a watertight manhole for inspection purposes. The packing glands
for the hoist stems and position indication are equipped with bronze guides and
“Chevron” type seals. Removable wedges are installed in casings.
Similar wedges in the gate leaves will bear against them when the gates are in closed
position to secure water tightness.
For this, by-pass and venting valve systems are provided. For each gate one differential
pressure gauge with electrical switch will indicate when the compensating of pressures
is completed.
The Resting Apparatus incorporated at the top of the hoist prevents the gate of lowering
during inspection or repair of the gate or Hydraulic Unit, and during power station
Inside of the column there is a rod connected to the gate. Mounted on the end of this rod
there is a cam piece that operates the limit switches.
Mounted on the cam piece is also screwed a pointer that indicate the gate position in a
scale mounted on the exterior of the position indicator column.
On the top of the position indicator column, is additionally mounted one transducer for
converting movement of the gate into electric signals.
Due to operational demands the four DRAFT TUBE GATES Hydraulic Power Units are
dealt in-groups of two.
Thus the GATE 1 Power Pack is to assist the manoeuvre of the GATE 2 and vice-versa,
and the same situation will apply to GATE 3 and GATE 4.
Along with this description we recommend that attention be given to the enclosed
hydraulic schematic KHO.127.001.01 according to which the normal position of the
manual isolation valves is, as follows:
Unless otherwise stated, all valves, except for T1, T2,T15 and T16 for Gates 1 and K1,
K2, K3 and K4 for Gate 2 are open.
During this course of action the protection of the hydraulic circuit is guaranteed by a
pressure relief valve (24) with priority given to the pressure switch (25) that halts the
pump group, whenever an over pressure occurs in the circuit.
Accordingly the oil return from the upper chamber to the tank is done through line (III),
forcing the check-valve 12 (set to 1bar) to open.
The check-valve 12 prevents full draining of the upper chamber return pipe.
The re-opening of the gate to its normal open position proceeds as described in the
Given the closure order, the directional valve (31) is excited, leading to the
depressurisation and subsequent opening of the logic element (27), and permitting the
oil of the lower chamber of the servomotor to pass through line (II), the logic element
(27), the pressure reducing valve (30) and henceforth going to the upper servomotor
chamber through the pipe (I) allowing the gate to descend by way of its own weight.
On the descent the system has an adjustable line regulation across the unidirectional
flow control (8).
The current procedure ends when the descent limiting switch (S10) is attained, after
which a timer is activated, this procedure assures the resting of the gate upon the sill. It
is only after this period of time that the de-activation of the directional valve’s solenoid
valve (31) is induced, closing the logic element (27) and consequently cutting off the oil
conduct from the lower to the upper chamber of the servomotor.
The debit, equivalent to the piston rod’s volume, is compensated by aspiration of oil
through the servo-suction valve (14) from the tank.
This operation is very useful in special when we need to connect the servomotor to the
Close the ball valves T11 and open T16 and start the motor-pump (1,2).
The oil flow reaches the almost simultaneously to the top and bottom cylinder chambers.
The area dissimilarity of the cylinder chambers, causes the piston rod to go down.
At the end of this operation the valve T11 must be OPEN and the valve T16 must be
it energises the solenoids of the valves V1, V2, 9 and only then the group motor-pump
(M1-P1) is started.
To avoid the oil overflow, the Hydraulic Power Unit is equipped with solenoid controlled
directional valve (10), controlled by the oil-level sensor (11or11A).
When the oil reaches the position of the oil-level sensor (11or 11A), the solenoid of the
valve (10) is energised making any excess fluid go to the adjacent tank, (this situation is
may occur, with the oil coming from the upper chamber when one gate is manoeuvred
by the adjacent power unit during a rescue operation).
Provided to detect the lack of pressure in the line and signalling this situation at the
electric board.
Regulated at 20 bar.
Thermostat (23)
Prevents the start up of the pump group whenever the oil level reaches a minimum
service position.
The pressure filter is protected with a visual indicator and of an electric contact that
shuts for a pre-determinate blockage, signalling this situation at the electric board.
To prevent the descent of the gate when fully open, during inspection or repair
work, a resting device (screw and hand wheel type) is provided on the servomotor
top’s flange.
This apparatus has incorporated a limit switch to signal the situation at the electric
board when energised.
The descent of the gate in only possible when the interlock mechanical device is
Before releasing the resting device, the pressure of the hoist lower chamber should be
checked on pressure gauge (7). The pressure value MUST be superior to 120bar. To
raise the pressure the use of hand pump(19) is recommended.
The OIL LEVEL marks maximum and minimum, are to be checked when the gate is fully
open (servomotor fully retracted). We recommend the maximum oil level to be
maintained and checked periodically.
Tank-top mounted, the oil level indicators (11 and 11A) give an electric signal when the
tank maximum fluid level is reached.
When the oil maximum level is attained the solenoid of the valve (10) is energised,
making any excess of oil flow to the adjacent tank.
7.1.1 SA1
Position 0 - DISCONNECTED - In this position it's not possible the control of the
Position 1 - LOCAL CONTROL - In this position the control of the Gate it's only
possible on the Local Panel.
Position 2 - REMOTE CONTROL - In this position the control of the Gate it's only
possible on Remote Control.
The positions "LOCAL CONTROL" and "DISCONNECTED" are signalled in Local Panel
and in Remote Control.
7.1.2 SA2
7.1.3 SA3
Position 1 - CONNECTED - In this position it's possible to see the status of the gate.
Pressing the button SB1 exciting relay KA1, acting the contacts :
KA2 (33-34) - closes, which will light intermittently signalling lamp HL2
KA2 (67-68) - closes on delay, it puts in circuit the limit pressure SP26 from “Lack of
The main contacts from KM1 at closing, put working motor -pump M1, the pumped oil is
sent to the lower chamber of servomotor.
When fully opened the limits switches S19, S20 and S20.1 are actuated and acts the
following contacts:
1S20/1S20.1 (21-22) - opens, disconnecting relays KA1 and KA2, stopping the
Pressing button SB2, the relay KA3 will be excited, acting their contacts :
KA4 (33-34) - closes, which will light intermittently the signalling lamp HL3
The main contacts of KM31 excites the directional valve yv31, leading to the
depressurisation and subsequent opening of the logic element (27), and permitting the
oil of the lower chamber pass to the upper servomotor allowing the gate to descend by
way of its own weight.
When fully closed, the limit switch S10 is actuated, exciting relays KA10 and KT10,
acting their contacts :
KA10 (21-22) - opens, disconnecting relays KA3 and KA4 stopping the operation
KT10 (15-18) - closes during determined time, exciting contactor KM31, to assure the
resting of the gate upon the sill.
The operation described in 7.2.1 or 7.2.2 can be interrupted pressing button SB3.
In this case, the intermediate position relay KA60 is excited, acting their contacts :
If the filter foul, the contact of the filter switch SF4 close, exciting relay KA31 which will
be signalled in Local Panel and in Control Room.
If the oil temperature attains the established value, the thermostat ST23 is actuated,
exciting relay KA32, stopping any operation of the gate, it will be signalled in Local Panel
and in Control Room.
If the oil level falls below the critical value, the level switch SL22 is actuated exciting
relay KA33, stopping any operation of the gate, it will be signalled in Local Panel and in
Control Room.
If the oil level reaches below the maximum value, the level switch SL11 or SL11A are
actuated exciting relay KA34, exciting the solenoid of electrovalve yv10, making any
excess fluid go to the adjacent tank.
During opening operation, if the pressure goes up to 150 bar, the pressure switch SP25
is actuated exciting relay KA36, stopping any operation of the gate, it will be signalled in
Local Panel and in Control Room.
During opening operation, in case of an insufficient pressure, the pressure switch SP26
is actuated exciting relay KA37, acting the contacts :
KA37 (21-22) - opens, disconnecting relays KA1 and KA2, stopping the operation
KA37 (53-54) - closes, exciting relay KA7 in the electric board of Gate 2, which permit
open the gate, so, the manoeuvre are executed by the interconnected neighbouring
hydraulic power unit.
The key switch SA2 must be in position 2 to complete this rescue operation.
During closing operation, in case of lack of the power supply, the relay KA45 is
disactuated, acting the contacts :
KA45 (21-22) - closes, exciting contactor 1KM31 in the electric board of Gate 2, which
permit close the gate, so, the manoeuvre are executed by the interconnected
neighbouring electric board.
The key switch SA2 must be in position 1 to complete this rescue operation.
Any anomaly has to be corrected immediately in such way not to endanger the good
functioning and working life of the equipment in question.
Verification of the bolting of the servomotor to the servomotor base and the
connection to the gate.
Oil leak free checks all pipes and hydraulic components (Leakage strictly not
Verify if the position of the ball valves and the set values of the pressure
relief valves, pressure switch and thermostats are in accordance to the hydraulic
circuit dwg. KHO.127.001.01.
Unless otherwise stated, all valves, except for T1, T2, T15 and T16 (Gate 1) and K1,
K2, K3 and K4 for (Gate 2) are to be open.
Regulate the thermostat’s knob to the temperature of 55º C.
Close (T5), (2)5 and (26) isolating ball valves and unscrew the (24) adjusting screw
totally, start pump (19) and screw the adjusting screw until the pressure gauge (20)
reads 170 bar, lock adjusting screw.
Close (T8) and unscrew the (37) adjusting screw totally, start pump (19) and screw the
adjusting screw until the pressure gauge (17) reads 170 bar, lock adjusting screw of
take (37).
The initial opening and Gate closing operations, after the equipment assembly and
regulation, must be carefully followed, recording all characteristic data related to the
The tests in wet conditions are to be done only after all the dry tests are done in an
acceptable manner.
The reports of the Dry and Wet Tests, for all four gates, are included under Section VI –
- Seals ý
- Seals ý
- Transmission ý
- Rod, cam and stuffing boxes ý
- Limit switches ý
11.1 GATES
If any of the gates remains idle for a long period of time, it will be necessary to execute
at least one opening and closing operation every six months.
11.1.2 SEALS
The gates are provided with synthetic rubber seals, with a Shore hardness of 655.
The gate seals must be visually verified every two years, or sooner in case of abnormal
leakage, for flaws and excessive wear which can affect the water tightness. If
necessary they must be replaced by the spare seals.
To replace the seals, the gate must be removed from inside the watertight bonnet. To
remove the old seals, only the rubber fixing bolts must be released. There is no need to
release the fixing bolts of the stainless steel back plates.
The Ø12 mm stainless steel limit compression pins must be removed from the old seals
and guarded to be used again on the new seals.
Prepare the new seals, by punching all the required holes for the bolts and pins,
according to drawing KHO.122.000.03. Use the clamp bars to position the Ø16 mm
holes for the bolts.
11.2.1 SEALING
The servomotor annual checking, will be done mainly to confirm the good working state
of the seals. If they leak excessively, a major intervention has to be done.
In such circumstance the replacement of all seals and guiding strips is advisable.
Quarterly the equipment must be verified; special attention should be given to the
corrosion protection and assure there is not foreign matter that might jeopardise the
working of the unit.
11.4.2 VALVES
Verify the state of the valves and sealing of the connections (leaks are not allowed).
11.4.3 OIL
For the hydraulic equipment use Oil SHELL TELLUS T46, (ISO VG 46) with the
following typical characteristics:
The oil above specified can be replaced by an equivalent of other make with the same
All oil must be filtered before filling the system, even when is poured directly from oil
Quarterly opens the valve at the bottom of the reservoir to release any foreign matter or
water, placed at the bottom of the reservoir.
If the oil typical characteristics remain unaltered but shows residual metallic particulars
or other, the oil filtering and reanalysis is recommended.
If the oil presents altered typical characteristics by high levels of dirt contamination, the
replacement of the oil in the complete system is strongly recommended.
11.4.4 FILTERS
Quarterly the pressure filter cartridge (4) must be checked and replaced if necessary.
The fillings of the reservoir must be done from oil drums arrived directly from the
supplier for the purpose they are intended for.
The oil must be pumped from the drum by means of a filtering unit (40 m), until the
poured level reaches de maximum level mark, indicated near the item (21).
Note : The filling marks (max. and min.) are applicable when the Gate is fully open and
the lower chamber of the servomotor is oil filled and the motor-pump set is
11.4.6 PIPING
Additionally check the state of the preservation paint of all piping, and repaint if